RNS Number:5518K
Reefton Mining N.L.
30 April 2003

                          REEFTON MINING N.L.

                          QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT

                       FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 MARCH 2003


EPL's 2698 - 2700 (100%)

Commencement of Stage 2 programme

Detailed results of the Stage 1 programme were received and assessed during the
Quarter. The presence of substantial amounts of high quality diamonds has been
confirmed. The Stage 2 programme has commenced and will begin to determine the
grade of the deposits discovered during Stage 1 as well as the quantity and size
of diamonds located in the fissures and potholes of the bedrock. Usually the
bedrock interface contains the majority of the diamonds and the larger sizes due
to settling in the storm beach gravel pile. Excavation of trenches up to 10
metres in width will allow effective removal of the material on the bedrock.

Excavation of the trenches during the Stage 1 programme did not penetrate into
the gullies, potholes and fissures of the bedrock and was aimed at determining
the presence of diamonds in the beach gravels and overlying deflation zones. Now
that the presence of significant diamonds has been established, the undulating
jointed and fissured surface of the bedrock can be fully evaluated. The average
size of 0.24 carats and the impressive proportion of larger diamonds (7 diamonds
greater than 0.99 carats totalling 8.95 carats (13.8% of total)) recovered
during Stage 1 is significant, supporting evidence for the presence of large
diamonds on the basement.

New equipment arrived on site

During the Quarter two new major items of equipment were acquired, a large wheel
based excavator and a vacuum system for cleaning the bedrock. The equipment was
transported to Walvis Bay, the port city of Namibia and has arrived on site at
Mowe Bay. This additional equipment will compliment the Company-owned earth
moving equipment, trucks, track mounted dry screening plant, 10 tonnes per hour
("tph") gravel washing and Dense Media Separation ("DMS") plant together with
camp and support facilities located at the field base approximately 23
kilometres north of Mowe Bay.

Aerial photographic survey

An aerial photographic survey of the 220 kilometres of the coast has been
organised. This will be at 1:20,000 scale in colour and which will allow
definition of the exposed fossil beaches, reveal potential trap sites along the
coast and allow interpretation of the elevated fossil beaches. Further trenching
sites will be selected by studies of the aerial photography.


EPL's 2805 - 2811 (100%)

Work during the quarter consisted of evaluations of the gold and base metal
targets and models within the extraordinary mineralised environment covered by
the licenses. The project comprises of a group of exploration licenses in
Central Namibia with a 150 kilometre strike length and 50 kilometre width of
multiple deep seated mineralising geological structures. Resources of gold, tin
and important prospects for industrial minerals (rutile, tungsten) occur.
Prospects for precious and base metals exist in several geological environments.

Consistent with the scale of deep seated geological structures the tenements
have world class mines in close proximity, the world's largest open cut hard
rock tin mine (Uis), the world's largest Uranium mine (Rossing) and the Navachab
gold Mine (reserves 5.7 million tonnes grading 1.7 g/t Au, resources 81.6
million tonnes containing 2.8 million ounces of gold).


During the Quarter work continued to priortise targets identified from research
of past exploration, Landsat image studies and ground mapping, geochemical
sampling, aeromagnetic image interpretation and studies of surrounding mines
include a Biotite-graphite association in specific marble horizons,
pyrrhotite-skarn mineralisation (often associated with magnetic anomalies),
shear zones (usually in Kuiseb schists) and sheeted quartz vein arrays. The
latter appear to be very important at Navachab and were not recognised during
the early development and mining.

Rare Earths

During the quarter studies of the carbonatite hosted monazite (rare earth)
occurrence located at Eureka continued.

Monazite is a primary ore of rare earth metals notably thorium, cerium,
lanthanum and neodymium. Of economic interest is the rather high concentration
of Eu2O3 at 0.073% mass in the monazite. During the separation and enrichment
process the other rare earths will report to the product. The Eureka monazite is
also attractive because of its low concentration of ThO2 (0.7%mass). The
proximity of the road and rail system are regarded as very positive aspects for
potential mining activity in the area.


