RNS Number : 6706H

Absolute Return Trust Limited

16 July 2012


The Company has today, in accordance with DTR 6.3.5, released its Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31st March 2012. The Report will shortly be available from the Company's website www.absolute-funds.com.



Absolute Return Trust Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in Guernsey on 21st January 2005 as a closed-ended investment company. The Company's Redeemable Participating Preference Shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange (the "LSE") on 23rd February 2005, when it commenced business.

Since incorporation up to 31st March 2012 the Company has raised the following capital:

                                                       Sterling          Euro 
                                                         Shares        Shares 
                                                            GBP           EUR 
 Capital raised at launch of the                     66,000,000             - 
 Capital raised since launch of the Company 
  to 31st March 2012                                198,511,731    20,912,654 
 Total capital raised by the Company to 
  31st March 2012                                   264,511,731    20,912,654 
 Shares in issue as at 31st March 
                                                                    Number of 
 - Sterling Redeemable Participating Preference 
  Shares                                                          154,549,902 
 - Euro Redeemable Participating Preference 
  Shares                                                            9,372,854 

Investment Objective and Policy

The Company's investment objective is to achieve a target return of three month Sterling LIBOR plus five per cent. per annum over a rolling five year period, coupled with low volatility. Capital preservation is a priority. The Company's investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of Hedge Funds.

Notwithstanding an annualised compound increase in the Net Asset Value ("NAV") of 4.3 per cent. since inception, the discount of the Company's share price has steadily widened over recent years. This has occurred despite persistent share buybacks and capital returns at NAV via the operation of the redemption facility. In discussions with shareholders the persistence of the discount was identified as a key investor concern. The Board has explored a variety of ways to address the discount for the benefit of all shareholders and has concluded that in current market conditions there is insufficient demand to warrant continuation.

Proposals will be put to shareholders for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down. These proposals constitute a material change to the Company's investment policy and will require shareholder approval before they can be implemented. The Company is currently taking legal and financial advice regarding the wind-down process.

Manager and Investment Advisor

The Manager of the Company is Fauchier Partners Management Limited (the "Manager") and the Investment Advisor is Fauchier Partners LLP (the "Investment Advisor").

Financial Highlights

                                   31.3.2012      31.3.2012        31.3.2011       31.3.2011 
                                    Sterling           Euro         Sterling            Euro 
                                      Shares         Shares           Shares          Shares 
 Total Net Assets             GBP204,581,863   EUR9,038,283   GBP284,911,285   EUR12,476,411 
 Net Asset Value per Share            132.4p          96.4c           137.1p          100.7c 
 (Decrease)/Increase in 
  Net Asset Value                     (3.4%)         (4.3%)             1.8%            0.9% 
 Mid-Market Share Price               109.0p          83.0c           114.3p           85.5c 
 Discount to Net Asset 
  Value                              (17.6%)        (13.9%)          (16.6%)         (15.1%) 

Ongoing Charges

On May 2012, the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") issued a publication in relation to the methodology of calculating expense ratios to create an industry standard approach and promote consistency and comparability. The key element of the recommended methodology is the replacement of the term Total Expense Ratio with Ongoing Charges. The AIC have established Ongoing Charges as those costs that an investment company would have to pay in the absence of any purchases or sales of investments and if markets remain constant throughout the period. This method differs from the previous Total Expense factor used in computing the ratio in that only expenses considered to be operational and recurring are included in the calculation.

In accordance with the recommended methodology set out by the AIC above, the Ongoing Charges ratio of the Company for the year ended 31st March 2012 was 1.34 per cent. including the performance fee payable to the Manager and 1.34 per cent. excluding this performance fee (31st March 2011: 1.48 per cent. including the performance fee payable to the Manager and 1.29 per cent. excluding this performance fee).



The year to 31st March 2012 has seen political and economic events taking their toll on financial markets, with the effects of the Eurozone debt crisis, turbulence in the Middle East and political gridlock in the USA being the most notable factors.

Between April and September 2011, all financial markets were extremely volatile, with political events dominating sentiment and equity markets falling heavily. The value of the Company's portfolio fell during this period, but performance in the second half has been more positive, particularly in the first quarter of 2012, which saw solid results. For the year as a whole, however, the portfolio has nonetheless registered modest NAV losses.

During the year, the Manager has made a number of adjustments to the portfolio, and these are described in more detail in the Investment Advisor's Report.


Over the twelve months to 31st March 2012, the NAV of the Company's Sterling shares fell from 137.1p per Share at 31st March 2011 to 132.4p per Share at 31st March 2012, representing a decline of 3.4 per cent. The NAV of the Company's Euro Shares fell from EUR1.01 per Share to EUR0.96 per Share, representing a decline of 4.3 per cent.

Since its inception in March 2005, the annualised compound growth rate in the NAV of the Company's Sterling Share Class has been 4.3 per cent., equivalent to LIBOR plus 1 per cent. per annum, compared with our objective of LIBOR plus 5 per cent. per annum over rolling five year periods.

The volatility of the Company's NAV has been some 5.5 per cent. per annum over the same period, which remains in line with our objectives.

Share Price relative to NAV and Continuation Vote

The Company's Share price is currently trading at a discount of 9.3 per cent. to NAV, and stood at a discount of more than 5 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March. The Company has continued to carry out secondary market purchases of its own shares. Over the course of the year to 31st March 2012 the Company has bought back 14,702,500 Sterling shares and 180,000 Euro Shares at an average discount of 16.17 per cent. which amounts to 7.91 per cent. of the Sterling class of shares and 1.56 per cent. of the Euro class of shares in issue as at the date of the authority being granted. Since 31st March 2012, the Company has bought back a further 1,306,000 Sterling shares at an average discount of 18.61 per cent.

The discount control provisions established when the Company was launched, require a continuation vote to be proposed to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting when the Company's discount has exceeded 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March, and such vote requires not less than 50 per cent. of the total voting rights cast on the resolution to be in favour in order for the Company to continue in its current format. If the resolution is not passed, the Directors are required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders within six months of such resolution being defeated for the winding up or other reorganisation or reconstruction of the Company.

After extensive shareholder consultation, the Board has resolved not to seek continuation of the Company.

Notwithstanding an annualised compound increase in the NAV of 4.3 per cent. since inception, the discount of the Company's share price has steadily widened over recent years. This has occurred despite persistent share buybacks and capital returns at NAV via the operation of the redemption facility. In discussions with shareholders the persistence of the discount was identified as a key investor concern. The Board has explored a variety of ways to address the discount for the benefit of all shareholders and has concluded that in current market conditions there is insufficient demand to warrant continuation.

Proposals will shortly be put to shareholders for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down. These proposals constitute a material change to the Company's investment policy and will require shareholder approval before they can be implemented. The Company is currently taking legal and financial advice and a circular convening an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") to seek such approval and containing further details of the managed wind-down process will be circulated to shareholders as soon as practicable.

Currency hedging

Since its inception, the Company has hedged its currency exposure against the US Dollar for both the Sterling and Euro share classes, and it continues to do so. The Company has a borrowing facility from Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited ("NT(G)L") to assist it in managing the short term cash flows arising from this hedging programme. In the course of the year, the Board renewed this facility for a further 12 months until January 2013, and the facility stands at the lower of 20 per cent. of NAV, or GBP50 million. The Board is discussing this facility with NT(G)L in the light of the proposal to put the Company into an orderly wind-down, and will make appropriate market announcements in the event that the currency hedging programme has to be terminated in the course of the winding down process.


The Board has continued to work closely with the Manager to monitor and manage the Company's liquidity position, and the Investment Advisor's Report describes the current position. In managing the Company's liquidity position, the Board and the Manager have sought to strike an appropriate balance between the returns available from less liquid strategies and the need to maintain flexibility, so as to be able to respond to cash outflows arising from the currency hedging programme, and to repurchase shares when it is appropriate to do so. In anticipation of the forthcoming winding up process, the Manager, with the Board's approval, has served redemption notices at the end of June on those funds in the Company's portfolio which have notice periods of 90 days or more in order to facilitate the return of cash to shareholders in a timely fashion, in the event that the winding up proposal is approved in the EGM. The forthcoming EGM circular will include an updated analysis of the expected timing of cash receipts from redemptions of the Company's hedge fund investments.

Board and Manager Review

Each year the Board conducts an appraisal of its own performance and that of the Manager. The Board visited the premises of the Advisor in February 2012, in order to conduct a formal review of their capabilities and controls, in addition to the regular quarterly reviews of investment performance. On the basis of this review, and notwithstanding the decision to wind-down the Company, the Board believes that the continued appointment of the Investment Manager and Advisor remains in the interests of shareholders.

The Board also conducted a review of its own performance. This review concluded that the Board is operating effectively, and that its members have an appropriate range of skills and experience.

Board Composition

In the course of the year Graham Harrison joined the Board of the Company. Graham Harrison is a founding member and Group Managing Director of Asset Risk Consultants Limited, and serves as a non-executive director of several listed investment companies. The Directors are very pleased to have attracted Graham to the Board.

Robin Rumboll will retire from the Board at the AGM this year. Robin has been a Director of the Company since its launch, and the Board has benefitted from his extensive experience and wise counsel over the last seven years. I would like to take this opportunity to express our warmest thanks for his contribution.

Andrew Sykes


12th July 2012



For the year to 31st March 2012 the Company produced a return in Sterling of -3.4 per cent. net of fees (-4.3 per cent. in Euro). Since the Company first invested in a portfolio of hedge funds on 1st March 2005, it has achieved an annualised compound Sterling return of 4.3 per cent. for its Sterling Share Class. Over the same period the Company's Sterling Share Class annualised volatility has been some 5.5 per cent. and its "beta", namely the extent to which its returns are driven by a particular market or index, to the FTSE All Share Index has been approximately 0.23 and to the Citigroup UK Gilt Index, -0.19, both of which are low.

The table below gives details of the Company's Sterling Share Class monthly NAV performance since 1st March 2005 (the launch date):

         Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Oct      Nov      Dec      YTD 
2012    1.16%    0.80%    0.36%                                                                                     2.32% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2011    0.02%    0.61%   (0.11)%   0.33%   -0.58%   -0.80%   -0.49%   -1.98%   -1.67%    1.06%   -0.71%   -0.95%    -5.18% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2010   (0.14)%   0.36%    1.56%    0.71%   (2.34)%  (1.65)%   0.55%   (0.11)%   1.21%    1.09%    0.43%    1.40%    3.05% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2009    1.71%   (0.83)%   0.67%    1.85%    3.73%    0.01%    2.30%    1.57%    1.79%    0.37%    0.61%    0.04%    14.64% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2008   (0.77)%   1.83%   (2.38)%   1.20%    2.13%    1.53%   (1.67)%  (1.01)%  (5.50)%  (6.37)%  (0.80)%  (1.68)%  (13.04)% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2007    1.11%    1.98%    0.83%    1.32%    1.86%    1.06%    2.28%   (0.27)%   1.54%    3.46%    0.52%    1.15%    18.14% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2006    2.08%   (0.10)%   1.34%    1.53%   (0.87)%  (0.54)%   0.26%    0.27%    0.00%    1.09%    1.39%    0.82%    7.46% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 
2005      -        -     (0.04)%  (1.25)%   0.32%    1.62%    1.65%    0.97%    1.96%   (1.31)%   1.11%    1.21%    6.34% 
       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------- 

The Portfolio

It is the Company's policy to invest in a diversified portfolio of hedge funds. As at 31st March 2012 the Company had holdings in 35* Hedge Funds across 9 different strategies. Eight new funds were purchased and four were redeemed in full.

Over the year, the proportion of Absolute Value funds included in the Company's portfolio has reduced by approximately 5.6 per cent. to approximately 59.4 per cent. as at 31st March 2012.

* Refers to holdings greater than 25 basis points of Assets under Management.

Market Review>

The year was dominated by overarching macroeconomic and political concerns, manifested in a series of major events that resulted in huge swings in sentiment as investors struggled to interpret the implications of the rapidly escalating Eurozone debt crisis, the prospect of austerity-induced global recession and the likelihood of a hard landing in China. 2012 began on a more positive footing as investors were cheered by the prospect of the Greek debt deal and the Federal Reserve's pledge to leave short-term interest rates low at least until 2014. In addition funding pressure on the beleaguered financial system started to ease in response to the ECB's expanded bank liquidity programme (LTRO).

>Source: Bloomberg

The MSCI World index rose by 1.3 per cent. during the year, but this fact obscures the periods of tremendous volatility and heightened correlation seen in equity markets as investors reacted to the unfolding political machinations. Indices such as the S&P 500 were somewhat cushioned by the presence of mega-cap defensive components like Utilities and Healthcare, but the Eurostoxx 50 declined 15 per cent. and the MSCI Emerging Markets index lost around 6.4 per cent.

Treasury yields hit all-time lows during the year, as US government debt, despite being downgraded, remained investors' preferred safe haven. By contrast, European sovereign credit spreads widened over the period as the debt crisis started to impact the core European nations as well as those on the periphery.

Commodity markets were highly volatile. Crude oil prices rose and fell with the macroeconomic sentiment, with Brent prices ending the period 7 per cent. higher. By contrast Natural Gas prices declined 49 per cent. The price of gold ended 16.5 per cent. higher, having risen over 33 per cent. to set a new all time high as risk aversion peaked in August. Having held up for much of the period, the Euro eventually lost ground, hitting a 10-year low against the Japanese Yen and dropping 6 per cent. against the US dollar.

Hedge Fund Strategies

With the exception of the Equity Long Bias managers, all strategies struggled to make gains, with Equity Hedged and Event Driven accounting for the majority of the losses.

The Macro strategy was mixed as managers grappled with markets increasingly driven by politics rather than economics. The divergence of Eurozone sovereign credit and the banking sector's continued stress created opportunities for some managers whose bearish positions worked well. A fixed income orientated manager also performed well generating gains primarily from directional trades in US and European interest rates, as well as from US yield curve trades. Poor trading of high-yield credit and equity positions in the first half of the year detracted for one manager, while the greatest losses resulted from commodity positions, notably in energy and precious metals.

The Equity Long Bias strategy made money. Despite being exposed to periods of broad market sell-off, losses in managers' long books were mitigated to some extent by judicious short positions. Both managers were well positioned to profit from the rally in equities in the second half of the financial year which also saw their stock selection skills once again rewarded as markets displayed signs of discriminating between stocks based on fundamentals. Notable winning positions were in Chemicals and Industrials names, as well as Healthcare.

