RNS Number : 8005E 
CustomVis plc 
30 December 2009 

30 December 2009 
("CustomVis" or "the Group") 
For the year ended 30 June 2009 
CustomVis (AIM: CUS) develops, manufactures and sells laser systems for 
refractive surgery of the eye. To date, sales are in many countries worldwide, 
excluding the US. The Directors believe it is currently the only company in the 
world marketing a solid state laser to perform this surgery. Solid state is 
widely accepted as the next generation technology for this industry as it 
overcomes known shortcomings of the gas excimer lasers currently used for this 
  *  Revenue increased by 82% to GBP2.12m (2008: GBP1.16m) 
  *  Gross profit increased by 70% to GBP1.07m (2008: GBP0.63m) 
  *  Loss before tax (before unrealised gain on foreign exchange) reduced by almost 
  40% to GBP1.1m (2008: GBP1.82m) 
  *  14 lasers sold bringing the installed laser base to 40 (2008: 28) in 19 
  *  Over 110,000 eyes now operated on 
  *  5 more lasers sold since 30 June 2009, taking the total installed base to 45 
  *  RetinaVis launched - sales expected to commence in 2010 
  *  PresBvis - presbyopia approval granted 6 November 2009 and first per patient fee 
  *  Laser installed at Moorfields Eye Hospital and trial commenced 
  *  Fundraising of GBP300,000 in October 2009 to provide working capital 
Dr. Paul van Saarloos, CEO of CustomVis, commented: 
"Solid State and the Pulzar laser are becoming accepted as alternatives to 
excimer lasers, as is evidenced by a record level of sales leads. PresBvis is 
the first ablative laser to receive European CE approval for the treatment of 
Presbyopia. Per use fees have already been collected for this treatment, which 
is likely to grow into a useful revenue stream. We have also seen an increase in 
interest in the Pulzar laser in Europe due to this approval. During 2010 we also 
expect our revenue to be nicely complimented by RetinaVis sales. Since 
redesigning the unit for improved ease of use, we have been negotiating 
significant numbers of orders. Although the past 12 months have been an 
extremely difficult period, we believe that much better times are not far away." 
For further information, please contact: 
| CustomVis plc                         |                                       | 
| Simon Carroll, Chairman               |                       +61 419 304 906 | 
| Paul van Saarloos, CEO                |                       +61 410 497 456 | 
|                                       |                                       | 
| Merchant John East Securities Limited                                         | 
| David Worlidge                        |                         020 7628 2200 | 
|                                       |                                       | 
| Leander PR                            |                                       | 
| Christian Taylor-Wilkinson            |                         07795 168 157 | 
I am pleased to report the continued corporate development of CustomVis plc and 
the installed base of our flagship laser product, the Pulzar Z1, of 40 at the 
end of June 2009, increasing to 45 at the date of this report. This figure comes 
despite difficult economic conditions and time-consuming distractions caused by 
the unsuccessful attempt of certain shareholders to remove certain members of 
the Board that resulted in the EGM on 6 July 2009 and the continued negative 
influences exerted by certain parties and competitors. The Group now has lasers 
operating in 21 countries, with recent new territories including, Peru, 
Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Spain, France and the UK. 
The Pulzar Z1 is, we believe, the world's only solid-state laser being sold for 
refractive surgery. Its unique properties, including a wavelength of 213nm which 
reduces tissue damage and promotes a faster recovery time than the traditional 
excimer gas lasers, means that interest within the refractive industry continues 
to grow. Lasers sold by the Group have now operated on over 110,000 eyes. 
Excellent headway has been made with our new products and procedures: RetinaVis, 
our highly portable digital ophthalmoscope has been presented to a range of 
customers and distributors and should begin to see sales in 2010; PresBvis, a 
unique treatment for presbyopia received both Australian TGA and European CE 
regulatory approval in November 2009 and the necessary software upgrades on 
current installed lasers to facilitate the expeditious roll-out of the treatment 
are underway. CustomVis is, we believe, the first refractive laser company to 
receive that approval for this type of procedure and expands the options for 
treatment of this extensive age-related vision impairment. 
