RNS Number:5792A
Tuntex (Thailand) PCL
15 March 2001


                              APPENDIX 2

                       LIST OF EXISTING SECURITY

1. Machinery Mortgage Agreement dated 26 April 1995

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               ("TTC") and Bangkok Bank Public Company

   (b) Machinery Nos.       :  37-314-214-0001 to 37-314-214-0126

   (c) Total                :  126 items

   (d) Location             :  TTC's Factory at No. 177, Moo 2, Sukhumvit
                               Road, Tambol Map Ta Phut, Amphur Muang
                               Rayong, Rayong Province

   (e) Mortgage Value       :  Baht 2,475,000,000

2. Land Mortgage Agreement dated 11 May 1995

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited
   (b) Tide Deeds Nos.      :  1106 Tambol Pla, Amphur Baanchang, Rayong

   (c) Total Area           :  11 Rai, 1 Ngan, 17 7/10 Square Wah

   (d) Mortgage Value       :  Baht 22,000,000

3. Building Mortgage Agreement dated 23 May 1995

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

   (b) Location             :  No. 6 Moo 2 Tambol Map Ta Phut, Amphur
                               Muang Rayong, Rayong Province

   (c) Total Constructions  :  21 items

   (d) Mortgage Value       :  Baht 178,000,000

4.  Memorandum of Increase of Mortgaged Value dated 13 May 1997 (under the
    Building Mortgage Agreement dated 23 May 1995)

    (a)   Names of Parties  :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

    (b)   Increased Value   :  Baht 650,000,000, totalling Baht 828,000,000
                               (Baht 178,000,000 + Baht 650,000,000).

5.  Memorandum of Increase of Mortgaged Property dated 4 September 1998 (under
    the Building Mortgage Agreement dated 23 May 1995)

    (a) Names of Parties    :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

6.  Machinery Mortgage Agreement dated 18 March 1999 (B.E. 2542)

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               ("TTC") and Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

   (b) Machinery Nos.       :  41-314-214-0079 to 0097, 0109 to 0111, 0113 to
                               0164, 0166 to 0185, 0187, 0190 to 0193, 0196  to
                               0199, 0202 to 0206, 0208 to 0247, 0249 and  0251
                               to 0334

   (c) Total                :  233 items

   (d) Location             :  TTC's  Factory  at  No. 6, Moo 2,  Sukhumvit     
                               Road, Tambol Map Ta Phut, Amphur Muang Rayong,   
                               Rayong Province

   (e) Mortgage Value       :  Baht 4,250,000,000

7.  Assignment of Right to Lease under the Lease Agreement dated 24 April
    1995 (B.E. 2538)

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               ("TTC) and Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

   (b) Assigned Right       :  Right to lease under Land Lease Agreements
                               between TTC and Industrial Estate Authority
                               of Thailand for a lease period of 30 years

   (c) Guaranteed Amount    :  Baht 4,430,000,000 (covering all TTC's debts
                               owing to Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited).

8.  Additional Agreement dated 2 July 1997 (B.E. 2540) (to Assignment of
    Right to Lease under the Lease Agreement dated 24 April 1995 (B.E. 2538)

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok  Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities

9.  Memorandum of Understanding dated 4 September 1995

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public Company
                               Limited, Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities and
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

10. Fifth Guarantee Agreement dated 14 September 1992

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public Company
                               Limited, Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities and
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

   (b) Guaranteed Amount    :  Principal amount not exceeding Baht

11. Sixth Guarantee Agreement dated 13 December 1994

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public Company
                               Limited, Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities and
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

   (b) Guaranteed Amount    :  Not exceeding 49% of the total credit
                               1) The Credit Facilities Agreement dated
                                  28 March 1989 (the "CFA");

                               2) The First Amendment to the CFA
                                  dated 2 May 1990;
                               3) The Second Amendment to the CFA
                                  dated 31 January 1991;

                               4) The Third Amendment to the CFA
                                  dated 31 January 1991;

                               5) The Fourth Amendment to the CFA
                                  dated 6 December 1991;

                               6) The Fifth Amendment to the CFA
                                  dated 10 August 1992; and
                               7)  The Sixth Amendment to the CFA
                                   dated 21 November 1994.

