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Nostra Terra Oil And Gas Company Plc

Nostra Terra Oil And Gas Company Plc (NTOG)

( 0,00% )
Mis à jour : 09:00:00
Heure Prix Taille Type Prix d'achat Prix de vente A/V Acheter Ind. Volume total Num Bourse
17:00:56 0.027 3717472 O 0.026 0.027 Buy
42 994 725 9 LSE
16:28:12 0.027 1000000 O 0.026 0.027 Buy
39 277 253 8 LSE
16:20:17 0.027 18612126 O 0.025 0.027 Buy
38 277 253 7 LSE
16:19:41 0.026 19333527 O 0.025 0.026 Buy
19 665 127 6 LSE
15:46:05 0.026 73837 O 0.025 0.026 Buy
331 600 5 LSE
13:53:37 0.026 21085 O 0.025 0.026 Buy
257 763 4 LSE
12:37:39 0.025 36101 O 0.025 0.026 Sell
236 678 3 LSE
12:24:33 0.025 577 O 0.025 0.026 Sell
200 577 2 LSE
09:01:58 0.026 200000 O 0.025 0.026 Buy
200 000 1 LSE