During the reporting period, we relocated our Australian production facility, 
enabling ongoing operational expense reductions while maintaining planned 
production capacity. The Company was also granted an extension of the 
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulatory approval for the production 
and sale of the Pulzar laser for a further 5 years. 
Financial Review 
Revenue from sales increased a substantial 82 per cent to GBP2,119,384 (2008: 
GBP1,161,312). Gross profit was GBP1,071,519 (2008: GBP628,742), an increase of 
70 per cent. The Group made a loss before taxation for the year of GBP383,102 
after recognising an unrealised gain on foreign exchange of GBP717,729 (2008: 
profit of GBP658,702, after recognising an unrealised gain on foreign exchange 
of GBP2,481,397). Loss per share for the year ended 30 June 2009 was 0.22p 
(2008: Earnings per share 0.56p). 
The net cash outflow from operating activities during the year ended 30 June 
2009 reduced to GBP1,306,075 compared to GBP1,887,185 in the corresponding 
2007/08 year and, at 30 June 2009, the Group had cash in hand of GBP0.3 million. 
A placing of approximately GBP300,000 was completed on 5 October 2009, with the 
issue of 23,030,000 new shares at 1.3p per share. 
The Directors continue to implement developments through a range of activities, 
  *  Transition towards more front-ended or cash sales away from the longer term 
  payment plans; 
  *  Enhancements to the Pulzar to drive increased sales growth; 
  *  Focus on Europe where higher sales margins are generally achievable; 
  *  Initiation of two new revenue streams with upfront payments for PresBvis 
  treatments and sales of the digital ophthalmoscope RetinaVis; and 
  *  Improved receivables management with installed electronic keys. 
By doing so the Directors are confident that they will be able to fund ongoing 
operations and growth by these and other options the Board is currently 
pursuing. One option may be to raise additional working capital at some stage in 
Sales and Marketing 
In the past, CustomVis has predominately sold lasers directly to its customers 
and managed all related service and warranty programmes. This strategy was 
required initially, as distributors did not have the knowledge and skills to 
introduce this new technology to their markets. 
The Company has now appointed a Marketing Manager located in Perth and we have 
Territory Managers for Latin America, the Middle East and the Asia Pacific 
Regions. The advantages of this strategy of conducting sales and service through 
a distributor network expands the sales profile; distributors have good local 
knowledge with their sales personnel being in regular contact with the surgeons 
in their region and distributors generally attend the national ophthalmic 
conferences. Further, all front line service is actioned through our 
During the year, our team attended many of the world's most prestigious 
ophthalmic conferences and exhibitions in Europe, the United States of America 
and the Middle East. While our sales numbers have been below those anticipated, 
the number of inquiries and quality of the interest in the Pulzar Z1 laser has 
been increasing substantially over recent months. 
Our installation of a Pulzar Z1 at the world renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital in 
London has allowed the initiation of a trial for vision correction by refractive 
surgery of some quite difficult cases. Given that refractive surgeons are 
typically very conservative in their approach to new technologies, this trial 
should give a strong indication of further acceptance of our product in the 
industry. In addition, good clinical evidence has been gained in a number of 
comparative studies, including one from Professor Ioannis Pallikaris, the world 
leading ophthalmologist who performed the first LASIK procedure 20 years ago. 
World Economic Crisis 
The extent of the world economic crisis, particularly in Asia and Europe has 
surprised many and certainly impacted on the speed of recovery for the 
refractive laser market. Most of our sales are quoted in US dollars, which 
coupled with the economic uncertainty has delayed some sales. On the other hand, 
the resurgent Australian dollar, compared to the US dollar, has reduced our 
capacity to take advantage from the exchange differences. 
Importantly, our solid state laser provides a real economic advantage to the 
purchaser compared to excimer lasers. The direct and indirect running costs are 
lower for solid state lasers. We have noticed that this has become an important 
factor for surgeons. 
During the year, we relocated our production facility within Perth, allowing us 
to consolidate our processes and reset our occupancy costs. The overall 
production cost per laser has remained the same as last year; this is despite a 
20 per cent. reduction by the research and development team replacing some OEM 
parts. To preserve cash during the global economic crisis many parts were 
ordered in lower quantities. This has increased the cost of these parts 
significantly, balancing out the savings made internally. We also reduced our 
inventory holding levels during this year, further protecting our cashflow. 
