RNS Number:8306G
Henderson Japanese Smlr Cos Tst PLC
12 July 2001

        Henderson Japanese Smaller Companies Trust plc (the "Company")
 Recommended Proposals for the winding-up and scheme of reconstruction of the

The  board of Directors (the "Board") announced on 16 May 2001 that, following
consultation with the Company's then principal shareholders, the Directors had
concluded   that  proposals  should  be  put  to  the  Company's  shareholders
("Shareholders") for the voluntary liquidation of the Company so as to provide
Shareholders with an opportunity to realise some or all of their investment in
the  Company  for cash together with the option to roll over their  investment
into an open-ended vehicle managed by Henderson Global Investors ("HGI").

Background to the Proposals

The  Board's  belief at the time of the launch of the Company in October  1993
that the Japanese economy was about to recover and that smaller company stocks
would outperform larger company stocks in Japan as they had tended to do  over
the  previous  25  years,  has proved misplaced. The asset  class  of  smaller
Japanese companies has remained out of favour with investors and this has been
reflected  in  the  discounts at which Japanese smaller  companies  investment
trusts have traded over recent years.

In  addition,  the Board has been particularly concerned that  the  investment
performance  of the Company over much of the past three years has consistently
lagged  behind that of its main benchmark, the TSE Second Section  Index,  and
also  TOPIX, the index of the TSE First Section. Furthermore, the discount  to
net  asset value at which the shares in the Company ("Shares") have traded has
often  been  greater  than that of peer Japanese smaller companies  investment
trusts, notwithstanding that since the approval of a buy-back programme at the
Company's  AGM in November 1999 approximately 20 per cent. of the then  issued
Shares have been bought back.

The  annual reports to Shareholders have noted the measures that the Board and
HGI, as the Company's investment manager, have taken with the aim of improving
the   Company's  performance:  the  rebalancing  of  the  portfolio  from  its
concentration on value stocks by increasing its holding of growth stocks,  the
reduction in the size of the relatively illiquid micro-portfolio, the transfer
of responsibility for the investment of the portfolio from London to Tokyo and
the  introduction  of an incentive management fee against a reduction  in  the
basic management fee. In recent months there has been some improvement in  the
performance   of   the   Company  relative   to   its   peers,   but   earlier
underperformance, combined with the uncertain outlook for the Japanese economy
and  stockmarkets,  makes it unlikely, in the Board's opinion,  that  the  net
asset  value  per Share will have increased to the price at which Shares  were
first issued at the Company's launch before a continuation vote would have  to
be put to Shareholders at the Company's AGM in 2003.

In  these  circumstances  the Board is conscious of  the  undertaking  in  the
Company's  original  prospectus that in the event  that  Shares  traded  at  a
substantial  and sustained discount to net asset value it would consider  what
action  should  be  taken. After considering with its advisers  and  principal
Shareholders  the  various options available to the  Company,  the  Board  has
concluded that Shareholders' interests will best be served by being given  the
opportunity  to  maintain their exposure to Japanese equities  or  to  realise
their  holding  for  cash or, in certain circumstances as set  out  below,  to
receive  an in-specie distribution of the Company's investments. The proposals
detailed below (the "Proposals") are designed to implement that conclusion.

Options for Shareholders under the proposals

The  Proposals,  which  are subject to the approval  of  Shareholders  at  two
extraordinary  general  meetings (together the "Meetings"),  provide  for  the
reconstruction  of  the Company pursuant to a scheme of  reconstruction  under
section 110 of the Insolvency Act (the "Scheme") and for the division  of  the
Company's undertaking based upon elections ("Elections") made by Shareholders.

Shareholders who are on the share register at 5.00 pm on 1 August 2001  (other
than overseas shareholders), may elect to receive, in any proportion:

-       shares in the Henderson Japan Capital Growth Fund  (the
        "Japan  Fund"),  a  sub-fund of  the  Henderson  Global
        Funds  which  is an open-ended investment company  (the
        "Japan Fund Option"); and/or
-       for  Shareholders holding in excess of 5 per  cent.  of
        the  Company's issued share capital on the record  date
        ("In-specie   Eligible  Shareholders"),  an   in-specie
        distribution  of investments of the Company  (the  "In-
        specie Option"); and/or
-       Cash (the "Cash Option").

(a)  Japan Fund Option

Shareholders  electing for the Japan Fund Option will receive  shares  in  the
Henderson Japan Capital Growth Fund ("Japan Fund Shares"). The Japan Fund is a
sub-fund  of  Henderson Global Funds, an open-ended investment company,  which
aims to provide capital growth by investing in Japanese companies. By contrast
with the Company, the Japan Fund is not restricted in the size of companies in
which  it  can invest and currently maintains a core portfolio of  larger  and
medium sized companies. The Japan Fund is managed by William Garnett, who  has
14  years'  experience of managing Japanese equities. The Japan Fund qualifies
as  an investment for ISAs and PEPs. As at 9 July 2001 (the latest practicable
date  prior to the printing of the circular), the net asset value of the Japan
Fund was approximately #41.8  million comprising 36 holdings.

