RNS Number:4223E
Bionex Investments PLC
12 June 2006

12 June 2006

                             Bionex Investments plc

               Interim report for the six months to 31 March 2006

Chairman's Statement

In the six months to 31 March 2006 the company made a profit after taxation of
#13,000 and net assets per share at 31 March 2006 were 2.30 pence.

At 31 March 2006 cash in hand and on deposit amounted to #2,241,000, with
investments in quoted and unquoted securities totalling #1,404,000.

The first half year has been characterised by increased activity, both in terms
of potential investment opportunities and committed funds.  In the period we
made 11 new investments totalling #1,060,000 and exited, partially or fully, 7
investments, realising #370,000.  Since the 31 March 2006 we have committed a
further #500,000 in 5 new investments and realised a further #260,000 from 3
investments.  Of the investments currently held 9 are currently unquoted with a
further 5 being quoted or expected to be quoted very shortly.

In view of the increased activity and the expectation of expanding this further,
I am delighted to announce, with effect from today, that the Board will be
strengthened by the appointment of Oliver Vaughan and Tim James.  Both Oliver
and Tim have had a great deal of experience in investing in the smaller company
space and will further contribute to potential deal flow.  In addition Oliver
and Tim have each subscribed #200,000 for 10 million shares in the company, in
each case representing approximately 5.62% of the issued share capital.  The
subscription price of 2 pence per share represents a 17.6% premium to the
closing mid market price at 9 June 2006.

In view of the change in investment strategy, away from biotechnology, the Board
have concluded that it is appropriate to change the company's name.  Therefore
at the company's next General Meeting, a resolution will be put to change the
company's name to Albany Capital Plc.

We continue to see many potential opportunities for investment in smaller
companies generally, both quoted and unquoted, and expect to utilise a greater
part of cash resources over the remainder of the financial year where we believe
there are attractive returns.

Christopher Roberts

12 June 2006

Profit and Loss Account

                                                             Unaudited          Unaudited             Audited
                                                         Six months to      Six months to          Year ended
                                                              31 March           31 March        30 September   
                                                                  2006               2005                2005
                                                                 #'000              #'000               #'000

Profit on sale of investments                                       60                  7                 115

Administrative expenses                                           (64)               (72)               (133)
                                                                   (4)               (65)                (18)

Investment provision                                              (33)                  -               (217)

Loss on ordinary activities                                       (37)               (65)               (235)
before interest

Interest receivable and similar income                              58                 70                 128

Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities                              21                  5               (107)
before taxation

Taxation                                                           (8)                  -                (27)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                        13                  5               (134)

Basic earnings per ordinary share  - pence             2        0.008p             0.003p            (0.085)p


Balance Sheet
                                                             Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited
                                                              31 March           31 March       30 September 
                                                                  2006               2005               2005
                                                                 #'000              #'000              #'000

Fixed assets
Investments                                              3         150                302                150

Current assets
Current asset investments                                        1,254                959                561
Debtors                                                             73                  3                536
Cash at bank and in hand                                         2,241              2,574              2,562

                                                                 3,568              3,536              3,659

Creditors: Amounts falling due                                    (86)               (80)              (190)
within one year

Net current assets                                               3,482              3,456              3,649

Net assets                                                       3,632              3,758              3,619

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                          1,579              1,579              1,579
Share premium                                                    2,615              2,615              2,615
Profit and loss account                                          (562)              (436)              (575)

Equity shareholders' funds                                       3,632              3,758              3,619

Cash Flow Statement

                                                              Unaudited         Unaudited           Audited
                                                          Six months to     Six months to        Year ended
                                                               31 March          31 March      30 September
                                                                   2006              2005              2005
                                                                  #'000             #'000             #'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities                         (75)              (76)             (135)

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                    58                70               128

Taxation paid                                                       (1)                 -              (23)

Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of investments                                         (1,147)             (577)           (1,275)
Sale of investments                                                 845                99               809
                                                                  (302)             (478)             (466)

Cash outflow inflow before management of liquid                   (320)             (484)             (496)
resources and financing

Management of liquid resources and    financing
Decrease  in short term deposits                                      -             3,000             3,000

(Decrease) / increase in cash in the period                       (320)             2,516             2,504

Notes to the Accounts

1    Basis of preparation

The unaudited accounts for the six months ended 31 March 2006 do not constitute
statutory accounts.

The profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement have been
prepared on a basis consistent with the statutory accounts for the year ended 30
September 2005.

Results for the year ended 30 September 2005 have been extracted from the
statutory accounts which were reported on by the auditors, without qualification
or statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985, and have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2    Earnings / (loss) per share

The calculation of the basic earnings / (loss) per ordinary share is based on
the profit / (loss) on ordinary activities after tax and on the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.  The calculation of
diluted earnings / (loss) per ordinary share is not disclosed as the warrants
and further subscription rights are non dilutive when calculated in accordance
with FRS 14.

Reconciliations of the earnings / (losses) and weighted average number of shares
used in the calculations are set out in the table below.

                                    6 months ended 31 March 2006              6 months ended 31 March 2005

                                              Weighted                                 Weighted
                                               Average     Earnings                     Average    Earnings
                               Earnings      Number of    per share      Earnings     Number of   per share
                                      #         shares      (pence)             #        Shares     (pence)

Basic earnings per ordinary
share                            13,119    157,925,634        0.008         4,515   157,925,634       0.003

                                                  12 months ended 30 September 2005

                                                                 Average         Loss per
                                            Earnings           Number of            share
                                                   #              shares          (pence)

Basic loss per ordinary share              (134,058)         157,925,634          (0.085)

3    Fixed Asset Investments

At 1 October 2005                                                                     895
Additions                                                                               -
Disposals                                                                               -

At 31 March 2006                                                                      895

At 1 October 2005                                                                     745
Provisions in period                                                                    -

At 31 March 2006                                                                      745

Net book value
At 31 March 2006                                                                      150

At 30 September 2005                                                                  150

4    Other information

The interim statement was approved by the Directors on 12 June 2006.

A copy of the interim statement will not be posted to shareholders but will be
made available to the public at the company's registered office, 30 Old Broad
Street, London, EC2N 1HT.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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