Improved production processes have also resulted in lower technical risks and 
decreased production run-time. 
CustomVis has developed a new low cost portable digital ophthalmoscope 
(RetinaVis) for photographing the retina of the eye. The camera has been 
demonstrated at three major ophthalmic trade shows receiving a high level of 
interest. Feedback from these and other demonstrations has been incorporated 
into the design of the device and a test production run completed. Advanced 
negotiations for high volume sales are underway with potential distributors to 
specific territory and market segments. 
The camera has applications in recording images useful for the diagnosis of 
glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. The portability also allows screening and 
storage of retinal images from patients who are difficult to access using 
existing camera systems, such as those patients who are bed ridden. 
The Company believes the camera does not have a close competitive product in 
either cost or portability. Interest has been shown from ophthalmology, 
optometry and veterinary areas. Our research reveals there is a large market for 
these devices and we believe this camera will generate meaningful revenues at 
reasonable gross margins in the future, commencing from the third quarter of 
In November 2009 the Company announced it had been granted approval for its 
presbyopia treatment (PresBvis) by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), 
Australia's regulatory agency for medical drugs and devices. 
The Company has also been granted European CE approval, allowing the procedure 
to be carried out within the European Union. 
Presbyopia is an age-associated progressive loss of the focusing power of the 
eye's lens, making it difficult to see objects close-up. Most people over the 
age of 40 will suffer from it to some degree and current treatment options are 
The Group's installed base of Pulzar Z1 lasers will be capable of conducting the 
PresBvis presbyopia treatment through this regulatory approval. The Group has 
been conducting simple software upgrades over the last few months, thereby 
allowing surgeons operating the Pulzar Z1 lasers to begin offering this 
treatment to their patients. 
PresBvis users will be charged on a per-patient basis, bringing a new cash flow 
stream into the business, with fees paid in advance to CustomVis for each 
treatment performed. 
Medical Advisory Board 
Our recently established Medical Advisory Board meets in conjunction with major 
ophthalmic conferences and advises on key technological and medical issues 
relevant to the Company's position in the industry. Professor Emanuel Rosen 
chairs this Advisory Board of international key opinion leaders. The Company is 
grateful for their efforts and insights regarding product line extensions and 
technological advances of the Pulzar Z1. 
Research and Development 
Research and development is an essential undertaking of our Group. It continues 
to be a major application of our funds through the wholly-owned subsidiary, CLVR 
Limited. This year the Group received Australian Government grants of 
GBP320,000 (AusIndustry and Export Development Grant funding) to support certain 
specified activities. 
The development of our Multifunction Laser has made good progress during the 
year and at the time of reporting, prototypes of this product are under 
construction. This ophthalmic laser system will be a more advanced version of 
our current Pulzar Z1 laser for refractive surgery and will be able to perform 
other laser procedures ophthalmologists routinely carry out. 
Further, the Group finalised its electronic key system which is now installed on 
all new lasers. This system of software control will enable the Group to manage 
its payment programmes better when term payments are agreed with customers. 
Research work related to the Pulzar Z1 has ensured the successful publication of 
a number of important studies proving the safety and efficacy of this laser. 
