RNS Number:3595L
Land Securities Group Plc
21 May 2003


Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003 (PART 2)

                                                     Interest                                  Interest               
                                                     in joint         Total                    in joint         Total 
  Consolidated profit                     Group       venture          2003         Group       venture          2002 
  and loss account                                                                                                    
  for the year ended 31     Notes            #m            #m            #m            #m            #m            #m 
  March 2003                                                                                                          
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  GROSS PROPERTY INCOME         2       1,071.3         168.2       1,239.5         977.1          48.5       1,025.6  
                                     ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  OPERATING PROFIT              2         462.4          87.8         550.2         497.5          19.3         516.8  
  Profit on sales of            2          26.6          15.1          41.7          13.4             -          13.4  
  fixed asset properties                                                                                              
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  PROFIT ON ORDINARY            2         489.0         102.9         591.9         510.9          19.3         530.2  
  ACTIVITIES BEFORE                                                                                                   
  AND TAXATION                                                                                                        
  Interest receivable           3          12.0           2.4          14.4           4.2           0.8           5.0  
  and similar income
  Interest payable and                                                                                                
  similar charges                                                                                                     
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  - gross                       3       (195.9)        (77.8)       (273.7)       (168.2)        (24.6)       (192.8) 
  - exceptional deficit         3        (28.2)             -        (28.2)             -             -             -  
  on purchase and                                                                                                     
  redemption of                                                                                                       
  convertible bonds                                                                                                   
  - exceptional cost of         3        (23.5)         (0.3)        (23.8)             -             -             -  
  of interest rate swaps                                                                                              
  - interest capitalised        3          39.0             -          39.0          21.1             -          21.1  
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        (208.6)        (78.1)       (286.7)       (147.1)        (24.6)       (171.7) 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  PROFIT/(LOSS) ON                        292.4          27.2         319.6         368.0         (4.5)         363.5  
  ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                                                 
  BEFORE TAXATION                                                                                                     
  Taxation                      4                                    (89.7)                                    (99.9) 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  PROFIT ON ORDINARY                                                  229.9                                     263.6  
  ACTIVITIES AFTER                                                                                                    
  Dividends                     5                                   (167.4)                                   (178.4) 
                                                                 ----------                                ---------- 
  RETAINED PROFIT FOR          16                                      62.5                                      85.2  
  THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                                                                                  
                                                                 ==========                                ========== 
  PROFIT/(LOSS) ON                        292.4          27.2         319.6         368.0         (4.5)         363.5 
  ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                                                 
  BEFORE TAXATION                                                                                                     
  Profit on sales of                     (26.6)        (15.1)        (41.7)        (13.4)             -        (13.4) 
  fixed asset properties                                                                                              
  Bid costs                     2           4.7             -           4.7           6.7           8.0          14.7 
  Exceptional items                                                                                                   
  - Deficit on purchase                    28.2             -          28.2             -             -             - 
  and redemption of                                                                                                   
  convertible bonds                                                                                                   
  - Cost of                                23.5           0.3          23.8             -             -             - 
  of interest rate swaps                                                                                              
  - Group reorganisation        2           6.3             -           6.3             -             -             - 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  REVENUE PROFIT BEFORE                   328.5          12.4         340.9         361.3           3.5         364.8 
                                     ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
                                                         2003          2003                        2002          2002 
                                                        Basic       Diluted                       Basic       Diluted 
                                                   ----------    ----------                  ----------    ---------- 
  EARNINGS PER SHARE            6                      46.46p        46.44p                      50.27p        49.54p 
  ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER         6                      50.39p        50.36p                      51.61p        50.81p 
                                                   ==========    ==========                  ==========    ========== 
                                                                                                   2003          2002 
  DIVIDENDS PER ORDINARY        5                                                                35.50p        34.00p 
                                                                                             ==========    ========== 

All income was derived from within the United Kingdom from continuing
operations.  No operations were discontinued during the year.

The interest in the joint venture was acquired on 13 December 2001.  Results for
the year ended 31 March 2002 therefore include three and a half months trading
for that business. The notes form an integral part of these financial

Consolidated balance sheet                                                             2003              (restated)
31 March 2003                                                      Notes                 #m                      #m
                                                                                 ----------              ----------

Intangible asset
     Goodwill                                                          8               36.7                    38.9
 Tangible assets
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
     Investment properties                                             9            7,823.9                 7,800.0
     Operating properties                                             11              557.4                   428.9
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
     Properties                                                       12            8,381.3                 8,228.9
     Other tangible assets                                            14               41.5                    45.3

Investment in joint venture
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
     Share of gross assets of joint venture                           21            1,156.1                 1,297.8
     Share of gross liabilities of joint venture                      21          (1,049.3)               (1,109.0)
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
                                                                                      106.8                   188.8
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
                                                                                    8,566.3                 8,501.9
                                                                                 ----------              ----------


Trading properties                                                                     52.6                    36.9
Debtors falling due within one year                                                   273.5                   254.8
Debtors falling due after more than one year                                           15.9                     5.5
Investments: short term deposits                                                        3.4                    60.9
Cash at bank and in hand                                                               96.0                     7.5
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
                                                                                      441.4                   365.6

CREDITORS falling due within one year                                               (594.9)                 (690.9)
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                             (153.5)                 (325.3)
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                               8,412.8                 8,176.6
CREDITORS falling due after more than one year
Debentures, bonds and loans                                                       (2,648.4)               (1,744.0)
Convertible bonds                                                                         -                 (243.3)
Other creditors                                                                      (22.3)                  (22.8)
PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                               (179.0)                 (129.9)
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
                                                                                    5,563.1                 6,036.6
                                                                                 ==========              ==========

Called up share capital                                               15               76.9                   524.3
Share premium account                                                 16               13.3                       -
Capital redemption reserve                                            16                0.1                       -
Revaluation reserve                                                   16            3,038.9                 3,376.9
Other reserves                                                        16                  -                   901.3
Profit and loss account                                               16            2,433.9                 1,234.1
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                   16            5,563.1                 6,036.6
                                                                                 ==========              ==========

EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                            16            5,532.7                 6,036.6
NON-EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                        16               30.4                       -
                                                                                 ----------              ----------
                                                                      16            5,563.1                 6,036.6
                                                                                 ==========              ==========
NET ASSETS PER SHARE                                                   7              1188p                   1151p
DILUTED NET ASSETS PER SHARE                                           7              1188p                   1132p
ADJUSTED NET ASSETS PER SHARE                                          7              1215p                   1176p
ADJUSTED DILUTED NET ASSETS PER SHARE                                  7              1215p                   1155p

The combined reserves as at 31 March 2002 have been restated as required under
merger accounting rules for the effects of the Scheme of Arrangement ("scheme"),
described in Note 1, to reflect the introduction of Land Securities Group PLC as
the new holding company.  The restatement only affected consolidated reserves as
Land Securities Group PLC did not trade prior to the scheme.

The financial statements were approved by the directors on 21 May 2003.

  Consolidated cash flow statement                                                   2003                        2002 
  for the year ended 31 March 2003                      Notes            #m            #m            #m            #m 
                                                                 ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                17                       484.4                       406.2 

  RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE                                                                     
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  Interest received                                                    12.0                         4.2               
  Interest paid                                                     (292.0)                     (166.5)               
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND                                                                    
  SERVICING OF FINANCE                                                            (280.0)                     (162.3) 

  TAXATION - Corporation tax paid                                                  (95.8)                     (111.3) 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES AND                                                                       
  INVESTMENTS AFTER FINANCE CHARGES AND TAXATION                                    108.6                       132.6 

  CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                                                                 
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  Investment property development expenditure                       (301.4)                     (256.4)               
  Acquisitions and other capital expenditure*                       (311.8)                     (306.1)               
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  Additions to properties                                           (613.2)                     (562.5)               
  Sales of properties                                                 436.3                       549.2               
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  Investing in properties                                           (176.9)                      (13.3)               
  Increase in other tangible assets                                  (12.9)                      (19.6)               
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  NET CASH OUTFLOW ON CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                         (189.8)                      (32.9) 
  Investment in joint venture                                                          -                      (146.4) 
  Part repayment of loan capital by joint venture                                    80.6                           - 

  EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                                                           (176.6)                     (172.5) 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 

  CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND                                                                     
  FINANCING                                                                       (177.2)                     (219.2) 
  MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES                        18(a)                        57.5                      (38.9) 
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  Issues of shares                                      15(b)           1.2                         1.1               
  Repayment of B Shares                                    16       (511.1)                           -               
  Purchase and cancellation of own ordinary shares         16         (5.1)                                           
  Increase in debt                                      18(b)         728.2                       239.6               
                                                                 ----------                  ----------               
  NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCING                                                    213.2                       240.7 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH IN YEAR                                                93.5                      (17.4) 
                                                                               ==========                  ========== 
  * Includes #105.8m on the BBC developments and                                                                      
  #14.4m on life cycle capital                                                                                        
                                                                                     2003                        2002 
  RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENTS IN                                      #m                          #m 
  NET DEBT                                                                                                            
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  Increase/(decrease) in cash in year                                                93.5                      (17.4) 
  Cash (inflow)/outflow from (decrease)/increase in     18(a)                      (57.5)                        38.9 
  liquid resources                                                                                                    
  Cash inflow from increase in debt                     18(b)                     (728.2)                     (239.6) 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  Change in net debt resulting from cash flow              19                     (692.2)                     (218.1) 
  Non-cash changes in debt                                 19                        45.0                         3.8 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  Movement in net debt in year                                                    (647.2)                     (214.3) 
  Net debt at 1 April                                                           (1,942.1)                   (1,727.8) 
                                                                               ----------                  ---------- 
  Net debt at 31 March                                     19                   (2,589.3)                   (1,942.1) 
                                                                               ==========                  ========== 

  Other primary statements                                                                                            
  for the year ended 31 March 2003                                                                                    
                                                                                                   2003          2002 
  STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES                                    Notes            #m            #m 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                                    229.9         263.6 
  Unrealised deficit on revaluation of investment properties                           16        (56.8)       (105.5) 
  Share of unrealised surplus on revaluation of investment properties held in          16            -           46.8 
  joint venture                                                                                                       
  Taxation on revaluation surpluses realised on sales of investment properties         16        (25.4)        (12.0) 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Total gains and losses relating to the financial year                                           147.7         192.9 
                                                                                             ==========    ========== 
                                                                                                   2003          2002 
  NOTE OF HISTORICAL COST PROFITS AND LOSSES                                       Notes             #m            #m 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                                   319.6         363.5 
  Revaluation surplus arising in previous years now realised on sales of               16         281.2         237.8 
  investment properties                                                                                               
  Taxation on revaluation surpluses realised on sales of investment properties         16        (25.4)        (12.0) 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                   575.4         589.3 
  Taxation                                                                              4        (89.7)        (99.9) 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Historical cost profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                    485.7         489.4 
  Dividends                                                                             5       (167.4)       (178.4) 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Retained historical cost profit for the financial year                                          318.3         311.0 
                                                                                             ==========    ==========
                                                                                                   2003          2002 
  RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                               Notes             #m            #m 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                                    229.9         263.6 
  Dividends                                                                             5       (167.4)       (178.4) 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Retained profit for the financial year                                                           62.5          85.2 
  Unrealised deficit on revaluation of investment properties                           16        (56.8)       (105.5) 
  Share of unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties held in joint venture       16            -           46.8 
  Taxation on revaluation surpluses realised on sales of investment properties         16        (25.4)        (12.0) 
  Issues of shares                                                                     16          62.4           4.3 
  Repayment of B Shares                                                                16       (511.1)            -  
  Purchase and cancellation of own ordinary shares                                     16         (5.1)            -  
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Net change in shareholders' funds                                                             (473.5)          18.8 
  Opening shareholders' funds                                                                   6,036.6       6,017.8 
                                                                                             ----------    ---------- 
  Closing shareholders' funds                                                                   5,563.1       6,036.6 
                                                                                             ==========    ========== 

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 March 2003

The financial information is abridged and does not constitute the Group's full
Financial Statements for the years ended 31 March 2002 or 31 March 2003.

Full Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2002 (which received an
unqualified audit report) have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2003 will be presented to the
Members at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting; the auditors have indicated
that their report on these Financial Statements will be unqualified.

1. Basis of Accounting

In July 2002, Land Securities PLC announced proposals for the return of #541m to
shareholders by way of a capital reorganisation, incorporating a Scheme of
Arrangement.  Following approval by shareholders in August 2002 and subsequent
ratification by the Court in September, shareholders have exchanged their
shareholdings in Land Securities PLC for a combination of shares in a newly
formed company, Land Securities Group PLC ("the company").  This exchange, which
was made on the basis of seven ordinary shares and eight B Shares in the company
for every eight ordinary shares in Land Securities PLC, had the effect of
introducing the company as the new holding company of Land Securities PLC and
its subsidiaries.  Holders of B Shares have the right to have their shares
redeemed for 102p each in cash, although shareholders were given the choice of
electing for an immediate redemption of these shares in September.
Approximately 94% of shareholders elected for such immediate repayment with the
remaining shareholders retaining their B Shares for later redemption in
accordance with their terms.

The repayment of the B Shares was effected by reducing the capital of the
company.  This was achieved by cancelling and repaying the B Shares held by
those shareholders who had elected for immediate cash repayment and, in
addition, the share capital of the company was reduced by decreasing the nominal
amount of each ordinary share issued pursuant to the scheme from 683p to 10p.
This second reduction of capital has created distributable reserves of
approximately #3.1bn which will be available to facilitate the repayment of the
B Shares held by shareholders who have elected for deferred repayment.  The
balance of the reserves will give the company additional financial flexibility.

The company was incorporated on 7 February 2002 as Hackplimco (no. 104) plc and
changed its name to Land Securities Group PLC on 25 June 2002.  On 6 September
2002 the company acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Land Securities
PLC, following the implementation of the Scheme of Arrangement under section 425
of the Companies Act 1985, described above.  In these results, the company has
accounted for its acquisition of Land Securities PLC using merger rather than
acquisition accounting principles.

Schedule 4A to the Companies Act 1985 and FRS 6 'Acquisitions and Mergers'
requires acquisition accounting to be adopted where all the conditions laid down
for merger accounting are not satisfied.  Under the Scheme of Arrangement, not
all of the conditions were satisfied because the fair value of the non-equity
share element of the consideration (the redeemable B Shares) issued by the
company for the shares in Land Securities PLC exceeded 10% of the nominal value
of the equity share element of the consideration.

However, in the opinion of the directors, the Scheme of Arrangement is a group
reconstruction rather than an acquisition, since the shareholders of the company
are the same as the former shareholders in Land Securities PLC and the rights of
each shareholder, relative to the others, are unchanged and no minority interest
in the net assets of the Group is altered.  Therefore, the directors consider
that to record the Scheme of Arrangement as an acquisition by the company,
requiring the attribution of fair values to the assets and liabilities of the
Group and reflecting only the post Scheme of Arrangement results within these
financial statements would fail to give a true and fair view of the Group's
results and financial position.

Accordingly, having regard to the overriding requirement under section 227(6) of
the Companies Act  1985 for the financial statements to give a true and fair
view of the Group's results and financial position, the directors have adopted
merger accounting principles in drawing up these financial statements.  The
directors consider that it is not practicable to quantify the effect of this
departure from the Companies Act 1985 requirements.

The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2002 has been restated for
the effects of the Scheme of Arrangement.  The combined reserves as at 31 March
2002 have been restated to reflect the introduction of the new holding company,
as required under merger accounting rules.  The impact of the reduction and
return of capital is shown as movements in reserves in the current period when
the Scheme of Arrangement was effected.  However, as Land Securities Group PLC
did not trade prior to the Scheme of Arrangement and had no material assets, the
restatement only affected consolidated reserves.

