RNS Number : 5402C

AFH Financial Group Plc

29 June 2016

29 June 2016

AFH Financial Group PLC ("AFH" or the "Company")

Results for the six months ended 30 April 2016

AFH reports further strong growth

AFH, the rapidly growing wealth management and financial advisory business, is pleased to announce its results for the six months ended 30 April 2016.

Strong growth

   --     Revenues up 42% to GBP11.7 million (H1 2015: GBP8.22 million) 
   --     Gross margin maintained at 55% (H1 2015: 55%) 
   --     Recurring revenue as a percentage of total revenue maintained at 66% (H1 2015: 66%) 
   --     EBITDA up 43% to GBP1.43 million (H1 2015: GBP1.0 million) 
   --     Profit before tax up 42% to GBP0.86 million (H1 2015: GBP0.6 million) 
   --     Earnings per share up 35% to 2.9 pence (H1 2015: 2.15 pence) 
   --     Funds under Management of GBP1.88 billion, up 44% (30 April 2015: GBP1.3 billion) 

Proven integration platform

-- Over 90% of deferred consideration for those acquisitions reaching a deferred consideration milestone was earned and paid during the period

Confident Outlook

   --     Strong balance sheet to support further acquisitions 
   --     Cash reserves of GBP7.1 million (30 April 2015: GBP4.3 million) 
   --     Regulatory dynamics support further industry consolidation 
   --     Disciplined acquisition methodology 
   --     Strong pipeline of acquisition opportunities 

Alan Hudson, Group Chief Executive, commented:

"Our strong first half results demonstrate AFH's continued successful momentum. Strong organic growth, complemented by contributions from our acquisitions, drove increased earnings per share by almost a third, compared with the same period last year. Within this, the rise in both recurring fees and revenue per adviser was particularly encouraging as we continue to realise and develop the benefits of a strongly integrated business model under the AFH brand.

Based on the continued client demand for our financial planning led wealth management services, the opportunities following UK pension reform and our proven track record as a successful acquirer and integrator of businesses, we are confident of the Group's future prospects for the full year and beyond."

 AFH Financial Group PLC 
  Alan Hudson, Chief Executive 
  Paul Wright, Chief Financial 
  Officer                          01527 577775 
 Liberum (Nominated Adviser 
  and Broker) 
  John Fishley / Tom Fyson        020 3100 2000 
  Geoffrey Pelham-Lane 
  / Jennifer Renwick              0203 757 4985 

Chief Executive's Review

Trading results

I am pleased to provide shareholders with an update on the Company's performance for the six months to 30 April 2016.

The business has seen significant growth over the period, with revenue for the period increasing to GBP11.7m (H1 2015: GBP8.22m), driven by ongoing recurring fees which increased by 44% and which represented 66% of total revenue during the period (H1 2015: 66%).

Within the total revenue of GBP11.7m, GBP1.9m (representing 16%) was generated by portfolios acquired in the financial year ended 31 October 2015.

Whilst adviser numbers remained constant during the period, annualised revenue per adviser increased to GBP156,000 (H1 2015 GBP120,000).

Gross margins remained strong at 55% (H1 2015: 55%) and the Group reported EBITDA of GBP1.4m, an increase of 27% over the same period last year (GBP1.1m).

EBITDA increased by 43% to GBP1.43m representing a margin on Revenue of 12.2% (H1 2015: 12.2%).

The Group reported an increase of 42% in profit before tax to GBP0.86m, whilst earnings per share increased to 2.9p per share (2015: 2.15p).

In a period of stock market turbulence, our clients' portfolios demonstrated a strong resilience to market volatility and, as a consequence, the Company's management fees, which are based on the value of our Funds under Management ("FUM"), were similarly cushioned. Recurring revenue on which the Company earns these fees is estimated to rise or fall by approximately 4% for every 10% movement in the FTSE 100 index. The negative impact on current period revenues compared to H1 2015 was approximately GBP30,000.

Since April 2015 the Company has continued to invest in its head office to support the current and future projected growth. Whilst the increased cost was incurred in the second half of 2015 alongside the acquisitions made last year, on a like for like basis administrative expenditure increased by 40% to GBP5.38m whilst remaining at a similar level to H2 in 2015. This increase included a rise of GBP123,000 (37%) in amortization and depreciation costs of noncurrent assets acquired. Further investment is anticipated as the Group continues its growth strategy.

During the period GBP125m (gross) of new funds were invested through AFH from existing and new clients.

Cash position

The Group remains free of bank or, with the exception of a small property mortgage, secured debt and maintains healthy cash balances. At the period-end, cash and cash equivalents totalled GBP7.1m. Unsecured non-convertible bonds of GBP0.75m and GBP2.14m mature in 2020 and 2018 respectively.