12. Construction and Installation Service Contract Assignment dated 8 May 1997

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities,
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               and Tuntex Distinct Corporation

13. Equipment Supply Contract Assignment dated 8 May 1997

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities,
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               and Tuntex (B.V.I.) Company Limited

14. Royalty Agreement Assignment dated 8 May 1997

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited,
                               Bangkok International Banking Facilities,
                               Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               and Tuntex Distinct Corporation

15. Sponsor Support Agreement dated 8 May 1997

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public
                               Company Limited, Bangkok Bank Public
                               Company Limited, Bangkok International
                               Banking Facilities, Tuntex (Thailand) Public
                               Company Limited ("TTC")

   (b) Supported Amount     :  All obligations and liabilities of TTC under
                               the First CFA and Second CFA when due for
                               payment and the Cost Overrun (as fined in the
                               Second CFA).

16. Guarantee dated 9 May 1997

   (a) Name of Parties      :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public
                               Company Limited, Bangkok International
                               Banking Facilities and Tuntex (Thailand)
                               Public Company Limited

   (b) Guaranteed Amount    :  No limit amount

17. Assignment of Umbrella Agreement dated 11 August 1997 as Amended

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited,
                               Tuntex (B.V.I.) Company Limited, Bangkok
                               Bank Public Company Limited - Head Office
                               and Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited -
                               International Banking Facility

18. Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement dated 19 September 1997

   (a) Names of Parties     :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Tuntex (Thailand) Public
                               Company Limited ("TTC"), Bangkok Bank
                               Public Company Limited - Head Office and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited -
                               International Banking Facility
   (b) Guaranteed Amount    :  All indebtedness of TTC

19. Insurance Policy No. 2000002300119

    (a) Insured Amount      :  Total amount of Baht 15,010,000,000

    (b) Insured Period      :  1 August 2000 - 1 August 2001

20. Share Pledge Agreement dated 15 November 1999 (B.E. 2540) as amended
    by the Supplemental Agreement dated 9 October 2000 B.E. 2543)

    (a) Name of Parties     :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited
                               ("TTC"), Bangkok Bank Public Company
                               Limited and Bangkok Bank Public Company
                               Limited, Bangkok International Banking

    (b) Pledged Shares      :  1) 4,410,000 shares (represented by share
                                  certificate No. 12) in Asia Industrial Park
                                  Company Limited held by TTC; and

                               2) 490,000 shares (represented by share
                                  certificate No. 13) in Asia Industrial Park
                                  Company Limited held by TTC.

21. Share Pledge Agreement dated 30 November 1999 (B.E. 2540)

    (a)  Name of Parties    :  Mr. Yu-How Chen, Bangkok Bank Public
                               Company Limited and Bangkok Bank Public
                               Company Limited, Bangkok International
                               Banking Facilities

    (b)  Pledged Shares     :  15,000,000 shares (represented by share
                               certificates Nos. 5406-5555) in Tuntex
                               (Thailand) Public Company Limited

22. Letter of Consent to Maintain Money in the Deposit Account for Indemnity to 
    Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited under Guarantee dated 8 September 1998  
    (B.E. 2541)

(a) Name of Parties         :  Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited and
                               Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited

(b) Guaranteed Amount       :  Baht 6,072,000

                              APPENDIX 3

      Commitment Amount under the Existing Working Capital Facilities

                                              Commitment Amount (Baht)

                      of L/C
Local       L/C       and T/R      O/D         L/G         P/N        Total
Lenders   and T/R    Facilities,  Facility   Facility    Facility
          Facili-    P/C Facility                            
           ties      and P/N

