RNS Number : 1985T

Ishaan Real Estate PLC

11 December 2012

Ishaan Real Estate plc

Interim Report

For the six months ended 30 September 2012


The Directors of Ishaan Real Estate plc ("Ishaan") announce the Company's unaudited results for the six months ended 30 September 2012.

Overview of the six months ended 30 September 2012

  Net Asset Value                      30 Sep  31 Mar 12  Change 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ------ 
  Adjusted NAV per share (pence) (1) 
   (2)                                  76.9     80.9     -5.0% 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ------ 
  Reported NAV per share (pence) (1) 
   (2)                                  69.3     69.0      0.4% 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ------ 
   --      Portfolio value GBP613 million, up c.1.4 per cent. (31 March 2012: GBP604 million). 

-- Underlying portfolio value down 3.9 per cent. (up 0.7 per cent. in Rupee terms) after adjusting for construction expenditure capitalised during the period and exchange translation losses (which translation losses contributed 4.6 per cent.). These items had a similar impact on adjusted net asset value per share over the period.

-- Net additions of c.186,000 sq. ft. made to the aggregate area let or with terms agreed since 21 June 2012.

-- Equivalent annualised rental income of c.GBP37 million being received on c.7.1 million sq. ft. of the portfolio at 30 September 2012, with the rent being used primarily to pay interest and repay principal on borrowings.

-- c.INR 38.4 billion (c.GBP448 million) financing secured by Indian SPVs including debt facilities of c.INR 31.7 billion (c.GBP370 million) to fund the c.INR 39.5 billion (c.GBP461 million) cost of areas constructed or under construction.

-- Following April 2012 policy rates reduction by the Reserve Bank of India, interest rates have reduced by a further c.25-50bps. Current average borrowing cost of Indian SPVs is c.12-13 per cent.

-- In line with previous disclosure, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd's (APIIC's) stake in the Intime and Sundew SPVs has been increased to 11 per cent. resulting in the dilution of Ishaan's equity interest in Intime and Sundew from 40 per cent. to 38.98 per cent.

-- Inorbit Mall in Bangalore was launched in August 2012 with c.55 per cent. of the retail area currently trading.

   --      Cash deposits of GBP8.5 million at 30 September 2012 (31 March 2012: GBP10.1 million). 

Ian Henderson, Chairman of Ishaan, commented:

"The slow pace of domestic and global economic growth resulted in letting activity at Ishaan's commercial projects remaining subdued during the first six months. In contrast, our construction programme has continued to progress well, with c.8.9 million sq. ft. of commercial and retail space being now complete. c.7.1 million sq. ft. of this space is yielding rental income and we expect an additional c.0.5 million sq. ft. to yield rental income by March 2013.

Portfolio value in Rupee terms remained stable amidst the difficult market conditions, although the value in GBP terms decreased on account of negative movement in the exchange rate.

As previously disclosed, the Board is focused on the disposal of the assets within the Company's portfolio and returning cash to shareholders. In the second half of 2012, the Board appointed a leading global commercial real estate firm to comment on valuation of the Company's assets and to approach potential third party purchasers (Indian and international) of the Company's assets to determine interest both on a whole portfolio basis and in respect of individual assets.

The Board has received preliminary feedback from a number of potential purchasers, which has highlighted the following:

-- While the assets in the portfolio were generally perceived to be of high quality, transaction execution remains challenging in the current environment.

-- The potential exists for a portfolio exit to occur, providing a more immediate cash realisation for shareholders. However, as of today, such an exit is likely to take place at a significant discount to Adjusted Net Asset Value per share.

-- An asset by asset divestment strategy is most likely to maximise proceeds for shareholders. However, the completion of a piecemeal disposal process can be expected to take place over an extended time period.

-- The highest levels of interest shown were in the income generating assets in the portfolio. Limited interest was shown in the longer term development projects at Pocharam and Juinagar.

Initial steps down the disposal route have been made and the Company will update shareholders as and when there is further information to make available. The Board remains committed to pursuing all options to realise cash for shareholders and will look to advance the disposal process in an orderly manner going forward".

(1) Reported NAV per share is not considered the best method of evaluating performance as it excludes valuation surpluses attributable to development properties intended for sale and includes the impact of deferred tax liability on valuation surpluses. Adjusted NAV per share at 30 September 2012 and at 31 March 2012 includes all investments at current valuations in proportion to the Group's shareholdings and a provision for a potential income tax liability in respect of the Vivarea project, but excludes the impact of the deferred tax provision arising on valuation surpluses, on the net assets of the Company and is considered by the Board to be a more appropriate method of evaluating the performance of the Company than Reported NAV per share.

(2) Exchange rate used for the purpose of this statement is 1GBP = 85.71 INR, the Reserve Bank of India reference rate at 28 September 2012. Exchange rate at 30 March 2012 was 1GBP = 81.8 INR and at 30 September 2011 was 1GBP = 76.52 INR.

11 December 2012


 College Hill                          Deutsche Bank AG London (NOMAD) 
  Mike Davies                           Ben Lawrence 
  Direct : +44 207 457 2020             Tel: +44 20 7545 8000 
  Email: mike.davies@collegehill.com    Email: ben.lawrence@db.com 

Chairman's Statement

The profit before tax for the period of GBP3.3 million (2011: loss before tax of GBP3.5 million), reflects the share of post-tax profits of associates and write back of investments in associates partially offset by the cost of investment advisory fees paid / payable to the investment adviser.


The underlying valuation of 100 per cent. interests in the portfolio properties at 30 September 2012, as valued by Cushman & Wakefield (India) Pvt. Limited ('Cushman & Wakefield') at 30 September 2012 increased by 6.2 per cent. to INR 52.5 billion (31 March 2012: INR 49.4 billion). Adjusting for construction expenditure capitalised during the period (which broadly reflects physical progress in construction) the portfolio's value increased by 0.7 per cent.

