RNS Number:7593M
Mitsubishi Corporation
25 June 2003

             Additional Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
              for the Year Ended March 31, 2003 (Based on US GAAP)

                                                                   June 25, 2003

                                                          Mitsubishi Corporation

TOKYO, June 25, 2003.. Mitsubishi Corporation announced today additional notes
to its consolidated financial statements, using accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States, for the year ended March 31, 2003. The
consolidated financial statements were originally announced on May 14, 2003.


Income taxes in Japan applicable to the companies, imposed by the national,
prefectural and municipal governments, in the aggregate, result in a normal
effective statutory rate of approximately 42% for the years ended March 31, 2002
and 2003.  Effective March 31, 2003, separate new local tax legislation was
enacted in Japan changing the parent company's and its domestic subsidiaries'
statutory income tax rate from 42% to 41% for fiscal years beginning on or after
April 1, 2004.  Deferred income tax balances have been adjusted to reflect the
revised rates, which increased the provision for income taxes for the year ended
March 31, 2003.  Foreign subsidiaries are subject to income taxes of the
countries in which they operate.

A reconciliation of the combined statutory tax rates for the years ended March
31, 2002 and 2003 to the effective rates of income taxes reflected in the
accompanying consolidated statements of income is as follows:

                                                                                         2002         2003 

            Combined statutory income tax rate                                           42.0%        42.0% 
            Expenses not deductible for income tax purposes                                5.2          6.0 
            Operating losses of certain subsidiaries                                       6.3         12.8 
            Tax benefits on losses of subsidiaries                                       (1.1)        (0.2) 
            Lower income tax rates applicable to income in certain foreign countries     (7.0)        (9.7) 
            Effect of taxation on dividends                                                1.4          9.6 
            Effect of reduction in tax rate                                                             3.1 
            Tax benefits realized on foreign tax credits carryforwards                                      
            Other-net                                                                    (0.7)        (0.6) 
            Effective income tax rate                                                    46.1%        63.0% 
Amounts provided for income taxes for the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003 are allocated as follows: 
                                                                               Millions of Yen        Millions of U.S.  
                                                                            2002              2003          2003 
  Income taxes                                                          Y 45,875          Y 38,302          $325      

  Equity in earnings of affiliated companies,including impairment        (17,544)            4,802            40      

  Other comprehensive income                                             (36,154)          (62,767)         (531) 

  Total income tax expense (benefit)                                    Y (7,823)        Y (19,663)        $(166) 
Significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows: 
                                                                    Millions of Yen        Millions ofU.S. Dollars 
                                                                  2002             2003          2003 
             Allowance for doubtful receivables               Y 52,299         Y 60,122          $509      
             Accrued pension and severance liabilities          56,892          105,624           895      
             Impairment loss on property and equipment          15,929           11,958           101      
             Net operating loss carryforwards                   36,629           30,282           257      
             Accruals and other                                 59,537           55,649           472      
             Gross deferred tax assets                         221,286          263,635         2,234      
             Less valuation allowance                          (37,008)         (36,955)         (313) 
             Deferred tax assets-less valuation allowance      184,278          226,680         1,921      
             Depreciation                                       22,474           23,541           200      
             Valuation of debt and equity securities            63,401           36,985           313      
             Property and intangible assets                     29,528           52,995           449      
             Other                                              25,090           25,674           218      
             Gross deferred tax liabilities                    140,493          139,195         1,180      
             Net deferred tax assets                           Y43,785         Y 87,485          $741      
A valuation allowance is established to reduce certain deferred tax assets with respect to deductible temporary
differences and net operating loss carryforwards where it is more likely than not that they will not be realized. The
total valuation allowance increased by Y 2,338 million and decreased by Y 53 million ($0.4million) for the years
ended March 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.

Net deferred tax assets are included in the consolidated balance sheets at March 31, 2002 and 2003 as follows: 

                                                                     Millions of Yen        Millions of U.S. Dollars 
                                                                   2002             2003         2003 
             Current assets-Deferred income taxes              Y 48,170         Y 55,651         $472      
             Other assets                                        32,051           96,467          817      
             Current liabilities-Other current liabilities       (2,701)          (2,297)         (19) 
             Long-term liabilities-Deferred income taxes        (33,735)         (62,336)        (529) 
             Net deferred tax assets                           Y 43,785          Y87,485         $741      
At March 31, 2003, the amount of undistributed earnings of subsidiaries on which a deferred tax liability has not
been recognized in the accompanying consolidated financial statements aggregated Y 331,989 million ($2,813 million).
Most of the undistributed earnings of domestic subsidiaries are not considered to be a taxable temporary difference.
Determination of the deferred tax liability related to the undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries is not

