Anglesey Mining plc 
Half yearly report for the six months to 30 September 2016 
Chairman's Statement and Management Report 
In 2016, year to date, to a large extent we have seen an improvement in all the 
metals which are key to Anglesey Mining and the immediate outlook for all these 
metals is very positive. 
Base metal prices move ahead 
Zinc has continued to be one of the strongest performing metals in 2016, rising 
from the US$0.70 per pound level at the end of 2015 to US$1.15 per pound in 
recent days, an improvement in the year to date of more than 50%. For the past 
five years the zinc market has been in deficit and the fundamentals for zinc 
have been steadily improving. The closing in 2015 of Australia's Century mine 
and the Lisheen mine in Ireland, combined with earlier closures of the 
Glencore's Brunswick and Perseverance mines in Canada has removed more than one 
million tonnes of mine supply which represents almost 9.9% of world mine 
Lead has also performed well in 2016 rising from US$0.75 per pound at the end 
of 2015 to US$0.95 per pound during the third quarter, while uncertainty about 
the global economy and investor anxiety continue to support the prices of gold 
and silver. 
More recently, following the election of Donald Trump in the United States, 
there has been a dramatic increase in the prices of most metals, particularly 
copper and iron ore. Copper is now selling at over $2.60 per pound, a level not 
seen for several years. The likelihood of a major infrastructure programme in 
the United Sates  would be very significant for both copper and iron ore and 
particularly for zinc, the demand for which is closely linked to steel 
production and hence to iron ore demand. 
Iron ore showing some strength 
Iron ore is now selling at US$74 per tonne on a 62% iron basis FIS China. This 
is a level not seen for almost two years, while at the same time the price of 
metallurgical coal, the other major ingredient in steel making, has more than 
doubled in the past six months.  It is clear that Chinese consumption of iron 
ore continues to increase. On a positive note particularly relevant to the 
company the premiums for high grade fines and pellets, as would be produced by 
Grangesberg in Sweden, are also increasing. 
In the longer term, per capita steel consumption in China must catch up with 
levels in the West and that would see at least a doubling in iron ore and zinc 
At Anglesey Mining we have continued to keep our corporate and operating costs 
at the lowest level possible and indeed have reduced general expenses by a 
further 38% compared to the same period last year, which as noted at that time 
were 50% of the prior year.  The direct expenditure at all our projects has 
again remained low throughout the period. 
New studies on Parys Mountain 
As announced in the Annual Report the company is updating the earlier scoping 
and economic studies on its Parys Mountain zinc/lead/copper/silver/gold 
property in Wales. This updated scoping study is being prepared by Micon 
International Limited and by Fairport Engineering Limited, both of which are 
acknowledged experts and leaders in the resources sector. 
The Parys Mountain property is a significant zinc, copper and lead deposit with 
small amounts of silver and gold, with a reported a resource of 2.1 million 
tonnes at 6.9% combined base metals in the indicated category and 4.1 million 
tonnes at 5.0% combined base metals in the inferred category. The site has a 
head frame, a 300m deep production shaft and planning permission for operations 
and there is also important exploration potential. 
It is expected that the results of this updated study will form a solid base 
from which to move the project towards production and will be used to assist 
with future planning and potential financing of the development of the Parys 
Mountain project. We expect that capital costs of developing Parys Mountain 
will be lower in today's less competitive environment and, coupled with 
positive changes in exchange rates, could make the project attractive at 
expected metal prices. The Parys Mountain project will of course benefit from 
the expected increase in zinc price which is the predominant metal to be 
produced during in the early years of the mine life. 
Labrador restructuring 
In Canada, Labrador Iron Mines has made significant progress. A Plan of 
Arrangement has been filed with Ontario Court and a meeting of creditors will 
be held in early December. This filing marks a major milestone in the 
court-supervised process to complete a restructuring of LIM's business. The 
plan is intended to restructure LIM's business to preserve its mining assets 
and to position LIM to refinance an orderly resumption of its iron ore mining 
activities when economic conditions warrant. If the plan is implemented as 
expected then Anglesey's holding in LIM will be diluted by an approximately 
Grangesberg well positioned 
In Sweden, a number of technical reviews have been continued to position the 
Grangesberg iron ore project should the iron ore market continue to strengthen. 
 Anglesey holds a direct 6% interest in Grangesberg and a right of first 
refusal over a further 51%. It has a shareholder and cooperation agreements for 
operatorship of GIAB. The mining leases can be maintained for a number of years 
with only minimum work levels. The high grade of concentrate to be produced 
from Grangesberg, together with the extensive existing infrastructure on site 
and nationally, and the potential for sales within Sweden's domestic markets, 
negating the requirements for major port facilities and expensive handling and 
shipping costs, will be key drivers in this expectation. In the meantime, 
Grangesberg is also actively looking at alternative resource projects in Sweden 
that could benefit from the local knowledge and corporate support available, 
whilst awaiting a sustainable upturn in the iron ore and financing markets. 
Financial results 
The group had no revenue for the period. The loss for the six months to 30 
September 2016 was GBP124,576, a reduction of GBP11,373 in the loss from the 
comparative period last year due to a reduction in administrative expenses. The 
cash and net current liabilities positions also improved compared with the last 
period as a result of cash advances of GBP125,000 from Juno under the working 
capital agreement. Additional financing will be required for working capital to 
maintain the group and carry out planned progress at Parys Mountain. 
Anglesey is exposed to zinc, lead, copper and precious metals at Parys Mountain 
and to iron ore at LIM and Grangesberg. With recent political developments in 
the UK and the United States, coupled with the likelihood of renewed stimulus 
investment in China, we feel that there is sound reason to believe that the 
future outlook for the commodity prices which are important to Anglesey Mining 
is very positive. 
We thank shareholders for their continued patience and support. 
John F Kearney 
17 November 2016 
Unaudited condensed consolidated income statement 
                                  Notes  Unaudited six  Unaudited six 
                                          months ended   months ended 
                                          30 September   30 September 
                                                  2016           2015 
All operations are continuing 
                                                     GBP              GBP 
   Revenue                                          -              - 
   Expenses                                   (42,418)       (68,337) 
   Investment income                               103            160 
   Finance costs                              (82,392)       (66,959) 
   Foreign exchange gain/(loss)                    131          (813) 
 Loss before tax                             (124,576)      (135,949) 
   Taxation                        8                -              - 
 Loss for the period               7         (124,576)      (135,949) 
   Loss per share 
   Basic - pence per share                      (0.1)p         (0.1)p 
   Diluted - pence per share                    (0.1)p         (0.1)p 
Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
 Loss for the period                     (124,576)  (135,949) 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or 
  Exchange difference                     (18,135)         33 
 on translation of foreign 
 Total comprehensive loss                (142,711)  (135,916) 
           for the period 
All attributable to equity holders of the company 
Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of financial position 
                                  Notes   Unaudited  Audited 31 
                                                 30  March 2016 
                                                  GBP           GBP 
   Non-current assets 
   Mineral property exploration    9     14,945,175  14,926,626 
  and evaluation 
   Property, plant and equipment            204,687     204,687 
   Investments                     10        86,660      86,660 
   Deposit                                  123,078     123,078 
                                         15,359,600  15,341,051 
   Current assets 
   Other receivables                         30,411      32,759 
   Cash and cash equivalents                 40,608      11,504 
                                             71,019      44,263 
 Total assets                            15,430,619  15,385,314 
   Current liabilities 
   Trade and other payables                (98,500)   (136,259) 
                                           (98,500)   (136,259) 
   Net current liabilities                 (27,481)    (91,996) 
   Non-current liabilities 
                                        (3,323,437) (3,097,662) 
   Long term provision                     (50,000)    (50,000) 
                                        (3,373,437) (3,147,662) 
 Total liabilities 
                                        (3,471,937) (3,283,921) 
 Net assets                              11,958,682  12,101,393 
   Share capital                   11     7,116,914   7,116,914 
   Share premium                          9,848,949   9,848,949 
   Currency translation reserve            (56,592)    (38,457) 
