Brookfield Homes Corporation (NYSE: BHS)

Investors, analysts and other interested parties can access Brookfield Homes Corporation's Supplemental Information Package on the company's website under the Investor Relations/Financial Reports section at Brookfield Homes Corporation's second quarter investor conference call can be accessed by teleconference on Friday, July 30, 2010 at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time) at 1-800-319-4610, toll free in North America or 1-604-638-5340. The archived teleconference may be accessed by dialing 1-800-319-6413 (Pincode: 2818), toll free in North America through August 30, 2010. Alternatively, the conference call can be accessed by Webcast on the company's website at

Brookfield Homes Corporation ("Brookfield Homes") (NYSE: BHS) today announced net new orders and financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2010:

                                  Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                        June 30                 June  30
Unit Activity                          2010       2009       2010       2009
Home closings                           210        169        291        243
Net new home orders                     127        266        285        419
Active selling communities (end
 of period)                              22         30         22         30
Backlog of homes (units at end
 of period)                             181        310        181        310
Average home selling price        $ 449,000  $ 486,000  $ 472,000  $ 485,000
Lot sales to homebuilders                17         22         88        179
 (i) Unit information includes unconsolidated entities

--  Home closings increased by 24%, during the three months ended June 30,
    2010 in comparison to the same period in 2009. The overall average
    selling price decreased by 8% due to product mix, particularly the
    significant decrease in the number of higher priced homes closed in
    Northern California. However, the average selling price of homes
    delivered increased in each region.

--  Net new orders for the six months ended June 30, 2010 decreased by 134
    units, down 32% when compared to the six months ended June 30, 2009.
    This percentage decline is in line with the 27% decline in active
    selling communities as at June 30, 2010 compared to June 30, 2009.

                                   Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
Results of Operations                    June 30           June 30
(Millions, except per share
 amounts)                               2010     2009     2010     2009
Housing revenue                      $    94  $    82  $   136  $   117
Total revenue                             95       95      141      132
Impairments and write-offs                 -        4        -       20
Gross margin                              17        5       24        5
Net income/(loss) attributable to
 Brookfield Homes Corporation              3        -        -     (10)
Loss per share - diluted(i)          $(0.08)  $(0.12)  $(0.35)  $(0.51)
(i) Diluted loss per share is after preferred dividends

--  Housing revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2010 totaled $94
    million, an increase of 15% when compared to the three months ended June
    30, 2009. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, housing revenue
    increased 16% when compared to the six months ended June 30, 2009.

--  The company did not record any impairments during the three months ended
    June 30, 2010, compared to $4 million for the same period in 2009.

--  Net income attributable to Brookfield Homes for the three months ended
    June 30, 2010 was $3 million or a loss of $0.08 per share, compared to
    nil or a loss of $0.12 per share for the three months ended June 30,

Operating Highlights and Recent Developments

--  For the three months ended June 30, 2010, the company continued with its
    goal to entitle a total of 1,500 lots in 2009 and 2010 having entitled
    1,061 lots in 2009 and 376 lots during the first half of 2010.

--  Brookfield Homes currently sells from 22 active communities compared to
    30 at June 30, 2009.

--  At June 30, 2010, the company owned or controlled 26,169 lots, an
    increase of 1,924 lots from December 31, 2009.

--  A summary of lots owned or controlled under option, by region, follows:

                          Housing &Land     Entities         Total     Total
                        --------------------------------   Lots 6/  Lots 12/
(Lots)                  Owned(i) Options   Owned Options   30/2010   31/2009
Northern California        3,233   5,044       -       -     8,277     6,951
Southland/Los Angeles        962     320     404   1,987     3,673     3,262
San Diego/Riverside        8,696     200      52       -     8,948     8,853
Washington D.C. Area       2,752   1,066   1,199       -     5,017     4,916
Corporate and Other          196       -      58       -       254       263
Total June 30, 2010       15,839   6,630   1,713   1,987    26,169
Entitled Lots June 30,
 2010                     11,289   1,266   1,659     623    14,837
Unentitled Lots June 30,
 2010                      4,550   5,364      54   1,364    11,332
                          15,839   6,630   1,713   1,987    26,169
Total December 31, 2009   14,233   6,279   1,746   1,987              24,245
(i) Includes consolidated options
(ii) For financial and other related lot information, please refer to the
Supplemental Information for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2010, posted on


Brookfield Homes was encouraged by the improvement in first quarter sales and closings. However, since then, selling communities have seen a drop in the number of visits from potential homebuyers, which we believe is a result of expired government stimulus programs, together with continued uncertain economic conditions, which have negatively impacted homebuyer confidence.

