From:                                                  Core VCT PLC 
Date:                                                  29 August 2013 
Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 
 30 June 2013 
Performance Summary 
Ordinary Shares                   30 June 2013  30 June 2012  31 December 2012 
Net asset value per share         50.84 pence   59.33 pence     57.90 pence 
Total return to date per 
share(1)                          81.99 pence   90.48 pence     89.05 pence 
Share price (mid market)          23.50 pence   29.00 pence     25.75 pence 
Ongoing charges(2)                       0.56%         0.54%             1.24% 
B Shares                          30 June 2013  30 June 2012  31 December 2012 
Net asset value per share           0.01 pence    0.01 pence        0.01 pence 
Total return to date per share      0.01 pence    0.01 pence        0.01 pence 
Share price (mid market)            7.50 pence   12.50 pence       10.00 pence 
1.  Total return per share comprises closing net asset 
     value per share plus cumulative dividends per share 
     paid to date. 
2.  Ongoing charges ratio is calculated by taking the 
     operating expenses of the Group, (excluding trail 
     commission, third party transaction costs and costs 
     associated with corporate transactions) divided by 
     the average NAV for the period. 
Chairman's Statement 
In the six months to 30 June 2013, the Net Asset Value 
 (NAV) Total Return per Ordinary Share was 81.99p, 
 comprising a NAV of 50.84p and a weighted average 
 cumulative dividend paid of 31.15p per Ordinary Share. 
 This represents a decrease from the Combined NAV Total 
 Return to 31 December 2012 of 7.9%, (7.06p) per Ordinary 
 Share. This reduction is mainly attributable to the 
 interim valuation of our unquoted investments, in 
 which we use International Private Equity and Venture 
 Capital ("IPEVC") valuation guidelines based upon 
 most recently available financial information on trading. 
Core Capital I LP ("CCILP") 
CCILP is the vehicle for the major part of the portfolio 
 and allowed the Manager to attract additional capital 
 for expansion from outside investors in 2011. 
During the period a further GBP3.75 million was drawn 
 down from the other Institutional Investors in CCILP. 
 The main recipient of these funds were Ark Home Healthcare 
 Limited (GBP1.75 million), Colway Limited (GBP1.2 
 million) and SPL Services Limited (GBP0.8 million). 
 As at 30 June 2013, GBP4.1 million remains to be called 
 (net of General Partner Fee). 
 During the period, the valuation of your Company's 
 interest decreased by an amount equivalent to 4.92p. 
 Within the portfolio, the underlying strategic plans 
 have not changed significantly, but several of the 
 underlying budgets have had to be revised, especially 
 in the case of SPL, and these trading-related revisions 
 have been reflected in the valuations. During the 
 period, the main focus has been to drive through operational 
 efficiencies and management change to prepare the 
 investments for exit over the next couple of years. 
Investments directly held by Core VCT plc 
Allied International Holdings Limited has encountered 
 mix trading fortunes and has required further funding 
 to progress with its turnaround plan. Both Core IV 
 plc and Core VCT V plc did not participate in the 
 further funding, due to their cash constraints, and 
 GBP150,000 was injected by Core VCT plc, by way of 
 a loan benefitting from yield and capital preference. 
 The overall result was that the valuation reduced 
 by GBP321,000 (0.74p per share). 
 During the period, the value of Momentous Moving Excellence 
 was reduced by GBP0.5 million (1.13p per Ordinary 
 Share). This reduction reflected downward trends in 
 asset values. 
 The Manager's Review provides an update on all the 
 investments held in the Company including those held 
 in CCILP. 
Future dividends will only be paid to shareholders 
 following the successful exit of investments within 
 the portfolio, when we plan to distribute all the 
 realised proceeds available, subject to working capital 
 and VCT regulatory requirements. 
B Shares 
Shareholders will be aware that the Company has an 
 innovative charging structure. No annual management 
 fees are paid to Core Capital LLP, which is only rewarded 
 for performance once shareholders have been returned 
 all of their effective initial capital of 60 pence, 
 and subject to a hurdle rate of 5 per cent per annum. 
 This is achieved through the issue of B Shares, which 
 collectively receive 40% of distributions above the 
 effective initial capital plus hurdle. Of these shares, 
 73% are held by Core Capital LLP, such that Core Capital 
 LLP will thus receive 29% of distributions above the 
 effective initial cost plus hurdle. 