At March 31, 2003, the companies had aggregate operating loss carryforwards of approximately Y 84,615 million ($717
million) which may be used as a deduction in the determination of taxable income in future periods. If not utilized,
such loss carryforwards expire as follows: 

                                                         Millions of Yen    Millions of
                                                                           U.S. Dollars 
                                    Year ending March 31:                          

                                    2004                       Y 5,774         $49 
                                    2005                         7,100          60 
                                    2006                        12,948         110 
                                    2007                        19,122         162 
                                    2008                         9,757          83 
                                    2009 through 2013            7,565          64 
                                    2014 through 2018              602           5 
                                    2019 and thereafter         21,747         184 

                                    Total                     Y 84,615        $717 
Income (loss) from consolidated operations before income taxes for the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003 comprised
the following: 

                                                                 Millions of Yen 
                                                      The Parent         Foreign           Total 
                                                     Company and       Subsidiaries              
                                                    Its Domestic                                 
                        Year ended March 31, 2002      Y 34,417         Y 65,102        Y 99,519 
                        Year ended March 31, 2003     Y (16,760    )    Y 77,594        Y 60,834 

                                                                  Millions of U.S. Dollars 
                                                       The Parent                         Foreign               Total 
                                         Company and Its Domestic                    Subsidiaries                      

  Year ended March 31, 2003                           $(142)                              $658                  $516 
Income taxes for the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003 comprised the following: 
                                                     Millions of Yen     
                                     The Parent                Foreign Subsidiaries                         Total     
                                  Company and                                                                         
                     Its Domestic Subsidiaries                                                                        

  Year ended March 31, 2002:                                                                                          

  Current                        Y 22,503                             Y 23,039                      Y 45,542          

  Deferred                          5,139                               (4,806)                          333          
  Total                           Y27,642                             Y 18,233                      Y 45,875          
  Year ended March 31, 2003:                                                                                          

  Current                         Y30,751                             Y 25,517                      Y 56,268          

  Deferred                       (16,752)                              (1,214)                      (17,966) 
  Total                          Y 13,999                             Y 24,303                      Y 38,302          
                                              Millions of U.S. Dollars                                                  
                             The Parent Company and                Foreign Subsidiaries                 Total           
                          Its Domestic Subsidiaries                                                                     

  Year ended March 31, 2003:                                                                                          

  Current                               $261                                 $216                      $477           

  Deferred                              (142)                                (10)                     (152)      
  Total                                 $119                                 $206                      $325           

The parent company and certain of its subsidiaries have non-contributory defined benefit pension plans covering
substantially all employees other than directors. The plans provide benefits based upon years of service,
compensation at the time of severance and other factors. The parent company and certain of its subsidiaries also have
contributory defined benefit pension plans which cover substantially all of their employees and provides for lifetime
annuity payments commencing at age 60. In addition, certain subsidiaries and affiliated companies participate in a
contributory defined benefit pension plan (Dia Union Pension Fund) which covers substantially all of their employees
and provides for lifetime annuity payments commencing at age 60.

Each of the contributory pension funds is administered by a board of trustees comprised of management and employee
representatives as required by government regulations. Employee benefits under the plans consist of a portion
specified by government regulations and an additional portion from the parent company's or its subsidiaries'
sponsored plans. The plan assets for both portions are managed and invested as one asset pool. Both the companies and
their employees are required to contribute to the pension funds; however, the companies have obligations to fund the
plans in a manner sufficient to satisfy the plans benefit obligations.

The companies' funding policy is mainly to contribute an amount deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions are
intended to provide not only for benefits attributable to service to date but also for those expected to be earned in
the future. In March 2002 and March 2003, the parent company contributed certain marketable equity securities to
employee retirement benefit trusts plan assets for the parent's contributory and non-contributory pension plans.

In addition to the pension plans, most of the domestic subsidiaries have unfunded severance indemnity plans under
which their employees, other than directors, are entitled, under most circumstances, upon mandatory retirement at
normal retirement age or earlier termination of employment, to lump-sum severance indemnities based on compensation
at the time of severance, years of service and other factors.