On the other hand, the company's strong financial position and the decreasing supply of finished lots in our markets, places Brookfield Homes in a solid position as the markets improve.

The company's goals for 2010 remain:

--  Continue to monetize the company's inventory, targeting $90 million of
    net cash from operating activities. Net cash flow from operating
    activities for the six months ended June 30, 2010 was $42 million.

--  Increase lots controlled in certain strategic market areas. During the
    six months ended June 30, 2010, the company increased the lots
    controlled by 1,924 lots, principally in Northern California and the
    Southland/Los Angeles area.

--  Continue to improve overall gross margins as capital is invested in new
    homebuilding communities. Housing gross margins for the six months ended
    June 30, 2010 were 17% compared to 9% for the six months ended June 30,

--  Continue to meet the challenges presented in the market and position
    Brookfield Homes to return to profitability. For the three months ended
    June 20, 2010, net income was $3 million.

Brookfield Homes Corporation

Brookfield Homes Corporation is a land developer and homebuilder. We entitle and develop land for our own communities and sell lots to third parties. We also design, construct and market single-family and multi-family homes primarily to move-up homebuyers. Our portfolio includes over 26,000 lots owned and controlled in the Northern California; Southland / Los Angeles; San Diego / Riverside; and Washington D.C. Area markets.

Note: Certain statements in this press release that are not historical facts, including information concerning possible or assumed future results of operations of the company, the company's 2010 outlook, the company's 2010 goals, value creation, targeted 2010 operating cash flow, the entitlement and monetization of lots (and the timing thereof), the company's future outlook and growth plans including acquisitions and lots controlled, and those statements preceded by, followed by, or that include the words "believe", "planned", "anticipate", "should", "goals", "expected", "potential," "estimate," "targeted," "scheduled" or similar expressions, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual results to differ materially from the anticipated future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forward in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: changes in general economic, real estate and other conditions; mortgage rate changes; availability of suitable undeveloped land at acceptable prices; adverse legislation or regulation; ability to obtain necessary permits and approvals for the development of our land; availability of labor or materials or increases in their costs; ability to develop and market our master-planned communities successfully; confidence levels of consumers; ability to raise capital on favorable terms; adverse weather conditions and natural disasters; relations with the residents of our communities; risks associated with increased insurance costs or unavailability of adequate coverage and ability to obtain surety bonds; competitive conditions in the homebuilding industry, including product and pricing pressures; and additional risks and uncertainties referred to in our Form 10-K and other SEC filings, many of which are beyond our control. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

                         Brookfield Homes Corporation
                    Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                  Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                       June 30                 June 30
(thousands, except per share
 amounts) (unaudited)                 2010       2009       2010       2009

  Housing                        $  94,231  $  82,051  $ 135,996  $ 117,412
  Land                               1,680     13,050      5,346     14,868
Total revenue                       95,911     95,101    141,342    132,280
Direct cost of sales
  Housing                          (77,204)   (75,250)  (113,023)  (106,890)
  Land                              (1,267)   (10,570)    (4,154)   (12,222)
  Impairment of housing and land
   inventory and write-off of
   option deposits                       -     (4,258)         -     (8,158)
                                    17,440      5,023     24,165      5,010
Selling, general and
 administrative expense            (13,632)   (13,545)   (26,133)   (25,274)
(Loss) / equity in earnings from
 unconsolidated entities              (743)      (231)       (57)     2,128
Impairment of investments in
 unconsolidated entities                 -          -          -    (11,618)
Other income                         1,787      8,505      1,568     10,950
Income / (loss) before income
 taxes                               4,852       (248)      (457)   (18,804)
Income tax (expense) / recovery     (1,795)      (115)       (77)     6,204
Net income / (loss)              $   3,057  $    (363) $    (534) $ (12,600)
Less net (income) / loss
 attributable to noncontrolling
 interest & other interests in
 consolidated subsidiaries            (130)       550        658      2,478
Net income / (loss) attributable
 to Brookfield Homes Corporation $   2,927  $     187  $     124  $ (10,122)

