Final Results
13 Octobre 2003 - 11:40AM
UK Regulatory
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1949/033412/06)
Share code: STI ISIN: ZAE000007118
("the Company")
Reviewed Audited
Year Year
ended ended
30 June 30 June
2003 2002
R'000 R'000
Net operating income/(loss) for year 25 (490)
Provision for environmental rehabilitation (3 564) -
Net finance income 309 527
Net (loss)/income for year before taxation (3 230) 37
Taxation 3 159
Net loss for year (3 233) (122)
Earnings/(Loss) per share - (cents)
- headline earnings (24,7) (0,9)
- attributable earnings (24,7) (0,9)
- before exceptional item 2,5 (0,9)
Earnings/(Loss) per share calculation is
based on the average weighted number of
shares in issue of 13 026 920 13 026 920
Reviewed Audited
30 June 30 June
2003 2002
R'000 R'000
Non-current assets
- Property, plant and equipment 7 916 7 966
- Investments 29 29
7 945 7 995
Current assets 9 431 5 949
Total assets 17 376 13 944
Current liabilities 8 122 2 235
- non-interest bearing
Shareholders" equity 9 254 11 709
Total liabilities and shareholders" equity 17 376 13 944
Net asset value per share (cents) 70,8 89,6
Share Share Retained
capital premium earnings Total
R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000
Balance on 1 July 2001 6 531 1 514 3 786 11 831
Net loss for year - - (122) (122)
Balance on 1 July 2002 6 531 1 514 3 664 11 709
Net loss for year - - (3 233) (3 233)
Dividends forfeited - - 778 778
Balance on 30 June 2003 6 531 1 514 1 209 9 254
Reviewed Audited
Year Year
ended ended
30 June 30 June
2003 2002
R'000 R'000
Net cash flows from operating activities 818 4 894
Net cash flows from investing activities 50 -
Net cash flows from financing activities 778 -
Net increase for year 1 646 4 894
Net cash at bank at beginning of year 5 150 256
Net cash at bank at end of year 6 796 5 150
1. Basis of accounting
These results are prepared in accordance with South African Statements of
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("GAAP") and Schedule 4 of the Companies
Act. These accounting policies are consistent with those used in the annual
financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2002.
2. During a previous financial year, the Company sold all its properties to a
third party. It was a specific condition of the sale agreement that the buyer
of those properties will be responsible for the environmental rehabilitation.
Since the Company has not yet obtained the necessary approval from the
Department of Minerals and Energy to transfer its obligations to the third
party with the disposal of the properties, the Company could be held
responsible by the Department of Minerals and Energy to rehabilitate the mining
3. There has been no change in contingent liabilities since 30 June 2002.
1. During the year under review, the Company continued pumping operations on
behalf of Hartebeestfontein Gold Mining Company Limited.
2. Provision has been made for taxation on non-mining income at a rate of 30%.
Auditors" report
The preliminary results of the Company as set out above have been reviewed by
the Company"s auditors, KPMG Inc. Their report is available for inspection at
the Company"s registered office.
For and on behalf of the board
R A R Kebble H C Buitendag
Non-Executive Chairman Non -Executive Director
10 October 2003
Company Secretary: P B Beale
Investor Relations: G W Poole
Tel +27 11 688 5100
Fax +27 11 836 3757
Registered Office: 28 Harrison Street
Johannesburg, 2001
(PO Box 11165, Johannesburg, 2000)
Transfer Secretaries: Computershare Limited
70 Marshall Street
Johannesburg, 2001
(PO Box 1053, Johannesburg, 2000)
United Kingdom Registrars: Capita Registrars
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Kent BR3 4TU
Telephone: (+087) 0162 3100
Telefax: (+020) 8639 2342
United Kingdom Secretaries: St James"s Corporate Services Limited
6 St James"s Place
London, SW1A 1NP
Telephone: (+020) 7491 1889
Telefax: (+020) 7491 1989
French Agents: Euro Emetteurs Finance
48 Boulevard des Batignolles
75850 Paris, CEDEX 17, France
Telephone: (+331) 5530 5900
Telefax: (+331) 5530 5910