Startup Giants plc 
                      ("Startup Giants" or the "Company") 
           Interim Results for the six months period to 30 June 2020 
                                Board Statement 
Startup Giants plc is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the 
six months period from 1st January 2020 to 30th June 2020. The financial 
statements below have not been reviewed by the Company's auditors. 
Financial Results 
Financial highlights for the period, extracted from the financial statements 
which follow, are: 
          ITEM            30 June 2020   30 June 2019 
Operational loss:           GBP(5,975)      GBP(21,254) 
Loss per share:           (0.59) pence   (2.1) pence 
Cash and cash equivalents   GBP682,289       GBP642,680 
Shareholders' funds         GBP628,751   (2019: GBP699,023) 
Review of Business During the Period 
During the period under review, the Company has continued to increase its 
portfolio of founders looking for acceleration of their start-up businesses. 
Despite the Covid-19 lock-down being in place from 24th March to 4th July of 
this year in England, the Company announced in the statement dated 3rd June 
2020 accompanying the final results for 2019 that it had received official 
Endorsing Body status from the Home Office to qualify and endorse foreign 
entrepreneurs on their innovation, viability, and scalability, and to bring 
their intellectual property to the United Kingdom for growth and investment. 
Startup Giants can now be found listed on the Government's website as an 
approved body that can endorse foreign applicants' business concepts for the 
purpose of applying for either an Innovator or Startup visa. 
Startup Giants has an initial allocation of 25 endorsements a year that it can 
issue, and can apply for an increase should the need arise. Each founding team 
joins the growth programme, providing business advice and support for three 
years, with fees starting at GBP1,000 per month. In some cases, the Company 
waivers the fees in exchange for an equity in the business. 
Current Trading and Post- Balance Sheet Developments 
Current trading remains in line with the Directors' expectations at the 
beginning of the second half of the financial year. 
For the period April 2020 to date, which spans the final two months of the 
first three months of the second half of financial 2020 Startup Giants has been 
qualifying many applications from foreign innovators for both the Startup and 
Innovator Route visa. The Company has received over 200 applications from 
foreign founders, with a consistent growth of applications coming in. Startup 
Giants has issued 13 endorsement letters so far for visa applicants joining 
their three-year programme for funding and growth in their business. There are 
currently over 70 applications at interview or qualifying stage, with seven in 
the process of confirming their eligibility to join the programme. 
The Company will continue to focus on building its international innovation 
support alongside supporting UK founders. By 2022, Startup Giants aims to be 
helping over 75 innovative UK businesses of overseas origin at any one time. 
Other Information 
Along with this regular financial report the Company is this year taking the 
opportunity to send shareholders with their interim reports some additional 
information in the form of a separate "Shareholder News Update" dated September 
2020. This short document attempts to paint an overview of the Company's 
business model and to describe how the Directors believe this can lead to both 
growth in revenue and to capital growth for the Company through its 
involvements with and participations in successful start-ups which it endorses. 
In the interests of transparency, the text of the September 2020 Shareholder 
News Update is reproduced immediately above the responsibility statement at the 
end of this announcement. A downloadable PDF copy of the Shareholder News 
Update shall be available from Startup Giants' website: https:// 
Readers of the Shareholder News Update should be clear that it does not form a 
part of Startup Giants' Interim Results for the six months period to 30 June 
The Directors would like to thank shareholders for their continuing support and 
look forward to informing them of developments at Startup Giants during the 
remainder of the current financial year and beyond. 
Jeb Buckler, 
Chief Executive Officer, 
Startup Giants plc 
29th September 2020 
                              Startup Giants plc 
                       Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                         Six months ended 30 June 2020 
                                     Six months ended  Six months ended 
                                       30 June 2020      30 June 2019 
                                                   GBP               GBP 
Turnover                                        44,082            45,245 
Administrative expenses                       (50,057)          (66,499) 
Operating loss                                 (5,975)          (21,254) 
Taxation                                             -                 - 
Loss for the period                            (5,975)          (21,254) 
Earnings per share: 
Basic and Diluted (pence)                      (0.59)p            (2.1)p 
                              Startup Giants plc 
                        Statement of Financial Position 
                              As at 30 June 2019 
                                       30 June 2020      30 June 2019 
                                                  GBP                GBP 
Non-current assets: 
Goodwill                                       24,584             29,584 
Investments                                    40,000             40,000 
                                               64,584             69,584 
Current assets: 
Trade and other receivables                    49,058             70,982 
Cash and cash equivalents                     682,289            642,680 
                                              731,347            713,662 
Total assets                                  795,931            783,246 
Current liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                      142,180             84,223 
Bank borrowings                                25,000                  - 
                                              167,180             84,223 
Net current assets                            564,167            629,439 
Total liabilities                             167,180             84,223 
Net assets                                    628,751            699,023 
Called up share capital                       140,510            140,510 
Share premium account                         769,790            769,790 
Retained earnings                           (281,549)          (211,277) 
Total equity                                  628,751            699,023 
                              Startup Giants plc 
                            Statement of Cash Flows 
                         Six months ended 30 June 2020 
                                      Six months ended Six months ended 
                                        30 June 2020     30 June 2019 
                                                   GBP               GBP 
Loss for the year after tax                      (975)          (21,254) 
Adjustments for: 
Amortisation of intangible assets                2,500             2,500 
Movement in trade and other                      1,566             5,768 
Movement in trade and other payables            12,209             9,213 
Cash generated/(absorbed) by                    15,300           (3,773) 
Investing activities: 
Purchase of investments                              -                 - 
Financing activities: 
Bank loan received                              25,000                 - 
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash            40,300           (3,773) 
Cash and cash equivalents at                   641,989           646,453 
beginning of period 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of            682,289           642,680 
The financial information set out above has not been reviewed or audited by the 
Company's auditors. 
