RNS Number : 5493C

Standard Bank Group Limited

13 June 2023


Standard Bank Group Limited

13 June 2023

Results of Annual General Meeting and Retirement of Directors

Standard Bank Group is pleased to advise its shareholders that all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed in the Notice of Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and tabled at the Company's AGM held at 10h00 today, Monday 12 June 2023, were passed by the requisite majority of votes cast by shareholders.

As at Friday, 2 June 2023, being the AGM record date ("Voting Record Date"), the Standard Bank Group's share capital was as follows:

- the total number of ordinary shares of 10 cents each ("Ordinary Shares") in issue was 1 678 564 470, ("Standard Bank Issued Ordinary Shares"); and

- the total number of non-redeemable preference shares of 1 cent each ("Preference Shares") in issue was 52 982 248, ("Standard Bank Issued Preference Shares").

The issued Ordinary and Preference Shares eligible to vote by being present in person or by submitting proxies was as follows:

- 1 366 691 463 Ordinary Shares, being 81% of issued Ordinary Shares ("Standard Bank Voteable Ordinary Shares"); and

- 12 856 112 Preference Shares, being 24% of the issued Preference Shares ("Standard Bank Voteable Preference Shares").

The voting details with respect to the proposed resolutions were as follows:

   1.    Ordinary Resolution - Re-election of directors 
 Directors                For (%)   Against   Abstain   Total Votes   % of Issued 
                                     (%)       (%)*                    Capital 
                                                          1 364 047 
 1.1 Lwazi Bam             94.59%     5.41%     0.16%           931        81.26% 
                         --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          1 364 047 
 1.2 Ben Kruger            95.20%     4.80%     0.16%           568        81.26% 
                         --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          1 364 048 
 1.3 Jacko Maree           95.56%     4.44%     0.16%           831        81.26% 
                         --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                          1 364 046 
 1.4 Nomgando Matyumza     99.10%     0.90%     0.16%           606        81.26% 
                         --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 1.5 Nonkululeko                                          1 364 005 
  Nyembezi                 97.99%     2.01%     0.16%           837        81.26% 
                         --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
   2.    Ordinary Resolution - Re-election of Group Audit Committee members 
 Audit Committee            For (%)   Against   Abstain   Total Votes   % of Issued 
  Members                              (%)       (%)*                    Capital 
                                                            1 364 047 
 2.1 Lwazi Bam               94.61%     5.39%     0.16%           931        81.26% 
                           --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                            1 364 031 
 2.2 Trix Kennealy           98.25%     1.75%     0.16%           341        81.26% 
                           --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                            1 364 045 
 2.3 Nomgando Matyumza       98.91%     1.09%     0.16%           182        81.26% 
                           --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                            1 364 030 
 2.4 Martin Oduor-Otieno     99.24%     0.76%     0.16%           251        81.26% 
                           --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
 2.5 (1)                    Resolution withdrawn during the AGM 

3. Ordinary Resolution - Re-appointment of external auditors

                  For (%)   Against   Abstain   Total Votes   % of Issued 
                             (%)       (%)*                    Capital 
                                                  1 364 030 
 3.1 KPMG Inc.     94.43%     5.57%     0.16%           041        81.26% 
                 --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                  1 358 223 
 3.2 PwC Inc.      92.93%     7.07%     0.50%           751        80.92% 
                 --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------ 

4. Ordinary Resolution - Placing of authorised but unissued ordinary shares under the control of the directors

    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes        % of Issued Capital 
     82.52%           17.48%             0.16%      1 364 027 849                   81.26% 
             ---------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------------- 

5. Ordinary Resolution - Placing of authorised but unissued non-redeemable preference shares under the control of the directors

    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes        % of Issued Capital 
     97.43%            2.57%             0.16%      1 364 027 969                   81.26% 
             ---------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------------- 

