RNS Number : 9237X

Cash Converters International Ld

14 February 2013


A.B.N 39 069 141 546



Cash Converters Reports a Record Half Year Result

Cash Converters International Limited is pleased to report a growth in revenue of 20.8% to $134.9 million and a record net profit after tax of $18.4 million for the period, an increase over the previous period of 39.2%. In addition, the Directors are pleased to advise that the interim dividend has been increased to 2 cents per share, up 14% on the 1.75 cents per share dividend paid in the previous half and previous corresponding period.

Financial results summary

                                           31 December      31 December    Variance % 
                                                  2012             2011 
 Revenue                                  $134,915,553     $111,671,665         +20.8 
 Earnings before interest, 
  tax, depreciation and amortisation       $30,390,648      $22,267,924         +36.5 
 Depreciation and amortisation              $2,800,726       $1,964,570         +42.6 
 Earnings before interest 
  and tax                                  $27,589,922      $20,303,354         +35.9 
 Income tax expense                         $7,754,306       $6,007,896         +29.1 
 Finance costs                              $1,404,303       $1,052,615         +33.4 
 Net profit before non-controlling 
  interest                                 $18,431,313      $13,242,843         +39.2 
 Less minority interests                             -                -             - 
 Net profit after non-controlling 
  interests                                $18,431,313      $13,242,843         +39.2 
 Basic earnings per share 
  (cents per share)                                4.7              3.5         +34.3 
 Divisional Operating Profit               31 December      31 December    Variance % 
                                                  2012             2011 
 Franchise operations                       $2,298,956       $2,876,335     *    20.1 
 Store operations                           $4,592,060       $4,287,200          +7.1 
 Financial services - administration 
  *                                         $7,322,575       $6,615,416         +10.7 
 Financial services - personal 
  loans                                    $21,468,267      $14,113,125         +52.1 
 Total operating profit 
  before head office costs                 $35,681,858      $27,892,076         +27.9 
 Less corporate head office 
  costs                                   $(9,496,239)     $(8,641,337)          +9.9 
 Total Divisional Operating 
  profit                                   $26,185,619      $19,250,739         +36.0 
   * Financial services administration represents the fees charged 
   by Cash Converters Personal Finance - Administration for cash 
   advance services 

Major highlights for the half-year include:

- Strong revenue growth compared to the previous corresponding period last year of 21% to $134.9 million (2011:$111.7 million). The major drivers for revenue growth over the period included an increase in personal loan income of $16.7 million, an increase in corporate store revenue of $7.1 million and an increase in financial services administration fees of $1.1 million;

- The statutory earnings per share were 4.7 cents per share, an increase of 34% on the previous period;

- The corporate store network in the UK and Australia has seen revenue grow by 11.6% to $67.9 million producing a combined EBIT of $4.6 million, representing an increase of 7.1% on the corresponding period;

- There were 2 "greenfield" company owned stores opened in the first half of the financial period in Australia, and 2 franchised stores were acquired in the period in the UK, taking total corporate store numbers at the half-year to 106 with 61 located in the UK and 45 in Australia;

- The personal loan book in Australia grew by 36% from $62.1 million at 31 December 2011 to $84.2 million at 31 December 2012. The UK personal loan book grew by 108% from GBP8.5 million at 31 December 2011 to GBP17.7 million at 31 December 2012;

- The personal loan business and the cash advance administration platforms in Australia and the UK generated a combined EBIT of $28.7million (2011:$20.7 million) up 38.6%;

- The growth of the online personal loan business in Australia continues to be very strong with the value of loans written increasing by 66.4% to $10.8 million for the period;

- The Company raised $32.7 million of capital through a placement of 38,500,000 shares at 85 cents per share in December 2012. The placement was substantially oversubscribed with strong support from existing and new institutional investors. The funds from the placement will be used to acquire stores within the franchised network, to open new corporate stores and to finance the growth of the Australian and UK personal loan books.


The directors have declared an increase in the interim dividend to 2.0 (two) cents per share. The dividend will be fully franked and will be paid on 29 March 2013 to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 15 March 2013. This represents a payout ratio of 46% of the net profit.

London Stock Exchange listing

The Company has requested the UK Financial Services Authority to cancel the listing of the Company's ordinary shares of no par value on the Official List of the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. It is expected that the cancellation of the listing will take effect from the 19 February 2013.

The Board considers that the listing on the ASX adequately provides for the capital requirements of the Company and gives shareholders a trading forum with reasonable liquidity and all the necessary shareholder protection.

Financial services operations

The financial services business continues to grow strongly with operating profit before tax from the personal loans products increasing 52.1% to $21.5 million and the administration business for cash advance services increasing 10.7% to $7.3 million.

The reported net profit after tax was impacted by a provision of $900,000 (pre-tax effect) towards an exit bonus payable in October 2014 to Ausgroup Pty Ltd ("Ausgroup"), an Australian company that has provided Cash Converters with specialist training support, compliance services and franchisee establishment support in the United Kingdom and Australia. Ausgroup is paid a commission based on a percentage of turnover and this structure has incentivised Ausgroup to drive the rapid growth in the UK operations. Cash Converters will provide these services itself from October 2014 when Ausgroup's contract expires. Accounting Standards require that Cash Converters recognise the expense related to the estimated exit bonus payable to Ausgroup over the period of the contract. The total bonus payable at the end of the term will be calculated based on a mixed multiple of between 2.5 and 5.0 times the final annual commission, depending on whether the commission relates to a corporate store or a franchised store, net of the operational costs, paid to Ausgroup. The expiry of the contract will have a positive impact on UK earnings from 2015 onwards.