(b)  In-specie Option

Shareholders  who hold in excess of 5 per cent. of the Company's issued  share
capital  at  5.00  pm  on  1  August 2001 may elect to  receive  an  in-specie
distribution of the Company's investments in respect of the whole or any  part
of their holding representing in excess of 5 per cent. of the Company's issued
share  capital.  Subject as provided below, an In-specie Eligible  Shareholder
who  elects  for  this option will receive as nearly as may be a  proportional
share  of  the  investments of the Company, based upon the  portfolio  of  the
Company at the time of passing of the resolutions to be proposed at the  first
Meeting and having an aggregate value as at the calculation date equal to  the
terminal asset value.

HGI may, at its discretion and with the agreement of the liquidators, deem  it
appropriate  to  exclude  any such investments from those  to  be  distributed
pursuant  to  the  In-specie Option. In such event or as a  result  of  market
movements  or  to take account of fractional entitlements of investments,  the
investments  to  be distributed will then be adjusted in such manner  as  HGI,
with the agreement of the Company's liquidators, may determine or an amount of
cash added in lieu.

(c)  Cash Option

Shareholders may also elect to receive cash in respect of all or part of their
holding of Shares. The amount of cash to be received for each Share in respect
of  which an election for the Cash Option is made (or deemed to be made)  will
be  the  terminal asset value calculated in accordance with the terms  of  the

Whilst the exact amount payable to Shareholders cannot be calculated until the
calculation date (expected to be 9 August 2001), on the basis of the net asset
value per Share of 46.81p on 9 July 2001 (the latest practicable date prior to
the  printing of the circular), the Directors estimate that the terminal asset
value (excluding any portfolio realisation costs) would have been 45.93p   per
Share.  It should be noted that this figure is given for illustrative purposes
only and should not be regarded as a forecast.


The  terms  and conditions of the warrants in the Company ("Warrants")  enable
the holding of a Warrant to subscribe for one Share at a subscription price of
100p on either of the two remaining subscription dates of 30 November 2001 and
30 November 2002.  As at 15 May 2001 (the day prior to the announcement of the
Company's intention to put forward winding-up proposals) the mid-market  price
of  a  share was 46p.  The terms and conditions also provide for the potential
compensation of holders of Warrants should the Company be wound up prior to 30
November  2002,  the final date of exercise of the Warrants. These  provisions
operate by reference to the average price of a Warrant in the 10 days prior to
the  Directors announcing their intention to wind up the Company  and  to  the
distribution  which  a  Shareholder would receive, on  a  winding-up,  if  all
Warrants were exercised. Based upon the net asset value per Share of 46.81p as
at  9  July  2001  (the latest practicable date prior to the printing  of  the
circular) and then adjusted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Warrants, no compensation would be payable to holders of Warrants.

Under the terms and conditions of the Warrants, the Company is not required to
seek the approval of the holders of the Warrants for either the implementation
of the Scheme or the winding-up of the Company.

Implementation of the Proposals

For  the  purposes of implementing the Proposals, Shares will be  reclassified
pursuant  to  a  special resolution to be proposed at  the  first  Meeting  in
accordance  with  elections  made  by Shareholders  ("Elections")  and  deemed
Elections. A special resolution will also be proposed at the first Meeting  to
approve the Scheme.

Following the Company being placed into members' voluntary liquidation at  the
second  Meeting, the liquidators will set aside in a liquidation pool,  to  be
established  by  them in accordance with the Scheme (the "Liquidation  Pool"),
sufficient  assets  to  meet the Company's actual and  contingent  liabilities
including,  the  expenses of the Scheme. The remaining  assets  will  then  be
divided in accordance with elections and either realised to meet the sums  due
to  Shareholders who have validly elected (or are deemed to have  elected)  to
receive cash, transferred to the Japan Fund in consideration for the issue  of
Japan Fund Shares or distributed to In-specie Eligible Shareholders by way  of
a distribution in kind in the Company's winding-up.