The Equity Hedged managers saw a wide range of outcomes but lost money overall. Tactical trading and individual security selection, rather than net market exposure, differentiated the best and worst performers, as managers grappled with the extreme levels of volatility and correlation. Technology and Healthcare positions worked well for some managers while the biggest detractors were managers who sustained losses in Financials, Telecoms and Energy names. Towards the end of the period, the strategy started to perform well, despite managers maintaining a constrained level of market exposure, as company specific events resulted in price outperformance for long and short positions.

As of 1st January 2012 we have removed the distinction between high and low volatility in the classification of our Equity Hedged managers. We do not believe the Equity Hedged Low Volatility strategy is well suited to the current market conditions that we expect to persist for some time, and as part of the changes made to the portfolio during the past year, these managers have been redeemed.

Short Bias managers lost money overall but were able to exploit the more discriminating markets towards the end of the period and generate idiosyncratic gains that went someway to offset their net short positions. In particular, exposure to Chinese names worked well as did certain US cyclical companies that announced disappointing quarterly results.

Specialist Credit managers suffered mark to market losses in the sell-off in credit markets in the first half of the year, and despite good performance in the final quarter, the strategy finished the period marginally down. While most managers were positioned with low net exposure in defensive names and managed to broadly protect capital, the performance was largely driven by distressed debt positions, which lost ground in the first half but started to generate good gains towards year end, notably in situations connected with litigation and liquidations.

Event Driven managers were down in aggregate over the period, despite finishing the year strongly. The activist managers performed well, seeing gains at several of their underlying invested companies, derived largely from corporate restructurings brought about by their intervention. The greatest detractor was a residual holding in a manager whose investment in a wireless Telecoms business was significantly written down after the company suffered a significant delay to its ambitious expansion plans.

Multiple Strategy funds were also down overall. Energy-related commodity positions initially made money that were ultimately subsumed by losses from long precious metals positions later in the period. Structured credit positions did well generally but equities proved more problematic. The strategy started 2012 well with all managers making broad-based gains.

Portfolio Liquidity

The table below shows the expected liquidity profile of the portfolio(#) on a cash settled basis.

 Expected time to cash flow Proportion    Proportion 
 Within 3 months                               13.3% 
 3 to 6 months                                 65.3% 
 6 to 12 months                               10.9 % 
 Greater than 12 months                        10.5% 
 Total                                        100.0% 

The table has been created assuming that (i) redemption notice had been given to all underlying funds as at 31st March 2012; (ii) a one-month period elapses before settlement of redemption is made by the underlying funds; (iii) any "audit holdbacks" permitted by an underlying fund's redemption terms are imposed in full; (iv) any applicable "soft lock-up" fees of 5 per cent. or under would be paid by the Company; (v) where there is currently no firm indication from the underlying manager on the expected timing of the receipt of redemption proceeds, the relevant amount is included in the "greater than 12 months" category. Cash and short-term receivables are included in the "0-3 months" category.

We believe that the liquidity profile is conservative because, in practice, settlement periods tend to be shorter and audit holdbacks are not always imposed. However, it should still be emphasised both that the information in the table is based on estimates and also that it may not be an indication of the Company portfolio's future liquidity. In anticipation of the forthcoming winding up process, the Manager, with the Board's approval, has served redemption notices at the end of June on those funds in the Company's portfolio which have notice periods of 90 days or more in order to facilitate the return of cash to shareholders in a timely fashion, in the event that the winding up proposal is approved in the EGM.

Proposal to Discontinue

Since the financial year end, the Board has decided to propose that the Company does not seek continuation at the AGM in light of the persistency of the discount of the Company's share price. We are working with the Board to prepare proposals for an orderly wind-down of the portfolio. The proposals will be included in a circular which will be circulated to shareholders as soon as practicable.

#For the purposes of comparison with other funds which may prepare their liquidity disclosures on a value-date basis (which excludes settlement periods) rather than a cash-settled basis as used above, the relevant percentages for the Company portfolio on a value-date basis as at 31st March 2012 are: under three months 73 per cent.; between three and twelve months 17 per cent.; greater than twelve months 10 per cent.

Fauchier Partners LLP

28th June 2012


Directors of the Company

The Directors of the Company, all of whom are non-executive, are listed below.

Andrew Sykes (Chairman), age 54, was a director of Schroders plc from 1998 to 2004, having joined Schroders in 1978. He was responsible for Schroders' private banking and alternative investments businesses, including hedge funds, property, private equity and structured products. Mr Sykes is Chairman of Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust Limited (previously Invista Foundation Property Trust) and a non-executive director of Record plc, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, SVG Capital plc and JPMorgan Asian Investment Trust plc. Mr Sykes was appointed to the Board on 21st January 2005.

Nicholas Fry, age 65, was a director of S.G. Warburg & Co. from 1983 to 1995 and of SBC Warburg (now part of UBS AG) from 1995 to 1996, having joined S.G. Warburg & Co. in 1976. Mr Fry was responsible for a broad range of public takeover, merger and acquisition, capital markets and general financial advisory work, mainly for large listed companies in the UK and overseas. He was a partner of KPMG from 1998 to 2002 and Vice Chairman of KPMG Corporate Finance until March 2005. He is a non-executive director of Blackrock Smaller Companies Trust plc and Pochin's PLC. He is a Chartered Accountant. Mr Fry was appointed to the Board on 21st January 2005.

Robert King, age 49, is a non-executive director for a variety of investment funds and companies. He was a director of Cannon Asset Management Limited and their associated companies, from October 2007 to February 2011 responsible for company secretarial and fund services. Prior to this he was a director of Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited (formerly Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited) where he worked from September 1990 to January 2007. He has been in the offshore finance industry since 1986 specialising in administration and structuring of offshore open and closed ended investment funds. Mr King is a Guernsey resident and was appointed to the Board on 21st January 2005.

Nicholas Moss, age 52, is a founding member of the Virtus Trust Group, a Guernsey based fiduciary, corporate services and investment consulting business. Prior to establishing Virtus, Mr Moss was a managing director within the Rothschild Trust Group in Guernsey, where he spent 16 years structuring and administering complex onshore and offshore trusts for corporates and ultra high net worth families. He has wide experience in the selection of investment managers for his clients and the subsequent evaluation and monitoring of these portfolios. He holds several non-executive Board appointments. Mr Moss is a Chartered Accountant and a Guernsey resident. Mr Moss was appointed to the Board on 23rd February 2006.

Robin Rumboll, age 72, was a partner in Coopers & Lybrand in Jersey from 1965 to 1985 specialising in audit and compliance functions within the banking and investment management sector. In addition, he served as the international audit liaison partner and was responsible for introducing global audit standards. From 1981 to 1996 he was an elected member of the States of Jersey and held numerous senior positions within the legislature, including the Presidency of the Education Committee and the President of Jersey Telecoms. He currently holds a number of non-executive directorships within the financial services sector. Mr Rumboll was appointed to the Board on 21st January 2005.

Graham Harrison, age 47, is a founder member and managing director of Asset Risk Consultants Limited, a Channel Island based investment consulting services company set up in 1995. Prior to returning to Guernsey, he worked in London for HSBC in their corporate finance division between 1987 to 1993, where he specialised in corporate finance and financial engineering. He is a non-executive director of a number of listed and unlisted investment vehicles including the London listed BH Global Limited, Close Enhanced Commodities Fund II Limited, ISIS Property Trust Limited and Real Estate Credit Investments Limited. He is Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and a resident of Guernsey. Mr. Harrison was appointed to the Board on 1st January 2012.


The following summarises the Directors' directorships in other public companies:

    Company Name                                     Stock Exchange 
  Andrew Sykes 
    JP Morgan Asian Investment 
     Trust plc                                       London 
    Record plc                                       London 
    Schroder Real Estate Investment 
     Trust Limited                                   London and Channel Islands 
    SVG Capital plc                                  London 
 Nicholas Fry 
    Blackrock Smaller Companies 
     Trust Plc                                       London 
    Pochin's PLC                                     London 
 Robert King 
    Clarion 1 IC Limited                             Ireland 
    Clarion 2 IC Limited                             Ireland 
    Clarion 3 IC Limited                             Ireland 
    Clarion 4 IC Limited                             Ireland 
    Golden Prospect Precious 
     Metals Limited                                  London 
    Jubilee Absolute Return Fund 
     PCC Limited                                     Ireland 
    Jubilee Absolute Return Master 
     Fund Limited                                    Ireland 
    Praetorian Resources 
     Limited                                         London 
    Renaissance Russia Infrastructure 
     Equities Ltd                                    London 
    Sienna Investment Company 
     2 Limited                                       Channel Islands 
    Sienna Investment Company 
     3 Limited                                       Channel Islands 
    Sienna Investment Company 
     4 Limited                                       Channel Islands 
    Sienna Investment Company 
     Limited                                         Channel Islands 
    Thames River Alternative 
     Strategies Limited                              Channel Islands 
    Thames River Africa Focus 
     Fund Limited                                    Channel Islands 
    Thames River Warrior Fund 
     Limited                                         Channel Islands 
    Thames River Warrior II Fund 
     Limited                                         Channel Islands 
    Thames River Property Growth & 
     Income Fund Limited                           Channel Islands 
    Thames River Isis Fund Limited                   Ireland 
    Thames River Longstone Fund 
     Limited                                         Ireland 
 Nicholas Moss 
    BH Global Limited                                London, Bermuda and Dubai 
    Carador Income Fund 
     Plc                                             London 
 Robin Rumboll 
 Graham Harrison 
    BH Global Limited                                London, Bermuda and Dubai 
    ISIS Property Trust 
     Limited                                         London and Channel Islands 
    Real Estate Credit Investments 
     Limited                                         London 
    Close Enhanced Commodities 
     Fund II Limited                                 London 


The Directors present their Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2012 which have been properly prepared in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

Business Review

Principal activity

Absolute Return Trust Limited (the "Company") is a Guernsey authorised closed-ended investment company with a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange (the "LSE"). Trading in the Company's Redeemable Participating Preference Shares commenced on 23rd February 2005.

The Company operates a Share Conversion Scheme which allows Shareholders of any one class of Shares to convert all or part of their holdings into any other class of Share.

The table below shows the shares converted at the request of existing Shareholders during the year, the Net Asset Value per share date used for the conversion and the date the shares were listed on the LSE.

              Number of   Number of                     Date 
               Sterling        Euro                      listed 
                                      NAV per share 
 Date            Shares      Shares    date             on LSE 
 1st April 
  2011          400,372   (615,666)   31st March 2011   6th May 2011 
 1st July                                               9th August 
  2011          153,657   (231,755)   30th June 2011     2011 

The Company operates a Share Buyback Programme whereby it may purchase, subject to various terms as set out in its Articles and in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, up to 14.99 per cent. of its existing Share Capital following the admission of the Shares to trading on the LSE's market for listed securities.

During the year to 31st March 2012, the Company repurchased 14,702,500 million Sterling shares and 180,000 Euro shares under the Share Buyback Programme representing 7.91 per cent. and 1.56 per cent., respectively, of the issued Share Capital.

Investment Objective and Policy

The Company's investment objective is to achieve a target return of three month Sterling LIBOR plus five per cent. over a rolling five year period, while keeping annualised volatility below 6.0 per cent. Capital preservation is a priority. The Company's investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of hedge funds whilst hedging all foreign currency assets back into Sterling. A foreign exchange and borrowing facility is available to the Company as described in Note 11.

Following the recent recommendation of the Board not to seek continuation of the Company, proposals will shortly be put to shareholders for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down. These proposals constitute a material change to the Company's investment policy and will require shareholder approval before they can be implemented. The Company is currently taking legal and financial advice regarding the wind-down process.

Key Performance Indicators ('KPIs')

The Board uses two main financial KPIs to monitor and assess the performance of the Company. These KPIs are:

   --      Performance compared to LIBOR 

This is the most important KPI for the measurement of investment returns.

   --      Annualised volatility 

This is the most important KPI for measuring the amount of risk being taken by the Manager.

Since its inception in March 2005, the annualised compound growth rate in the NAV of the Company's Sterling Share Class has been 4.3 per cent., equivalent to LIBOR plus 1 per cent. per annum, compared with our objective of LIBOR plus 5.0 per cent. per annum over rolling five year periods. Volatility over this period has been some 5.5 per cent. per annum for the Sterling Share Class, which is in line with the Company's guideline ceiling of 6.0 per cent. per annum. The Board also monitors the performance of the Company against its peers.

Discount/Premium to Net Asset Value

The Board monitors the level of the share price discount/premium to NAV. The Board has a number of discount control mechanisms at its disposal which are set out in Note 15.

Shareholder Information

The Company announces its unaudited Net Asset Value on a monthly basis and estimated Net Asset Values are also provided by the Manager weekly. A monthly report on investment performance is published on the Company's website www.absolute-funds.com.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

With the assistance of the Administrator and the Manager the Board has drawn up a risk matrix, which identifies the key risks to the Company. These fall into the following broad categories:

-- Investment Risks: The Company is exposed to the risk that its portfolio fails to perform in line with the Company's objectives if it is inappropriately invested. The Board reviews reports from the Manager at each quarterly Board meeting, paying particular attention to the diversification of the portfolio and to the performance and volatility of underlying investments. The Board also reviews reports provided by the Manager at each quarterly Board meeting on the sources of return and the correlations between individual investments.

-- Operational Risks: The Company is exposed to the risks arising from any failure of systems and controls in the operations of the Manager or the Administrator. The Board receives reports annually from the Manager and Administrator on their internal controls and reviews pricing reports covering the valuations of underlying investments at each quarterly Board meeting.

-- Accounting, Legal and Regulatory Risks: The Company is exposed to risk if it fails to comply with the regulations of the UK Listing Authority or if it fails to maintain accurate accounting records. The Administrator provides the Board with regular reports on changes in regulations and accounting requirements.

-- Financial Risks: The financial risks, including market, credit and liquidity risk faced by the Company are set out in Note 22. These risks and the controls in place to mitigate them are reviewed at each quarterly Board meeting.

Going Concern

The Directors have examined significant areas of possible financial risk including cash requirements arising from foreign exchange hedging activities and share redemptions or share repurchases. As at 31st March 2012 the Company's Share price was trading at a discount of 9.3 per cent. to Net Asset Value for the Sterling Share Class and 13.9 per cent. to Net Asset Value for the Euro Share Class, and stood at a discount of more than 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March 2012. The discount control provisions established when the Company was launched require a continuation vote to be proposed to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting when the Company's discount has exceeded 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March, and such vote requires not less than 50 per cent. of the total voting rights cast on the resolution to be in favour in order for the company to continue in its current format. If the resolution is not passed, the Directors are required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders within six months of such resolution being defeated for the winding up or other reorganisation or reconstruction of the Company. After extensive shareholder consultation, the Board has resolved not to seek continuation of the Company.

The winding up proposal will remove all existing obligations to propose continuation votes and will be replaced with the objective of making distributions to shareholders following which the Company will be placed into members' voluntary liquidation.

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a non going concern basis reflecting the proposal to shareholders to wind-down the Company. Accordingly, the going concern basis of accounting is no longer considered appropriate. All assets and liabilities are carried at the expected net realisable values. The investments are expected to be realised in an orderly manner at fair value without significant liquidity discounts. A provision for winding up costs has not been included in these Financial Statements as the estimate of these costs is still currently being determined. However, these are not expected to be material.


The results for the year are set out in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The Directors do not propose an income distribution for the year (31st March 2011: nil).

Manager and Investment Advisor

The Manager is entitled to a management fee of 1.0 per cent. per annum calculated monthly on the gross assets of the Company. In addition, the Manager will also be entitled to a performance fee if the Net Asset Value per Share for each Share Class at the end of a performance period (31st March each year) exceeds certain conditions as set out in Note 7.


The Directors of the Company during the year and at the date of this Report are set out in the Management and Administration Summary.

Directors' and Other Interests

As at 31st March 2012, Directors of the Company held the following numbers of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares beneficially:

 Directors             Shares      Shares 
                    31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
 Andrew Sykes         174,790     174,790 
 Nicholas Fry         190,000     190,000 
 Robert King           38,150      38,150 
 Nicholas Moss            Nil         Nil 
 Robin Rumboll        200,000     200,000 
 Graham Harrison       10,000         Nil 

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Directors' Report and the Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare Financial Statements for each financial year. Under that law they have elected to prepare the Financial Statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and applicable law.

The Financial Statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period.

In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to:

   -        select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   -        make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

- state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial Statements; and

- prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.

Directors' Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above requirements in preparing the Financial Statements and that to the best of their knowledge and belief:

(a) The Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Company; and

(b) The Management Report (comprising the Chairman's Statement, Investment Advisor's and Directors' Reports) include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that the Company faces.

The Directors recognise their responsibilities stated above.

Disclosure of Information to Auditors

The Directors who held office at the date of approval of these Financial Statements confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and each Director has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's auditor is aware of that information.

Corporate Governance

The Company is a member of The Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") and reports against the Principles and recommendations set out in the AIC Code of Corporate Governance ("AIC Code").

Currently, the UK Listing Authority requires all overseas companies with a "Premium listing" (which includes the Company) to "comply or explain" against the UK Corporate Governance Code.

The Board of the Company has considered the principles and recommendations of the AIC by reference to the AIC Corporate Governance Guide for Investment Companies ("AIC Guide"). The AIC Code, as explained by the AIC Guide, addresses all the principles set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code, as well as setting out additional principles and recommendations on issues that are of specific relevance to the Company.

The Board considers that reporting against the principles and recommendations of the AIC Code, and by reference to the AIC Guide (which incorporates the UK Corporate Governance Code), will provide better information to Shareholders.

The Company has complied with the recommendations of the AIC Code and the relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code, except for the following:

The UK Corporate Governance Code includes provisions relating to:

   --      the role of the chief executive 
   --      executive directors' remuneration 
   --      the need for an internal audit function 

For the reasons set out in the AIC Guide, and as explained in the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Board considers these provisions are not relevant to the position of the Company, being an externally managed investment company. The Company has therefore not reported further in respect of these provisions.

Details of compliance are noted below. There have been no instances of non-compliance, other than those noted above.

On 30th September 2011 the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("GFSC") issued a new Code of Corporate Governance (the "GFSC Code") which came into effect on 1st January 2012. The GFSC Code replaces the existing GFSC Guidance on Corporate Governance in the Finance Sector ("GFSC Guide"). The GFSC Code provides a framework that applies to all entities licensed by the GFSC or which are registered or authorised as a collective investment scheme. Companies reporting against the UK Corporate Governance Code or the AIC Code are deemed to comply with the GFSC Code.

Composition and Independence of the Board

The Board currently consists of six non-executive Directors, all of whom are independent of the Manager with the exception of Robert King and Robin Rumboll. Under the AIC Code, Robert King and Robin Rumboll are not considered to be independent by reason of their appointment as Directors of other companies with the same Manager however the Board takes the view that they are independent in judgement and character. The Chairman of the Board is Andrew Sykes. In considering the independence of the Chairman, the Board has taken note of the provisions of the AIC Code relating to independence and has determined that Mr Sykes is an Independent Director. The Board has designated Nicholas Fry as the Senior Independent Director.

The Company has no employees and therefore there is no requirement for a chief executive.

The Board is responsible for the appointment and monitoring of all service providers to the Company. Between formal meetings there is regular contact with the Manager and the Investment Advisor.

The Directors are kept fully informed of investment and financial controls and other matters that are relevant to the business of the Company and should be brought to the attention of the Directors. The Directors also have access to the Secretary and, where necessary in the furtherance of their duties, to independent professional advice at the expense of the Company.

The Board holds quarterly Board meetings and the Audit Committee meets at least twice a year. In addition, there were a number of ad hoc meetings of the Board to review specific items between the regular scheduled quarterly meetings.

Attendance at the Board and Audit Committee meetings during the year was as follows:

                of Meetings   Andrew   Nicholas   Robert   Nicholas      Robin       Graham 
                       held    Sykes        Fry     King       Moss    Rumboll    Harrison* 
  Meetings                5        4          4        4          5          5            1 
 Meetings                 3        3          3        3          3          3            1 

*Appointed 1st January 2012

At the Board meetings the Directors review the management of the Company's assets and all other significant matters so as to ensure that the Directors maintain overall control and supervision of the Company's affairs. During the year there were also three Audit Committee meetings held.

The Board has a breadth of experience relevant to the Company and the Directors believe that any changes to the Board's composition can be managed without undue disruption. With any new director appointment to the Board consideration will be given as to whether an induction process is appropriate.

Board Performance

The Company conducted a review of the effectiveness of the Board during the year using an independent advisor. The review concluded that the members of the Board complemented each other and functioned effectively as a Board.

Retirement by Rotation

In accordance with Article 75 of the Company's Articles of Association, at each Annual General Meeting one-third of the Directors shall retire from office via rotation and it is also the Board's policy that directors offer themselves for re-election after no more than three years in office. Those Directors who are deemed not be independent under the terms of the AIC Code offer themselves for re-election on an annual basis. Accordingly on 27th September 2011 at the 6th Annual General Meeting of the Company, each of Nicholas Fry, Robert King and Robin Rumboll retired as a Director of the Company and being eligible had offered themselves for re-election and each was re-elected as a Director of the Company by the Shareholders.

The Board believes that long serving Directors should not be prevented from forming part of an independent majority of the Board and propose that upon reaching nine years service the Board will document continuing independence discussions in relation to such Directors as part of the annual Board self evaluation and will disclose its conclusions in future Directors' Reports. Robin Rumboll is intending to stand down at the AGM to be held in 2012 and the Board has appointed Graham Harrison effective 1st January 2012.

Management Committee

The Board has not deemed it necessary to appoint a management committee as a result of being comprised wholly of non-executive Directors. The Board is responsible for the review of the terms of the Investment Management Agreement between the Company and the Manager, and to ensure that the terms are competitive, fair and reasonable for the Shareholders. This includes the review of performance of the Investment Manager relative to the agreed benchmark, performance of key service providers, the level of effectiveness of any marketing support provided and any other topics referred to it by the Board.

The Board has reviewed the performance and capabilities of the Manager and is satisfied that the continued appointment of Fauchier Partners Management Limited and Fauchier Partners LLP as Manager and Investment Advisor respectively, is in the interest of shareholders.

Audit Committee

An audit committee has been established consisting of all Directors with Nicholas Fry appointed as Chairman. The terms of reference of the audit committee provide that the committee shall be responsible, amongst other things, for reviewing the Interim and Annual Financial Statements, considering the appointment and independence of external auditors, discussing with the external auditors the scope of the audit and reviewing the Company's compliance with the AIC Code. The Board is satisfied that the audit committee contains members with sufficient recent and relevant financial reporting experience. Other expenses disclosed in the Statement of Comprehensive Income includes fees for annual audit related services amounting to GBP25,270 and interim review fees amounting to GBP10,868. There were no non-audit fees incurred during the year.

Nomination Committee

The Board has not deemed it necessary to appoint a nomination committee as a result of being comprised wholly of non-executive Directors. The Board as a whole fulfils the function of a nomination committee. Any proposal for a new Director will be discussed and approved by the Board.

Remuneration Committee

As all the Directors are non-executive, the Board has resolved that it is not appropriate to form a remuneration committee and remuneration is reviewed and discussed by the Board as a whole with independent advice. Directors' remuneration is considered on an annual basis.

Directors' and Officers' liability insurance cover is maintained by the Company on behalf of the Directors.

Internal Controls

The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company's system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by the Company. This process has been in place for the period under review and up to the date of approval of this Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements and is reviewed by the Board and accords with The AIC Code. The AIC Code requires Directors to conduct at least annually a review of the Company's system of internal control, covering all controls, including financial, operational, compliance and risk management.

The Board has reviewed the effectiveness of the systems of internal control. In particular, it has reviewed and updated the process for identifying and evaluating the significant risks affecting the Company and the policies by which these risks are managed. The Board also considers whether the appointment of an internal auditor is required and has determined that there is no requirement for a direct internal audit function. The internal control systems are designed to meet the Company's particular needs and the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly, the internal control systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and by their nature can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against misstatement and loss.

Significant Shareholdings

Shareholders with holdings of more than 3.0 per cent. of the Sterling and Euro Redeemable Participating Preference Shares of the Company at 28th June 2012 were as follows:

                                            of       of Issued 
                                      Sterling        Sterling 
                                        Shares   Share Capital 
 Quilter Nominees 
  Limited                           16,797,504           10.96 
 Chase Nominees Limited - 
  CAZCAP                            14,335,629            9.36 
 Lynchwood Nominees Limited - 
  a/c# 2006420                       9,187,354            6.00 
 Quilter Nominees Limited 
  - GRS                              8,607,145            5.62 
 Rathbone Nominees Limited           8,137,031            5.31 
 JP Morgan Securities Limited 
  - JPCREPON                         7,276,106            4.75 
 Harewood Nominees Limited - a/c 
  # 4547000                          6,980,530            4.56 
 Chase Nominees 
  Limited                            5,869,282            3.83 
                                                    of       of Issued 
                                                  Euro            Euro 
                                                Shares   Share Capital 
 Securities Services Nominees Limited 
  - a/c # 2060000                            7,796,500           82.84 
 Securities Services Nominees Limited 
  - a/c # 2300000                              546,580            5.81 
 The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited 
 - BIL                                         359,956            3.82 
 The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited 
 - a/c# 055404                                 326,145            3.47 

Those invested directly or indirectly in 3.0 per cent. or more of the issued share capital of the Company will not have different voting rights from other holders of Shares.

Relations with Shareholders

The Investment Advisor maintains a regular dialogue with institutional shareholders, the feedback from which is reported to the Board and the Chairman has also met with a number of major shareholders in the course of the year. In addition, Board members will be available to respond to shareholders' questions at the Annual General Meeting.

Andrew Sykes Nicholas Fry

12th July 2012 12th July 2012



An ordinary resolution for the approval of the annual remuneration report will be put to the Shareholders at the

annual general meeting to be held in 2012.

Remuneration Policy

All Directors are non-executive and a Remuneration Committee has not been established. The Board as a whole considers matters relating to the Directors' remuneration with independent advice.

The Articles of Association provide that unless otherwise determined by ordinary resolution, the number of the Directors shall not be less than two and the aggregate remuneration of all Directors in any twelve month period, or pro rata for any lesser period shall not exceed GBP150,000 or such higher amount as may be approved by ordinary resolution. Subject to this overall limit, it is the Board's policy to determine the level of Directors' fees having regard to the fees payable to non-executive directors in the industry generally, the role that individual Directors fulfil in respect of Board and Committee responsibilities and time committed to the Company's affairs.

The Directors shall also be entitled to be repaid all reasonable out of pocket expenses properly incurred by them in or with a view to the performance of their duties or in attending meetings of the Board or of committees or general meetings.

The Board shall have the power at any time to appoint any person to be a Director, either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing Directors, but so that the total number of Directors may not at any time exceed the number fixed pursuant to the Articles of Association. Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting and shall then be eligible for re-election.


Up until 30th September 2011, each Director was paid a fee of GBP22,000 (31st March 2011: GBP22,000) per annum, except for the Chairman who was paid GBP32,000 (31st March 2011: GBP32,000) and the Audit Committee Chairman who was paid GBP27,000 (31st March 2011: GBP27,000). Effective 1st October 2011, fees were increased to GBP24,250 for each Director, GBP35,000 for the Chairman and GBP29,500 for the Audit Committee Chairman.

For the years ended 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2011, the Directors' fees were as follows:

                                    2012     2011 
                                     GBP      GBP 
 Andrew Sykes (Chairman)          33,500   32,000 
 Nicholas Fry (Audit Committee 
  Chairman)                       28,250   27,000 
 Nicholas Moss                    23,125   22,000 
 Robert King                      23,125   22,000 
 Robin Rumboll                    23,125   22,000 
 Graham Harrison                   6,063      Nil 

Signed on behalf of the Board by:

Andrew Sykes

Nicholas Fry

12th July 2012


As at 31st March 2012

The Company's investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of hedge funds. There are no limits to the size of the hedge funds in which the Company may invest and these funds may be closed or open ended.


The Manager seeks to obtain diversification by investing in a number of different hedge funds across various strategies and styles. Although the exact number of funds used may vary over time, the Directors intend that the Company's portfolio will comprise no less than 20 different hedge funds representing a variety of different strategies. In practice, it is expected that the portfolio will include some 30 different funds based in North America, Europe and in Asia. The Company may, from time to time, hold cash or cash equivalents at the Manager's discretion.

Asset Allocation

The Manager, upon the advice of the Investment Advisor, invests the Company's assets in the following principal hedge fund strategy groups:

-- Absolute Value Strategies, which include funds investing in a combination of long and short positions. This group includes (but is not limited to): Macro funds; Equity Long Bias funds; Equity Hedged Volatility funds; Short Bias funds; and Specialist Credit funds;

-- Relative Value Strategies, which seek to exploit anomalies in the pricing of two or more related securities. This group includes (but is not limited to): Event Driven funds; Volatility Trading and Fixed Income funds; and

-- Multiple Strategy funds, which invest in situations combining elements of both Absolute Value and Relative Value approaches.

The Manager, upon the advice of the Investment Advisor, does not adopt a prescriptive approach to strategy allocation and, while the Directors would normally expect the Company's portfolio to be diversified across some 10 strategies, there are no formal target weightings to strategies, although no single strategy would represent more than 50.0 per cent. of the Company's gross assets. (See the Investment Advisor's report for the current strategy allocation.)

The Manager does not attempt to time or predict the direction of markets. Its objective is to allocate to strategies according to its perception of the potential which exists to generate returns in any particular strategy over a given period of time. For example, if there is little merger and acquisition activity, it will be very difficult for hedge fund managers active in this area to generate returns and the emphasis of the portfolio would be altered accordingly.

As an alternative to direct investment in hedge funds, or where hedge funds are closed to new investment, the Manager, on the advice of the Investment Advisor, may invest indirectly through "managed accounts" established with portfolio managers with individual investment discretion. Such investments are made in the shares of separately established special purpose companies with limited liability. As the managed accounts are structured as separate limited liability companies, the liability of the Company is, in each case, limited to the value of its shareholding in that special purpose company. Not more than 10.0 per cent. of the Company's gross assets may, in aggregate, be invested in any single managed account or accounts or with any single portfolio manager or fund.


The Company has the ability to borrow up to 20.0 per cent. of its adjusted total of capital and reserves for short-term or temporary purposes as is necessary for the settlement of transactions, to facilitate redemption (where applicable) or to meet ongoing expenses. The Directors have put in place a foreign exchange and borrowing facility for this purpose. The Company does not have any structural gearing. The Company is indirectly exposed to gearing to the extent that investee funds are themselves geared. Cash (if any) will be held in G8 currency-denominated accounts.


In accordance with the requirements of the UK Listing Authority, any material change in the investment policy of the Company may only be made with the approval of shareholders.

Following the recent recommendation of the Board not to seek continuation of the Company, proposals will shortly be put to shareholders for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down. These proposals constitute a material change to the Company's investment policy and will require shareholder approval before they can be implemented. The Company is currently taking legal and financial advice and a circular convening an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") to seek such approval is being prepared.


As at 31st March 2012

 Hedge Funds 
                                                    No. of                              Proportion 
                                                    shares                       % of      of fund 
                                                   held on   Fair Value         Total        owned 
                                    Currency     31.3.2012          GBP    Net Assets            % 
 Pershing Square International, 
 Ltd                                   USD        6,503.78    9,864,577          4.65         0.26 
 Roundkeep Global Fund 
  LP                                   USD       15,525.90    9,642,344          4.55         1.63 
 SEG Partners Offshore 
  Ltd                                  USD       65,716.95    9,479,989          4.47         1.50 
 Knighthead Offshore Fund 
  Ltd                                  USD       10,437.35    9,264,935          4.37         0.92 
 Criterion Capital Partners 
  Ltd                                  USD       79,548.99    9,092,918          4.29         2.28 
 Brevan Howard Fund Ltd                USD       48,590.24    8,937,838          4.21         0.07 
 OZ Europe Overseas II 
  Fund, Ltd                            USD       12,395.96    8,850,441          4.17         1.08 
 Dabroes Offshore Investment 
  Fund Ltd                             USD       14,281.00    8,848,267          4.17         1.92 
 Brahman Partner II Offshore, 
  Ltd                                  USD       14,310.00    8,758,409          4.13         2.30 
 Empyrean Capital Partners 
  LP                                   USD       14,294.44    8,539,469          4.03         1.03 


As at 31st March 2012

                                                                           % of 
                                                                          Total   % of Total 
                                                                          Value        Value 
                                                                             of           of 
                                               No. of 
                                               shares                   Company      Company 
 Description                                  held on    Fair Value       as at        as at 
                                            31.3.2012           GBP   31.3.2012    31.3.2011 
 Hedge Funds 
 Bay Resource Partners Offshore 
  Fund, Ltd                                  1,580.77     7,650,321        3.60 
 Brahman Partner II Offshore, 
  Ltd                                       14,310.00     8,758,409        4.13 
 Brevan Howard Fund Ltd                     48,590.24     8,937,838        4.21 
 CFIP Overseas Fund, Ltd                     2,526.09     2,044,775        0.96 
 Claren Road Credit Fund Ltd                     3.00     1,853,719        0.87 
 Comac Global Macro Fund Ltd                85,738.27     8,505,547        4.01 
 Criterion Capital Partners 
  Ltd                                       79,548.99     9,092,918        4.29 
 Dabroes Offshore Investment 
  Fund Ltd                                  14,281.00     8,848,267        4.17 
 Drawbridge Global Alpha V 
  Fund Ltd                                     125.49       159,953        0.08 
 Drawbridge Global Macro Fund 
  Ltd                                          226.65       128,688        0.06 
 Dymon Asia Macro Fund                       9,980.00     6,111,489        2.88 
 Elm Ridge Value Partners 
  Offshore Fund, Inc                        57,271.79     7,869,297        3.71 
 Empyrean Capital Partners 
  LP                                        14,294.44     8,539,469        4.03 
 Farallon Capital Management 
  LLC                                            1.00       807,385        0.38 
 Fauchier Partners Counterpoint 
  Fund Ltd *                                14,976.97     6,838,196        3.22 
 Fauchier Partners Incubator 
  Fund Ltd *                                59,750.99     5,759,879        2.72 
 Fortress Commodities Fund                   8,873.81     4,856,057        2.29 
 Fortress Macro Offshore LP                 10,582.60     6,799,299        3.21 
 Harbinger Capital Partners 
  Offshore Fund I, Ltd                       6,496.21     1,310,978        0.62 
 Highbridge Asia Opportunities 
  Fund, Ltd                                     22.12       159,917        0.08 
 Knighthead Offshore Fund 
  Ltd                                       10,437.35     9,264,935        4.37 
 Lansdowne Global Fund Limited              33,224.27     5,022,591        2.37 
 Lansdowne UK Equity Fund 
  Limited                                   35,621.78     8,371,685        3.95 
 Myriad Opprtunities Offshore 
  Fund Ltd                                   5,200.00     3,283,687        1.55 
 OZ Europe Overseas II Fund, 
  Ltd                                       12,395.96     8,850,441        4.17 
 OZ Overseas Fund II, Ltd                        1.00        29,062        0.01 
 Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunities 
  Fund LP                                        1.00     6,934,783        3.27 
 Pershing Square International, 
  Ltd                                        6,503.78     9,864,577        4.65 
 Riva Ridge Offshore Fund, 
  Ltd                                       10,635.00     6,802,672        3.21 
 Roundkeep Global Fund LP                   15,525.90     9,642,344        4.55 
 SEG Partners Offshore Ltd                  65,716.95     9,479,989        4.47 
 Shepherd Investments International, 
  Ltd                                        2,693.82     1,733,129        0.82 
 Silver Point Capital Offshore 
  Fund Ltd                                     520.00     3,419,907        1.61 
 Sunbeam Opportunities Offshore              7,411.51     6,232,166        2.94 
 Trian Partners Ltd                         11,925.00     7,786,203        3.67 
 Vicis Capital Fund (International)         14,743.93     1,837,141        0.87 
 Walker Smith International 
  Fund, Ltd                                    142.69     2,795,087        1.31 
 Wexford Offshore Spectrum 
  Fund                                       1,619.67     6,476,892        3.05 
 ZLP Offshore                              139,200.00     8,197,829        3.86 
 Total investments carried 
  forward                                               221,057,521      104.22        94.38 
 Total investments brought 
  forward                                               221,057,521      104.22        94.38 
 Other net current (liabilities)/assets                 (8,942,391)      (4.22)         5.62 
 Total value of Company (attributable 
 Redeemable Participating 
  Preference Shares)                                    212,115,130      100.00       100.00 

* Fauchier Partners Counterpoint Fund Ltd and Fauchier Partners Incubator Fund Ltd are classed as related parties as they share the same Investment Advisor and Manager as the Company.


To the Members of Absolute Return Trust Limited

We have audited the Financial Statements of Absolute Return Trust Limited (the "Company") for the year ended 31st March 2012 which comprise the Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows and the related notes. As described in Note 1, the Financial Statements have been prepared on a non going concern basis. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance with section 262 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditor

As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities set out in the Directors' Report, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the Financial Statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's (APB's) Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the audit of the Financial Statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the Board of Directors; and the overall presentation of the Financial Statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited Financial Statements. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on Financial Statements

In our opinion the Financial Statements:

-- give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 March 2012 and of its loss for the year then ended;

-- are in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union; and

   --      comply with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. 

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:

   --      the Company has not kept proper accounting records; or 
   --      the Financial Statements are not in agreement with the accounting records; or 

-- we have not received all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief are necessary for the purpose of our audit.

Under the Listing Rules we are required to review the part of the Corporate Governance Statement relating to the Company's compliance with the nine provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified for our review. We have nothing to report with respect to our review.

Steve Stormonth

For and on behalf of KPMG Channel Islands Limited

Chartered Accountants and Recognised Auditors

12th July 2012


For the year ended 31st March 2012

                                                                                1.4.2011       1.4.2010 
                                                                                      to             to 
                                                                               31.3.2012      31.3.2011 
                              Notes          Revenue           Capital             Total          Total 
                                                 GBP               GBP               GBP            GBP 
 Investment Income 
 Bank interest income                             16                 -                16            115 
 Other income                                 11,042                 -            11,042         59,463 
 Total investment income                      11,058                 -            11,058         59,578 
 Net losses on financial 
  assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss         4                  -       (8,804,486)       (8,804,486)    (8,603,003) 
 (Losses)/gains on foreign     1, 
  exchange                      5                  -       (2,131,969)       (2,131,969)     15,205,453 
 Total (loss)/income                          11,058      (10,936,455)      (10,925,397)      6,662,028 
 Management fee                 6        (2,562,376)                 -       (2,562,376)    (2,987,646) 
 Performance fee                7            (8,777)                 -           (8,777)      (552,250) 
 Interest expense                           (31,801)                 -          (31,801)        (1,023) 
 Other expenses                10        (1,174,270)                 -       (1,174,270)      (943,861) 
 Total expenses                          (3,777,224)                 -       (3,777,224)    (4,484,780) 
 (Loss)/profit for the 
  year(#)                                (3,766,166)      (10,936,455)      (14,702,621)      2,177,248 
 (Loss)/profit for the year 
  attributable to: 
   Sterling Share Class               GBP(3,499,676)   GBP(10,046,750)   GBP(13,546,426)   GBP2,126,953 
   Euro Share Class                     EUR(149,173)      EUR(640,999)      EUR(790,172)      EUR75,770 
 Earnings per Participating 
 Preference Share - basic 
  and diluted*; 
 Sterling Share Class                        (1.89p)           (5.41p)           (7.30p)          1.00p 
 Euro Share Class                            (1.44c)           (6.17c)           (7.61c)          0.51c 

* Earnings per Participating Redeemable Preference Share are based on the weighted average number of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares. The weighted average number of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares for the year for the Sterling Share Class and the Euro Share Class respectively were 185,628,547 and 10,390,317 (31st March 2011: 211,917,366 and 14,761,405).

The 'Total' column of this statement represents the Company's Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary 'Revenue' and 'Capital' columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.

(#) All of the Company's income and expenses are included in the "(Loss)/profit for the year" and therefore the profit for the year is also the Company's total comprehensive income for the year, as defined by IAS 1 (revised).

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.


For the year ended 31st March 2012

                                             Share        Realised        Unrealised                            Other 
                                           Capital         Capital           Capital         Revenue    Distributable 
                                           Account         Reserve           Reserve         Reserve          Reserve           Total 
                                               GBP             GBP               GBP             GBP              GBP             GBP 
 Balance brought forward 
  at 31st March 2011                    35,053,446       5,719,933        52,152,363    (16,783,563)      219,814,521     295,956,700 
  Income for the 
   year                                          -      16,526,953      (27,463,408)     (3,766,166)                -    (14,702,621) 
 Transactions with 
  Cancellation of Shares               (9,496,583)               -                 -               -      (7,232,338)    (16,728,921) 
  Redemption of Shares                (26,314,391)               -                 -               -     (26,095,637)    (52,410,028) 
  Net effect of 
     conversion                            757,528               -                 -               -        (757,528)               - 
 Balance carried forward 
  at 31st March 2012                             -      22,246,886        24,688,955    (20,549,729)      185,729,018     212,115,130 
 Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating 
  Preference Shares at the end of the year.                                                                               212,115,130 

For the year ended 31st March 2011

                                             Share           Realised         Unrealised                                Other 
                                           Capital            Capital            Capital             Revenue    Distributable 
                                           Account            Reserve            Reserve             Reserve          Reserve                     Total 
                                               GBP                GBP                GBP                 GBP              GBP                       GBP 
 Balance brought forward 
  at 31st March 2010                    43,286,771        (8,793,833)         60,063,679        (12,358,361)      225,178,321               307,376,577 
  Income for the 
   year                                          -         14,513,766        (7,911,316)         (4,425,202)                -                 2,177,248 
 Transactions with 
  Cancellation of Shares              (13,597,125)                  -                  -                   -                -              (13,597,125) 
  Net effect of Shares 
  conversion                             5,363,800                  -                  -                   -      (5,363,800)                         - 
 Balance carried 
  forward at 
  at 31st March 2011                    35,053,446          5,719,933         52,152,363        (16,783,563)      219,814,521               295,956,700 
                                 =================   ================   ================   =================   ==============           =============== 
 Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating 
  Preference Shares at the end of the year                                                                                                  295,956,700 


As at 31st March 2012

                                                       31.3.2012     31.3.2011 
                                            Notes            GBP           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Financial assets at fair value 
  through profit or loss                    1, 12    221,057,521   279,331,825 
 Current assets 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    11         830,359        11,243 
 Unrealised gains on open forward 
   currency contracts                         22       4,038,132     1,936,645 
 Other receivables                            13       7,990,425    35,701,373 
 Total assets                                        233,916,437   316,981,086 
                                                    ============  ============ 
 Bank overdraft                               11       9,717,869    14,372,941 
 Redemptions payable                          15      11,578,463             - 
 Other payables                               14         462,026     6,645,046 
 Unrealised losses on open forward 
   currency contracts                         22          42,949         6,399 
 Total liabilities                                    21,801,307    21,024,386 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Share Capital Account                        15               -    35,053,446 
 Other Distributable Reserve                  16     185,729,018   219,814,521 
 Retained Earnings                                    26,386,112    41,088,733 
 Total equity                                        212,115,130   295,956,700 
 Total equity and liabilities                        233,916,437   316,981,086 
 Number of Sterling Redeemable Participating 
   Shares in issue                            17     154,549,902   207,761,831 
 Number of Euro Redeemable Participating 
   Shares in issue                            17       9,372,854    12,385,490 
 Net assets attributable to holders of Sterling 
   Participating Preference Shares 
    (per share)                               17          132.4p        137.1p 
                                                    ============  ============ 
 Net assets attributable to holders of Euro 
   Participating Preference Shares 
    (per share)                               17           96.4c        100.7c 
                                                    ============  ============ 

The audited Financial Statements were approved on 12th July 2012 and signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Andrew Sykes Nicholas Fry


For the year ended 31st March 2012

                                                        1.4.2011        1.4.2010 
                                                              to              to 
                                             Note      31.3.2012       31.3.2011 
                                                             GBP             GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                         (14,702,621)       2,177,248 
 Adjusted for: 
   Losses on financial assets at fair value 
    through profit or loss                             8,804,486       8,603,003 
   Realised and unrealised gains on 
    forward foreign 
   currency contracts                                (4,362,914)    (21,117,896) 
   Exchange losses on foreign currency 
    revaluation                                        6,523,724       5,906,608 
   Exchange (gains)/losses on translation 
    reserve                                             (28,841)           5,835 
 Operating cash flows before movements 
  in working capital                                 (3,766,166)     (4,425,202) 
 Decrease/(increase) in other receivables                 20,637        (26,739) 
 Decrease in other payables                            (566,422)       (392,793) 
 Net cash used in operating activities               (4,311,951)     (4,844,734) 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of financial assets at fair value 
  through profit or loss                            (55,425,171)   (108,408,943) 
 Movement in receivables from broker                 (1,360,185)       5,205,633 
 Sale of investments received in 
  advance                                            (5,777,251)       5,777,251 
 Sale of financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                       133,945,485      96,221,414 
 Net receipts/(payments) on forward 
  currency contracts                                   2,326,818     (1,218,659) 
 Net cash generated from/(used in) 
  investing activities                                73,709,696     (2,423,304) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Buyback of Redeemable Participating 
  Preference Shares                                 (16,568,268)    (13,597,125) 
 Redemption of shares                               (40,831,565)               - 
 Net cash used in financing activities              (57,399,833)    (13,597,125) 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                11,997,912    (20,865,163) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                           (14,361,698)      12,410,073 
 Effects of exchange rate changes                    (6,523,724)     (5,906,608) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of year                                     11     (8,887,510)    (14,361,698) 
 Supplementary cash flow information 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                        1.4.2011        1.4.2010 
                                                              to              to 
                                                       31.3.2012       31.3.2011 
                                                             GBP             GBP 
 Interest received                                            16             115 
 Interest paid                                          (31,801)         (1,023) 


For the year ended 31st March 2012


The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing with items which are considered to be material in relation to the Company's Financial Statements:

Basis of accounting

The Financial Statements give a true and fair view, are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") adopted for use in the European Union, which comprise standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and are in compliance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The Financial Statements have been prepared on the break up basis, and the accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are consistent with this basis, as disclosed in the going concern paragraph below.

Going concern

As at 31st March 2012 the Company's Share price was trading at a discount of 9.3 per cent. to Net Asset Value for the Sterling Share Class and 13.9 per cent to Net Asset Value for the Euro Share Class, and stood at a discount of more than 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March 2012. The discount control provisions established when the Company was launched requires a continuation vote to be proposed to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting when the Company's discount has exceeded 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March, and such vote requires not less than 50 per cent. of the total voting rights cast on the resolution to be in favour in order for the company to continue in its current format. If the resolution is not passed, the Directors are required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders within six months of such resolution being defeated for the winding up or other reorganisation or reconstruction of the Company. After extensive shareholder consultation, the Board resolved not to seek continuation of the Company.

The Financial Statements have been prepared on a non going concern basis reflecting the proposal to shareholders to wind-down the Company. Accordingly, the going concern basis of accounting is no longer considered appropriate. All assets and liabilities are carried at the expected net realisable values. The investments are expected to be realised in an orderly manner at fair value without significant liquidity discounts. A provision for winding up costs has not been included in these Financial Statements as the estimate of these costs is still currently being determined. However, these are not expected to be material.

Presentation of information

Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for Investment Trust Companies issued by the Association of Investments ("AIC") in January 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the Financial Statements on a basis compliant with the SORP. Supplementary information which analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented within the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

Standards, amendments and interpretations not yet effective

At the date of approval of these Financial Statements, the following standards and interpretations, which have not applied in these Financial Statements, were in issue but not yet effective:

IFRS 9 - Financial instruments: Classification and measurement (effective date - 1st January 2015)

IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements (effective date - 1st January 2013)

IFRS 11 - Joint arrangements (effective date - 1st January 2013)

IFRS 12 - Disclosure of interest in other entities (effective date - 1st January 2013)

IFRS 13 - Fair value measurement (effective date - 1st January 2013)

IAS 32 - Financial Instruments: Presentation (effective date - 1st January 2014)

The Board anticipates that the adoption of these standards in a future period will not have a material impact on the financial statements of the Company. IFRS 9, 'Financial Instruments was issued in December 2009 and addresses the classification and measurement of financial assets and is likely to affect the Company's accounting for financial assets. The standard is not applicable until 1 January 2015 but it is available for early adoption. The Company is currently in the process of evaluating the potential effect of this standard. The standard is not expected to have a significant impact on the financial statements since the majority of the Company's financial assets are designated at fair value through profit or loss.

Annual improvements to IFRS's were issued by the IASB on June 2011 and contain minor amendments to standards for periods beginning on or after 1st January 2013. No material changes to accounting policies are expected as a result of these changes.

Financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Company's Statement of Financial Position when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets and liabilities have been written down to net realisable values.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss ("investments")

Purchases and sales of investments are recognised on the trade date (the date on which the Company commits to purchase or sell the investment). Investments purchased are initially recorded at fair value, being the consideration given and excluding transaction or other dealing costs associated with the investment. Gains and losses on investments sold are shown in Note 4 and recognised in capital in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which they arise. The investments are managed and their performance is evaluated on a fair value basis which is consistent with the Company's documented investment strategies. The information regarding the Company's portfolio is also provided on that basis to the Board.

Forward foreign currency contracts

Forward foreign currency contracts are derivative contracts and as such are recognised at fair value on the date on which they are entered into and subsequently remeasured at their fair value. Fair value is determined by rates in active currency markets. All derivatives are carried as assets when fair value is positive and as liabilities when fair value is negative.

Other Financial Instruments

For other financial instruments, including other receivables and other payables the carrying amounts as shown in the Statement of Financial Position approximate to fair values due to the short term nature of these financial instruments.

Offsetting of financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position, if and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

Fair value

Investments of the Company consist of shares or units in hedge funds and these are valued at the latest estimate of Net Asset Value from the administrator of the respective hedge fund i.e. most recent price is the best estimate of the amount for which holdings could have been disposed of at the statement of financial position date. These values may be unaudited or may themselves be estimates. In addition, these entities or their administrators may not provide values at all or in a timely manner and to the extent that values are not available, those investments will be valued by the Board using valuation techniques appropriate for those investments. In determining fair value, the Board takes into consideration, where applicable, the impact of suspensions, of redemptions, liquidation proceedings, investments in side pockets and other significant factors. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of financial assets are shown as net gains or losses on financial assets through profit or loss in Note 4 and recognised in capital in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which they arise.

Derecognition of financial instruments

A financial asset is derecognised when: (a) the rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset have expired, (b) the Company retains the right to receive cash flows from the financial asset, but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without material delay to a third party under a "pass through arrangement"; or (c) the Company has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset, or has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset, but has transferred control of the financial asset.

A financial liability is derecognised when the contractual obligation under the liability is discharged, cancelled or expired.

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The preparation of the Company's Financial Statements requires the Directors to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of income, expenses, assets and liabilities at the reporting date. However, uncertainties about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the assets or liabilities affected in future periods. Although some of the Company's underlying investments have imposed restrictions on redemptions the Directors believe it remains appropriate to estimate their fair values based on Net Asset Values as reported by the Administrators of the relevant investments. The Directors believe that such Net Asset Values represent fair value because subscriptions and redemptions in the underlying investments occur at these prices at the statement of financial position date.


All income is accounted for on an accruals basis and is recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Interest income is recognised on a time-proportionate basis using the effective interest rate method.


Expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses incurred on the acquisition of investments at fair value through profit or loss are charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income in capital. All other expenses are charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income in revenue.

Share issue expenses

Share issue expenses are fully written off against the Share Capital Account or Other Distributable Reserve in the period of the share issue.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant changes in value.

Capital reserves

Gains and losses recorded on the realisation of investments and realised exchange differences of a capital nature are transferred to the realised capital reserve. Unrealised gains and losses recorded on the revaluation of investments held at period end and unrealised exchange differences of a capital nature are transferred to the unrealised capital reserve.

Translation of foreign currency

Items included in the Company's Financial Statements are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates (the "functional currency"). The majority of the Company's Shares are denominated in Sterling (a small number are denominated in Euros) and its operating expenses are incurred in Sterling. While the Company's investments are denominated in US Dollars all exposure to these currencies is hedged by forward foreign currency contracts. Accordingly the Directors regard Sterling as the functional currency. The Company has also adopted Sterling as its presentation currency.

The assets and liabilities of the Company that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency are translated using the exchange rate as at the statement of financial position date. The Statement of Changes in Equity is translated into Sterling for aggregation purposes using an average rate of exchange for the period, with the exception of the Share Capital Account which is translated at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction and the unrealised gains on investments which are translated at the rates ruling as at the statement of financial position date. Exchange differences arising on aggregation are taken to equity and subsequently transferred to net assets attributable to Redeemable Participating Preference Shares.

Translation differences on financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss are reported as part of net gains on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss in the Statement of Comprehensive Income under capital.

   2.     TAXATION 

During the year, the Company was exempt from taxation in Guernsey under the provisions of The Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 and has paid an annual exemption fee of GBP600 (31st March 2011: GBP600).


The Directors do not expect income (net of expenses) to be significant for the foreseeable future and do not currently expect to declare any dividends. In the event that the net income is significant, the Directors may consider the distribution of net income in the form of dividends. To the extent that any cash dividends are paid, they will be paid in accordance with applicable Guernsey laws and the regulations of the UK Listing Authority.

The Company has a feature which, subject to a shareholder making an election, may allow a shareholder to benefit from an annual capital distribution dependent on Net Asset Value performance. This will be achieved by way of a partial redemption of shares. The feature operates in each financial period if the Net Asset Value has risen at least 5.0 per cent. over that period. On 1st April 2012, no shares were redeemed under this facility relating to the previous year (1st April 2011: Nil shares).

                                               1.4.2011       1.4.2010 
                                                     to             to 
                                              31.3.2012      31.3.2011 
                                                    GBP            GBP 
 Net losses on financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss 
   during the year 
 Gains realised on investments sold 
  during the year                            20,771,290     20,921,709 
 Movement in unrealised losses 
  arising from 
   changes in fair value during 
    the year                               (29,575,776)   (29,524,712) 
 Net losses on financial 
  assets at 
   fair value through profit 
    or loss                                 (8,804,486)    (8,603,003) 
                                                   1.4.2011      1.4.2010 
                                                         to            to 
                                                  31.3.2012     31.3.2011 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
 Realised gains/(losses) on forward foreign 
  currency contracts                              2,297,977   (1,212,824) 
 Unrealised gains on forward foreign 
  currency contracts                              2,064,937    22,330,720 
 Exchange losses on foreign 
 currency revaluation                           (6,523,724)   (5,906,608) 
 Exchange gains/(losses) on 
 translation reserve                                 28,841       (5,835) 
                                                (2,131,969)    15,205,453 

The Company's investment portfolio is denominated in US Dollars and the currency risk has been hedged with forward foreign currency contracts.


The Company's manager is Fauchier Partners Management Limited (the "Manager"). The Manager is entitled to an annual management fee, calculated monthly and payable monthly in arrears, at the rate of 1.0 per cent. of the monthly gross assets of the Company. The Manager is also entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by it in connection with its duties. The Company's investment advisor is Fauchier Partners LLP (the "Investment Advisor"). The Manager will be responsible for discharging all fees of the Investment Advisor out of its management fee. During the year ended 31st March 2012 management fees of GBP2,562,376 were charged to the Company (31st March 2011: GBP2,987,646) and GBP189,677 was payable at the year end (31st March 2011: GBP252,077).


The Manager is also entitled to a performance fee if the Net Asset Value per Share for each class of Share at the end of the Performance Period (31st March each year and after adjustments for share issues/redemptions/ repurchases);

a) Exceeds the Net Asset Value per Share at the start of the Performance Period by more than the Performance Hurdle; and

b) Exceeds the highest previously recorded Net Asset Value of the relevant class of Share as at the end of a Performance Period in respect of which a performance fee was last paid;

The Performance Hurdle applicable in respect of a Performance Period is 110.0 per cent. of three month Sterling LIBOR or EURIBOR, as applicable, compounded quarterly and is pro-rated where the Performance Period is greater or shorter than one year.

If the Performance Hurdle for a Performance Period is met, then a performance fee will be calculated and payable to the Manager equal to 10.0 per cent. of the total increase in the Net Asset Value per Share on all share classes in issue at the end of the relevant Performance Period over the Net Asset Value per Share at the start of the relevant Performance Period multiplied by the aggregate number of shares in issue for each share class (having made adjustment for any issue and/or redemption and/or repurchase of shares of each class or other distributions made in respect thereof) at the end of the relevant Performance Period.

During the year ended 31st March 2012 performance fees of GBP8,777 were charged to the Company (31st March 2011: GBP552,250) and GBP802 was payable at the year end (31st March 2011: GBP552,250).


