RNS Number : 8130K

Prime Active Capital PLC

27 June 2014

Prime Active Capital plc

Annual Results

Year ended 31 December 2013


After an encouraging start to 2013 the overall performance of the Group was hampered significantly by a change in our main customer Verizon's approach to its upgrade policy in the latter part of the year. Verizon's decision to align itself with their competitors and strictly adhere to a 24-month upgrade resulted in over 4000 unit sales being taken out of our channel in the period September to December 2013. All agents were affected and as a result the customary strong close to the financial year did not materialise.

The full year impact of this on the company saw annual revenue decrease by 1.5% however on a constant currency basis revenues were up 1.8%. Gross profit for the period was up by 12% to EUR12.942 million. This was through a combination of improved gross profit per unit sold and the introduction of new business lines. At an operating level the US companies delivered a loss of EUR0.172 million for the year compared to a loss of EUR2.071 million in 2012.

In May 2013 the company took out a loan from Mosaic Print Management Limited ("Mosaic") and two Mosaic Directors, Mr. Tony Gill and Mr. Steve Smith joined the board. The loan provided the working capital necessary to increase inventory which subsequently led to increased sales. Since then the company has generated enough cash to meet all of the interest payments related to this loan and also continue to pay down other interest and non-interest bearing loan notes.

It has been previously noted that the repayment of the Mosaic Loan Facility would be dependent on the trading performance of the Group, the availability of other facilities or the support of shareholders. Whilst trading conditions improved in the aftermath of the availability of the facility, this improvement was not sustained throughout the period due in the main to the change in Verizon's upgrade policy detailed above. On the 12 June 2014 the company announced it has reached agreement with Mosaic on an extension of the facility until 31 August 2014 allowing the company time to consider its options in relation to the repayment of the loan.

The company has been engaged with a number of parties with respect to a disposal of part or all of its stores, with the intention of applying the proceeds of any such disposal to the repayment in full of the Mosaic Loan Facility as well as a further potential distribution to shareholders. A letter of intent has recently been executed with one party providing for a period of exclusivity. There can be no guarantee that this will lead to a sale of the US stores. The company will continue to consider other remedial actions with respect to the Mosaic Loan Facility, including but not limited to a further extension on terms, a restructuring of the facility and/or an issue of equity.

Closing comments

Whilst the US operating companies have stabilised somewhat after a number of difficult years they remain subscale and so find themselves overly susceptible to micro and macro-economic downturns beyond their control. We have a number of excellent locations which dominate the markets in which they operate however, as a small regional agent in the retail channel we remain too vulnerable to Verizon's strategic decisions. This is the position many smaller premium retailers find themselves and consequently the industry continues to go through significant consolidation. Based on this the company has made the decision to write down the carrying value of our investments in the US businesses and that can be seen in the impairment review. Verizon, like its competitors, has recently implemented the "Edge" programme, providing a finance option to customers to upgrade to a new device each year, effectively selling an operating lease on the device/devices. The customer can choose to upgrade each year or own the device outright after 20 monthly payments. This has seen uplift in device sales in 2014 and a renewed optimism among the six national agents who between them have an average of over 300 stores each. Verizon is openly encouraging the consolidation of the premium retailer channel into the hands of the six national agents as they themselves retreat from their own strategy of operating corporate stores.

The board will continue to consider all options open to it to achieve best value for shareholders.

For further information contact:

   Prime Active Capital plc                                                  Davy Corporate Finance 

Dermot Martin, Chairman Eugenee Mulhern /Anthony Farrell

   +353 1 295 9895                                                            + 353 1 679 6363 