Loss per share
  Basic and diluted              $   (0.08) $   (0.12) $   (0.35) $   (0.51)

Weighted average common shares
  Basic and diluted                 28,621     26,769     28,513     26,769

                      Brookfield Homes Corporation
                   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                            As at
                                                      June 30, December 31,
(thousands, except per share amounts) (unaudited)         2010         2009

Housing and land inventory                         $   845,087  $   835,263
Investments in unconsolidated entities                 101,758       92,477
Receivables and other assets                            18,578       61,744
Restricted cash                                          7,485        7,485
Deferred income taxes                                   37,232       40,112
                                                   $ 1,010,140  $ 1,037,081

Liabilities and Equity
Project specific and other financings              $   353,282  $   381,567
Accounts payable and other liabilities                 128,165      122,190
Total liabilities                                      481,447      503,757
Other interests in consolidated subsidiaries            42,638       47,011
Total equity                                           486,055      486,313
                                                   $ 1,010,140  $ 1,037,081

Debt to equity capitalization                               40%          42%

Book value per share, as converted and diluted     $      7.44  $      7.58

                        Brookfield Homes Corporation
                    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

                                   Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                        June 30                 June 30
(thousands) (unaudited)               2010       2009       2010       2009

Cash flows from / (used in)
 operating activities
Net income / (loss)              $   3,057  $    (363) $    (534) $ (12,600)
Adjustments to reconcile net
 income / (loss) to net cash
 from operating activities:
  Distributed / (undistributed)
   income fromunconsolidated
   entities                            745        129         52     (2,221)
  Deferred income taxes              1,795        (77)     2,800     (6,396)
  Impairment of housing and land
   inventory and write-off of
   option deposits                       -      4,258          -      8,158
  Impairment of investments in
   unconsolidated entities               -          -          -     11,618
  Stock option compensation
   costs                               315        201        428        392
Other charges in operating
 assets and liabilities:
  Decrease in receivables and
   other assets                      8,031        505     43,166     63,298
  (Increase) / decrease in
   housing and land inventory       (3,225)    11,431    (11,763)        32
  Increase / (decrease) in
   accounts payable and other
   liabilities                      10,408        (99)     8,301    (21,620)
Net cash provided by operating
 activities                         21,126     15,985     42,530     40,661

Cash flows from / (used in)
 investing activities
Net investments in
 unconsolidated entities            (8,441)      (236)   (12,574)    (1,155)
Net cash used in investing
 activities                         (8,441)      (236)   (12,574)    (1,155)

Cash flows (used in) / from
 financing activities
Net repayments under project
 specific and other financings     (12,164)  (261,876)   (28,285)  (285,908)
Net contributions from
 noncontrolling interest and
 other interests in consolidated
 subsidiaries                         (563)       403     (1,764)       678
Preferred stock issuance, net of
 issuance costs                          -    249,688          -    249,688
Preferred stock dividends paid
 in cash                                 -     (3,500)         -     (3,500)
Exercise of stock options               42          -         93          -
Net cash used in financing
 activities                        (12,685)   (15,285)   (29,956)   (39,042)

Increase in cash and cash
 equivalents                             -        464          -        464
Cash and cash equivalents at
 beginning of period                     -          -          -          -
Cash and cash equivalents at end
 of period                       $       -  $     464  $       -  $     464

Supplemental cash flow
Interest paid                    $   7,438  $   8,995  $  15,740  $  18,984
Income taxes recovered               3,320      1,883     42,766     60,700

Contacts: Brookfield Homes Corporation Linda Northwood Director, Investor Relations 858-481-2567

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