After conversion to pound Sterling, the 100 per cent. interests in portfolio properties were valued at GBP613 million at 30 September 2012. Ishaan's interest was valued at GBP243 million, with an increase of 0.4 per cent. compared to GBP242 million at 31 March 2012, (a decrease of 3.9 per cent. after adjusting for construction expenditure capitalised during the period). This decrease in pound Sterling valuation in part reflects a 4.6 per cent. decrease in value since 31 March 2012 on account of exchange translation loss (the exchange rate moved from INR 81.8 on 30 March 2012 to INR 85.71 on 28 September 2012).

Net Asset Value

Reported net asset value per share was 69.3p at 30 September 2012 (31 March 2012: 69.0p). Reported net asset value per share is calculated based on the Group's reported net assets at period end divided by the number of shares in issue and excludes valuation surpluses attributable to development properties intended for sale.

Adjusted net asset value per share was 76.9p at 30 September 2012 down 5.0 per cent compared with 80.9p at 31 March 2012. The decline in adjusted net asset value per share reflects the exchange translation loss and reduction in cash deposits with the Company.

The Board considers Adjusted NAV per share to be a more appropriate method of evaluating the performance of the Company than Reported NAV per share, as it includes all investments at current valuations in proportion to the Group's shareholdings in each project as well as a provision for a potential income tax liability on the Vivarea project while excluding deferred tax provisions arising on valuation surpluses for all investment properties.

The Board considers it appropriate to exclude deferred tax provisions arising on valuation surpluses for all investment properties in determining Adjusted NAV per share as the Group's exit from its investment in the Indian SPVs holding the Company's projects is not expected to involve the sale of development properties, which should trigger the crystallisation of the deferred tax provision.

In March 2012 amendments were made to the Indian Income Tax law under which gains on divestment outside India by overseas sellers of shares in Indian companies would be liable to payment of Income Tax in India on such gains. Further, acquirers of such shares should withhold Indian Income Tax from the consideration payable to such overseas sellers. Given the uncertainty of the method by which Ishaan will divest its interest in the Indian SPVs, the values to be realized, and the quantum, if any, of resulting taxable gains, the Board considers it to be premature to include any provision in respect of such Income Tax, in determining the Adjusted NAV per share at this time.

Project Progress

Construction has been completed on an additional c.1.3 million sq. ft., bringing the total area constructed to c.8.9 million sq. ft. An additional area of c.0.7 million sq. ft. has been brought under construction at Mindspace Madhapur, Hyderabad (SEZ). Also, since the period end, work has commenced on the commercial space at Inorbit, Pune. Subsequently the total area constructed and under construction in the portfolio now stands at c.11.7 million sq. ft. excluding hotel and residential development and c.12.7 million sq. ft. including hotel and residential development.

Details of the area constructed or under construction:

                                                                   Area sq. ft. 
 Project                     Area constructed      Area under   Area constructed              Area for   Total planned 
                                          (a)    construction          and under    future development     development 
                                                          (b)       construction                   (d)        (e = c + 
                                                                          (c = a                                    d) 
                                                                            + b) 
 Mindspace, Airoli, Navi 
  Mumbai                            3,191,000       1,038,000          4,229,000               356,000       4,585,000 
 Mindspace, Pocharam                  380,000               -            380,000             1,690,000       2,070,000 
 Mindspace, Madhapur (SEZ)          2,017,000       1,463,000          3,480,000             1,336,000       4,816,000 
 Mindspace, Madhapur 
  (non-SEZ)                         1,714,000               -          1,714,000                     -       1,714,000 
 Inorbit, Hyderabad                   780,000               -            780,000               322,000       1,102,000 
 Inorbit, Pune *                      546,000          98,000            644,000                     -         644,000 
 Commerzone, Bangalore 
  **                                  271,000         175,000            446,000                65,000         511,000 
 Mindspace, Juinagar, 
  Navi Mumbai                               -               -                  -             2,250,000       2,250,000 
 Sub-Total                          8,899,000       2,774,000         11,673,000             6,019,000      17,692,000 
 Commerzone, Bangalore 
  ***                                       -         360,000            360,000                     -         360,000 
 Vivarea, Mumbai                            -         620,000            620,000               240,000         860,000 
 Total                              8,899,000       3,754,000         12,653,000             6,259,000      18,912,000 

Areas reported above are chargeable / saleable areas.

Minor revision has been carried out to the area constructed or under construction at some of the above projects to reflect the actual developed area of the completed buildings or buildings nearing completion.

* Area under construction comprises commercial space.

**Area under construction comprises commercial space and future development comprises multiplex space.

*** Area under construction comprises hotel development.

Since the preliminary results announcement on 21 June 2012, net addition of c.186,000 sq. ft. (including c.38,000 sq. ft. previously under option) have been made to the area let or under terms agreed across the following projects in the portfolio:

   --      c.108,000 sq. ft. at Mindspace, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 
   --      c.42,000 sq. ft. at Mindspace, Madhapur, Hyderabad SEZ 
   --      c.30,000 sq. ft. at Mindspace, Madhapur, Hyderabad Non- SEZ 
   --      c.8,000 sq. ft. at Inorbit Malls, Hyderabad, Pune and Bangalore 
   --      c.2,000 sq. ft. reduction in lettings at Mindspace, Pocharam, Hyderabad 

With this, the total area let or under terms agreed in the portfolio has increased to c.8.9 million sq. ft., representing c.77 per cent. of the lettable area constructed or under construction and c.51 per cent. of the aggregate lettable area of the portfolio.

Options over c.34,000 sq. ft. have been given up by the tenants. The aggregate area under option now stands at c.702,000 sq. ft. which is in addition to the area let or terms agreed.

At 30 September 2012, revenue is being received on c.7.1 million sq. ft. of the portfolio. Rent of c.GBP17 million has been generated from these lettings in the six months ended 30 September 2012, being used primarily to repay principal and interest on borrowings. Annualised rent from this area is estimated at c.GBP37 million, and a further c.0.5 million sq. ft. is expected to become income producing by March 2013.