BBL         -     950,000,000   30,000,000 120,000,000  50,000,000 1,150,000,000

SCB    80,000,000        -      5,000,000       -       10,000,000    95,000,000

KTB   170,000,000        -          -           -          -         170,000,000

BAY    45,000,000        -      5,000,000       -          -          50,000,000


                       to the Holders of the Outstanding

     U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2000)
                                    Issued by
                    Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

     NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN to the holders of the above Notes  that,  at  the
     Meeting of such holders held at Function Room 1, Basement 2, Miramar  Hotel
     Hong  Kong,  130  Nathan  Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,  Hong  Kong  on  21
     December  2000 at 2:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time), the Extraordinary  Resolution
     set  out  in  the Notice of Meeting of Noteholders previously  notified  to
     Noteholders in accordance with the terms of the Agency Agreement  for  such
     Notes was duly passed.

     Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

      22 December 2000


     U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2001)
                                    issued by
                    Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

Tuntex  (Thailand) Public Company Limited (the "Issuer") hereby gives notice  to
the  holders (the "Noteholders", which expression shall include persons  holding
interests  in Notes (as defined below) through the Clearing Systems (as  defined
below) of the U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be  due
2001)  (the "Notes") issued by it that, pursuant to Condition ll(a) of the 
terms and  conditions  of the Notes and the provisions of Schedule  4  of  the 
Agency Agreement dated 26 September 1995 (the "Original Agency Agreement")
relating  to the  Notes and made between the Issuer, Bankers Trust Company, Hong
Kong  Branch as  fiscal agent and principal paying agent (the "Fiscal Agent",
which expression shall  include  its successor, Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong
Branch)  and  Bankers Trust Company, London Branch as paying agent (which
expression shall include its successor,  Deutsche  Bank AG London and, together
with the  Fiscal  Agent,  the "Paying  Agents") as amended by a supplemental
fiscal agency agreement dated  21 December 1998 (the "Supplemental Agency
Agreement" and together with the Original Agency  Agreement,  the  "Agency
Agreement") relating to  the  Notes  and  made between the Issuer, the Paying
Agents and Yuhow Chen as guarantor, a meeting  of the  Noteholders (the
"Meeting") will be held at the offices of Clifford Chance, 29 Floor, Jardine
House, One Connaught Place, Hong Kong on 31 March 2001 at 8.30a.m.  (Hong  Kong 
time) for the purposes of considering and,  if  thought  fit, passing the
following resolution (the "Resolution") which will be proposed as an
Extraordinary Resolution (as defined in the Agency Agreement) in accordance with
the provisions of the Agency Agreement:

                           EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION

   "That  this  meeting of the holders of the outstanding U.S.$70,000,000 
Floating Rate  Notes  due  1998  (extended to be due 2001)  (the  "Notes")  of 
Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited (the "Issuer") which are the subject of
an Agency  Agreement  dated 26 September 1995 (the "Original  Agency Agreement")
between  the Issuer, Bankers Trust Company, Hong Kong Branch as fiscal  agent
and  principal  paying  agent  (the "Fiscal  Agent",  which  expression         
shall include its successor, Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong Branch) and Bankers    
Trust Company,  London Branch as paying agent (which expression shall           
include  its successor,  Deutsche Bank AG London and, together with the         
Fiscal Agent,  the "Paying  Agents") as amended by a supplemental fiscal        
agency agreement  dated 21  December 1998 (The "Supplemental Agency             
Agreement" and together with  the Original  Agency  Agreement,  the "Agency     
Agreement")  and  made  between  the Issuer, the Paying Agents and Yuhow Chen   

          1. Condition 5(a)  be deleted and replaced forthwith by the

          "(a) Final redemption

              Unless previously redeemed, or purchased and cancelled, the Notes
              will be redeemed at their principal amount on 31 May 2001". 