Business review

In December 2015 the Company raised GBP6.1m (net) from institutional and existing investors to fund the acquisition of complementary IFA companies and the working capital requirements of the enlarged organisation. The Company is currently undertaking formal due diligence on certain potential acquisitions which are expected to conclude and be announced to the market during the second half of the year.

The last twelve months have seen a number of large M&A transactions in the wealth management sector completed at multiples well in excess of historic valuations, as wealth managers seek greater distribution and economies of scale. Whilst AFH has developed a strong pipeline of targets it remains the policy of the Board only to acquire businesses that: i) will be value enhancing for shareholders; ii) reflect the culture of the Company; and iii) can be integrated seamlessly into the AFH business. Whilst the number of acquisitions in the current year is unlikely to match the 11 transactions in 2015 this selective policy is believed by the board to be in the long term interest of all shareholders.

The successful integration and subsequent performance of our acquisitions remains a key driver for the Company and we continue to invest in our integration processes. I am pleased to report that our continued focus on post-acquisition integration and the development of those financial advisers joining the Company through acquisitions has resulted in over 90% of deferred consideration for those acquisitions reaching a deferred consideration milestone being earned and paid during the period. This is a result of the targets set out in purchase agreements being substantially met and demonstrates that clients are not only being retained, but the businesses acquired are continuing to grow as part of AFH.

As previously noted, the Company has built a strong pipeline of acquisition targets throughout the UK. The Board recognises the strength of AFH in its traditional West Midlands heartland and is seeking to continue to build on this position whilst expanding into areas where both advisers and clients can be effectively supported. Acquisitions made in Scotland and the South of England in 2015 have been successfully integrated into the business and the pipeline reflects our desire to develop these areas in the future. Whilst AFH has a strategy of continuing to increase the average size of our acquisitions, the Company also remains committed to providing an exit for retiring IFAs where our existing advisers can offer the full AFH service to the acquired client base. As a result the Board expects to announce both strategic and tactical acquisitions in the future.


The Group remains profitable and cash generative with a strong balance sheet. Our strategy remains to expand nationally in our traditional areas of strength, through both organic and acquisitive growth to drive increased profitability. The Directors continue to actively seek appropriately priced acquisition opportunities with a comparable culture to AFH to generate value for shareholders.

Our aim is to grow our client base through increasing our adviser numbers and greater productivity afforded by the enlarged AFH structure and centralised support functions. The progress made during the first half of the current financial year, combined with the growth dynamics of our market, allow the Directors to view the prospects for the full year and beyond with confidence.

