To:   The   Stock  Exchange                                                  For
immediate release:
                                                               15th October 2004

   Recommended proposals for the reconstruction and winding up of the company
                                (the "Proposals")

The  Board of PICT announces that it is today posting recommended Proposals  for
the  reconstruction and winding up of the Company to its shareholders. Under the
Proposals, shareholders in PICT can elect:

-     to rollover their investment in a tax efficient manner into the CF Stewart
   Ivory Managed Equity Fund, an authorised  unit trust with a similar investment
   objective to that of the Company, which will be managed by the same investment
   team which manages the assets of the Company; and/or

-    to rollover their investment in a tax efficient manner into Personal Assets
   Trust plc, an existing self managed investment trust also in the AITC's Global
   Growth sector; and/or

-    for cash at close to NAV

Shareholders are entitled to elect for a combination of the options

Commenting  on  the  Proposals  Sir David Thomson,  Chairman,  said  "The  Board
believes  the  diverse  demands of shareholders  are  best  served  by  offering
shareholders  the  choice of an open ended vehicle with a similar  objective  to
that  of  the  Company, an existing investment trust also in the  AITC's  Global
Growth sector and a cash exit at close to NAV."

Isobel   Hunter    /  Adam  and Company Investment 0131 225 8484
Frances Mullan        Management
Richard Ramsay        Intelli   Corporate  Finance 020 7653 6300


Expressions used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as  the  terms
defined in the circular to shareholders date 15 October 2004.

The Proposals

At  the  Company's annual general meeting in September 2003 the  Board  proposed
giving  Shareholders the opportunity to vote each year for the  continuation  of
the  Company.  It  was  believed that this, combined  with  the  marketing  plan
initiated  by the Company's investment manager, Adam & Company, would result  in
narrowing  PICT's  discount  to NAV and improving  its  liquidity.  Despite  the
considerable  effort  expended  by the Board  and  Manager,  liquidity  has  not
improved with the discount between the share price and net asset value remaining
unacceptably wide.

The  Board  therefore  held  discussions with  the  Company's  Shareholders  and
announced on 9 July 2004 that it would not be recommending that PICT continue in
its  current form. After taking further soundings from Shareholders,  the  Board
announced on 10 August 2004 that it believed the diverse demands of Shareholders
would  be  best  served  by offering Shareholders the choice  of  an  open-ended
vehicle  with a similar investment objective to that of the Company, an existing
investment trust in the AITC's Global Growth sector and a cash exit at close  to

Under the Proposals, Shareholders may elect:

-    to roll over their investment in a tax efficient manner into the CF Stewart
  Ivory  Managed  Equity Fund ("MEF"), an authorised unit trust with  a  similar
  investment objective to that of the Company and which will be managed  by  the
  same investment team which currently manages the assets of the Company; and/or
-    to roll over their investment in a tax efficient manner into Personal
Assets Trust plc ("PAT"), an existing self-managed investment trust also in the
AITC's Global Growth sector; and/or
-    for cash at close to NAV.

Shareholders are entitled to elect for a combination of the options.

The  Directors  believe  that  the Proposals have  significant  attractions  for
Shareholders. In particular, the
Board believes the Scheme offers the opportunity for Shareholders to:

-    realise all or part of their investment for cash at close to NAV;
-    roll over into more liquid investments;
-    roll over all or part of their investment into an open-ended fund with a
similar investment objective to the Company and which will be managed by the
same investment team;
-    roll over all or part of their investment into an existing investment trust
in the AITC's Global Growth sector; and
-    defer any liability to UK capital gains tax on those Shares which are
rolled over.

The Options

CF Ivory Stewart Managed Equity Fund - the MEF Option

MEF  is  a  UK authorised unit trust whose investment adviser is Adam &  Company
Investment  Management  Limited.  MEF will be managed  by  the  same  investment
management  team  as the Company and has a similar investment objective  as  the

Personal Assets Trust - the PAT Option

PAT  is  an  existing self-managed investment trust also in  the  AITC's  Global
Growth  sector.  PAT has a capital structure consisting only of ordinary  shares
and has no investment specialisation or policy restrictions.


For  illustrative  purposes,  if the Scheme had become  effective  at  close  of
business  on  Friday, 8 October 2004, the following table shows the attributable
value  to Shareholders electing for the various Options in respect of a  holding
of  100 Shares. It should be noted that these figures are given for illustrative
purposes only, are subject to the assumptions set out in the Circular and should
not be regarded as forecasts.
          NAV of   Relevant  Relevant   Market   Relevant  Relevant
            100     Option    Option   value of   Option    Option
         Ordinary    asset     asset     100     aggregat  aggregat
          Shares   value of  value as  Ordinary  e market  e market
            (�)       100        a      Shares   value or  value or
                   Ordinary  percenta    (�)       cash      cash
                    Shares     ge of              amount    amount
                      (�)     NAV of               (�)       as a
                                100                        percenta
                             Ordinary                       ge of
                              Shares                        market
                                (%)                        value of
MEF       338.70    331.03     97.74    310.00    328.42    105.94
PAT       338.70    328.24     96.91    310.00    321.62    103.75
Cash      338.70    329.89     97.40    310.00    329.89    106.42

Convertible Bondholders ("Bondholders")

Under the Proposals Bondholders will not be able to participate directly in  the
Scheme.  However, Bondholders who exercise their right to convert into  Ordinary
Shares  prior to 5.00 pm on Friday, 5 November 2004 will be treated  pari  passu
with  existing Shareholders and, if they return a valid Form of Election by that
time,  can  elect  to receive MEF Units, New PAT Shares and/or  cash  under  the
Scheme. All Bondholders who exercise their right to convert into Ordinary Shares
prior  to  48 hours before the relevant Extraordinary General Meetings  will  be
entitled to vote at such meeting.