The Australian personal loan book has grown by 24.5% in the first half, from $67.6 million at 30 June 2012 to $84.2 million at 31 December 2012.

Part of this growth has been generated by our online lending platform, with 5,803 loans made totalling $10.8 million. Online personal loans now represent 14.6% of the total loan book.

The Australian personal loan book produced an EBIT of $18.5 million (2011 $12.9 million) up 43.4% on the previous period.

The bad debt percentage of principal written off to principal advanced for the Australian business reduced from 5.6% to 5.4% in the period.

The Australian cash advance business has continued to grow in the period, generating an EBIT of $6.8 million, up 7.9% on the previous period. We expect to see further growth in the second half as we now have launched a fully integrated online cash advance product. This was launched in December and the early signs are encouraging.

Cash advance (first half of 2013FY compared to second half of 2012FY)

   -         Total principal loaned increased by 7.1% to $126.5m 
   -         Average loan amount decreased from $327 to $325 
   -         Total customer numbers increased by 7.6% to 433,724 

Personal loans (first half of 2013FY compared to second half of 2012FY)

   -         Total number of loans approved increased by 23.9% to 70,146 
   -         Total number of active customers increased by 15.5% to 77,093 


The UK personal loan book grew by 39.3% in the first half, from GBP12.7 million at 30 June 2012 to GBP17.7 million at 31 December 2012.

The EBIT for personal loans and cash advance for the period was $3.9 million (2011: $1.4 million), up 64%. The online product produced $301K of this EBIT.

The bad debt percentage of principal written off to principal advanced for the UK increased from 11.01% to 11.5% during the period. As the UK business matures and our customer information database improves, we are expecting a decrease in the level of UK bad debts.

Cash advance (first half of 2013FY compared to second half of 2012FY)

   -         Total principal loaned increased by 26.2% to GBP20.3 million 
   -         Average loan amount increased from GBP126 to GBP134 
   -         Total customer numbers increased by 31.8% to 97,569 

Personal loans (first half of 2013FY compared to second half of 2012FY)

   -         Total number of loans approved increased by 1.7% to 13,972 
   -         Total number of active customers increased by 18.5% to 22,817 

Company owned store results

The corporate store network in Australia performed strongly in the first half and produced an EBIT of $4.6 million (2011: $3.8 million) up 21% on the previous period. Two "greenfield" stores were opened in the period and have performed strongly.

The UK corporate store network has struggled in very tough trading conditions. The EBIT for the period was a small loss of ($9,959), down from the previous corresponding period profit of $424,213.

The UK corporate store performance was affected by;

- The continued profit drag (GBP313,463) associated with the opening of 19 "greenfield" stores in 2011, of which eight are still operating at a loss (GBP88,541) and 11 of the 12 stores opened in 2012 are also still operating at a loss (GBP224,922). Based on historical performance it takes an average of 12 months for a new store to reach break-even;

- The EBIT on a same store basis excluding the new stores was down (GBP241,239), primarily as a result of profit from gold sales being down (GBP206,000) on the previous period.

The UK corporate stores have been instrumental in the exponential growth of the financial loan products and remain a very important part of the distribution strategy for driving future growth. As the stores become more established we expect the trading profitability of the UK stores to improve.

Green Light Auto

Cash Converters is associated with the Perth-based start-up company, Green Light Auto (trading as Carboodle). Cash Converters has provided Carboodle with funding through a convertible note instrument. Carboodle (www.carboodle.com.au) was established in 2010 with the first lease contracted in October 2010. The concept is a car leasing business set up to meet the needs of customers who don't have access to main stream credit and need a reliable second hand car. A Carboodle car has the running costs packaged up so that the customer can manage their personal budget without any untimely or unexpected bills.

Carboodle has distribution show room centres located in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Initial sales and the rollout of distribution show room centres have been progressing in line with our expectations.

Carboodle has an exclusive licence with Cash Converters that allows it to use the 148 Cash Converter stores in Australia as its agent to promote its product. Carboodle pays a royalty to the Company and a commission to the stores. The Cash Converter store network and our knowledge of financial services products in this market space have provided leverage to the distribution of this financial services product. This business represents a significant growth opportunity for the Company and early indications are that it will be a great success.

Consumer Credit Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Act 2012

The Consumer Credit Legislation Amendment (Enhancements) Act 2012 was passed in August 2012. This legislation introduces further responsible lending provisions with effect from March 2013 and certain caps on fees and charges from 1 July 2013. All Cash Converters loans are within the small amount credit contract definition. The Company has refined its system and trained its staff so that we are ready to meet all these changes on time and in a fully compliant way.


The Company expects continued growth in its Australian and UK loan books and in its profitability in the second half. As mentioned earlier, the Company launched an online cash advance product in December and we have high expectations that this will be as successful as the online personal loan product.

Subsequent to the half year end, the Company opened another "greenfield" store in Merrylands in New South Wales and also acquired another franchised store in Gosnells, a suburb of Perth. There are also a number of store acquisitions that the Company is well placed to conclude very shortly.

The half year result endorses the Board's strategy of increasing the corporate store network by acquiring and opening new stores. This drives growth in financial service products through a larger store distribution network. At the same time, the Company is creating additional sales for our financial products through the online channel.

In closing, we wish to thank the staff, management and franchisees for their contributions to the strong financial result this half year.

Reginald Webb


Peter Cumins

Managing Director

Perth, Western Australia

Date: 14 February 2013

Directors' Report



In respect of the half-year ended 31 December 2012, the Directors of Cash Converters International Limited, the Company and parent entity, submit the following report in order to comply with the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001.