It  is  currently estimated by the liquidators that the amount to be set aside
in  the  Liquidation  Pool to provide for contingencies  over  and  above  the
Company's  known liabilities will be #100,000. To the extent that  the  amount
set  aside for liabilities is not required, any cash balance remaining in  the
hands of the liquidators on the termination of the liquidation will be paid as
one  or  more  liquidation  distributions to the  Shareholders  on  the  share
register  on the effective date, provided that if such amount payable  to  any
Shareholder  is  less than #3, it will be distributed to the Japan  Fund.  The
precise  timing  of  any  distribution will depend  on  the  progress  of  the
liquidation  and  the  receipt by the liquidators  of  confirmation  from  the
appropriate   tax  authorities  that  the  Company  has  no  outstanding   tax

Under  the  terms of the Scheme, a portfolio of Japanese securities  and  cash
will be transferred by the liquidators to the Japan Fund in consideration  for
the  issue  of  Japan Fund Shares to Shareholders who elect or are  deemed  to
elect  for  the Japan Fund Option. Japan Fund Shares will be issued  for  this
purpose  at the issue price at 12.00 noon on the effective date of the  Scheme
(expected  to be 13 August 2001), as calculated by Henderson Investment  Funds
Limited and no initial charge will be levied in relation to them.

The Proposals are conditional, inter alia, upon the passing by Shareholders of
the  resolutions  to  be proposed at the Meetings. If the  Proposals  are  not
approved in full by Shareholders on or before 31 October 2001 the Scheme  will
not  be implemented, the Company will continue in existence as before and  the
Directors will consider all of the options which remain available to them.

Benefits of the Proposals

The  Board believes the Proposals provide a number of attractive features  for

-    greater choice and more flexibility for Shareholders  than
     if  the  Company  is simply wound up, as Shareholders  may
     choose  to  retain  an  ongoing Japanese  equity  exposure
     through  the Japan Fund and/or, if eligible, an  in-specie
     distribution of the Company's assets and/or cash;
-    Japan Fund Shares are priced at their net asset value  and
     no  initial  charge will be levied by Henderson Investment
     Funds  Limited on Japan Fund Shares to be issued  pursuant
     to the Proposals;
-    those  Shareholders who are subject to capital  gains  tax
     who  wish  to maintain their exposure to Japanese equities
     will  be able to roll over their investment in the Company
     into  Japan Fund Shares without crystallising an immediate
     charge to capital gains tax;
-    for  those  In-specie Eligible Shareholders  who  wish  to
     retain  a  direct exposure by holding Japanese securities,
     the  Proposals  provide for an in-specie  distribution  of
     the  investments  of  the Company at close  to  net  asset
     value; and
-    for those Shareholders who wish to realise some or all  of
     their  investment, the Proposals provide  the  opportunity
     to receive cash at close to net asset value.

Failure to make an Election

If   the   Proposals  become  effective,  Shareholders,  other  than  overseas
shareholders,  who  make no Election will be deemed to have  elected  for  the
Japan Fund Option in respect of their total holding of Shares.

Costs and Expenses

The  direct costs of the Proposals, excluding any portfolio realisation  costs
which   may  be  incurred,  are  estimated  to  amount  to  0.88p  per  Share,
representing 1.88 per cent. of the net asset value per Share of 46.81p as at 9
July 2001 (the latest practicable date prior to the printing of the circular).

Management Agreement

If  the Proposals are approved, the existing management agreement between  the
Company  and HGI will be terminated on the effective date. HGI has  agreed  to
waive  its  right  to  receive a fee in respect of  the  termination  of  this
agreement which would have amounted to #431,126 (excluding VAT).

Interim Dividend

The  Directors do not intend to pay a dividend to Shareholders in  respect  of
the current financial year.

Overseas Shareholders

Overseas  Shareholders will not receive a form of election. If  the  Proposals
become  effective,  Overseas Shareholders will  be  deemed  to  have  made  an
election for the Cash Option.

It  is the responsibility of Shareholders who are resident in, or citizens of,
jurisdictions  outside  the  United Kingdom to  inform  themselves  about  and
observe  any  legal requirements in their relevant jurisdiction.  Shareholders
who  are  subject to taxation outside the United Kingdom should consult  their
tax  advisers as to the treatment of the cash proceeds received by them  under
the Proposals.

Dealings and Settlement

(a)  Shares and Warrants

If the Proposals are approved, the following will occur:


The  registers of Shares and Warrants will be closed and both the  Shares  and
Warrants  will be disabled in CREST at 5.00 pm on 1 August 2001. The last  day
for  dealings  in either Shares or Warrants on the London Stock Exchange,  for
normal  account  settlement (to enable settlement prior to the  Record  Date),
will accordingly be 27 July 2001. As from 27 July 2001, dealings should be for
cash settlement only and will be registered in the normal way if the transfer,
accompanied by the documents of title, is received by the registrar by 5.00 pm
on  1 August 2001. Transfers received after that time will be returned to  the
person(s) lodging them.

After  the liquidation of the Company and the making of any final distribution
to  Shareholders out of the Liquidation Pool, existing certificates in respect
of  Shares  and  Warrants will cease to be of value for any  purpose  and  any
existing credit of Shares and Warrants in any stock account in CREST  will  be


Application  will  be made to the London Stock Exchange for  dealings  in  the
reclassified  shares  to  commence at 8.00 am on 10  August  2001  and  it  is
expected  that  dealings will be suspended at 8.00 am on 13 August  2001.  The
reclassified shares are expected to be delisted some time after the  Company's
assets  have been transferred to the Japan Fund or distributed in kind to  In-
specie Eligible Shareholders in accordance with the Scheme.

(b)  Japan Fund Shares

If  the Proposals are approved, Japan Fund Shares are expected to be issued on
13 August 2001 and contract notes despatched on 14 August 2001.

(c)  In-specie Distributions

Transfers  of  securities  and  cash to In-specie  Eligible  Shareholders  are
expected to be made in the week commencing 20 August 2001.

(d)  Cash

Cheques  in  respect of the initial distribution payable to those Shareholders
electing  to receive cash are expected to be despatched in the week commencing
20 August 2001. Amounts receivable by Shareholders who are entitled to receive
a  distribution  of over #100,000 and who have completed the relevant  account
details  on the form of election, are expected to be despatched by  CHAPS,  at
the recipient's expense, in the week commencing 20 August 2001.

Shareholder Meetings

First Extraordinary General Meeting

The  first  Meeting is being convened for 10.30 am on 3 August 2001.  At  this
Meeting,  at  which all Shareholders may attend and vote, special  resolutions
will  be  proposed  to approve the Scheme, to reclassify  Shares  pursuant  to
Elections under the Scheme, to make the necessary changes to the Articles  and
to  authorise the implementation of the Scheme by the liquidators. The  Scheme
will  not become effective until the passing of the resolutions to be proposed
at the second Meeting.

The  quorum requirement for the first Meeting will be two persons entitled  to
attend and vote, each being a Shareholder or a proxy.

The resolutions will require the approval of not less than 75 per cent. of the
votes  cast  by  those Shareholders present in person on a show  of  hands  or
present in person or by proxy on a poll.

Second Extraordinary General Meeting

The  second Meeting is being convened for 10.30 am on 13 August 2001. At  this
Meeting,  at which all Shareholders may attend and vote, a special  resolution
will  be proposed to approve the winding-up of the Company and to appoint  the
liquidators  and  an  extraordinary resolution  will  be  proposed  to  confer
appropriate  powers  on  them. The resolutions to be proposed  at  the  second
Meeting are conditional upon the Scheme being approved at the first Meeting.

The quorum requirement for the second Meeting will be two persons entitled  to
attend and vote, each being a Shareholder or a proxy.

The resolutions will require the approval of not less than 75 per cent. of the
votes  cast  by  those Shareholders present in person on a show  of  hands  or
present in person or by a proxy on a poll.

If  the Proposals are approved they will bind all Shareholders whether or  not
they  have voted in favour of the Proposals at the meetings, except for  those
Shareholders  who  validly  dissent  as provided  in  section  111(2)  of  the
Insolvency Act 1986.

Shareholder Intentions

Shareholders representing 41.7 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital
have  indicated  their intention to vote in favour of the  resolutions  to  be
proposed at the Meetings.


The Board, which has been advised by Hoare Govett, believes that the Proposals
set  out  in  the circular despatched to Shareholders today are  in  the  best
interests  of  the  Company and of Shareholders as a whole. In  providing  its
advice   Hoare  Govett  has  taken  into  account  the  Directors'  commercial
assessment of the Proposals.

Accordingly, the Board unanimously recommends Shareholders to vote  in  favour
of the resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings irrespective of any Election
they  may  wish  to  make. The Directors, who own 94,603 Shares  in  aggregate
(representing  0.12 per cent. of the Shares in issue), intend  to  vote  their
entire holdings in favour of the Proposals.

The  choice between the options available under the Proposals is a matter  for
each  Shareholder  to make and will be influenced by Shareholders'  individual
financial  and tax circumstances and their investment objectives. Shareholders
should  seek  advice from their own independent financial advisers  authorised
under the Financial Services Act 1986.


Anthony Loehnis                        020 7925 1144
Stephen Westwood                       020 7818 5517
Henderson Global Investors Limited     
Bob Cowdell                            020 7678 8000
Hoare Govett Limited                   

Hoare  Govett  Limited,  which  is regulated by  the  Securities  and  Futures
Authority Limited, has approved the contents of this document solely  for  the
purposes  of  Section  57 of the Financial Services Act  1986.   Hoare  Govett
Limited  is acting exclusively for Henderson Japanese Smaller Companies  Trust
plc  and  for  no-one else and will not be responsible to  anyone  other  than
Henderson  Japanese Smaller Companies Trust plc for providing the  protections
afforded  its customers or for providing advice in relation to the  Scheme  or
any matter referred to in this announcement.

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