Overview of results

Summary financial information

                                                       2013          2012 
                                                    EUR'000       EUR'000 
 Continuing and discontinued operations 
 Revenue                                             40,570        41,199 
 Operating expenses (excluding exceptional 
  costs, depreciation, amortisation 
  and other gains)                                 (40,745)      (43,353) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation 
  and amortisation expense (EBITDA), 
  exceptional costs, other income and 
  other gains                                         (175)       (2,154) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                        (579)         (537) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Adjusted earnings before interest, 
  tax (EBIT) and exceptional costs                    (754)       (2,691) 
 Other income                                             -            94 
 Other losses                                           (6)         (101) 
 Exceptional costs                                  (2,407)             - 
 Net finance costs                                    (149)          (60) 
 Loss before tax                                    (3,316)       (2,758) 
 Income tax charge                                      (2)          (10) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the year                                  (3,318)       (2,768) 
 Loss attributable to non-controlling 
  interest                                               33            44 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the year attributable to 
  members                                           (3,285)       (2,724) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
                                                        EUR           EUR 
                                                       cent          cent 
 Basic and diluted loss per share                   (14.48)       (12.01) 
 Total Group Revenue 
 The Group's operations consist of its PAC Telemedia 
  division operating in the USA. Group revenue in 
  2013 amounted to EUR40.570 million, a 1.5% decrease 
  from the previous year. On a constant currency 
  basis revenue increased 1.8%. 
 The results of the PAC Telemedia division for 
  the past three years are summarised as follows: 
                                       2013        2012       2011 
                                    EUR'000     EUR'000    EUR'000 
 PAC Telemedia 
 Revenue                             40,570      41,199     37,004 
 Operating expense(1)              (40,170)    (42,743)   (36,258) 
                                  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 EBITDA                                 400     (1,544)        746 
 Depreciation, amortisation and 
  other grants(1)                     (572)       (527)      (423) 
                                  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 EBIT                                 (172)     (2,071)        323 
                                  ---------  ----------  --------- 

(1) excludes unallocated corporate costs of the Group and exceptional costs

Operating profit before interest, taxation and exceptional costs

One of the Group's key performance measures for its overall business is adjusted EBIT defined as operating profit before interest, taxation and exceptional costs. Adjusted EBIT amounted to a loss of EUR0.754 million in 2013, compared to a loss of EUR2.691 million in the previous year.

Exceptional costs

The Group recognised an impairment charge of EUR2.407 million (2012:EURnil), against the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the Cellular Center Holdings CGU following an impairment review undertaken in accordance with IAS36.

Other income

The Group recognised a gain of EUR0.094 million in 2012 as a result of an effective interest adjustment to its other loans and receivables balance. Other loans and receivables consisted of the Group's remaining investment in redeemable shares in Bell & Bain Limited, following the receipt of the first and interim redemption repayments in 2011. The shares were issued in settlement of a loan due to another subsidiary in the Group and were redeemable in instalments up to the third anniversary of the sale, which took place on 25 November 2009. These shares were redeemed in full in 2012.

Other losses

Other losses of EUR0.006 million (2012: EUR0.101 million loss) consist of foreign exchange losses that have arisen on the retranslation of inter-company loan balances held with foreign subsidiaries and a loan note and loan finance held in sterling by the parent company.

Net financial expense

The net financial expense for the year was EUR0.149 million compared to EUR0.060 million in 2012. The charge arose mainly in respect of interest costs on a loan note issued by the Group in February 2010 and loan finance received by the Group in May 2013. The charge also includes exchange differences on finance costs.

Non-controlling interest

The non-controlling interest share of loss after tax for 2012 amounted to a loss of EUR0.033 million (2012: (EUR0.044 million)). The non-controlling interest relates to shareholdings held in Cellular Center Holdings.

Earnings per share

The adjusted fully diluted loss per share for 2013 is 3.87 cent as compared with adjusted loss per share of 12.01 cent in 2012. Adjusted loss per share excludes exceptional costs and the results from discontinued operations in 2012. Fully diluted loss per share, before such adjustments, amounted to 14.48 cent in 2013 compared to a loss of 12.42 cent in 2012.

Cash flow

At 31 December 2013 the Group had cash and cash equivalents of EUR0.640 million compared to cash and cash equivalents of EUR0.524 million at 31 December 2012.