The following persons held office as Directors of the Company during or since the end of the half-year:

Mr Reginald Webb (Non-executive Director, Chairman)

Mr Peter Cumins (Managing Director)

Mr John Yeudall (Non-executive Director)

Mr William Love (Non-executive Director)

Mr Joseph Beal (Non-executive Director)


The Directors of the Company recommend that an interim dividend of 2.0 (two) cents per share be paid on 29 March 2013 to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 15 March 2013.

Review of operations

A summary of consolidated revenues and results by significant industry segments is set out below:

                                         Segment revenues               Segment results 
                                         Half year ended                Half year ended 
                                       31 Dec        31 Dec         31 Dec                 31 Dec 
                                         2012          2011           2012                   2011 
  Franchise operations             11,652,258    12,336,132      2,298,956              2,876,335 
  Store operations                 67,964,248    60,847,415      4,592,060              4,287,200 
  Financial services - 
   administration                   9,130,019     7,964,778      7,322,575              6,615,416 
  Financial services - 
   personal loans                  54,687,977    37,973,740     21,468,267             14,113,125 
  Intersegment elimination 
   of revenues                    (8,584,061)   (7,631,999)              -                      - 
  Totals                          134,850,441   111,490,066     35,681,858             27,892,076 
  Corporate head office 
   income/(costs)                      65,112       181,599    (9,496,239)            (8,641,337) 
                                 ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------------- 
  Total revenue/operating 
   profit                         134,915,553   111,671,665     26,185,619             19,250,739 
                                 ============  ============ 
  Income tax attributable 
   to operating profits                                        (7,754,306)            (6,007,896) 
                                                             -------------  --------------------- 
  Operating profit after 
   income tax                                                   18,431,313             13,242,843 
  (Profit)/loss attributable                                             -                      - 
   to outside equity interests 
                                                             -------------  --------------------- 
  Profit attributable to members of Cash Converters 
   International Limited                                        18,431,313             13,242,843 
                                                             =============  ===================== 

Franchise operations

The profit before tax for the franchise operations was $2,298,956 (2011: $2,876,335) for the six month period ended 31 December 2012. The Australian business contributed $1,269,021 (2011: $1,566,464), the UK business $846,867 (2011: $1,003,073) and the International operations $183,068 (2011: $306,798) of the profit before tax. The main reason for the decrease in profit for these operations was a reduction in monthly franchise fees due to the acquisition of franchised stores by the corporate store division in the prior years.

CCUK are planning to open a further eight franchised stores in the next few months and two new franchised stores are also planned to open in Australia over the same period.

The total number of franchised stores throughout the world now stands at 603 with 161 stores in the UK, 104 in Australia and 338 throughout the rest of the world. Franchised stores continue to be opened, with four stores opening in the UK and one store in Australia in the period to the 31 December 2012. Internationally, growth in Spain has slowed following difficult economic conditions, however a further five stores have opened since June and the first store in Dubai opened in August 2012.

Store operations

This division encompasses the corporate store network in both the UK and Australia. Currently there are 61 stores in the UK and 46 in Australia, resulting in a total of 107 stores.

The store operations delivered a profit before tax of $4,592,060 (2011: $4,287,200). The Australian business contributed $4,614,140 (2011: $3,862,987) and the UK business a loss of $9,959 (2011: $424,213 profit) of the profit before tax.

The UK business recorded a fall in profit primarily because of the profit drag relating to 20 stores opened in the past 18 months that are still moving to break even - this has reduced profits by approximately $480,000.

On a same store sales basis, for the corresponding period last year, the retail sales growth from our Australian corporate stores was 6.5%, cash advance - principal advanced, and personal loans - principal advanced, delivered growth of 5.0% and 29.9% respectively, pawn broking interest was down slightly at 1.4% below last year. Our UK stores experienced growth in retail sales of 0.4% and cash advance commissions growth of 24.7% with personal loans commission's remaining constant. However, pawn broking interest fell by 5.1% and buyback income by 2.1%.

The current UK growth opportunities will come through the development of financial services through both the corporate and franchise networks. Although the opportunities for 'greenfield' stores in Australia do not deliver the same level of opportunities as the UK, certain states (New South Wales and Victoria) do offer growth potential. The opportunities in Australia lie in franchise store acquisitions, with a number of franchisees willing to sell their stores.

Financial services operations and administration

These divisions incorporate the trading results of MON-E Pty Ltd (Australia), Cash Converters Personal Finance Pty Ltd (Australia) (formerly Safrock Finance Group Pty Ltd) and the UK Finance Division. MON-E Pty Ltd is responsible for providing the internet platform and administration services for the Cash Converters network in Australia to offer small cash advance loans to their customers (average loan size of approximately $330). Cash Converters Personal Finance provides small, largely unsecured loans through the franchise and corporate store networks in Australia.

The UK Finance Division utilises the software developed in Australia, for both cash advances and personal loans, and is continuing to roll-out the finance products across both the franchise and corporate store networks in the UK. CCUK is utilising the knowledge and experience of Ausgroup Pty Ltd (Australian agent experienced in financial services) to roll out the financial services to corporate stores, franchisees and to train staff. The agreement allows for a 3% commission, payable to Ausgroup, on all principal and interest repayments, with Ausgroup covering all costs associated with the financial services roll-out.

During the period under review the net profit before tax for this division was $28,790,842 (2011: $20,728,541), representing an increase on last year's corresponding period of 38.9%. Cash Converters Personal Finance contributed $18,505,093 (2011:$12,904,387), MON-E $6,893,826 (2011:$6,344,090) and the UK Finance Division a profit of $3,391,923 (2011:$1,473,728).