                                     Property       Property       Property                       Joint          2003 
                                   Investment    Outsourcing        Trading         Group       Venture         Total 
  2. Segmental                                                                                                        
                                           #m              #m            #m            #m            #m            #m 
  (i) PROFIT AND                       (Note                                                                          
  LOSS ACCOUNT                     2(iii)(a))                                                                           
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Rental income             (b)         519.7                                       519.7                       519.7 
  Service charges           (c)          55.9                                        55.9                        55.9 
  and other                                                                                                           
  Property services         (d)                                                                                       
  - Unitary charge                                      342.4                                                         
  - Capital                                             149.6                                                         
  projects and                                                                                                        
                                                        492.0                       492.0         166.3         658.3 
  Proceeds of sales                                                     3.7           3.7           1.9           5.6 
  of trading                                                                                                          
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  GROSS PROPERTY                        575.6           492.0           3.7       1,071.3         168.2       1,239.5 
  Rents payable                        (17.0)          (97.5)                     (114.5)        (49.9)       (164.4) 
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Other direct              (e)        (71.1)         (328.3)             -       (399.4)            -        (399.4) 
  property or                                                                                                         
  Indirect property         (f)        (33.8)           (7.7)         (1.5)        (43.0)        (14.1)        (57.1) 
  or contract                                                                                                         
  Bid costs                                 -           (4.7)             -         (4.7)             -         (4.7) 
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                      (104.9)         (340.7)         (1.5)       (447.1)        (14.1)       (461.2) 
  Costs of sales of                                                   (2.4)         (2.4)         (1.4)         (3.8) 
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        453.7            53.8         (0.2)         507.3         102.8         610.1 
  Depreciation              (g)         (9.8)          (14.9)             -        (24.7)        (15.0)        (39.7) 
  Amortisation of                                       (2.2)             -         (2.2)            -          (2.2) 
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        443.9            36.7         (0.2)         480.4          87.8         568.2 
  Profit on sales                        26.5             0.1             -          26.6          15.1          41.7 
  of fixed asset                                                                                                      
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  SEGMENT PROFIT                        470.4            36.8         (0.2)         507.0         102.9         609.9 
                                   ----------      ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------               
  Common costs              (h)                                                                                (11.7) 
  Group                                                                                                         (6.3) 
  costs                                                                                                    ---------- 

  OPERATING PROFIT                                                                                              550.2 
  Profit on sales                                                                                                41.7 
  of fixed asset                                                                                                      
  PROFIT ON                                                                                                           
  ACTIVITIES BEFORE                                                                                                   
  INTEREST AND                                                                                                  591.9 

  2. Segmental Information (continued)                          2003         Total                             
                                                            Property      Property      Property               
                                                          Investment   Outsourcing       Trading         Total 
  (ii) NET ASSETS                                                 #m            #m            #m            #m 
                                                          ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Properties in development programme (Note 10)                967.4             -             -         967.4 
  Other investment properties                                6,856.5             -             -       6,856.5 
  Operating properties                                             -         557.4             -         557.4 
  Other tangible and intangible fixed assets                    12.0          66.2             -          78.2 
                                                          ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  FIXED ASSETS                                               7,835.9         623.6            -        8,459.5 
  INVESTMENT IN JOINT VENTURE                                      -         106.8            -          106.8 
  NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                           (114.3)          37.9          64.1        (12.3) 
  (excluding financing and dividends)                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                                             7,721.6         768.3          64.1       8,554.0 
                                                          ----------    ----------    ----------               
  FINANCING AND DIVIDENDS                                                                            (2,789.6) 
  LONG TERM LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS                                                                 (201.3) 
  NET ASSETS                                                                                           5,563.1 

                                                        Total                                                   2002  
                                      Property      Property       Property                       Joint    (restated) 
  2. Segmental                      Investment    Outsourcing       Trading         Group       Venture         Total 
  Information               Note                                                                                        
  (continued)            2(iii)                                                                                         
                                            #m             #m            #m            #m            #m            #m 
  (i) PROFIT AND                        (Note                                                                         
  LOSS ACCOUNT                     2(iii) (a))                                                                        
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Rental income             (b)          525.9                                      525.9                       525.9 
  Service charges           (c)           53.1                                       53.1                        53.1 
  and other                                                                                                           
  Property services         (d)                                                                                       
  - Unitary charge                                      295.8                                                         
  - Capital                                              61.9                                                         
  projects and                                                                                                        
                                                        357.7                       357.7          48.5         406.2 
  Proceeds of sales                                                    40.4          40.4                        40.4 
  of trading                                                                                                          
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  GROSS PROPERTY                         579.0          357.7          40.4         977.1          48.5       1,025.6 
  Rents payable                         (17.4)         (92.7)            -        (110.1)        (14.4)       (124.5) 
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Other direct              (e)         (62.0)        (187.9)            -        (249.9)            -        (249.9) 
  property or                                                                                                         
  Indirect property         (f)         (29.4)         (16.7)         (1.5)        (47.6)         (3.0)        (50.6) 
  or contract                                                                                                         
  Bid costs                                 -           (6.7)            -          (6.7)         (8.0)        (14.7) 
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        (91.4)        (211.3)         (1.5)       (304.2)        (11.0)       (315.2) 
  Costs of sales of                                                  (34.6)        (34.6)                      (34.6) 
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                         470.2           53.7           4.3         528.2          23.1         551.3 
  Depreciation              (g)          (4.0)         (10.9)            -         (14.9)         (3.8)        (18.7) 
  Amortisation of                           -           (2.3)            -          (2.3)            -          (2.3) 
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                         466.2           40.5           4.3         511.0          19.3         530.3 
  Profit on sales                         10.1            3.3            -           13.4            -           13.4 
  of fixed asset                                                                                                      
                                    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  SEGMENT PROFIT                         476.3           43.8           4.3         524.4          19.3         543.7 
  Common costs              (h)     ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------        (13.5) 
  Group                                                                                                            -  
  OPERATING PROFIT                                                                                              516.8 
  Profit on sales                                                                                                13.4 
  of fixed asset                                                                                                      
  PROFIT ON                                                                                                           
  ACTIVITIES BEFORE                                                                                                   
  INTEREST AND                                                                                                  530.2 

  2. Segmental Information (continued)                          2002     (restated)                             
                                                            Property          Total                             
                                                          Investment       Property      Property               
                                                                        Outsourcing       Trading         Total 
  (ii) NET ASSETS                                                 #m             #m            #m            #m 
                                                          ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Properties in development programme (Note 10)                790.8              -             -         790.8 
  Other investment properties                                7,009.2              -             -       7,009.2 
  Operating properties                                             -          428.9             -         428.9 
  Other tangible and intangible fixed assets                    17.7           66.5             -          84.2 
                                                          ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  FIXED ASSETS                                               7,817.7          495.4             -       8,313.1 
  INVESTMENT IN JOINT VENTURE                                      -          188.8             -         188.8 
  NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                           (275.5)         (22.2)          43.7       (254.0) 
  (excluding financing and dividends)                     ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                                             7,542.2          662.0          43.7       8,247.9 
                                                          ----------     ----------    ----------               
  FINANCING AND DIVIDENDS                                                                             (2,058.6) 
  LONG TERM LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS                                                                  (152.7) 
  NET ASSETS                                                                                            6,036.6 


(a)      Includes the results of investment properties under development and the
Group's share of the results of its development partnerships (Note 22).

(b)      As a consequence of adopting UITF28, rental income includes #7.3m (2002
#3.5m) of rent receivable allocated to rent free periods falling in the
respective financial years.  Rental income also includes the net income from
managed operations e.g. car parks, food courts, serviced offices and flats.

(c)      Includes income in relation to service charges and directly recoverable
expenditure together with any chargeable management fee.

(d)      Property services income represents unitary charges and the recovery of
other direct property or contract expenditure reimbursable by customers.

(e)      Other direct property or contract expenditure are costs incurred in the
direct maintenance and upkeep of properties together with the costs of rent
reviews, lease renewals and relettings of properties and in providing services
in compliance with outsourcing contracts together with additional costs incurred
at the request of customers and reimbursable by them. Void costs, which include
those relating to empty properties pending redevelopment and refurbishment
costs, and costs of development schemes which are not proceeded with are also
included.  It includes pre-commitment costs written off of #3.1m (2002 #Nil).

(f)       Indirect property or contract expenditure are indirect costs of
managing the portfolio.   It includes the cost of staff involved in development
projects and all office administration and operating costs other than common

(g)      Depreciation includes #5.9m (2002 #Nil) of accelerated depreciation
relating to a re-assessment of the remaining useful lives of certain Information
Systems used by the property investment business.

(h)      Common costs comprise all costs associated with central Group
management including company secretarial and non-executive directors, their
premises costs and non-segment related depreciation charges.

The group total of indirect property or contract expenditure, depreciation and
common costs includes:

                                                                                          2003           2002
Auditors' remuneration:                                                                     #m             #m
                                                                                    ----------     ----------
Audit fees (Company:  #80,000;  2002 #Nil)                                                 0.5            0.3
Non-audit fees for:
                                                                                    ----------     ----------
Bids - Trillium                                                                            0.2            0.2
Other                                                                                      0.5            0.7
Taxation                                                                                   1.0            0.4
                                                                                    ----------     ----------
                                                                                           1.7            1.3

Directors' remuneration                                                                    3.2            4.2
Depreciation (including depreciation in 'common costs' above)                             26.4           16.0
                                                                                    ==========     ==========

In addition, the auditors also received non-audit fees of #0.5m (2002 #2.6m)
from Telereal.  #0.4m (2002 #1.6m) of this is related to fees for PWC Consulting
before it was sold to IBM.