The Company's administrator is Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited (the "Administrator"). The Administrator is entitled to receive an annual fee, equal to 0.125 per cent. per annum on the first GBP50.0 million, 0.10 per cent. per annum on the next GBP50.0 million and 0.075 per cent. per annum thereafter of the Net Asset Value of the Company, calculated monthly and payable monthly in arrears, subject to a minimum fee of GBP48,000 per annum. In addition, the Administrator and any of its delegates will also be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by them in connection with their duties. During the year ended 31st March 2012 administration fees of GBP234,300 (31st March 2011: GBP267,764) were charged to the Company and GBP34,444 was payable at the year end (31st March 2011: GBP22,561).

   9.     CUSTODIAN FEE 

The Company's custodian is Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited (the "Custodian"). The Custodian is entitled to receive an annual fee equal to 0.075 per cent. per annum of the Net Asset Value of the Company, calculated monthly and payable monthly in arrears, subject to a minimum fee of GBP24,000 per annum. In addition, the Custodian will receive GBP100 per transaction executed. During the year ended 31st March 2012 custodian fees of GBP192,179 (31st March 2011: GBP224,074) were charged to the Company and GBP27,662 was payable as at the year end (31st March 2011: GBP18,907).


                         1.4.2011    1.4.2010 
                               to          to 
                        31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
                              GBP         GBP 
  fee (Note 8)            234,300     267,764 
 Custodian fee (Note 
  9)                      192,179     224,074 
 General expenses         585,333     305,023 
 Directors' fees 
  (Note 19)               137,188     125,000 
 Audit fee                 25,270      22,000 
                        1,174,270     943,861 

Following the proposal to wind-down the Company potential liquidation costs will include legal and liquidator fees, the estimate of which is still currently being determined and are not expected to be material. Hence, a provision for winding up costs has not been included in the Financial Statements.


                       31.3.2012      31.3.2011 
                             GBP            GBP 
 Current deposits 
  with banks             830,359         11,243 
 Bank overdraft      (9,717,869)   (14,372,941) 
                     (8,887,510)   (14,361,698) 

All cash balances attract interest at variable rates.

A committed credit facility covering borrowings and spot and forward foreign exchange was made available to the Company by its bankers during the year. As at 31st March 2012 the aggregate amount outstanding under this facility should not exceed the lower of 20.0 per cent. of the Net Asset Value of the Company or GBP50.0 million (or the currency equivalent thereof). The Company is charged a commitment fee of 0.5 per cent. per annum of the committed facility and interest of 1 per cent. above the base rate on any overdrawn balance.

The repayment of all monies at any time owing by the Company to the bank is secured by way of a Security Agreement between the Company and its bankers dated 5th January 2012. As detailed in the Security Agreement, the investment portfolio of the Company is provided as security against the facility.


                                31.3.2012     31.3.2011 
                                      GBP           GBP 
 Cost of investments at 
  end of year                 203,717,512   232,415,655 
 Cumulative net unrealised 
  gain                         17,340,009    46,916,170 
 Fair value at end 
  of the year                 221,057,521   279,331,825 


                                    31.3.2012    31.3.2011 
                                          GBP          GBP 
 Sale of investments awaiting 
  settlement                        2,166,767      806,582 
 Payment in advance for purchase 
  of investments                    5,817,556   34,868,052 
 Other receivables                      6,102       26,739 
                                    7,990,425   35,701,373 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of the other receivables approximates their fair value.


                                      31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
                                            GBP         GBP 
 Performance fee 
  payable                                   802     552,250 
 Management fee 
  payable                               189,677     252,077 
 Share buybacks 
  payable                               160,653           - 
 Proceeds from sale of investments 
  received in advance                         -   5,777,251 
 Other creditors                        110,894      63,468 
                                        462,026   6,645,046 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of the other payables approximates their fair value.


                                  31.3.2012      31.3.2011 
                               Unclassified   Unclassified 
                                     Shares         Shares 
 Authorised Share 
 Unclassified Shares at no 
  par value                       Unlimited      Unlimited 

The Company is a closed-ended investment company with an unlimited life. The Redeemable Participating Preference Shares are not puttable instruments because redemption is conditional upon certain market conditions and/or Board approval. As such they are not required to be classified as debt under IAS 32 - Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation.

As defined in the Articles of Association, redemption of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares is at the sole discretion of the Directors, therefore the Redeemable Participating Preference Shares have been classified as equity.

In the event that the Company's Shares trade at a discount of more than 5.0 per cent. at each monthly Net Asset Value calculation date over the course of a full financial year, there is a provision included in the Company's Articles of Association, for a resolution to be put to the members at the Annual General Meeting for a termination of the Company ("continuation vote"). As at 31st March 2012 the Company's Share price was trading at a discount of 17.6 per cent. to Net Asset Value for the Sterling Share Class and 13.9 per cent. to Net Asset Value for the Euro Share Class, and stood at a discount of more than 5.0 per cent. at each month end during the year to 31st March 2012. The Board has explored a variety of ways to address the discount for the benefit of all shareholders and has concluded that in current market conditions there is insufficient demand for a closed ended company that invests in a multi-manager portfolio of hedge funds to warrant continuation. After extensive shareholder consulation, the Board has resolved not to seek continuation of the Company.

The Board also has the discretion to operate the Redemption Facility, offering shareholders the possibility of redeeming part of their shareholding at the Net Asset Value, if it appears appropriate to do so.

The Company operates a Share Buyback Programme whereby it may purchase, subject to various terms as set out in its Articles and in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, up to ---14.99 per cent. of its existing Share Capital following the admission of the Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities.

                                                           1.4.2011                                       1.4.2010 
                                                                 to                                             to 
                                                          31.3.2012                                      31.3.2011 
                                                            Company                                        Company 
                                                              Total                                          Total 
                         Sterling           Euro             Number        Sterling           Euro          Number 
  Issued Share 
   Capital                 Shares         Shares          of shares          Shares         Shares       of shares 
  Equity Shares 
  Balance at start 
   of the 
    year              207,761,831     12,385,490        220,147,321     215,778,934     18,662,505     234,441,439 
  Redemption of 
    during the 
     year            (39,063,458)    (1,985,215)       (41,048,673)               -              -               - 
  Net effect of 
    during the 
     year                 554,029      (847,421)          (293,392)       3,894,285    (6,277,015)     (2,382,730) 
  Bought back and 
    during the 
     year            (14,702,500)      (180,000)       (14,882,500)    (11,911,388)              -    (11,911,388) 
  Balance at end 
   of the 
    year              154,549,902      9,372,854        163,922,756     207,761,831     12,385,490     220,147,321 
                                                           1.4.2011                                       1.4.2010 
                                                                 to                                             to 
                                                          31.3.2012                                      31.3.2011 
                                                              Total                                          Total 
                        Sterling            Euro              Share        Sterling           Euro           Share 
                          Shares          Shares            Capital          Shares         Shares         Capital 
 Issued Share 
  Capital                    GBP             EUR                GBP             GBP            EUR             GBP 
 Equity Shares 
 Redeemable Participating Preference Shares 
  at no par value 
 Balance at 
 of the 
   year               35,053,446               -         35,053,446      43,525,240         55,756      43,286,771 
 Redemption of 
   during the 
    year            (26,314,391)               -       (26,314,391)               -              -               - 
 Net effect of 
   during the 
    *                    757,528               -   *        757,528       5,125,331       (55,756)       5,363,800 
 Bought back 
   during the 
    year             (9,496,583)               -        (9,496,583)    (13,597,125)              -    (13,597,125) 
 Balance at 
  of the year                  -               -                  -      35,053,446              -      35,053,446 

*During the year, the Share Capital Account for the Sterling Share Class was reduced to nil and any further cancellation of Sterling Shares was taken from Other Distributable Reserves.

The Company operates a Share Conversion Scheme which allows Shareholders of any one class of Shares to convert all or part of their holdings into any other class of Share.

During the year at the request of existing Shareholders, the Company converted 847,421 Euro Redeemable Participating Preference Shares to 554,029 Sterling Redeemable Participating Preference Shares. There were no Sterling Redeemable Participating Shares that were converted to Euro Redeemable Participating Preference Shares during the year.

During the year under the Share Buyback Programme, the Company purchased and cancelled the following of its own shares:

                        Number     Average    of Issued 
                            of       Price        Share 
                        Shares   Per Share      Capital 
 Sterling Shares    14,702,500        1.11        7.91% 
 Euro Shares           180,000        0.85        1.56% 

Redemption Facility

During the year, the Board offered a redemption facility for up to 15 per cent. of the Shares in issue. The table below shows the redemptions made in respect of this facility during the year:

 NAV per share           Number 
  date                of Shares      Amount* 
 Sterling Share 
 30th September 
  2011               30,431,930   39,381,959 
 31st March 2012      8,631,528   11,398,795 
                     39,063,458   50,780,754 
                    ===========  =========== 
 Euro Share Class 
 30th September 
  2011                1,760,972    1,449,454 
 31st March 2012        224,243      179,820 
                      1,985,215    1,629,274 
                    ===========  =========== 

*Total redemption facility fees in respect of the redemptions during the year amounted to GBP258,031.

As at 31st March 2012, total accruals made in relation to the redemptions amounted to GBP11,578,463, net of redemption facility fees of GBP27,169.


Revenue reserves

The revenue reserve is a distributable reserve account and income and expenses from transactions are transferred to this account. This account can be used for among other things the payment of dividends, if any.

Other distributable reserves

Other distributable reserves account includes transfers from the previous Share Premium Account due to Guernsey legislation. Other distributable reserves can be used to cancel the nominal shares of the Company when they are redeemed or for share buy backs.


                                                                  Sterling          Euro         Company 
                                                                    Shares        Shares           Total 
                                                                       GBP           EUR             GBP 
 Total assets less liabilities                                 204,581,863     9,038,283     212,115,130 
 Amount attributable 
  to Redeemable 
   Participating Preference 
    Shares                                                     204,581,863     9,038,283     212,115,130 
 Number of shares outstanding                                  154,549,902     9,372,854 
 Net Assets attributable to holders 
  of Redeemable 
   Participating Preference Shares 
    (per Share)                                                     132.4p         96.4c 
                                                                   Sterling          Euro        Company 
                                                                     Shares        Shares          Total 
                                                                        GBP           EUR            GBP 
 Total assets less liabilities                                  284,911,285    12,476,411    295,956,700 
 Amount attributable 
  to Redeemable 
   Participating Preference 
    Shares                                                      284,911,285    12,476,411    295,956,700 
 Number of shares outstanding                                   207,761,831    12,385,490 
 Net Assets attributable to holders 
  of Redeemable 
   Participating Preference Shares 
    (per Share)                                                      137.1p        100.7c 


There were no contingent liabilities as at the statement of financial position date (31st March 2011: Nil).


Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions.

The Directors are responsible for the determination of the investment policy of the Company and have overall responsibility for the Company's activities. The Company's investment portfolio is managed by Fauchier Partners Management Limited which is the parent company of the Fauchier Partners Group.

The Company and the Manager have entered into a Management Agreement dated 24th January 2005 under which the Manager has been given responsibility for the day-to-day discretionary management of the Company's assets (including uninvested cash) in accordance with the Company's investment objectives and policies, subject to the overall supervision of the Directors and in accordance with the investment restrictions in the Management Agreement and the Articles of Association. The Management Agreement may be terminated by the Company or the Manager giving to the other not less than 12 month's written notice. Details of the management and performance fees to which the Manager is entitled are in Notes 6 and 7.

The Company has six non-executive directors.

Up until 30th September 2011, each Director was paid a fee of GBP22,000 (31st March 2011: GBP22,000) per annum, except for the Chairman who was paid GBP32,000 (31st March 2011: GBP32,000) and the Audit Committee Chairman who was paid GBP27,000 (31st March 2011: GBP27,000). Effective 1st October 2011, fees were increased to GBP24,250 for each Director, GBP35,000 for the Chairman and GBP29,500 for the Audit Committee Chairman.

Total Directors' fees for the year, including outstanding Directors' fees at the end of the year, are set out below.

                    31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
                          GBP         GBP 
 Directors' fees 
  for the year        137,188     125,000 
 Payable at end 
  of year                   -           - 

As at 31st March 2012 the Company held investments in Fauchier Partners Counterpoint Fund Ltd and Fauchier Partners Incubator Fund Ltd valued at a total of GBP12,598,075 (31st March 2011: GBP18,398,144).

As at 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2011, Directors of the Company held the following numbers of shares beneficially:

 Directors             Shares      Shares 
                    31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
 Andrew Sykes         174,790     174,790 
 Nicholas Fry         190,000     190,000 
 Robert King           38,150      38,150 
 Nicholas Moss            Nil         Nil 
 Robin Rumboll        200,000     200,000 
 Graham Harrison       10,000         Nil 


Information on realised gains and losses derived from sales of investments are disclosed in Note 4.

The Board has considered the requirements of IFRS 8 'Operating Segments', and is of the view that the Company's activities form a single segment under the standard, being investments in a diversified portfolio of Hedge Funds. From a geographical perspective, the Company's investments are managed on a global basis. The Board, as a whole, has been determined as constituting the chief operating decision maker of the Company. The key measure of performance used by the Board to assess the Company's performance and to allocate resources is the total return based on the NAV per share, as calculated under IFRS. Therefore no reconciliation is required between the measure of profit or loss used by the Board and that contained in the Annual Audited Financial Statements.

The Company is domiciled in Guernsey. Entity wide disclosures are necessary as the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, investing in Hedge Funds. In presenting information on the basis of geographical segments, segment investments and derivative financial instruments and the corresponding segment total income/(expense) income arising thereon are determined based on the domicile countries of the respective investment entities and derivative counterparties.

The Company has a highly diversified portfolio of investments and as at 31st March 2012 no single investment accounts for more than 4.65 per cent. of the Company's Net Assets.

Geographical segments based on country of domicile

                              Bermuda         BVI       Islands      Guernsey   Ireland          Total 
                                  GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP       GBP            GBP 
 31st March 2012 
 Financial assets 
  at fair value 
 through profit 
  or loss                  12,598,075   1,589,298   206,870,148             -         -    221,057,521 
 Unrealised gains 
  on open 
 forward foreign 
 contracts                          -           -             -     4,038,132         -      4,038,132 
 Unrealised losses 
  on open 
 forward foreign 
 contracts                          -           -             -      (42,949)         -       (42,949) 
 Total income/(expense)     (120,291)      20,757   (8,693,894)   (2,131,969)         -   (10,925,397) 
                               Bermuda           BVI       Islands     Guernsey    Ireland         Total 
                                   GBP           GBP           GBP          GBP        GBP           GBP 
 31st March 2011 
 Financial assets 
  at fair value 
 through profit 
  or loss                   29,439,077     2,839,463   247,053,285            -          -   279,331,825 
 Unrealised gains 
  on open 
 forward foreign 
 contracts                           -             -             -    1,936,645          -     1,936,645 
 Unrealised losses 
  on open 
 forward foreign 
 contracts                           -             -             -      (6,399)          -       (6,399) 
 Total income/(expense)    (4,249,381)   (2,480,173)   (1,784,069)   15,206,016   (30,365)     6,662,028 

The Company also has a diversified shareholder population. However, as at 31st March 2012, there was one Sterling and one Euro shareholder who held more than 10 per cent. of their respective Share Classes. Their holdings were 12.32 per cent. and 81.24 per cent. respectively. As at 31st March 2011, there were two Sterling and one Euro shareholders who held more than 10 per cent. of their respective Share Classes. Their holdings were 12.65 per cent., 11.16 per cent. and 73.48 per cent. respectively.


In accordance with its investment objectives and policies, the Company holds financial instruments which at any one time may comprise the following:

   --          securities held in accordance with the investment objectives and policies; 
   --          cash and short-term receivables and payables arising directly from operations; 
   --          derivative instruments including forward foreign currency contracts; and 

-- borrowings used to finance investment activity up to a maximum of GBP50.0 million as at 31st March 2012.

The financial instruments held by the Company are comprised principally of Hedge Fund investments.

Details of the Company's significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognised, in respect of its financial assets and liabilities are disclosed in Note 1. The following table analyses the carrying amounts of the financial assets and liabilities by category as defined in IAS 39 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

                                                                                          31.3.2012           31.3.2011 
                                                                                         Fair Value          Fair Value 
                                                                                                GBP                 GBP 
 Financial assets designated at fair value 
  through profit or loss 
 Listed Investments                                                                       8,371,685          12,662,010 
 Unlisted Investments                                                                   212,685,836         266,669,815 
 Unrealised gains on open forward foreign currency 
  contracts                                                                               4,038,132           1,936,645 
 Total financial assets designated at fair 
   through profit 
    or loss                                                                             225,095,653         281,268,470 
 Other financial 
  assets                                                                                  8,820,784          35,712,616 
 Other financial assets include cash and cash 
  equivalents and other receivables. 
                                                                                          31.3.2012           31.3.2011 
                                                                                         Fair Value          Fair Value 
                                                                                                GBP                 GBP 
 Financial liabilities designated at fair 
  value through profit or loss 
 Unrealised losses on open 
  forward currency contracts                                                               (42,949)             (6,399) 
                                                                                           (42,949)             (6,399) 
 Other financial liabilites 
 Redemptions payable                                                                   (11,578,463)                   - 
 Bank overdraft                                                                         (9,717,869)        (14,372,941) 
 Other payables                                                                           (462,026)         (6,645,046) 
                                                                                       (21,758,358)        (21,017,987) 


The Company is exposed to a variety of financial risks as a result of its activities. These risks include market risk (including price risk, interest rate risk and foreign currency risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. These risks, which have been applied throughout the year and the Manager's policies for managing them are summarised below.

Market risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. The Company's activities expose it primarily to the market risks of changes in market prices, interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates.

Market price risk

Market price risk arises mainly from the uncertainty about future prices of the financial instruments held by the underlying hedge funds. It represents the potential loss the Company may suffer through holding market positions in the face of price movements.

Market risk encompasses the potential for both gains and losses and is affected by three main components: changes in actual market prices, interest rate and foreign currency movements. Interest rate and foreign currency movement risks are covered elsewhere in this note. The overall market risk management strategy of each of the holdings of the Company is primarily driven by their respective investment objectives as previously detailed.

The Manager considers the asset allocation of each underlying holding of the Company in order to minimize the risk associated with particular countries or industry sectors while continuing to follow their respective investment objective. It achieves this primarily through the diversification of investments across different Hedge Fund strategies.

The Investment Manager does not use derivative instruments to hedge the investment portfolios against market risk, as in their opinion the cost of such a process would result in an unacceptable reduction in the potential for capital growth.

The maximum risk resulting from financial instruments is determined by their fair value. The overall market exposure as at 31st March 2012 is shown in the Statement of Financial Position.

The Investment Manager believes that analysis of value-at-risk (VaR) to be an inappropriate measure of market risk in a fund of hedge funds. Instead, the Investment Manager monitors market risk of the Company's investments via traditional statistical measures, such as correlation and beta. This is done on a monthly basis.

Beta is an estimate of the Company's response to swings in the market.

The Company's beta to the FTSE All Share Index and Citigroup UK Gilt Index as at 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2011 was as follows:

Beta to FTSE All Share Index

                                  31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
 Absolute Return Trust Limited         0.23        0.23 
                                 ----------  ---------- 

If the FTSE All Share Index as at 31st March 2012 had increased by 10 per cent. (31st March 2011: 10 per cent.) with all other variables held constant, the estimated increase in Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares would have been US$7,794,854 (31st March 2011: US$10,911,219).

Conversely, if the FTSE All Share Index as at 31st March 2012 had decreased by 10 per cent. (31st March 2011: 10 per cent.) with all other variables held constant, the estimated decrease in Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares would have been US$7,794,854 (31st March 2011: US$10,911,219).

Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and these differences could be material.

The FTSE All-Share is used as a proxy for equity market performance from the perspective of a Sterling-based investor. It is a market-capitalisation weighted index representing the performance of all eligible companies listed on the London Stock Exchange's main market, which pass screening for size and liquidity. As at 31st March 2012 the FTSE All-Share Index covered 621 constituents with a combined value of nearly GBP1.8 trillion - approximately 98 per cent. of the UK's market capitalisation. source: FTSE group

Beta to Citigroup UK Gilt Index

 Fund                             31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
 Absolute Return Trust Limited        -0.19       -0.17 
                                 ----------  ---------- 

If the Citigroup UK Gilt Index at 31st March 2012 had increased by 10 per cent. (31st March 2011: 10 per cent.) with all other variables held constant, the estimated decrease in Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating Shares would have been US$6,439,227 (31st March 2011: US$8,064,814).

Conversely, if the Citigroup UK Gilt Index at 31st March 2012 had decreased by 10 per cent. (31st March 2011: 10 per cent.) with all other variables held constant, the estimated increase in Net Assets attributable to holders of Redeemable Participating Shares would have been US$6,439,227 (31st March 2011: US$8,064,814).

Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and these differences could be material.

Foreign currency risk

Foreign currency risk arises from fluctuations in the value of a foreign currency. It represents the potential loss the Company may suffer through holding foreign currency assets in the face of foreign exchange movements. The Company's treatment of currency transactions is set out in Note 1 to the Financial Statements under "Translation of foreign currency" and "Forward foreign currency contracts".

The Company's Shares are denominated in Sterling (a small number are denominated in Euros) and its operating expenses are incurred in Sterling, while the Company's investments are denominated in US Dollars. The Company's presentation currency is Sterling; hence the Statement of Financial Position may be significantly affected by movements in the exchange rates between the US Dollar, Euro and Sterling. The Manager manages exposure to currency movements by using forward foreign currency and currency option contracts to hedge total exposure.

As at 31st March 2012, the Company had thirty eight (31st March 2011: twenty nine) open forward foreign currency contracts.

                                                                           Mark to 
                                                                            Market   Unrealised 
                                                   Outstanding          Equivalent        gains 
                                       US$           Contracts           31.3.2012    31.3.2012 
 Thirty two Sterling forward foreign 
  currency                                                                                  GBP 
 contracts totalling:        (338,116,429)   GBP   215,536,546   GBP   211,657,317    3,879,229 
 Settlement date 30th 
  April 2012 
 Six Euro forward foreign 
 contracts totalling:        (12,162,539)    EUR     9,271,101   EUR     9,131,981      115,954 
 Settlement date 30th 
  April 2012 
 Total net Unrealised gains at 31st 
  March 2012                                                                          3,995,183 
                                                                            Mark to 
                                                                             Market    Unrealised 
                                                    Outstanding          Equivalent        losses 
                                        US$           Contracts           31.3.2011     31.3.2011 
 Twenty Five Sterling forward foreign 
  currency                                                                                    GBP 
 contracts totalling:         (455,043,910)   GBP   285,521,068   GBP   283,955,571   $ 1,565,497 
 Settlement date 28th 
  April 2011 
 Four Euro forward foreign 
 contracts totalling:         (17,118,838)    EUR    12,480,493   EUR    12,068,474   $ 364,749 
 Settlement date 28th 
  April 2011 
 Total net Unrealised gains at 31st 
  March 2011                                                                          $ 1,930,246 

As at 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2011, the Company held the following assets and liabilities denominated in US Dollars:

                                                 31.3.2012       31.3.2011 
                                                       GBP             GBP 
 Assets                                        229,047,946     315,033,198 
 Liabilities                                   (9,717,869)    (20,150,192) 
 Less: Forward foreign exchange contracts 
  - Sterling                                 (211,657,317)   (283,955,571) 
 Forward foreign exchange contracts 
  - Euro                                       (9,131,981)    (10,683,847) 
                                               (1,459,221)         243,588 

Amounts in the above table are based on the carrying value of monetary assets and liabilities and the underlying principal amount of forward foreign currency contracts.

Foreign currency sensitivity analysis

The below details the Company's sensitivity to a 5 per cent. (31st March 2011: 5 per cent.) change in the Sterling exchange rate against the US Dollar and Euro currencies. The sensitivity analysis percentages represent the Manager's assessment, based on the foreign exchange rate movements over the relevant year and of the reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates.

                                                31.3.2012   31.3.2011 
                                                      GBP         GBP 
 Impact on Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  in response to a 
   5% increase                                    (2,648)     (8,822) 
                                               ==========  ========== 
   5% decrease                                      2,776      13,221 
                                               ==========  ========== 
 Impact on Equity in response 
  to a 
   5% increase                                    (2,648)     (8,822) 
                                               ==========  ========== 
   5% decrease                                      2,776      13,221 
                                               ==========  ========== 

Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and these differences may be material.

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk represents the uncertainty of investment return due to changes in the market rates of interest. Interest receivable on bank deposits or payable on bank overdraft will be affected by fluctuations in interest rates. All cash balances are at variable rates. Increases in interest rates will also increase the borrowing costs of the Company should the committed credit facility be used. Interest on the committed credit facility is charged at 1 per cent. above base rate.

The Company is not exposed to significant interest rate risk as the majority of the Company's financial assets are investments in underlying Hedge Funds which are non-interest-bearing. Any excess cash and cash equivalents of the Company are invested at short-term market interest rates.

The Company's continuing position in relation to interest rate risk is monitored on a monthly basis by the Investment Manager as part of its review of the monthly Net Asset Value calculations prepared by the Company's Administrator, Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited.

Interest rate sensitivity

Cash and cash equivalents will be affected by movements in interest rates. However, no material impact on the Statement of Comprehensive Income or Statement of Financial Position is expected due to the immateriality of interest rate risk at the year end.

Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Company. Failure of any relevant counterparty to perform its obligations in respect of these items may lead to a financial loss.

The Company is exposed to material credit risk in respect of cash and cash equivalents and debtors. Credit risk is mitigated by the Company's policy to transact only with leading commercial and investment banks. Currently all cash is placed with Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited ("NTGL"). NTGL is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Northern Trust Corporation ("TNTC"). TNTC is publicly traded and a constituent of the S&P 500. TNTC has a credit rating of A+ (31st March 2011: AA) from Standard & Poor's and A1 (31st March 2011: Aa3) from Moody's. The credit risk associated with debtors is limited to the unrealised gains on open forward foreign currency contracts, as detailed above and other receivables. It is the opinion of the Board of Directors that the carrying amounts of these financial assets represent the maximum credit risk exposure as at the statement of financial position date.

Credit risk analysis

The Company's maximum credit exposure is limited to the carrying amount of financial assets recognised as at the statement of financial position date, as summarised below:

                                                  31.3.2012    31.3.2011 
                                                        GBP          GBP 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          830,359       11,243 
 Net unrealised gains on open forward foreign 
  currency contracts                              4,038,132    1,936,645 
 Other receivables                                7,990,425   35,701,373 
                                                 12,858,916   37,649,261 

Fair value

IFRS 7 requires the Company to classify fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. It establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritises the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy under IFRS 7 are as follows:

Level 1 Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices); and

Level 3 Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs).

The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorized in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that measurement is a Level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, considering factors specific to the asset or liability.

The determination of what constitutes 'observable' requires significant judgment by the Company. The Company considers observable data to be that market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.

The following table presents the Company's financial assets and liabilities by level within the valuation hierarchy as of 31st March 2012.

                                                            Level             Level       Level 
                                                                1                 2           3          Total 
                                                              GBP               GBP         GBP            GBP 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss: 
Investments in Hedge Funds                             -                211,834,894   9,222,627    221,057,521 
Unrealised gains on open forward 
currency contracts                                                  -         4,038,132           -      4,038,132 
Total assets                                                        -       215,873,026   9,222,627    225,095,653 
Financial assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss: 
Unrealised losses on open 
currency contracts                                                  -          (42,949)           -       (42,949) 
Total liabilities                                                   -          (42,949)           -       (42,949) 
                                           Level        Level       Level 
                                               1            2           3        Total 
                                             GBP          GBP         GBP          GBP 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss: 
Investments in Hedge Funds                     -  264,816,123  14,515,702  279,331,825 
Unrealised gains on open forward 
currency contracts                             -    1,936,645           -    1,936,645 
Total assets                                   -  266,752,768  14,515,702  281,268,470 
Financial assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss: 
Unrealised losses on open forward 
currency contracts                             -      (6,399)           -      (6,399) 
Total liabilities                              -      (6,399)           -      (6,399) 

The Hedge Funds held by the Company are not quoted in active markets.

Assets classified in Level 2 are Hedge Funds fair-valued using the official month-end Net Asset Value of each fund as reported by each fund's independent administrator.

Assets classified in Level 3 are portions of eight Hedge Funds which are held in side pockets or where some kind of liquidity restriction is currently in place. The fair value of these assets is also derived from the official month-end Net Asset Values reported by each fund's independent administrator but is classified in Level 3 because the assets cannot be redeemed according to the headline liquidity terms of the funds. The assets classified in Level 3 represent 4.35 per cent. of the Company's Net Asset Value.

There were no transfers between levels for the year ended 31st March 2012.

The following table presents the movements in level 3 investments.