For Australia, bad debt levels continue to remain stable at 5.4% of the cumulative principal loaned less bad debts recovered (2011: 5.6%), however, the UK bad debt levels continue to remain at elevated levels of 11.5% of the cumulative principal loaned less bad debts recovered (2011: 11.0% ). The UK personal loan book is still maturing and the level of bad debts we are currently experiencing is in line with the levels initially experienced when establishing our Australian personal loan business. We expect that the UK database will mature and our customer knowledge base will increase allowing the level of bad debts to decrease steadily over the coming years.

The Christmas period is one of the busiest periods for the personal loan product and this year was no exception with a new record of $16.9 million (2011:$13.2 million) advanced in Australia and GBP1.4 million (2011:GBP1.5 million) in the UK. The loan books are $84.2 million for Australia and GBP17.7 million for the UK, at the end of December. Both loan books have bad debt provisions of $8,525,962 (Australia) and GBP5,230,376 (UK).

Cash Converters is licensed to provide financial products pursuant to the National Consumer Protection Act and has responsible lending processes and controls in place.

Corporate office costs

These costs represent the corporate office and interest costs for both Australia and the UK. These costs are shown separately because it is difficult to allocate these costs to any specific division/segment and to calculate an arbitrary split of the costs would not be appropriate in obtaining an accurate contribution from each of the divisions.

Subsequent events

Cash Converters International limited has requested the UK Financial Services Authority to cancel the listing of the Company's ordinary shares of no par value on the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and to cancel the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. It is expected that the cancellation of the UK listing and of the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange will take effect at 8.00am on 19 February 2013.

The Board considers that the listing on the Australian Stock Exchange adequately provides for the capital requirements of the Company and gives shareholders a trading forum with reasonable liquidity and all necessary shareholder protections. The additional listing on the London Stock Exchange duplicates costs but does not deliver a significant benefit given the make-up of the UK share register and the low trading volume.

Independent declaration by Auditor

The Auditor's independence declaration is included on page 19 of the half-year financial report.

On behalf of the Board. Signed in accordance with a resolution of directors pursuant to S306(3) of the Corporations Act 2001.

Peter Cumins

Managing Director

Perth, Western Australia

Date: 14 February 2013

Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

for the half-year ended 31 December 2012

                                                                   Half-year ended 
                                                            31 December      31 December 
                                         Notes                      2012              2011 
                                                                       $                 $ 
 Franchise fees                           3a                   5,077,776               5,275,307 
 Financial services revenue               3b                  57,267,588              38,181,862 
 Sale of goods                            3c                  47,612,059              45,493,357 
 Pawn broking fees                                             7,360,743               7,249,698 
 Financial services commission            3d                  17,371,819              14,982,969 
 Other revenue                            3e                     225,568                 488,472 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
   Revenue                                                   134,915,553             111,671,665 
 Cost of Sales                            3f                (43,302,764)            (37,642,773) 
 Gross Profit                                                 91,612,789              74,028,892 
 Administrative expenses                  3g                (30,358,391)            (26,938,627) 
 Advertising expenses                                        (2,427,204)             (2,435,301) 
 Occupancy expenses                       3h                 (7,143,699)             (6,048,483) 
 Other expenses                           3i                (24,093,573)            (18,303,127) 
 Finance costs                            3j                 (1,404,303)             (1,052,615) 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Profit before income 
  tax                                                         26,185,619              19,250,739 
 Income tax expense                                          (7,754,306)             (6,007,896) 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
   Profit for the period                                      18,431,313              13,242,843 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
  Items that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit 
  or loss 
 Exchange differences 
  on translation of foreign 
  operations                                                     826,798             (1,054,202) 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the period                                                 826,798             (1,054,202) 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                                              19,258,111              12,188,641 
                                                     ===================   ===================== 
 Profit attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                                         18,431,313              13,242,843 
 Non-controlling interest                                              -                       - 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
                                                              18,431,313              13,242,843 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                                         19,258,111              12,188,641 
 Non-controlling interest                                              -                       - 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
                                                              19,258,111              12,188,641 
                                                     -------------------   --------------------- 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic (cents per share)                                             4.7                     3.5 
 Diluted (cents per share)                                           4.6                     3.4 
                                                     ===================   ===================== 
 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed 
  consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive 

Condensed consolidated statement of financial position

for the half-year ended 31 December 2012

                                       31 December            30 June 
 Current assets                               2012               2012 
                                                 $                  $ 
 Cash and cash equivalents              22,662,540         16,415,161 
 Trade and other receivables            11,094,595         10,862,191 
 Personal loan receivables             107,896,992         86,951,171 
 Inventories                            17,373,408         17,078,602 
 Other assets                            4,639,352          4,185,030 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total current assets                  163,666,887        135,492,155 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Trade and other receivables            11,989,222          6,129,701 
 Plant and equipment                    20,415,242         19,581,363 
 Deferred tax assets                     5,910,731          4,812,130 
 Goodwill                               77,699,429         77,249,320 
 Other intangible assets                16,190,354         15,478,179 
 Other financial assets                  4,000,000          4,000,000 
 Total non-current assets              136,204,978        127,250,693 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total assets                          299,871,865        262,742,848 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables               18,678,221         19,578,758 
 Borrowings                              4,566,794         11,283,694 
 Current tax payables                    6,171,600          7,102,330 
 Deferred establishment fees             4,944,841          4,058,936 
 Provisions                              2,987,625          2,657,437 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total current liabilities              37,349,081         44,681,155 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                             29,439,294         31,365,458 
 Provisions                                 96,948             63,275 
 Other payables                            924,927                  - 
 Total non-current liabilities          30,461,169         31,428,733 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total liabilities                      67,810,250         76,109,888 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Net assets                            232,061,615        186,632,960 
                                 =================  ================= 
 Issued capital                        151,708,645        116,812,467 
 Reserves                              (4,521,817)        (3,366,804) 
 Retained earnings                      84,873,738         73,186,248 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of the parent                        232,060,566        186,631,911 
 Non-controlling interest                    1,049              1,049 
                                 -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total equity                          232,061,615        186,632,960 
                                 =================  ================= 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed consolidated statement of financial position

Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the half-year ended 31 December 2012

 Consolidated                            Foreign 
                                        currency                                 Attributable 
                                     translation                     Retained       to owners    Non-controlling 
                          Issued         reserve         Other       earnings          of the           interest        Total 
                         capital               $       reserve              $          parent                  $            $ 
                               $                             $                              $ 
 Balance at 1 
  July 2011          116,812,467     (5,027,031)       706,776     57,067,184     169,559,396              1,049       169,560,445 
 Profit for the 
  period                       -               -             -     13,242,843      13,242,843                  -        13,242,843 
  arising on 
  of foreign 
  operations                   -     (1,054,202)             -              -     (1,054,202)                  -       (1,054,202) 
 Income tax 
 to components                 -               -             -              -               -                  -                 - 
 of other 
  income for the 
  period                       -     (1,054,202)             -     13,242,843      12,188,641                  -        12,188,641 
  payments                     -               -       877,246              -         877,246                  -           877,246 
 Payment of 
  dividends                    -               -             -    (6,651,133)     (6,651,133)                  -       (6,651,133) 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2011      116,812,467     (6,081,233)     1,584,022     63,658,894     175,974,150              1,049       175,975,199 
                  --------------  --------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Balance at 1 
  July 2012          116,812,467     (6,028,429)     2,661,625     73,186,248     186,631,911              1,049       186,632,960 
 Profit for the 
  period                       -               -             -     18,431,313      18,431,313                  -        18,431,313 
  arising on 
  of foreign 
  operations                   -         826,798             -              -         826,798                  -           826,798 
 Income tax 
 to components                 -               -             -              -               -                  -                 - 
 of other 
  income for the 
  period                       -         826,798             -     18,431,313      19,258,111                  -        19,258,111 
 Issue of shares      32,725,000               -             -              -      32,725,000                  -        32,725,000 
 Share issue 
 (net of 
 tax )                 (775,582)               -             -              -       (775,582)                  -         (775,582) 
  payments                     -               -       964,949              -         964,949                  -           964,949 
 Shares issued 
 exercise of 
 rights                2,946,760                   (2,946,760)                              -                  -                 - 
 Payment of 
  dividends                    -               -             -    (6,743,823)     (6,743,823)                  -       (6,743,823) 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2012      151,708,645     (5,201,631)       679,814     84,873,738     232,060,566              1,049       232,061,615 
                  --------------  --------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  -----------------  ---------------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows

for the half-year ended 31 December 2012

                                             Notes                   Half-year ended 
                                                             31 December            31 December 
                                                                    2012                   2011 
                                                                       $                      $ 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Receipts from customers                                     104,394,911            104,665,925 
 Payments to suppliers and 
  employees                                                (100,126,305)           (99,901,396) 
 Interest received                                               203,817                472,846 
 Interest received from personal 
  loans                                                       28,790,355             14,564,916 
 Net increase in personal 
  loans                                                     (19,617,329)           (11,031,421) 
 Interest and costs of finance 
  paid                                                       (1,404,303)            (1,052,615) 
 Income tax paid                                             (9,040,727)            (6,335,332) 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
   Net cash flows provided by 
   operating activities                                        3,200,419              1,382,923 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Net cash paid for acquisitions 
  of controlled entities                       8               (971,506)            (6,130,534) 
 Acquisition of intangible                                   (1,144,528)                      - 
 Proceeds from sale of plant                                      37,000                      - 
  and equipment 
 Purchase of plant and equipment                             (2,708,556)            (6,524,400) 
 Amounts advanced to third 
  parties                                                    (6,200,000)            (1,375,000) 
 Instalment credit loans made                                          -                      - 
  to franchisees 
 Instalment credit loans repaid 
  by franchisees                                                 385,184                308,903 
   Net cash flows used in investing 
   activities                                               (10,602,406)           (13,721,031) 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Dividends paid - members 
  of parent entity                                           (8,921,136)            (6,651,133) 
 Repayment of borrowings                                    (13,751,399)              (144,126) 
 Proceeds from borrowings                                      5,335,255             16,000,000 
 Capital element of finance 
  lease and hire purchase payments                             (245,965)              (176,772) 
 Issue of shares by controlling                               32,725,000                      - 
 Share issue costs                                           (1,107,975)                      - 
 Redemption of unsecured notes                                         -                      - 
  by controlled entity 
   Net cash flows provided by 
   financing activities                                       14,033,780              9,027,969 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
 Net increase / (decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents                                 6,631,793            (3,310,139) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of the period 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
 Effects of exchange rate                                     16,415,161             23,456,996 
  changes on the balance of 
  cash held in foreign currencies                              (384,414)              (603,607) 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 
   Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the end of the period                     7             22,662,540             19,543,250 
                                                    --------------------   -------------------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows.

Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements

for the half-year ended 31 December 2012

1. Significant accounting policies

Statement of compliance

The half-year financial report is a general purpose financial report prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and AASB 134 "Interim Financial Reporting". Compliance with AASB 134 ensures compliance with International Financial Reporting Standard IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". The half-year financial report does not include notes of the type normally included in an annual financial report and shall be read in conjunction with the most recent annual financial report.