The financial information set out above has been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the 
European Union. 
Text of Shareholder News Update 
"Startup Giants this year received official Endorsing Body status from the Home 
Office to qualify and endorse the innovation, viability, and scalability of 
business ventures of foreign entrepreneurs wishing to commercialise, grow and 
finance their intellectual property in the United Kingdom. 
We are proud now to be accredited and approved by the British Home Office as an 
Endorsing Body for foreign innovators. 
Startup Giants can now be found listed on the UK Government's website as an 
approved body able to endorse foreign applicants' business concepts for the 
purpose of applying for either an Innovator or Startup visa. 
Over the past five years, we have strengthened links with a number of strategic 
partners such as immigration law firms, which introduce overseas investors and 
innovators to Startup Giants. 
Between the introducing lawyers and associates, and direct applicants, we 
consider only innovative business models that we believe meet the Home Office's 
strict criteria. In some cases, the overseas applicant has already studied at a 
university in the UK and so already meets the educational and linguistic 
thresholds, as well as having the required capital. In many other cases, 
candidates are looking to move to the UK with an innovation or an existing 
Together, we work with these law firms in order to manage the administration 
process with the Home Office and ensure that every box is ticked so that our 
applicants stand the best chance of being granted a right to live in the UK and 
bring their business visions to life here. 
SUG has an initial allocation of 25 endorsements a year; it may apply to the 
Home Office to increase this quota from 25 to 50+ deals per year, if the 
original quota proves too low. 
Bringing innovative, viable, and scalable business ideas to life in the United 
Mitigating risk with expertise at all stages of development and investment 
Long-term scalability requires a plan for sustainable growth. We qualify each 
business by assessing the following areas before engaging on a three-year 
strategy and growth plan: 
Does the applicant have a genuine, original business plan that meets new or 
existing market needs and/or creates a competitive advantage? 
Does the applicant have, or are they actively developing, the necessary skills, 
knowledge, experience and market awareness to run the business successfully? 
Is there evidence of structured planning, and of potential for job creation and 
growth into national markets? 
Bringing innovative, viable, and scalable business ideas to life in the UK 
After being granted a visa, founders join the Startup Giants' growth programme 
for up to three years, thus creating for Startup Giants a steady and consistent 
pipeline of deal flow to bring to its syndicated investors. 
Startup Giants has an initial allocation of 25 endorsements per year that it 
can issue, and can apply for an increase should the need arise. 
Each founding team joins the growth programme, which provides business advice 
and support for three years, with fees starting at GBP1,000 per month. 
By 2022, the Directors believe that, at any one time, Startup Giants will have 
75+ foreign innovative businesses under management and available for 
Updated visa metrics (September 2020) 
During the period April to September, Startup Giants has been qualifying many 
applications from foreign innovators for both the Startup and Innovator Route 
Startup Giants has received over 200 applications from foreign founders, with a 
consistent growth trend in the number of applications being submitted to us. 
There are currently over 70 applications at interview or qualifying stage, with 
seven in the process of confirming their eligibility to join the programme. 
Startup Giants has issued 13 endorsement letters so far for visa applicants 
joining their three-year programme for funding and growth in their business. 
Startup Giants is propelling the UK forwards to become leaders of innovation 
Startup Giants PLC is a tech innovation venture builder and accelerator, 
building a portfolio of start-ups with high potential. 
Founded in 2015 on the belief that entrepreneurs, who have ideas that can 
positively impact the way we live, should have access to the funding they need 
to become leading players in their spheres. 
Startup Giants is supported by the Department for International Trade and has 
been granted Official Endorser status by the Home Office. 