   Retained losses 
                                        (4,950,589) (4,826,013) 
Total shareholders' equity               11,958,682  12,101,393 
All attributable to equity holders of the company 
Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                  Notes  Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                        six months six months 
                                          ended 30   ended 30 
                                         September  September 
                                              2016       2015 
                                                 GBP          GBP 
Operating activities 
   Loss for the period                   (124,576)  (135,949) 
   Adjustments for: 
   Investment income                         (103)      (160) 
   Finance costs                            82,392     66,959 
   Foreign exchange movement                 (131)        813 
                                          (42,418)   (68,337) 
  Movements in working capital 
   Decrease in receivables                   2,348      1,002 
   (Decrease)/increase in                 (25,672)      8,329 
Net cash used in operating                (65,742)   (59,006) 
Investing activities 
   Investment income                           103         60 
   Mineral property exploration           (30,388)   (29,144) 
  and evaluation 
Net cash used in investing activities     (30,285)   (29,084) 
Financing activities 
   Loans                                   125,000         - 
Net cash generated from                    125,000         - 
financing activities 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash             28,973   (88,090) 
         and cash equivalents 
 Cash and cash equivalents at               11,504     96,873 
start of period 
 Foreign exchange movement                     131      (813) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at               40,608      7,970 
end of period 
All attributable to equity holders of the company 
Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of changes in group equity 
                        Share     Share     Currency    Retained     Total 
                       capital   premium  translation   losses        GBP 
                          GBP         GBP       reserve        GBP 
Equity at 1 April     7,116,914 9,848,949    (38,457)             12,101,393 
2016 - audited                                        (4,826,013) 
comprehensive income 
for the period: 
Exchange difference          -         -     (18,135)          -    (18,135) 
on translation of 
foreign holding 
Loss for the period          -         -           -    (124,576)  (124,576) 
Total                        -         -     (18,135)   (124,576)  (142,711) 
comprehensive income 
for the period: 
Equity at             7,116,914 9,848,949    (56,592)             11,958,682 
30 September 2016 -                                   (4,950,589) 
Comparative period 
Equity at 1 April     7,116,914 9,848,949    (31,163)             12,365,137 
2015 - audited                                        (4,569,563) 
comprehensive income 
for the period: 
Exchange difference          -         -           33          -          33 
on translation of 
foreign holding 
Loss for the period          -         -           -    (135,949)  (135,949) 
Total                        -         -           33   (135,949)  (135,916) 
comprehensive income 
for the period: 
Equity at             7,116,914 9,848,949    (31,130)             12,229,221 
30 September 2015 -                                   (4,705,512) 
All attributable to equity holders of the company 
Notes to the accounts 
1.  Basis of preparation 
This half-yearly financial report comprises the unaudited condensed 
consolidated financial statements of the group for the six months ended 30 
September 2016. It has been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and 
Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Services Authority, the requirements of 
IAS 34 - Interim financial reporting (as adopted by the European Union) and 
using the going concern basis and the directors are not aware of any events or 
circumstances which would make this inappropriate. It was approved by the board 
of directors on 17 November 2016. It does not constitute financial statements 
within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and does not 
include all of the information and disclosures required for annual financial 
statements. It should be read in conjunction with the annual report and 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016 which is available on 
request from the company or may be viewed at www.angleseymining.co.uk. 
The financial information contained in this report in respect of the year ended 
31 March 2016 has been extracted from the report and financial statements for 
that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of 
the auditors on those accounts did not contain a statement under section 498(2) 
or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and was not qualified. The half-yearly results 
for the current and comparative periods are unaudited. 