`                                    31.3.2012     31.3.2011 
                                           GBP           GBP 
Opening balance                     14,515,702    22,945,904 
Purchases                            3,459,385     2,762,465 
Sales                             (15,936,732)  (16,257,303) 
Gains recognised in 
 profit and loss                     7,184,272     5,064,636 
Closing balance                      9,222,627    14,515,702 
Net unrealised loss for the 
 year included in the Statement 
 of Comprehensive Income for 
 level 3 Investments held          (1,707,463)  (11,197,304) 

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter in realising assets or otherwise raising funds to meet financial commitments in a reasonable timeframe or at a reasonable price. Following the recommendation of the Board, proposals will be put to shareholders for the Company's orderly wind-down.

The Company is exposed to the possibility of cash redemptions of Redeemable Participating Preference Shares, subject to the discretion of the Directors, as described in Note 23. It invests the majority of its assets in collective Hedge Funds with their own liquidity conditions. The Company's financial instruments include investments in other open-ended investment funds which are not traded in an organised public market and which generally may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not be able to liquidate its investments in these instruments at an amount close to its fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements, or to respond in a timely manner to specific events such as a deterioration in the credit worthiness of any particular issuer. At times of disrupted markets, this may include the imposition of "side pockets" and/or "redemption gates", sometimes at short notice.

The liquidity risk of the Company, which mainly consists of a possible mismatch of liquidity between the conditions offered at the Company level and those proposed by each collective investment fund at the underlying fund level, is carefully monitored by the Investment Manager on a monthly basis, including lock-ups, redemption penalties and gating provisions. On a quarterly basis (or more frequently, if deemed appropriate) the Board reviews and considers the overall liquidity risk of the portfolio.

To minimise liquidity risk the Company has a credit facility in place from its bankers to manage the mark to market exposures and short-term cash flows arising from its currency hedging programme and for other short-term cash flow management purposes. As at 31st March 2012 the Company could borrow the lower of 20.0 per cent. of the NAV or GBP50.0 million to meet any liquidity risk that may arise.

The table below details the Company's liquidity analysis for its financial assets and liabilities. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted net cash flows on the financial assets and liabilities that settle on a net basis and the undiscounted gross cash flows on those financial assets and liabilities that require gross settlement.

                                           Within                             6-12         than 12                31.3. 
                                         3 Months       3-6 months          months          months           2012 Total 
                                              GBP              GBP             GBP             GBP                  GBP 
 Financial assets 
  at fair value 
    through profit or 
     loss*                             13,540,029      160,641,716      23,870,460      23,005,316          221,057,521 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                             830,359                -               -               -              830,359 
 Unrealised gains 
  on forward 
    foreign exchange 
     contract                           4,038,132                -               -               -            4,038,132 
 Payment in advance 
    purchase of 
     investments                        5,817,556                -               -               -            5,817,556 
 Sale of investments 
    settlement                          2,166,767                -               -               -            2,166,767 
 Other debtors                              6,102                -               -               -                6,102 
 Redemptions payable                 (11,578,463)                -               -               -         (11,578,463) 
 Unrealised loss on 
    foreign exchange 
     contract                            (42,949)                -               -               -             (42,949) 
 Bank overdraft                       (9,717,869)                -               -               -          (9,717,869) 
 Share buybacks 
  payable                               (160,653)                -               -               -            (160,653) 
 Management fee payable                 (189,677)                -               -               -            (189,677) 
 Performance fee 
  payable                                   (802)                -               -               -                (802) 
 Other creditors                        (110,894)                -               -               -            (110,894) 
 Total                                  4,597,638      160,641,716      23,870,460      23,005,316          212,115,130 
                                      Within                                              than 12         31.2.2011 
                                    3 Months           3-6 months     6-12 months          months             Total 
                                         GBP                  GBP             GBP             GBP               GBP 
Financial assets 
 at fair value 
   through profit or 
    loss*                         21,061,692          178,399,812      27,643,296      52,227,025       279,331,825 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents                          11,243                                                                 11,243 
Unrealised gains 
 on forward 
   foreign exchange 
    contract                       1,936,645                                                              1,936,645 
Payment in advance 
   purchase of 
    investments                   34,868,052                    -               -               -        34,868,052 
Sale of 
   settlement                        806,582                    -               -               -           806,582 
Other debtors                         26,739                    -               -               -            26,739 
Unrealised loss 
 on forward 
    contract                         (6,399)                                                                (6,399) 
Bank overdraft                  (14,372,941)                    -               -               -      (14,372,941) 
Management fee 
 payable                           (252,077)                    -               -               -         (252,077) 
Performance fee 
 payable                           (552,250)                    -               -               -         (552,250) 
Other creditors                  (5,840,719)                    -               -               -       (5,840,719) 
Total                             37,686,567          178,399,812      27,643,296      52,227,025       295,956,700 

*The table above table reflects the anticipated cash flow assuming notice was given to all underlying funds as at 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2011. It includes a provision for "audit hold back" which most hedge funds apply to full redemptions and any other known restrictions the managers of the underlying funds may have placed on redemptions. Where there is currently no firm indication from the underlying manager on the expected timing of the receipt of redemption proceeds, the relevant amount is included in the "greater than 12 months" category. The cash flow projections are therefore conservative, but remain estimates.


The fair value of the Company's financial assets and liabilities approximates their carrying amounts as at the statement of financial position date.

The Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Company's ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. There are no externally-imposed capital requirements on the Company.

As at 31st March 2012 the Company had the ability to borrow the lower of 20.0 per cent. of Net Asset Value or GBP50.0 million for short-term or temporary purposes as is necessary for the settlement of transactions, to facilitate redemption (where applicable) or to meet ongoing expenses. The Directors have put in place a credit facility for this purpose. The Company does not have any structural gearing. The Company is indirectly exposed to gearing to the extent that investee funds are themselves geared. Cash (if any) will be held in G8 currency-denominated accounts. The gearing ratio below is calculated as total liabilities divided by total equity.

                                               31.3.2012     31.3.2011 
                                                     GBP           GBP 
Total assets                                 233,916,437   316,981,086 
Less: Redemptions 
 payable                                    (11,578,463)             - 
Other payables                                 (462,026)   (6,645,046) 
Unrealised losses on open forward foreign 
 currency contracts                             (42,949)       (6,399) 
Bank overdraft                               (9,717,869)  (14,372,941) 
Total equity                                 212,115,130   295,956,700 
Gearing ratio                                     10.28%         7.10% 
Gearing ratio (excluding 
 redemptions payable)                              4.82%         7.10% 

The Board considers this gearing ratio to be adequate since total liabilities above refer only to bank overdraft, other payables and unrealised losses on open forward foreign currency contracts.

The Company may purchase its own shares in any class in issue in the market with a view to addressing any imbalance between the market supply of and demand for Shares and to assist in maintaining a narrow discount to Net Asset Value at which the shares may be trading. Any such purchases would only be made at prices which represent a discount to the prevailing Net Asset Value per Share at that date so as to enhance the Net Asset Value per Share for the remaining shareholders.

The Company may purchase up to a maximum 14.99 per cent. of its own Shares following the admission of the Shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. Further to such authority, the minimum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for a Share is 0.01p and the maximum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for a Share is an amount equal to 105.0 per cent. of the average of the market values for a Share taken from the Daily Official List of the London Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding the day on which the Share is purchased (or such other amount as may be specified by the UK Listing Authority from time to time).

Shareholders may liquidate their investments in the Company half-yearly, on 31st March and/or 30th September of each year (the "Redemption Day"), subject to certain limitations and the Directors exercising their discretion to operate the redemption facility. Shareholders may request the redemption of part of their holdings of shares for cash at the prevailing Net Asset Value by giving notice to the Company not less than 65 days prior to the Redemption Date. The Directors will meet regularly to consider the operation of the redemption facility in light of prevailing market conditions, shareholders sentiments and any legal constraints.

Redemption on any Redemption Day will be restricted to up to 25.0 per cent. of the Shares in issue (or such lesser amount as the Directors, in their discretion, may determine), with any excess redemption requests being scaled back pro rata. Shareholders should note that the operation of this Redemption Facility is at the sole discretion of the Directors and they should place no reliance on the Directors exercising such discretion. Accordingly, Shareholders should have no expectations that the Directors will exercise their discretion on these Redemption Days.


These Financial Statements were approved for issuance by the Board on 12th July 2012. Subsequent events have been evaluated until this date.

Share Buyback

Subsequent to 31st March 2012 to the date of this report, the Company purchased and cancelled 1,306,000 of its own Sterling Shares at an average price of GBP1.07 representing 0.86 per cent. of the issued Share Capital at the financial year end.

Share Conversion

On 1st April 2012, at the request of the existing shareholders, the Company converted 23,777 Sterling Redeemable Participating Shares to 39,159 Euro Redeemable Participating Shares. These Shares were converted using the 31st March 2012 Euro Shares NAV per Share and were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 10th May 2012.


On 25th June 2012, the Company announced the Board's resolution not to seek continuation of the Company as the discount of the Company's share price has steadily widened over recent year despite persistent share buybacks and capital returns at NAV through the redemption facility. The Board further concluded that in current market conditions there is insufficient demand to warrant continuation.

Proposals will be put to shareholders for putting the Company into an orderly wind-down. The Company is currently taking legal and financial advice regarding the wind-down process.


 Andrew Sykes (Chairman)        Trafalgar Court, 
 Nicholas Fry                   Les Banques, 
 Robert King                    St. Peter Port, 
 Nicholas Moss                  Guernsey, GY1 3QL 
 Robin Rumboll 
 Graham Harrison (Appointed 
 1st January 2012) 
MANAGER                        INDEPENDENT AUDITOR 
 Fauchier Partners Management   KPMG Channel Islands Limited 
 Limited,                       20 New Street, 
 Suite A1, Hirzel Court,        St Peter Port, 
 Hirzel Street,                 Guernsey, GY1 4AN 
 St. Peter Port, 
 Guernsey, GY1 2NN 
 Fauchier Partners LLP,         JPMorgan Cazenove Limited, 
 72 Welbeck Street,             20 Moorgate, 
 London, W1G 0AY                London, EC2A 6DA 
 Mourant Ozannes,               Herbert Smith, 
 1 Le Marchant Street,          Exchange House, 
 St. Peter Port,                Primrose Street, 
 Guernsey, GY1 4HP              London, EC2A 2H 
 Northern Trust International 
 Fund Administration,           Computershare Investor Services 
 Services (Guernsey) Limited,   PLC, 
 Trafalgar Court,               PO Box 859, 
 Les Banques,                   The Pavilions, 
 St. Peter Port,                Bridgwater Road, 
 Guernsey, GY1 3QL              Bristol, BS99 1XZ 
 Northern Trust (Guernsey) 
 Limited,                       Computershare Investor Services 
 Trafalgar Court,               (Guernsey) Limited, 
 Les Banques,                   3rd Floor NatWest House, 
 St. Peter Port,                Le Truchot, 
 Guernsey, GY1 3DA              St. Peter Port, 
                                Guernsey, GY1 4BZ 


Macro (M) These funds take directional positions based on their views of macroeconomic and market trends. They primarily use futures, forwards and options to implement trades in currency, bond or equity markets. Macro funds have historically delivered a strong and un-correlated performance, but with considerable volatility; they can be very attractive in a portfolio context as they tend to thrive at times of market stress.

Equity Long Bias (ELB) These managers seek to extract returns from both long and short positions in individual equities. However, they will have a structurally higher allocation to long positions than to shorts and will primarily incorporate short positions as a means of dampening volatility, rather than as a source of alpha. The Manager expects Equity Long Bias managers to show an average beta to the MSCI World Equity Index (USD) in excess of 0.5 over a market cycle.

Equity Hedged High Volatility These managers seek to extract returns from both long and short positions

(EHH) in individual equities. The Manager does not expect these funds to show an average beta to the MSCI World Equity index (USD) of more than 0.5 over a market cycle and they should deliver the majority of their returns through stock-specific or sector-level risk. Over a market cycle, the Manager expects these funds to exhibit at least two-thirds of the volatility of the MSCI World Equity Index (USD).

Equity Hedged Low Volatility These managers seek to extract returns from both long and short positions

(EHL) in individual equities. The Manager does not expect these funds to show an average beta to the MSCI World Equity Index (USD) of more than 0.5 over a market cycle and they should deliver the majority of their returns through stock-specific or sector-level risk. Over a market cycle, the Manager expects these funds to exhibit less than two-thirds of the volatility of the MSCI World Equity Index (USD).

Short Bias (SB) A few managers run hedge funds with a consistent short bias, primarily in equities but also in corporate bonds. They vary the degree of gross and net exposure according to their perception of individual opportunities. Unsurprisingly, these funds deliver performance which tends to be negatively correlated to markets, Equity Long Bias funds and to a number of other fundamentally-driven hedge fund strategies. They often perform well at times of high equity and bond market volatility and are attractive in a portfolio context as a form of "value added insurance".

Specialist Credit (SC) These funds generate their returns through long and short positions in corporate debt. Hedging instruments can include credit default swaps, equities and equity options. Managers often specialise in certain areas of the credit spectrum, ranging from Distressed and High Yield bonds to Investment Grade issues.

Event Driven (ED) The event driven strategy takes advantage of either announced corporate actions or other pre-defined events that provide an estimated rate of return over a defined time period. Examples of such events include mergers, spin-offs and index rebalances. Often there is a "spread" between two or more involved securities or one security and a specified cash level. The principal risk is that the event does not come to fruition or that the timeline is underestimated. Generally, only moderate leverage is employed in this strategy.

Volatility Trading (VT) Managers in this strategy seek to generate returns by exploiting inefficiencies in the pricing of implied and realised volatility in a variety of asset classes. Managers can be sub-classified into those who capture cheap optionality embedded within convertible bonds ("Convertible Bond Arbitrage") and those who take stand-alone and relative positions in options of both individual securities and in indices ("Options Arbitrage").

Fixed Income (FI) Funds within this strategy trade interest rate risk on a relative value and/or directional basis. Typically they express their views through G10 government bond markets, interest swaps and other OTC and exchange traded derivative contracts. As government bonds are low volatility instruments, considerable nominal leverage is often applied.

Multiple Strategy (MS) This group of hedge funds engages in a combination of the aforementioned strategies, adding value by dynamically allocating to in-house specialist teams in the areas which they think are likely to be most rewarding. These funds have further attractions in that they only charge a performance fee on the net returns achieved across the various strategies in aggregate.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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