Basis of preparation

The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost, except for the revaluation of certain non-current assets and financial instruments. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets. All amounts presented in Australian dollars unless otherwise noted.

The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the preparation of the half-year financial report are consistent with those adopted and disclosed in the company's annual financial report for the financial year ended 30 June 2012, other than the impact of the adoption of the new and revised Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) that are relevant to the consolidated entity and effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2012.

New and revised standards and amendments thereof and interpretations effective for the current half-year that are relevant to Cash Converters International Ltd include:

- Amendments to AASB 1, 5, 7, 101, 112, 120, 121, 132, 133 and 134 as a consequence of AASB 2011-9 'Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards - Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income'

The adoption of new and revised Standards and Interpretations has not affected the amounts reported for the current or prior year. However the application of AASB 2011-9 has resulted in a change to the Group's presentation of, or disclosure in, its half year financial statements.

2. Segmental information

AASB 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the consolidated entity that are regularly reviewed by the managing director (chief operating decision maker) in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess its performance.

Information reported to the consolidated entity's Managing Director for the purposes of resource assessment and assessment of performance is focussed on the nature of the service and category of customer. The consolidated entity's reportable segments under AASB 8 are therefore as follows:

Franchise operations

This involves the sale of franchises for the retail sale of second hand goods and the sale of master licences for the development of franchises in countries around the world.

Store Operations

This involves the retail sale of second hand goods at corporate owned stores in Australia and the UK.

Financial service - personal loans

This segment includes the Cash Converters Personal Finance - Instalment Loans business.

Financial service - administration

This segment includes the Cash Converters Personal Finance - Administration's cash advance administration platform.

Information regarding these segments is presented below. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the consolidated entity's accounting policies.

The following is an analysis of the consolidated entity's revenue and results by reportable operating segment for the periods under review.

                                              Segment revenues                          Segment results 
                                               Half year ended                          Half year ended 
                                     31 Dec          31 Dec 2011                 31 Dec 2012               31 
                                       2012                                                               Dec 
                                          $                    $                       $                    $ 
 Franchise operations            11,652,258           12,336,132               2,298,956            2,876,335 
 Store operations                67,964,248           60,847,415               4,592,060            4,287,200 
 Financial services - 
  administration                  9,130,019            7,964,778               7,322,575            6,615,416 
 Financial services - 
  personal loans                 54,687,977           37,973,740           21,468,267              14,113,125 
 Intersegment elimination 
  of revenue                    (8,584,061)          (7,631,999)                       -                    - 
                                134,850,441          111,490,066              35,681,858           27,892,076 
 Corporate/support office            65,112              181,599             (9,496,239)          (8,641,337) 
                             --------------       --------------        ----------------      --------------- 
 Total revenue/operating 
  profit                        134,915,553          111,671,665              26,185,619           19,250,739 
                             ==============       ============== 
 Income tax attributable 
  to operating profit                                                            (7,754,306)          (6,007,896) 
                                                                              --------------      --------------- 
 Operating profit after 
  income tax                                                                      18,431,313           13,242,843 
 Less: Profit attributable to                                                              -                    - 
  outside equity interests 
                                                                              --------------      --------------- 
 Profit attributable to members of Cash Converters 
  International Limited                                                           18,431,313           13,242,843 
                                                                              ==============      =============== 

Segment profit represents the profit earned by each segment without the allocation of central administration costs and directors' salaries, interest income and expense in relation to corporate facilities, and tax expense. This is the measure reported to the managing director (chief operating decision maker) for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.

The following is an analysis of the consolidated entity's assets by reportable segment:

                                                            31 December                     30 June 
                                                                      $                        2012 
      Franchise operations                                   21,679,830                  21,583,737 
      Store operations                                       99,754,417                  97,004,207 
      Financial services - administration                    18,610,975                  17,969,354 
      Financial services - personal 
       loans                                                121,793,328                 108,001,201 
      Total of all segments                                 261,838,550                 244,558,499 
      Unallocated assets                                     38,033,315                  18,184,349 
      Total assets                                          299,871,865                 262,742,848 
                                                      =================           ================= 

Unallocated assets include various corporate assets including cash held at a corporate level that has not been allocated to the underlying segments.

The following is an analysis of the consolidated entity's liabilities by reportable segment:

                                        31 December      30 June 
                                               2012         2012 
                                                  $            $ 
 Franchise operations                     2,045,366    1,672,947 
 Store operations                         6,463,802    7,748,823 
 Financial services - administration      2,052,888    3,268,958 
 Financial services - personal loans     20,859,643   22,959,081 
 Total of all segments                   31,421,699   35,685,809 
 Unallocated liabilities                 36,388,551   40,424,079 
 Total liabilities                       67,810,250   76,109,888 
                                       ============  =========== 

Unallocated liabilities include consolidated entity borrowings not specifically allocated to the underlying segments.