Net periodic pension costs of the parent company's and its subsidiaries' pension and indemnities plans for the years
ended March 31, 2002 and 2003 include the following components: 

                                                                Millions of Yen          Millions of
                                                                                        U.S. Dollars 
                                                                2002             2003         2003 

                Contributory pension plans:                                                             

                Service cost-benefits earned during          Y 7,461          Y 6,743          $57      
                the period                                                                              
                Interest cost on projected benefit            10,067           10,309           88      
                Expected return on plan assets                (8,534    )      (6,003    )     (51    ) 
                Recognized net actuarial loss                  7,641            9,007           76      
                Amortization of unrecognized prior               117             (166    )      (1    ) 
                service cost                                                                            
                Amortization of unrecognized obligation          163              163            1      
                at transition                                                                           
                Net periodic pension cost                   Y 16,915         Y 20,053         $170      
                Non-contributory pension plans:                                                         
                Service cost-benefits earned during          Y 6,213          Y 6,209          $53      
                the period                                                                              
                Interest cost on projected benefit             2,443            2,294           19      
                Expected return on plan assets                (1,757    )      (1,424    )     (12    ) 
                Recognized net actuarial loss                  3,982            3,826           32      
                Amortization of unrecognized prior               242               78            1      
                service cost                                                                            
                Amortization of unrecognized net asset           (20    )         (18    )              
                at transition                                                                           
                Settlement loss                                                 3,657           31      
                Net periodic pension cost                   Y 11,103         Y 14,622         $124      
The following table sets forth the reconciliation of benefit obligation, plan assets and funded status of the plans: 
                                                                         Millions of Yen     
                                                              2002                              2003     
                                               Contributory  Non-contributory       Contributory       Non-contributory 
                                              Pension Plans     Pension Plans      Pension Plans          Pension Plans 
  Change in benefit obligation:                                                                                       
  Benefit obligation at beginning of year        Y 336,340          Y 89,981           Y346,376         Y 96,874      
  Service cost                                       7,461             6,213              6,743            6,209      
  Interest cost                                     10,067             2,443             10,309            2,294      
  Employee contributions                             2,205                                2,317                       
  Plan amendments                                                                           205           (1,106    ) 
  Actuarial (gain) loss                               (536    )        2,036             67,908            6,606      
  Benefits paid                                     (9,161    )       (4,191    )       (10,213    )      (3,401    ) 
  Lump-sum payments/settlements                                       (6,135    )                         (7,916    ) 
  Acquisitions/divestitures and other-net                              5,402              2,051            3,556      
  Change in foreign currency exchange rates                            1,125                                (974    ) 
  Benefit obligation at end of year                346,376            96,874            425,696          102,142      
  Change in plan assets:                                                                                              
  Fair value of plan assets at beginning of        260,780            57,977            282,674           57,810      
  Actual return on plan assets                     (17,624    )       (4,620    )       (53,477    )     (10,258    ) 
  Employer contributions                            46,474             8,415             22,241           26,362      
  Employee contributions                             2,205                                2,317                       
  Benefits paid                                     (9,161    )       (2,139    )       (10,213    )      (1,923    ) 
  Lump-sum payments/settlements                                       (6,135    )                         (6,637    ) 
  Acquisitions/divestitures and other-net                              3,228              1,165              206      
  Change in foreign currency exchange rates                            1,084                                (748    ) 
  Fair value of plan assets at end of year         282,674            57,810            244,707           64,812      
  Reconciliation of funded status and net                                                                             
  amount recognized in                                                                                                
  the consolidated balance sheets:                                                                                    
  Funded status                                    (63,702    )      (39,064    )      (180,989    )     (37,330    ) 
  Unrecognized net actuarial loss                  145,578            26,941            264,151           38,599      
  Unrecognized prior service cost                                      1,245                389              (19    ) 
  Unrecognized net obligation (asset) at               319               (23    )           156               (3    ) 
  Net amount recognized                            Y82,195         Y (10,901    )       Y83,707           Y1,247      
  Amounts recognized in the consolidated                                                                              
  balance sheets consist of:                                                                                          
  Prepaid pension cost included in other                             Y 3,306                              Y5,223      
  current assets                                                                                                      
  Accrued pension liability                       Y(49,064    )      (33,378    )    Y (156,615    )     (35,949    ) 
  Intangible asset included in other assets            319             1,161              2,306                       
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss,            130,940            18,010            238,016           31,973      
  before tax                                                                                                          
  Net amount recognized                           Y 82,195         Y (10,901    )      Y 83,707            1,247      

                                                                            Millions of U.S. Dollars     
                                                                  Contributory                    Non-contributory    
                                                                Pension Plans                       Pension Plans     

