RNS Number : 6689V

Character Group PLC

15 December 2021

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("MAR"), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company's obligations under Article 17 of MAR. Upon the publication of this announcement via the Regulatory Information Service, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

LONDON : Wednesday, 15 December 2021


("Character," "Group" or "Company")

Designers, developers and international distributor of toys, games and giftware


 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                        12 months    12 months 
                                                       ended        ended 
                                                   31 August    31 August 
                                                        2021         2020 
 Revenue                                           GBP140.0m    GBP108.9m 
 Underlying Operating profit                        GBP 11.2      GBP5.4m 
 Underlying pre-tax profit *                        GBP 11.1      GBP5.0m 
 EBITDA                                             GBP14.0m      GBP8.2m 
 Statutory profit before tax                        GBP15.3m      GBP3.9m 
 Basic earnings per share before highlighted 
  items *                                            40.92 p       18.12p 
 Diluted earnings per share before highlighted 
  items *                                             40.37p       18.08p 
 Basic earnings per share after highlighted 
  items                                              56.86 p       14.76p 
 Diluted earnings per share after highlighted 
  items                                               56.09p       14.73p 
 Dividends per share for the year                     15.0 p         5.0p 
 Net assets                                         GBP 44.9     GBP34.0m 
 Net cash                                           GBP 35.9     GBP19.1m 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Mark to market profit (loss) adjustments     GBP2.1m     GBP(2.0m) 
    on FX derivative positions Profit on         GBP2.0m             - 
    sale of property                                   -       GBP0.9m 
    Gain on buy back on loan 

"The buoyant demand for the Group's products has been sustained throughout the year and has continued to rise in recent months despite the global supply-side and logistics challenges, which have been relentless for many businesses."

"Moving into 2022, our line-up of merchandise not only continues to feature some of the most sought-after toy products but will be further bolstered by the launch of a number of exciting new concepts, additions and brand extensions that the Group will unveil at the London Toy Fair in January 2022 and through to Spring of next year."

"Both domestic and international demand for our products remains strong and the reception received so far by the new introductions planned for our ranges in the coming months has been a very pleasing endorsement of our team's designs, plans and execution."

"The Board believes that margins will be under pressure due to high freight rates and increased materials and labour costs, however, it is satisfied that the Group remains on target to meet current market expectations ."

The Character Group plc 
 Jon Diver, Joint Managing Director 
 Kiran Shah, Joint Managing Director & Group Finance Director 
Office: +44 (0) 208 329 3377 
 Mobile: +44 (0) 7956 278522 (KS) 
 Mobile: +44 (0) 7831 802219 (JD) 
Email: info@charactergroup.plc.uk 
 FTSE sector : leisure: 
 FTSE AIM All-share: symbol: CCT.L 
 Market cap : GBP 125 m Product ranges can be viewed at www.character-online.com . 
Panmure Gordon 
 (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker) 
 Atholl Tweedie, Investment Banking 
 Charles Leigh-Pemberton, Corporate Broking 
 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7886 2500 
Allenby Capital Limited 
 (Joint Broker) 
 Nick Athanas, Corporate Finance 
 Amrit Nahal, Sales & Corporate Broking 
 Tel: +44 (0) 20 3328 5656 
TooleyStreet Communications Limited 
 (Investor and media relations) 
 Fiona Tooley 
 Tel: +44 (0) 7785 703523 
 Email: fiona@tooleystreet.com 
A copy of this statement can also be found at www.thecharacter.com 


Designers, developers and international distributor of toys, games and giftware



The buoyant demand for the Group's products has been sustained throughout the year and has continued to rise in recent months despite the global supply-side and logistics challenges, which have been relentless for many businesses.

Against this backdrop, we acknowledge the loyalty and dedication of all our staff in the UK, Europe and the Far East. They have been tested once again and, exhibiting the superhero qualities that many of our toys products depict, came through for the business and delivered a very creditable performance.

The turnover increased by 29% to GBP140.0m (2020: GBP108.9m) and underlying operating profit more than doubled to GBP11.2m (2020: GBP5.4m).