                                           2003          2003          2003          2002          2002          2002   
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                                        Joint                                     Joint               
                                          Group       Venture         Total         Group       Venture         Total 
  3. Finance                                 #m            #m            #m            #m            #m            #m 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  INTEREST RECEIVABLE:                                                                                                
  Short term deposits                       0.9             -           0.9           3.3           0.8           4.1 
  Other interest receivable                 3.4           2.4           5.8           0.9            -            0.9 
  Loan to joint venture                     7.7                         7.7             -                           - 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                           12.0           2.4          14.4           4.2           0.8           5.0 
                                     ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  INTEREST PAYABLE:                                                                                                   
  Borrowings not wholly repayable         117.2          70.1         187.3         132.6          20.0         152.6 
  within five years                                                                                                   
  Borrowings wholly repayable              76.2             -          76.2          32.6           3.7          36.3 
  within five years                                                                                                   
  Other interest payable                    2.5             -           2.5           3.0           0.9           3.9 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                          195.9          70.1         266.0         168.2          24.6         192.8 
  Loans from joint venture                                7.7           7.7             -             -             - 
  Deficit on purchase and                  28.2             -          28.2             -             -             - 
  redemption of convertible bonds                                                                                     
  Cost of cancellation/novation            23.5           0.3          23.8             -             -             - 
  of interest rate swaps                                                                                              
  Less: Capitalised in relation          (39.0)             -        (39.0)        (21.1)             -        (21.1) 
  to properties under development                                                                                     
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                          208.6          78.1         286.7         147.1          24.6         171.7 
                                     ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 

Interest has been capitalised at the Group's pre-tax weighted average borrowing
rate for non-specific borrowings for the year of 8.3% (2002 8.5%). Non-specific
borrowings exclude certain bank debt which is specific to the PRIME contract.

Interest payable on borrowings wholly repayable within five years includes #6.7m
of arrangement fees out of a total of #8.4m incurred in relation to the utilised
proportion of the #1.5bn of new committed bank facilities put in place during
the year. The balance of the arrangement fees is being amortised over the
remaining lives of the facilities.

                                                                                                       2003         2002
4. Taxation                                                                                              #m           #m
                                                                                                 ----------   ----------
Current tax
Corporation tax on Group profit for the year at 30% (2002 30%)                                         32.0         92.8
Adjustments to current taxation in respect of previous years                                          (7.8)          0.2
Share of joint venture's taxation                                                                      14.5            -
                                                                                                 ----------   ----------

Current tax including                                                                                  38.7         93.0
Deferred tax - Group                                                                                   51.0          6.9

                                                                                                 ----------   ----------
Tax charge for the period                                                                              89.7         99.9
                                                                                                 ==========   ==========

Factors affecting the tax charge for the period
The tax assessed for the year is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of
30% (2002
The differences are explained below:
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                                         319.6        363.5
                                                                                                 ==========   ==========
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of corporation tax at 30%                95.9        109.1
Add:  Disallowable/non-taxable expenses                                                                 1.9          2.2
         Telereal depreciation and goodwill amortisation                                                5.3          1.8
                                                                                                 ----------   ----------
                                                                                                      103.1        113.1

Release of deferred tax on property disposals                                                         (8.2)       (10.7)
Adjustments to current and deferred taxation in respect of prior years                                (1.8)        (0.2)
Reduced rate of tax on profits on disposal of assets                                                  (3.4)        (2.3)
                                                                                                 ----------   ----------
Tax charge for the period                                                                              89.7         99.9
Add back:  Depreciation                                                                                 7.9          5.6
                  Capital allowances                                                                 (26.9)       (16.9)
                  Capitalised interest and other timing differences                                  (32.0)          4.4
                                                                                                 ----------   ----------
Current tax payable                                                                                    38.7         93.0
                                                                                                 ==========   ==========

The joint venture's taxation charge is after disallowing depreciation charges
but without the availability of capital allowances which were retained by
British Telecom plc.

Included in the tax charge is a net credit of #12.6m (2002 #1.2m) attributable
to property sales, bid costs and the exceptional items analysed.  A tax credit
of #15.6m (2002 #Nil) is attributable to exceptional items.

                                                              Dividends      Dividends
                                                           per ordinary   per ordinary
                                                                  share          share
                                                                   2003           2002           2003         2002
5. Dividends                                                      pence          pence             #m           #m
                                                             ----------     ----------     ----------   ----------
Ordinary shares - interim                                          9.50           9.05           44.1         47.5
                - final                                           26.00          24.95          121.1        130.9
B Shares                                                              -                           0.5
Additional prior period dividends - ordinary shares                   -                           1.7            -
                                                             ----------     ----------     ----------   ----------
                                                                  35.50          34.00          167.4        178.4
                                                             ==========     ==========     ==========   ==========

B Shares carry the right to a dividend of 70% of six month LIBOR paid twice
yearly.   The dividend rate for the first dividend period to 17 April 2003 was
2.8% of the nominal value of the shares.

Additional prior year dividends relate to increases in share capital arising
after the respective prior period ends but before their corresponding dividend
record dates.

  6. Earnings per Share        Profit after      Profit after     Weighted      Weighted                              
                               taxation and      taxation and      average       average                              
                             preference and    preference and    number of     number of       Earnings      Earnings 
                                   B share           B share      ordinary      ordinary           per           per  
                                  dividends         dividends        shares        shares         share         share 
                                       2003              2002          2003          2002          2003          2002 
  EARNINGS PER SHARE                     #m                #m             m             m         pence         pence 
                                 ----------        ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Earnings per share                  229.4             263.6         493.8         524.2         46.46         50.27 
  Effect of dilutive                                                                                                  
  Convertible bonds                       -              10.9             -          29.7                             
  Share options                                                         0.1           0.2                             
                                 ----------        ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Diluted earnings per                229.4             274.5         493.9         554.1         46.44         49.54 
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER                                                                                               
  Earnings per share                  229.4             263.6         493.8         524.2         46.46         50.27 
  Effect of results of                                                                                                
  property disposals,                                                                                                 
  bid costs and                        
  exceptional items after                                                                                             
  taxation                             16.5               1.2                                      3.35          0.24   
  Effect of deferred tax                                                                                              
  arising from capital                                                                                                
  allowances on                         
  investment properties                 2.9               5.9                                      0.58          1.10   
                                 ----------        ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Adjusted earnings per               248.8             270.7         493.8         524.2         50.39         51.61 
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  Diluted earnings per                229.4             274.5         493.9         554.1         46.44         49.54 
  Effect of results of                                                                                                
  property disposals,                                                                                                 
  bid costs and                        
  exceptional items after                                                                                             
  taxation                             16.5               1.2                                      3.34          0.23   
  Effect of deferred tax                                                                                              
  arising from capital                                                                                                
  allowances on                         
  investment properties                 2.9               5.9                                      0.58          1.04   
                                 ----------        ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Adjusted diluted                    248.8             281.6         493.9         554.1         50.36         50.81 
  earnings per share                                                                                                  
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 

#196.8m of the nominal value of the Group's convertible bonds were purchased and
redeemed during the year at a loss over book value of #28.2m.  FRS14 requires
the post-tax effect of all changes in income or expense that would arise from
conversions into dilutive potential ordinary shares to be taken into account in
deriving earnings to be used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share.
For the year ended 31 March 2003, the convertible bonds have not been included
in the calculation of diluted earnings per share because adjusting earnings by
the loss on redemption results in the convertible bonds becoming accretive,
rather than dilutive, to earnings per share.

In accordance with FRS14 'Earnings per share', the earnings per share for the
prior year have not been restated for the effects of the Group's Scheme of
Arrangement referred to in Note 1.

Profits on the sales of properties, bid costs and exceptional items (comprising
the deficit arising on the purchase and redemption of convertible bonds, cost of
cancellation/novation of interest rate swaps and the costs of reorganising the
Group) are excluded from adjusted earnings as these are non-recurring items.
The additional deferred tax arising from capital allowances on investment
properties is also excluded as the Group's experience is that it is very unusual
for plant allowances to be claimed back through balancing charges on the
disposal of a property. Adjusted earnings and adjusted diluted earnings per
share have also been disclosed, therefore, to show measures of earnings that
better reflect the principal operating activities of the Group.

  7. Net Assets per Share             Equity           Equity     Number of     Number of                             
                               shareholders'    shareholders'      ordinary      ordinary    Net assets    Net assets 
                                       funds            funds        shares        shares     per share     per share 
                                        2003             2002          2003          2002          2003          2002 
                                          #m               #m             m             m         pence         pence 
                                  ----------       ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Net assets per share               5,532.7          6,036.6         465.6         524.3          1188          1151 
  Effect of deferred tax                                                                                              
  arising from capital                                                                                                
  allowances on investment             124.7            128.3                                        27            25 
                                  ----------       ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Adjusted net assets per            5,657.4          6,164.9         465.6         524.3          1215          1176 
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  Net assets per share               5,532.7          6,036.6         465.6         524.3          1188          1151 
  Adjustments for                          -            243.3            -           29.7                             
  convertible bonds                                                                                                   
  Exercise of outstanding                                               0.1           0.8                             
  share options                                                                                                       
                                  ----------       ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Diluted net assets per             5,532.7          6,279.9         465.7         554.8          1188          1132 
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 
  Diluted net assets per             5,532.7          6,279.9         465.7         554.8          1188          1132 
  Effect of deferred tax                                                                                              
  arising from capital                                                                                                
  allowances on investment             
  properties                           124.7            128.3                                        27            23   
                                  ----------       ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Adjusted diluted net               5,657.4          6,408.2         465.7         554.8          1215          1155 
  assets per share                                                                                                    
                                 ==========        ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 

The additional deferred tax liability arising from capital allowances on
investment properties is excluded from the calculations of the adjusted values
as the Group's experience is that deferred tax on capital allowances in relation
to investment properties is unlikely to crystallise in practice.

                                                                       Cost       Amortisation             Net
8. Goodwill                                                              #m                 #m              #m
                                                                 ----------         ----------      ----------
At 1 April 2002                                                        42.0              (3.1)            38.9
Amortisation for the year                                                                (2.2)           (2.2)
                                                                 ----------         ----------      ----------
At 31 March 2003                                                       42.0              (5.3)            36.7
                                                                 ==========         ==========      ==========

The goodwill arose on the acquisition of Trillium Investments GP Limited in
November 2000 by Land Securities PLC when it was calculated as the excess of
cost over the fair value of net assets acquired.   It was capitalised in the
year in which it arose and is amortised on a straight line basis over the
remaining life of the PRIME contract.

                                                                            Leasehold      Leasehold
                                                                              Over 50       Under 50
9. Investment Properties (including development             Freehold     years to run   years to run          Total
programme assets)                                                 #m               #m             #m             #m
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
At 1 April 2002:  Net book amount                            5,715.3          2,020.9           63.8        7,800.0
Additions                                                      289.8            187.7            0.8          478.3
Reclassifications                                                2.4                -          (2.4)
Sales                                                        (225.3)          (169.1)          (1.7)        (396.1)
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
                                                             5,782.2          2,039.5           60.5        7,882.2
Depreciation                                                       -                -          (1.5)          (1.5)
Unrealised deficit on valuation (Note 16)                     (22.3)           (25.6)          (8.9)         (56.8)
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
At 31 March 2003: Net book amount                            5,759.9          2,013.9           50.1        7,823.9
Amount included in prepayments under UITF28                     12.0              8.0            0.1           20.1
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Open market value                                            5,771.9          2,021.9           50.2        7,844.0
                                                          ==========       ==========     ==========     ==========

At 31 March 2003, the cumulative interest capitalised in relation to investment
properties under development amounts to #70.5m (2002 #39.7m).

Freeholds include #408.9m (2002 #366.1m) of leaseholds with unexpired terms
exceeding 900 years; leaseholds under 50 years to run include #12.1m (2002
#10.3m) with unexpired terms of 20 years or less.

The historical cost of investment properties is #4,577.9m (2002 #4,261.4m).

10.  Development Programme

The movement in the carrying value of investment properties forming the
development programme (excluding the BBC developments and trading properties) is
as follows:

At 1 April 2002: at open market value - as previously reported                                                  1,050.1
Less:  Prior year adjustment to adopt revised definition of development programme                               (259.3)
At 1 April 2002 as restated                                                                                       790.8
Properties transferred into the development programme during the year ( at 1 April 2002 valuation)                  2.5
Part disposal during the year                                                                                     (3.3)
Expenditure during the year including development property acquisitions                                           291.1
Capitalised interest                                                                                               30.8
Deficit on valuation                                                                                             (30.1)
Developments completed, let and transferred out of development programme during the year                        (114.4)
At 31 March 2003:  at open market value                                                                           967.4

To aid clarity, the classification of projects forming the "development
programme" was revised during the year. As a result the development programme
now includes:

- Developments which are completed but less than 95% let

- Developments on site

- Committed developments (being projects which are approved and the building
contract let)

- Authorised developments (Board approved projects for which the building
contract has not yet been let)

Projects in these classifications are sufficiently firm to ensure that reporting
from period to period provides a good basis for performance comparison.

"Proposed developments" will now be excluded from the development programme as
experience has shown that these schemes can be subject to substantial revision.
However, the Group will continue to give an indication of the likely size and
timing of these schemes and their potential impact on cash flow when discussing
the "development pipeline", which combines both the development programme and
proposed schemes.

Developments are taken out of the development programme when physically complete
and 95% let.   Schemes completed during the year comprise retail parks at
Cheetham Hill, Manchester, Phase 1 of Almondvale, Livingston, Designer Outlet
Mall, Livingston, Lakeside Retail Park, West Thurrock a new unit at Markham
Road, Chesterfield, Neptune Point, Cardiff and Bessemer Road, Welwyn Garden

In addition to the above, investment properties include properties to the value
of #180.5m in respect of proposed developments.

                                                                            Leasehold      Leasehold
                                                            Freehold        buildings      buildings
                                                            land and          Over 50       Under 50
                                                           buildings     years to run   years to run          Total
11. Operating Properties                                          #m               #m             #m             #m
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
At 1 April 2002                                                341.6             45.3           50.0          436.9
Additions                                                      129.3              0.4           17.7          147.4
Sales                                                          (8.3)            (2.5)              -         (10.8)
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
At 31 March 2003                                               462.6             43.2           67.7          573.5
                                                          ==========       ==========     ==========     ==========

At 1 April 2002                                                (5.9)            (1.1)          (1.0)          (8.0)
Depreciation for the year                                      (4.4)            (0.9)          (2.9)          (8.2)
Sales                                                            0.1                                            0.1
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
At 31 March 2003                                              (10.2)            (2.0)          (3.9)         (16.1)
                                                          ==========       ==========     ==========     ==========

At 31 March 2003                                               452.4             41.2           63.8          557.4
                                                          ==========       ==========     ==========     ==========
At 31 March 2002                                               335.7             44.2           49.0          428.9
                                                          ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------

At 31 March 2003, the cumulative interest capitalised in operating properties
under development amounts to #9.0m (2002 #0.8m).

                                                 Leasehold                                  Investment      Operating 
                                                   Over 50        Under 50         Total     Properties    Properties 
                                  Freehold    years to run    years to run                     (Note 9)     (Note 11) 
  12. Properties                        #m              #m              #m            #m             #m            #m 
                                ----------      ----------      ----------    ----------     ----------    ---------- 
  BOOK AMOUNT/COST                                                                                                    
  At 1 April 2002                  6,056.9         2,066.2           114.9       8,238.0        7,801.1         436.9 
  Additions                          419.1           188.1            18.5         625.7          478.3         147.4 
  Reclassifications                    2.4              -            (2.4)            -              -             -  
  Sales                            (233.6)         (171.6)           (1.7)       (406.9)        (396.1)        (10.8) 
                                ----------      ----------      ----------    ----------     ----------    ---------- 
                                   6,244.8         2,082.7           129.3       8,456.8        7,883.3         573.5 
  Unrealised deficit on             (22.3)          (25.6)           (8.9)        (56.8)         (56.8)            -  
  valuation (Note 16)                                                                                                 
                                ----------      ----------      ----------    ----------     ----------    ---------- 
  At 31 March 2003                 6,222.5         2,057.1           120.4       8,400.0        7,826.5         573.5 
                                ==========      ==========      ==========    ==========     ==========    ========== 
  ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION                                                                                            
  At 1 April 2002                    (5.9)           (1.1)           (2.1)         (9.1)          (1.1)         (8.0) 
  Depreciation for the year          (4.4)           (0.9)           (4.4)         (9.7)          (1.5)         (8.2) 
  Sales                                0.1              -               -            0.1             -            0.1 
                                ----------      ----------      ----------    ----------     ----------    ---------- 
  At 31 March 2003                  (10.2)           (2.0)           (6.5)        (18.7)          (2.6)        (16.1) 
                                ==========      ==========      ==========    ==========     ==========    ========== 
  NET BOOK AMOUNT                                                                                                     
  At 31 March 2003                 6,212.3         2,055.1           113.9       8,381.3        7,823.9         557.4 
                                ==========      ==========      ==========    ==========     ==========    ========== 
  At 31 March 2002                 6,051.0         2,065.1           112.8       8,228.9        7,800.0         428.9 
                                ----------      ----------      ----------    ----------     ----------    ---------- 

At 31 March 2003, the cumulative capitalised interest in investment and
operating properties amounts to #79.5m (2002 #40.5m).