A  Bondholder  (other than an Overseas Bondholder) who exercises  his  right  to
convert  into Ordinary Shares after that date but by the Effective Date will  be
treated  pari  passu  with existing Shareholders but,  in  the  same  way  as  a
Shareholder  who failed to return a valid Form of Election, will  be  deemed  to
have elected for the MEF Option.

A Bondholder who does not exercise his right to convert into Ordinary Shares may
elect  during the three month period subsequent to the Second EGM to be  treated
as  if  he had exercised his right to convert into Ordinary Shares and shall  be
entitled  to  receive  an amount equal to the cash amount which  he  would  have
received had he been a Shareholder in the liquidation.

A Bondholder who neither exercises his right to convert into Ordinary Shares nor
elects in the three month period subsequent to the Second EGM to be treated as a
Shareholder will only be entitled to receive repayment of the nominal amount  of
his Bonds plus accrued interest up to the date of the payment.


In  order to ensure that the Company continues to comply with the provisions  of
section  842  of  the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988,  based  on  current
estimates  of costs and revenues for this financial year, the Board  anticipates
that  the  Company  will pay a final interim dividend on  19  November  2004  to
Ordinary Shareholders on the register, and Bondholders who have exercised  their
right  to  convert  into Ordinary Shares, by 5 November 2004. The  dividend  per
share  is  anticipated as being in the range of 1.1p to 1.7p, the  lower  amount
being  calculated on the basis that all outstanding Bonds convert by 5  November
2004  and  the  minimum  dividend consistent with maintaining  investment  trust
status  is paid, and the higher on the basis that none of the outstanding  Bonds
convert  and  the maximum dividend consistent with maintaining investment  trust
status  is  paid  (this  is not a profit forecast).  A further  announcement  is
expected  to  be  made  on,  or  around, 8 November  2004  once  the  number  of
Bondholders who have converted is known, to confirm the dividend per share.  The
dividend is not conditional upon the approval or implementation of the Scheme.


Thursday, 4  November           Date  from which it is advised that
2004                            dealings in Shares should  only  be
                                for  cash  settlement and immediate
                                delivery of documents of title
Friday,   5  November  5.00 pm  Latest  time for receipt of notices
2004                            of conversion and Forms of Election
                                from   Bondholders  who   wish   to
                                exercise  their  right  to  convert
                                into     Ordinary    Shares     and
                                participate  in the  Scheme  as  an
                                Ordinary Shareholder
                                Record  date  for  Shareholders  to
                                make Elections under the
                                Latest time for receipt of Forms of
                                Election from Shareholders
                       6.00 pm  Record  date for the final  interim
                       6.00 pm  Register of members of PICT closed
Sunday,   7  November  12.30    Latest time for receipt of forms of
2004                   pm       proxy  for  the First Extraordinary
                                General Meeting
Monday,   8  November           Announcement   of   final   interim
2004                            dividend
Tuesday,  9  November  12.30    First Extraordinary General Meeting
2004                   pm
Friday,  19  November  7.30 am  Dealings  in  Reclassified   Shares
2004                            commence and register of holders of
                                Reclassified Shares opened
                       5.00 pm  Register of holders of Reclassified
                                Shares closed
                                Calculation of the PAT Issue Price
                                Payment   of   the  final   interim
                       11.59    Calculation  Date  and   Allocation
                       pm       Date
Saturday, 20 November  12.30    Latest time for receipt of forms of
2004                   pm       proxy  for the Second Extraordinary
Monday,  22  November  7.30 am  Suspension     of    listing     of
2004                            Reclassified Shares Meeting
                       12 noon  Calculation of MEF Issue Price
                       12.30    Second     Extraordinary    General
                       pm       Meeting
                                Effective Date
                                MEF Units issued
Tuesday,  23 November           Issue  of and dealings commence  in
2004                            New PAT Shares and
                                CREST stock accounts credited
                                Contract   notes   dispatched    in
                                respect of MEF Units
                                Repayment of outstanding  Bonds  at
                                nominal   amount   together    with
                                accrued interest and notice sent to
                                Bondholders of rights to  elect  to
                                be treated as if they had exercised
                                their  conversion rights  prior  to
                                the commencement of the liquidation
                                of the Company
Week commencing                 Distribution  of cash  entitlements
22 November 2004                to Ordinary Shareholders
                                who elect for the Cash Option under
                                the Scheme
Week commencing                 Definitive  certificates dispatched
29 November 2004                in  respect  of the New PAT  Shares
                                (not admitted to CREST)
23 February 2005                Latest  time  for  Bondholders   to
                                elect to be treated as if they  had
                                converted prior to the commencement
                                of the liquidation of the Company

                                CHAIRMAN'S LETTER

Set  out  below is the text of the letter being sent today, 15 October 2004,  to
shareholders  in PICT and holders of 3 per cent Subordinated Convertible  Bonds

"Dear Sir or Madam


At  the  Company's annual general meeting in September 2003 the  Board  proposed
giving  Shareholders the opportunity to vote each year for the  continuation  of
the  Company.  It  was  believed that this, combined  with  the  marketing  plan
initiated  by the Company's investment manager, Adam & Company, would result  in
narrowing  PICT's  discount  to NAV and improving  its  liquidity.  Despite  the
considerable  effort  expended  by the Board  and  Manager,  liquidity  has  not
improved with the discount between the share price and net asset value remaining
unacceptably wide.