Exploration has delineated several zones of tantalite bearing rare metal
pegmatites including the Sandamap-Erongo belt of 50 kilometres length and 2
kilometres width containing numerous large rare metal pegmatite bodies. Grades
of up to 8 pounds per tonne Ta2O5 have been returned during exploration
sampling. Joint venture partners for the project are being sourced.


E15/284 (Bonnievale)

P16/1410-1412, P15/3037 (Star of Fremantle)

The Company is seeking a joint venture partner to evaluate the potential for
gold and nickel targets within the Bonnievale tenement.

Exploration activities on Star of Fremantle during the quarter have been
restricted to geological and economic evaluation of the project. The review is
comprehensive and will be used to determine Placer Dome's exploration level and
ongoing involvement in the project.


E24/73, P24/3016-3020

The ground was relinquished during the quarter after the joint venture with
Centaur Mining (in liquidation) was officially terminated.


Subsequent to the end of the Quarter Anthony Ogilvie Thompson accepted a
position as director of Reefton. Mr Ogilvie Thompson has eleven years experience
in resource finance and has extensive experience investing in junior resource
companies. His experience includes working with both the oil and gas sector and
the mining industry. Additionally, his experience includes advisory work for
both these sectors, working in a major mining company and employment as a
natural resources private equity specialist. Prior to joining the Resource
Advisory Partnership, he joined RH Fleming & Co. to develop a private equity
arm, focusing on natural resources in emerging markets. He has worked in
Johannesburg, London and New York, giving him experience and contacts in the
three most important financial centres for African natural resources.


In respect to the Agreement by the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary
Reefton Exploration Pty Ltd with Charter Summit Investments Limited, Carlos Da
Cruz and Manuel De Castro in Namibia the directors advise that Charter Summit,
Cruz and Castro have been unable to settle the placement of securities and the
acquisition of 40% of the issued capital of Storm Diamond Mining Company (Pty)
Ltd and Black Range Mining (Pty) Ltd pursuant to the Heads of Agreement dated 23
January 2003.

The Company has sought legal advice and has issued Notices of Default and Demand
for Performance. The Company maintains a dialogue with Charter Summit and Cruz's
solicitors with a view to early settlement of the transactions.

The Company also advises that the contract of employment with the Chief
Executive Officer, Mr Mal Randall, has not been renewed. The Company wishes Mr
Randall every success in his future endeavours.

B S Moore

                                  Appendix 5B

                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report

        Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98.

Name of entity

                         Reefton Mining N.L.

ACN or ARBN                   Quarter ended ("current quarter")
-------------------           ------------------

      010 546 675             31 March 2003
-------------------           ------------------

Consolidated statement of cash flows
                                              ------------  ------------
                                                Current       Year to
                                               quarter         date

Cash flows related to operating activities      $A'000      (9 months)

                                              ------------  ------------
 1.1    Receipts from product sales and
        related debtors

 1.2    Payments for (a) exploration and            (147)         (698)

        (b) development

        (c) production

        (d) administration                           (93)         (659)

 1.3    Dividends received

 1.4    Interest and other items of a                  1            26
        similar nature received

 1.5    Interest and other costs of finance

 1.6    Income taxes paid

 1.7    Other (provide details if material)

        London, UK listing costs                       -           (65)
                                                 ------------  ------------

        Net Operating Cash Flows                    (239)        (1396)

        -----------------------------            ------------  ------------

        Cash flows related to investing

 1.8    Payment for purchases of: (a)

        (b)equity investments

        (c) other fixed assets                      (136)         (392)

 1.9    Proceeds from sale of: (a)

        (b)equity investments

        (c)other fixed assets

1.10    Loans to other entities

1.11    Loans repaid by other entities                 -            88

1.12    Other (provide details if material)
                                                  ------------  ------------

        Net investing cash flows                    (136)         (304)
                                                  ------------  ------------

1.13    Total operating and investing cash
        flows (carried forward)

                                                    (375)        (1700)
        -----------------------                   ------------  ------------

1.13    Total operating and investing cash          (375)        (1700)
        flows (brought forward)                   ------------  ------------

        Cash flows related to financing

1.14    Proceeds from issues of shares,
        options, etc.

1.15    Proceeds from sale of forfeited

1.16    Proceeds from borrowings                     154           154

1.17    Repayment of borrowings

1.18    Dividends paid

1.19    Other (provide details if material)
        Underwriting fees                         ------------  ------------

        Net financing cash flows                     154           154
                                                  ------------  ------------