These publications are extremely important tools for breaking the barriers to 
accepting this new technology and helping to generate sales: 
Recent Peer-Reviewed Scientific and Clinical Publications: 
  *  A Comparison of Corneal Cellular Responses After 213-nm Compared With 193-nm 
  Laser PhotorefractiveKeratectomy in Rabbits. T Sanders et al, Cornea 28(4), May 
  2009, pp 434-440 
  *  Simultaneous Topography-guided PRK Followed by Corneal Collagen Cross-linking 
  for Keratoconus.  G. Kymionis et al, J Refract Surg, 25, September 2009, pp 
  *  Clinical Outcomes of LASIK Using a 213 nm Solid-State Laser System: 6-month 
  Follow-up.  Tae Hyung Lim et al, J Korean Ophthalmol Soc, 2009, 50(6), pp 
Intellectual Property:  The following issued patents are owned or controlled by 
the Company 
|   Title                                   |   Country           | Patent      | 
|                                           |                     | Number      | 
| Limbal-based eye tracking                 | United Kingdom      | GB2426816   | 
| Laser scanning apparatus and method       | United States of    | 6575963     | 
|                                           | America             |             | 
| Surgical visual feedback and eye fixation | United States of    | 7001018     | 
| method and apparatus                      | America             |             | 
| Surgical visual feedback and eye fixation | Australia           | 753444      | 
| method and apparatus                      |                     |             | 
| Improved apparatus and procedure for      | Australia           | 780488      | 
| ultraviolet laser ablation                |                     |             | 
| Improved apparatus and procedure for      | United States of    | 7364575     | 
| ultraviolet laser ablation                | America             |             | 
| Crystal mounting in solid state laser     | United States of    | 7136403     | 
| systems                                   | America             |             | 
| Crystal mounting in solid state laser     | Australia           | 2002213639  | 
| systems                                   |                     |             | 
| Masking agent                             | United States of    | 6843788     | 
|                                           | America             |             | 
| Masking agent                             | Australia           | 783642      | 
| Optical beam delivery configuration       | United States of    | 7173745     | 
|                                           | America             |             | 
| Solid state UV laser                      | United States of    | 7460569     | 
|                                           | America             |             | 
| Solid state UV laser                      | Australia           | 2003229118  | 
| Scanning device and method of scanning an | United States of    | 7221494     | 
| optical beam over a surface               | America             |             | 
| Scanning device and method of scanning an | Australia           | 2003240315  | 
| optical beam over a surface               |                     |             | 
| A corneal topographer                     | Australia           | 2003283058  | 
With 45 lasers now installed, over 110,000 eyes treated, an increasing number of 
papers being published on our technology and recent improvements to the 
performance of the laser, the Directors remain confident about the future of the 
Group, while recognising the continued uncertainty of the world economic 
circumstances. We do, however, anticipate moving our terms of trade to be more 
front-ended and with increased installations of the Pulzar, together with new 
revenue streams from PresBvis and RetinaVis to provide the Company with a 
stronger financial position going forward. 
Management and staff are to be congratulated on their continued attention to 
pressing forward through these difficult times and staying focused on delivering 
a quality product, the Pulzar Z1, to the international ophthalmology industry. 
Simon Carroll 
|                                           |       |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                           |Notes  |     GBP      |     GBP      | 
|                                           |       |              |              | 
| Revenue                                   |       |    2,119,384 |    1,161,312 | 
| Cost of Sales                             |       |  (1,047,865) |    (532,570) | 
| Gross profit                              |       |   1,071,519  |      628,742 | 
|                                           |       |              |              | 
|                                           |       |      592,054 |      436,378 | 
| Other income                              |       |              |              | 
| Staff expenses                            |       | (1,296,713)  |  (1,087,767) | 
| Marketing expenses                        |       |    (238,739) |    (135,211) | 
| Depreciation                              |       |    (103,231) |    (115,420) | 
| Occupancy expenses                        |       |    (226,491) |    (197,527) | 
| Share based payments                      |       |     (26,769) |      (9,743) | 
| Administrative expenses                   |       | (1,225,935)  |    (944,553) | 
| Foreign exchange gain                     |  2    |      717,729 |    2,481,397 | 
| (Loss) / Profit before tax                |  3    |   (736,576)  |    1,056,296 | 
| Income tax benefit/(expense)              |  4    |      353,474 |    (397,594) | 
| Operating (loss) / profit for the year    |  3    |   (383,102)  |      658,702 | 
| attributable to the equity holders of the |       |              |              | 
| parent                                    |       |              |              | 
|                                           |       |              |              | 
| (Loss) / Earnings per share               |       |              |              | 
| Basic                                     |  5    |      (0.22)p |        0.56p | 
| Diluted                                   |  5    |      (0.22)p |        0.56p | 
|                                     |  Notes  |      2009      |      2008       | 
|                                     |         |      GBP       |      GBP        | 
| Assets                              |         |                |                 | 
| Current Assets                      |         |                |                 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents           |         |        324,797 |       1,493,249 | 
