RNS Number : 6920W

JSC National Atomic Co. Kazatomprom

02 February 2012



on Kazatomprom's preliminary results in 2011

According to the results of 2011, uranium production volume in the Republic of Kazakhstan made up 19,450 tU, which is 9% more than in 2010. In 2011, Kazakhstan maintained its position of the world's leading uranium producer - its share in the global uranium production made up 35% which is 55,400 tU, according to the preliminary data.

In 2010, taking into account its participatory interests in subsidiary and affiliated enterprises, Kazatomprom produced 11,079 tU or 20% of the world's production.

In comparison with the results of 2010, tantalum production volume increased 11.3%, niobium production - 27.7%, and beryllium production - 26.9%.

In 2011, a number of projects at uranium-producing mines were put into operation:

-- the first launch site (administration and living and infrastructural objects) at Northern Kharassan deposit, site Kharassan-2, Baiken-U LLP;

-- the first order of construction objects at site No.3 of Budyonovskoye deposit, with annual capacity of 1,000 tU, JV Akbastau JSC;

   --   the second order of Semizbai mine, with annual capacity of 200 tU, Semizbai-U LLP; 

-- the capacity of <<Budyonovskoye-2>> production shop on pregnant solution processing increased up to 3,000 tU per year, Karatau LLP;

-- In December 2011, pre-commissioning at sulfuric acid plant of SKZ-U LLP, Zhanakorgan district, Kyzylorda region, was started. The plant capacity is expected to be 500,000 tons per year. The sulfuric acid production for the needs of uranium industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan will start in 2012.

Strategic objectives of NAC Kazatomprom JSC are focused on maintaining the leading position at the world uranium market. Besides, the Company is interested in maximum diversification of its activity by creating the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) productions in the Republic of Kazakhstan and participation in external assets.

Uranium supply to the world market

Kazatomprom as a supplier of natural uranium maintained its presence in all regions of the world where NPPs are operating: in Europe, Asia and the USA. Supply volume under Kazatomprom's contracts made up 10,399 tU that is about 17% of the world's reactors requirements. In 2011, all commitments under the existing long-term contracts were fulfilled.

In 2011, Kazatomprom entered into a number of macrocontracts with the existing and new consumers, particularly with Electricite de France (EDF) company and a number of energy companies in the USA.

Nuclear fuel and its components production

In 2011, Kazatomprom and AREVA French company agreed on the construction of plant for production of fuel assemblies on the basis of Ulba Metallurgical Plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

In September, within the framework of the Agreement on strategic cooperation in nuclear industry signed between NAC Kazatomprom JSC and China National Nuclear Corporation in 2011, a pilot lot of fuel pellets was delivered from Kazakhstan to China. In December, a long-term contract on production and delivery of fuel pellets for GNPC reactors was signed.

Kazatomprom set a course for industrial and innovative development of the country expanding its scientific and technical potential and continuing diversification into the allied high technology areas.

In September 2011, Kazatomprom and Toshiba Corporation established a joint venture <<KT Rare Metals Company>> to conduct research and carry out the development, extraction, production and sale of rare metals and rare earth products and materials.

SARECO (JV with Sumitomo Japanese enterprise) moved to a new stage in 2011 starting the construction of experimental-industrial plant on production of bulk concentrate of REM, with the capacity of 1,500 t per year.

In 2011, NAC Kazatomprom JSC proceeded to the development of renewable energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana Solar LLP was created to realize the project on production of solar cell panels on the basis of Kazakhstan silicium.

In social sphere, during 2011, Kazatomprom implemented the following large projects.

Every year NAC Kazatomprom JSC finances the development of social infrastructure independently and within the frameworks of memorandums with the executive bodies in the regions where the Company operates, on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Thus, in 2011 NAC Kazatomprom JSC implemented the following social projects:

-- Kindergarten for 280 children, Ust-Kamenogorsk;

-- Children's health improvement camp <<Matrosovo>>, Ust-Kamenogorsk;

-- Reconstruction of the regional children library, Stepnyak city;

-- Expansion of secondary school after L. Bukenov; from 635 to 1000 students, Kyzymshek village;

-- Construction of secondary school for 200 students, Zhartytobe village;

-- Construction of kindergarten for 80 children, Sholakkorgan village (project implementation period is 2010-2011);

-- Irrigation of Kyzymshek village (project implementation period is 2010-2011);

-- Redevelopment of Kyzymshek village (project implementation period 2010-2011);

-- Construction of the school after A. Suleimenov, 9 classes, Sholakkorgan village (project implementation period is 2010-2011);

-- Capital repair of Cultural center after Sh. Kaldayakov, Karakonyr village - II stage.

Besides, the Company is engaged in financing the maintenance of social objects in uranium-producing regions, the repair of infrastructure, including water supply systems, roads, and children's playgrounds.

The social project of Kazatomprom was recognized as the best one in <<Paryz-2011>> competition.

NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, scientific support of production and social welfare and training of personnel. Today Kazatomprom has more than 23,000 employees and is amongst the leading uranium production companies in the world.


Contact details for investors (Eurobonds):

Meirzhan Yussupov

Head of Treasury

el:. +7 /7172/ 551237

el../Fax: 7 /7172/ 551399

e-mail: myussupov@kazatomprom.kz

Meruyert Bekturganova


el:. +7 /7172/ 551237

el../Fax: 7 /7172/ 551399

e-mail: mbekturganova@kazatomprom.kz

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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