Updated levels of letting activity in the Company's portfolio are as follows:

                                                               Area sq. ft. 
 Project                   Area let       Terms    Aggregate            Lettable       % of area   Area yielding 
                                (a)      agreed         area    area constructed     constructed         rent as 
                                            (b)    (Area let            or under        or under       at 30 Sep 
                                                     & Terms        construction    construction              12 
                                                   (c)=(a+b)                 (d)         (c)/(d) 
 Mindspace, Airoli, 
  Navi Mumbai             2,535,000     893,000    3,428,000           4,229,000             81%       2,507,000 
 Mindspace, Pocharam        160,000           -      160,000             380,000             42%         160,000 
 Mindspace, Madhapur 
  (SEZ)                   1,707,000     590,000    2,297,000           3,480,000             66%       1,447,000 
 Mindspace, Madhapur 
  (non-SEZ)               1,691,000           -    1,691,000           1,714,000             99%       1,672,000 
 Inorbit, Hyderabad         706,000           -      706,000             780,000            *91%         687,000 
 Inorbit, Pune              493,000           -      493,000           **644,000            *90%         483,000 
 Commerzone, Bangalore      159,000       5,000      164,000           **446,000            *61%         150,000 
 Total                    7,451,000   1,488,000    8,939,000          11,673,000             77%       7,106,000 

* Figures are for the retail space at the respective projects; ** Includes commercial space at the project

In addition to the above area let or under terms agreed, c.702,000 sq. ft. is under option / ROFRs. These options / ROFRs are due to be exercised over the next 1-2 years.

 Project                      Area under 
                             option / ROFR 
                               (sq. ft.) 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 Mindspace, Airoli, Navi 
  Mumbai                       247,000 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 Mindspace, Pocharam           216,000 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 Mindspace, Madhapur 
  (SEZ)                        239,000 
-------------------------  --------------- 
 TOTAL                         702,000 
-------------------------  --------------- 

Since the preliminary results announcement on 21 June 2012, an additional c.16,000 sq. ft. of residential space has been pre-sold at Vivarea, Mumbai. As a result, a total of c.561,000 sq. ft. has been pre-sold at this project at an average price higher than that estimated at the time of IPO. The area pre-sold represents c.90 per cent. of the saleable residential area currently under construction. Estimated completion of the fourth tower at this project has been extended by a year to Q3 2016 on account of a delay in receipt of approvals, some of which are still outstanding.

Inorbit Mall at Whitefield, Bangalore was launched in August 2012 with c.55 per cent. of the mall area currently trading. Though the demand supply situation in this micro market remains challenging, the Company is hopeful of achieving additional lettings by the end of the year.

Letting activity at the commercial projects moderated during the period owing to the slowdown in expansion plans of many IT/ITES companies in view of sluggish economic conditions in India. Rentals remained stable or increased marginally at some of the commercial projects in the portfolio.

During the period, the decision was taken to merge certain of the Mauritian subsidiaries owned by I Holding Company (Mauritius) Ltd. In consequence, it is expected that changes will also need to be made to certain aspects of the Investment Advisory Agreement to reflect this simplified Group structure and to ensure consistency of the Investment Advisory Agreement with the terms as set out at the time of IPO.

Final resolution of dispute between K Raheja Corp and APIIC

As previously announced on 20 September 2011, with a view to maintaining a harmonious relationship with APIIC and the Government of Andhra Pradesh and in the interests of the projects involved, K Raheja IT Park Pvt Ltd (the 'JV Company'), the entity set-up by K Raheja Corp to develop IT Parks in Hyderabad, had offered to restore APIIC's stake in the JV Company to 11 per cent. for nominal consideration. This also required Intime Properties Private Limited ('Intime) and Sundew Properties Private Limited ('Sundew') (investee companies of Ishaan), which were demerged from the JV Company in March 2007, to offer to APIIC restoration of APIIC's stake in Intime and Sundew to 11 per cent. The restoration proposal was unanimously passed by the boards of Intime and Sundew with the participation of the APIIC nominee director.

Consequently, restoration of APIIC's stake in Intime and Sundew has been effected through a transfer of shares owned in Intime and Sundew by K Raheja Corp Group and an issue of new shares to APIIC by Intime and Sundew. The issue of new shares and transfer of shares have resulted in the dilution of Ishaan's equity interest in Intime and Sundew from 40 per cent. to 38.98 per cent., as previously disclosed. The impact of this dilution on Ishaan's Net Asset Value per share at 30 September 2012 is c.0.5p or 0.7% of Adjusted NAV per share of 76.9p.

Additionally, in 2011, a private action was brought by an advocate in the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Court at Hyderabad alleging corruption by Mr. Neel Raheja and an employee of K Raheja Corp in connection with the dilution of APIIC's shareholding in the JV Company at the time of the equity issue by the JV Company in 2005. The ACB enquiry is now underway. Mr. Raheja, on advice, maintains that the allegations are without foundation and there was no corruption on his part or on the part of the K Raheja Corp employee in connection with the 2005 equity issue by the JV Company.

Project Update:

Mindspace, Airoli, Navi Mumbai

Since the preliminary results announcement on 21 June 2012, net additions of c.108,000 sq. ft. have been made to area let or terms agreed. As a result, c.3.4 million sq. ft., representing c.81 per cent of the area constructed or currently under construction, has been let or has had terms agreed. A further c.247,000 sq. ft. is under option/ROFR at this project. As at 30 September 2012, rent has commenced from c.2,507,000 sq. ft. of space.

Eight buildings, with an aggregate area of c.3.2 million sq. ft., are currently operational. Another three buildings with an aggregate area of c.1.0 million sq. ft. are under construction with finishes in progress at one of the three buildings and super structure work in progress on the other two buildings.

Mindspace, Pocharam, Hyderabad

One building at this project is completed. Super structure work is partly complete on a second building and further construction is currently on hold. The area let at this project stands at c. 160,000 sq. ft. Another 216,000 sq. ft. is under options.