 As at 30 June 2013, total cumulative distributions 
 (31.15p), including hurdle, are approximately 51.50p 
 per Ordinary Share short of the required threshold 
 (82.65p), following the achievement of which the B 
 Shares would participate in distributions. However, 
 I would like to remind ordinary shareholders that 
 once this threshold is achieved, distributions to 
 Ordinary Shares will be reduced to 60% of the total, 
 and that your holding in B Shares therefore forms 
 an integral part of your investment along with your 
 holding in Ordinary Shares. 
Share Price and Share Buy Backs 
We would remind shareholders that we view the NAV 
 Total Return, rather than the share price, as the 
 preferred measure of performance, as it encompasses 
 the value of the current portfolio and the amount 
 of cash distributed to shareholders over the life 
 of their investment. It is disappointing to report 
 that the NAV Total Return has fallen by 7.9% over 
 the period. However, we believe that the underlying 
 portfolio performance will improve as the strategic 
 business plans and operational efficiencies are implemented 
 over the next 12-18 months. 
 We are conscious that the mid price of the shares 
 continues to be at a significant discount to the NAV 
 (54% at 30 June 2013). Whilst the Company has the 
 ability to buy back its own shares, the Boards' view 
 remains that any surplus cash should be returned to 
 all shareholders by way of a distribution. Both the 
 Ordinary Shares (CR3) and B Shares (CR3B) are fully 
 listed shares. Prices are available on www.thelondonstockexchange.com. 
The outlook for the UK economy remains subdued, but 
 there appears to be some encouraging signs. Against 
 this backdrop, it is reassuring that the vast majority 
 of our investments are funded through their next growth 
 phases, the level of debt in our underlying portfolio 
 is relatively low, and additionally, that management 
 teams have been strengthened where required. Together 
 with the further capital that has either recently 
 been invested or remains available, our largest investee 
 companies in particular are well placed to deliver 
 growth. Your Board and Manager remain focused on operating 
 improvements in our investments with the intention 
 of seeking realisations for our shareholders over 
 the medium term. 
Peter Smaill 
29 August 2013 
Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Company's assets consist of unquoted investments, 
 cash and liquid resources. It principal risks are 
 therefore market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. 
 Other risks faced by the Company include economic 
 risk, the loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust, 
 failure to comply with other regulatory requirements, 
 and broader risks such as reputational, operational, 
 and financial risks. These risks and the way in which 
 they are managed, are described in more detail in 
 the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2012, 
 in note 16 to the accounts. The Company's principal 
 risks and uncertainties have not changed materially 
 since the date of that report and it is not envisaged 
 that there will be any changes to the risks and uncertainties 
 in the remaining six months of the financial year. 
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities in Respect 
 of the Half Year Report 
We confirm to the best of our knowledge: 
      the condensed set of financial statements have been 
 --    prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial 
       Reporting' and give a true and fair view of the assets, 
       liabilities, financial position and loss of the Company; 
      the interim management report includes a fair review 
 --    of the information required by the Disclosure and 
       Transparency Rules ('DTR') 4.2.7R, being an indication 
       of important events that have occurred during the 
       first six months of the financial year and their impact 
       on the financial statements; 
      the Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
 --    shown above is a fair review of the information required 
       by DTR 4.2.7R; and 
      the condensed set of financial statements includes 
 --    a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R, 
       being related party transactions that have taken place 
       in the first six months of the financial year and 
       that have materially affected the financial position 
       or performance of the Company during the period, and 
       any changes in the related party described in the 
       last Annual Report that could do so. 