The  Board  therefore  held  discussions with  the  Company's  Shareholders  and
announced on 9 July 2004 that it would not be recommending that PICT continue in
its  current form. After taking further soundings from Shareholders,  the  Board
announced on 10 August 2004 that it believed the diverse demands of Shareholders
would  be  best  served  by offering Shareholders the choice  of  an  open-ended
vehicle  with a similar investment objective to that of the Company, an existing
investment trust in the AITC's Global Growth sector and a cash exit at close  to

I  am  writing  to provide you with details of the Proposals and  to  seek  your
approval for the resolutions required to implement them. Your attention is drawn
to the Directors' recommendation at the end of this letter.

The  Board,  with  its  advisers,  has considered  a  number  of  reconstruction
proposals  and roll over vehicles and has concluded that it is in the  interests
of  Shareholders as a whole to propose a scheme of reconstruction  comprising  a
members' voluntary winding up of the Company under section 110 of the Insolvency
Act   1986  and  the  Company's  articles  of  association,  with  options   for
Shareholders to elect:

-     to  roll  over their investment in a tax efficient manner into CF  Stewart
  Ivory  Managed Equity Fund, an authorised unit trust with a similar investment
  objective  to  that  of  the Company and which will be  managed  by  the  same
  investment team which currently manages the assets of the Company; and/or
-    to roll over their investment in a tax efficient manner into Personal
Assets Trust plc, an existing self-managed investment trust also in the AITC's
Global Growth sector; and/or
-    for cash at close to NAV.

Shareholders shall be entitled to elect for a combination of the Options.

Shareholders who do not make a valid Election (other than Overseas Shareholders)
will (unless the Company otherwise determines) be deemed to elect for MEF Units.

Shareholders  who  hold their Ordinary Shares in the PICT PEP,  ISA  or  Savings
Scheme  should read the section below headed ''PICT PEP, ISA and Savings  Scheme

Your  Directors  believe  that  the Proposals have significant  attractions  for
Shareholders.  In  particular,  the  Board  believes  the  Scheme   offers   the
opportunity for Shareholders to:
-    realise all or part of their investment for cash at close to NAV;
-    roll over into more liquid investments;
-    roll over all or part of their investment into an open-ended fund with a
similar investment objective to the Company and which will be managed by the
same investment team;
-    roll over all or part of their investment into an existing investment trust
in the AITC's Global Growth sector; and
-    defer any liability to UK capital gains tax on those Shares which are
rolled over.

Further  details of the benefits relating to each of the Options  are  described

MEF  is  a  UK authorised unit trust whose investment adviser is Adam & Company.
Adam & Company's focus is on private individuals and their investment needs. MEF
will  be  managed by the same experienced investment team as manage the  Company
and has a similar investment objective.

MEF's  investment objective is to achieve capital growth and dividend growth  by
investing  worldwide  in  any economic sector.  MEF will  aim  to  achieve  this
investment  objective  by  investing in well  capitalised  and  soundly  managed
companies  that  consistently produce above average  earnings  growth  at  price
levels  where it is believed the price to earnings growth ratio understates  the
company's  potential.  PICT's stated investment objective  is  maximising  total
returns  by  investing  in  companies  on a  worldwide  basis  where  there  are
opportunities for growth. In addition, PICT's dividend policy is to increase its
distributions  by  more than the rate of inflation. Like PICT, MEF's  investment
focus  will  be on companies with recurring earnings and strong cash flows  from
operations.  Investments, as is the case for PICT, will  be  selected  on  their
merits  rather than by virtue of their weighting within an index or  because  of

Whilst  geographic  asset  allocation tends  to  be  driven  by  stock  specific
opportunities,  there  is a preference to invest a larger  proportion  of  MEF's
portfolio  in  the UK, to take account of MEF's investor base and  the  dividend
yield  on  the UK stock market. MEF's dividend yield, as at 8 October 2004,  the
latest  practicable date prior to the publication of the Circular, was 1.83  per
cent. For the year ended 30 June 2004 the expense ratio was 1.05 per cent.

The  price  of MEF Units directly reflects the value of the assets held  by  the
unit  trust  and  daily dealings in the units ensures there is no  discount  and
adequate liquidity for unit holders.

Further  information on, and the Key Features of MEF are included in Part  2  of
the Circular. Details of the
principal risk factors relating to an investment in MEF are set out on pages  24
and 25 of the Circular.

The  entitlement  of  a  Shareholder who elects  for  the  MEF  Option  will  be
calculated  as follows. From the net asset value of a Share (after  taking  into
account  the costs of the Scheme, the total entitlements of the holders  of  any
outstanding Bonds and an amount for unknown liabilities) there shall be deducted
any costs incurred by MEF and the MEF Trustee in participating in the Scheme and
this  will produce a per share value that is the MEF Option Formula Asset  Value
(or  MEF  Option FAV). This is then divided by the issue price  of  a  MEF  Unit
(which  carries  no initial charge and values MEF's assets at offer  prices  and
which also includes an amount to cover stamp duty reserve tax on the acquisition
of assets by MEF) to give the ratio at which an Ordinary Share rolls over into a
MEF  Unit. There are not expected to be any realignment costs in relation to the
transfer of assets to MEF. The valuation of the MEF Pool is on the same basis as
the  calculation of the MEF Issue Price. Such valuations will take place  at  12
noon  on  the Effective Date at offer prices. An illustrative example  of  these
figures is given below.