Mindspace, Madhapur, Hyderabad (SEZ Development)

Since the preliminary results announcement on 21 June 2012, net addition of c.42,000 sq. ft. has been made to area let or with terms agreed. As a result, the aggregate area let or with terms agreed is now c.2.3 million sq. ft. representing c.66 per cent. of the area constructed or currently under construction at this project. As at 30 September 2012, rent has commenced from an area of c. 1,447,000sq. ft.

Options over c.34,000 sq. ft. have been given up by the prospective tenants since 21 June 2012. The total area under options at this project is now c.239,000 sq. ft.

Three buildings at the project are operational, while super structure work is on-going on one building and foundation work is in progress on another building. Delayed receipt of approvals has caused extension of the estimated project completion by a year from Q3 2015 to Q3 2016.

Mindspace, Madhapur, Hyderabad (Non-SEZ Development)

All three buildings at this project are completed and operational. Aggregate area let is c.1.69 million sq. ft., representing c.99 per cent of the project area. As at 30 September 2012, rent has commenced from an area of c.1.67 million sq. ft.

Inorbit, Madhapur, Hyderabad

Since its launch in October 2009 the mall has continued to trade well. c.91 per cent of the retail space is currently let and c.88 per cent of the space is currently trading. As at 30 September 2012, rent had commenced on c.687,000 sq. ft. The planned IT development at this project is currently on hold.

Inorbit, Pune

Aggregate area let or terms agreed at this project stands at c. 493,000 sq. ft., representing c.90 per cent. of the retail space. c.88 per cent of the retail area is currently trading. As on 30 September 2012, rent had commenced on c. 483,000 sq. ft. Construction has commenced on the planned IT development of c.98,000 sq. ft.

Vivarea, Mumbai

Interiors and finishes work is in progress on the three towers and is due to be completed by March 2013. Estimated completion of the fourth tower (which we are obligated to deliver) has been delayed by a year to Q3 2016 on account of a delay in receipt of planning approvals, some of which are still awaited. c.561,000 sq. ft. has been pre-sold at this project, representing c.90 per cent of the saleable area currently under construction.

Commerzone Bangalore

The mall was launched in August 2012 and the aggregate retail area let or terms agreed at this project stands at c.164,000 sq. ft., representing c.61 per cent of the completed retail space.

Construction cost of the hotel has increased by INR 360 million due to delay in the hotel completion, inflation, rupee depreciation and enhancement of certain amenities and safety measures. Interior and finishes work is in progress at the hotel site and the hotel is planned to be operational by Q1 2013.

Mindspace, Juinagar, Navi Mumbai

The project is a c.2.25 million sq. ft. SEZ development. Foundation work has been completed on three buildings. Further construction is on hold. Construction will commence when the company is confident of potential demand for the development.

Cost & Financing

Currently, an area of c.12.0 million sq. ft. (excluding Vivarea) is constructed or under construction. The Indian SPVs remain well funded to meet the development requirements of this area. Against the revised estimated cost of c.INR 39.5 billion (c.GBP461 million), which includes the increase in cost at Commerzone, Whitefield Bangalore, the Indian SPVs have secured funding of c.INR 38.4 billion (c.GBP448 million) comprising:

   --    shareholders' equity of c.INR 4.2 billion (c.GBP49 million), 
   --    debt facilities of c.INR 31.7 billion (c.GBP370 million) and 

-- security deposits received/receivable on areas let or terms agreed of c.INR 2.5 billion (c.GBP29 million).

Of the above estimated project costs for the area currently under development, c.INR 32.6 billion (c.GBP380 million) has been incurred up-to 30 September 2012. The Indian SPVs had drawndown debt of c.INR 25.7 billion (c.GBP299 million) at 30 September 2012, with unutilised facilities of c.INR 6.0 billion (c.GBP71 million). In addition, c.90 per cent. of the saleable residential space currently under construction at Vivarea is pre-sold, which will fund the cost of construction of this project.

The debt facility of c.INR 31.7 billion (c.GBP370 million) includes debt of c.INR 23.4 billion (c.GBP273 million) in the form of long term amortizing loans, with an average maturity of about 9.5 years. The balance debt of c.INR 8.3 billion (c.GBP97 million) is other construction debt, with an average maturity of about 3.5 years.

  Debt Maturity Profile                       INR  GBP mn 
=========================================  ======  ====== 
  Long term amortizing loans                 23.4   273 
=========================================  ======  ====== 
  Other Construction debt (Nil repayable 
   before March 2013)                         8.3    97 
=========================================  ======  ====== 
  TOTAL                                      31.7   370 
=========================================  ======  ====== 

Having largely secured funding for the area currently under development, the Company is confident of meeting its future development requirements through further debt financing.

Construction debt and long term amortising loans have largely been obtained from domestic and foreign banks. Average tenure of construction debt is generally around 3-4 years with refinancing on construction completion to Lease Rent Discounting (LRD) loans with tenure around 9-10 years. The current interest rates on the funding secured by the Indian SPVs are c.12-13 per cent. p.a. Aggregate bank debt drawn to portfolio value is c.49 per cent.


In accordance with the dividend policy set out in the IPO admission document, which stated that it was not anticipated that dividends would be paid in the foreseeable future, as the projects remain in a highly capital intensive stage, the Board is not declaring a dividend for the six months ended 30 September 2012. The Board will consider payment of dividends when it becomes commercially prudent to do so.


Economic activity in India remains sluggish with the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in India for September 2012 reducing by 0.4 per cent. year on year. Inflation for October 2012 remained high at 7.45 per cent. Recently, the Government of India announced a series of measures to revive long term economic growth and reduce fiscal deficit. These included opening up of the retail sector for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by allowing up to 51 per cent. FDI in multi brand retailing and 100 per cent. FDI in single brand retailing, allowing FDI in the aviation business, a divestment plan for Public Sector Undertakings and an increase in the price of subsidized fuel amongst other measures. Growth and inflationary pressures are however expected to continue in the near term.

