RNS Number : 7359O

Credit Agricole Corp & Inv Bank

03 October 2019

2 October 2019


Issue of USD 10,000,000 Callable Rate Linked Interest Credit Linked Notes on National Australia Bank Limited due June 2027

issued by


(the "Issuer")

pursuant to the EUR50,000,000,000 Structured Debt Instruments Issuance Programme

ISIN: XS1490305577

Series: 3986

(respectively, the "Programme" and the "Securities")

Reference is made to:

(1) the base prospectus relating to the Programme dated 11 May 2016 as supplemented from time to time (the "Base Prospectus");

(2) the final terms in respect of the Securities dated 10 May 2017 (the "Original Final Terms" and, together with the Base Prospectus, the "Securities Documentation").

Notice is hereby given to the holders of all outstanding Securities that, at the request of 100 per cent. of the holders of all outstanding Securities, the Original Final Terms has been replaced in its entirety with the amended and restated Final Terms, a draft form of which is attached in the Appendix to this Notice (showing marked-up changes against the Original Final Terms) (the "Amended and Restated Final Terms").

Capitalised terms used in this Notice and not defined have the meanings given to them in the Base Prospectus and the Amended and Restated Final Terms. Copies of the Securities Documentation and the Amended and Restated Final Terms are available at the offices of the Principal Paying Agent, CACEIS Bank Luxembourg, 5 Allée Scheffer, L-2520, Luxembourg.



10 May 2017


As amended and restated on 2 October 2019

Issue of USD 10,000,000 Callable Rate Linked Interest Credit Linked Notes on National Australia Bank Limited due December 2029

under the EUR50,000,000,000

Structured Debt Instruments Issuance Programme

(the Programme)




This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Securities described herein for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Directive 2003/71/EC (and amendments thereto, including the Directive 2010/73/EU, to the extent implemented in the Relevant Member State), including any relevant implementing measure in the Relevant Member State (the Prospectus Directive) and must be read in conjunction with the Base Prospectus dated 11 May 2016 and any supplement thereto which together constitute a base prospectus for the purposes of the Prospectus Directive. Full information on the Issuer and the offer of the Securities is only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus. The Base Prospectus is available for viewing on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange website (www.bourse.lu) and during normal business hours at the registered office of Crédit Agricole CIB (www.ca-cib.com) and the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent.