The Group has continued to be cash generative, delivering GBP27.3m of cash from operations (2020: GBP19.6m) and finishing the year with a net cash balance of GBP35.9m (2020: GBP19.1m).

The Board presents the Group's results for the year ended 31 August 2021:


Group revenue in the year ended 31 August 2021 was GBP 140.0m , against a turnover of GBP 108.9 m in the comparable 2020 period. Of particular note was the continued growth in sales of the Group's products in the USA.

The gross profit margin for the Group was 28.9 % (FY 2020: 27.7%) and, on an absolute basis, the gross profit was GBP40.4 m compared to GBP30.2m for the previous year.

A considerable proportion of the Group's purchases are made in US dollars; the Group is therefore exposed to foreign currency fluctuations and manages the associated risk through the purchase of forward exchange contracts and derivative financial instruments. Under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), at the end of each reporting period the Group is required to make an adjustment in its financial statements to incorporate a "mark to market" valuation of such financial instruments. The "mark to market" adjustment for this financial period results in a notional profit of GBP2.1m. This compares to a corresponding notional loss of GBP2.0m reported in the year to 31 August 2020. These "mark to market" adjustments are non-cash items calculated by reference to unpredictable and sometimes volatile currency spot rates at the relevant balance sheet dates. To present the results on a "normal" basis, these mark to market profit adjustments on FX derivative positions are excluded but shown separately as "highlighted items" to demonstrate the "underlying" profitability.

During the year, the Group also made a pre-tax gain of GBP2.0m on the sale of one of its freehold properties (Vernon Mill), which is shown as a highlighted item.

The Group is reporting a profit before tax in the year under review, after the highlighted items, of GBP 15.3 m (FY 2020: GBP 3.9 m). Underlying earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and gain on property disposal (EBITDA) were GBP 14.0 m (FY 2020: GBP 8.2 m).

Underlying basic earnings per share before highlighted items amounted to 40.92 p (FY 2020: 18.12 p). Underlying diluted earnings per share, on the same basis, were 40.37p, (FY 2020: 18.08 p).

Basic earnings per share after highlighted items were 56.86p (FY 2020: 14.76 p). Diluted earnings per share, on the same basis, were 56.09p, (FY 2020: 14.73p).


The Group's net assets as at 31 August 2021 totalled GBP 44.9 m (FY 2020: GBP 34.0 m) and, notwithstanding the payment of total dividends of GBP 1.9m , the capital base of the Company has been strengthened considerably from last year's level.

Inventories were c.GBP 3.9 m lower at the end of the financial period at GBP 10.9 m (FY 2020 GBP 14.7 m), reflecting the delay in shipments from the Far East due to the logistical challenges which all importers have faced.

During the financial year, the Group generated cash from operations of GBP 27.3 m (FY 2020: GBP 19.6 m). Interest charges on short-term use of working capital facilities during the year amounted to GBP 0.1 m (FY 2020: GBP 0.34 m).

At the end of the financial year, after making payments for dividends, the Group had a net cash position of GBP35.9m, compared to GBP19.1m at the end of the 2020 comparative period.


The Board remains committed to a progressive dividend policy as we believe this reflects our confidence in the Company's ability to grow profits and generate and develop further sustainable cash flow.

The Board will be recommending to shareholders a final dividend of 9.0p (2020 H2: 3.0 p per share) , an increase of 200 % when compared to the final dividend last year. Together with the interim dividend of 6 .0 p per share paid in July 2021, this will, if approved by shareholders, bring the total dividend for the year to 15.0p per share (FY 2020: 5.0 p). The 2021 total dividend is covered approximately 2.7 times by underlying annual earnings (2020: 3.6 times).

Subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting at 11am on Friday, 21 January 2022, the following timetable will apply for this dividend :

 Event              Date 
 Ex-dividend date   13 January 2022 
 Record date        14 January 2022 
 Payment date       28 January 2022 


Our portfolio of products has performed extremely well throughout the year, living up to the Board's expectations, and is selling through well in the lead up to Christmas 2021.

