RNS Number : 3580A

Hunters Property PLC

29 September 2020

29 September 2020

The information communicated in this announcement contains inside information for

the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014.

Hunters Property PLC

("Hunters" or "the Group")

Interim Results six months to June 2020

Hunters Property Plc ("Hunters" or the "Company" or the "Group" (AIM: HUNT)), the UK's largest franchised sales and lettings agency brand, is pleased to provide its interim results for six months ended 30 June 2020.

Operational Headlines:

   -       Strong start to year 

- Despite the unprecedented challenges of Covid-19 and reduced turnover, profit improved by 30% against last year

   -       Opened five new branches and retain a strong openings pipeline 
   -       Restructured and reduced our cost base 

- Website users increased by 25% and user engagement by 17% against the same period last year. Social media activity saw 8.9m people reached, an increase of 53% against the previous six month period

   -       Customer satisfaction record at 97% (twelve months to December 2019: 96%) 

- Achieved record sales activity in each of June, July and August. August instructions being 38% ahead of last year and leaving a network pipeline ahead +43%

- New CRM software has entered testing and is looking at roll out from Q4 and is expected to deliver significant productivity benefits

Financial Headlines:

   -       Network Income(1) GBP17.1m (2019: GBP19.2m) 
   -       EBITDA GBP1.44m (2019: GBP1.11m) +30% 
   -       aPBT GBP1.11m (2019: GBP0.77m) +44% 
   -       aEPS 3.06p (2019: 2.30p) +33% 

- Cash balance GBP5.6m (31 December 2019: GBP1.3m); net debt GBP2.2m (31 December 2019: GBP3.2m)

Full Year Dividend:

- It is the Board's intention to reinstate dividends with a full year final dividend to be announced with the release of the year-end results.

Kevin Hollinrake, Chairman, said:

"As we announced on 26 May, the year started very well with valuations +17% to February versus the previous year, before the Covid-19 related lockdown reduced sales activity in April alone by 93%. We have been pleased with the early steps we took and our timely decision to implement a range of cost savings including utilisation of Government support such as the Job Retention Scheme and securing a GBP3.5 million facility as a precaution. Our end-user and franchisee customer focus during this period was a key priority and we are delighted with the feedback that we received from them during and after this period. I would like to thank my team and the Network for their incredible hard work and commitment during this time and the executive team for their excellent leadership.

Since the lockdown, we have seen significant levels of activity from those looking to move home and we are in a strong position to weather the uncertainty ahead and are excited with the progress we have made with our new CRM, SKIPA(TM). As we have said many times, technology is important and the Covid-19 pandemic has, in our view, brought that need forward by between three and five years. Our approach has been rewarded this period achieving a 97% Customer Service Rating, a new record (12 months to December 2019: 96%). Our bespoke SKIPA(TM) software is on track for its testing phase and our investment has proven timely. SKIPA(TM) will ensure that our customers and agents benefit from the latest technological user experiences and capabilities and will enhance productivity and efficiencies across our network. It will facilitate a more flexible way of working and automate many normally labour-intensive processes, leaving our agents free to list, sell and let more homes.

Sales activity increased in June, July and August, with August instructions being 38% ahead of last year increasing the network pipeline of sales due for exchange and completion +43%. Enquiries from Independent agents looking to reap the benefits of joining our network have continued and we are pleased to have welcomed five new branches to our fold this year despite the year's disruptions.

Having finished the first half with a strong recovery in trading across our network and operating margins exceeding 2019, we have commenced the second half very positively, with activity levels returning to (and in some areas exceeding) pre-Covid levels and a lower and more resilient cost base. As a result, we are looking forward to the full year results with confidence. However, the Board does not feel it is right to pay an interim dividend at this time given the retention of our unused CBILS facility. On the basis of our current outlook, it is the Board's intention to look to repay the CBILS loan, reinstate its progressive dividend policy and to pay a full year final dividend to accompany the announcement of the year-end results.

I look forward to updating you further in due course."

For further information please contact:

 Hunters Property PLC                  Tel: 01904 756 197 
  Glynis Frew, Chief Executive 
  Ed Jones, Chief Financial Officer 
 SPARK Advisory Partners Limited       Tel: 0113 370 8975 
  Andrew Emmott and Mark Brady 
  (Nominated Adviser) 
 Dowgate Capital Limited               Tel: 020 3903 7715 
  James Serjeant (Corporate Broking) 


(1) Network Income is the gross sales and lettings revenue of the Franchisee and Owned branch network.