AIM  has agreed to rebate part of the compensation which would, under the  terms
of  the  Management Agreement, be payable to it in respect of the assets of  the
Company which are transferred to MEF pursuant to the Scheme.  Such rebate  shall
be  equal  to the management fee compensation payable to AIM in respect  of  the
assets  of  the Company which are transferred to MEF pursuant to the Scheme  and
shall be solely for the benefit of Shareholders who elect for the MEF Option.

MEF  will  purchase  assets relating to the MEF Option at offer  prices  on  the
Calculation Date whereas on a conventional winding up these assets would be sold
at bid prices.

PAT  is  an  existing self-managed investment trust also in  the  AITC's  Global
Growth  sector.  As  at 8 October 2004, it had a market capitalisation  of  �140
million  and  a  yield of 1.48 per cent. (source: Datastream).  PAT  is  managed
specifically  for private investors. It has a capital structure consisting  only
of  ordinary shares and has no investment specialisation or policy restrictions.
Its  investment  policy  is  simply  to  protect  and  increase  the  value   of
shareholders' funds over the long term and to achieve as high a total return  as
possible  at  a  risk not significantly greater than that of  investing  in  its
benchmark index, the FTSE All-Share.

Over  the  14 years since becoming self-managed in 1990, PAT has continued  with
the   same  investment  management  personnel,  investment  process  and   board
relationships  that have enabled it not only to achieve considerable  investment
success but also to expand significantly in size through the development of  its
zero-charge investment plans for shareholders.

The  policy of the board of PAT is to ensure that PAT's shares always  trade  at
close to net asset value through the active issuing or buying in of shares.  The
success  of  this  policy has been such that the shares have  not  traded  at  a
discount of more than a percentage point or two since 1995. Over this period the
average  premium of PAT's share price to net asset value has been 2.9 per  cent.
compared  to  an average discount of 9.1 per cent. for the UK Investment  Trusts
Total Market Index.

The  most  recent annual report and accounts of PAT for the period to  30  April
2004  have  been  dispatched with the Circular. Details of  the  principal  risk
factors relating to an investment in PAT are set out on pages 24 and 25  of  the

The  entitlement  of  a  Shareholder who elects  for  the  PAT  Option  will  be
calculated  as follows. From the net asset value of a Share (after  taking  into
account  the costs of the Scheme, the total entitlements of the holders  of  any
outstanding  Bonds and an amount for unknown liabilities and valuing  assets  at
mid prices) there shall be deducted the costs of realisation of the assets to be
transferred  to  PAT and this will produce a per share value  that  is  the  PAT
Option  Formula  Asset Value (or PAT Option FAV). This is then  divided  by  the
price  at which the New PAT Shares are to be issued under the Scheme (being  the
net  asset  value  of  a PAT Share as at the Calculation Date,  plus  an  amount
equivalent  to the first interim dividend of �1.60 per share, plus a premium  of
0.5  per cent.)* to give the ratio at which an Ordinary Share rolls over into  a
New PAT Share. An illustrative example of these figures is given below.

The  New  PAT Shares to be issued under the Scheme will not be entitled  to  the
first  interim  dividend of PAT for its current financial period  of  �1.60  per
share  which  was  declared on Thursday, 14 October 2004 and  will  be  paid  on
Friday,  19  November 2004. In all other respects the New PAT Shares  will  rank
pari passu with the existing PAT Shares.

The number of New PAT Shares to be made available in the Scheme shall be limited
to  50,000 (being approximately 7.7 per cent. of the issued share capital of PAT
as  at  the date of the Circular). In the unlikely event that elections for  the
PAT  Option exceed this amount, such elections shall be scaled back pro rata and
such excess shall be deemed to be elections for the MEF Option.

*This is expected to be approximately equivalent to the net asset value of a PAT
Share  as  at  the Calculation Date (i.e. after the PAT Shares have  become  ex-
dividend) plus a premium of 1.25 per cent.

Shareholders who elect for the Cash Option (or are deemed by the Company  to  be
Overseas  Shareholders)  will  receive an amount in  cash  equivalent  to  their
entitlement under the Scheme. This amount will be the net asset value of a Share
(after  taking  into account the costs of the Scheme, the total entitlements  of
the holders of any outstanding Bonds and an amount for unknown liabilities) less
the  costs required to realise the assets into cash. An illustrative example  of
these figures is given below.

Cheques in respect of the cash amount due to Shareholders who elect for the Cash
Option  are expected to be dispatched to them in the week commencing 22 November
2004 or as soon as practicable thereafter.

For  amounts over �100,000, cash will, if the relevant account details have been
duly  completed  on  the  Form  of Election, be  dispatched  by  CHAPS,  at  the
recipient's expense and risk, in the week commencing 22 November 2004.

For  Shareholders  who elect for the Cash Option, the receipt  of  payment  will
amount to the receipt of consideration for the disposal of their Shares and  may
give rise to a liability to UK taxation of capital gains.