3. Revenues and Expenses

                                             2012         2011 
                                                $            $ 
 3a Franchise fees 
      Weekly franchise fees             3,658,904    3,683,479 
      Initial fees                        110,808      201,932 
      Advertising levies                  221,900      214,700 
      Training levies                     184,800      179,942 
      Computer levies                     901,364      995,254 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                        5,077,776    5,275,307 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
 3b Financial services revenue 
      Instalment credit loan 
       interest                           940,095      338,014 
      Personal loan interest           44,015,321   29,711,036 
      Loan establishment fees          12,312,172    8,132,812 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                       57,267,588   38,181,862 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
 3c Sale of goods 
      Retail sales                     45,803,383   42,634,124 
      Retail wholesales                 1,808,676    2,859,233 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                       47,612,059   45,493,357 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
 3d Financial services commission 
      Cheque cashing commission           618,138      322,004 
      Financial services commission    16,753,681   14,660,965 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                       17,371,819   14,982,969 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
 3e Other revenue 
      Rent                                      -       15,182 
      Interest                            203,817      472,846 
      Other                                21,751          444 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                          225,568      488,472 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
                                            2012          2011 
                                               $             $ 
 3f Cost of Sales 
     Sale of goods                    28,416,004    27,400,512 
     Personal loan bad debts          15,243,101    10,194,378 
     Cash advance bad debts              975,408       903,430 
     Franchise fees bad debts              8,896       158,554 
     Recovery of bad debts           (1,340,645)   (1,014,101) 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
                                      43,302,764    37,642,773 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
 3g Administrative expenses 
      Employee benefits               27,698,652    24,272,949 
      Provision for annual 
       leave                             245,537       401,733 
      Superannuation expense           1,380,241     1,212,818 
      Motor vehicle/travel 
       costs                           1,033,961     1,051,127 
                                      30,358,391    26,938,627 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
 3h Occupancy expenses 
      Rent                             4,250,268     3,949,743 
      Outgoings                        2,077,541     1,337,427 
      Other                              815,890       761,313 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
                                       7,143,699     6,048,483 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
 3i Other expenses 
     Legal fees                          594,002       912,929 
     Area agent fees/commission       11,719,946     7,072,098 
     Professional and registry 
      costs                            1,870,935     1,282,753 
     Auditing and accounting 
      services                           298,584       224,115 
     Bank charges                      2,010,371     1,428,594 
     Loss/(Profit) on disposal 
      of plant and equipment               3,719       (1,804) 
     Loss in relation to increase 
      in contingent consideration              -       582,595 
     Other expenses from ordinary 
      activities                       4,795,290     4,837,277 
     Depreciation                      2,099,062     1,466,519 
     Amortisation of intangibles         701,664       498,051 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
                                      24,093,573    18,303,127 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
 3j Finance costs 
      Interest                         1,380,258     1,022,498 
      Finance lease charge                24,045        30,117 
                                    ------------  ------------ 
                                       1,404,303     1,052,615 
                                    ------------  ------------ 

4. Issuances and repurchases of equity securities

During the current period, 5,600,000 ordinary shares were issued as a result of the exercise of performance rights. An additional 38,500,000 shares were issued pursuant to the Company's ASX listing rule 7.1 15% capacity. The total number of ordinary shares in issue is 423,861,025 as at 31 December 2012. Refer to note 9 for information in relation to share-based payments issued during the period.

   Balance at the beginning of the period                                  379,761,025 
   Shares issued during the year                                               44,100,000 
   Balance at end of the period                                                423,861,025 

5. Subsequent events

The Directors recommend an interim dividend of 2.0 cents per share. This dividend will be 100% franked and will be paid on 29 March 2013. The financial effect has not been reported in this financial report.

Cash Converters International limited has requested the UK Financial Services Authority to cancel the listing of the Company's ordinary shares of no par value on the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and to cancel the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. It is expected that the cancellation of the UK listing and of the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange will take effect at 8.00am on 19 February 2013.

The Board considers that the listing on the Australian Stock Exchange adequately provides for the capital requirements of the Company and gives shareholders a trading forum with reasonable liquidity and all necessary shareholder protections. The additional listing on the London Stock Exchange duplicates costs but does not deliver a significant benefit given the make-up of the UK share register and the low trading volume.

Aside from the matter discussed above, the Directors are not aware of any matter or circumstance that has significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the economic entity or the state of affairs of the economic entity in subsequent financial periods.

6. Dividends

                                              2012                            2011 
                                     Cents              Total        Cents per         Total 
        Recognised amounts             per                  $            share             $ 
        Fully paid ordinary          share 
   Final dividend:                    1.75          6,743,820             1.75     6,645,818 
 Unrecognised amounts 
 Fully paid ordinary 
 Interim dividend:                    2.00          8,477,221             1.75     6,645,818 

7. Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand in banks net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial period as shown in the statement of cash flows is reconciled to the related items in the statement of financial position as follows:

                              31 December   31 December 
                                     2012          2011 
                                        $             $ 
 Cash and cash equivalents     22,662,540    19,543,250 
 Bank overdrafts                        -             - 
                             ------------  ------------ 
                               22,662,540    19,543,250 

8. Acquisitions of business

During the period the Group acquired the trade and assets of two stores in the UK. The consideration transferred was $1,062,253 and comprised of cash and deferred consideration components.

This transaction has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting.

The net assets acquired in the business combination, and the goodwill arising, are as follows:

                                                     Fair Value 
                                                 on acquisition 
      Net assets acquired: 
      Cash and cash equivalents                          24,208 
      Trade and other receivables                       145,557 
      Inventories                                       204,020 
      Plant and equipment                                92,308 
      Intangible assets                                 334,678 
      Trade and other payables                         (27,333) 
      Fair value of net identifiable 
       assets acquired                                  773,438 
      Consideration satisfied by cash                   995,714 
      Deferred consideration                             66,538 
      Total consideration                             1,062,252 
      Goodwill arising on acquisition                   288,814 
      The cash outflow on acquisition 
       is as follows: 
      Net cash acquired with the stores                  24,208 
      Cash paid                                       (995,714) 
      Net consolidated cash outflow                   (971,506) 

The acquisition of two stores included deferred consideration in the form of retention payments. These payments are held for the retention period of 12 months following the acquisition to meet any warranty or other claims against the stores arising from the acquisition.

The initial accounting for the acquisition of the two stores has only been provisionally determined at the reporting date.