Products from the Group's portfolio featured in the Toy Retailers Association's prestigious "DreamToys" list announced in early November 2021, which reflects the most sought-after toy categories in the UK for Christmas 2021. Although the supply chain issues that have plagued importers throughout the year have thwarted us from realising the portfolio's full sales potential, the careful and skilfully managed operation of the business has enabled optimum sales to be realised.

Moving into 2022, our line-up of merchandise not only continues to feature some of the most sought-after toy products but will be further bolstered by the launch of a number of exciting new concepts, additions, and brand extensions that the Group will unveil at the London Toy Fair in January 2022 and through to Spring of next year.

In July 2021, the Group acquired the business and assets of the Chill Factor branded range of drink chilling bottles and slushy makers for a cash consideration of USD 1.31m. The first quarter of the new calendar year will witness the Group's full relaunch of its Chill Factor branded range, including products produced under a new

licence signed by the Group for the Coca Cola   and   Fanta   brands . 

The Group has maintained its focus on further developing its own, in-house originated brands and reducing reliance on capturing distribution rights in its home territories for third-party products. We continue to work on developing our pipeline of new projects, some as far ahead as two years before an introduction to our range, and these feed into our portfolio at predetermined stages in the annual toy selling cycle and renew and enlarge our offering. The growth potential of these projects is considerable, initially from sales following release in our domestic markets and then to the subsequent development of sales in international markets. This change of mix, favouring in-house developed products to distribution of third-party products, has been gradual but is gathering pace. This has drawn on the depth and range of skills that we have developed and our successes in strategic planning and implementation of new brand and product launches in our domestic and international markets. The Board considers that this approach will continue to mitigate the impact of retirements from our product portfolio as licence agreements expire and are not renewed and product distribution agreements come to an end .

Our full current portfolio of products and brands can be viewed at www.character-online.com .


In the year under review, the Group's Scandinavian subsidiaries, which trade under the "Proxy" name in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, saw strong demand for their top brands, although they were not immune from the supply chain issues that affected the Group generally. The mix of its domestic distribution business and significant FOB business from the Far East combined to produce a near break-even position for Proxy for the year as a whole.

This result was achieved following senior management changes made in the early part of the year and through the determined and exceptional efforts of all members of the Proxy team and the Board offers its thanks and appreciation to each of them.


During FY 2021, the Company effected no buybacks of ordinary shares in the Company. I t remains part of the Group's overall strategy to continue to repurchase the Company's own shares, when considered appropriate. However, certain provisions of the UK Market Abuse Regulation have frustrated this objective in recent years.

The Company currently has authority to buy-back up to 3,200,000 ordinary shares but this has not been utilised since it was granted at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") in January 2021 and this authority will expire at the 2022 AGM.

The Board believes that it is in the Company's and all investors' interests to provide shareholders who wish to realise part or all their investment in the Company with an opportunity to access liquidity that is not otherwise available in the market and to return excess capital to shareholders. Accordingly, t he Board will be seeking to renew its authority to buy back up to 3,200,000 ordinary shares (constituting approximately 15% of the total voting rights in the Company) at the forthcoming 2022 AGM.

Subject to the authority being renewed at the 2022 AGM in January 2022, the Company will be proceeding with the tender offer proposed earlier in the year and full details of the size, pricing and exact timing of the offer will be announced following the AGM .


As at today's date, the Company has 23,608,501 ordinary shares in issue, excluding shares held in treasury. The Company holds 2,226,220 ordinary shares in treasury, representing approximately 10.4 per cent. of the issued share capital (excluding these treasury shares), which do not carry voting or dividend rights. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company is 21,382,281 . This figure of 21,382,281 may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they may determine if they are required to notify their interest, or change to their notified interest, in the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.


The Group employs a total of 209 people across its locations in the UK, Scandinavia and Asia (FY 2020: 209).

Regular readers of this report will be aware of the high esteem in which the workforce throughout the Group is held by the Board. Just when it was thought that there were no challenges that had not been thrown at our teams that they had not already encountered and overcome, a new and potentially paralysing fragility was exposed in the global supply chain on which our business is dependent. The communications and seamless synchronicity between, and the agile reactions of, those teams to the testing logistical challenges that they faced in the year under review armed them with the ability to deliver what the Board considers to have been a terrific outcome for the Group in the circumstances.