        Net increase (decrease) in cash             (221)        (1546)

1.20    Cash at beginning of quarter/year to         232         1,557

1.21    Exchange rate adjustments to item
        1.20                                      ------------  ------------

1.22    Cash at end of quarter                        11            11
       -----------------------                    ------------  ------------

Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors

Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related


1.23    Aggregate amount of payments to the parties                 38
        included in item 1.2                               -------------
1.24    Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included            -
        in item 1.10


1.25    Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions


Non-cash financing and investing activities

2.1    Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a
       material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did
       not involve cash flows



2.2    Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or
       increase their share in projects in which the reporting entity
       has an interest



Financing facilities available

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
                                         -------------     -------------
                                       Amount available    Amount used

                                            $A'000           $A'000
                                         -------------     -------------

3.1    Loan facilities                              500            154
                                            -------------  -------------

3.2    Credit standby arrangements                  NIL
      -----------------------              -------------  -------------

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter


  4.1    Exploration and evaluation                                200

  4.2    Development
      -----------------------------                   ------------------

         Total                                                     200
      -----------------------------                   ------------------

Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the       Current       Previous
quarter (as shown in the consolidated         quarter        quarter
statement of cash flows) to the related
items in the accounts is as follows.

                                               $A'000        $A'000
      -------------------------              ------------  -------------
5.1    Cash on hand and at bank                      11             74
                                             ------------  -------------

5.2    Deposits at call                               -            158
                                             ------------  -------------

5.3    Bank overdraft
                                             ------------  -------------

5.4    Other (provide details)
       ----------------------                ------------  -------------

       Total: cash at end of quarter (item           11            232
       1.22)                                 ------------  -------------

Changes in interests in mining tenements
                         -----------  -------------  --------   --------
                         Tenement     Nature of      Interest   Interest
                         reference    interest       at         at end of
                                                     beginning  quarter

                                      (note (2))
                         -----------  -------------   --------   --------

6.1    Interests in
       mining tenements
       reduced or
       lapsed               N/A

                         -----------  -------------   --------   --------

6.2    Interests in
       mining tenements
       acquired or
       increased            N/A

                         -----------  -------------   --------   --------

Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter

Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.

                       Total          Number         Issue price per  Amount paid
                       number         quoted         security (see    up per
                                                     note 3) (cents)  security (see
                                                                      note 3)
                      ------------  -----------      ------------    ------------
 7.1    Preference
        -----------   ------------  -----------      ------------    ------------

 7.2    Changes

        (a) Increases

        (b) Decreases
        through       ------------  ------------     ------------    ------------
        returns of

 7.3    +Ordinary      143,716,647    143,716,647
        securities      30,000,000     30,000,000          7 cents         1 cent
                         5,000,000            NIL         25 cents       17 cents
                      ------------  ------------     -------------   ------------

 7.4    Changes

        (a) Increases

        (b) Decreases
        through        ------------  ------------    -------------   ------------
        returns of

 7.5    +Convertible
        debt           ------------  ------------    -------------   ------------    

 7.6    Changes

        (a) Increases

        (b) Decreases
        through        ------------  ------------    -------------   ------------

 7.7    Options                                      Exercise price   Expiry date
        (description                                 20 cents         30/11/2003
        and            106,920,392    106,920,392
        conversion     ------------  ------------    -------------   ------------ 


 7.8    Issued during

 7.9    Exercised

7.10    Expired

7.11    Debentures

        (totals only)

7.12    Unsecured
        notes (totals


Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which
 comply with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Law or
 other standards acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.


        1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the
        entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the
        effect on its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional
        information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this

        2 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in
        respect of interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed
        during the reporting period. If the entity is involved in a joint
        venture agreement and there are conditions precedent which will change
        its percentage interest in a mining tenement, it should disclose the
        change of percentage interest and conditions precedent in the list
        required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

        3  Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is
        not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.

        4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for
        Extractive Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to
        this report.

        5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of
        International Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the
        standards used do not address a topic, the Australian standard on that
        topic (if any) must be complied with.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange