WisdomTree Multi Asset Issuer PLC 
   LEI: 2138003QW2ZAYZODBU23 
   03 November 2020 
   WisdomTree Multi Asset Issuer PLC 
   (the "Issuer") 
   Transition to ICSD Settlement Model 
   Dear Shareholder 
   As you may be aware, the Issuer currently settles trades in all 
securities issued by the Issuer (the Securities) using the central 
securities depositaries (CSD) settlement model. The securities of the 
Issuer (the) are issued on multiple local CSDs and, in the UK, 
settlement is through Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited (the CREST system). 
The Issuer will lose the ability to use the CREST system as an issuing 
CSD from 29 March 2021, when the extended period of equivalency 
currently agreed to by the UK and European Union will end. 
   In order to continue to issue Securities, it is proposed to transfer the 
settlement of trading in the Securities to the International Central 
Securities Depositary structure (the ICSD Settlement Model) (the 
Transition) on or around 11 December 2020 (the Transition Date). In 
doing so, this will bring the Issuer in line with the broader European 
ETP market, which is increasingly migrating to the ICSD Settlement 
Model. The advantages of the ICSD Settlement Model are set out further 
below under the heading What are the operational advantages of the 
Transition? and within the FAQ guidance document on the WisdomTree 
website at: 
   The Transition will apply to all of the Securities, which are listed in 
Appendix I. 
   1. Key Implications of the Changes 
   2. The Transition will allow the Securities to continue to trade on European 
      exchanges after 29 March 2021. 
   3. You will continue to hold the same Securities following the Transition, 
      and your rights will not be affected. 
   4. The price and the Irish ISINs of the Securities will remain the same 
      following the implementation of the Transition. 
   5. Investors who currently hold their Securities through a nominee or broker 
      account will not be impacted by the Transition and will continue to hold 
      a beneficial entitlement to the Securities in the same way that they hold 
      their entitlement under the current CSD settlement model. 
   6. As part of the Transition, where DE ISINs for German investors have been 
      issued, these will merge into the Irish ISINs on the Transition Date. 
      Further information can be found in the FAQ guidance document on the 
      WisdomTree website at 
   7. You will continue to hold, or have a beneficial entitlement to, the same 
      Securities following the Transition; there is no exchange of Securities 
      or sale of Securities as part of the Transition. As a result the 
      Transition are not expected to be chargeable events for tax purposes, 
      however investors are advised to liaise with their tax advisors in 
      relation to the tax implications in individual circumstances. 
   2.       Proposed Transition to the ICSD Settlement Model 
   What are the operational advantages of the Transition? 
   The key advantage of the Transition is that it will ensure that trading 
in the Securities can continue across multiple European exchanges when 
the extended period of equivalency currently agreed to by the UK and 
European Union ends on 29 March 2021. Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. 
(Euroclear) and Clearstream Banking S.A., Luxembourg (Clearstream and, 
together with Euroclear, the ICSDs) provide centralised settlement 
mechanism for Securities traded across multiple stock exchanges in 
Europe. The ICSD Settlement Model also offers the following benefits: 
   1. improved secondary market tradability for investors by creating a more 
      efficient settlement infrastructure; 
   2. improved settlement process efficiency through longer operating hours of 
      the ICSDs, increasing the time in which trades can match and settle, 
      thereby minimising operational complexity; 
   3. reduction in inventory requirements and lower capital charges and 
      overheads for market makers and broker dealers; 
   4. enhanced liquidity for investors in the Securities with less 
      fragmentation across multiple settlement systems; 
   5. the ability to pool inventory, reducing failed settlement and settlement 
   6. streamlined dividend record date methodologies across Europe; and 
   7. improved foreign exchange functionality on dividend payments. 
   What is the difference between the ICSD Settlement Model and the Current 
Settlement Model from a legal perspective? 
   The main difference between the Current Settlement Model and the ICSD 
Settlement Model relates to the securityholders of record registered on 
the Issuer's register of securityholders (the Register of Members). 
   Under the Current Settlement Model, only investors with accounts in the 
CREST system operated by Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited and certain CSDs 
(e.g., Clearstream Banking AG) or their nominees are registered on the 
Register of Members. 
   Under the ICSD Settlement Model, the aggregate holdings of all investors 
will be evidenced by a global share certificate and the sole registered 
holder of all Securities will be Citivic Nominees Limited (the Common 
Depositary's Nominee), the nominee of the common depositary, Citibank 
Europe plc. 
   What are the roles and obligations of the Common Depositary's Nominee 
and the ICSDs? 
   On the Transition Date, the Common Depositary's Nominee and the ICSDs 
will have contractual obligations to pass the beneficial interest and 
all associated rights of the Common Depositary's Nominee (as the 
registered securityholder) in all Securities to the underlying investors 
in the Securities. 
   For example, if the Common Depositary's Nominee receives any redemption 
proceeds from the Issuer or its authorised agent in respect of a 
Security, the Common Depositary's Nominee will arrange for such payments 
to be passed on to the ICSD, who will in turn pay these to the 
underlying investors. 
   How do I trade and settle Securities under the ICSD Settlement Model? 
   Under the ICSD Settlement Model, investors who are not participants in 
the ICSD Settlement Model will need to use a broker, nominee, custodian 
bank or other intermediary which is a participant in the ICSD Settlement 
Model to trade and settle Securities, similar to the way investors under 
the Current Settlement Model use a broker or other intermediary which is 
a participant in the CSD for the market in which the investor intends to 
trade and settle. The chain of beneficial ownership in the ICSD 
Settlement Model will therefore be similar to existing nominee 
arrangements under the Current Settlement Model. 