Outflows in the year included payments totalling EUR0.333 million (2012: EUR0.752 million) in respect of capital expenditure of which EUR0.332 million (2012: EUR0.752 million) was for PAC Telemedia and the remainder was for the Ireland centre. Funding for capital expenditure in PAC Telemedia was partly provided by asset finance agreements, EUR0.052 million (2012: EURnil). All other capital expenditure was funded from existing resources. In 2012 EUR0.413 million of capital expenditure in PAC Telemedia was funded by term loan.

The expected final retention monies of EUR1.172 million relating to the 2009 disposal of the remaining operating company within the PAC Digimedia division were received in 2012.


Cash flow (continued)

Inflows in the year included a further EUR0.025 million unsecured loan to the Group by Mr. Peter E. Lynch on an interest free basis taking his total loan amount to the Group to EUR0.125 million. This loan was repaid in equal monthly instalments, with the final repayment being made in May 2014.

Loan finance

On 8 May 2013 the company entered into a GBP1.000 million sterling (EUR1.181 million) loan facility from Mosaic Print Management Limited ("Mosaic"), a UK company owned by Mr. Anthony Gill and Mr. Stephen Smith. The purpose of this loan facility was to provide a short term working capital loan to facilitate the business trading. The loan from Mosaic carries a 15% coupon with monthly interest payments. The loan is secured on certain USA based subsidiaries of the Group. As part of the terms of this loan facility, Mr. Anthony Gill and Mr. Stephen Smith joined the board as non-executive directors in May 2013.

Subsequent to the year end, Mosaic Print Management Limited has agreed a three month extension of the GBP1.000 million (EUR1.243 million), one year secured loan facility which matured in May 2014. The facility is now extended until 31 August 2014. This loan facility has incurred a late payment fee of GBP0.065 million (EUR0.081 million), which has been added to the outstanding principal. The Group will continue to pay interest at the agreed previous rate of 15% on the sum of GBP1.065 million (EUR1.324 million).



                           Pre-exceptionals   Exceptionals                Pre-exceptionals   Exceptionals 
                                                                  Total                                          Total 
                                       2013           2013         2013               2012           2012         2012 
 Continuing operations              EUR'000        EUR'000      EUR'000            EUR'000        EUR'000      EUR'000 
 Revenue                             40,570              -       40,570             41,199              -       41,199 
 Cost of sales                     (27,628)              -     (27,628)           (29,622)              -     (29,622) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Gross profit                        12,942              -       12,942             11,577              -       11,577 
 Selling and 
  distribution costs               (10,338)              -     (10,338)           (11,091)              -     (11,091) 
 Administration expenses            (3,358)        (2,407)      (5,765)            (3,177)              -      (3,177) 
 Other losses                           (6)              -          (6)              (101)              -        (101) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Operating loss                       (760)        (2,407)      (3,167)            (2,792)              -      (2,792) 
 Finance costs                        (149)              -        (149)               (62)              -         (62) 
 Finance income                           -              -            -                  2              -            2 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Loss before tax                      (909)        (2,407)      (3,316)            (2,852)              -      (2,852) 
 Income tax charge                      (2)              -          (2)               (10)              -         (10) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Loss for the year from 
  continuing operations               (911)        (2,407)      (3,318)            (2,862)              -      (2,862) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Profit for the year 
 discontinued operations 
 after tax                                                            -                                             94 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Loss for the year                                              (3,318)                                        (2,768) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity shareholders                                            (3,285)                                        (2,724) 
  interest                                                         (33)                                           (44) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                                                (3,318)                                        (2,768) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                                                   2013                                           2012 
                                                               EUR cent                                       EUR cent 
 Loss per share 
 From continuing 
  - Basic and diluted                                           (14.48)                                        (12.42) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share 
  - Basic and diluted                                                 -                                           0.41 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Loss per share 
 From continuing and 
 discontinued operations 
  - Basic and diluted                                           (14.48)                                        (12.01) 
------------------------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 