                             1   (a) Series Number:                                          3986 
                                 (b) Type of Securities:                                     Notes 
                                 (c) Tranche Number:                                         1 
                                 (d) Date on which the Securities become fungible:           Not Applicable 
                             2   Specified Currency:                                         United States Dollar (USD) 
                             3   Aggregate Nominal Amount: 
                                 (a) Series:                                                 USD 10,000,000 
                                 (b) Tranche:                                                USD 10,000,000 
                             4   Issue Price:                                                100 per cent. of the Aggregate Nominal Amount 
                             5         (a) Specified Denominations:                          USD 1,000,000 
                                 (b) Minimum Trading Size:                                   Not Applicable 
                                       (c) Calculation Amount:                               USD 1,000,000 
                             6         (a) Issue Date:                                       10 May 2017 
                                       (b) Trade Date(s):                                    26 April 2017 
                                       (c) Interest Commencement Date:                       Issue Date 
                             7   Redemption Date:                                                                         30 December 2029 (the 
                                                                                                                          Scheduled Redemption 
                                                                                                                          Date), subject to Annex 
                                                                                                                          2 (Credit Linked 
                                                                                                                          and paragraph 21 of 
                                                                                                                          these Final Terms and 
                                                                                                                          to any early redemption 
                             8   Type of Securities: 
                                 (a) Interest:                                               Linked Interest Security: Rate Linked Interest 
                                                                                             (Further particulars specified below in "PROVISIONS 
                                                                                             RELATING TO INTEREST (IF ANY) PAYABLE") 
                                 (b) Redemption:                                             Relevant Redemption Method(s): 
                                                                                             For the purpose of determining the Final Redemption 
                                                                                             Standard Redemption 
                                                                                             Credit Linked Security 
                                                                                             (Further particulars specified below in "PROVISIONS 
                                                                                             RELATING TO REDEMPTION") 
                                 (c) Other:                                                  Not Applicable 
                             9   Date Board approval for issuance of Securities              Authorisation given by the Board of Directors of 
                                 obtained:                                                   Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment 
                                                                                             Bank dated 9 May 2016 
                            10   Method of distribution:                                     Non-syndicated 
                            11   Asset Conditions:                                           Applicable in accordance with Annex 1 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    Commodity Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    Index Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    FX Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    Inflation Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                   *    Rate Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    ETF Linked Asset Conditions: 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                   *    Share Linked Asset Conditions 
                                                                                             Not Applicable 
                                  *    Multi-Asset Basket Linked Asset Conditions: 
                            12   Alternative Currency Conditions:                            Not Applicable 
                            13   Fixed Rate Security:                                    Not Applicable 
                            14   Floating Rate Security:                                 Not Applicable 
                            15   Linked Interest Security:                               Applicable subject to Annex 2 (Credit Linked Conditions) 
                                                                                         and paragraph 21 of these Final Terms 
                                 (a) Applicable to:                                      All Interest Accrual Periods 
                                 (b) Interest Payment Date(s):                           Quarterly on 30 March, 30 June, 30 September and 30 
                                                                                         December in each year from and including 
                                                                                         30 June 2017 to and including the Redemption Date 
                                                                                         There will be a short first Interest Accrual Period from 
                                                                                         and including the Interest Commencement 
                                                                                         Date to but excluding 30 June 2017 
                                 (c) Interest Period Dates:                              Quarterly on 30 March, 30 June, 30 September and 30 
                                                                                         December in each year from and including 
                                                                                         30 June 2017 to and including the Scheduled Redemption 
                                 (d) Interest Determination Date(s):                     Two (2) London and U.S. Government Securities Business 
                                                                                         Days prior to the first day of the 
                                                                                         relevant Interest Accrual Period 
                                 (e) Business Day Convention for the purposes of         Not Applicable 
                                 adjustment of "Interest Accrual Periods" in 
                                 accordance sub-paragraph (h) below): 
                                 (f) Additional Business Centres:                        Not Applicable 
                                 (g) Day Count Fraction:                                 30/360 
                                 (h) Interest Accrual Periods:                           Interest Accrual Periods will be unadjusted 
                                 (i) Determination Date(s):                              Not Applicable 
                                 (j) Calculation Agent responsible for calculating       Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank 
                                 the Linked Interest Rate and the Interest 
                     15A         Commodity Linked Interest Security:                     Not Applicable 
                      15B        Index Linked Interest Security:                         Not Applicable 
                    15C          FX Linked Interest Security:                            Not Applicable 
                     15D         Inflation Linked Interest Security:                      Not Applicable 
                     15E         Rate Linked Interest Security:                           Applicable in accordance with Annex 1, Chapter 5 
                                      (a) Single Underlying:                              Not Applicable 
                                      (b) Basket:                                         Applicable 
                                              *    Basket: 
                                                                                             Standard Interest Payoff : Standard Range Accrual 
                                              *    Applicable for the purposes of:           Interest 
                                                                                             (see also paragraph 15J(n) of these Final Terms) 
                 For the purposes of the Global Underlying and Underlying(i) 
                   ISDA Determination 
                      Underlying:      Benchmark      Determination      Floating      Designated     Reset 
                                           Rate:        of Benchmark    Rate Option:     Maturity:     Date: 
                                                        Rate Level: 
                          Global         3 months                      USD-LIBOR-ICE    Three (3)    The first 