  Change in benefit obligation:                                                                                       
  Benefit obligation at beginning of year                         $2,935                                $821          
  Service cost                                                        57                                  53          
  Interest cost                                                       88                                  19          
  Employee contributions                                              20                                              
  Plan amendments                                                      2                                  (9) 
  Actuarial (gain) loss                                              575                                  56          
  Benefits paid                                                      (87)                                (29) 
  Lump-sum payments/settlements                                                                          (67) 
  Acquisitions/divestitures and other-net                             18                                  30          
  Change in foreign currency exchange rates                                                               (8) 
  Benefit obligation at end of year                                3,608                                 866          
  Change in plan assets:                                                                                              
  Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year                   2,396                                 490          
  Actual return on plan assets                                      (453)                                (87) 
  Employer contributions                                             188                                 223          
  Employee contributions                                              20                                              
  Benefits paid                                                      (87)                                (16) 
  Lump-sum payments/settlements                                                                          (57) 
  Acquisitions/divestitures and other-net                             10                                   2          
  Change in foreign currency exchange rates                                                               (6) 
  Fair value of plan assets at end of year                         2,074                                 549          
  Reconciliation of funded status and net amount recognized                                                           
  the consolidated balance sheets:                                                                                    
  Funded status                                                   (1,534)                               (317) 
  Unrecognized net actuarial loss                                  2,239                                 328          
  Unrecognized prior service cost                                      3                                              
  Unrecognized net obligation (asset) at transition                    1                                              
  Net amount recognized                                             $709                                 $11          
  Amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets                                                               
  consist of:                                                                                                         
  Prepaid pension cost included in other current assets                                                  $45          
  Accrued pension liability                                      $(1,327)                               (305) 
  Intangible asset included in other assets                           19                                              
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss, before tax                 2,017                                 271          
  Net amount recognized                                             $709                                 $11          

The aggregate projected benefit obligation, aggregate accumulated benefit obligation and aggregate fair value of plan
assets for the contributory pension plans where accumulated benefit obligations exceeded plan assets were Y 346,376
million, Y 333,038 million and Y 282,674 million, respectively, as of March 31, 2002 and Y 425,696 million ($3,608
million), Y 401,322 million ($3,401 million) and Y 244,707 million ($2,074 million), respectively, as of March 31,

The aggregate projected benefit obligation, aggregate accumulated benefit obligation and aggregate fair value of plan
assets for the non-contributory pension plans where accumulated benefit obligations exceeded plan assets were Y
91,014 million, Y 81,200 million and Y 51,145 million, respectively, as of March 31, 2002 and Y 95,981 million ($813
million), Y 90,750 million ($769 million) and Y 59,559 million ($505 million), respectively, as of March 31, 2003.

Assumptions used for 2002 and 2003 are as follows: 

                                                                                2002        2003     

                    Contributory pension plans:                                                      
                    Weighted-average discount rate                              3.0%        2.0%     
                    Average rate of increase in future compensation levels      2.3%        2.1%     
                    Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets            4.0%        2.9%     
                    Non-contributory pension plans:                                                  
                    Weighted-average discount rate*                             3.3%        2.1%     
                    Average rate of increase in future compensation levels*     4.1%        4.1%     
                    Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets*           4.8%        4.3%     
* Includes those of foreign subsidiaries. 
The parent company has offered an early retirement program to its employees. The program provides additional benefit
payments for employees who are age 50 or older with more than 15 years of service and elect early retirement benefit
before the mandatory retirement age of 60. As a result of an announcement in November 1998 that the program would be
amended so that a portion of additional benefits would not be provided for employees who apply for the program after
April 1, 2000 (April 1, 2003 for expatriates who were residing abroad upon the announcement and administrative
personnel), a large number of employees applied for the program during the year ended March 31 2003. At March 31,
2002 and 2003, the liability for applicants to the program, discounted to reflect the present value of the expected
cash flows, was Y 29,631 million and Y 32,083 million ($272 million), respectively. Such liability is allocated
between "Other accrued expenses" and "Accrued pension and severance liabilities" in the accompanying consolidated
balance sheets, depending on when the additional benefit payment is expected to be made. Related expenses recognized
by the parent company for the years ended March 31, 2002 and 2003, included in selling, general and administrative
expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of income, were Y 4,387 million and Y 13,968 million ($118
million), respectively. 
                                                   # # #

For further information contact:           Mitsubishi Corporation

Investor Relations Office
Phone: 81-3-3210-8580
Fax: 81-3-3210-8583
e-mail: ml.ir@mitsubishicorp.com

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange