22 November 2006

                                 Adwalker Plc                                  

                        ("the Company" or "the Group")                         

            Interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2006            

The Board of Adwalker, the AIM listed specialist in wearable media solutions,
is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 31 August

The Adwalker mobile out-of-home, interactive media platform is an advertising
and media platform which is worn by its operators ('Adwalkers') as a compact
body pack incorporating a LCD screen, wearable computer, touch screen and
printer, enabling services and applications which include brand advertising,
point-of-sale, data capture and promotions.


  * Turnover for the period was Euro937,756 (2005: Euro186,988);
  * Loss before tax of Euro1,597,969 (2005: Euro908,310);
  * Cash at bank at period end amounted to Euro402,655;
  * Number of Adwalkers available to clients: 330;
  * Significant client wins in the last two months including Bank of America,
    Nivea (Beiersdorf AG), Unilever plc and AT&T Corp in the USA
  * July 2006: agreement with JCDecaux Airport;
  * June 2006: access agreement with Brandspace Limited;
Commenting on today's results Adwalker's Chairman, Padraic O'Connor, said:

"The Board is pleased with the Group's performance in the first half of the
fiscal period and since the period end, and is confident that the strategies
being pursued will result in significant growth in 2007.

"A number of client initiatives are currently under negotiation and we expect
to be in a position to announce further agreements in the near future."


Adwalker plc                                    Tel: +353 (1) 866 9000 
Simon Crisp (Group Chief Executive)             Mobile: +353 (87)      
John East & Partners Limited (Nomad)            Tel: 020 7628 2200     
David Worlidge/Simon Clements                                          
KBC Peel Hunt (Broker)                          Tel: 020 7418 8900     
Matt Goode                                      Tel: 020 7562 3350     
Bishopsgate Communications Ltd (IR & PR)                               
Dominic Barretto                                                       

Adwalker's shares were admitted to trading on the AIM market of the London
Stock Exchange in August 2005. (Ticker: AWR) Its headquarters are in Dublin,
with offices in New York and London.

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the interim results of the Group for the six months
ended August 2006.

The Group has made considerable progress in the first six months of this fiscal
year resulting in a significant uplift in turnover with contributions made from
all three of our operating territories of the USA, Ireland and UK. We have also
deployed campaigns in Germany, France, Spain and Holland over the period.

Turnover for the period was Euro937,756 (2005: Euro186,988) and gross profits were Euro
445,229 (2005: Euro123,743). The Company generated a loss before tax of Euro1,597,969
(2005: Euro908,310) partly due to an increase in personnel costs relating to the
establishment of fully operational teams within our key regional offices. The
loss per share for the period amounted to 0.95 cents (2005:0.72 cents). As at
31 August 2006 bank balances amounted to Euro402,655.

The majority of Adwalker's revenues to date have been derived mainly from the
UK and Ireland. However, the Board is greatly encouraged by the progress in
recent weeks in the USA, potentially our biggest market. Significant clients
wins in the USA in the last two months have included Bank Of America, Nivea
(Beiersdorf AG), AT&T Corp and Unilever plc. The progress made in the first six
months of the fiscal period has been maintained in the last quarter of the year
and whilst the majority of our order book is short term at present,
cumulatively, September and October were the two largest revenue generating
months in Adwalker's history. The Board is confident of continued growth in the
last four months of the fiscal period.

Independent client research has shown that the use of Adwalker's mobile
out-of-home, interactive media platform is effective across a number of media &
advertising disciplines Blue chip clients using Adwalker in Telecoms, Finance,
Alcohol, Retail and Automotive related campaigns have, to date, achieved very
good results.

In August, Adwalker announced the ability, via its platform, to provide
customers with instant music and video downloads direct to portable digital
audio and video players (i.e. MP3 and iPod) - anywhere and at anytime. The
Directors believe the application will provide music or film rights owners with
a new channel enabling them not only to advertise their artist but, also, by
sending the content to a consumer's personal device, facilitate

Whilst the Board believes that the Group's existing clients are amongst the
early adopters within their sectors, it is clear that the lengthy client
adoption cycle that we have encountered to date in the use of new media
platforms and techniques is beginning to shorten. This has resulted in clients
actively considering the Adwalker platform as an alternative to traditional
media, such as TV, Radio or Press.

The Board anticipates that a significant number of its clients, in the
knowledge that the Company has established fully operating teams in a number of
regional offices, will be actively considering and recommending that Adwalkers
play an integral part in their advertising strategies and budgets for 2007.

The Board is pleased with the Group's performance in the first half of the
fiscal period and since the period end and is confident that the strategies
being pursued will result in significant growth in 2007.