                        Underlying     USD-LIBOR-ICE                     (formerly        months     day of the 
                                                                          known as                    relevant 
                                                                       USD-LIBOR-BBA)                 Interest 
                                     ---------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
                       Underlying1x      USD-CMS                        USD - ISDA-       Thirty     Each Range 
                                         30 years                        Swap Rate         (30)       Accrual 
                                                                          provided        years       Day (as 
                                                                          that the                    defined 
                                                                         definition                      in 
                                                                          of USD -                   paragraph 
                                                                         ISDA- Swap                  15J(f) of 
                                                                          Rate as                       this 
                                                                          set out                     Pricing 
                                                                        in the ISDA                  Supplement 
                                                                          shall be 
                                                                           by the 
                                                                        of the words 
                                                                         "two U.S. 
                                     ---------------                  ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
                       Underlying1y      USD-CMS                                        Two (two) 
                                          2 years                                          years 
                                     ---------------                  ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
                       Underlying2       3 months                      USD-LIBOR-ICE    Three (3) 
                                      USD-LIBOR-ICE                      (formerly        months 
                                        (formerly                         known as 
                                         known as                      USD-LIBOR-BBA) 
                                            3M             ISDA 
                                      USD-LIBOR-BBA)   Determination 
                                     ---------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
                     Where the ISDA Definitions state that the determination of the relevant Floating Rate Option 
                      will be pursuant to any requirement for the Calculation Agent to request quotes from Reference 
                      Banks. or Reference Dealers or major banks pursuant to the ISDA Definitions, such requirement 
                      to make requests for quotations for rates from, and the provision of quotations for rates 
                      by, the requisite number of Reference Banks, Reference Dealers or major banks may be effected 
                      by reference to and using quotations or tradable market prices which are made available by 
                      such Reference Banks, Reference Dealers via electronic data providers or electronic trading 
                      platforms. For the purposes of the preceding sentence, the terms "Reference Banks" and "Reference 
                      Dealers" shall have the meanings set out in the ISDA Definitions. 
                      If the fallback as set out in the definition of the Floating Rate Option pursuant to the ISDA 
                      Definitions does not produce a result, the Calculation Agent shall determine the rate acting 
                      in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner. 
                                 (c) Additional Disruption Event:                         Applicable in accordance with Rate Linked Asset 
                                                                                          Condition 2 
                                 (d) Specified Currency:                                  USD 
                                 (e) Observation Date(s):                                 In respect of the Underlying(i) : each Range Accrual 
                                                                                          In respect of the Global Underlying: each Interest 
                                                                                          Observation Date 
                                                                                          (as defined in paragraph 15J(n) of these Final Terms) 
                      15F        ETF Linked Interest Security:                            Not Applicable 
                     15G         Share Linked Interest Security:                          Not Applicable 
                     15H         Multi-Asset Basket Linked Interest Security:             Not Applicable 
                     15I         Combination Interest Payoff Provisions:                  Not Applicable 
                     15J         Standard Interest Payoff Provisions:                     Applicable 
                                 (a) Standard Fixed Interest:                             Not Applicable 
                                 (b) Standard Floating Interest:                          Not Applicable 
                                 (c) Standard Floater Interest:                           Not Applicable 
                                 (d) Standard Inverse Floater Interest:                   Not Applicable 
                                 (e) Standard Alternative Basket Interest:                Not Applicable 
                                 (f) Standard Strangle Interest:                          Not Applicable 
                                 (g) Standard Option Basket Interest:                     Not Applicable 
                                 (h) Standard Maximum-Minimum Interest:                   Not Applicable 
                                 (i) Standard Participation Interest:                     Not Applicable 
                                 (j) Standard Lookback Performance Basket                 Not Applicable 
                                 (k) Standard Maximum-Minimum Basket Interest:            Not Applicable 
                                 (l) Standard Volbond Interest:                           Not Applicable 
                                 (m) Standard Participation Basket Interest:              Not Applicable 
                                 (n) Standard Range Accrual Interest:                     Applicable in accordance with Annex 5, Part A, Chapter 
                                                                                            The Linked Interest Rate will be calculated by the 
                                                                                                Calculation Agent on the relevant Interest 
                                                                                             Determination Date in accordance with the formula 
                                                                                          The Accrual Factor is calculated as the number of Range 
                                                                                                 Accrual Days during the relevant Interest 
                                                                                          Observation Period on which each Underlying Value(i) is 
                                                                                                   whithin the Underlying Value(i) Range 
                                                                                           divided by the total number of Range Accrual Days in 
                                                                                                 the relevant Interest Observation Period 
                                                                                            Accrual Factor OUT x Min(Cap,Max(Floor,(Leverage x 
                                                                                                   Global Underlying Value + Margin(1) ) 
                                                                                                       and expressed as a percentage 
                                                                                                          All Interest Accrual Periods 
                        *    Applicable Interest Accrual Period: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Applicable for the purposes of the Combination 
                             Interest Payoff: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Relevant Combination Interest Payoff: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Applicable for the purposes of a Payoff Feature: 
                                                                                                          7.00% per annum 
                        *    Cap: 
                                                                                                          0.00% per annum 
                        *    Floor: 
                                                                                                          Each date falling two (2) London 
                        *    Interest Observation Date(s):                                                Business Days immediately preceding the 
                                                                                                          first day of the 
                                                                                                          Interest Accrual Period 