          2.  For  the  avoidance of doubt any and all defaults  and  rights  of
          acceleration  accrued as a result of any failure to pay principal  and
          interest  on  the  Interest Payment Date falling in March  2001  under
          Condition 8 (Events of Default) as in effect prior to the coming  into
          effect of this Extraordinary Resolution and which would not give  rise
          to  a  default  or right of acceleration under the new Condition  5(a)
          set out above, be and are hereby waived."

     The  Issuer has accordingly convened the Meeting by this Notice to  request
     the  agreement  by  the  Noteholders by  Extraordinary  Resolution  to  the
     matters contained in the Resolution.

     Pursuant to the terms of the Agency Agreement, Notes may be deposited  with
     either  of  the  Paying  Agents (Deutsche Bank AG, Hong  Kong  Branch,     
     55th Floor,  Cheung Kong Center, 2 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong and     
     Deutsche Bank  AG  London,  Winchester House, London EC2N 2DB, United      
     Kingdom)  not less  than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the
     Meeting,  for the  purpose  of obtaining Voting Certificates or appointing 
     proxies.  The Notes  are currently represented by a Permanent Global Note  
     lodged  with  a common  depositary  for  Euroclear Bank  S.A/N.V.,  as     
     operator  of  the Euroclear  system  and  Clearstream  Banking,  societe   
     anonyme,  Luxembourg (together  the "Clearing Systems") and accordingly all
     requests for  Voting Certificates  or  appointing a proxy should be  sent  
     through  the  Clearing Systems in accordance with their usual procedures.

     Copies  of  the Agency Agreement and the terms and conditions of the  Notes
     are  available for inspection at the offices of the Paying Agents  (at  the
     addresses  specified  above)  and  in addition,  at  the  offices  of  Asia
     Financial  Products (HK) Limited, 907 Asia Pacific Finance Tower,  Citibank
     Plaza,  3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong. In addition, further information
     may  be  obtained from Stuart Somer of Asia Financial Products (HK) Limited
     (+852) 2536 4567.

     Attention  of  the  Noteholders is drawn to  the  matters  set  out  below.
     Capitalised  terms  used below and not otherwise defined  herein  have  the
     meanings given to them in the Agency Agreement.

     Attendance and Voting

1.  If a Noteholder wishes to vote in person the Noteholder should instruct
Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V., as operator of the Euroclear system and Clearstream
Banking, societe anonyme, Luxembourg (together the "Clearing Systems"), as
appropriate, to inform any Paying Agent no later than 48 hours before the
scheduled time for the Meeting of its desire to vote in person and to request
such Paying Agent to issue a Voting Certificate in favour of such Noteholder.

2. If  a  Noteholder wishes to appoint a proxy (as defined  in  the  Agency
Agreement)  it should instruct the relevant Clearing System  to  inform
any  Paying Agent no later than 48 hours before the scheduled time  for
the  Meeting  of  its  desire to appoint a proxy and  to  request  such
Paying  Agent  to  issue a Block Voting Instruction. Such  instructions
should  include instructions as to the number of votes to be  cast  for
and  against  the Extraordinary Resolution and (unless  the  Noteholder
wishes  the Paying Agent to select a proxy on its behalf, as  to  which
see the following paragraph) details of the relevant proxy.

3. If  a  Noteholder wishes a Paying Agent to appoint a proxy  to  vote  on
its  behalf at the Meeting, the Noteholder should instruct the relevant
Clearing  System to request the Paying Agent to issue the Block  Voting
Instruction  to a proxy of its choice, instructing such proxy  to  cast
such vote(s) in the manner specified by such Noteholder.

4. Since the Notes are represented by a Permanent Global Note, no representative
of a Noteholder (in its capacity as such) will be permitted to attend the
Meeting unless it holds a Voting Certificate or is a proxy appointed by a Block
Voting Instruction, in either case issued by a Paying Agent.