13. Commitments for Future Expenditure on Properties (in the Development Pipeline)                  2003       2002
                                                                                                      #m         #m
                                                                                              ---------- ----------
Under contract                                                                                     586.6      574.1
Board authorisations not contracted                                                                 82.2      312.1
                                                                                              ---------- ----------
Contracted and authorised commitments                                                              668.8      886.2

Less: Commitments outside the development programme                                              (175.4)     (70.3)
Estimated additional expenditure on the development programme and proposed schemes
(excluding future interest)                                                                        897.4      918.2
Capital creditors relating to the development programme                                             53.2       86.9
                                                                                              ---------- ----------
Total outstanding cash outlay of the development pipeline (including the BBC                     1,444.0    1,821.0
development)                                                                                  ========== ==========

                                                                       Cost       Depreciation             Net
14. Other Tangible Assets                                                #m                 #m              #m
                                                                 ----------         ----------      ----------

At 1 April 2002                                                        72.0             (26.7)            45.3
Additions                                                              13.4                               13.4
Disposals                                                             (1.7)                1.2           (0.5)
Depreciation for the year                                                               (16.7)          (16.7)
                                                                 ----------         ----------      ----------
At 31 March 2003                                                       83.7             (42.2)            41.5
                                                                 ==========         ==========      ==========

Other tangible assets include computers, motor vehicles, furniture, fixtures and
fittings, improvements to Group offices and #1.0m (2002 #Nil) for Landflex
product development costs.

                                                       Authorised      Authorised      Allotted and      Allotted and
                                                             2003            2002        fully paid        fully paid
                                                              No.             No.              2003              2002
15. Called up Share Capital                                     m               m                #m                #m
                                                       ----------      ----------        ----------        ----------

Ordinary shares of #1 each                                                  720.0                               524.3
Ordinary shares of 10p each                                 600.0                              46.5
Non-equity B Shares of #1.02 each                           540.0                              30.3
Redeemable preference shares of #1 each                       0.1                               0.1
                                                                                         ----------        ----------
                                                                                               76.9             524.3
                                                                                         ==========        ==========

18,439,941 B Shares were redeemed at the holders' option on 17 April 2003 for

The sequence of events relating to the changes in the share capitals of Land
Securities PLC, the former holding company of the Group, and Land Securities
Group PLC, the successor holding company was as follows:

(a)  Land Securities PLC                                                                                No of Shares

At 1 April 2002                                                                                          524,345,045
Issued during the period:
On the exercise of options under:
   1983 and 1993 savings related share option schemes                                                         51,499
   1984 Executive Share Option Scheme                                                                         62,750
On the conversions of:
   6 per cent Guaranteed Convertible Bonds due 2007                                                        3,176,950
   7 per cent Convertible Bonds due 2008                                                                   3,155,128
Issued to facilitate the transfer of the shares to the company under the                                          12
Scheme of Arrangement                                                                            -------------------
At 6 September 2002                                                                                      530,791,384

(b)  Land Securities Group PLC
7 February 2002                   The company was incorporated with an authorised share capital of 50,000 ordinary      
                                  shares of #1 each and two shares were issued.
3 July 2002                       The authorised share capital was increased to #100,000 by the creation of 50,000
                                  redeemable preference shares of #1 each which were all issued at par.
14 July 2002                      The authorised share capital was increased from #100,000 to #4,648,850,000 by the
                                  creation of 409,795,000,000 additional ordinary shares of 1p each and 540,000,000 B   
                                  Shares of 102p each.
                                  Each issued ordinary share of #1 each was sub-divided into 100 ordinary shares of 1p  
                                  each and a further 1,166 ordinary shares were issued at par.
                                  All issued and unissued ordinary shares of 1p each were consolidated into shares of   
                                  #6.83 each resulting in the issued share capital being consolidated into two ordinary 
                                  shares of #6.83 each.
6 September 2002                  464,442,461 ordinary shares of #6.83 each and 530,791,384 B Shares of #1.02p each with
                                  a total nominal value of #3,713,549,221 were issued in consideration for 100% of the  
                                  issued ordinary share capital of the predecessor company.
17 September 2002                 Under a Court approved capital reduction:
                                  a) the nominal value of the ordinary shares was reduced from #6.83 each to 10p each.
                                  b) 501,057,544 of the B Shares were cancelled and #511,078,695 was returned to

The holders of B Shares are not entitled to receive notification of any general
meeting of Land Securities Group PLC, or to attend, speak or vote at any such
meeting. B Shares carry the right to a dividend of 70% of six month LIBOR paid
twice yearly. In the event of the winding up of Land Securities Group PLC, the
holders of B Shares will be entitled to 102p in respect of each B share held
together with the relevant proportion of the dividend payable.

The holders of B Shares may elect to have their shares redeemed at six monthly
intervals.   The first redemption date (after the initial redemption of shares
on 17 September 2002) was 17 April 2003 on which date 18,439,941 B Shares were
redeemed at the holders' option.   The next redemption date will be 17 October
2003.   Land Securities Group PLC may, on giving notice in writing to the
holders of B Shares, redeem for #1.02 per share all, but not some, of the
remaining B Shares.

The movements in the issued ordinary share capital of the company from incorporation to  31 March 2003

                                                                                                       No. of Shares    
  Consolidation of shares issued on incorporation                                                                   2 
  Issued as part consideration for 530,791,384 Land Securities PLC shares under the Scheme of             464,442,461 
  Issued as consideration for the purchase of a property interest                                           1,760,000 
  Shares purchased and cancelled                                                                            (700,000) 
  Issued on the exercise of options under:                                                                            
  1983 and 1993 savings related share option schemes                                                           50,345 
  1984 Executive Share Option Scheme                                                                           10,000 
  At 31 March 2003                                                                                        465,562,808 

The exercise of all options outstanding at 31 March 2003, granted under the
savings related and executive share option schemes, would result in the issue of
a further 4,696,262 ordinary shares.

The cash considerations received on the exercise of options under the 1983 and
1993 savings related share option schemes and the 1984 Executive Share Option
Scheme, for shares in both the company and the predecessor company,  were #0.7m
and #0.5m respectively.

                                   Called up      Called up     Called up                                              
                                       share          share         share                                             
                                     capital        capital       capital                                             
                                                (Note (15))                                                           
                                    Ordinary     Non-equity    Redeemable         Share      Capital     Revaluation  
                                      Shares              B    preference      premium     redemption         reserve 
                                                     shares        shares       account       reserve                 
  16. Shareholders' Funds                 #m             #m            #m            #m            #m              #m 
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 
  At 1 April 2002                      524.3             -             -          314.9          36.0         3,376.9 
  Proforma restatement                                                          (314.9)        (36.0)                 
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 
  At 1 April 2002 as restated          524.3              -             -             -             -         3,376.9 
  Shares issued prior to                                                                                              
  capital restructure (Note 15 (a))      6.5                          0.1          42.3                               
  Transfer to profit and loss                                                                                         
  Capital restructure                2,641.3          541.4                      (42.3)                               
  Reduction of capital and                                                                                            
  repayment of B Shares            (3,125.7)        (511.1)                                                           
  Purchase and cancellation of                                                                                        
  shares (Note 15(b))                  (0.1)                                                      0.1                 
  Issue of ordinary shares               0.2                                       12.9                               
  (Note 15(b))                                                                                                        
  Exercise of options                                                               0.4                               
  Unrealised surplus on                                                                                               
  of investment properties                                                                                     (56.8) 
  (Note 9)                                                                                                            
  Realised on disposals of                                                                                            
  investment properties                                                                                       (281.2) 
  Taxation on revaluation                                                                                             
  realised on disposals of                                                                                            
  investment properties                                                                                               
  Retained profit for the                                                                                             
  financial year                                                                                                      
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 
  At 31 March 2003                      46.5           30.3           0.1          13.3           0.1         3,038.9 
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 
  Equity shareholders' funds            46.5                                       13.3           0.1         3,038.9 
  Non-equity shareholders'                             30.3           0.1                                             
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 
                                        46.5           30.3           0.1          13.3           0.1         3,038.9 
                                  ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------      ---------- 