A number of client initiatives are currently under negotiation and we expect to
be in a position to announce further agreements in the near future.



22 November 2006

Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet - Unaudited

As at 31 August 2006

                                Notes       31 August     31 August 28 February
                                                 2006                      2006
                                          (unaudited)                 (audited)
                                                    Euro             Euro           Euro
Non-current assets                                                             
Plant and equipment                           889,868       898,555   1,081,117
Intangible assets                             408,134       370,052     470,370
                                            1,298,002     1,268,607   1,551,487
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                         -         3,193       5,390
Trade and other receivables       3           637,638       196,385     516,604
Bank and cash balances                        402,655     4,155,548   1,892,892
                                            1,040,293     4,355,126   2,414,886
Total assets                                2,338,295     5,623,733   3,966,373
Equity and liabilities                                                         
Capital and reserves                                                           
Share capital                               3,372,664     3,372,664   3,372,664
Capital reserves                            5,392,689     5,392,689   5,392,689
Share Options                                 464,617       331,685     434,684
Accumulated losses                        (7,608,284)   (4,076,016) (6,010,316)
Total equity                                1,621,686     5,021,022   3,189,721
Non current liabilities                                                        
Obligations under finance                      82,146             -     101,405
leases - due after one year                                                    
                                               82,146             -     101,405
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                      494,370       472,169     584,413
Bank overdrafts and loans -                    25,769        32,603      28,805
due within one year                                                            
Tax liabilities                                75,806        97,939      23,511
Obligations under finance                      38,518             -      38,518
leases - due within one year                                                   
                                              634,463       602,711     675,247
Total equity and liabilities                2,338,295     5,623,733   3,966,373

Interim Consolidated Income Statement - Unaudited

For the six months ended 31 August 2006

                                    Notes      6 months    6 months  Year ended
                                                  ended             28 February
                                                          31 August        2006
                                              31 August        2005            
                                                   2006               (audited)
                                                      Euro           Euro           Euro
Revenue - continuing operations                 937,756     186,988     627,639
Cost of sales                                 (492,527)    (63,245)   (328,608)
Gross profit                                    445,229     123,743     299,031
Other operating income                                -         200           -
Distribution costs                             (29,191)           -    (14,265)
Administrative and other                    (2,042,887) (1,035,881) (3,154,575)
operating expenses                                                             
Loss from operations - continuing           (1,626,849)   (911,938) (2,869,809)
Finance costs                                   (1,691)     (2,074)     (6,175)
Income from investments                          34,518       5,702       8,006
Exchange (loss)/profit                          (3,947)           -      25,368
Loss before tax - continuing                (1,597,969)   (908,310) (2,842,610)
Income tax expense                                    -           -           -
Net Loss for the year -                     (1,597,969)   (908,310) (2,842,610)
continuing operations                                                          
Loss per share                                                                 
Basic loss per share                              (0.95       (0.72       (1.92
                                                 cents)      cents)      cents)
Diluted loss per share                            (0.95       (0.72       (1.92
                                                 cents)      cents)      cents)

Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity - Unaudited

For the six months ended 31 August 2006

                               Share     Share     Share Accumulated       Total
                             capital   Premium                losses      equity
                                   Euro         Euro                     Euro           Euro
Balance at 1 March 2006    3,372,664 5,392,689   434,684 (6,010,316)   3,189,721
Net loss for the period            -         -         - (1,597,969) (1,597,969)
Share Options                      -         -    29,933           -      29,933
Shares Issued                                                                   
Balance at 31 August 2006  3,372,664 5,392,689   464,617 (7,608,284)   1,621,686

Interim Consolidated Cash Flow Statement - Unaudited

For the six months ended 31 August 2006

                                          6 months 6 months ended    Year ended
                                          ended 31                             
                                       August 2006 31 August 2005   28 February
                                       (unaudited)       Restated              
                                                 Euro              Euro             Euro
Operating activities                                                           
Cash receipts from customers               745,211         76,056       172,376
Cash paid to suppliers and             (2,150,104)      (539,390)   (2,432,623)
Cash generated by operations           (1,404,893)      (463,334)   (2,260,247)
Interest paid                              (1,691)        (2,074)       (6,175)
Net cash outflow from                  (1,406,584)      (465,408)   (2,266,422)
operating activities                                                           
Investing activities                                                           
Interest received                           34,518          5,702         8,006
Purchase of plant and                     (82,056)      (502,901)   (1,214,000)
equipment and ACOMS                                                            
Purchase of patents and                   (13,820)      (138,920)      (27,892)
Net cash used in investing                (61,358)      (636,119)   (1,233,886)
Financing activities                                                           
Shares issued                                    -      5,026,385     5,026,385
(Decrease)/Increase in                    (19,259)              -       139,923
finance leases                                                                 
(Decrease)/Increase in bank                (3,036)         30,692        26,894
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                 (22,295)      5,057,077     5,193,202
from financing activities                                                      
Net (decrease)/increase in             (1,490,237)      3,955,550     1,692,894
cash and cash equivalents                                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at             1,892,892        199,998       199,998
beginning of year                                                              
Bank balances and cash                     402,655      4,155,548     1,892,892
Operating activities                                                           
Net loss before taxation               (1,597,969)      (908,310)   (2,842,610)
Adjustments for:                                                               
Depreciation                               273,305        138,268       384,601
Share options                               29,933        105,313       208,312
Amortisation of ACOMS system                76,056         52,865       124,262
and patents                                                                    
Investment income                         (34,518)        (5,702)       (8,006)
Interest expense                             1,691          2,074         6,175
Operating cash flows before            (1,251,502)      (615,492)   (2,127,806)
movements in working capital                                                   
Decrease/(Increase) in                       5,390          1,162       (1,134)
Increase in receivables                  (121,034)      (122,287)     (443,920)
Decrease/(Increase) in                    (37,748)        273,283       312,613
Cash generated by operations           (1,404,893)      (463,334)   (2,260,247)
Interest paid                              (1,691)        (2,074)       (6,175)
Net cash outflow from                  (1,406,584)      (465,408)   (2,266,422)
operating activities                                                           

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended 31 August 2006

1. General

Adwalker is a public limited company incorporated in Ireland. The Company has
subsidiaries located in the United Kingdom, United States and Hong Kong. .

These financial statements are presented in Euro as that is the currency in
which the majority of the Group's transactions are presently denominated.

2. Basis of Preparation of the interim financial statements

The interim financial statements have been prepared on a basis which is
consistent with the accounting policies adopted for the period to 28 February

The financial information contained in the interim financial statements does
not constitute statutory accounts as defined within the meaning of the
Companies Act 1963 to 2005. Comparative figures for the period to 28 February
2006 have been extracted from the latest financial statements on which the
report of the independent auditors was unqualified.

The interim accounts which are abridged and unaudited, do not include all the
information required for full annual financial statements.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards.

Share Options

Under IFRS 2, the company is required to recognise as a charge to the profit
and loss account (and a corresponding entry to other reserves), the amount by
which the value of shares at the date of granting share options to employees
exceeds the value at which employees can exercise the options granted. These
costs are recognised over the vesting period. The charge is included in
administrative expenses in the profit and loss account. The charge is notional
in that there is no underlying cash flow or other financial liability
associated with the charge, nor does it give rise to a reduction in assets or
shareholders' funds.

3. Trade and other receivables

                                         31 August  31 August 28 February
                                              2006       2005        2005
                                         Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                                 Euro          Euro           Euro
Trade receivables, net of provisions       540,603    121,826     437,468
for doubtful debts                                                       
Other receivables                           72,407     42,841      46,169
Consumables                                 24,628     31,718      32,967
                                           637,638    196,385     516,604

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables
approximates their fair value.

4. Share Options

The company's share option scheme was adopted by the Board of Directors on 28
April 2005. Under the scheme, the Board of Directors of the company may grant
options to certain employees, including directors, to subscribe for shares of
the company.

No consideration is payable on the grant of an option. Options may generally be
exercisable on the first anniversary of the date of grant of the share option
and expiring at the close of business on the eighth anniversary of the date of
grant. The exercise price is determined by the directors of the company.

The Black-Scholes method pricing model has been used to calculate the fair
value of the options granted and these have been recognised over the period of
vesting, which on average is 3 years.

The principal assumptions used are

No dividends.

In total 7,915,000 share options had been granted up to the year ended 28
February 2006 at a weighted average price of 0.107 cent. As at 31 August 2006
all these share options were outstanding. There were no share options granted
during the period ended 31 August 2006.

5. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is based on a loss of Euro1,597,969, 2005: Euro908,310) (Year
ended 28 February 2006: Euro2,842,610) and a weighted average number of shares in
issue of 168,633,087, (2005: 126,966,420 (Year ended 28 February 2006:

In 2006 the diluted loss per share has been calculated on the same basis as
basic loss per share because the effect of the potential ordinary shares (share
options) reduces the net loss per share and is therefore anti-dilutive.

6. Dividends

The Directors are not proposing the payment of a dividend in respect of the six
months ended 31 August 2006.

7. Copies of accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly and will also be
available at the Company's registered office, The Crescent Building, Northwood,
Santry, Dublin 9.


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