In accordance with AASB3 'Business Combinations' the acquirer is required to fair value all acquired assets and liabilities. The valuation of the re-acquired rights and customer relationships (intangible assets) associated with the store purchases has not been completed at the date of finalisation of this report. Additionally, for tax purposes the tax values of the assets are required to be reset based on market values and other factors. At the date of finalisation of this report, the necessary market valuations and other calculations had not been finalised and the adjustments to deferred tax liabilities and goodwill noted above has therefore only been provisionally determined based on the directors' best estimate of the likely tax values. These valuations may also impact the recognised fair values of other assets acquired as part of the business combination.

Goodwill arose in the business combination because the cost of the combination included a control premium paid to acquire the two stores. In addition, the consideration paid for the combination effectively included amounts in relation to the benefit of expected synergies, revenue growth, future market development and the assembled workforce of the two stores. These benefits are not recognised separately from goodwill as the future economic benefits arising from them cannot be reliably measured.

Included in the net profit for the period is $111,323 attributable to the additional business generated by the two stores.

9. Share-based payment plan

The Executive Performance Rights Plan, which was approved by shareholders on 30 November 2010, allows the Directors of the Company to issue up to 20,000,000 Performance Rights which will vest into ordinary shares in the Company upon the achievement of certain vesting conditions. As at 30 June 2012, the shareholders approved the issue of 13,800,000 Performance Rights under the Plan to the managing director and the Company's senior management team. Refer to the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2012 for further details.

On 25 September 2012, the Company's Board of Directors approved a resolution to issue 851,000 Performance Rights under the Plan to members of the Company's senior management team. The rights were issued free of charge. The 851,000 Performance Rights were split into three Tranches, with Tranche 1 comprising 283,666 Performance Rights, Tranche 2 comprising 283,667 Performance Rights and Tranche 3 comprising 283,667 Performance Rights. All three Tranches contain different vesting conditions.

Each right entitles the holder to subscribe for one fully paid ordinary share in the Company at the exercise price of $Nil.

These Performance Rights vest and are immediately converted into ordinary shares once certain performance conditions are met. During the period, the following performance rights were granted:

                                                          Fair value 
                                                           per right 
                                Number                     at grant               First 
                                 of rights                 date        Expiry      Exercise   Last Exercise 
                      Vested     granted     Grant Date    $            Date       Date        Date 
 Senior Management 
 Ian Day 
   1                  -         66,667       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         66,667       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         66,666       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 Ralph Groom 
   1                  -         76,667       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         76,667       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         76,666       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 Glen Fee 
   1                  -         17,000       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         17,000       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         17,000       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 Gavin Irons 
   1                  -         16,667       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         16,667       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         16,666       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 Peter Wessels 
   1                  -         16,667       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         16,667       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         16,666       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 David Patrick 
   1                  -         56,667       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         56,667       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         56,666       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 
 Mike Osborne 
   1                  -         33,333       25/9/2012    0.751        1/7/2013   1/7/2013    1/7/2013 
   2                  -         33,333       25/9/2013    0.714        1/7/2014   1/7/2014    1/7/2014 
   3                  -         33,334       25/9/2014    0.679        1/7/2015   1/7/2015    1/7/2015 

The following vesting conditions are attached to the performance rights:

   Tranche           Vesting hurdle 

1 i) The Consolidated Entity achieving budgeted Net Profit after tax for the financial year ending 30 June 2013.

ii) Continuous employment through to vesting determination date, being 1 July 2013.

2 i) The Consolidated Entity achieving budgeted Net Profit after tax for the financial year ending 30 June 2014.

ii) Continuous employment through to vesting determination date, being 1 July 2014.

3 i) The Consolidated Entity achieving budgeted Net Profit after tax for the financial year ending 30 June 2015.

ii) Continuous employment through to vesting determination date, being 1 July 2015.

Fair value of performance rights:

The fair value of the performance rights granted is estimated as at the grant date using a Black Scholes model taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the options were granted. The following table lists the inputs to the model used to determine the fair value of performance rights issued during the period ended 31 December 2012.

                                        Tranche 1        Tranche 2        Tranche 3 
 Dividend yield (%)                       5.00             5.00             5.00 
 Expected future volatility 
  (%)                                     40.00            40.00            40.00 
 Risk-free interest rate 
  (%)                                     2.60             2.60             2.56 
 Expected life of right (years)            0.8              1.8              2.8 
 Underlying share price at 
  grant date ($)                          0.78             0.78             0.78 

Expected life of performance rights:

             Grant date   Grant number   Expected life 
                                          of right 
 Tranche 1   25/09/2012   283,667        0.8 years 
 Tranche 2   25/09/2013   283,667        1.8 years 
 Tranche 3   25/09/2014   283,666        2.8 years 

The dividend yield is based on analysis of the Company's dividend yield over the past 5 years and considers the ability of the Company to pay dividends in the future. The expected volatility reflects the assumption that the historical volatility is indicative of future trends over the life of the Performance Rights.

The expense recognised for employee services received by the Company during the period is shown in the table below:

                                                         Half year ended 
                                                    31 December   31 December 
                                                     2012          2011 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Expense arising from equity-settled share-based 
  payment transaction                                   964,949       877,243 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 
 Total expense arising from share-based payment 
  transaction                                           964,949       877,243 
                                                   ------------  ------------ 

Directors' declaration

The directors declare that:

(a) in the directors' opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable; and

(b) in the directors' opinion, the attached financial statements and notes thereto are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including compliance with accounting standards and giving a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the consolidated entity.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors made pursuant to S303(5) of the Corporations Act 2001.

On behalf of the Directors

Peter Cumins

Managing Director

Perth, Western Australia

Date: 14 February 2013

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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