                                                                  Other           and Loss
                                                               reserves            account            Total
16.  Shareholders' Funds (continued)                                 #m                 #m               #m
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------
At 1 April 2002                                                   550.4            1,234.1          6,036.6
Proforma restatement                                              350.9                                 0.0
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------
At 1 April 2002 as restated                                       901.3            1,234.1          6,036.6
Shares issued prior to
   capital restructure (Note 15(a))                                                                    48.9
Transfer to profit and loss account                             (550.4)              550.4                -
Capital restructure                                             (350.9)          (2,789.5)                -
Reduction of capital and
   repayment of B Shares                                                           3,125.7          (511.1)
Purchase and cancellation of ordinary shares
     (Note 15(b))                                                                    (5.1)            (5.1)
Issue of ordinary shares (Note 15(b))                                                                  13.1
Exercise of options                                                                                     0.4
Unrealised surplus on revaluation
   of investment properties (Note 9)                                                                 (56.8)
Realised on disposals of
   investment properties                                                             281.2                -
Taxation on revaluation surpluses
   realised on disposals of
   investment properties                                                            (25.4)           (25.4)
Retained profit for the financial year                                                62.5             62.5
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------
At 31 March 2003                                                      -            2,433.9          5,563.1
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------
Equity shareholders' funds                                            -            2,433.9          5,532.7
Non-equity shareholders' funds                                                                         30.4
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------
                                                                      -            2,433.9          5,563.1
                                                             ----------         ----------       ----------

As explained in Note 1, the reserves at 1 April 2002 have been restated under
merger accounting rules to reflect the Group reconstruction.

                                                                                                       2003        2002
17. Reconciliation of Group Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                #m          #m
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
Operating profit (group)                                                                              462.4       497.5
Depreciation and amortisation                                                                          28.6        18.3
Increase in trading properties                                                                       (15.7)      (36.9)
Increase in debtors                                                                                  (16.1)     (107.9)
Increase in creditors                                                                                  25.2        35.2
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                             484.4       406.2
                                                                                                 ==========  ==========

                                                                                                       2003        2002
18. Analysis of Net Cash Flows                                                                           #m          #m
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------

Net decrease/(increase) in short term deposits                                                         57.5      (38.9)
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from management of liquid resources                                          57.5      (38.9)
                                                                                                 ==========  ==========

                                                                                                       2003        2002
                                                                                                         #m          #m
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------

Debt due within one year
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
   - Repayment of secured debt                                                                        (1.4)       (0.4)
   - Unsecured bank loan                                                                                  -      (25.0)
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
                                                                                                      (1.4)      (25.4)
Debt due after one year
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
   - Unsecured bank loans                                                                             335.5       265.0
   - Issue of new bonds                                                                               600.0           -
   - Purchase/redemption of convertible bonds                                                       (198.0)           -
Expenses of new issues                                                                                (7.9)           -
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
                                                                                                      729.6       265.0
                                                                                                 ----------  ----------
Increase in debt                                                                                      728.2       239.6
                                                                                                 ==========  ==========

                                                                   Movements          Movements
                                                                 during year        during year
                                                  1 April         ----------         ----------          31 March
                                                     2002          Cash Flow           Non-cash              2003
19.  Analysis of Net Debt                              #m                 #m                 #m                #m
                                               ----------         ----------         ----------        ----------

Net bank balance/(overdraft)                       (14.3)               93.5                                 79.2
Liquid resources                                     60.9             (57.5)                                  3.4
Debt due within one year                            (1.4)                1.4             (23.5)            (23.5)
Debt due after one year                         (1,987.3)            (729.6)               68.5         (2,648.4)
                                               ----------         ----------         ----------        ----------
Net debt                                        (1,942.1)            (692.2)               45.0         (2,589.3)
                                               ==========         ==========         ==========        ==========

20. Financial Assets and Liabilities

The group has defined financial assets and liabilities as those assets and
liabilities of a financial nature, namely cash, investments, borrowings and
interest rate swaps.

Short term debtors/creditors, capital debtors/creditors, taxation and
prepayments and accruals have been excluded.

All the group's financial assets and liabilities are sterling based and, with
the exception of the committed bank facilities, at fixed rates.

                                                                                              Excess of     Excess of  
                                                                                             fair value    fair value 
                                           Book          Book          Book          Fair     over book     over book 
                                          value         value         value         value         value         value 
                                           2003          2002          2003          2002          2003          2002 
  The group's financial assets               #m            #m            #m            #m            #m            #m 
  and liabilities and their fair                                                                                      
  values are:                                                                                                         
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  FINANCIAL ASSETS                                                                                                    
  Short term investments and cash         102.1          72.3         102.1          72.3             -             - 
  FINANCIAL LIABILITIES                                                                                               
  Debentures, bonds, other loans      (2,688.7)     (1,767.2)     (3,204.9)     (2,205.6)       (516.2)       (438.4) 
  and overdraft                                                                                                       
  Convertible bonds                           -       (243.3)             -       (274.9)                      (31.6) 
  Non-equity B Shares                    (30.3)             -        (30.3)                           -               
  Redeemable preference shares            (0.1)             -         (0.1)                           -               
  FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS                                                                                               
  Interest rate swaps                         -             -        (82.3)         (4.9)        (82.3)         (4.9) 
                                     ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                      (2,617.0)     (1,938.2)     (3,215.5)     (2,413.1)       (598.5)       (474.9) 
                                     ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ========== 

                                                           Financial     Financial      Financial      Financial    
                                                              assets        assets    liabilities    liabilities 
                                                                2003          2002           2003           2002 
  Weighted average period of fixed interest rates              1 day        3 days     13.3 years     14.1 years  
                                                          ==========    ==========     ==========     ========== 
  Weighted average interest rate                                4.2%          3.0%           7.9%           8.3% 
                                                          ==========    ==========     ==========     ========== 

Fair value has been calculated by taking the market value, where one is
available, or using a discounted cash flow approach for those financial assets
and liabilities that do not have a published market value. The difference
between book value and fair value will not result in any change to the cash
outflows of the group unless, at some stage in the future, borrowings are
purchased in the market, or repaid, at a price different to the nominal value.

The group has entered into a number of interest rate swaps in the name of Land
Securities PLC to hedge current and future interest rate risk.   In each case
the group pays a fixed rate of interest and receives six-month LIBOR. The total
notional value of the interest rate swaps is #900m all of which are now
operational. The end dates of these swaps are from March 2012 to September 2030
and the interest rates range from 5.00% to 5.58%.  In the case of four swaps,
which have a total notional value of #400m and end dates of June 2022 and
September 2030, the counterparties have the right to terminate the swaps

Interest rate swaps with a notional value of #500m were entered into during June
2002 with a start date of March 2003 and an end date of March 2013 and interest
rates ranging from 5.46% to 5.5%.  #300m of these swaps were cancelled at the
time of the February 2003 bond issues, resulting in an exceptional interest cost
of #23.5m.

As the intention of these swaps is to fix the interest rates on existing and new
borrowings, their mark to market values have not been incorporated into the
financial statements and instead net interest is accrued through the profit and
loss account.

In addition there is a further swap with a notional value of #198.4m which was
taken out by Trillium to hedge the secured bank loan, which funds the PRIME
contract.  Either party to the swap may terminate the swap on 15 April 2005 and
every second anniversary thereafter. This swap has a maximum life of 15 years
and mirrors the repayment schedule for the associated bank loan.  As part of the
fair value accounting exercise on the acquisition of Trillium, this swap was
marked to market at a cost of #14.9m.  The cost is being amortised over the life
of the swap as a credit to interest payable.