| Trade and other receivables         |         |      1,602,331 |         800,057 | 
| Prepayments                         |         |         64,967 |          79,286 | 
| Inventory                           |         |      1,199,060 |       1,509,972 | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Total Current Assets                |         |      3,191,155 |       3,882,564 | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Non-Current Assets                  |         |                |                 | 
| Trade and other receivables         |         |        838,100 |         664,213 | 
| Property, plant and equipment       |    6    |         43,530 |         145,274 | 
| Investments                         |         |              - |               - | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Total Non-Current Assets            |         |        881,630 |         809,487 | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                        |         |      4,072,785 |       4,692,051 | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Current Liabilities                 |         |                |                 | 
| Trade creditors                     |    7    |    (1,007,788) |       (749,464) | 
| Current income tax liabilities      |    4    |       (28,620) |       (397,594) | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Total Current Liabilities           |         |    (1,036,408) |     (1,147,058) | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Non-Current Liabilities             |         |                |                 | 
| Payables due after one year         |    7    |      (302,276) |       (189,100) | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| Total Non-Current Liabilities       |         |      (302,276) |       (189,100) | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                   |         |    (1,338,684) |     (1,336,158) | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| NET ASSETS                          |         |      2,734,101 |       3,355,893 | 
|                                     |         |                |                 | 
| EQUITY                              |         |                |                 | 
| Issued Capital                      |         |      5,504,424 |       5,504,424 | 
| Reserves                            |         |    10,166,606  |      10,405,296 | 
| Retained earnings                   |         |  (12,936,929)  |    (12,553,827) | 
| TOTAL EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE    |         |      2,734,101 |       3,355,893 | 
| EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT        |         |                |                 | 
|                      | 
|                      |  Share    |   Share    | Options  |  Foreign    |  Retained    | 
|                      |  Capital  |  premium   | Reserve  |  currency   |  earnings    | 
|                      |           |            |          |translation  |              | 
|                      |           |            |          |  reserve    |              | 
|                      |    GBP    |    GBP     |   GBP    |    GBP      |     GBP      | 
| Balance at 1 July    | 4,765,957 | 10,301,015 |  417,015 |     127,189 | (13,212,529) | 
| 2007                 |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Exchange differences |         - |          - |        - | (1,951,552) |            - | 
| arising on           |           |            |          |             |              | 
| translation of       |           |            |          |             |              | 
| foreign operations   |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Net income           |         - |          - |        - | (1,951,552) |            - | 
| recognised directly  |           |            |          |             |              | 
| in equity            |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Proceeds from new    |   738,467 |  1,661,551 |        - |           - |            - | 
| share issue          |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Costs arising from   |         - |  (159,665) |        - |           - |            - | 
| share issue          |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Net profit for the   |         - |          - |        - |           - |      658,702 | 
| year                 |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Total recognised     |   738,467 |            |        - | (1,951,552) |      658,702 | 
| income and expenses  |           |  1,501,886 |          |             |              | 
| Recognition of share |         - |          - |    9,743 |           - |            - | 
| based payments       |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Balance at 30 June   | 5,504,424 | 11,802,901 |  426,758 | (1,824,363) | (12,553,827) | 
| 2008                 |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Exchange differences |         - |          - |        - |   (265,459) |            - | 
| arising on           |           |            |          |             |              | 
| translation of       |           |            |          |             |              | 
| foreign operations   |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Net income           |         - |          - |        - |   (265,459) |            - | 
| recognised directly  |           |            |          |             |              | 
| in equity            |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Proceeds from new    |         - |          - |        - |           - |            - | 
| share issue          |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Costs arising from   |         - |          - |        - |           - |            - | 
| share issue          |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Net loss for the     |         - |          - |        - |           - |    (383,102) | 
| year                 |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Total recognised     |         - |          - |        - |   (265,459) |    (383,102) | 
| income and expenses  |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Recognition of share |         - |          - |   26,769 |           - |            - | 
| based payments       |           |            |          |             |              | 
| Balance at 30 June   | 5,504,424 | 11,802,901 |  453,527 | (2,089,822) | (12,936,929) | 