For  illustrative  purposes,  if the Scheme had become  effective  at  close  of
business  on Friday, 8 October 2004 (being the latest practicable date prior  to
the  publication of the Circular) and based on the assumptions set  out  in  the
notes  below,  the following table shows the attributable value to  Shareholders
electing  for  the  various Options in respect of a holding of  100  Shares.  It
should be noted that these figures are given for illustrative purposes only  and
should not be regarded as forecasts.
          NAV of   Relevant  Relevant   Market   Relevant  Relevant
            100     Option    Option   value of   Option    Option
         Ordinary    asset     asset     100     aggregat  aggregat
          Shares   value of  value as  Ordinary  e market  e market
            (�)       100        a      Shares   value or  value or
                   Ordinary  percenta    (�)       cash      cash
                    Shares     ge of              amount    amount
                      (�)     NAV of               (�)       as a
                                100                        percenta
                             Ordinary                       ge of
                              Shares                        market
                                (%)                        value of
MEF       338.70    331.03     97.74    310.00    328.42    105.94
PAT       338.70    328.24     96.91    310.00    321.62    103.75
Cash      338.70    329.89     97.40    310.00    329.89    106.42

1.     The  PAT  Issue Price used in the above calculation includes current  net
 revenue  up  to 8 October 2004 and specifically the first interim  dividend  of
 �1.60  on  a  PAT  Share declared on Thursday, 14 October 2004 and  payable  on
 Friday,  19  November  2004 and which will not be payable to  Shareholders  who
 elect for the PAT Option.
2.     For the purposes of the PAT Option, the relevant Option asset value takes
 account of the premium of 0.5 per cent. referred to above.
3.     For the purposes of the calculation of the relevant Option market values,
 the  market value of an Ordinary Share is the bid price, the market value of  a
 MEF  Unit  is  the  cancellation price (which is based on bid prices)  and  the
 market  value  of a New PAT Share is the bid price less �1.60 per share,  being
 the  interim dividend declared but not yet paid and which will not be  paid  to
 Shareholders who elect for the PAT Option.
4.     The NAV and market value of an Ordinary Share and the PAT Issue Price and
 market  value  of a PAT Share have been calculated as at close of  business  on
 Friday, 8 October 2004 and the MEF Issue Price and cancellation price of a  MEF
 Unit have been calculated as at noon on Monday, 11 October 2004.
5.     For the purposes of calculating the PAT Option asset value provision  has
 been  made  for the estimated realisation costs but not the reinvestment  costs
 of the PAT Pool.
6.     Total  estimated costs of the Scheme payable by the Company are  �432,000
 (including  irrecoverable VAT), being 1.9 per cent. of the assets  attributable
 to  Shareholders. The calculation of the relevant Option asset value takes into
 account  the  compensation  rebate from AIM in  favour  of  the  MEF  Pool.  In
 addition,  the  Liquidators will retain �50,000, being 0.2  per  cent.  of  the
 Company's assets attributable to Shareholders, for unknown  liabilities.
7.    All of the Bonds are converted.

Shareholders (other than Overseas Shareholders) who do not make a valid Election
for  the  purposes of the Proposals will be deemed to have made an election  for
MEF Units.

Further  details of the Scheme are given in Part 4 of the Circular and the  full
terms of the Scheme are set out in Part 5.

The Company has in issue �3,115,000 Subordinated Convertible Bonds 2009 of which
�2,185,000  were in registered form and �930,000 were in bearer  form  as  at  8
October  2004. Under the terms of the Trust Deed constituting the Bonds dated  4
March  1994,  Bondholders have the right to convert their  bonds  into  Ordinary
Shares  at any time. Every �1,000 nominal of Bonds can be converted into  374.53
Ordinary  Shares.   Under  the  Proposals  Bondholders  will  not  be  able   to
participate  directly  in the Scheme. However, Bondholders  who  exercise  their
right  to convert into Ordinary Shares prior to 5.00 pm on 5 November 2004  will
be  treated  pari passu with existing Shareholders and, if they return  a  valid
Form  of Election by 5.00 pm on 5 November 2004, can elect to receive MEF Units,
New  PAT Shares and/or cash under the Scheme. All Bondholders who exercise their
right  to  convert  into Ordinary Shares prior to 48 hours before  the  relevant
Extraordinary General Meeting will be entitled to vote at such meeting.

A  Bondholder  other  than an Overseas Bondholder who  exercises  his  right  to
convert  into Ordinary Shares after that date but by the Effective Date will  be
treated  pari  passu  with existing Shareholders but,  in  the  same  way  as  a
Shareholder  who failed to return a valid Form of Election, will  be  deemed  to
have elected for the MEF Option.

If Shareholders pass the winding up resolution at the Second EGM, the Bondholder
Trustee, The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c., has indicated its intention
to  give  notice  of an Event of Default under the Trust Deed. Accordingly,  the
Bonds  will  then become repayable at their nominal value together with  accrued
interest. It is noted that the Bondholder Trustee is entitled to give notice  of
an  Event  of  Default  on  the announcement of the Proposals  by  the  Company.
However, it is the Bondholder Trustee's intention as at the date of the Circular
not  to  give  such  notice  in  order to give Bondholders  the  opportunity  to
participate in the Scheme.

The Trust Deed provides that the Company must give notice to the Bondholders  of
the passing of the winding up resolution. The giving of this notice commences  a
three  month period during which a Bondholder may elect to be treated as  if  he
had exercised his right to convert into Ordinary Shares and shall be entitled to
receive an amount equal to the cash amount which he would have received  had  he
been a Shareholder in the liquidation.

Bondholders should note that the Bondholder Trustee is not entitled to elect  on
behalf  of Bondholders. A Bondholder who neither exercises his right to  convert
into  Ordinary  Shares nor elects in the three month period  subsequent  to  the
Second  EGM  to  be  treated as a Shareholder will only be entitled  to  receive
repayment of the nominal amount of his Bonds plus accrued interest to  the  date
of payment.