6. Non-binding Resolutions - advisory vote on remuneration policy and remuneration implementation report

                          For (%)     Against    Abstain (%)*   Total Votes   % of Issued 
                                       (%)                                     Capital 
 6.1 Standard Bank 
  Group's remuneration                                            1 363 982 
  policy                     92.44%      7.56%          0.16%           305        81.26% 
                         ----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 6.2 Standard Bank 
  Group's remuneration 
  implementation                                                  1 363 885 
  report                     92.19%      7.81%          0.17%           954        81.25% 
                         ----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
   7.    Special Resolution - Approval of non-executive directors' fees 
                            For (%)  Against  Abstain  Total Votes  % of Issued Capital 
                                      (%)      (%)* 
Standard Bank Group 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.1 Chairman                 99.23%    0.77%    0.16%          369               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
 7.2 Directors of                                        1 363 934 
  Standard Bank Group        99.31%    0.69%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
        7.3 International                                1 363 934 
         Directors           97.92%    2.08%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.4 Audit Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.4.1 Chairman               99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.4.2 Members                99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.5 Directors' Affairs Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.5.1 Chairman (**) 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.5.2 Members                99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.6 Remuneration Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.6.1 Chairman               99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 934 
7.6.2 Members                99.75%    0.25%    0.16%          368               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.7 Risk & Capital Management Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.7.1 Chairman               99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.7.2 Members                99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.8 Social & Ethics Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 937 
7.8.1 Chairman               99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          568               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 937 
7.8.2 Members                99.75%    0.25%    0.16%          568               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.9 Information Technology Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.9.1 Chairman               99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.9.2 Members                99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.10 Model Approval Committee 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.10.1 Chairman              99.82%    0.18%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
                                                         1 363 935 
7.10.2 Members               99.75%    0.25%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.11 Large Exposure Credit Committee 
                                                         1 363 935 
Member                       99.84%    0.16%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
7.12 Ad Hoc Committee 
                                                         1 363 935 
Member                       98.30%    1.70%    0.16%          023               81.26% 
                            -------  -------  -------  -----------  ------------------- 
   8.    Special Resolution - General authority to acquire the Company's ordinary shares 
    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes      % of Issued Capital 
                                                      1 363 355 
    99.42%             0.58%             0.20%              938                   81.22% 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
   9.    Special Resolution - General authority to acquire the Company's preference shares 
 Total Ordinary Shares voted 
    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes      % of Issued Capital 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
                                                      1 364 639 
 99.99%                0.01%             0.20%              849                   81.22% 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
 Total Preference Shares voted 
    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes      % of Issued Capital 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
    99.74%             0.26%             0.04%       12 825 960                   24.21% 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 

In regard to resolution 9 (special resolution), the holders of Preference Shares were entitled to vote.

10. Special Resolution - Loans or other financial assistance to related or inter-related companies

    For (%)      Against (%)      Abstain (%)*      Total Votes      % of Issued Capital 
                                                      1 364 028 
    98.96%             1.04%             0.16%              170                   81.26% 
             ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
   *    Based on the total number of shares in issue. 

** Standard Bank's Directors' Affairs Committee chairman fee does not get paid as the committee is chaired by the group chairman who receives a fixed fee.

(1) Withdrawal of Ordinary re solution 2.5 - Re-election of Group Audit Committee member (Atedo Peterside)

Shareholders are advised, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Listings Requirements and paragraph 6.39 of the JSE Debt Listings Requirements, of the following change to the classification and responsibilities of a Director of Standard Bank Group and The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (SBSA) that will take effect from 23 August 2023.

Atedo Peterside will complete his ninth year in office as a director of the company on 22 August 2023, resulting in his reclassification in terms of the South African Reserve Bank Prudential Authority's Directive as not being independent with effect from 23 August 2023.

Considering his imminent reclassification, the board agreed to withdraw Atedo's nomination as a member standing for re-election for the Group Audit Committee and therefore, resolution 2.5 was withdrawn at the AGM. Accordingly, Atedo Peterside ceased to be a member of the Group and SBSA Audit Committees effective 12 June 2023.

Retirement of Directors

In compliance with paragraph 3.59 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and as previously announced on SENS on 25 November 2022, Standard Bank Group confirms that Kgomotso Moroka and John Vice retired as directors at the close of the company's Annual General Meeting held today, Monday, 12 June 2023. The board extends its sincere gratitude to Kgomotso and John for their exemplary leadership and immense contribution during their tenure as non-executive directors and committee chairmen of the company.

Kgomotso Moroka and John Vice also retired from the board of SBSA at the close of its AGM on 25 May 2023.

For further information, please contact:

Ann Hunter

Standard Bank Group Limited

9th Floor

5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg PO Box 2001

South Africa

Telephone number: +27 11 415 4194


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 13, 2023 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

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