You will find our shares traded on the Aquis Exchange Growth Market in London, 
search for AQSE: SUG 
Our founders are the future entrepreneurial leaders of innovation. Together 
with them, we are helping ensure that the UK is richly diverse, talented and 
How are we unique in our marketplace? 
Where some seed accelerators drop off after three months, we apply a much 
stronger vetting process before we invest and partner with a founder. 
It's a three-year contract, the founder is then placed on an accelerator 
programme for concept improvement, marketing, branding, whilst given all of the 
financial and accounting and legal assistance they need to create their MVP and 
refine it for their marketplace. 
We build entrepreneurs. We invest in the founder's idea and their mindset. 
During the three years, we help them grow to the point where they are eligible 
for higher investment rounds, where we may also exercise our rights to 
participate in their business. 
Obsessed with growth 
We're obsessed with growth. Innovative, verifiable and scalable business 
demands it. Startup Giants makes money from the moment we on-board a new 
founder. Here's how: 
Each deal Startup Giants endorses and completes adds to the Company's recurring 
monthly revenues and pipeline of deals available for investment. 
Startup Giants also takes equity and/or options to participate in businesses 
that it supports early on in the growth programme. Growth in the value of any 
individual business should thus be reflected in Startup Giants' balance sheet 
and, in time, in its share price. 
Startup Giants has a constant pipeline of applicants to consider. Experts 
across multiple fields of legal, business and marketing view and speak to each 
applicant as part of a comprehensive application and support process. 
Startup Giants has also reached out to other business angel groups and venture 
capital funds to build relationships that may participate in follow-on 
investment rounds with its founders and successful visa candidates. 
Because innovation never sits still 
In line with its own business goals and values, Startup Giants is reviewing the 
following future initiatives for rollout: 
Co-investment fund 
An SEIS/EIS co-investment fund that provides a 'cornerstone' (say 30%) 
commitment to its deals (conditional on a successful funding round), which will 
allow SUG to scale-up significantly the number of deals it can take through a 
funding round (thereby increasing the number of options to participate in SUG's 
portfolio; and its accelerator fee revenue). 
Strategic partner investments 
The creation of a Venture Builder fund from which SUG would allocate pre-seed 
funding to UK startup businesses, wherein the fund would largely control the 
spending on trusted and necessary resources (rather than 
writing a cheque to founders) in order to reduce risks, manage cash-flow and to 
position SUG as a strategic partner to the business. 
Subscription-based investing 
A subscription model for smaller retail investors to invest regularly and tax- 
efficiently under SEIS/EIS on a regular plan, e. g. GBP100 to GBP500 per month, to 
access and build a portfolio. This would be a managed approach, where SUG 
allocated or advised on allocation of the monthly subscriptions. 
The future is 'appy 
SUG is in the throes of organising a global app competition within key 
universities and colleges worldwide, to source team talent and design a whole 
suite of business apps to help people become better founders and entrepreneurs, 
with the entire suite being available for a single monthly subscription. 
Moving with the times ... 
A number of other platforms provide deal- flow to investors via proprietary 
platforms, in some cases using a subscription 
model. SUG is considering releasing such an app to enable high net worth 
business angels and/or venture capital firms to access a portal to see and, if 
sufficiently impressed, invest in any of Startup Giants' deals. 
A note from the founder and CEO of Startup Giants, Jeb Buckler 
Much has happened for everyone over the past 12 months. 
Our Company has taken major steps forwards despite of the growing global 
challenges which, as we see it, have only heightened the need for positive 
future innovations to be shared globally as quickly as possible. 
We are leaping forwards. As we develop our branding, we want our values to be 
crystal clear. Our entire Startup Giants' team was unanimous in voting to 
conclude this document with our vision, to inspire confidence in everything we 
do and for our partners to act accordingly. Here it is: 
We are a company that is obsessed with ideas and innovation. 
These can only come from people. 
Diversity is therefore our norm. 
Startup Giants is inclusive. 
We get to know our founders, their idea, and if it's right for investment, 
we'll empower them to flourish. 
We're in the business of creating legacies of positive innovation. 
Nothing more, nothing less. 
Join us and be inspired." 
This announcement has been made after due and careful inquiry and the Directors 
of Startup Giants plc accept responsibility for its content. 
Startup Giants plc 
Cherry Martin; cherry@startupgiants.com  +44 20 7 157 9764 
Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co Limited 
Graham Atthill-Beck +44 20 7464 4091; +44 750 643 4107; +097 50 856 9408; 
Graham.Atthill-Beck@kbrl.co.uk; blackpearladvisers@gmail.com 
Brinsley Holman: +44 20 7464 4098: Brinsley-Holman@kbrl.co.uk 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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