The Chairman's Statement


On behalf of the board I am delighted to report Hunters' half year results for 2020 which covers a hugely disrupted period as a result of Covid-19. As previously reported, the Group started the year well, but progress came to an abrupt halt by lockdown with April sales down 93% versus April 2019. However, we took early action that included directors and senior management taking temporary salary reductions ranging from 20-50%, cancelling the 2019 final dividend, securing access to various Government schemes, redundancies and restructuring parts of the group. This rightsizing included franchising two of the group owned branches, a strategy we adopted last year and are looking to progress further. I am pleased to report that we improved EBITDA in this half year by 30% to GBP1.44m (six months to June 2019: GBP1.11m) despite turnover reducing to GBP5.4m (six months to June 2019: GBP6.6m).

Network Income for the first six months of this year stood at GBP17.1m (six months to June 2019: GBP19.2m). Sales took the brunt of the impact of the nationally mandated lockdown period, rebalancing our business for this half year to June at 58/42 Sales/Lettings (six months to June 2019: 64/36). Despite the ban on tenant fees introduced last year, Network Income from lettings reached GBP14.9m for the 12 months to June, a new record which we were delighted with. The improvement in lettings activity has continued since, July beating June, and August activity being 11% higher than August 2019. Our extensive plans for re-opening once lockdown ended on 13 May paid dividends in homes sales where month on month results have beaten all previous records. The income pipeline across the network stands at GBP16.6m (August 2019: GBP11.6m) an increase +43%.

The pandemic necessitated immediate change. Our swiftly adopted technology strategy meant branches could remain open to customers, even if remotely. We supplemented this with in-house support webinars named "Audience With..". This facilitated internal communication; information sharing and best practice training. Engagement has been tremendously positive . We have run 60 webinar sessions this year engaging with 4,715 registrants from our partner network and these will continue. Customers have also engaged online - to the end of June engaged users were up 25% compared to the previous six months and the average online duration was up 17% against the same period last year . Social Media engagement has generated an increase of 53% reaching 8.9m consumers.

Our Accredited Hunters National Qualification and award-winning Training are now fully available online, with 58% of delegates attending online. Individuals and branches have taken advantage of this opportunity. To June we had a further 75 achieving personal accreditation and we retain now 114 fully qualified branches (31 December 2019: 103).

We are pleased that our previous investment in technology was critical for our franchise partners and we are further pleased with the progress of our SKIPA(TM) CRM project as we enter its testing phase. Our intention is to have this rolled-out to the entire network by the end of Q1 2021. Our belief is that Covid-19 has accelerated the rate of technological usage by three to five years. Our approach to offer an enhanced customer experience whilst reducing labour costs and freeing up staff time to drive more revenue will be, we believe, key areas for the future. We have invested in technology-based solutions whilst ensuring we never lose sight of the importance of human contact, genuine local area expertise and making sure we put the customer at the heart of everything we do. To that end we are delighted to announce the achievement of a record 97% Customer Service Rating (twelve months to December 2019: 96%).

The work and support that has been displayed by the staff and the franchise network during what has been a hugely uncertain and difficult time is a credit to this group and the values it stands for. I offer, on behalf of the Board, our thanks and gratitude to everyone that has been involved.

The Group's strategy is to grow a predominantly franchised network and to the end of August, despite the disruption of lockdown, five additional branches have joined the network. As at 31 August the network stood at 209 branches (31 December 2019: 206) of which 198 (31 December 2019: 194) are franchised. We retain a healthy pipeline of prospects and I look forward to announcing further additions to the network later in the year.

Cash / Net debt

We retain cash balances of GBP5.6m (30 December 2019: GBP1.4m) as well as GBP1.1m of unused facilities. Our use of one-off assistance and restructuring caused by the pandemic has now essentially run its course. We have improved net debt to GBP2.2m (31 December 2019: GBP3.2m) driven by operating cash generation of GBP1.76m (six months to June 19: GBP0.9m). The GBP3.5m CBILS included in these positions remains unused, held simply in reserve.