                                                                                                          Period from and including each date 
                        *    Interest Observation Period(s):                                              falling two (2) London and U.S. 
                                                                                                          Government Securities 
                                                                                                          Business Days immediately preceding the 
                                                                                                          first day of the relevant Interest 
                                                                                                          Accrual Period 
                                                                                                          to and including the date falling two 
                                                                                                          (2) London and U.S. Government 
                                                                                                          Securities Business Days 
                                                                                                          immediately preceding the following 
                                                                                                          Interest Payment Date 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Interest Observation Period Cut-Off Date: 
                        *    Leverage:                                                                    1.00 
                        *    Margin(1) :                                                                  2.35% 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Margin(2) : 
                                                                                                          Each calendar day falling within the 
                        *    Range Accrual Day(s):                                                        relevant Interest Observation Period. 
                                                                                                          In respect of any Underlying(i) , for 
                                                                                                          any calendar day of the relevant 
                                                                                                          Interest Observation 
                                                                                                          Period which is not a London and U.S. 
                                                                                                          Government Securities Business Day, the 
                                                                                                          Underlying Value(i) 
                                                                                                          shall be deemed to be the value 
                                                                                                          ascribed to that Underlying(i) on the 
                                                                                                          immediately preceding 
                                                                                                          London and U.S. Government Securities 
                                                                                                          Business Day 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Accrual Factor IN: 
                        *    Accrual Factor OUT: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    a: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    b: 
                                                                                                          Benchmark Rate: 3 months USD-LIBOR-ICE 
                        *    Global Underlying:                                                           (with further information set out in 
                                                                                                          paragraph 15E of these Final Terms) 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                        *    Relevant Observation: 
                 i   Underlying(ix)         Lower Limit(i)         Upper Limit(i)   Underlying Value(i) 
                       and Underlying(iy)     :                      :                Range: 
                  1   Combination of         The Lower Limits       Infinity         Range 
                      Underlying(1x)         applicable to                            Rangemeans that 
                      and Underlying(1y)     the Interest                             on the relevant 
                      : Substraction         Observation                              Range Accrual 
                      Underlying(1x)         Periods which                            Day each Underlying 
                      : USD-CMS 30 years     fall within the                          Value(i) is greater 
                      Underlying(1y)         following periods                        than or equal 
                      : USD-CMS 2 years      shall be as set                          to the Lower 
                      (with further          out below:                               Limit(i) and 
                      information            1. from and                              lower than or 
                      set out in paragraph   including                                equal to the 
                      15E of these Final     the Interest                             Upper Limit(i) 
                      Terms)                 Commencement 
                                             Date to but 
                                             30 September 2019: 
                                             0.00 per cent. 
                                             per annum 
                                             2. from and 
                                             30 September 2019 
                                             to but excluding 
                                             30 September 2020: 
                                             - (minus) 0.20 
                                             per cent. per 
                                             3. from and 
                                             30 September 2020 
                                             to but excluding 
                                             30 September 2021: 
                                             - (minus) 0.10 
                                             per cent. per 
                                             4. from and 
                                             30 September 2021 
                                             to but excluding 
                                             the Redemption 
                                             Date: -(minus) 
                                             0.05 per cent. 
                                             per annum 
                     ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
                  2   3 months               0.00 pour cent.        6.00 per 
                      USD-LIBOR-ICE                                  cent. 
                      (with further 
                      set out in paragraph 
                      15E of these Final 
                     ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
                                 (o) Standard Resettable Range Accrual Interest:          Not Applicable 
                                 (p) Standard 3D Range Accrual Interest:                  Not Applicable 
                                 (q) Standard Fixed Digital Basket Interest:              Not Applicable 
                                 (r) Standard Power Interest:                             Not Applicable 
                                 (s) Standard Dual Range Accrual Interest:                Not Applicable 
                                 (t) Standard Trend Participation Interest:               Not Applicable 
                                 (u) Standard Trend Participation Basket Interest:        Not Applicable 
                                 (v) Standard Average Trend Participation Basket          Not Applicable 
                                 (w) Standard Multi Fixed Digital Interest:               Not Applicable 
                                 (x) Standard Digital to Participation Interest:          Not Applicable 
                                 (y) Standard Knock-out Range Accrual Interest:           Not Applicable 
                                 (z) Standard Product Basket Interest:                    Not Applicable 
                                 (aa) Standard Multi Fixed Basket Interest:               Not Applicable 
                                 (bb) Standard Fixed Range Accrual Interest:              Not Applicable 
                                 (cc) Standard ABF Interest:                                              Not Applicable 
                                 (dd) Standard Worst of Interest:                                         Not Applicable 
                                 (ee) Standard Annualised Performance Interest:                           Not Applicable 
                                 (ff) Standard Rainbow Performance Interest:                              Not Applicable 
                            16   Zero Coupon Security:                                                    Not Applicable 
                            17   Payoff Features:                                                         Not Applicable 
                            18   Redemption Determination Date(s):                                        For the purposes of determining the 
                                                                                                          Final Redemption Amount and subject to 