  The maturity and repayment                                                                     Undrawn       Undrawn
  profiles of the group's                                                                      committed     committed  
  financial assets and               Financial     Financial      Financial      Financial     borrowing     borrowing  
  liabilities, excluding the            assets        assets    liabilities    liabilities    facilities    facilities  
  non-equity B Shares and                 2003          2002           2003           2002          2003          2002 
  redeemable preference                    #m            #m             #m             #m            #m            #m   
  shares, and the expiry                                                                                              
  periods of its undrawn                                                                                              
  committed borrowing                                                                                                 
  facilities are:                          
                                   ----------    ----------     ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  One year or less, or on               102.1          72.3           40.1           23.2             -           250 
  More than one year but no                 -             -           29.8            6.7             -            -  
  more than two years                                                                                                 
  More than two years but no                -             -          829.8          537.6         899.5           335 
  more than five years                                                                                                
  More than five years                      -             -        1,789.0        1,443.0             -            -  
                                   ----------    ----------     ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        102.1          72.3        2,688.7        2,010.5         899.5           585 
                                   ==========    ==========     ==========     ==========    ==========    ========== 

The amount of debt that is repayable by instalments, where any of the
instalments fall due after more than five years, is not material.
The holders of the 50,000 redeemable preference shares may elect to have them
redeemed by the company on any fixed date following on or after 30 September
The company may, on giving notice in writing to the holders of the B Shares,
redeem all of the B Shares then in issue on the date specified in the notice.

21.  Joint Venture

The Group has a 50% interest in the Telereal group of companies ("Telereal"),
which draws up accounts to 31 March. Telereal, a 50:50 joint venture between
Land Securities Trillium and The William Pears Group, acquired the majority of
the properties of British Telecommunications PLC ("BT") on 13 December 2001.
Telereal is responsible for providing accommodation and estate management
services to BT in return for a total availability and service charge under a
30-year contract. Telereal was funded with #2.5bn to meet the consideration of
#2.4bn due to BT and the other costs of #112m associated with bidding for and
mobilising the contract.

The funding was provided externally by way of securitisation of #1.8bn and bank
debt of #400m, both secured on Telereal's properties without any recourse to the
shareholders of Telereal, and an initial equity investment by the shareholders
of #292.8m shared equally. The property portfolio has been financed according to
the different occupational needs within the BT portfolio.

                                                                    Year             Year      13.12.01         13.12.01
                                                           ended 31.3.03    ended 31.3.03    to 31.3.02       to 31.3.02
                                                                Telereal    Group's share      Telereal    Group's share
                                                                    100%              50%          100%              50%
SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF TELEREAL                             #m               #m            #m               #m
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
Turnover                                                           336.4            168.2          97.0             48.5
Operating profit                                                   205.8            102.9          38.6             19.3
Depreciation                                                      (30.0)           (15.0)         (7.6)            (3.8)
Profit on sales of fixed asset properties                           30.2             15.1             -                -
Bid costs written off                                                  -                -        (16.0)            (8.0)
Finance costs (net)                                              (151.4)           (75.7)        (47.6)           (23.8)
Profit/(loss) before tax                                            54.4             27.2         (9.0)            (4.5)
Profit/(loss) after tax                                             25.4             12.7         (9.0)            (4.5)
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------

                                                                 31.3.03                        31.3.02
                                                                Telereal    Group's share      Telereal    Group's share
                                                                    100%              50%          100%              50%
                                                                      #m               #m            #m               #m
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
Fixed assets - properties                                        2,113.8          1,056.9       2,386.8          1,193.4
Current assets                                                     226.6            113.3         208.8            104.4
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
                                                                 2,340.4          1,170.2       2,595.6          1,297.8

                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
Securitisation                                                 (1,756.0)          (878.0)     (1,760.0)          (880.0)
Bank debt                                                        (220.2)          (110.1)       (391.2)          (195.6)
Other liabilities                                                (150.6)           (75.3)        (66.8)           (33.4)
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
                                                               (2,126.8)        (1,063.4)     (2,218.0)        (1,109.0)
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
Net assets                                                         213.6            106.8         377.6            188.8
                                                              ==========       ==========    ==========       ==========
Financed by:
Shareholders' investment                                           131.6             65.8         292.8            146.4
Reserves                                                            82.0             41.0          84.8             42.4
                                                              ----------       ----------    ----------       ----------
                                                                   213.6            106.8         377.6            188.8
                                                              ==========       ==========    ==========       ==========

The Telereal figures have been adjusted to adopt the Group's accounting

The properties held by Telereal at 31 March 2003 are part of the 30-year
contract with BT and are held at cost to the joint venture.  During the year
ended 31 March 2003, Telereal sold its investment properties for a total
consideration of #270m.  Part of the proceeds were used to repay debts secured
on those assets and part was returned to the partners.

The Group's 50% share of the fair value of Telereal's financial liabilities as
at 31 March 2003 is #1,050.8m (31 March 2002 #1,042.8m).

The Telereal entities include two limited partnerships, Telereal Securitised
Property Limited Partnership and Telereal General Property Limited Partnership,
which are registered in England and Wales and whose accounts are dealt with in
the Group financial statements by way of gross equity accounting and are
consolidated in the Group's financial information as set out above. Advantage
has been taken of the exemption conferred by Regulation 7 of The Partnership and
Unlimited Companies (Accounts) Regulations 1993 in not delivering the financial
statements of the partnerships to the Registrar of Companies.

22.  Membership of Certain Undertakings

Throughout the year, the Group has been a member of the following limited
partnerships, all of which are registered in England.  The accounts of the
partnerships, drawn up to the dates indicated below, are dealt with in the
Group's financial statements as "joint arrangements".

                                                                                                Profit/       Profit/   
                                        Gross         Gross          Gross          Gross        (loss)        (loss) 
                                       Assets        Assets    Liabilities    Liabilities        before        before  
                                                                                                    tax           tax 
                 Group    share      31.03.03      31.03.02       31.03.03       31.03.02      31.03.03      31.03.02 
  Partnership                 %           #m            #m             #m             #m            #m            #m  
                                   ----------    ----------     ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
  Martineau         33      1/3         132.0         125.0          (3.5)          (4.8)           5.4           3.9 
  Martineau         33      1/3         112.2         114.8          (2.1)          (1.7)           4.0           5.1 
  Bull Ring         33      1/3         362.9         235.9        (213.5)         (85.9)         (0.7)         (0.3) 
  Gunwharf          50                  147.9         117.0          (3.3)          (2.5)           7.7           5.2 
  (31 March)                                                                                                          
  Ebbsfleet         50                   35.3          26.5          (0.4)         (13.4)             -             - 
  (31 March)                                                                                                          
                                   ----------    ----------     ----------     ----------    ----------    ---------- 
                                        790.3         619.2        (222.8)        (108.3)          16.4          13.9 
                                   ==========    ==========     ==========     ==========    ==========    ========== 

Advantage has been taken of the exemption conferred by Regulation 7 of The
Partnership and Unlimited Companies (Accounts) Regulations 1993 in not
delivering the financial statements of the partnerships to the Registrar of

The gross liabilities of these partnerships consist generally of capital and
revenue accruals and also, in the case of Bull Ring Limited Partnership, #195.5m
(2002 #64.9m) of loans from partners; at 31 March 2003 there was no third party
debt in these partnerships (2002:  Nil).

23.  Related Party Transactions

The Group has a 50% interest in the Telereal group of companies ("Telereal").
The Group, principally through Land Securities Trillium Telecom Services
Limited, provides staff to Telereal to deliver services to BT, for which it
received #17.7m (2002 #2.5m) in the year ended 31 March 2003.

As at 31 March 2003, the Group was owed #66.0m (2002 #151.7m) by Telereal.  This
comprised a subordinated loan from the Group of #65.8m (2002 #149.4m), including
accrued interest, and an amount rechargeable to Telereal of #0.2m (2002 #2.3m)
in respect of services provided by the Group.

24. Contingent Liabilities

The Group has a contingent liability arising from a performance guarantee that
Land Securities PLC, as the parent company of Land Securities Trillium Limited,
has given, severally with its Telereal joint venture partner, for the
performance by Telereal Services Limited of its service obligations to BT
together with a guarantee related to transaction issues associated with the BT
outsourcing contract.  The Group's maximum liability under the guarantee is #50m
plus a further amount which is capped by reference to amounts either distributed
or available for distribution to each shareholder by certain of the Telereal
companies up to a further #50.7m.  The transaction element of the guarantee is
capped at #10m.  The maximum potential liability which the company could be
exposed to under such arrangements is capped at #110.7m.  The total maximum
liability of #110.7m will, however, amortise over time in accordance with a
contractual formula included and defined in the agreement with BT.  At 31 March
2003, the estimated amount of the Group's exposure to the guarantee was
approximately #100.7m (2002 #52.6m).

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange