28 November 2008

                                 Adwalker Plc                                  

                         ("Adwalker" or "the company")                         

          Half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 August 2008          

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the interim results of the Group for the six months
ended 31 August 2008.


Revenue for the six month period was Euro451,929 (2007: Euro1,142,547). Gross profit
was Euro263,149 (2007: Euro562,201) resulting in a loss before tax of Euro825,390 (2007:
loss Euro988,917). The loss per share for the period was 0.31 cents (2007: loss
0.56 cents).

The decline in revenue and gross profit during the period was principally due
to a decline in the advertising budgets of our large corporate clients in the
USA. In light of this trend we concentrated on the Adwalker VAR (Value Added
Reseller) model which enables companies across the world to adopt the Adwalker
platform in local markets which are beyond Adwalker's key operating territories
in the USA, UK and Ireland. As a result gross profit margin in the period was
up from 49 per cent. in the corresponding period in 2007 to 58 per cent. The
Company is currently working with VAR partners in Turkey, China (Macau market),
Italy, Trinidad & Tobago, Northern Ireland, Brazil, Bermuda, Australia, New
Zealand and Holland.

Despite the decline in revenue and gross profit, the losses before tax were
reduced as a direct result of the VAR model requiring fewer personnel to
service it and greater efficiencies in our three operating territories.

Adoption of the lease/hire model through our USA office in the period and since
the period end has been disappointing. However, the Board believes the
performance of the USA operations will improve in the medium term as corporate
clients become more familiar with the model.

During the period under review the Company has been able to utilise the funds
raised in February 2008 through a placing of ordinary shares, amounting to �
240,000 (after expenses), which was announced on 27 February 2008. However, as
at 31 August 2008 the Group had a net cash deficit of Euro242,819 in the form of a
bank overdraft which is supported by Director guarantees.

The interim statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. This
assumption is dependent on the ongoing support of its Directors regarding its
financing facilities and the Group meeting its projected revenue and
expenditure targets.


As set out in the Company's trading update dated 30 September 2008, the Company
is currently operating within its existing bank facilities and in order to
continue to operate within these facilities the Company needs to grow its
revenue base significantly.

The expected near-term growth in income in the Company's core business, the
leasing of the Adwalker platform, is heavily dependent on the advertising
budgets of its global media partners.  As with many companies operating in our
industry, the uncertain economic environment and the potential adverse effect
this may have on the timing and level of spending of Adwalker's customer base
makes it very difficult for the Directors to forecast the level of future
income with any degree of accuracy.

As the Directors' stated in the recent trading update, discussions have now
commenced and are ongoing with a number of parties, including the Company's
bankers, with a view to securing the necessary working capital so that the
business can continue to meet its obligations as they fall due.

In the event that there is insufficient growth in near-term income and Adwalker
is unsuccessful in securing additional bank facilities and/or raising the
necessary finance then there will be a material adverse effect on the Company's
financial position and operations.

Current trading and outlook

Discussions continue with a number of companies regarding the deployment of
Interactive Fixed Screen Networks. At this point it is difficult to predict
when any of the negotiations will come to fruition, particularly in light of
the current economic environment.

Trading conditions since the period end continue to be challenging. However,
the Board continues to believe that Adwalker's wearable media platform is still
only being utilised by `early adopting' clients and that over time the platform
will still be able to establish itself in the wider global arena. I would like
to thank our loyal shareholders for their patience during this period of

In recent weeks the Company has focused on the provision of varied digital
technology services for its media and advertising clients. Many of these new
services have been well received in Ireland, the launch market. The Board is
encouraged by the initial reaction in Ireland and the Company hopes to be able
to generate further interest in the USA and UK markets in the first half of

I remain cautiously optimistic about the future of the Company in very
challenging economic conditions.