                                                                                                          Annex 2 (Credit 
                                                                                                          Linked Conditions) and paragraph 21 of 
                                                                                                          these Final Terms: the Redemption Date 
                                                                                                          For the purposes of determining an 
                                                                                                          Early Redemption Amount and subject to 
                                                                                                          Annex 2 (Credit 
                                                                                                          Linked Conditions) and paragraph 21 of 
                                                                                                          these Final Terms: the relevant Early 
                                                                                                          Redemption Date 
                                                                                                          (as specified in paragraph 24(a) of 
                                                                                                          these Final Terms) 
                            19   Redemption Method: 
                                 (a) Early Redemption Amount for the purposes of General Condition 6.2    Standard Redemption, in accordance with 
                                 (Early Redemption Trigger                                                Annex 9, Paragraph 2, subject to Annex 
                                 Events) determined in accordance with:                                              2 (Credit Linked 
                                                                                                           Conditions) and paragraph 21 of these 
                                                                                                             Final Terms, the Early Redemption 
                                                                                                                   Amount will be equal 
                                                                                                            Reference Price x Nominal Amount - 
                                                                                                                  Redemption Unwind Costs 
                                                                                                          as determined by the Calculation Agent 
                                                                                                           on the Redemption Determination Date. 
                                                                                                            (See also paragraph 24(a) of these 
                                                                                                          Final Terms for further information in 
                                                                                                                      relation to the 
                                                                                                           Issuer Call Early Redemption Trigger) 
                                                                                                            Investors should note that General 
                                                                                                          Condition 6.8 apply for the purposes of 
                                                                                                                   any early redemption 
                                                                                                           amount calculated in accordance with 
                                                                                                           the conditions referred to in General 
                                                                                                                       Condition 6.8 
                                        - Redemption Payoff:                                              Not Applicable 
                                        - Redemption Unwind Costs:                                        Not Applicable 
                                        - Reference Price:                                                100 per cent. 
                                 (b) Final Redemption Amount for the purposes of General Condition 6.1    Standard Redemption, in accordance with 
                                 (Redemption by Instalments                                               Annex 9, Paragraph 2, subject to Annex 
                                 and Final Redemption) determined in accordance with:                                2 (Credit Linked 
                                                                                                           Conditions) and paragraph 21 of these 
                                                                                                             Final Terms, the Final Redemption 
                                                                                                                   Amount will be equal 
                                                                                                             Reference Price x Nominal Amount 
                                                                                                          as determined by the Calculation Agent 
                                                                                                           on the Redemption Determination Date. 
                                        - Redemption Payoff:                                              Not Applicable 
                                        - Redemption Unwind Costs:                                        Not Applicable 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                                          *    Payoff Feature Unwind Costs: 
                                                                                                          100 per cent. 
                                          *    Reference Price: 
                                 (c) Fair Market Value Redemption Amount:                                 Applicable 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                                          *    Fair Market Value Redemption Amount Percentage: 
                                 (d) Instalment Redemption Amount determined in accordance with:          Not Applicable 
                                 (e) Clean-up Call Option (General Condition 6.7 (Clean-up Call           Not Applicable 
                 20              Instalment Securities:                                                   Not Applicable 
                 21              Credit Linked Securities:                                                Applicable in accordance with Annex 2 
                                                                                                          (Credit Linked Conditions) 
                      (a) Type of Credit Linked Securities:                                               Single Reference Entity CLS 
                      (b) Reference Entity:                                                               National Australia Bank Limited 
                      (c) Specified Currency(ies):                                                        Standard Specified Currencies 
                      (d) Maximum Maturity:                                                               30 years 
                      (e) Reference Obligation(s):                                                        Applicable 
                      The obligation identified as follows: 
                       - Primary Obligor:                                                                 National Australia Bank Limited 
                       - Maturity:                                                                        9 December 2019 
                       - Coupon:                                                                          2.40% 
                       - CUSIP/ISIN:                                                                      US6325C1CD99 
                                                                                        USD 600,000,000 
                           *    Original Issue Amount: 
                      (f) Standard Reference Obligation(s):                                               Applicable. The Reference Obligation 
                                                                                                          set out at paragraph 21(e) above shall 
                                                                                                          be the Standard 
                                                                                                          Reference Obligation unless and until 
                                                                                                          ISDA publishes a Standard Reference 
                                                                                                          Obligation on the 
                                                                                                          SRO List, in which case, if such 
                                                                                                          Standard Reference Obligation is 
                                                                                                          different from the Reference 
                                                                                                          Obligation set out above, such Standard 
                                                                                                          Reference Obligation shall prevail and 