In order to manage liquidity and support growth, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its monetary policy review in September 2012 and again in October 2012 reduced Cash Reserve Ratio by 25 bps each time to 4.25 per cent., injecting c.INR 340 billion of liquidity into the Indian financial system. However, with inflation continually above the RBI's target level, the RBI kept the policy rates i.e. repo and reverse repo rates unchanged at 8 per cent. and 7 per cent. respectively.

Demand for commercial space remained subdued due to the slowdown in economic activity both globally and domestically. Improvement in demand for commercial space will be driven by the recovery of domestic and international markets. Residential volumes in Mumbai were muted on the back of high property prices and weakening affordability. While demand for high quality retail real estate was stable, increased costs and slowdown in consumption have put pressure on the rentals that retailers are willing to pay. Rentals are expected to remain under pressure in the near term.

Realisation of Cash

As previously disclosed, the Board is focused on the disposal of the assets within the Company's portfolio and returning cash to shareholders. In the second half of 2012, the Board appointed a leading global commercial real estate firm to comment on valuation of the Company's assets and to approach potential third party purchasers (Indian and international) of the Company's assets to determine interest both on a whole portfolio basis and in respect of individual assets.

The Board has received preliminary feedback from a number of potential purchasers, which has highlighted the following:

-- While the assets in the portfolio were generally perceived to be of high quality, transaction execution remains challenging in the current environment.

-- The potential exists for a portfolio exit to occur, providing a more immediate cash realisation for shareholders. However, as of today, such an exit is likely to take place at a significant discount to Adjusted Net Asset Value per share.

-- An asset by asset divestment strategy is most likely to maximise proceeds for shareholders. However, the completion of a piecemeal disposal process can be expected to take place over an extended time period.

-- The highest levels of interest shown were in the income generating assets in the portfolio. Limited interest was shown in the longer term development projects at Pocharam and Juinagar.

Initial steps down the disposal route have been made and the Company will update shareholders as and when there is further information to make available. The Board remains committed to pursuing all options to realise cash for shareholders and will look to advance the disposal process in an orderly manner going forward.

Ian Henderson


Review report by KPMG Audit LLC to Ishaan Real Estate plc


We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 September 2012, which comprises the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of financial position, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated statement of cash flows and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly report in accordance with the AIM Rules.

As disclosed in note 2 the annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half yearly report have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

The accounting policies that have been adopted in preparing the condensed set of financial statements are consistent with those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2012.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 September 2012 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 and the AIM Rules.


Chartered Accountants


Isle of Man

10 December 2012

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                                     Unaudited                   Unaudited                     Audited 
                                       From 1 April 2012 to 30     From 1 April 2011 to 30     From 1 April 2011 to 31 
                                                September 2012              September 2011                  March 2012 
                             Notes                    GBP000's                    GBP000's                    GBP000's 
                                    --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Administrative expenses       4                       (1,725)                     (1,913)                     (3,637) 
 Share of post tax profit 
  / (losses) of associates     6                         2,405                       (994)                       (847) 
 Write-back / (write-down) 
  of investments in 
  associates net of 
  investment adviser 
  fees                         5                         2,578                       (664)                       3,138 
                                    --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Group operating profit / 
  (loss) from continuing 
  operations                                             3,258                     (3,571)                     (1,346) 
 Net finance income                                         52                          58                         116 
                                    --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Profit /(loss) from 
  continuing operations 
  before tax                                             3,310                     (3,513)                     (1,230) 
 Taxation                                                    -                           -                           - 
                                    --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Profit / (loss) for the 
  period from continuing 
  operations                                             3,310                     (3,513)                     (1,230) 
                                    ==========================  ==========================  ========================== 
 Other comprehensive 
 (loss)/ income 
 Translation reserve - 
  associates                   6                       (2,882)                     (4,378)                     (8,856) 
                                    --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Other comprehensive 
  (loss) for the period                                (2,882)                     (4,378)                     (8,856) 
                                    ==========================  ==========================  ========================== 
 Total comprehensive 
  profit / (loss) for the 
  period attributable to 
  equity holders of parent                                 428                     (7,891)                    (10,086) 
                                    ==========================  ==========================  ========================== 
 Basic and diluted 
 earnings / (loss) per 
 share attributable to the 
 equity holders of the 
 during the period 
 (expressed as pence per 
 Basic earnings / (loss) 
  per share                    8                          2.27                      (2.41)                      (0.84) 
 Diluted earnings / (loss) 
  per share                    8                          2.27                      (2.41)                      (0.84) 

The attached notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 30 September 2012

                                             Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
                                          30 September    30 September    31 March 
                                                  2012            2011        2012 
                                 Notes        GBP000's        GBP000's    GBP000's 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment in associates          6            94,399          94,090      92,555 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
                                                94,399          94,090      92,555 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                        64              91          95 
 Cash and short term 
  deposits                                       8,543          11,783      10,139 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
                                                 8,607          11,874      10,234 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                  103,006         105,964     102,789 
                                        ==============  ==============  ========== 
 Equity attributable 
  to shareholders of the 
  parent company 
 Share capital                     7             1,459           1,457       1,458 
 Share capital redemption 
  reserve                                          622             622         622 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                                      (8,950)         (1,590)     (6,068) 
 Retained profits                              107,927         102,236     104,568 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total equity                                  101,058         102,725     100,580 
                                        --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                          801             829         805 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Financial liabilities                           1,147           2,410       1,404 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                  103,006         105,964     102,789 
                                        ==============  ==============  ========== 