Bondholders who exercise their right to convert into Ordinary Shares  and  Elect
(or  are deemed to Elect) for either MEF Units and/or New PAT Shares may be able
to  defer any liability to UK Capital Gains Tax on those Shares which are rolled
over. Please refer to the section headed ''Taxation'' in Part 4 of the Circular.

If  the  Scheme  had been implemented on 8 October 2004 (the latest  practicable
date  prior  to the publication of the Circular) the Directors estimate  that  a
Bondholder  who did not exercise his right to convert into Ordinary  Shares  but
elected in the three month period subsequent to the Second EGM to be treated  as
a  Shareholder would have received �1,235.53 per �1,000 nominal value  of  Bonds
(excluding accrued interest). It should be noted that this figure is  given  for
illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as a forecast.

Bondholders  whose holding is in registered form and who wish to exercise  their
right  to  convert into Ordinary Shares should complete the enclosed  conversion
notice  and  return  it to Lloyds TSB Registrars, The Causeway,  Worthing,  West
Sussex BN99 6DA not later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 5 November 2004.

Bondholders whose holding is in bearer form and who wish to exercise their right
to  convert into Ordinary Shares should contact Adam & Company on 0131 225  8484
to  obtain  the necessary documentation to exercise their right to convert  into
Ordinary Shares.

Bondholders  will  be  able  to exercise their right to  convert  into  Ordinary
Shares,  make an Election and vote at the Meetings by completing the  conversion
notice,  the Form of Election and the relevant form of proxy (all of  which  are
enclosed  with  the Circular) and returning these documents all together  to  be
received by Lloyds TSB Registrars, The Causeway, Worthing, West Sussex BN99  6DA
not later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 5 November 2004.

In  accordance with normal practice, the Bondholder Trustee expresses no opinion
on  the  merits  of the Proposals. The Bondholder Trustee has not verified,  and
accepts  no responsibility for, any of the factual statements contained  in,  or
the effect or effectiveness of, the Circular or any other documents referred  to
herein.  The  Bondholder  Trustee  has  not  been  involved  in  the  commercial
negotiations  relating  to  the  Scheme and  therefore  cannot  comment  on  the
commercial terms of the Scheme. Accordingly, Bondholders should seek  their  own
independent financial advice in relation to the matters set out in the Circular.

As  explained in the section headed ''Taxation'' in Part 4 of the Circular,  the
receipt  by  Shareholders (who are the beneficial owners of Ordinary Shares  and
who  hold such shares as an investment) of MEF Units and/or New PAT Shares under
this  Scheme should not constitute a disposal of their Ordinary Shares  for  the
purposes  of  UK taxation of capital gains. However, an election  for  the  Cash
Option  or subsequent disposal of MEF Units or New PAT Shares will constitute  a
disposal  for  such  purposes and may, depending on a  Shareholder's  particular
circumstances,  give  rise to a liability to UK taxation of  capital  gains.  In
assessing their tax position, individual Shareholders should have regard to  the
annual  exemption from capital gains tax (currently �8,200) and the availability
of  taper  relief  on  a  disposal for capital gains  tax  purposes.  Individual
Shareholders  who  held Ordinary Shares prior to 6 April 1998 may  also  benefit
from  an  indexation allowance in respect of the period during which  they  held
those  Ordinary  Shares up to and including 5 April 1998. Shareholders  who  are
companies  may benefit from indexation allowance on any chargeable disposal  for
the whole period of ownership up to disposal.

Exercise  of the Cash Option by an individual Shareholder who is UK resident  or
ordinarily  resident in the UK will constitute a disposal  for  the  purpose  of
calculating liability to capital gains tax in the 2004/2005 tax year.

Any  information  given in the Circular concerning tax is  given  by  way  of  a
general  summary  only  and  does not constitute legal  or  tax  advice  to  any
Shareholder.  If  you  are  in  any doubt about  the  taxation  consequences  of
acquiring,  holding or disposing of MEF Units and/or New PAT Shares  you  should
immediately  seek  advice from your own professional advisers. Shareholders  who
hold Shares through a PEP/ISA should note that MEF Units and New PAT Shares  are
qualifying  investments for the purposes of continued holdings within PEPs/ISAs.
Shareholders should consult their plan manager as to whether the rules of  their
particular  PEP/ISA would allow them to hold MEF Units, New  PAT  Shares  and/or

Fractions  of  New  PAT  Shares  will not be issued  and  instead,  Shareholders
electing  for  the  PAT  Option  will receive a cheque  for  the  value  of  any
fractional  entitlement over �3.00. In the case of MEF Units  issued  under  the
Scheme entitlements will be rounded up to the nearest one-hundredth of a unit.

It  is the responsibility of Shareholders who are resident in or are citizens of
any  jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom to inform themselves  about  and
observe  any  legal requirements in that jurisdiction and to  obtain  their  own
advice as to the tax consequences of the Proposals in that jurisdiction. Details
of  the  procedure for Overseas Shareholders to receive cash for their  Ordinary
Shares under the Scheme are set out in Part 4 of the Circular.

The  Board has sought to limit the expenses of the Scheme to minimise the impact
on  shareholder value.  However, the Board believes that the minimal  additional
cost   of  implementing  these  reconstruction  Proposals  rather  than   simply
undertaking  a  winding  up  is  justified  given  the  choices  it  offers   to
Shareholders.  The  Board estimates that the expenses of the  Scheme  (including
irrecoverable  VAT),  before taking account of the  costs  associated  with  the
realisation of the Company's assets and the Liquidators' contingency fund,  will
be  approximately  �432,000, being 1.9 per cent. of the assets  attributable  to
Shareholders (based on the Company's net asset value per Share of 338.70p as  at
8  October  2004,  the latest practicable date prior to the publication  of  the
Circular).  This estimate includes an amount of �107,000 payable by the  Company
to  Adam  &  Company  in  respect  of the early termination  of  the  Management
Agreement, although part of this payment will be rebated for the benefit of  the
MEF  Pool as described under the section headed ''Information about MEF and  the
MEF  Option''. The amount payable to Adam & Company as compensation is equal  to
the  amount  of management fees that would have been payable from the  Effective
Date  to  18 June 2005, being 12 months following notice of termination  of  the
Management Agreement being served by the Company.