   What are the ownership implications for investors? 
   For investors who are registered on the Register of Members immediately 
before the Transition Date (e.g. a CSD or its nominee), their ownership 
of Securities will change from legal ownership of the relevant 
Securities to ownership of a beneficial entitlement in those Securities 
through the Common Depositary's Nominee. 
   Existing investors with Securities held in the CREST system will 
automatically continue to hold the beneficial entitlement to these 
Securities by means of a CREST depositary interest (Euroclear UK and 
Ireland Limited). 
   3.       Costs 
   The costs associated with the implementation of the Transition will be 
borne by WisdomTree Multi Asset Management Limited. 
   Should you have any questions in relation to the above, please do not 
hesitate to contact WisdomTree UK Limited at infoeu@wisdomtree.com. 
   Appendix I 
Listing Name              ISIN          DE ISIN       London     Borsa     Deutsche 
                                                       Stock     Italiana   Boerse 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B88D2999   n/a          Yes         No       No 
 100 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B7VB3908   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 100 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree EURO           IE00B7SD4R47  DE000A1VFZ69  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 STOXX 50(R) 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree EURO           IE00B8JF9153  DE000A1VFZ51  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 STOXX 50(R) 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree DAX 30         IE00B878KX55  DE000A1VFZ44  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree DAX 30         IE00B8GKPP93  DE000A1VFZ36  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree S&P 500        IE00B7Y34M31  DE000A133ZS8  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree S&P 500        IE00B8K7KM88  DE000A133ZX8  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree NASDAQ         IE00B8W5C578  DE000A133ZY6  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 100 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree NASDAQ         IE00B8VZVH32  DE000A133ZR0  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 100 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Gold           IE00B8HGT870  DE000A1ZLCQ2  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Gold           IE00B6X4BP29  DE000A1ZLCP4  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Copper         IE00B8JVMZ80   n/a          Yes        Yes       No 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Copper         IE00B8KD3F05   n/a          Yes        Yes       No 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Natural        IE00B8VC8061  DE000A133ZU4  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Gas 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Natural        IE00B76BRD76  DE000A133ZW0  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Gas 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Silver         IE00B7XD2195  DE000A1ZK3W9  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Silver         IE00B8JG1787  DE000A1ZK3V1  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B94QKF15   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 100 2x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B94QKG22   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 100 1x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B94QKC83   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 100 2x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00BBGBF313   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 250 1x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B94QKJ52   n/a          Yes        No        No 
 250 2x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Palladium      IE00B94QLR02   n/a          Yes        Yes       No 
 1x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Palladium      IE00B94QLN63   n/a          Yes        Yes       No 
 2x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B873CW36   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 MIB 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00B8NB3063   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 MIB 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree BTP 10Y        IE00BKT09149   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree BTP 10Y        IE00BKS8QM96   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Bund           IE00BKT09255   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 10Y 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Bund           IE00BKS8QN04  DE000A1ZLZB5  No         Yes       Yes 
 10Y 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Gilts          IE00BKT09479  n/a           Yes        No        No 
 10Y 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Gilts          IE00BKS8QQ35  n/a           Yes        No        No 
 10Y 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree US Treasuries  IE00BKT09032  n/a           Yes        Yes       No 
 10Y 3x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree US Treasuries  IE00BKS8QT65  DE000A1ZLZC3  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 10Y 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree EURO           IE00BLS09N40  DE000A18HC82  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 STOXX Banks 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree EURO           IE00BLS09P63  DE000A18HC90  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 STOXX Banks 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree WTI Crude      IE00BVFZGC04  DE000A18HC25  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Oil Pre-roll 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Brent          IE00BVFZGD11  DE000A18HC33  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Crude Oil Pre-roll 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree BTP 10Y        IE00BYNXNS22  n/a           No         Yes       No 
 5x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Bund           IE00BYNXPH56  n/a           No         Yes       No 
 10Y 5x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree US Treasuries  IE00BYNXPJ70  n/a           No         Yes       No 
 10Y 5x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Emerging       IE00BYTYHN28  DE000A2BGQ21  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Markets 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Emerging       IE00BYTYHM11  DE000A2BGQ39  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Markets 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree S&P 500        IE00BYTYHQ58  DE000A2BGQ13  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 VIX Short-Term Futures 
 2.25x Daily Leveraged 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Brent          IE00BYTYHR65  DE000A2BGQ05  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Crude Oil 3x Daily 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree FTSE           IE00BYMB4Q22   n/a          No         Yes       No 
 MIB Banks 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Bund           IE00BF4TW453  DE000A2F4V47  No         Yes       Yes 
 30Y 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Gilts          IE00BF4TW560  n/a           Yes        No        No 
 10Y 1x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree US Treasuries  IE00BF4TW784  n/a           Yes        Yes       No 
 30Y 3x Daily Short 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Industrial     IE00BF4TWC33  DE000A2GCWM6  Yes        Yes       Yes 
 Metals Enhanced 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
WisdomTree Energy         IE00BF4TWF63  DE000A2GCWN4  Yes        Yes       Yes 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------  --------  -------- 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 03, 2020 12:03 ET (17:03 GMT)

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