2.  Significant accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied in these unaudited condensed consolidated 
financial statements are consistent with those set out in the annual report and 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016. The following amendments 
to interpretations were effective in the current period and have been adopted: 
IAS 1 (amendment) 'Presentation of Financial Statements' - Disclosure 
initiative - 1 January 2016 
IAS 16 (amendment) 'Property, Plant and Equipment' and IAS 38 (amendment) 
'Intangible Assets' - Clarification of acceptable methods of depreciation and 
amortisation    - 1 January 2016 
IAS 27 (amendment) 'Separate Financial Statements' - Equity method in separate 
financial statements - 1 January 2016 
IFRS 11 (amendment) 'Joint Arrangements' - Accounting for acquisitions of 
interests in joint operations - 1 January 2016 
Annual Improvements to IFRS (2012 - 2014) - 1 January 2016 
The adoption of the amendments and new interpretations has not resulted in a 
change to the accounting policies nor had a material effect on the financial 
performance and position of the group. In preparing these financial statements 
any accounting assumptions and estimates made by management were consistent 
with those applied to the aforesaid annual report and financial statements. 
3.  Risks and uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties set out in the group's annual report and 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016 remain the same for this 
half-yearly financial report and can be summarised as: development risks in 
respect of mineral properties, especially in respect of permitting and metal 
prices; liquidity risks during development; and foreign exchange risks. More 
information is to be found in the 2016 annual report - see note 1 above. 
4.  Statement of directors' responsibilities 
The directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: (a) the unaudited 
condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with the requirements of IAS 34 Interim financial reporting (as adopted by the 
European Union); and (b) the interim management report includes a fair review 
of the information required by the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
(4.2.7 R and 4.2.8 R). This report and financial statements were approved by 
the board on 17 November 2016 and authorised for issue on behalf of the board 
by Bill Hooley, chief executive officer and Danesh Varma, finance director. 
5.  Activities 
The group is engaged in mineral property development and currently has no 
turnover. There are no minority interests or exceptional items. 
6.  Earnings per share 
The loss per share is computed by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders of GBP0.1 million (loss to 30 September 2015 GBP0.1m), by 160,608,051 
(2015 - unchanged) - the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the period. Where there are losses the effect of outstanding share 
options is not dilutive. 
7.  Business and geographical segments 
There are no revenues. The cost of all activities charged in the income 
statement relates to exploration and development of mining properties. The 
group's income statement and assets and liabilities are analysed as follows by 
geographical segments, which is the basis on which information is reported to 
the board. 
Income statement analysis 
                      Unaudited six months ended 30 September 
                           UK    Sweden -   Canada - 
                               investment investment   Total 
                             GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Expenses              (42,409)        (9)         -    (42,418) 
Investment income          103         -          -         103 
Finance costs         (82,392)         -          -    (82,392) 
Exchange rate              105         26         -         131 
Loss for the period  (124,593)         17         -   (124,576) 
                      Unaudited six months ended 30 September 
                           UK    Sweden -   Canada - 
                               investment investment   Total 
                             GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Expenses              (68,337)         -          -    (68,337) 
Investment income          160         -          -         160 
Finance costs         (66,959)         -          -    (66,959) 
Exchange rate               -        (57)      (756)      (813) 
Loss for the period  (135,136)       (57)      (756)  (135,949) 
Assets and liabilities 
`                            Unaudited 30 September 2016 
                            UK      Sweden     Canada 
                                investment investment    Total 
                              GBP          GBP          GBP           GBP 
Non current assets   15,272,940     86,659          1  15,359,600 
Current assets           69,755      1,264         -       71,019 
Liabilities                      (280,189)         - 
                    (3,191,748)                       (3,471,937) 
Net assets/          12,150,947  (192,266)          1  11,958,682 
                                Audited 31 March 2016 
                            UK      Sweden     Canada       Total 
                                investment investment 
                              GBP          GBP          GBP           GBP 
Non current assets   15,254,391     86,659          1  15,341,051 
Current assets           43,069      1,194         -       44,263 
Liabilities                      (245,461)         - 
                    (3,038,460)                       (3,283,921) 
Net assets/          12,259,000  (157,608)          1  12,101,393 
8.  Deferred tax 
There is an unrecognised deferred tax asset of GBP1.3 million (31 March 2016 - GBP 
1.2m) which, in view of the group's results, is not considered to be 
recoverable in the short term. There are also capital allowances, including 
mineral extraction allowances, exceeding GBP12.5 million (unchanged from 31 March 
2016) unclaimed and available. No deferred tax asset is recognised in the 
condensed financial statements. 
