RNS Number : 0792O

Catenae Innovation PLC

29 September 2023

29 September 2023

Catenae Innovation PLC

("Catenae", the "Company" or the "Group")

Half Year Results

Convertible Loan Update

Catenae Innovation PLC (AIM: CTEA), the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology, announces its half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2023.

As this is the first six months since the change of the year-end to 31 December, comparative figures are for the six months to 31 March 2022.

Financial overview

-- Loss of GBP185,267 in the period under review (2022: GBP287,168) with revenues of GBP22,173 (2022: GBP17,500).

   --    Net (liability)/asset position GBP(314,846) (2022: GBP110,033). 

Post period end

-- As announced on 6 September 2023, the Company's 51% subsidiary ceased trading due to losses incurred.

The Company continues to carefully manage its working capital position.

Convertible Loan Update

As announced on 30 September 2022, the Company entered into an agreement for a convertible loan facility for up to GBP250,000 ("Convertible Loan") with Sanderson Capital Partners Limited ("Sanderson Capital"), which consists of an initial drawdown of GBP125,000 followed by a further drawdown expected three months thereafter.

As at 30 June 2023, an advance of GBP30,000 had been received against the GBP125,000 and no shares or warrants issued. As at 28 September 2023, a total advance of GBP61,000 had been received against the GBP125,000 and no shares or warrants have been issued.

At each GBP125,000 drawdown, the Company will issue new ordinary shares to Sanderson Capital equal to 10 percent of the drawdown value at an issue price of the 10-day volume weighted average price prior to the date of drawdown. A further announcement will be made on the date of each drawdown event.

Sanderson Capital will be able to convert part or all of the Convertible Loan facility in minimum increments of GBP5,000, with the conversion price being fixed at the lower of i) 0.25p; or ii) 90% of the 5-day volume weighted average price from the first day of dealings of the Company's restoration to trading on AIM. The Convertible Loan facility is interest-free.

As part of the Convertible Loan facility agreement, Sanderson Capital will be issued new ordinary shares and a warrant over new ordinary shares in the Company, of which the issue price and exercise price is 0.25 pence per share, being the closing mid-price of the Company's ordinary shares on 30 September 2022, the first day of dealings following the release of the Company's final results for the year ended 30 September 2021, and the interim results for the period ended 31 March 2022 which enabled the lifting of the suspension and restoration to trading of the Company's ordinary shares on AIM.

The new ordinary shares and warrants over new ordinary shares will be issued after the next general meeting of the Company and a further announcement setting out the details will be made at the time of issue.

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of the UK Market Abuse Regulation. The person who arranged for release of this announcement on behalf of the Company was Guy Meyer, Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the Directors of the Company are responsible for the release of this announcement.

For further information please contact:

                                                         +44 (0)191 580 
 Catenae Innovation PLC                                            8545 
 Guy Meyer, Chief Executive Officer 
 Cairn Financial Advisers LLP (Nominated Adviser)    +44(0)20 7213 0880 
 Liam Murray / Jo Turner 
                                                         +44 (0)20 7186 
 Shard Capital Partners LLP (Broker)                               9952 
 Damon Heath 

Notes to Editors:

About Catenae Innovation PLC

Catenae Innovation is an AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology services. The Company specialises in Distributed Ledger Technology solutions that solve commercial challenges and create opportunities for its clients. The Company has an experienced IT team of project managers and integrators who have deployed systems across corporate, government and educational sectors.


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Period Ended 30 June 2023

                                     Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                    six months    six months           year 
                                         ended         ended          ended 
                                       30 June      31 March    31 December 
                                          2023          2022           2022 
                                           GBP           GBP            GBP 
   Revenue                              22,173        17,500        152,437 
   Cost of sales                       (2,315)       (6,000)       (12,600) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Gross profit                         19,858        11,500        139,837 
   Administrative expenses           (205,125)     (298,668)     (667,002) 
   Loss from operations              (185,267)     (287,168)      (527,165) 
   Net Finance income/(expense)              -             -              - 
   Loss before taxation              (185,267)     (287,168)      (527,165) 
   Taxation                                  -             -          3,668 
                                  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Total comprehensive loss 
   for the year                      (185,267)     (287,168)      (523,497) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Loss attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                (183,023)     (280,260)      (514,695) 
 Non-controlling interest              (2,244)       (6,908)        (8,802) 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

For the Period Ended 30 June 2023

                                    Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                   six months     six months           year 
                                        ended          ended          ended 
                                      30 June       31 March    31 December 
                                         2023           2022           2022 
                                          GBP            GBP            GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Tangible Assets                        4,345          6,518          5,431 
 Intangible assets                          1              1              1 
                                        4,346          6,519          5,432 
   Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables           17,893         30,514         81,913 
 Cash and cash equivalents              2,015        337,183         65,443 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                       19,908        367,697        147,356 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           (339,100)      (264,183)      (279,086) 
                                    (339,100)      (264,183)      (279,086) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Interest-bearing loans                     -              -              - 
 Total Liabilities                  (339,100)      (264,183)      (279,086) 
 Net Assets/(Liabilities)           (314,846)        110,033      (126,298) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non-controlling Interest                 472          4,611          2,716 
   Capital and reserves 
   attributable to equity 
   holders of the company 
 Ordinary share capital               570,078        570,078        570,078 
 Deferred share capital             3,159,130      3,159,130      3,159,130 
 Share premium account             19,665,457     19,665,457     19,665,457 
 Share reserve                       (83,333)       (83,333)       (83,333) 
 Merger reserve                    11,119,585     11,119,585     11,119,585 
 Capital Redemption Reserve         2,732,904      2,732,904      2,732,904 
 Retained losses                 (37,479,139)   (37,058,399)   (37,292,835) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Total Equity                     (314,846)        110,033      (126,298) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the Period Ended 30 June 2023

