RNS Number : 9948J

BHP Group Limited

21 August 2023

Issued by:        BHP Group Limited 
Date:             22 August 2023 
To:               London Stock Exchange 
                   JSE Limited 
For Release:      Immediately 
Contact:          Anthony Sciuto +61 412 434 347 
----------------  --------------------------------------- 
   BHP Group Limited - Economic Contribution Report 2023 


Our Economic Contribution Report (Report) for the year ended 30 June 2023 was released today.

BHP has delivered a strong set of results in FY2023, against a backdrop of economic uncertainty. In FY2023, BHP achieved both production guidance and growth across each of our commodities, including record annual production at Western Australia Iron Ore, Olympic Dam and Spence. Overall, we saw lower revenue in FY2023 due to weaker prices in key commodities. On the cost side, we managed the impact of inflation well, relative to the market, through disciplined cost control.

The strength of our portfolio, our operating excellence, our people and ongoing commitment to social value should position us well to continue growing value for our shareholders and support the communities in the countries where we operate.

BHP has a long-standing commitment to transparency. We recognise taxes are important sources of government revenue and are central to the fiscal policy and macroeconomic stability of countries. Paying the right amount of taxes and royalties enables governments to finance and deliver on national development plans for the benefit of the broader community to promote sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and reduce poverty and inequality within and among countries. We have disclosed details of our tax and royalty payments for more than 20 years and we have continually updated and expanded our disclosures. The Economic Contribution Report aims to provide a greater understanding of BHP's global tax profile, tax contributions and the manner in which we govern and manage our tax obligations.

BHP is subject to the different tax regimes and complies with applicable tax laws in all the countries where we operate, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Country-by-Country reporting. This information provides tax authorities around the world with details of how we conduct our business and how BHP's entities transact with each other.

Our Economic Contribution Report 2023 has today been submitted to the FCA National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism . It is also available to be downloaded on the BHP website at:


BHP's total direct economic contribution for FY2023 was US$54.2 billion. This includes contribution to suppliers, wages and benefits for more than 80,000 employees and contractors, dividends, taxes, royalties and voluntary investment in social projects across the communities where we operate. In FY2023, our tax, royalty and other payments to governments totalled US$13.8 billion. Of this, 88 per cent or US$12.1 billion was paid in Australia. This made BHP one of the largest corporate taxpayers in Australia in FY2023. During the last decade, we paid US$94.2 billion globally in taxes, royalties and other payments to governments, including US$74.9 billion (approximately A$101.0 billion) in Australia.

Below are extracted sections of our full Economic Contribution Report 2023 that together meet our UK regulatory obligations under DTR 4.3A of the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and, where required by DTR 4.3A, the Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014 (as amended) .

Our payments to governments

BHP has prepared this information on the basis set out in the Basis of Report preparation and Glossary sections of the Economic Contribution Report FY2023.