9.  Mineral property exploration and evaluation costs 
Mineral property exploration and evaluation costs incurred by the group are 
carried in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements at cost, 
less an impairment provision if appropriate. The recovery of these costs is 
dependent upon the successful development and operation of the Parys Mountain 
project which is itself conditional on finance being available to fund such 
development. During the period expenditure of GBP18,549 was incurred (six months 
to 30 September 2015 - GBP24,127). There have been no indicators of impairment 
during the period. 
10.  Investments 
                               Labrador   Grangesberg    Total 
                                       GBP         GBP           GBP 
At 1 April 2015                        1    86,659.00     86,660 
Addition during period               -                       - 
At 31 March 2016                       1       86,659     86,660 
Addition during period                -           -          - 
At Unaudited 30 September              1       86,659     86,660 
Labrador:   The group's investment is classified as 'unquoted' and is held at a 
nominal value of GBP1. 
Grangesberg: The group has a 6% holding in Grangesberg Iron AB (an unquoted 
Swedish company) and a right of first refusal over shares amounting to a 
further 51% of that company. This investment has been initially recognised and 
subsequently measured at cost, on the basis that the shares are not quoted and 
a reliable fair value is not able to be estimated. 
11.  Share capital 
                       Ordinary shares       Deferred shares     Total 
                                of 1p                  of 4p 
Issued and         Nominal  Number       Nominal      Number   Nominal 
fully paid         value GBP               value GBP               value GBP 
At 31 March      1,606,081 160,608,051 5,510,833 137,770,835 7,116,914 
2016 and 30 
September 2016 
12.  Financial instruments 
 Group              Available for sale         Loans & 
                         assets              receivables 
                  Unaudited    31 March   Unaudited    31 
                     30         2016         30      March 
                  September              September    2016 
                    2016                    2016 
                           GBP           GBP          GBP        GBP 
Financial assets 
 Investments               1           1         -        - 
 Deposit                  -           -     123,078  123,078 
 Other debtors            -           -      30,411   32,759 
 Cash and cash            -           -      40,608   11,504 
                          -           - 
                           1           1    194,097  167,341 
                  Unaudited    31 March 
                     30         2016 
                     GBP           GBP 
 Trade payables     (44,206)    (77,465) 
 Other payables     (54,294)    (58,794) 
                 (3,323,437) (3,097,662) 
                 (3,421,937) (3,233,921) 
13.  Events after the reporting period 
14.  Related party transactions 
Corporate information 
John Kearney                Chairman 
Bill Hooley                      Chief executive 
Danesh Varma               Finance director 
David Lean                     Non executive 
Howard Miller                Non executive 
Parys Mountain site: Parys Mountain, Amlwch, Anglesey, LL68 9RE 
Phone 01407 831275 
London office: Painter's Hall, 9 Little Trinity Lane, London, EC4V 2AD 
Phone 020 7653 9881 
Registered office: Tower Bridge House, St. Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1DD 
Share registrars: Capita Registrars  www.capitaregistrars.com 
Phone:  0871 664 0300 - for all change of address and shareholder 
administration matters (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras, 
lines open 0830 to 1730 Mon-Fri) 
Web site: www.angleseymining.co.uk 
E-mail: mail@angleseymining.co.uk 
Shares listed on the London Stock Exchange - LSE:AYM 
Company registration number 1849957 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 18, 2016 06:08 ET (11:08 GMT)

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