                                      Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                     six months    six months           year 
                                          ended         ended          ended 
                                        30 June      31 March    31 Dec 2022 
                                           2023          2022 
                                            GBP           GBP 
   Loss for the period                (185,267)     (287,168)      (523,497) 
 Adjustments for : 
 Impairment of investments                    -             -              - 
 Depreciation                             1,086             -          1,810 
   Net (loss) before changes 
   in working capital                 (184,181)     (287,168)      (521,687) 
 (Increase) / decrease in 
  trade and other receivables            64,019        15,034       (36,677) 
 (Decrease) / increase in 
  trade and other 
  payables                               56,734      (11,038)          3,865 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Cash from operations                (63,428)     (283,172)      (554,499) 
   Interest received                          -             -              - 
 Interest paid                                -             -              - 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                           (63,428)     (283,172)      (554,499) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Investing activities 
 Purchase of plant and equipment              -             -          (413) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                                  -             -          (413) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Financing Activities 
 Issue of ordinary share 
  capital                                     -        15,273         15,273 
 Repayment of loans                           -             -              - 
 New loans raised                             -             -              - 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                  -        15,273         15,273 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Net increase / (decrease) 
   in cash                             (63,428)     (267,899)      (539,639) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                 65,443       605,082        605,082 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                        2,015       337,183         65,443 
                                   ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Company Statement of Financial Position

For the Period Ended 30 June 2023

                                    Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                   six months     six months           year 
                                        ended          ended          ended 
                                      30 June       31 March    31 December 
                                         2023           2022           2022 
                                          GBP                           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                          1              1              1 
                                            1              1              1 
   Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables           13,864         24,242         74,745 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 99        332,209         61,922 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                       13,963        356,451        136,667 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           (366,493)      (255,828)      (308,508) 
                                    (366,493)      (255,828)      (308,508) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Interest-bearing loans                     -              -              - 
 Total Liabilities                  (366,493)      (255,828)      (308,508) 
 Net Assets/(Liabilities)           (352,529)        100,624      (171,840) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Capital and reserves 
   attributable to equity 
   holders of the company 
 Ordinary share capital               570,078        570,078        570,078 
 Deferred share capital             3,159,130      3,159,130      3,159,130 
 Share premium account             19,665,457     19,665,457     19,665,457 
 Share reserve                       (83,333)       (83,333)       (83,333) 
 Merger reserve                    11,119,585     11,119,585     11,119,585 
 Capital Redemption Reserve         2,732,904      2,732,904      2,732,904 
 Retained losses                 (37,516,350)   (37,063,197)   (37,335,661) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Total Equity                     (352,529)        100,624      (171,840) 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Company Statement of Cash Flows

For the Period Ended 30 June 2023

                                    Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                   six months    six months           year 
                                        ended         ended          ended 
                                      30 June      31 March    31 Dec 2022 
                                         2023          2022 
                                          GBP           GBP 
   Loss for the period              (180,690)     (273,069)      (545,533) 
 Adjustments for : 
  Impairment of investment                                               - 
   Net (loss) before changes 
   in working capital               (180,690)     (273,069)      (545,533) 
 (Increase) / decrease in 
  trade and other receivables          60,882        20,995       (29,509) 
 (Decrease) / increase in 
  trade and other 
  payables                             57,985        29,168         81,849 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Cash from operations              (61,823)     (222,906)      (493,193) 
   Interest received                        -             -              - 
 Interest paid                              -             -              - 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                         (61,823)     (222,906)      (493,193) 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Financing Activities 
 Issue of ordinary share 
  capital                                   -        15,273         15,273 
 Repayment of loans                         -             -              - 
 New loans raised                           -             -              - 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                -        15,273         15,273 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 
   Net increase / (decrease) 
   in cash                           (61,823)     (207,633)      (477,920) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period               61,922       539,842        539,842 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                         99       332,209         61,922 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Caution regarding forward looking statements

Certain statements in this announcement, are, or may be deemed to be, forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are identi ed by their use of terms and phrases such as "believe", "could", "should" "envisage", "estimate", "intend", "may", "plan", "potentially", "expect", "will" or the negative of those, variations or comparable expressions, including references to assumptions. These forward looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors' current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company's future growth, results of operations, performance, future capital and other expenditures (including the amount, nature and sources of funding thereof), competitive advantages, business prospects and opportunities. Such forward looking statements re ect the Directors' current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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