Our reported results have been achieved through the determined and exceptional efforts of all of our teams across the world and the Board offers its thanks and appreciation to each of them.


The composition of and the succession planning for the Board, particularly the non-executive directors, has been a matter of careful focus for the Directors over the past year. The Board agreed early in the year to look to appoint two new non-executive directors to the Board. Independence, diversity and experience have all been significant selection criteria in the process.

The Company welcomed the appointment of Carmel Warren to the Board as an independent, non-executive director in April and, subsequently Carmel has been appointed to all of the Board's committees and to the Chair of the Audit Committee. As a consequence, the composition of each of those committees is, in the Board's view, is now made up of wholly independent, non-executive directors. In addition, David Harris has stepped down as the Chair of the Remuneration Committee and Clive Crouch has been appointed as his successor.

Richard King has stepped down as a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nominations Committee. The Board wishes to acknowledge and thank him for his commitment and service on these Committees over the years and also for his continued leadership and support as its Chairman. Richard remains a member and Chair of the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee, as the role of the Chair is pivotal to the articulation and implementation of good corporate governance within the Company and it is appropriate that the Board's Chairman also chairs this Committee.

The search for another non-executive director continues and the Board is determined to complete this search and appoint as soon as practicable in early 2022.


Both domestic and international demand for our products remains strong and the reception received so far by the new introductions planned for our ranges in the coming months has been a very pleasing endorsement of our team's designs, plans and execution.

Whilst it is not possible to predict when the global logistics issues will be fully resolved, the Group is well placed to satisfy anticipated demand in its markets.

The Board believes that margins will be under pressure due to high freight rates and increased materials and labour costs, however, it is satisfied that the Group remains on target to meet current market expectations .

The Board looks forward to further updating shareholders on the outcome of the 2021 Christmas trading period and prospects at the time of the forthcoming AGM on 21 January 2022.