Alan Hudson

Chief Executive

29 June 2016

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                         Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                        Six months       Six months           Twelve 
                                            ending           ending           months 
                                          30 April         30 April           ending 
                                                                          31 October 
                                              2016             2015             2015 
                            Note           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Revenue                       3            11,700            8,222           20,977 
 Cost of sales                             (5,316)          (3,730)         (10,009) 
                                    --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Gross profit                                6,384            4,492           10,968 
 Administrative expenses                   (5,415)          (3,827)          (9,213) 
                                    --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Operating profit                              969              665            1,755 
 Amortisation and 
  Depreciation                                 459              336              872 
 EBITDA                                      1,428            1,001            2,627 
-------------------------  -----  ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Finance income                                 15               15               26 
 Finance costs                               (125)             (73)            (187) 
                                    --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Profit before tax                             859              607            1,594 
 Income tax expense                          (200)            (189)            (421) 
                                    --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Profit for the year 
  attributable to 
  owners of the parent                         659              418            1,173 
 Other comprehensive                             -                -                - 
                                    --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year 
  attributable to 
  owners of the parent                         659              418            1,173 
 Earnings per share 
  (in pence)                   7 
 Basic                                        2.90             2.15             5.95 
 Diluted                                      2.68             2.00             5.49 
 Adjusted earnings 
  per share (in pence)         7 
 Basic                                        4.84             3.85            10.26 
 Diluted                                      4.46             3.59             9.48 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
                                            Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                             30 April         30 April       31 October 
                                                 2016             2015             2015 
                                Note          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                 4           20,530           18,967           20,902 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                     1,098              250              960 
 Investments                                        1                1                1 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
                                               21,629           19,218           21,863 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                    4,546            2,411            4,406 
 Current tax assets                                 -                -                - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      7,106            4,326            3,766 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
                                               11,652            6,737            8,172 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Total assets                                  33,281           25,955           30,035 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          6            7,911            7,841            8,289 
 Current tax liabilities                          299               39              339 
 Financial liabilities 
  - Borrowings                     5               63                -               63 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
                                                8,273            7,880            8,691 
 Net current assets 
  / (liabilities)                               3,379          (1,143)            (519) 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          6            2,530            3,865            5,238 
 Financial liabilities 
  - Borrowings                     5            3,398            2,894            3,432 
 Deferred tax liability                             -               42               45 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
                                                5,928            6,801            8,715 
 Total liabilities                             14,201           14,681           17,406 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Net assets                                    19,080           11,274           12,629 
 Shareholders' equity 
 Share capital                                  2,409            1,950            2,012 
 Share premium account                         13,976            7,337            8,112 
 Merger reserve                                 (540)            (540)            (540) 
 Share-based payment 
  reserve                                         456              329              384 
 Retained earnings                              2,779            2,198            2,661 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Total Shareholders' 
  equity                                       19,080           11,274           12,629 
                               Share          Share         Merger    Share-based       Retained          Total 
                             capital        premium        reserve        payment       earnings 
                             GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Audited balance 
  at 31 October 
  2014                         1,932          7,097          (540)            269          1,780         10,538 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Profit for 
  the period                       -              -              -             60            418            478 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                           -              -              -              -              -              - 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -              -              -             60            418            478 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Issue of share 
  capital                         18            240              -              -              -            258 
 Dividend                          -              -              -              -              -              - 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Unaudited balance 
  at 30 April 
  2015                         1,950          7,337          (540)            329          2,198         11,274 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Profit for 
  the period                                                                   55            755            810 
 Other comprehensive 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                                                       55            755            810 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Issue of share 
  capital                         62            775                                                         837 
 Dividend                                                                                  (292)          (292) 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Audited balance 
  at 31 October 
  2015                         2,012          8,112          (540)            384          2,661         12,629 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Profit for 
  the period                       -              -              -             72            659            731 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                           -              -              -              -              -              - 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -              -              -             72            659            731 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Issue of share 
  capital                        397          5,864              -              -              -          6,261 
 Dividend                          -              -              -              -          (541)          (541) 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Unaudited balance 
  at 30 April 
  2016                         2,409         13,976          (540)            456          2,779         19,080 
                        ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                                                Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                               Six months       Six months           Twelve 
                                                   ending           ending           months 
                                                 30 April         30 April           ending 
                                                                                 31 October 
                                                     2016             2015             2015 
                                   Note           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Cash generated from 
  operations                          8               916              993            2,231 
 Tax paid                                           (240)            (286)            (219) 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Net cash inflow from 
  operating activities                                676              707            2,012 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Purchase of property, 
  plant and equipment                               (225)             (18)            (789) 
 Purchase of other intangible 
  assets, net of cash                             (2,611)          (4,388)          (6,532) 
 Proceeds from disposals 
  of other intangible 
  assets                                                -               34               34 
 Rental Income received                                 -                4                8 
 Interest received                                     15               11               18 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Net cash (outflow) from 
  investing activities                            (2,821)          (4,357)          (7,261) 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds from issue 
  of shares                                         6,405              211            1,072 
 Share issue costs                                  (223)                -             (24) 
 Issue of unsecured bond                                -            2,142            2,142 
 Proceeds from borrowings                               -                -              601 
 Repayment of borrowings                             (34)                -                - 
 Interest paid                                      (122)             (30)            (137) 
 Dividends                                          (541)                -            (292) 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
  from financing activities                         5,485            2,323            3,362 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Net increase / (decrease) 
 in cash and cash equivalents                       3,340          (1,327)          (1,887) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of 
  the period                                        3,766            5,653            5,653 
                                           --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the period                          7,106            4,326            3,766 

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1 General Information

AFH Financial Group Plc is a company incorporated in England and Wales. The Group is principally engaged in the provision of independent financial advice to the retail market.

2 Basis of preparation and accounting policies

2.1 Basis of preparation

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2015, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") of the IASB (together "IFRS") as adopted by the European Union, and in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

The information relating to the six months ended 30 April 2016 and the six months ended 30 April 2015 is unaudited and does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2015 have been reported on by its auditor and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor was unqualified and did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, or contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

2.2 Significant accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2015.

2.3 Basis of consolidation

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings as at 30 April each year.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date that such control ceases. The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies.

2.4 Key sources of judgements and estimation uncertainty

The preparation of the condensed consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management's best judgement at the date of preparation of the financial statements, deviate from actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change. The areas where a higher degree of judgement or complexity arises, or where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are discussed below.

Impairment of client portfolios

The Group reviews whether acquired client portfolios are impaired at least on an annual basis. This comprises an estimation of the fair value less cost to sell and the value in use of the acquired client portfolios. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the individual client portfolios are discounted to their present value over a finite period to calculate the fair value.

The key assumptions used in arriving at a fair value less cost of sale are those around valuations based on multiples of future earnings streams and values based on assets under management. These have been determined by looking at valuations of similar businesses and the consideration paid in comparable transactions.

The carrying amount of client portfolios at 30 April 2016 was GBP18.3m (2015: GBP16.9m). No impairments have been made during the period (2015: GBP2.5m).