In  order to ensure that the Company continues to comply with the provisions  of
section  842  of  the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988,  based  on  current
estimates  of costs and revenues for this financial year, the Board  anticipates
that  the  Company  will pay a final interim dividend on  19  November  2004  to
Ordinary Shareholders on the register, and Bondholders who have exercised  their
right  to  convert  into Ordinary Shares, by 5 November 2004. The  dividend  per
share  is  anticipated at being in the range of 1.1p to 1.7p, the  lower  amount
being  calculated on the basis that all outstanding Bonds convert by 5  November
2004,  and  the  minimum  dividend consisted with maintaining  investment  trust
status  is paid, and the higher on the basis that none of the outstanding  Bonds
convert  and  the maximum dividend consistent with maintaining investment  trust
status  is  paid  (this  is not a profit forecast).  A further  announcement  is
expected  to  be  made  on,  or  around, 8 November  2004  once  the  number  of
Bondholders who have converted is known, to confirm the dividend per share.  The
dividend is not conditional upon the approval or implementation of the Scheme.

The  Proposals  are conditional on the passing by Shareholders  of  the  special
resolutions at the First EGM and the Second EGM or any adjournments thereof  and
all  conditions to such resolutions and the Scheme being fulfilled.  The  Scheme
is  described in more detail in Part 4 of the Circular and the full terms of the
Scheme are set out in Part 5 of the Circular.

Notices convening the requisite Meetings are set out at the end of the Circular.
Both Meetings will be held at the Edinburgh offices of Adam & Company Investment
Management  Limited,  22 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF.   Each  resolution
requires  the approval of at least 75 per cent. of the votes cast in respect  of

First Extraordinary General Meeting
The  First EGM will be held at 12.30 pm on Tuesday, 9 November 2004.  A  special
resolution will be proposed to sanction the Scheme and to amend the Articles for
the purpose of its implementation.

Second Extraordinary General Meeting
The  Second EGM will be held at 12.30 pm on Monday, 22 November 2004. A  special
resolution  will  be proposed to approve the winding up of the  Company  and  to
appoint  the  Liquidators and an extraordinary resolution will  be  proposed  to
confer appropriate powers on them.

If  these resolutions are passed, the Scheme is expected to become effective  on
Monday,  22 November 2004.  MEF Units and New PAT Shares will then be issued  to
PICT Shareholders on the basis on which they have been elected (or are deemed to
have  been elected) for under the Proposals and cheques in respect of  the  Cash
Option  will be dispatched in the week commencing 22 November 2004.  Subject  to
Shareholders  approving the resolutions to be proposed at the  Second  EGM,  the
Liquidators  have  conditionally undertaken to procure that the  Company  enters
into the Transfer Agreement on the same day and transfers the appropriate assets
of the Company to MEF and PAT pursuant to that agreement.  MEF and PAT have also
undertaken to enter into and implement the Transfer Agreement. The Scheme, which
will implement the Proposals, is set out in Part 5 of the Circular.

If  the  Proposals are approved they will bind all Shareholders whether  or  not
they  have  voted  in favour of the Proposals at the Meetings,  save  for  those
Shareholders who validly dissent as provided in section 111(2) of the Insolvency
Act  1986  (as  summarised in the section headed ''Dissenting Shareholders''  in
Part 4 of the Circular).

If the Proposals are not approved at the First EGM, the Board reserves the right
to  proceed to propose the resolution for the winding up of the Company  at  the
Second EGM or, in any event, by the end of January 2005. If the Company is wound
up in this manner (that is, without the Scheme) Shareholders would receive their
cash  entitlements under a liquidation after all liabilities have been satisfied
in  full. Such a winding up would not, however, constitute a reconstruction  for
tax  purposes, and would therefore constitute a disposal by Shareholders for the
purposes of UK taxation of capital gains. Nor would Shareholders have the option
of  rolling  over their investment and maintaining their exposure to  the  stock

Before taking any action, you are recommended to read all of the information set
out  in  the remainder of the Circular. If any Shareholder is unsure as to  what
action  he  should  take  or  how  to take any action,  he  should  consult  his
independent  financial  adviser  authorised under  the  Financial  Services  and
Markets Act 2000.

Form of Election
Shareholders,  other  than Overseas Shareholders, and  Bondholders,  other  than
Overseas Bondholders, will find a Form of Election enclosed with the Circular to
be used by them for the purpose of making an Election under the Scheme.

The  Form  of  Election enables Shareholders and Bondholders who exercise  their
right  to convert into Ordinary Shares by the Conversion Date to elect  for  MEF
Units, New PAT Shares and/or for the Cash Option in respect of the entirety,  or
any  proportion, of their holding. Instructions on how to complete the  Form  of
Election  are  set out in the guidance notes attached to this Form of  Election.
Shareholders  and Bondholders who exercise their right to convert into  Ordinary
Shares  by  the Conversion Date who wish to receive cash or New PAT Shares  must
make  an  election on the Form of Election. If they do not do so, they  will  be
deemed  to  have  made  an  election for MEF Units  (unless  they  are  Overseas
Shareholders or Overseas Bondholders).