  for the year ended 31 August 2021 
                                12 months                                    12 months 
                                    ended                                        ended 
                                31 August       12 months    12 months       31 August        12 months    12 months 
                                     2021           ended        ended            2020            ended        ended 
                                   Result       31 August    31 August          Result        31 August    31 August 
                                   before            2021         2021          before             2020         2020 
                             *highlighted    *highlighted    Statutory    *highlighted     *highlighted    Statutory 
                                    items           items       Result           items            items       Result 
                     Note         GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000      GBP'000 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Revenue              1           139,997               -      139,997         108,867                -      108,867 
 Cost of sales                   (99,553)               -     (99,553)        (78,704)                -     (78,704) 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Gross profit                      40,444               -       40,444          30,163                -       30,163 
 Other income                         332               -          332             501                -          501 
 Selling and 
  expenses                        (8,248)               -      (8,248)         (7,355)                -      (7,355) 
  expenses                       (21,301)               -     (21,301)        (17,949)                -     (17,949) 
 Profit on sale of 
  property                              -           2,016        2,016               -                -            - 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Operating profit     2            11,227           2,016       13,243           5,360                -        5,360 
 Finance income                        36               -           36              47                -           47 
 Finance costs                      (113)               -        (113)           (388)                -        (388) 
 Changes in fair 
  of financial 
  instruments                           -           2,128        2,128               -          (1,980)      (1,980) 
 Gain on buy back 
  on loan                               -               -            -               -              886          886 
 Profit before tax                 11,150           4,144       15,294           5,019          (1,094)        3,925 
 Income tax                       (2,353)           (737)      (3,090)         (1,312)              376        (936) 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Profit for the 
  period                            8,797           3,407       12,204           3,707            (718)        2,989 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
  Attributable to: 
 Owners of the 
  parent                                                        12,156                                         3,154 
  interest                                                          48                                         (165) 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Profit for the 
  period                                                        12,204                                         2,989 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per 
 share before 
 highlighted items 
 Basic earnings 
  per share           3                                         40.92p                                        18.12p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per share           3                                         40.37p                                        18.08p 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per 
 share after 
 highlighted items 
 Basic earnings 
  per share           3                                         56.86p                                        14.76p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per share           3                                         56.09p                                        14.73p 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Dividend per 
  share (pence)       4                                          9.00p                                        15.00p 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
  (earnings before 
  and gain on 
  disposal)                                                     14,036                                         8,158 
------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  ----------- 
  for the year ended 31 August 2021 
                                                               Total       Total 
                                                                2021        2020 
                                                            GBP000's    GBP000's 
------------------------------------------------------    ----------  ---------- 
 Profit for the year after tax                                12,204       2,989 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to 
  profit and loss 
 Exchange differences on translation of foreign 
  operations                                                       -         (5) 
 Income tax on exchange differences                                7        (93) 
-------------------------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year, 
  net of income tax                                                7        (98) 
-------------------------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year                      12,211       2,891 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year attributable 
 Equity holders of the parent                                 12,163       3,056 
 Non-controlling interest                                         48       (165) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                              12,211       2,891 
  ------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                         GROUP BALANCE SHEET - UNAUDITED 
                                                    as at 31 August 2021 
                                                        2021        2020 
                                                    GBP000's    GBP000's 
----------------------------------------------    ----------  ---------- 
 Non - current assets 
 Intangible assets                                     1,806         891 
 Investment property                                   1,519       1,584 
 Property, plant and equipment                         8,230       3,226 
 Right of use assets                                   1,454       2,069 
 Deferred tax assets                                     243         704 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                      13,252       8,474 
  ----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                          10,893      14,736 
 Trade and other receivables                          26,019      23,013 
 Current income tax receivable                           766         244 
 Derivative financial instruments                         75          75 
 Cash and cash equivalents                            35,920      22,292 
-----------------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
                                                      73,673      60,360 
  ----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Short-term borrowings                                     -     (3,168) 
 Trade and other payables                           (38,390)    (26,432) 
 Lease Liabilities                                     (557)       (550) 
 Income tax                                          (1,610)       (777) 
 Derivative financial instruments                      (165)     (2,293) 
                                                    (40,722)    (33,220) 
  ----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net current assets                                   32,951      27,140 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax                                          (405)        (21) 
 Lease liabilities                                     (946)     (1,547) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                     (1,351)     (1,568) 
  ----------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                           44,852      34,046 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Called up share capital                               1,181       1,181 
 Shares held in treasury                             (1,870)     (1,870) 
 Capital redemption reserve                            1,776       1,776 
 Share-based payment reserve                           3,749       3,369 
 Share premium account                                17,324      17,324 
 Merger reserve                                          651         651 
 Translation reserve                                     767         727 
 Profit and loss account                              21,274      11,231 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Attributable to equity holders of the parent         44,852      34,389 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Non-controlling interest                                  -       (343) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total equity                                         44,852      34,046 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 for the year ended 31 August 2021 
                                                                                     2021                     2020 
                                                                                 GBP000's                 GBP000's 
--------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash flow from operating activities 
 Profit before taxation for the year after highlighted 
 items                                                                             15,294                    3,925 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                         567                      544 
Depreciation of investment property                                                    65                       65 
Depreciation of right of use assets                                                   556                      412 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                                   1,621                    1,783 
Gain on buyback of loan                                                                 -                    (886) 
Write off plant and equipment                                                         132                        - 
(Profit) on disposal of property, plant and equipment                             (2,028)                      (9) 
Net interest expense                                                                   77                      341 
Financial instruments fair value adjustments                                      (2,128)                    1,980 
 Share-based payments                                                                 380                      189 
Decrease in inventories                                                             3,853                    1,669 
(Increase) / Decrease in trade and other receivables                              (3,006)                   11,960 
 Increase / (Decrease) in trade and other creditors                                11,957                  (2,334) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash generated from operations                                                     27,340                   19,639 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Finance income                                                                         36                       47 
Finance expense                                                                     (113)                    (388) 
Income tax paid                                                                   (1,788)                  (1,728) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                          25,475                   17,570 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of business                                                                (945)                        - 
 Payments for intangible assets                                                   (1,615)                  (1,771) 
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                        (7,128)                    (528) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment                             3,458                       12 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                                        (6,230)                  (2,287) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Reduction of borrowings                                                                 -                    1,408 
Buyback of loan                                                                         -                    (521) 
Payment of lease liabilities                                                        (606)                    (378) 
Proceeds from issue of share capital                                                    -                      205 
Purchase of own shares for cancellation                                                 -                    (163) 
Dividends paid                                                                    (1,924)                  (3,207) 
Net cash used in financing activities                                             (2,530)                  (2,656) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                             16,715                   12,627 
Cash, cash equivalents and borrowings at the beginning 
 of the year                                                                       19,124                    6,504 
Effects of exchange rate movements                                                     81                      (7) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash, cash equivalents and borrowings at the end 
 of the year                                                                       35,920                   19,124 
---------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------- 