Impairment of goodwill

The Group determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires an estimation of the value in use of the cash-generating units to which the goodwill has been allocated. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the cash-generating unit are discounted to their present value using the Group's weighted average cost of capital adjusted for tax.

The carrying amount of goodwill at 30 April 2016 was GBP2.1m (2015: GBP2.1m). No impairments have been made during the period (2015: GBP nil).

3 Segmental Analysis

The Board of Directors is considered to be the chief operating decision maker of the Group.

The Board has determined that there is one operating segment based on reports reviewed by the Board that are used to make strategic decisions.

The total revenue of the group for the year has been derived from its principal activity wholly undertaken in the United Kingdom.

4 Intangible Assets

                          Goodwill    portfolios     Total 
                           GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
 At 31 October 2014          2,465         8,102    10,567 
 Additions                       -         9,583     9,583 
 Disposals                       -             -         - 
 Revaluations                    -             -         - 
 At 30 April 2015            2,465        17,685    20,150 
 Additions                       -         2,376     2,376 
 Disposals                       -             -         - 
 Revaluations                    -             -         - 
 At 31 October 2015          2,465        20,061    22,526 
 Additions                       -             -         - 
 Disposals                       -             -         - 
 Revaluations                    -             -         - 
 At 30 April 2015            2,465        20,061    22,526 
 At 31 October 2014            375           485       860 
 Charge for the period           -           288       288 
 At 30 April 2015              375           773     1,148 
 Charge for the period           -           476       476 
 At 31 October 2015            375         1,249     1,624 
 Charge for the period           -           372       372 
 At 30 April 2016              375         1,621     1,996 
 Net book value 
 At 30 April 2016            2,090        18,440    20,530 
 At 31 October 2015          2,090        18,812    20,902 
 At 30 April 2015            2,090        16,878    18,968 
 At 31 October 2014          2,090         7,617     9,707 
   5 Analysis of borrowings 
                                  Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited 
                                 Six months       Six months            Twelve 
                                     ending           ending            months 
                                   30 April         30 April            ending 
                                                                    31 October 
                                       2016             2015              2015 
                                    GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Current borrowings 
 Mortgage on freehold 
  property                               63                -                63 
                             --------------   --------------    -------------- 
                                         63                -                63 
 Non-current borrowings 
 8% Unsecured bonds                     752              752               752 
 7.5% Unsecured bonds                 2,142            2,142             2,142 
 Mortgage on freehold 
  property                              504                -               538 
                             --------------   --------------    -------------- 
                                      3,398            3,432             3,432 

The financial liabilities are recognised at amortised cost. There is no material difference between the fair value and the carrying value.

The 8% unsecured bond is due in 2020. The 7.5% Unsecured bond, issued in December 2014 is due in December 2018.

The mortgage taken out in the year is repayable by instalments over an 8 year period with an interest rate of 2.9% over LIBOR.

6. Trade and other payables

                                    Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                   Six months       Six months           Twelve 
                                       ending           ending           months 
                                     30 April         30 April           ending 
                                                                     31 October 
                                         2016             2015             2015 
                                      GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Trade payables                           509              451              850 
 Contingent consideration               3,891            5,283            4,321 
 Commissions payable                    3,018            1,727            2,488 
 Other payables                           317              224              584 
 Accruals                                 176              156               46 
                               --------------   --------------   -------------- 
                                        7,911            7,841            8,289 
 Contingent consideration               2,530            3,865            5,238 

7 Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to the equity holders for the period of GBP659,000 (2015 - GBP418,000) and weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 22,726,615 (2015 - 19,397,462).

The diluted earnings per share has been adjusted for the potential share issue relating to the share-based payments. The number of shares has been increased by the difference between the amount of shares that will be issued if all options are exercised and the number of shares that could be purchased for the same consideration at average market price.

Adjusted earnings per share of GBP1,101,000 (2015 - GBP746,000) have been calculated on the profit attributable to the equity holders for the period after adding back Amortisation and Depreciation and adjusting the tax provision accordingly.

8 Reconciliation of Operating profit to Net Cash inflow from Operating Activities

                                            Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                           Six months       Six months           Twelve 
                                               ending           ending           months 
                                             30 April         30 April           ending 
                                                                             31 October 
                                                 2016             2015             2015 
                                              GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Profit before tax for 
  the period                                      859              607            1,594 
 Adjustments for 
 Interest and other investment 
  income                                         (15)             (15)             (26) 
 Interest expense                                 125               73              187 
 Depreciation, amortisation 
  and impairment                                  459              336              872 
 Equity settled share 
  based expense                                    72               60              116 
 Movements in working 
 Decrease / (Increase) 
 in trade and other receivables                 (140)               63          (1,932) 
 (Decrease) / Increase 
  in trade and other payables                   (444)            (131)            1,420 
                                       --------------   --------------   -------------- 
 Cash generated from operations                   916              993            2,231 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 29, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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