                                                                                                          replace the 
                                                                                                          Reference Obligation set out above 
                       - Seniority Level:                                                                 Senior Level 
                (g) Non-Reference Entity Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation(s):                   Not Applicable 
                      (h) Scheduled Redemption Date:                                                                                   30 
                (i) Calculation Agent responsible for making calculations and determinations pursuant     Crédit Agricole Corporate and 
                to Annex                                                                                  Investment Bank 
                2 (Credit Linked Conditions): 
                      (j) CLS Business Day:                                                               London, New York City and Sydney 
                      (k) Relevant Time:                                                                  Greenwich Mean Time 
                      (l) All Guarantees:                                                                 Applicable 
                      (m) Credit Event:                                                                   Bankruptcy 
                                                                                                           Failure to Pay 
                                                                                                           Governmental Intervention 
                       - Payment Requirement (Failure to Pay):                                            $1,000,000 or its equivalent in the 
                                                                                                          Obligation Currency 
                                                                                                          $10,000,000 or its equivalent in the 
                         *    Default Requirement (Obligation Acceleration,                               Obligation Currency 
                              Obligation Default, Repudiation/Moratorium, 
                                                                                                          Mod R Applicable 
                         *    Restructuring (Additional provisions (if any) where 
                              Restructuring is specified as applicable in paragraph 
                              21(m) above): 
                      (n) Financial Reference Entity Terms                                                Applicable 
                      (o) Obligation Category:                                                            Borrowed Money 
                      (p) Obligation Characteristic(s):                                                   None 
                      (q) Settlement Method:                                                              Physical Settlement 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                         *    Fallback Settlement Method: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                         *    Terms relating to Cash Settlement: 
                         *    Partial Cash Settlement:                                                    Partial Cash Settlement Date: As 
                                                                                                          determined in accordance with the 
                                                                                                          Credit Linked Conditions 
                                                                                                          Securityholder shall deliver 10 CLS 
                         *    Physical Settlement Procedure (Credit Linked                                Business Days prior to the Physical 
                              Condition 4.7(a)):                                                          Settlement Date the 
                                                                                                          documents specified in Credit Linked 
                                                                                                          Condition 4.7(a) (Procedure by 
                                                                                                          As determined in accordance with the 
                         *    Physical Settlement Period:                                                 definition of Physical Settlement 
                                                                                                          Period in Part 10 (Definitions) 
                                                                                                          of Annex 2 (Credit Linked Conditions) 
                                                                                                          5 CLS Business Days 
                         *    Notice Cut-Off Date: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                         *    Escrow: 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                         *    Escrow Agent: 
                      (r) Deliverable Obligation Category:                                                Bond or Loan 
                      (s) Deliverable Obligation Characteristic(s):                                       Not Subordinated 
                                                                                                          Specified Currency : Standard Specified 
                                                                                                          Currencies and Domestic Currency 
                                                                                                          Assignable Loan 
                                                                                                          Consent Required Loan 
                                                                                                          Maximum Maturity: 30 years 
                                                                                                          Not Bearer 
                      (t) Subordinated European Insurance Terms                                           Not Applicable 
                      (u) Capped Reference Entity(ies):                                                   Applicable - the Reference Entity is a 
                                                                                                          Capped Reference Entity) 
                      (v) LPN Reference Entity:                                                           Not Applicable 
                      (w) Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount:                                         As per the Credit Linked Conditions 
                      (x) Excluded Obligation:                                                            Not Applicable 
                      (y) Obligation:                                                                     As per the Credit Linked Conditions 
                      (z) Deliverable Obligation:                                                         As per the Credit Linked Conditions 
                      (aa) Excluded Deliverable Obligation:                                               Not Applicable 
                (bb) Domestic Currency:                                                                   As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                (cc) Domestic Law:                                                                        As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                (dd) Cessation of Interest Accrual (Credit Linked Condition 3.1):                         CIA Type 1 
                (ee) Settlement at Maturity:                                                              Not Applicable 
                (ff) Notice Delivery Period:                                                              Determined in accordance with the 
                                                                                                          definition of Notice Delivery Period in 
                                                                                                          Part 10 (Definitions) 
                                                                                                          of Annex 2 (Credit Linked Conditions) 
                (gg) Notice of Publicly Available Information:                                            Applicable 
                (hh) Public Source:                                                                       As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                (ii) Settlement Currency:                                                                 USD 
                (jj) Hedge Amount:                                                                        Applicable One-Way Hedge Amount 
                (kk) Quotations:                                                                          Applicable 
                      - Quotation Amount:                                                                 As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                      - Minimum Quotation Amount:                                                         As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                      - Valuation Time:                                                                   As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                      - CLS Dealer:                                                                       As per Credit Linked Condition 10 
                (ll) Deliverable/Valuation Obligation Accrued Interest:                                   Not Specified - Calculation Agent to 
                (mm) Credit Event Backstop Date:                                                          Trade Date 
                (nn) Event Determination Date:                                                            Including prior to the Trade Date: Not 
                                                                                                          Applicable in accordance with the 
                                                                                                          definition of Event 
                                                                                                          Determination Date set out in Credit 
                                                                                                          Linked Condition 10 
                (oo) Extension Date:                                                                      Scheduled Redemption Date (or such 
                                                                                                          later date determined in accordance 
                                                                                                          with the Credit Linked 
                (pp) Grace Period (for the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) in the definition of "Grace      Not Applicable 
                in Credit Linked Condition 10): 
                (qq) Grace Period Extension:                                                              Not Applicable 
                (rr) Limitation Date Adjustment:                                                          Not Applicable 
                (ss) Redemption following a Merger Event (Credit Linked Condition 2.8):                   Applicable 
                (tt) Additional Disruption Event:                                                         Change of Law is applicable 
                                                                                                          Hedging Disruption is applicable 
                                                                                                          Increased Cost of Hedging is not 
                (uu) Qualifying Participation Seller requirements:                                        None 
                (vv) Additional Provisions:                                                               Not Applicable 
                (ww) Quantum of the Claim:                                                                Applicable 
                 22              Bond Linked Securities:                                                  Not Applicable 
                 23              Linked Redemption Security:                                              Not Applicable 
                            24   Early Redemption Trigger Event(s):                                       Applicable 
                                 (a) Issuer Call Early Redemption Trigger:                                Applicable in accordance with Annex 8, 
                                                                                                          Chapter 1 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                                          *    Maximum Call Nominal Amount: 
                                                                                                          Any Interest Payment Date from and 
                                          *    Early Redemption Date(s):                                  including 30 September 2017 up to and 
                                                                                                          including 30 September 
                                                                                                          Not Applicable 
                                          *    Maximum Call Notice Period: 
                                                                                                          Nominal Amount 
                                          *    Minimum Call Nominal Amount: 
                                                                                                          Five (5) London and New York City 
                                          *    Minimum Call Notice Period:                                Business Days prior to the relevant 
                                                                                                          Early Redemption Date 
                                 (b) Investor Put Early Redemption Trigger:                               Not Applicable 
                                 (c) Knock-out Early Redemption Trigger:                                  Not Applicable 
                                 (d) Callable Knock-out Early Redemption Trigger:                         Not Applicable 
                                 (e) Puttable Knock-out Early Redemption Trigger:                         Not Applicable 
                                 (f) Target Early Redemption Trigger:                                     Not Applicable 
                                 (g) Knock-out Multi Underlying Early Redemption Trigger:                 Not Applicable 
                            25         Payoff Features:                                                   Not Applicable 
                            26   Secured Security Provisions:                                             Not Applicable 
                            27         (a) Form:                                                          Bearer Form: 
                                                                                                          Temporary Bearer Global Security 
                                                                                                          exchangeable for a Permanent Bearer 
                                                                                                          Global Security which 
                                                                                                          is exchangeable for Definitive Bearer 
                                                                                                          Securities only upon an Exchange Event 
                                       (b) New Global Note (NGN) or New Global Certificate (NGC):         NGN 
                                 (c) Transfer of interest in Regulation S Global Securities:              Transfers of Securities to IAIs: Not 
                            28   "Payment Business Day for the purposes of "Payment Business Day"         Modified Following Payment Business Day 
                                 election in accordance with 
                                 General Condition 5.6 (Payment Business Day): 
                            29   Additional Financial Centre(s):                                          London and New York City 
                            30   Additional Business Centre(s):                                           For the purpose of the determination of 
                                                                                                          "Business Days" under the Credit Linked 
                                                                                                          and unless otherwise specified therein 
                                                                                                          or in paragraph 21 above, the following 
                                                                                                          shall be Additional 
                                                                                                          Business Centres: London, New York City 
                                                                                                          and Sydney 
                            31   Talons for future Coupons or Receipts to be attached to Definitive       Yes 
                                 Bearer Securities and dates 
                                 on which such Talons mature: 
                            32   Redenomination (for the purposes of General Condition 3.1):              Not Applicable 
                            33   (a) Redemption for tax reasons (General Condition 6.3 (Redemption for    Not Applicable 
                                 tax reasons)): 
                                 (b) Special Tax Redemption (General Condition 6.4 (Special Tax           Not Applicable 
                                 (c) Redemption for FATCA Withholding (General Condition 6.5              Applicable 
                                 (Redemption for FATCA Withholding)): 
                                 (d) Regulatory Redemption or Compulsory Resales (General Condition 6.6   Applicable 
                                 (Regulatory Redemption 
                                 or Compulsory Resales)): 
                                 (e) Events of Default (General Condition 10 (Events of Default)):        Applicable 
                                 (f) Illegality and Force Majeure (General Condition 19 (Illegality and   Applicable 
                                 Force Majeure)): 
                            34   Gross Up (General Condition 8.2 (Gross Up)):                             Not Applicable 
                            35   Calculation Agent:                                                       Crédit Agricole Corporate and 
                                                                                                          Investment Bank 
                            36   Delivery Agent (Credit Linked Securities, Bond Linked Securities, ETF    Not Applicable 
                                 Linked Securities subject 
                                 to physical delivery or Share Linked Securities subject to physical 
                            37   Business Day Convention (Credit Linked Conditions and Bond Linked        Not Applicable 
                            38   Branch of Account for the purposes of General Condition 5.5 (General     Not Applicable 
                                 provisions applicable 
                                 to payments): 