Shareholders  should  note  that if they hold Shares in  both  certificated  and
uncertificated  form, they must complete a separate Form of  Election  for  each
holding. Similarly, Shareholders should complete a separate Form of Election for
Shares  held  under  different member account references within  CREST  and  for
Shares   held  in  certificated  form  but  under  different  designations.   If
Shareholders have any queries relating to the completion of the Form of Election
or  if  you  require further copies of the Form of Election please  contact  the
Registrars  by  telephone on 0870 600 0673 or, if calling from  outside  the  UK
(+44) 1903 702767.

Shareholders are not required to surrender their share certificates (or, in  the
case  of CREST participants, make a transfer to escrow) in support of their Form
of Election.

Bondholders  who exercise their right to convert into Ordinary Shares  will  not
receive share certificates in respect of Ordinary Shares unless the Scheme  does
not become effective.

Please  complete the Form of Election and return it in the reply  paid  envelope
accompanying  the Circular, so as to be received by Lloyds TSB  Registrars,  The
Causeway,  Worthing, West Sussex BN99 6DA not later than 5.00 pm  on  Friday,  5
November 2004.

Forms of Proxy for Meetings
Shareholders and Bondholders will find enclosed with the Circular a  white  form
of  proxy for the First EGM and a blue form of proxy for the Second EGM. Whether
or  not  Shareholders and Bondholders who exercise their right to  convert  into
Ordinary  Shares propose to attend the relevant meetings, the appropriate  forms
of  proxy  should  be  completed  and returned to  Lloyds  TSB  Registrars,  The
Causeway, Worthing BN99 6ZR, as soon as possible and in any event not later than
48  hours before the time appointed for holding the relevant meeting. Completion
and  return  of  the relevant forms of proxy will not prevent  Shareholders  and
Bondholders  who  exercise  their right to convert  into  Ordinary  Shares  from
attending and voting in person at the Meetings, should they wish to do so.

PICT PEP, ISA and Savings Scheme Investors
Participants in the PICT PEP, ISA and Savings Scheme will find enclosed with the
Circular a letter from the plan manager, a Letter of Direction in respect of the
Meetings  and  a  personalised  Election  Instruction  Form.  Participants   are
requested  to complete and return the relevant Letter of Direction in accordance
with the instructions printed thereon as soon as possible and, in any event,  so
as  to  be  received  not  later  than 96 hours  before  the  relevant  meeting.
Participants  should  return the Election Instruction Form  in  the  reply  paid
envelope  to  Adam  &  Company, 22 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh  EH2  4DF  to  be
received by 29 October 2004.

Overseas Shareholders and Overseas Bondholders
No  person  receiving a copy of the Circular and/or a Form of  Election  in  any
territory  other  than the United Kingdom may treat the same as constituting  an
invitation or offer to him of MEF Units or New PAT Shares, nor should he in  any
event  accept any invitation or offer, unless in the relevant territory such  an
invitation  or offer could lawfully be made to him without compliance  with  any
registration or other legal requirements other than those which may already have
been fulfilled.

It is the responsibility of Overseas Shareholders to inform themselves about and
to   observe  any  legal  and  regulatory  requirements  in  their  jurisdiction
including,  without limitation, any relevant requirement in  relation  to  their
ability  to complete and return the Form of Election and to be issued  with  MEF
Units  or  New PAT Shares. Shareholders who are subject to taxation outside  the
United  Kingdom  should  consult their tax advisers as to  the  affects  of  the

Overseas  Shareholders will not receive a Form of Election and will (unless  the
Company  otherwise determines) receive a cash sum equal to the FAV  attributable
to  their Shares unless they have satisfied the Directors that it is lawful  for
MEF to issue MEF Units or PAT to issue New PAT Shares to them under the relevant
overseas laws and regulations.

Overseas  Bondholders  will  not receive a Form  of  Election.  If  an  Overseas
Bondholder exercises his right to convert into Ordinary Shares by the  Effective
Date,  he  will  be  treated  as  an Overseas Shareholder  as  described  above.
Otherwise, he will be treated as a Bondholder who has not exercised his right to
convert into Ordinary Shares.

Further  information in relation to Overseas Shareholders  is  set  out  in  the
section headed ''Overseas Shareholders'' in Part 4 of the Circular.

The Board, which has been so advised by Intelli Corporate Finance, believes that
the  Proposals set out in the Circular are in the best interests of the  Company
and of Shareholders as a whole.

Accordingly, the Board unanimously recommends Shareholders to vote in favour  of
the resolutions to be proposed at the Meetings irrespective of any Election they
may  wish  to  make  under the Proposals. The Board, who in  aggregate  have  an
interest  in  565,465  Shares being 8.57 per cent. of the current  issued  share
capital  (assuming all of the Bonds are converted), intend to vote their  entire
holdings in favour of the Scheme.

In  providing its advice, Intelli Corporate Finance has taken into  account  the
Directors' commercial assessments of the Proposals.

The Board cannot and does not give any advice or recommendations to Shareholders
as  to  whether, or as to what extent, they should elect for any of the  options
under  the  Proposals.  The choice between the Options  is  a  matter  for  each
Shareholder  to decide and will be influenced by their individual financial  and
tax  circumstances  and  their investment objectives. Shareholders  should  seek
advice from their own independent financial advisers if they are in any doubt as
to the action they should take.

Yours faithfully

Sir David Thomson, Bt


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