                                             2013      2012 
                                          EUR'000   EUR'000 
 Loss for the year                        (3,318)   (2,768) 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense): 
  Items that may subsequently be 
  reclassified to profit or loss 
 Fair value adjustment on other               302         - 
 Exchange movement                          (275)       (8) 
---------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive expense for 
  the year                                (3,291)   (2,776) 
---------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the Company            (3,260)   (2,732) 
 Non-controlling interest                    (31)      (44) 
---------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                          (3,291)   (2,776) 
---------------------------------------  --------  -------- 



                                            2013           2012 
                                         EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                               2,022          1,096 
 Trade and other receivables               2,168          3,797 
 Cash and cash equivalents                   640            524 
                                           4,830          5,417 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment             1,724          2,054 
 Intangible assets                         4,798          7,438 
                                           6,522          9,492 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                             11,352         14,909 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                  6,288          7,017 
 Current income tax liabilities                1              1 
 Borrowings                                1,370            638 
 Provisions for other liabilities 
  and charges                                378            624 
                                           8,037          8,280 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                   44             67 
                                              44             67 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                         8,081          8,347 
 Net assets                                3,271          6,562 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Ordinary shares                          11,341         11,341 
 Share premium                            16,444         16,444 
 Other reserves                            2,548          2,523 
 Retained earnings                      (27,062)       (23,777) 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Non-controlling interest                      -             31 
 Total equity                              3,271          6,562 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 



                              Share premium                                     Total            Non- 
                      Share         reserve        Other     Retained    attributable     controlling     Total Equity 
                    Capital                     Reserves     Earnings              to        Interest 
                    EUR'000         EUR'000      EUR'000      EUR'000         EUR'000         EUR'000          EUR'000 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2013       11,341          16,444        2,523     (23,777)           6,531              31            6,562 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Loss for year            -               -            -      (3,285)         (3,285)            (33)          (3,318) 
 Fair value 
  adjustment on 
  reserves                -               -          302            -             302               -              302 
  movement                -               -        (277)            -           (277)               2            (275) 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
  income                  -               -           25      (3,285)         (3,260)            (31)          (3,291) 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Transactions             -               -            -            -               -               -                - 
 with owners 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2013      11,341          16,444        2,548     (27,062)           3,271               -            3,271 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
                              Share premium                                     Total            Non- 
                      Share         reserve        Other     Retained    attributable     controlling     Total Equity 
                    Capital                     Reserves     Earnings              to        Interest 
                    EUR'000         EUR'000      EUR'000      EUR'000         EUR'000         EUR'000          EUR'000 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2012       11,341          16,444        2,532     (21,054)           9,263              75            9,338 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Loss for year            -               -            -      (2,724)         (2,724)            (44)          (2,768) 
  movement                -               -          (9)            1             (8)               -              (8) 
  income                  -               -          (9)      (2,723)         (2,732)            (44)          (2,776) 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Transactions             -               -            -            -               -               -                - 
 with owners 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2012      11,341          16,444        2,523     (23,777)           6,531              31            6,562 
---------------  ----------  --------------  -----------  -----------  --------------  --------------  --------------- 



                                              2013            2012 
                                           EUR'000         EUR'000 
 Operating activities 
 Cash absorbed by operations                  (24)           (560) 
 Tax paid                                      (6)             (8) 
 Net cash outflow from operating 
  activities                                  (30)           (568) 
----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                  (333)           (752) 
 Disposal of subsidiary, net of 
  cash disposed of                               -           1,172 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
  investing activities                       (333)             420 
----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from borrowings                    1,270             570 
 Repayment of borrowings                     (538)           (527) 
 Capital element of asset finance 
  payments                                    (28)            (25) 
 Net interest paid                           (148)            (57) 
 Finance lease interest                        (1)             (3) 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
  financing activities                         555            (42) 
----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                         192           (190) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 
  January                                      524             723 
 Effect of exchange rate changes              (76)             (9) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 
  December                                     640             524 
----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 


1. Basis of preparation

The financial information included in this result statement has been extracted from the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 and is prepared on the accounting policies set out therein. As permitted by EU Law and in accordance with AIM / ESM rules, the Group financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and their interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as adopted by the EU. The Group Financial Statements were approved by the Directors on 27 June 2014 and will be filed with the Irish Registrar of Companies and circulated to shareholders in due course.