Cash, cash equivalents and borrowings consist of:

Cash and cash equivalents                           35,920   22,292 
Total borrowings                                         -  (3,168) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------  ------- 
Cash, cash equivalents and borrowings at the end 
 of the year                                        35,920   19,124 
--------------------------------------------------  ------  ------- 
                                                                                                  GROUP STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY - UNAUDITED 
                                                                                                                 for the year ended 31 August 2021 
                                  Shares                                                                     Profit 
                       Called       held      Capital      Share              Share-based                       and    Non-controlling 
                     up share         in   redemption    premium     Merger       payment    Translation       loss           interest 
                      capital   treasury      reserve    account    reserve       reserve        reserve    account           GBP000's       Total 
                     GBP000's   GBP000's     GBP000's   GBP000's   GBP000's      GBP000's       GBP000's   GBP000's                       GBP000's 
-----------------   ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 The Group 
 At 1 September 
  2019                  1,183    (1,912)        1,774     17,161        651         3,180          1,223     11,293              (416)      34,137 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the year after 
  tax                                                                                                         3,154              (165)       2,989 
==================  =========  =========  ===========  =========  =========  ============  =============  =========  =================  ========== 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
 Net exchange 
  on translation 
  operations                -          -            -          -          -             -          (496)        398                  -        (98) 
 Total other comprehensive expense                                                                 (496)        398                  -        (98) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year                                                           (496)      3,552              (165)       2,891 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity 
 Change in 
  interest                  -          -            -          -          -             -              -      (238)                238           - 
  payment                   -          -            -          -          -           189              -          -                  -         189 
 Deferred tax 
  relating to 
  options                   -          -            -          -          -             -              -        (6)                  -         (6) 
 Dividends                  -          -            -          -          -             -              -    (3,207)                  -     (3,207) 
 Shares issued              -         42            -        163          -             -              -          -                  -         205 
 Shares cancelled         (2)          -            2          -          -             -              -      (163)                  -       (163) 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 At 31 August 2020      1,181    (1,870)        1,776     17,324        651         3,369            727     11,231              (343)      34,046 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Profit for the 
  after tax                                                                                                  12,156                 48      12,204 
==================  =========  =========  ===========  =========  =========  ============  =============  =========  =================  ========== 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
 Net exchange 
  on translation 
  operations                -          -            -          -          -             -             40       (28)                (5)           7 
 Total other comprehensive expense                                                                    40       (28)                (5)           7 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the year                                                              40     12,128                 43      12,211 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity 
 Change in 
  interest                  -          -            -          -          -             -              -      (300)                300           - 
  payment                   -          -            -          -          -           380              -          -                  -         380 
 Deferred tax 
  relating to 
  options                   -          -            -          -          -             -              -        139                  -         139 
 Dividends                  -          -            -          -          -             -              -    (1,924)                  -     (1,924) 
 Shares issued              -          -            -          -          -             -              -          -                  -           - 
 Shares cancelled           -          -            -          -          -             -              -          -                  -           - 
 At 31 August 2021      1,181    (1,870)        1,776     17,324        651         3,749            767     21,274                  -      44,852 
------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------- 
====  =============================================================================== 
                                                               12 months    12 months 
                                                                   ended        ended 
                                                               31 August    31 August 
                                                                    2021         2020 
                                                                GBP000's     GBP000's 
-----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 United Kingdom                                                   79,509       69,078 
 Rest of the world                                                60,488       39,789 
-----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total Group                                                     139,997      108,867 
-----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
=====  =================================================================================== 
                                                                    12 months    12 months 
                                                                        ended        ended 
                                                                    31 August    31 August 
                                                                         2021         2020 