The attached notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                                  Unaudited          Unaudited 
                                               From 1 April       From 1 April             Audited 
                                                 2012 to 30         2011 to 30        From 1 April 
                                                  September          September          2011 to 31 
                                                       2012               2011          March 2012 
                                                   GBP000's           GBP000's            GBP000's 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Profit / (loss) before tax 
  from continuing operations                          3,310            (3,513)             (1,230) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Interest income                                       (52)               (58)               (116) 
 Share of post tax (profits) 
  / losses of associates                            (2,405)                994                 847 
 Grant of directors' annual 
  share options                                          50                 50                 100 
 (Write-back) / write-down 
  of investments in associates 
  net of investment adviser 
  performance fee                                   (2,578)                664             (3,138) 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Operating loss before working 
  capital changes                                   (1,675)            (1,863)             (3,537) 
 Decrease in trade and other 
  receivables                                            31                 38                  34 
 Decrease in trade and other 
  payables                                              (4)               (45)                (69) 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                        (1,648)            (1,870)             (3,572) 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Interest received                                       52                 58                 116 
 Net cash flows generated 
  from investing activities                              52                 58                 116 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash flows used in financing                         - 
  activities                                                                 -                   - 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net movements in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                  (1,596)            (1,812)             (3,456) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of period                         10,139             13,595              13,595 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the period                            8,543             11,783              10,139 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Represented by: 
 Cash and short term deposits                         8,543             11,783              10,139 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                      8,543             11,783              10,139 
                                    -----------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 

The attached notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months ended 30 September 2012

                        Share capital         Share Capital   Retained earnings /      Foreign currency   Total equity 
                                         Redemption Reserve              (losses)   translation reserve 
                             GBP000's              GBP000's              GBP000's              GBP000's       GBP000's 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Balance at 1 April 
  2011                          1,457                   622               105,699                 2,788        110,566 
 Total comprehensive 
 loss for the period 
 Loss for the period                -                     -               (3,513)                     -        (3,513) 
 Other comprehensive 
 Foreign currency 
  translation reserve 
  - associates                      -                     -                     -               (4,378)        (4,378) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total other 
  comprehensive loss                -                     -                     -               (4,378)        (4,378) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period               -                     -               (3,513)               (4,378)        (7,891) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Transactions with 
 owners, recorded 
 directly in equity 
 (Contributions by 
 and distributions 
 to owners) 
 Issue of shares                    -                     -                     -                     -              - 
 under directors' 
 annual options 
 Grant of directors' 
  annual share 
  options                           -                     -                    50                     -             50 
 Total transaction 
  with owners                       -                     -                    50                     -             50 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Balance at 30 
  September 2011                1,457                   622               102,236               (1,590)        102,725 
 Total comprehensive 
 loss for the period 
 Loss for the period                -                     -                 2,283                     -          2,283 
 Other comprehensive 
 Foreign currency 
  translation reserve 
  - associates                      -                     -                     -               (4,478)        (4,478) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total other 
  comprehensive loss                -                     -                     -               (4,478)        (4,478) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  (loss)/ income for 
  the period                        -                     -                 2,283               (4,478)        (2,195) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 

The attached notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (continued)

For the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                              Share Capital   Retained earnings /      Foreign currency 
                        Share capital    Redemption Reserve              (losses)   translation reserve   Total equity 
                             GBP000's              GBP000's              GBP000's              GBP000's       GBP000's 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Transactions with 
 owners, recorded 
 directly in equity 
 (Contributions by 
 and distributions 
 to owners) 
 Issue of shares 
  under directors' 
  annual options                    1                     -                   (1)                     -              - 
 Grant of directors' 
  annual share 
  options                           -                     -                    50                     -             50 
 Total transaction 
  with owners                       1                     -                    49                     -             50 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Balance at 31 March 
  2012                          1,458                   622               104,568               (6,068)        100,580 
 Total comprehensive 
 loss for the period 
 Profit for the 
  period                            -                     -                 3,310                     -          3,310 
 Other comprehensive 
 Foreign currency 
  translation reserve 
  - associates                      -                     -                     -               (2,882)        (2,882) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total other 
  comprehensive loss                -                     -                     -               (2,882)        (2,882) 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  profit / (loss) for 
  the period                        -                     -                 3,310               (2,882)            428 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Transactions with 
 owners, recorded 
 directly in equity 
 (Contributions by 
 and distributions 
 to owners) 
 Issue of shares 
  under directors' 
  annual options                    1                     -                   (1)                     -              - 
 Grant of directors' 
  annual share 
  options                           -                     -                    50                     -             50 
 Total transaction 
  with owners                       1                     -                    49                     -             50 
                       --------------  --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ------------- 
 Balance at 30 
  September 2012                1,459                   622               107,927               (8,950)        101,058 

The attached notes 1 to 10 form an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


   1    The Company 

The Company was incorporated in the Isle of Man on 11 August 2006 as a public company under the Isle of Man Companies Acts 1931 to 2004 with registered number 117470C. The Company's Ordinary Shares are traded on AIM.

The principal activity of the Company and its subsidiaries is that of investment holding.

The consolidated financial statements of Ishaan Real Estate plc comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group").

This interim financial information for the period ended 30 September 2012 is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Acts 1931 to 2004.

The statutory accounts for the period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 which were prepared in accordance with International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been filed and copies can be obtained from the Registered Office of the Company at Top Floor, 14 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified. This unaudited interim financial information includes the results of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries for the period under review.

   2    Significant Accounting Policies 

(a) Basis of accounting

The condensed financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention except for investment properties that have been measured at fair value.

(b) Basis of preparation

The condensed financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies that are consistent with those followed in preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012, and in accordance with International Accounting Standards ("IAS") 34: Interim Financial Reporting. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in pounds sterling.

(c) Other financial liabilities - Investment adviser performance fees

The provision for performance fees payable to the Investment Adviser represents the Directors' estimate of the present value of the future cash flows payable, discounted using the Directors' estimate of the risk adjusted value of money. These fees are considered to be directly attributable to the acquisition by the Group of its investment in its associates and the amount provided has been included in the cost of the Group's investment in associates. Subsequent to the date of acquisitions, revisions to these provisions are charged to the profit or loss.

(d) Investment property

The Group adopted Amendment to IAS 40 Investment property that amended the definition of investment property to include property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property.

Land and buildings owned by the Group for the purposes of generating rental income or capital appreciation or both and property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property (which includes freehold/leasehold land) are classified as investment properties.

Investment properties are initially measured at cost, including related transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, investment properties are accounted for using the fair value model under IAS 40. Any gain or loss arising from a change in value is recognized in profit or loss.

When an item of property, plant and equipment is transferred to investment property following a change in its use, any differences arising at the date of transfer between the carrying amount of the item immediately prior to transfer and its fair value is recognized in other comprehensive income if it is a gain. Upon disposal of the item, the gain is transferred directly to retained earnings to the extent of the revaluation surplus recognized in other comprehensive income. Any loss arising in this manner is recognized in profit or loss immediately.

If the investment property becomes owner-occupied, it is reclassified as property, plant and equipment and its fair value at the date of reclassification becomes its deemed cost for subsequent accounting.

   3    Segment Reporting 

The Directors consider the Group to be operating in one geographic segment and one business segment since all investments are in India and all the operations in India are concerned with property development. Consequently no segmental disclosures have been presented.

   4    Administrative expenses 
                                                 Unaudited                     Unaudited                       Audited 
                                   From 1 April 2012 to 30       From 1 April 2011 to 30       From 1 April 2011 to 31 
                                            September 2012                September 2011                    March 2012 
                                                  GBP000's                      GBP000's                      GBP000's 
                              ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Directors' fees and 
  expenses                                              78                            81                           159 
 Secretarial and 
  administration                                        62                            58                           110 
 Audit fees                                             39                            37                            85 
 Investment adviser fees                             1,320                         1,520                         2,840 
 Other professional fees                               114                           110                           244 
 Other expenses                                         62                            57                            99 
 Grant of Directors' annual 
  share options                                         50                            50                           100 
                              ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                     1,725                         1,913                         3,637 
                              ============================  ============================  ============================ 
   5    Write-down of investments in associates 

The Group writes-down its investments in associates, including the cost of performance fees payable, to its share of net assets in respect of those associates holding investment properties which were stated at valuation. The investment in one of the associates, which holds properties held for sale, was not written down and is stated at cost plus share of profits/losses and cost of performance fees payable.

                                                                       Unaudited            Unaudited          Audited 
                                                               30 September 2012    30 September 2011    31 March 2012 
                                                                        GBP000's             GBP000's         GBP000's 
                                                             -------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Write-back / (write-down) of investments to share of net 
  assets in associates                                                     2,321              (1,265)            1,531 
 Investment adviser performance fees                                         257                  601            1,607 
                                                             -------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
                                                                           2,578                (664)            3,138 
                                                             ===================  ===================  =============== 
   6    Investments in associates 
                                                                       Unaudited            Unaudited          Audited 
                                                               30 September 2012    30 September 2011    31 March 2012 
                                                                        GBP000's             GBP000's         GBP000's 
                                                    ----------------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at the beginning of the period                                   92,555              100,727          100,727 
 Share of post tax profit / (losses) of associates                         2,405                (994)            (847) 
 Write-back / (write-down) of investments to share 
  of net assets in associates*                                             2,321              (1,265)            1,531 
 Foreign currency translation                                            (2,882)              (4,378)          (8,856) 
                                                    ----------------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at the end of the period                                         94,399               94,090           92,555 
                                                    ============================  ===================  =============== 
   6    Investments in associates (continued) 

*As detailed in note 5, the Group wrote-back/wrote-down its investments in associates except for one associate which holds properties held for sale. Had the fair value gains on the properties in this associate been recorded in the books, the investment in associate would have been higher by GBP 1.535 million (31 March 2012: GBP 7.114 million).

Properties held by the associates have been valued by Cushman & Wakefield (India) Pvt. Limited at 30 September 2012. All the properties were valued on the basis of market value. The valuations have been made in accordance with the appropriate sections of both the current Practice Statements and United Kingdom Practice Statements contained within the RICS Appraisal and Valuation Standards, 6(th) Edition (the "Red Book"). For development projects, the valuation assumes completion to a high standard and is based on gross development value less future expenditure to be incurred on costs of development.

Summarised financial information extracted from the interim financial statements of associates for six month period ended 30 September 2012 is given below:

                              Genext      Trion     Serene      Magna     Sundew     Intime   Newfound 
                            GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Share of the associates 
  balance sheet: 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total assets                 62,008     36,846     68,701     22,979     43,209     32,644      9,291 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total liabilities            47,964     26,599     55,821     21,770     32,263     19,016      3,994 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Share of the associates 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total revenue                15,019      2,814      3,495        125      1,531      1,984          - 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the period (excluding 
  movements in valuation 
  of properties)               5,323       (73)      (181)    (2,358)      (395)        274      (185) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the period (excluding 
  depreciation and 
  movements in valuation 
  of properties)               5,323        285        307    (2,246)      (128)        698      (185) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Summarised financial information extracted from the interim financial statements of associates for six month period ended 30 September 2011 is given below:

                              Genext      Trion     Serene      Magna     Sundew     Intime   Newfound 
                            GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Share of the associates 
  balance sheet: 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total assets                 70,545     39,881     63,433     17,874     43,882     35,399     10,391 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total liabilities            61,713     30,276     49,402     16,269     29,334     22,429      4,040 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Share of the associates 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total revenue                   375      3,220      2,777          -        963      2,295          - 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the period (excluding 
  movements in valuation 
  of properties)               1,427      (217)      (547)      (332)      (458)      (677)      (190) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the period (excluding 
  depreciation and 
  movements in valuation 
  of properties)               1,427        192      (267)      (332)      (258)        906      (190) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
   6    Investments in associates (continued) 

Details of the investments in associates are as follows:

                                                                            % Holding   % Holding 
                                            Country of        Type of    30 September    31 March 
                    Investee company     Incorporation         Shares            2012        2012 
------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Trion Properties Private 
  Limited                                   India           Equity           40%           40% 
                               Preference                                    100%          100% 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Serene Properties Private 
  Limited                                   India           Equity           40%           40% 
                               Preference                                    100%          100% 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Magna Warehousing and Distribution 
  Private Limited                           India           Equity           40%           40% 
                               Preference                                    100%          100% 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Genext Hardware and Parks 
  Private Limited                           India           Equity           40%           40% 
------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Sundew Properties Private 
  Limited*                                  India           Equity         38.98%          40% 
------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Intime Properties Private 
  Limited**                                 India           Equity         38.98%          40% 
------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Newfound Properties and 
  Leasing Private Limited                   India           Equity           40%           40% 
------------------------------------  ----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------- 

The principal activity of all associates is real estate development.