1. The  quorum  shall  be  one or more persons present  in  person  holding
Voting  Certificates or being proxies and holding  or  representing  in
the  aggregate  not less than 75 per cent. of the principal  amount  of
the Notes for the time being outstanding.

2. If  within 15 minutes from the time fixed for the Meeting a quorum  is  not
present  the Meeting shall stand adjourned for such period,  not  being
less  than  14 days nor more than 42 days, and to such time and  place,
as  may be appointed by the Chairman of the Meeting and approved by the
Fiscal  Agent.  In view of the very short period of time available  for
achieving  a  quorum,  and the need to check Voting  Certificates  and
Block  Voting  Instructions and to complete certain other administrative
tasks  before  the  Meeting  can commence, Noteholders  bearing  Voting
Certificates, and proxies, are requested to ensure that they arrive  at
least fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled time for the Meeting.

3. In  the  event that a quorum is not achieved within fifteen  minutes  of
the  scheduled  time and the Meeting is adjourned,  at  the  adjourned
Meeting  the  quorum  shall be one or more persons  present  in  person
holding   Voting   Certificates  or  being  proxies  and   holding   or
representing  in  the aggregate not less than 25%  of  the  principal
amount  of the Notes for the time being outstanding. At least 10  days'
notice  (exclusive of the day on which the notice is given and the  day
on  which  the  Meeting is to he held) must be given of  any  adjourned
Meeting in the same manner as notice of the original Meeting save  that
the quorum requirements for the adjourned Meeting must be specified  in
such notice.

4. Every  question submitted to the Meeting will be decided on  a  show  of
hands  unless  a poll is duly demanded by the Chairman of the  Meeting,
the  Issuer  or  by one or more persons holding Voting Certificates  or
being proxies and holding or representing in the aggregate not less than two per
cent. of the principal amount  of  the Notes  then outstanding. On a show of
hands every person who is present in  person  and produces a Voting Certificate
or is a proxy shall  have one  vote.  On a poll every person who is so present
has  one  vote  in respect  of  each  U.S.$10,000  in  aggregate  face  amount 
of   Notes represented  by  the Voting Certificate so produced or  in  respect 
of which  he  is  a  proxy. On both a show of hands and  on  a  poll,  the
Chairman  has a casting vote in addition to any votes to which  he  may
be  entitled  as  a holder of a Voting Certificate or  as  a  proxy  or

5. To  be  passed,  the  Extraordinary Resolution requires  a  majority  in
favour  consisting  of  not  less than three-quarters  of  the  persons
voting (on a show of hands), or a majority in favour consisting of  not
less than three-quarters of the votes cast (on a poll). If passed,  the
Extraordinary  Resolution  will  be binding  on  all  the  Noteholders,
whether  or not present at such Meeting and whether or not voting,  and
upon all the holders of the coupons relating to the Notes.

6. Notice of the result of the Meeting will be given in accordance with
the Terms and Conditions of the Notes within 14 days of the passing of
the Resolution.

Additional Information

Copies  of  the  Original  Agency Agreement  and  the  Supplemental  Agency
Agreement  and  the  terms and conditions of the Notes  as  amended  by  an
Extraordinary Resolution of Noteholders passed at a meeting of  Noteholders
on  4  December  1998 are available for inspection at the  offices  of  the
Paying  Agents as specified below and, in addition, at the offices of  Asia
Financial  Products  (HK) Limited as specified below. In  addition,  further
information  may  be  obtained from Stuart  Somer  or  Grace  Tan  of  Asia
Financial  Products (HK) Limited on telephone (+852) 2536 4567 or facsimile
(+852) 2147 2813.

                            The Fiscal Agent

                       Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong Branch
                         55th Floor, Cheung Kong Center
                             2 Queen's Road Central
                                    Hong Kong

                                The Paying Agent

                            Deutsche Bank AG London
                                Winchester House
                                 London EC2N 2DB
                                 United Kingdom

                            Financial Advisor

                        Asia Financial Products (HK) Limited
                         907 Asia Pacific Finance Tower
                                 Citibank Plaza
                              3 Garden Road Central
                                    Hong Kong

     Dated: 9 March 2001


     U.S.$70,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 1998 (extended to be due 2001)
                                    issued by
                    Tuntex (Thailand) Public Company Limited

                          CLEARING SYSTEMS UPON REQUEST


                (+ 852) 2203 7853 OR FACSIMILE (+ 852) 2203 7320


           TELEPHONE (+852) 2536 4567 OR FACSIMILE (+852) 2147 2813

 Details of Meeting

 The  Issuer  has  given  notice  to  the Noteholders  that  a  meeting  of  the
 Noteholders  (the  "Meeting") will be held at the offices of  Clifford  Chance,
 29/F Jardine House, One Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong on 31 March 2001 
at 8.30  a.m.  (Hong  Kong time) for considering and, if thought  fit,  passing 
a resolution  (the  "Resolution")  which will be  proposed  as  an  
Extraordinary Resolution  (as  defined  in  the  Agency Agreement)  in 
accordance  with  the provisions of the Agency Agreement.

 Effect of Extraordinary Resolution to be proposed at Meeting

 The  effect  of  the Resolution will be to postpone the maturity  date  of  the
 Notes  to  31  May 2001 from the current maturity date of the Interest  Payment
 Date  falling in March 2001 (that is to say on 30 March 2001), and waiving  the
 default  arising  from  the fact that due to the timing  requirements  for  the
 meeting the Issuer will have been in default for one day (from 30 March  to  31

 Reason for proposing the Extraordinary Resolution

 Noteholders  will be aware that a Committee of Noteholders, appointed  pursuant
 to  an Extraordinary Resolution of Noteholders passed on 21 December 2000,  has
 been  working  with  counsel to Tuntex and counsel to Tuntex's  domestic  bank
 creditors  to produce documentation to implement the restructuring approved  by
 Noteholders in the same Extraordinary Resolution. It had been hoped  that  this
 would  be  completed prior to the existing maturity date. Although  substantial
 progress  has  been  made, it appears unlikely that the documentation  will  be
 finalised  in  time for the Committee to give the full and proper consideration
 to  the  final documentation that it deserves in time for it to be  implemented
 prior  to the current maturity date. Both Voting Members on the Committee  have
 endorsed  the  proposal  to postpone the maturity date.  It  is  not  currently
 anticipated that any further postponement will be required.

 Attendance and Voting

 1.  If a Noteholder wishes to vote in person the Noteholder should instruct
Euroclear Banking S.A./N.V. as operator of the Euroclear system and/or
Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme, Luxembourg (together the "Clearing
Systems"), as appropriate, to inform any Paying Agent no later than 48 hours
before the scheduled time for the Meeting of its desire to vote in person and to
request such Paying Agent to issue a Voting Certificate in favour of such

2. If  a  Noteholder  wishes  to  appoint a proxy (as  defined  in  the  Agency
Agreement)  it should instruct the relevant Clearing System to  inform  any
Paying  Agent  no  later than 48 hours before the scheduled  time  for  the
Meeting  of its desire to appoint a proxy and to request such Paying  Agent
to  issue  a  Block  Voting Instruction. Such instructions  should  include
instructions  as  to  the number of votes to be cast for  and  against  the
Extraordinary Resolution and (unless the Noteholder wishes the Paying  Agent
to  select  a proxy on its behalf, as to which see the following paragraph)
details of the relevant proxy.

3. If  a  Noteholder wishes a Paying Agent to appoint a proxy to  vote  on  its
behalf  at  the  Meeting,  the  Noteholder  should  instruct  the  relevant
Clearing  System  to  request the Paying Agent to issue  the  Block  Voting
Instruction to a proxy of its choice, instructing such proxy to  cast  such
vote(s) in the manner specified by such Noteholder.

4. Since   the   Notes  are  represented  by  a  Permanent  Global   Note, no
representative of a Noteholder (in its capacity as such) will be  permitted
to  attend the Meeting unless it holds a Voting Certificate or is  a  proxy
appointed by a Block Voting Instruction, in either case issued by a  Paying


1. The  quorum  shall be one or more persons present in person  holding  Voting
Certificates or being proxies and holding or representing in the  aggregate
not  less  than 75 per cent. of the principal amount of the Notes  for  the
time being outstanding.

2. If  within  15 minutes from the time fixed for the Meeting a quorum  is  not
present  the  meeting shall stand adjourned for such period, not  being  less
than  14 days nor more than 42 days, and to such time and place, as may  be
appointed by the Chairman of the Meeting and approved by the Fiscal  Agent.
In  view of the very short period of time available for achieving a quorum,
and  the  need  to check Voting Certificates and Block Voting Instructions
and  to complete certain other administrative tasks before the Meeting can
commence, Noteholders  bearing  Voting Certificates, and proxies,  are 
requested  to ensure that they arrive at least fifteen minutes to the scheduled
time for the Meeting.

3. In  the  event that a quorum is not achieved within fifteen minutes of  the
scheduled  time and the Meeting is adjourned, at the adjourned Meeting  the
quorum  shall  be  one  or more persons present in  person  holding  Voting
Certificates or being proxies and holding or representing in the  aggregate
not  less than 25% of the principal amount of the Notes for the time being
outstanding.  At least 10 days' notice (exclusive of the day on  which  the
notice  is  given and the day on which the Meeting is to be held)  must  be
given  of  any  adjourned  Meeting in the same  manner  as  notice  of  the
original  Meeting  save  that  the quorum requirements  for  the  adjourned
Meeting must be specified in such notice.

4. Every  question submitted to the Meeting will be decided on a show of  hands
unless  a poll is duly demanded by the Chairman of the Meeting, the  Issuer
or  by one or more persons holding Voting Certificates or being proxies and
holding  or  representing in the aggregate not less than two per  cent.  of
the  principal  amount of the Notes then outstanding. On a  show  of  hands
every person who is present in person and produces a Voting Certificate  or
is  a  proxy shall have one vote. On a poll every person who is so  present
has  one  vote in respect of each U.S.$10,000 in aggregate face  amount  of
Notes  represented by the Voting Certificate so produced or in  respect  of
which  he  is a proxy. On both a show of hands and on a poll, the  Chairman
has a casting vote in addition to any votes to which he may be entitled  as
a holder of a Voting Certificate or as a proxy or representative.

5. To  be  passed, the Extraordinary Resolution requires a majority  in  favour
consisting  of  not less than three-quarters of the persons  voting  (on  a
show  of  hands),  or  a majority in favour consisting  of  not  less  than
three-quarters of the votes cast (on a poll). If passed, the  Extraordinary
Resolution  will be binding on all the Noteholders, whether or not  present
at  such Meeting and whether or not voting, and upon all the holders of the
coupons relating to the Notes.

6. Notice of the result of the Meeting will be given in accordance with the
Terms and Conditions of the Notes within 14 days of the passing of the

Additional Information

 Further  information may be obtained from Stuart Somer or  Grace  Tan  of  Asia
 Financial  Products  (HK) Limited on telephone (+852) 2536  4567  or  facsimile
 (+852) 2147 2813.

The  Fiscal  Agent  

Deutsche Bank AG, Hong Kong Branch
55th Floor,  Cheung  Kong Center 
2 Queen's Road Central 
Hong Kong

The  Paying  Agent 

Deutsche Bank AG London 
Winchester House London  
United Kingdom

Financial  Advisor  

Asia  Financial  Products (HK) Limited 
907  Asia  Pacific  Finance  Tower
Citibank Plaza 
3 Garden Road 
Hong Kong

Dated: 9 March 2001

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