Payments made by country and level of government

                                                                               Payments       payments                 Total 
                      Corporate  Royalty-related   Total                         for         as defined              payments 
                        Income        Income       taxes                    infrastructure   by the UK     Other        to 
US$ millions             Tax           Tax         paid    Royalties  Fees   improvements   Requirements  Payments  governments 
Total payments to 
 governments            9,067.5            250.9  9,318.4    4,014.2  38.7            41.8      13,413.1     358.8     13,771.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Australia               7,729.1                -  7,729.1    4,013.8  23.8            40.1      11,806.8     322.0     12,128.8 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Australian Taxation 
 Office                 7,729.1                -  7,729.1          -     -               -       7,729.1      29.4      7,758.5 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Central Highlands 
 Council                      -                -        -          -     -               -             -       3.3          3.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
City of 
 Kalgoorlie-Boulder           -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.2          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
City of Rockingham            -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.1          0.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Coal Mining Industry 
 Long Service                 -                -        -          -     -               -             -      16.9         16.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Isaac Regional 
 (Queensland)                 -                -        -          -     -               -             -       6.9          6.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Mackay Regional 
 (Queensland)                 -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.5          0.5 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Municipal Council of 
 Downs                        -                -        -          -     -               -             -       1.0          1.0 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Muswellbrook Shire 
 (New South Wales)            -                -        -          -     -             0.1           0.1       3.7          3.8 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Shire of Ashburton 
 Australia)                   -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.6          0.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Shire of Dundas               -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.1          0.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Shire of East 
 Pilbara (Western 
 Australia)                   -                -        -          -     -               -             -       4.9          4.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Shire of Leonara 
 (Western Australia)          -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.9          0.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Shire of Wiluna 
 (Western Australia)          -                -        -          -     -               -             -       1.2          1.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of New South 
 Wales                        -                -        -      303.6   1.9               -         305.5       7.1        312.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of Queensland           -                -        -    1,755.9   1.5             3.0       1,760.4      70.0      1,830.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of South 
 Australia                    -                -        -       98.4   2.1               -         100.5      29.7        130.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of Victoria             -                -        -          -     -               -             -     (7.6)        (7.6) 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of Western 
 Australia                    -                -        -    1,855.9  17.6            37.0       1,910.5     134.6      2,045.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Town of Port Hedland 
 Australia)                   -                -        -          -     -               -             -      17.0         17.0 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Other Australian 
 Governments                  -                -        -          -   0.7               -           0.7       1.5          2.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Brazil                      0.1                -      0.1        0.4     -               -           0.5       2.6          3.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Federal Tax Revenue 
 Ministry                   0.1                -      0.1          -     -               -           0.1       2.6          2.7 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
National Mining 
 Agency                       -                -        -        0.4     -               -           0.4         -          0.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Canada                     11.9                -     11.9          -   8.6             1.1          21.6       5.2         26.8 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Canada Revenue 
 Agency                    11.9                -     11.9          -     -               -          11.9       1.8         13.7 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Finances Quebec               -                -        -          -     -             0.1           0.1       0.1          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Government of 
 Saskatchewan                 -                -        -          -   8.6               -           8.6       0.1          8.7 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Ministry of Finance 
 - Ontario                    -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.1          0.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Rural Municipality 
 of Leroy 
 (Saskatchewan)               -                -        -          -     -             0.2           0.2       3.0          3.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Rural Municipality 
 of Prairie 
 Rose (Saskatchewan)          -                -        -          -     -             0.2           0.2       0.1          0.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Rural Municipality 
 of Usborne                   -                -        -          -     -             0.6           0.6         -          0.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Other Canadian                -                -        -          -     -               -             -         -            - 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Chile(1)                1,195.3            250.9  1,446.2          -   5.4               -       1,451.6      22.0      1,473.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Servicio De 
 Impuestos Internos     1,195.3            250.9  1,446.2          -   5.4               -       1,451.6      22.0      1,473.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
China                       3.1                -      3.1          -     -               -           3.1         -          3.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
China Tax Bureau            3.1                -      3.1          -     -               -           3.1         -          3.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
India                       0.7                -      0.7          -     -               -           0.7         -          0.7 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Income Tax 
 Department                 0.7                -      0.7          -     -               -           0.7         -          0.7 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Japan                       0.4                -      0.4          -     -               -           0.4         -          0.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
National Tax Agency         0.4                -      0.4          -     -               -           0.4         -          0.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Malaysia                    1.3                -      1.3          -     -               -           1.3         -          1.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Inland Revenue Board        1.3                -      1.3          -     -               -           1.3         -          1.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Netherlands                 0.9                -      0.9          -     -               -           0.9         -          0.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Tax and Customs 
 Administration             0.9                -      0.9          -     -               -           0.9         -          0.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Peru                       16.4                -     16.4          -     -               -          16.4       0.2         16.6 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Superintendency of 
 Customs And Tax 
 Administration            16.4                -     16.4          -     -               -          16.4         -         16.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Republica Del Peru            -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.2          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Philippines                 0.7                -      0.7          -     -               -           0.7       0.4          1.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Bureau of Internal 
 Revenue                    0.5                -      0.5          -     -               -           0.5       0.4          0.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Other Philippines 
 Governments                0.2                -      0.2          -     -               -           0.2         -          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Singapore                  92.2                -     92.2          -     -               -          92.2         -         92.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Inland Revenue 
 Authority of 
 Singapore                 92.2                -     92.2          -     -               -          92.2         -         92.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Switzerland                 0.2                -      0.2          -     -               -           0.2         -          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Canton of Zug               0.2                -      0.2          -     -               -           0.2         -          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
United Kingdom              5.3                -      5.3          -     -               -           5.3       3.9          9.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
City of Westminster           -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.9          0.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
HM Revenue & Customs        5.3                -      5.3          -     -               -           5.3       3.0          8.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
United States of 
 America                    9.9                -      9.9          -   0.9             0.6          11.4       2.5         13.9 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Arizona Department 
 of Revenue                   -                -        -          -   0.1               -           0.1         -          0.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Internal Revenue 
 Service                      -                -        -          -     -               -             -       2.0          2.0 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
U.S. Department of 
 The Treasury               9.8                -      9.8          -     -               -           9.8         -          9.8 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
U.S. Nuclear 
 Commission                   -                -        -          -   0.3               -           0.3         -          0.3 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Utah State Tax 
 Commission                   -                -        -          -   0.2               -           0.2         -          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
State of New Mexico         0.1                -      0.1          -   0.1               -           0.2         -          0.2 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Bureau of Land 
 Management                   -                -        -          -   0.1               -           0.1         -          0.1 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Pinal County                  -                -        -          -     -               -             -       0.4          0.4 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
Other US Governments          -                -        -          -   0.1             0.6           0.7       0.1          0.8 
                      ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  ----  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 

Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal point.

1 Income and mining taxes are paid in Chile on a calendar year basis. However, for the purpose of this Report, taxes paid are included for BHP's financial year (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023). For reference, income tax and specific tax on mining activities paid by Escondida and Pampa Norte for CY2022 amount to US$1,265.0 million (Escondida) and US$1.3 million (Pampa Norte).

Payments made on a project-by-project basis

                                                                                            Payments       payments                 Total 
                                Corporate  Royalty-related   Total                            for         as defined              payments 
                                  Income        Income       taxes                       infrastructure   by the UK     Other        to 
US$ millions                       Tax           Tax         paid    Royalties   Fees     improvements   Requirements  Payments  governments 
 Total payments to governments    9,067.5            250.9  9,318.4    4,014.2     38.7            41.8      13,413.1     358.8     13,771.9 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Minerals Americas                1,207.6            250.9  1,458.5        0.4     14.2             1.0       1,474.1      29.4      1,503.5 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Escondida                        1,305.7            249.7  1,555.4          -      0.8               -       1,556.2      19.9      1,576.1 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Other Copper                         2.7                -      2.7        0.4      1.1               -           4.2       1.0          5.2 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Pampa Norte                      (118.3)              1.2  (117.1)          -      3.7               -       (113.4)       1.2      (112.2) 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Potash Canada                          -                -        -          -      8.6             1.0           9.6       4.7         14.3 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda(1)        (0.3)                -    (0.3)          -        -               -         (0.3)       2.6          2.3 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 RAL Cayman Inc(2)                   17.8                -     17.8          -        -               -          17.8         -         17.8 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Minerals Australia               7,670.1                -  7,670.1    4,013.8     23.5            40.1      11,747.5     319.4     12,066.9 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 New South Wales Energy Coal        590.8                -    590.8      303.6      1.9             0.1         896.4      14.1        910.5 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Nickel West                         99.3                -     99.3       34.2      3.6               -         137.1      28.2        165.3 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Copper South Australia              78.3                -     78.3       98.4      2.1               -         178.8      31.3        210.1 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Other Coal                         (0.8)                -    (0.8)          -        -               -         (0.8)      28.7         27.9 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 BHP Mitsubishi Alliance(3)       1,734.4                -  1,734.4    1,755.9      1.5             3.0       3,494.8      82.1      3,576.9 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Western Australia Iron Ore       5,168.1                -  5,168.1    1,821.7     14.4            37.0       7,041.2     135.0      7,176.2 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Group and Unallocated              189.8                -    189.8          -      1.0             0.7         191.5      10.0        201.5 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Corporate(4)                       190.7                -    190.7          -        -               -         190.7       9.0        199.7 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Commercial                          18.3                -     18.3          -        -               -          18.3         -         18.3 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 
 Other                             (19.2)                -   (19.2)          -      1.0             0.7        (17.5)       1.0       (16.5) 
                                ---------  ---------------  -------  ---------  -------  --------------  ------------  --------  ----------- 

Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal point.

   1      Holding company of Samarco equity accounted investment. 
   2      Holding company of Antamina equity accounted investment. 

3 Royalties, fees and other payments made by BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Limited have been included in total payments to the extent of BHP's ownership of the operating entity, being 50 per cent.

4 The corporate income tax amount predominantly reflects the allocation of the Australian corporate income tax liability among members of the Australian tax consolidated group. For more information refer to Basis of Report preparation section.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 22, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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