Our strategies, given the market challenges have, improved the quality of businesses we have brought on and helped the vast majority of the network weather the storms we have faced. We continue to attract quality independent businesses seeing the enhanced benefit of joining the Hunters network.

Further to our announcement on 26 May, market activity has continued to improve, assisted by the announcement to suspend the application of Stamp Duty on homes up to GBP500,0000. In terms of activity, lettings has held up well and beaten expectations. On the sales side, instructions lifted in June by 19% as against the same month last year. July increased on June and August sits ahead of August last year by +38% in instructions and +71% in sales subject contract ("SSTC"). The Network pipeline stands at a record level, ahead 43%, against the same point last year. Having finished the first half with a strong recovery in trading across our network and operating margins exceeding 2019, we have commenced the second half very positively, with activity levels returning to (and in some areas exceeding) pre-Covid levels and a lower and more resilient cost base. As a result, we are looking forward to the full year results with confidence.

The Board does not feel it right to pay an interim dividend for the time being, having benefitted from support the Government has made available and whilst retaining the CBILS facility, albeit unused. Based on the steps we have taken, current activity and pipeline, and the Company's financial position at the time, it is the Board's intention with the announcement of the full year results to look to repay the CBILS reserve; reinstate its progressive dividend policy and to make payment of a full year final dividend to shareholders. The full year-end results are scheduled to be announced on or around Tuesday 13 April 2021.

I look forward to updating you again in due course.

Kevin Hollinrake


Financial report

                                         H1 2020        H1 2019 
 Sales                              GBP5,419,000   GBP6,588,000   (18%) 
 EBITDA(1)                          GBP1,440,000   GBP1,108,000   +30% 
 Adjusted profit before tax(2)      GBP1,111,000     GBP771,000   +44% 
 Profit before tax                    GBP648,000     GBP246,000   +163% 
 Cash generated                     GBP4,298,000   (GBP376,000) 
 Net debt                           GBP2,236,000   GBP3,224,000   (31%) 
 Shareholders' funds                GBP8,175,000   GBP7,150,000   +14% 
 Shares in issue                      32,814,588     32,502,088 
 Weighted average number of 
  shares                              32,778,530     32,200,650 
 Earnings after tax                   GBP543,000     GBP209,000   +160% 
 Earnings after tax, adjusted(3)    GBP1,006,000     GBP734,000   +37% 
 EPS                                       1.66p          0.66p   +152% 
 Adjusted EPS                              3.06p          2.30p   +33% 
 Dividend                                      -          0.87p   (100%) 
 Branches                                    204            200 

1 EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation, impairments and profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets, acquisition and share-based payments expenses.

   2     Adjusted profit before tax is Adjusted earnings less tax. 

3 Adjusted earnings is profit after tax adjusted to exclude amortisation, and profit/loss on disposal of intangibles, time-value interest costs, acquisition expenses, shared-based payments, other gains and losses and finance income.


Network income from sales and lettings across the network reduced by 11% to GBP17.1m compared to GBP19.2m for the same first half period last year due to the impact of the government-imposed lockdown. Consequently, turnover was down at GBP5.4m (2019: GBP6.6m).


EBITDA for the six months to June 2020 was GBP1.44m, an increase of 30% on the same period last year (2019: GBP1.1m ). The reduced turnover was mitigated against by reduced activity costs, bonuses and commissions as well as a reduction in senior manager and director remuneration (as between 20% and 50%). We utilised the Job Retention Scheme limiting then redundancies to 19. We benefitted from waived business rates for our sector and qualified for certain grants that have been made available. Our restructuring enabled services to continue, including online, together with our securing of improved terms from our suppliers which has also benefitted the wider network.

Adjusted profit before tax

Adjusted profit before tax for the six months ended June 2020 was GBP1,111,000, an increase of 44% on the equivalent period last year (2019: GBP771,000).

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2020 was 1.66p (2019: 0.66p). Adjusted earnings per share, excluding amortisation and acquisition costs, finance timing investment income and share-based payment expenses for the six months to June 2020 was 3.06p (2019: 2.30p), an increase of 33%.


The Board does not feel it right to pay an interim dividend for the period at this time having benefitted from support the Government has made available and whilst retaining the CBILS facility, albeit unused. Based on the steps we have taken, current activity and pipeline, and the Company's financial position at the time, it is the Board's intention with the announcement of the full year results to look to repay the CBILS reserve; reinstate its progressive dividend policy and to make payment of a full year final dividend to shareholders. The full year-end results are scheduled to be announced on or around Tuesday 13 April 2021.

Cash flow

The Company generated net cash from operations of GBP4.3m during the six months to June 2020. The Company received loan proceeds of GBP3.5m under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme which it holds in reserve.

Liquidity and capital reserves

As at 30 June 2020, the Group's cash balance was GBP5,606,000 (June 2019: GBP1,342,000) with net debt having improved to GBP2,236,000 (December 2019: GBP3,224,000).

Audit engagement partner continuing to act in that role for one additional year

The Audit Committee have requested that Neil Lawrinson of Mazars LLP continues to act as the audit engagement partner for the audit of Hunters Property Plc for the year ending 31 December 2020. Neil first acted as audit engagement partner for the year ended 31 December 2019 but for the four preceding years had a senior position within the audit engagement team. Under the Financial Reporting Council's Ethical Standard 2016 Neil would normally be expected to rotate off the audit at the end of this five-year period. Given the exceptional circumstances that have befallen 2020, the Audit Committee believe that it is in the interest of audit quality for Neil to continue to act as audit engagement partner for this one further year. The attention of shareholders is drawn to this matter under paragraph 3.16 of Part B of the Ethical Standard 2016.


The primary risk to the business continues to be the state of the UK property market. Some uncertainty remains in the marketplace, as individuals and businesses take stock and assess the short to medium term macro-economic outlook, including the potential for further disruption due Covid-19. Our balance between franchising, sales and lettings and geographical mix allows us, as these results have demonstrated, to mitigate against this risk and the experience gained in this period will help us weather future market disruptions.

Ed Jones

Chief Financial Officer

29 September 2020

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 June 2020

                                            6 months        6 months            Year 
                                               ended           ended           ended 
                                             30 June         30 June     31 December 
                                                2020            2019            2019 
                                            GBP'000s        GBP'000s        GBP'000s 
 Revenue                                       5,419           6,588          13,994 
 Administrative expenses                     (4,455)         (5,480)        (11,238) 
 Other operating income                          476               -               - 
                                           ---------  -------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                     1,440           1,108           2,756 
 Depreciation and profit on 
  disposal                                     (239)           (238)           (494) 
 Amortisation, impairments 
  and loss on disposal                         (421)           (449)           (924) 
 Business combination and restructuring 
  expenses                                       (8)               -            (30) 
 Share-based payment expense                    (75)            (11)            (83) 
 Operating profit                                697             410           1,225 
 Finance income                                  138               1               1 
 Finance costs                                 (194)           (167)           (336) 
 Other gains and losses                            7               2              10 
                                           ---------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit before taxation                          648             246             900 
 Taxation                                      (105)            (37)           (166) 
 Profit and total comprehensive 
  for the period                                 543             209             734 
                                           ---------  --------------  -------------- 
 Basic earnings per share      6   1.66p   0.66p   2.27p 
                                  ------  ------  ------ 
 Diluted earnings per share    6   1.57p   0.64p   2.15p 
                                  ------  ------  ------ 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 30 June 2020

                                Notes         30 June 2020    30 June   31 December 
                                                                 2019          2019 
                                                  GBP'000s   GBP'000s      GBP'000s 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                         4                  4,626      4,626         4,626 
 Intangible assets                4                  7,276      6,958         7,219 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                       5                  2,448      2,179         2,726 
 Investment properties                                 412        454           433 
 Investments                                            61         30            54 
 Deferred tax assets                                   196        118           167 
                                                    15,019     14,365        15,225 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                         1,572      1,570         1,855 
 Cash and cash equivalents                           5,606      1,342         1,308 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
                                                     7,178      2,912         3,163 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Total assets                                       22,197     17,277        18,388 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                           (83)       (82)          (81) 
 Obligations under leases                            (431)      (459)         (424) 
 Current tax liabilities                             (140)      (123)         (145) 
 Trade and other payables                          (2,200)    (1,903)       (2,155) 
                                                   (2,854)    (2,567)       (2,805) 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                        (7,759)    (4,484)       (4,451) 
 Obligations under leases                          (2,575)    (2,297)       (2,843) 
 Other payables                                       (19)       (19)          (19) 
                                                  (10,353)    (6,800)       (7,313) 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Provisions for liabilities 
 Provisions                                           (40)       (52)          (40) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                            (775)      (708)         (680) 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
                                                     (815)      (760)         (720) 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                                (14,022)   (10,127)      (10,838) 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                          8,175      7,150         7,550 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 
 Share capital                                       1,313      1,300         1,311 
 Share premium                                       4,454      4,417         4,450 
 Merger reserve                                        899        899           899 
 Share option reserve                                  170          -           170 
 Retained earnings                                   1,339        534           720 
 Total equity                                        8,175      7,150         7,550 
                                       -------------------  ---------  ------------ 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Period Ended 30 June 2020

                               Share      Share   Share option   Merger reserve    Retained     Total equity 
                             capital    premium        reserve                     earnings     attributable 
                                                                                                   to owners 
                                                                                               of the parent 
                            GBP'000s   GBP'000s       GBP'000s         GBP'000s    GBP'000s         GBP'000s 
 At 1 January 2019             1,273      4,107              -              899       1,478            7,757 
 Effect of IFRS 16 
  transition                       -          -              -                        (356)            (442) 
 Profit and total 
  comprehensive income             -          -              -                -         209              209 
 Dividends paid                    -          -              -                -       (509)            (509) 
 Credit to equity for 
  equity settled 
  share-based payments             -          -              -                -          11               11 
 Issue of share capital           27        310              -                -       (292)               45 
 Deferred tax on 
  share-based payment 
  transactions                     -          -              -                -         (7)              (7) 
 At 30 June 2019               1,300      4,417              -              899         534            7,150 
                           ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Effect of IFRS 16 
  transition                       -          -              -                -        (86)             (86) 
 Deferred tax on IFRS 16 
  transaction                      -          -              -                -          75               75 
 Profit and total 
  comprehensive income             -          -              -                -         525              525 
 Dividends paid                    -          -              -                -       (284)            (284) 
 Credit to equity for 
  equity settled 
  share-based payments             -          -             83                -        (11)               72 
 Reclassification to 
  share option 
  reserve                          -          -            379                -       (379)                - 
 Issue of share capital           11      (259)              -                -         292               44 
 Exercise of share 
  options                          -        292          (292)                -           -                - 
 Deferred tax on 
  share-based payment 
  transactions                     -          -              -                -          54               54 
 At 31 December 2019           1,311      4,450            170              899         720            7,550 
                           ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Profit and total 
  comprehensive income             -          -              -                -         543              543 
 Credit to equity for 
  equity settled 
  share-based payments             -          -              -                -          75               75 
 Deferred tax on 
  share-based payment 
  transactions                     -          -              -                -           1                1 
 Issue of share capital            2          4              -                -           -                6 
 At 30 June 2020               1,313      4,454            170              899       1,339            8,175 
                           ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Cashflows

For the period ended 30 June 2020

                                            6 months   6 months           Year ended 
                                               ended      ended          30 December 
                                             30 June    30 June                 2019 
                                                2020       2019 
                                            GBP000's   GBP000's             GBP000's 
 Cash flow from operating activities 
 Operating profit                                697        410                1,226 
 Adjustment for: 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                  248        238                  494 
 Amortisation of intangible assets               421        461                  935 
 (Gain) on disposal of property,                 (7)          -                    - 
  plant and equipment 
 Loss/(profit) on disposal of intangible 
  assets                                           -       (12)                 (11) 
 Share-based payment expense                      75         11                   83 
 Expensed/(released) element of 
  provisions                                       -       (17)                 (31) 
 Changes in working capital: 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and 
  other receivables                              283       (54)                (368) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
  other payables                                  45      (167)                   90 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Cash generated from operations                1,762        870                 2418 
 Interest paid                                 (168)       (87)                (301) 
 Income tax paid                                (43)       (53)                (185) 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating 
  activities                                   1,551        730                1,932 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Capital expenditure (tangible and 
  intangible)                                  (499)      (907)              (1,677) 
 Proceeds from sale of tangible 
  and intangible assets                            1         60                  106 
 Purchase of investments                           -          -                  (1) 
 Interest received                                 -          1                    1 
 Net cash used in investing activities         (498)      (846)              (1,571) 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                    -      (509)                (793) 
 Repayment of borrowings                        (45)       (45)                 (90) 
 Proceeds of new borrowings                    3,467        516                  516 
 Proceeds from issue of own shares                 6         45                   89 
 Payment of lease obligations                  (183)      (267)                (493) 
 Net cash from/(used in) financing 
  activities                                   3,245      (260)                (771) 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Net Increase/(decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                         4,298      (376)                (410) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of the period                                1,308      1,718                1,718 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period                                    5,606      1,342                1,308 
                                           ---------  ---------  ------------------- 

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the six months ended 30 June 2020

   1.    General information 

Hunters Property Plc is a Company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The registered address of the Company is Apollo House, Eboracum Way, York, YO31 7RE. The consolidated financial statements (or "financial statements") incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities (its subsidiaries) controlled by the Company (collectively comprising the "Group").

The principal activity of the Group is the provision of property services to consumers and businesses which include sales, lettings, franchising and related services.

   2.    Accounting policies 

2.1. Basis of preparation

The financial information set out in these interim consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2020 is unaudited. The financial information presented are not statutory accounts prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, and are prepared only to comply with AIM requirements for interim reporting. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019 on which the auditors gave an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

The interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared using consistent accounting policies as those adopted in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019.

New standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by the Group

The current standards, amendments and interpretations have been adopted in the year and have not had a material impact on the reported results in the group's financial statements:

   --      Amendments to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 
   --      Amendments to IAS  1 and IAS 8 'Definition of Material' 
   --      Amendments to IFRS9, IAS39 and IFRS 7 'Interest rate benchmark reform' 
   --      Amendments to IFRS 3 'Definition of a Business' 

2.2. Basis of consolidation

The Group financial information consolidates those of the Parent Company and the subsidiaries that the Parent has control of. Control is established when the Parent is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the subsidiary and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the subsidiary.

Where a subsidiary is acquired/disposed of during the period, the consolidated profits or losses are recognised from/until the effective date of the acquisition/disposal.

All inter-company balances and transactions between group companies have been eliminated on consolidation.

Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial information of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by the Group.

2.3. Going Concern

As at 30 June 2020, the Group has net current assets. The nature of the Group's trade is that there exist intangibles which generate significant cashflows, and are expected to continue doing so. The Group has sufficient unused facilities available in its bank financing.

The Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.

In addition, the Directors have considered the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus and its potential impact on trading activities in the UK. Barring a catastrophic impact on life, the housing market is expected to be broadly resistant to the worst financial downturns, whilst operationally the Group can run efficiently through the use of home-working staff and video conferencing. The Directors therefore do not believe that the short-term impact of this is likely to have a fundamental detrimental effect on the ongoing business.

2.4. Government Grants

During the year, the Group has received COVID-19 specific grants from the UK Government. Grants received include the Job Retention Scheme and The Small Business Grant Fund in addition to financing received as part of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans Scheme ("CBILS"). The interest free period relating to the CBILS has been taken into account by recognising the loan at its net present value. Accordingly, interest has been expensed and recognised within interest income.

   3.    Government Grant Income 

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group has received a number of support mechanisms from the UK Government which are recognised as grant income, leading to one-off items of income recognised within the Income Statement. These include:

-- GBP296k in respect of income under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, recognised within Other Operating Income in the Income Statement, on the performance basis by reference to the period to which the underlying contract of employment relates.

-- GBP180k in respect of local authority grants, recognised on receipt within Other Operating Income.

-- GBP137k of time-value benefits derived from an interest-free period on a CBILS loan, recognised within finance income in the Income Statement. Of this, GBP15k has been reversed as finance expense during the period, representing the consumption of this benefit.

   4.    Intangible Fixed Assets 
                                 Goodwill   Software         FDG's             Brands   Customer      Total 
                                                        & Rebrands                         Lists 
                                 GBP'000s   GBP'000s      GBP'000s           GBP'000s   GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
 At 1 January 2020                  4,661      1,025         4,210                637      4,925     15,458 
 Additions                              -        449            29                  -          -        478 
 Disposals                              -          -             -                  -          -          - 
                                                                    -----------------  ---------  --------- 
 At 30 June 2020                    4,661      1,474         4,239                637      4,925     15,936 
                                ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------- 
 Amortisations and Impairment 
 At 1 January 2020                     35        505           850                335      1,888      3,613 
 Amortisation charged 
  for the year                          -         81           153                  8        179        421 
 Amortisation on disposal               -          -             -                  -          -          - 
                                ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------- 
 At 30 June 2020                       35        586         1,003                343      2,067      4,034 
                                ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------- 
 Carrying amount 
 At 30 June 2020                    4,626        888         3,236                294      2,858     11,902 
                                ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2019                4,626        520         3,360                302      3,037     11,845 
                                ---------  ---------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------- 

Franchise Development Grants ("FDG's") and rebrand costs are externally incurred expenses at the inception of certain contracts with franchisees in order to assist with the transition to using the Hunters brand name. The amounts invested are amortised over the minimum life of the underlying franchise contract, typically 10 to 15 years. The Group recognises an impairment as provision against impairment losses arising from the risk of early terminations of franchise agreements.

   5.    Property, plant and equipment 
                              Right        Leasehold            Plant                 Fixtures,       Motor      Total 
                             of Use             land    and machinery                  fittings    vehicles 
                              Asset    and buildings                              and equipment 
                           GBP'000s         GBP'000s         GBP'000s                  GBP'000s    GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
 At 1 January 2020            4,776               16              530                       111           9      5,442 
 Additions                        -                -               21                         -           -         21 
 Disposals                    (121)                -                -                       (1)         (3)      (125) 
 At 30 June 2020              4,655               16              551                       110           6      5,338 
                          ---------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ----------  --------- 
 Depreciation and 
 At 1 January 2020            2,269               14              370                        57           6      2,716 
 Depreciation charged 
  for the year                  190                -               30                         6           1        227 
 Elimination on disposal       (50)                -                -                       (1)         (2)       (53) 
 At 30 June 2020              2,409               14              400                        62           5      2,890 
                          ---------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ----------  --------- 
 Carrying amount 
 At 30 June 2020              2,246                2              151                        48           1      2,448 
                          ---------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ----------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2019          2,507                2              160                        54           3      2,726 
                          ---------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ----------  --------- 

In addition to the above, depreciation of GBP21,000 (2019 - GBP21,000) has been charged on investment property.

   6.      Earnings per share 

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:

 Earnings                                         30 June 2020   30 June 2019 
                                                      GBP'000s       GBP'000s 
 Earnings for the purpose of basic earnings 
  per share being net profit attributable 
  to owners of the parent                                  543            209 
 Effects of dilutive potential ordinary                      -              - 
 Earnings for the purposes of diluted earnings 
  per share                                                543            209 
                                                 -------------  ------------- 
 Number of shares                              30 June 2020   30 June 2019 
                                                        GBP            GBP 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of basic earnings per 
  share                                          32,778,530     32,200,650 
 Effects of dilutive potential ordinary 
  shares                                          1,752,196        598,611 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of diluted earnings per 
  share                                          34,530,726     32,799,261 
                                              -------------  ------------- 

Earnings per share

 Pence per weighted average shares            1.66p   0.66p 
                                             ------  ------ 
 Pence per weighted average diluted shares    1.57p   0.64p 
                                             ------  ------ 

The Directors use adjusted earnings before time-value interest, investment revenue, amortisation, and costs of acquisition ("Adjusted Earnings") as a measure of ongoing profitability and performance. The calculated Adjusted Earnings for the current period of accounts is as follows:

 Adjusted Earnings per Share                         30 June    30 June 
                                                        2020       2019 
                                                    GBP'000s   GBP'000s 
 Profit after taxation                                   543        209 
 Adjusted for: 
 Time-value interest costs                                97         63 
 Investment revenues (excluding grants)                (138)        (1) 
 Amortisation                                            421        449 
 Costs of business combination and restructuring           8          3 
 Share-based payment expense                              75         11 
 Adjusted Earnings                                     1,006        734 
                                                   ---------  --------- 

Adjusted Earnings per share

 Pence per weighted average shares            3.06p   2.30p 
                                             ------  ------ 
 Pence per weighted average diluted shares    2.91p   2.26p 
                                             ------  ------ 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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