Signed on behalf of the Issuer:


Duly authorised


                  (i) Listing and admission to trading:               Application has been made by the relevant Issuer 
                                                                      (or on its behalf) for the Securities to 
                                                                      be admitted to trading on London Stock 
                                                                      Exchange's regulated market with effect from or 
                                                                      soon as practicable after the Issue Date and to 
                                                                      be listed on the Official List of the London 
                                                                      Stock Exchange. 
                  (ii) Estimate of total expenses related to          GBP 300 + (plus) EUR 500 
                  admission to trading: 
              2   RATINGS 
                  Ratings:                                            The Securities to be issued have not been rated. 
                  Save for any fees payable to the Dealer and any distributor, so far as the Issuer is aware, 
                   no person involved in the issue of the Securities has an interest material to the offer. 
                  Not Applicable 
              5   YIELD (Fixed Rate Securities Only) 
                  Not Applicable 
              6   HISTORIC INTEREST RATES (Floating Rate Securities Only) 
                  Not Applicable 
                   Securities, Credit Linked Securities, Bond Linked Securities, Index Linked Securities, Inflation 
                   Linked Securities, Rate Linked Securities, ETF Linked Securities, Share Linked Securities 
                   and Multi-Asset Basket Linked Securities) 
                  Underlying:                                         Where past and future performance of the 
                                                                      can be obtained: 
                  Benchmark Rate: USD-CMS                             Reuters Screen ICESWAP1 page 
                   (further information set out in paragraph 15E 
                   of these Final Terms) 
                  USD-LIBOR-ICE (formerly known as USD-LIBOR-BBA)     Details of historic LIBOR rates can be obtained 
                   (further information set out in paragraph 15E      from Reuters 
                   of these Final Terms) 
                  Post-issuance information 
                   The Issuer does not intend to publish post-issuance information in relation to any underlying 
                   element to which the Securities are linked. 
                   Securities only) 
                   Not Applicable 
              9   DISTRIBUTION 
                  (i) Method of distribution:                         Non-syndicated 
                  (ii) If syndicated:                                 Not Applicable 
                  (iii) If non-syndicated, name of Dealer             The following Dealer is procuring subscribers 
                                                                      for the Notes: 
                                                                      Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment 
                  (iv) Indication of the overall amount of the        Not Applicable 
                  underwriting commission and of the placing 
                  (v) U.S. Selling Restrictions                       Reg. S Compliance Category 2, TEFRA D 
                  (Categories of potential investors to which the 
                  Securities are offered): 
                  (i) ISIN Code:                                      XS1490305577 
                  (ii) Temporary ISIN:                                Not Applicable 
  (iii) Common Code:                                                  149030557 
  (iv) VALOREN Code:                                                  Not Applicable 
  (v) Other applicable security identification number:                Not Applicable 
  (vi) Relevant clearing system(s) other than Euroclear Bank          Not Applicable 
   S.A./N.V. and Clearstream Banking, 
   société anonyme and the relevant identification 
  (vii) Delivery:                                                     Delivery against payment 
  (viii) Names and addresses of additional Paying Agent(s) (if        Not Applicable 
  (ix) Securities intended to be held in a manner which would allow   No 
   Eurosystem eligibility:                                            Whilst the designation is specified as "no" at 
                                                                      the date of these Final Terms, should the 
                                                                      eligibility criteria be amended in the future 
                                                                      such that the Securities are capable of meeting 
                                                                      them, the Securities may then be deposited with 
                                                                      one of the ICSDs as common safekeeper. Note 
                                                                      that this does not necessarily mean that the 
                                                                      Securities will then be recognised as eligible 
                                                                      collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and 
                                                                      intra day credit operations by the Eurosystem 
                                                                      at any time during their life. Such recognition 
                                                                      will depend upon the ECB being satisfied that 
                                                                      Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met. 
  Not Applicable 

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 03, 2019 12:07 ET (16:07 GMT)

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