                                                                     GBP000's     GBP000's 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Operating profit is stated after charging/(crediting): 
 Cost of inventories recognised as an expense (included 
  in cost of sales)                                                    88,729       71,281 
================================================================  ===========  =========== 
 Product development costs incurred                                     1,736        1,863 
 Product development costs capitalised                                (1,615)      (1,771) 
 Amortisation of capitalised product development costs                  1,619        1,783 
================================================================  ===========  =========== 
 Product development costs expensed to cost of sales                    1,740        1,875 
================================================================  ===========  =========== 
 (Credit)/debit financial instruments fair value adjustments          (2,218)        1,980 
 Inventories (credit)                                                 (1,022)         (97) 
 Exchange losses                                                          130          119 
 Staff costs                                                           13,958       10,542 
 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 
  - owned assets                                                          567          544 
 Depreciation of investment property                                       65           65 
 (Profit) on disposal of property, plant and equipment                (2,028)          (9) 
 Depreciation - right of use assets                                       556          412 
 Operating leases - land and buildings                                      -          233 
 Auditor's remuneration                                                   141          141 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
=======  ====================================================  ========================= 
 The earnings used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share 
  are as follows: 
                                                                  12 months    12 months 
                                                                      ended        ended 
                                                                  31 August    31 August 
                                                                       2021         2020 
                                                                        GBP          GBP 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the parent        12,156,000    3,154,000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Financial instruments fair value adjustments net of 
  tax                                                           (1,724,000)    1,604,000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Gain on buyback of loan                                                  -    (886,000) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Gain on sale of property net of tax                            (1,683,000)            - 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Profit for adjusted earnings per share                           8,749,000    3,872,000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
  during the year - basic                                        21,379,781   21,367,710 
  Weighted average number of dilutive potential ordinary 
   shares                                                           291,974       50,590 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted 
  earnings per share                                             21,671,755   21,418,300 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share before highlighted items 
  Basic earnings per share (pence)                                   40.92p       18.12p 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)                                  40.37p       18.08p 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share after highlighted items 
  Basic earnings per share (pence)                                   56.86p       14.76p 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)                                  56.09p       14.73p 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 
=====  =============================================================================== 
                                                                12 months    12 months 
                                                                    ended        ended 
                                                                31 August    31 August 
                                                                     2021         2020 
                                                                 GBP000's     GBP000's 
------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 On equity shares: 
 Final dividend paid for the year ended 31 August 2020 
 3.00 pence (2019: 13.00 pence) per share                             642        2,777 
 Interim dividend paid for the year ended 31 August 2021 
 6.00 pence (2020: 2.00 pence) per share                            1,282          430 
------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 9.00 pence (2020: 15.00 pence) per share                           1,924        3,207 
------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The Directors recommend a final dividend of 9.00 pence per share (2020: 3.00 pence) amounting to GBP1,924,000 (2020: GBP642,000).

If approved by shareholders, the final dividend will be paid on 28 January 2022 to shareholders on the register on 14 January 2022 .

=========  ============================================================================= 
 The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute 
  the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 August 2021 and 2020. 
  The financial information for the year ended 31 August 2020 is derived from 
  the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar 
  of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified, 
  did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain 
  a statement under s498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The audit of 
  the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 August 2021 is not yet complete. 
  These accounts will be finalised on the basis of the financial information 
  presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered 
  to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. 
=========  ================================================================= 
 The Annual General Meeting will be held at 2(nd) Floor,86-88 Coombe Road, 
  New Malden, Surrey KT3 4QS on Friday, 21 January 2022 at 11.00am. 
========  ================================================================== 
 The full Financial Statements for the year ended 31 August 2021, together 
  with a Circular letter incorporating the Notice of Meeting convening the 
  Company's 2022 Annual General Meeting, will be available for viewing and 
  download on the Group's website, www.character.com by 23 December 2021. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 15, 2021 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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