* On 26 September 2012, the Board of Sundew Properties Private Limited ("Sundew") allotted additional 28,711 equity shares each of INR 10 for cash at par to Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd ("APIIC") for restoration of 11% equity stake of APIIC in Sundew. Consequently, restoration of APIIC's stake in Sundew has been effected through a transfer of shares owned in Sundew by K Raheja Corp Group and an issue of new shares to APIIC by Sundew. The issue of new shares and transfer of shares has resulted in the dilution of Ishaan's equity interest in Sundew from 40% to 38.98%.

** On 26 September 2012, the Board of Intime Properties Private Limited ("Intime") allotted additional 34,490 equity shares each of INR 10 for cash at par to Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd ("APIIC") for restoration of 11% equity stake of APIIC in Intime. Consequently, restoration of APIIC's stake in Intime has been effected through a transfer of shares owned in Intime by K Raheja Corp Group and an issue of new shares to APIIC by Intime. The issue of new shares and transfer of shares has resulted in the dilution of Ishaan's equity interest in Intime from 40% to 38.98%.

   7    Share capital 
                                  Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited 
                               30 September    30 September      31 March 
                                       2012            2011          2012 
                             --------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  of GBP0.01 each               400,000,000     400,000,000   400,000,000 
 Share Capital (GBP 000's)            4,000           4,000         4,000 
 Allotted, called up and 
  fully paid: 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  of GBP0.01 each               145,854,133     145,681,721   145,801,158 
 Share Capital (GBP 000's)            1,459           1,457         1,458 
   8    Earnings per share 

Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share

Basic earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

   8    Earnings per share (continued) 

Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share (continued)

Diluted earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equitable holders of the parent by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the period, plus the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential Ordinary Shares into Ordinary Shares.

                                              Unaudited       Unaudited                Audited 
                                           30 September    30 September               31 March 
                                                   2012            2011                   2012 
                                -----------------------  --------------  --------------------- 
 Profit / (loss) attributable 
  to equity holders of the 
  company (GBP'000)                               3,310         (3,513)                (1,230) 
 Weighted average of number 
  of ordinary shares in 
  issue (thousands)                             145,839         145,682                145,684 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares in 
  issue (diluted) (thousands)                   145,839         145,682                145,684 
 Basic earnings /(loss) 
  per share (pence)                                2.27          (2.41)                 (0.84) 
                                =======================  ==============  ===================== 
 Diluted earnings/(loss) 
  per share (pence)                                2.27          (2.41)                 (0.84) 
                                =======================  ==============  ===================== 
   9    Related party transactions 

Investment Adviser Fees

The Investment Adviser is entitled to a performance fee in respect of each Mauritian SPV which is designed to encourage the Investment Adviser to seek the highest returns on the underlying projects. Pursuant to the performance fee arrangements, if the Mauritian SPVs achieve an SPV level IRR in respect of the partial or total realisation of an investment in excess of 10 per cent, then the Investment Adviser will be entitled to a performance fee of 20 per cent of the realised proceeds which exceeds the proceeds required to achieve a 10 per cent SPV level IRR (with such participation increasing to 30 per cent for that portion of the realised proceeds from an investment which exceeds the proceeds required to achieve a 20 per cent SPV level IRR). The fair value of the total performance fee payable to the Investment Adviser at 30 September 2012 is GBP1.147 million (31 March 2012: GBP1.404 million).

In addition, the annual base fee paid to the Investment Adviser for the period in accordance with the terms of the agreement is GBP1,320,450 (for the period ended 30 September 2011: GBP1,519,800). The annual base fee is calculated on a quarterly basis based on the agreed formula of 2% on committed capital less an allowance of GBP150,000 per annum pro-rated per quarter. Since October 2011, the annual base fee has been revised from 2% to 1.75% on committed capital less an allowance of GBP150,000 per annum pro-rated per quarter.

Directors' Interests

Neel Raheja is a shareholder and director of various K Raheja Corp entities. These entities include the Indian Investment Vehicles, which are 40% owned by the Company and K Raheja Corporate Services Private Limited which is contracted to provide services to the Indian Investment Vehicles.

The amount charged to the Indian Investment Vehicles by K Raheja Corporate Services Private Limited during the period towards project support service and royalty was GBP0.616 million (September 2011: GBP0.787 million) and other amounts paid to other K Raheja Corp entities were GBP 1.053 million (30 September 2011: GBP0.567 million).

The amount received by the Indian Investment Vehicles from K Raheja Corp entities towards income from lease rentals and other recoveries was GBP2.050 million (30 September 2011: GBP1.941).

As at 30 September 2012, the amounts of loan receivable by associate companies from K Raheja Corp entities totaled GBP72.661 million (31 March 2012: GBP76.110 million). The loans were interest bearing and as at 30 September 2012 interest owing totaled GBP4.799 million (31 March 2012: GBP7.857 million). In addition, as at 30 September 2012, the associate companies had loan balances owing to K Raheja Corp entities of GBP38.671 million (31 March 2012 of GBP37.292 million) and interest payable in relation to these loans of GBP2.154 million (31 March 2012: GBP2.751 million).

   9    Related party transactions (continued) 

The amount paid to K Raheja Corp Private Limited during the period was GBP1.841 million (September 2011: GBP1.724 million) towards deferred consideration for transfer of development rights for a project developed by one of the Indian Investment Vehicles.

Neel Raheja indirectly co-owns the Investment Adviser - Neerav Investment Advisory Services (Dubai) Limited. As at 30 September 2012, Neerav Investment Advisory Services (Cyprus) Private Limited, the parent company of the investment adviser, held 7,493,811 shares of the Company (31 March 2012: 7,493,811 shares).

10. Comparatives

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation adopted in these consolidated financial statement

This information is provided by RNS

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