   2.         Going concern 

The Directors have taken time to consider the general volatility of the market place within which the businesses operate and the companies scale and general susceptibility to micro and macro-economic downturns beyond the companies control. As a small regional agent the company is vulnerable to Verizon's strategic decisions however it continues to maintain strong positions in many of the markets it operates in. As further detailed in the consolidated financial statements, subsequent to the year end, the Group agreed a three month extension to the GBP1.000 million one year secured Mosaic Loan Facility which matured in May, 2014. This facility now becomes repayable on 31 August 2014. The extension of the facility allows the Group further time to consider its options in relation to the repayment of the Mosaic Loan Facility including a sale of all or part of the Group's USA based stores or other forms of refinancing. The Group is in ongoing discussions with respect to a disposal of part or all of the USA based stores and has recently executed a letter of intent with one party providing for a period of exclusivity.

After taking account of the factors described above, and considering possible changes in trading performance, forecasts show that the Group, should it not have to repay the Mosaic Loan Facility, would be able to continue to operate its existing businesses for a period of 12 months from the date of this annual report without the need for additional finance. For that reason, the consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.

3. Exceptional Items

                                          2013        2012 
 Continuing operations                 EUR'000     EUR'000 
 Goodwill impairment(1)                  2,407           - 
---------------------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 (1) the Group recognised an impairment charge 
  of EUR2.407 million as a result of an impairment 
  review undertaken in accordance with IAS 36 against 
  the goodwill allocated to the Cellular Center 
  Holdings CGU 

4. Expenses

                                                         2013      2012 
 Continuing operations                                EUR'000   EUR'000 
   Employee benefit expense (note 13)                   8,281     8,475 
 Material cost of inventories consumed 
  (included within cost of sales)                      27,628    29,622 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 
  - Included in administration expenses                   579       537 
 Services provided by the Group's Auditors 
  (note 12)                                                77        78 
 Operating lease rentals - property                     1,916     2,418 
 Inventory provision                                       12       161 
 Goodwill impairment (note7)                            2,407         - 
 Other selling and distribution and administrative 
  expenses                                              2,831     2,599 
 Other losses                                               6       101 
---------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                       43,737    43,991 
---------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

5. Events after the Reporting Period

   On 23 May 2014, the Group announced that it had entered 
   into discussions with Mosaic Print Management Limited 
   in respect of the Mosaic loan facility. Both parties 
   were considering a number of options including but 
   not limited to an extension of the facility, a restructuring 
   of the facility and or/ an issue of equity. In parallel 
   the Group stated that it had been engaged in discussions 
   with a number of parties with respect to a disposal 
   of part or all of its USA based stores, with the 
   intention of applying any such disposal proceeds 
   to the repayment in full of the loan facility, as 
   well as a further potential distribution to shareholders. 
   On this date the Group also announced that, Mr. Peter 
   E. Lynch had resigned as Director and Chief Executive 
   of the Group. Following his resignation, Mr. Dermot 
   Martin assumed the role of Executive Chairman. 
   The Group announced on 12 June 2014 that it had agreed 
   a three month extension of the GBP1.000 million (EUR1.243 
   million) loan facility from Mosaic Print Management 
   Limited, which matured in May, 2014. This loan facility 
   has been subject to a late payment fee of GBP0.065 
   million (EUR0.081 million), which has been added 
   to the principal outstanding, making the total amount 
   due on 31 August 2014 of GBP1.065 million (EUR1.324 
   million). The Group will continue to pay interest 
   on the increased amount at the agreed previous rate 
   of 15%. 

Other information

The annual report and accounts of PAC plc will be available for review on the Company's www.pacplc.com from this

evening. A   copy of the annual report will be sent by mail to shareholders shortly. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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