For and behalf of the Board: 
Peter Smaill 
29 August 2013 
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
For the Six Months ended 30 June 2013 
                                            Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                            Return      Return 
                                    Notes     GBP         GBP          GBP 
Investment Income                       3     10,000            -       10,000 
Other Income                            3        317            -          317 
Losses on investments held at fair 
 value                                  6          -  (2,939,724)  (2,939,724) 
Total Income                                  10,317  (2,939,724)  (2,929,407) 
Other expenses                             (126,881)            -    (126,881) 
Total expenditure                          (126,881)            -    (126,881) 
Loss before taxation                       (116,564)  (2,939,724)  (3,056,288) 
Taxation                                           -            -            - 
Loss for period/total 
 comprehensive income                   5  (116,564)  (2,939,724)  (3,056,288) 
Return per ordinary share (pence):      5     (0.27)       (6.79)       (7.06) 
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
For the Six Months ended 30 June 2012 
                                            Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                            Return      Return 
                                    Notes     GBP         GBP          GBP 
Investment Income                       3     10,000            -       10,000 
Other Income                            3        448            -          448 
Losses on investments held at fair 
 value                                             -  (1,157,541)  (1,157,541) 
Total Income                                  10,448  (1,157,541)  (1,147,093) 
Other expenses                             (138,864)            -    (138,864) 
Total expenditure                          (138,864)            -    (138,864) 
Loss before taxation                       (128,416)  (1,157,541)  (1,285,957) 
Taxation                                           -            -            - 
Loss for period/total 
 comprehensive income                   5  (128,416)  (1,157,541)  (1,285,957) 
Return per ordinary share (pence):      5     (0.30)       (2.67)       (2.97) 
Audited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year ended 31 December 2012 
                                            Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                            Return      Return 
                                    Notes     GBP         GBP          GBP 
Investment Income                       3     10,000            -       10,000 
Other Income                            3        870            -          870 
Losses on investments held at fair 
 value                                             -  (1,594,933)  (1,594,933) 
Total Income                                  10,870  (1,594,933)  (1,584,063) 
Other expenses                             (321,232)            -    (321,232) 
Total expenditure                          (321,232)            -    (321,232) 
Profit/(loss) before taxation              (310,362)  (1,594,933)  (1,905,295) 
Taxation                                           -            -            - 
Profit/(loss) for year/total 
 comprehensive income                   5  (310,362)  (1,594,933)  (1,905,295) 
Return per ordinary share (pence):      5     (0.72)       (3.68)       (4.40) 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
                                     As at         As at           As at 
                                  30 June 2013  30 June 2012  31 December 2012 
                           Notes  (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                      GBP           GBP             GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value      6    21,330,919    24,379,551        24,120,643 
Current assets 
Other receivables                        8,315         8,917             2,657 
Cash                                   754,414     1,396,989         1,075,281 
                                       762,729     1,405,906         1,077,938 
Current liabilities 
Other payables                        (75,568)      (91,751)         (124,213) 
Net current assets                     687,161     1,314,155           953,725 
Net assets                          22,018,080    25,693,706        25,074,368 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up Ordinary share 
 capital                                 4,330         4,330             4,330 
Called up B share capital                2,887         2,887             2,887 
Share premium account                        -             -                 - 
Special distributable 
 reserve                            30,635,667    30,635,667        30,635,667 
Capital reserve                    (7,965,201)   (4,588,085)       (5,025,477) 
Revenue reserve                      (659,603)     (361,093)         (543,039) 
Equity shareholders' 
 funds                         7    22,018,080    25,693,706        25,074,368 
Assets attributable to 
 Ordinary Shareholders              22,015,194    25,690,820        25,071,482 
Assets attributable to B 
 Shareholders                            2,886         2,886             2,886 
Net asset value per 0.01p    7          50.84p        59.33p            57.90p 
 Ordinary Share 
Net asset value per 0.01p    7           0.01p         0.01p             0.01p 
 B share 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
As at 30 June 2013 
                            Called   Called 
                              up       up 
                           Ordinary     B        Special 
                            Share     Share   Distributable    Capital     Revenue 
                           Capital   Capital     Reserve       Reserve     Reserve      Total 
                             GBP       GBP         GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP 
For the six months ended 
 30 Jun 2013 (unaudited) 
Net assets at 1 Jan 2013      4,330    2,887     30,635,667  (5,025,477)  (543,039)   25,074,368 
Loss for the year/total 
 comprehensive income             -        -              -  (2,939,724)  (116,564)  (3,056,288) 
Net assets at 30 Jun 2013     4,330    2,887     30,635,667  (7,965,201)  (659,603)   22,018,080 
                            Called   Called 
                              up       up 
                           Ordinary     B        Special 
                            Share     Share   Distributable    Capital     Revenue 
                           Capital   Capital     Reserve       Reserve     Reserve      Total 
                             GBP       GBP         GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP 
For the six months ended 
 30 Jun 2012 (unaudited) 
Net assets at 1 Jan 2012      4,330    2,887     32,367,724  (3,430,544)  (232,677)   28,711,720 
Loss for the year/total 
 comprehensive income             -        -              -  (1,157,541)  (128,416)  (1,285,957) 
Dividends paid                    -        -    (1,732,057)            -          -  (1,732,057) 
Net assets at 30 Jun 2012     4,330    2,887     30,635,667  (4,588,085)  (361,093)   25,693,706 
                          Called   Called 
                            up       up 
                         Ordinary     B        Special 
                          Share     Share   Distributable    Capital     Revenue 
                         Capital   Capital     Reserve       Reserve     Reserve      Total 
                           GBP       GBP         GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP 
For the year ended 
 31 Dec 2012 (audited) 
Net assets at 1 Jan 
 2012                       4,330    2,887     32,367,724  (3,430,544)  (232,677)   28,711,720 
Loss for the year/total 
 comprehensive income           -        -              -  (1,594,933)  (310,362)  (1,905,295) 
Dividends paid                  -        -    (1,732,057)            -          -  (1,732,057) 
Net assets at 31 Dec 
 2012                       4,330    2,887     30,635,667  (5,025,477)  (543,039)   25,074,368 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2013 
                                                        As at        As at        As at 
                                                     30 Jun 2013  30 Jun 2012  31 Dec 2012 
                                                     (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                         GBP          GBP          GBP 
Net cash outflow from operating activities             (320,867)    (516,290)    (837,998) 
Financing activities 
Equity dividends paid                                          -  (1,732,057)  (1,732,057) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                     -  (1,732,057)  (1,732,057) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              (320,867)  (2,248,347)  (2,570,055) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       1,075,281    3,645,336    3,645,336 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period           754,414    1,396,989    1,075,281 
Reconciliation of loss before taxation to net cash 
 outflow from operating activities 
Loss before taxation                                 (3,056,288)  (1,285,957)  (1,905,295) 
Losses on investments                                  2,939,724    1,157,541    1,594,933 
Purchases of investments                               (150,000)    (350,000)    (950,000) 
Sales of investments                                           -            -      421,516 
(Increase)/decrease in accrued income and 
 prepayments                                             (5,658)      (2,376)        3,884 
Decrease in other payables                              (48,645)     (35,498)      (3,036) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities             (320,867)    (516,290)    (837,998) 
1.  Accounting policies 
    1.1 Basis of Preparation 
    The unaudited interim results have been prepared in 
     accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting 
     and the accounting policies set out in the audited 
     statutory accounts of the Group for the year ended 
     31 December 2012, except for the adoption of new standards 
     and interpretations effective as at 1 January 2013. 
     The Group applies, for the first time, certain standards 
     and amendments. These include IAS 1 Presentation of 
     Financial Statements and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement. 
     The Group had not adopted IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial 
     Statements and IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements 
     as this standard has not yet been adopted by the EU. 
     As required by IAS 34, the nature and effect of these 
     changes are disclosed below. 
     IAS 1 Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive 
     Income - Amendment to IAS 1 introduce a grouping of 
     items presented in other comprehensive income (OCI). 
     As the Group has no OCI the amendment had no impact 
     to the financial statements. 
     IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement establishes a single 
     source of guidance under IFRS for all fair value measurements. 
     IFRS 13 does not change when an entity is required 
     to use fair value, but rather provides guidance on 
     how to measure fair value under IFRS when fair value 
     is required or permitted. 
     Several other new standards and amendments apply for 
     the first time in 2013. However, they do not impact 
     the annual consolidated financial statements of the 
     Group or the interim consolidated financial statements 
     of the Group. 
     The functional currency of the Group is UK pounds 
     sterling as this is the currency of primary economic 
     environment in which the Group operates. Accordingly, 
     the financial statements are prepared in UK pounds 
     The interim consolidated financial statements do not 
     include all the information required for full annual 
     accounts and should be read in conjunction with the 
     consolidated Accounts of the Group for the year ended 
     31 December 2012, which were prepared under full IFRS 
    1.2 Going concern 
    These statements have been prepared on a going concern 
     basis and nothing has happened that would change the 
     Directors' going concern assessment from the last 
     audited financial statements of 31 December 2012. 
     In arriving at this conclusion the Directors have 
     considered the liquidity of the Company and its ability 
     to meet obligations as they fall due for a period 
     of twelve months from the date these financial statements 
     were approved. As at 30 June 2013, the Company held 
     cash balances of GBP0.8 million. Cashflow projections 
     have been reviewed and show that the Company has sufficient 
     funds to meet its contracted expenditure. 