27 November 2008


Adwalker plc                                             Tel: +353 (1) 866 9000
Simon Crisp                                                                    
John East & Partners Limited                                 Tel: 020 7628 2200
Simon Clements/David Worlidge                                                  

Consolidated Income Statement for the six months ended 31 August 2008

                                  Notes    Six months   Six months         Year
                                                ended        ended        ended
                                            31 August    31 August 28 February 
                                                 2008         2007         2008
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                    Euro            Euro            Euro
Revenue - continuing operations     3         451,929    1,142,547    1,770,195
Cost of sales                               (188,780)    (580,346)    (942,849)
Gross profit                                  263,149      562,201      827,346
Other operating income                        220,363            -            -
Distribution costs                           (14,770)      (5,077)      (9,565)
Administrative and other                  (1,277,421)  (1,494,014)  (3,297,837)
operating expenses                                                             
Loss from operations -                      (808,679)    (936,890)  (2,480,056)
continuing operations                                                          
Finance costs                                 (5,342)      (6,311)      (1,768)
Income from investments                         1,130            -        3,720
Exchange (loss)/profit                       (12,499)     (45,716)       52,981
Loss before tax - continuing                (825,390)    (988,917)  (2,425,123)
Income tax expense                                  -            -        (199)
Net loss for the period -                   (825,390)    (988,917)  (2,425,322)
continuing operations                                                          
Loss per share                      4                                          
Basic loss per share                      (0.31 cent)  (0.56 cent)  (0.92 cent)
Diluted loss per share                    (0.31 cent)  (0.56 cent)  (0.87 cent)

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 August 2008

                                  Notes     31 August    31 August 28 February 
                                                 2008         2007         2008
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                    Euro            Euro            Euro
Non-current assets                                                             
Plant and equipment                 5         115,534      434,666      266,215
Intangible assets                   6         128,827      282,847      205,346
                                              244,361      717,513      471,561
Current assets                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                   282,435      254,844      205,297
Bank and cash balances                          8,057      174,938      218,731
                                              290,492      429,782      424,028
Total assets                                  534,853    1,147,295      895,589
Equity and liabilities                                                         
Capital and reserves                                                           
Share capital                               5,272,676    3,712,664    5,272,676
Capital reserves                            5,753,559    5,753,559    5,753,559
Other reserves                                 36,424       25,489     (37,550)
Share options                                 537,301      505,582      522,860
Accumulated losses                       (12,439,560) (10,177,763) (11,614,170)
Total equity                                (839,600)    (180,469)    (102,625)
Non current liabilities                                                        
Obligations under finance leases                    -       46,237       28,746
- due after one year                                                           
                                                    -       46,237       28,746
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                      939,555      865,900      777,561
Bank loans and                                250,876      178,933       32,991
overdrafts- due within one year                                                
Other taxation liabilities                    184,022      198,176      120,398
Obligations under finance leases                    -       38,518       38,518
- due within one year                                                          
                                            1,374,453    1,281,527      969,468
Total equity and liabilities                  534,853    1,147,295      895,589

Consolidated Unaudited Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months ended
31 August 2008

                 Share      Share      Share     Other  Accumulated       Total
               Capital    Premium    Options                 Losses      equity
                     Euro          Euro          Euro         Euro            Euro           Euro
Balance at   3,372,664  5,392,689    493,410   (8,519)  (9,188,848)      61,396
1 March                                                                        
Net loss             -          -          -         -  (2,425,322) (2,425,322)
for the                                                                        
Exchange             -          -          -  (29,031)            -    (29,031)
Share                -          -     29,450         -            -      29,450
Shares       1,900,012    360,870          -         -            -   2,260,882
Balance at   5,272,676  5,753,559    522,860  (37,550) (11,614,170)   (102,625)
28 February                                                                    
Balance at   5,272,676  5,753,559    522,860  (37,550) (11,614,170)   (102,625)
1 March                                                                        
Net loss             -          -          -         -    (825,390)   (825,390)
for the                                                                        
Exchange             -          -          -    73,974            -      73,974
Share                -          -     14,441         -            -      14,441
Balance at   5,272,676  5,753,559    537,301    36,424 (12,439,560)   (839,600)
31 August                                                                      

Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 31 August 2008

                                           Six months   Six months         Year
                                                ended        ended             
                                             31August     31August             
                                                                    28 February
                                                 2008         2007             
                                          (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)             
                                                    Euro            Euro            Euro
Operating activities                                                           
Loss before tax                             (825,390)    (988,917)  (2,480,056)
Depreciation and amortisation                 228,046      295,336      525,298
Adjustments for share options grants           14,441       12,172       29,450
Grant income                                (220,363)            -            -
Exchange differences                           12,499       35,377     (52,981)
                                            (790,767)    (646,032)  (1,978,289)
Tax refund                                          -            -        6,764
Decrease/(Increase) in receivables             68,774     (18,528)       22,292
Increase/(Decrease) in payables               278,599       31,952    (106,495)
Cash generated from operations              (443,394)    (632,608)  (2,055,728)
Net investment expense/(income)                 4,212        6,311      (1,952)
Net cash used by operating activities       (439,182)    (626,297)  (2,057,680)
Investing activities                                                           
Interest received                               1,130            -        3,720
Interest paid                                 (5,342)      (6,311)      (1,768)
Purchase of intangible assets                 (4,021)     (22,665)     (22,001)
Purchase of property, plant and                 (759)     (41,938)     (25,244)
Net cash used in investing activities         (8,992)     (70,914)     (45,293)
Net cash outflow before financing           (448,174)    (697,211)  (2,102,973)
Financing activities                                                           
Issue of shares                                     -      700,871    2,260,882
Grants received                                74,451            -            -
Capital repayment of finance leases          (67,264)     (19,254)     (36,749)
Net cash inflow from financing                  7,187      681,618    2,224,133
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash        (440,987)     (15,593)      121,160
equivalents in period                                                          
Cash and cash equivalents at start of         185,740       11,599       11,599
the period                                                                     
Effects of exchange rate changes               12,428            -       52,981
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the     (242,819)        3,994      185,740

Notes to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for the six 
months ended 31 August 2008

1. General

Adwalker plc is a public limited company incorporated in Ireland. The Company
has subsidiaries located in the United Kingdom, United States and Hong Kong.
The Company and subsidiaries are principally involved in offering clients
digital media solutions on the Adwalker mobile platform.

These financial statements are presented in Euro as that is the currency in
which the majority of the Group's transactions are presently denominated.

2. Basis of Preparation of the interim financial statements

The interim financial statements have been prepared on a basis which is
consistent with the accounting policies adopted for the period to 31 August

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the AIM
Rules of the London Stock Exchange which require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes,
and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

The interim accounts which are abridged and unaudited, do not include all the
information required for full annual financial statements. The financial
information contained in the interim statements does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined within the meaning of the Companies Act 1963 to 2006.
Comparative figures for the year to 28 February 2008 have been extracted from
the latest financial statements on which the report of the independent auditors
was unqualified.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards.

The Company is currently operating within its existing bank facilities and in
order to continue to operate within these facilities the Company needs to grow
its revenue base significantly. However, the level of income generated in
September was significantly lower than management expectations. The expected
near-term growth in income in the Company's core business, the leasing of the
Adwalker platform, is heavily dependent on the advertising budgets of its
global media partners. 

The uncertain economic environment and the potential adverse effect this may
have on the timing and level of spending of Adwalker's customer base makes it
very difficult for the Directors to forecast the level of future income with
any degree of accuracy.

While the Directors remain optimistic that the effect of these factors will be
limited in the medium term and the shortfall in income experienced since 31
August 2008 may be recovered in future months, the Directors intend to commence
discussions with a number of parties with a view to securing the necessary
working capital so that the business can continue to meet its obligations as
they fall due.

In the event that there is insufficient growth in near-term income and Adwalker
is unsuccessful in securing additional bank facilities and/or raising the
necessary finance then there will be a material adverse effect on the Company's
financial position and operations.

The interim statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. This
assumption is dependent on the Group meeting its projected revenue and
expenditure targets. The Group incurred losses of Euro825,390 for the six month
period ended 31 August 2008. The Group had a net cash deficit of Euro242,819 as at
31 August 2008.

The Directors are confident that the group is taking the necessary steps to
grow the business to achieve profitability in the short to medium term. Should
projected profit levels not materialise the Directors will take whatever steps
necessary to ensure the group has sufficient working capital for its needs.

The Directors have reviewed the forecasted profit and loss account and cash
flows of the Group for a period of one year from the date of approval of these
interim financial statements. They are satisfied that in view of the Group's
bank facilities and the expected trading and cash flow performance, the Group
has the necessary resources to continue trading for the foreseeable future.
Inherently, there can be no certainty in any of these respects. Accordingly,
they believe that it is appropriate for the financial statements to be prepared
on the going concern basis.

If the Group was unable to continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future, adjustments would have to be made to adjust the balance
sheet values of assets to their recoverable amounts, to provide for further
liabilities that might arise and to reclassify fixed assets and long term
liabilities as current assets and liabilities.

 3. Revenue
An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:

                                          Six months   Six months Year ended 28
                                                                  February 2008
                                            ended 31     ended 31              
                                         August 2008  August 2007              
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
                                                   Euro            Euro             Euro
Media Services                               451,929    1,142,547     1,770,195

Revenue is derived from the following geographic regions

Ireland                                      109,952       78,972      191,322
United Kingdom                               185,342       53,970      144,869
United States of America                     156,635    1,009,605    1,434,004
                                             451,929    1,142,547    1,770,195

4. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is based on a loss of Euro825,390, (six months ended 31
August 2007: Euro988,917) (year ended 28 February 2008: Euro2,425,322) and a weighted
average number of shares in issue of 263,633,702 (six months ended 31 August
2007: 177,880,340) (year ended 28 February 2008: 263,633,702).

In 2008 the diluted loss per share has been calculated on the same basis as
basic loss per share because the effect of the potential ordinary shares (share
options) reduces the net loss per share and is therefore anti-dilutive.

5. Plant and equipment

                      Adwalker  Fixtures &    Computer     Leasehold      Total
                         Packs    Fittings   Equipment  Improvements           
                             Euro           Euro           Euro             Euro          Euro
Cost or valuation                                                              
At 1 March 2008      1,334,619     131,256     200,556        89,174  1,755,605
Exchange                   650     (7,588)       4,135       (1,131)    (3,934)
Additions                    -           -         759             -        759
At 31 August 2008    1,335,269     123,668     205,450        88,043  1,752,430
Accumulated depreciation and impairment                                        
At 1 March 2008      1,203,153      64,911     176,080        45,246  1,489,390
Exchange                 5,067       1,849    (10,223)         (760)    (4,067)
Charge for the         113,084      11,221      18,296         8,972    151,573
At 31 August 2008    1,321,304      77,981     184,153        53,458  1,636,896
Carrying amount                                                                
At 28 February         131,466      66,345      24,476        43,928    266,215
2008- Audited                                                                  
At 31 August 2008 -     13,965      45,687      21,297        34,585    115,534

6. Intangible assets

                             Patents and ACOMS System     Goodwill        Total
                                       Euro            Euro            Euro            Euro
At 1 March 2008                  114,137      527,643    1,959,567    2,601,347
Additions                          4,021            -            -        4,021
At 31 August 2008                118,158      527,643    1,959,567    2,605,368
Accumulated amortisation                                                       
At 1 March 2008                   62,185      374,249    1,959,567    2,396,001
Charge for the period             13,082       67,458            -       80,540
At 31 August 2008                 75,267      441,707    1,959,567    2,476,541
Carrying amount                                                                
At 28 February 2008 -             51,952      153,394            -      205,346
At 31 August 2008 -               42,891       85,936            -      128,827

The impairment of goodwill arose on Adwalker (IP) Limited. The company ceased
trading on acquisition and the Directors wrote down the goodwill relating to
this subsidiary by Euro1,959,567 in the period ended 28 February 2005.

7. Copies of interim report

Copies of the interim report are available for download from the company's
website www.adwalker.com.


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