    1.3 Use of estimates 
    The preparation of financial statements requires the 
     Group to make estimates and assumptions that affect 
     the items reported in the balance sheet and statement 
     of comprehensive income and the disclosure of financial 
     assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
     statements. Although these estimates are based on 
     management's best knowledge of current facts, circumstances 
     and, to some extent, future events and actions, the 
     Group's actual results may ultimately differ from 
     those estimates, possibly significantly. 
2.  Earnings for the six months should not be taken as 
     a guide to the results of the financial year to 31 
     December 2013. 
3.  Income 
                       As at        As at        As at 
                    30 Jun 2012  30 Jun 2012  31 Dec 2012 
                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited) 
                        GBP          GBP          GBP 
Investment Income        10,000       10,000       10,000 
Other Income 
Deposit interest            317          448          870 
                         10,317       10,448       10,870 
4.  Taxation 
    There will be no tax charge due by the Company since 
     total expenses (including fees allocated to capital) 
     are expected to be more than income. 
5.       Return per ordinary share 
                                                                   As at        As at           As at 
                                                                30 Jun 2013  30 Jun 2012  31 Dec 2012 
                                                                (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                                                    GBP          GBP              GBP 
 (i)      Basic return from ordinary activities after taxation  (3,056,288)  (1,285,957)  (1,905,295) 
   Basic return per share                                           (7.06)p      (2.97)p      (4.40)p 
          Net revenue return from ordinary activities after 
 (ii)      taxation                                               (116,564)    (128,416)    (310,362) 
   Revenue return per share                                         (0.27)p      (0.30)p        0.72p 
          Net capital return from ordinary activities after 
 (iii)     taxation                                             (2,939,724)  (1,157,541)  (1,594,933) 
   Capital return per share                                         (6.79)p      (2.67)p      (3.68)p 
          Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
 (iv)      in the period                                         43,301,414   43,301,414   43,301,414 
6.   Investments 
     Financial assets measured at fair value      Unlisted 
                                                  (level 3)      Total 
                                                     GBP          GBP 
 Equity instruments                                1,400,480    1,400,480 
 Debt instruments                                  4,430,051    4,430,051 
 LP interest                                      15,500,388   15,500,388 
 Total                                            21,330,919   21,330,919 
 Valuation at 31 December 2012                    24,120,643   24,120,643 
 Purchases at cost                                   150,000      150,000 
 Investment holding losses                       (2,939,724)  (2,939,724) 
 Valuation at 30 June 2013                        21,330,919   21,330,919 
 Book Cost 30 June 2013                           24,040,469   24,040,469 
 Investment holding losses at 30 June 2013       (2,709,550)  (2,709,550) 
 Valuation at 30 June 2013                        21,330,919   21,330,919 
 The Company only holds unquoted investments (level 
7.   Net asset value 
 The net asset values per share, as disclosed in the 
  balance sheet, are based on the attributable assets 
  at the balance sheet date and assume that no break-up 
  of the Company will occur. The Board considers that 
  the Articles basis reflects the attribution of assets 
  between the two classes of shares that would occur 
  in the event that a liquidation of the Company took 
  place. On liquidation B Shareholders could be entitled 
  to up to 40% of the assets remaining after Ordinary 
  Shareholders first recover their effective initial 
  cost of 60 pence per share plus the annual hurdle 
  rates due to both share classes, achieved up to the 
  date of liquidation. 
 The attribution to the B shares of purely the capital 
  contributed of 0.01 pence per share reflects the Board's 
  best estimate at 30 June 2013 of the B shares' entitlement 
  to assets at 30 June, given the inherent uncertainties 
  in projecting the investment performance of the Manager 
  (which will ultimately determine the B shares' entitlement 
  to the Company's assets). The Net Asset Values per 
  share have been calculated by reference to the number 
  of shares in issue as at 30 June 2013. 
                                               As at               As at 
                                            30 Jun 2013         30 Jun 2012 
                                            (unaudited)         (unaudited) 
                                                GBP                 GBP 
Share Capital 
43,301,414 ordinary shares of 0.01p                   4,330              4,330 
28,867,227 B shares of 0.01p                          2,887              2,887 
                                                      7,217              7,217 
                                         Total attributable 
                                                 net assets 
                                               30 June 2013    Net asset value 
                                                        GBP  (pence per share) 
Ordinary Shares of 0.01p each in 
 accordance with 
 the Articles                                    22,015,194              50.84 
Additional entitlement to assets on 
attributed basis                                          -                  - 
Attributed basis                                 22,015,194              50.84 
B Shares of 0.01p each in accordance 
 the Articles                                         2,886               0.01 
Reduced entitlement to assets on 
attributed basis                                          -                  - 
Attributed basis                                      2,886               0.01 
8.                                     Financial Instruments and Fair Value 
  Set out below is an overview of financial instruments, 
   other than cash and short-term deposits, 
   held by the Group as at 30 June 2013 and their fair 
   The carrying value is the same as the fair value and 
   has not been disclosed. 
                                                                As at 
                                                             30 June 2013 
                                                             (Fair Value) 
 Assets at fair value through profit 
  and loss 
 Investments (level 3)                                                              21,330,919 
 Total non current                                                                  21,330,919 
 Other receivables                                                                       8,315 
 Total current                                                                           8,315 
 Total                                                                              21,339,234 
 Financial liabilities: 
 Other payables                                                                       (75,568) 
 Total current                                                                        (75,568) 
 Total                                                                                (75,568) 
Fair Value Hierarchy 
All financial instruments for which fair value is 
 recognised or disclosed are categorised within the 
 fair value hierarchy, described as follows, based 
 on the lowest level input that is significant to the 
 fair value 
 measurement as a whole: 
Level 1 - Quoted market prices in an active market 
 (that are unadjusted) for identical assets or liabilities 
Level 2 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest 
 level input that is significant to the fair value 
 measurement is directly or indirectly observable) 
Level 3 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest 
 level input that is significant to the fair value 
 measurement is unobservable) 
The level 3 reconciliation is provided in note 6. 
Valuation techniques 
The fair value of the unquoted investments has been 
 determined adopting a variety of valuation methodologies 
 which are consistent with the IPEVC valuation guidelines 
 published in 2009. The valuation process requires 
 management to make certain assumptions about unobservable 
 inputs which are disclosed below: 
                                          Fair Value 
                                               as at 
Description       30 June 2013    Technique(s)    Unobservable input   Range 
Private equity                           Market             discount    10-20% 
investments         21,330,919                            Comparable 
       Companies                                        Multiple of: 
                                                              EBITDA  5.4-7.5x 
                                                        Gross Profit      1.0x 
                                                                 FUM      1.5x 
                             Net asset 
           value                                                 n/a       n/s 
       Provision                                                 n/a       n/a 
A change of the multiples or the marketability discount 
 shown above would change the effective multiple and 
 therefore lead to a change in the valuations as illustrated 
10% increase in effective multiple               +GBP1,522,000 
10% decrease in effective multiple              - GBP1,463,000 
The valuation technique includes the investments held 
 in CCILP, albeit the Group has a 23.38% interest in 
9.   Related Party Transaction 
     David Dancaster is a partner of Core Capital LLP, 
      the Company's Manager, and the group finance director 
      of Caparo plc, which is a member of Core Capital LLP. 
      Caparo hold 1,177,254 ordinary shares and 34,807 B 
      shares in Core VCT plc. No amounts have been paid 
      or are payable to Caparo plc except dividends paid 
      to all ordinary shareholders of the Company totalling 
      a cumulative weighed average of 31.15p per share to 
      30 June 2013. Nothing (2012: GBPnil) was due to the 
      Manager at 30 June 2013. Details of the carried interest 
      arrangements between the Company and the Manager are 
      set out in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 
      December 2012. Following the launch of Core Capital 
      I LP, the general partner of the LP, will receive 
      GBP750,000 per annum until the fourth anniversary, 
      payable out of the assets of Core Capital I LP. 
10.  Post Balance Sheet Event 
     Since 30 June 2013, a further GBP200,000 has been 
      invested in Allied International Holdings Limited 
      by way of a loan benefitting from yield and capital 
11.  The financial information for the six months ended 
      30 June 2013 and 30 June 2012 has not been audited 
      nor reviewed. 
12.  These are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 
      434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts 
      for the year to 31 December 2012, which received an 
      unqualified audit report and did not contain a statement 
      under sections 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 
      2006, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. 
      No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 
      31 December 2012 have been reported on by the Company's 
      auditors or delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
13.  Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders. 
      Further copies are available free of charge from the 
      Company's registered office, 9 South Street, London, 
      W1K 2XA. 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Core VCT plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

Core Vct Iii (LSE:CR3)
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Core Vct Iii (LSE:CR3)
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