| 2009                 |           |            |          |             |              | 
|                                        |         |     2009      |     2008      | 
|                                        |  Notes  |      GBP      |      GBP      | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Cash flow from Operating Activities    |         |               |               | 
| Receipt from customers                 |         |     1,497,798 |     1,049,730 | 
| Payments to suppliers and employees    |         |   (2,788,372) |   (2,936,915) | 
| Payments for tax                       |         |      (15,501) |             - | 
| Net cash used in operating activities  |  8(a)   |   (1,306,075) |   (1,887,185) | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Cash flow from Investing Activities    |         |               |               | 
| Payments for property, plant and       |         |       (1,992) |       (5,520) | 
| equipment                              |         |               |               | 
| Receipts for property, plant and       |         |       111,864 |             - | 
| equipment                              |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Net cash generated from/(used in)      |         |       109,872 |       (5,520) | 
| investing activities                   |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Cash flow from Financing Activities    |         |               |               | 
| Proceeds from interest and investment  |         |        18,987 |        22,858 | 
| income                                 |         |               |               | 
| Proceeds from issue of equity shares   |         |             - |     2,240,353 | 
| Net cash generated from/(used in)      |         |        18,987 |     2,263,211 | 
| financing activities                   |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and    |         |   (1,177,216) |       370,506 | 
| cash equivalents                       |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Exchange gains on cash and cash        |         |         8,764 |       225,344 | 
| equivalents                            |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the       |         |     1,493,249 |       897,399 | 
| beginning of the year                  |         |               |               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end   |  8(b)   |       324,797 |     1,493,249 | 
| of the financial year                  |         |               |               | 
|                                        |         |               |               | 
1.    Basis of Preparation and Going Concern 
The financial information has been extracted from the Group's financial 
statements that are prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union applied in 
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and under the 
historical cost convention. 
The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2008 is derived from the 
statutory accounts for that period which have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified 
and did not contain a statement under either Section 237 (2) or Section 237 (3) 
of the Companies Act 1985. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2009 is derived from the 
statutory accounts for that period which will be delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237 (2) or 
Section 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
Having considered the guidance given in the document Going Concern and Liquidity 
Risk: Guidance for Directors of UK Companies issued in October 2009 by the 
Financial Reporting Council, the Directors have formed a judgement that, at the 
time of approving these financial statements there is a reasonable expectation 
that the Group has adequate resources and likely income to continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore adopt the going 
concern basis for the financial statements.  The continuing going concern of the 
Group is dependent upon the Group achieving its sales forecasts and continuing 
to increase the number of its machines that are in service. The Directors have 
prepared forecasts which demonstrate that the Group will continue as a going 
concern until at least 31 December 2010. Were the Group not to achieve its sales 
forecasts then the Group may not continue as a going concern without obtaining 
alternative sources of financing. The financial statements have therefore been 
prepared on a going concern basis and do not contain the adjustments that might 
arise if the Group ceases to be a going concern. 
The auditors' report on the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2009 
included the following: 
Emphases of Matter - Going Concern 
We draw attention to the disclosures in Note 1 of the financial statements 
regarding the directors' assumptions as to the continuing application of the 
going concern concept. The directors are optimistic as to the continued 
development of the business of the Group. However, unless an increase in sales 
is achieved, there remains doubt as to the ability of the Group to continue as a 
going concern.  Were the Group not to achieve its sales forecasts then the Group 
may not continue as a going concern without obtaining alternative sources of 
financing.Our opinion is not qualified in this respect. The financial statements 
do not include any adjustments that would result if the Group was unable to 
continue as a going concern." 
2.    Foreign Exchange Gain 
The Group earned a Foreign Exchange Gain of GBP302,822 (2008: GBP2,481,397) due 
to the movement of the exchange rate between Pound Sterling and the Australian 
Dollar over the financial year. This gain arose in the individual financial 
statements of the Company's subsidiary CLVR Pty Ltd. The gain arose as a result 
of inter-company financing and is unrealised. The remaining Foreign Exchange 
Gain earned by the Group in the 2009 year of GBP414,907 (2008: GBPnil) relates 
to the movement of exchange rates relating to trading balances. 
3.Operating Profit/(Loss) 
|                                                  |     |   2009    |    2008    | 
|                                                  |     |    GBP    |    GBP     | 
|                                                  |     |           |            | 
| Operating (Loss) / Profit is stated after        |     |           |            | 
| charging:                                        |     |           |            | 
| Depreciation                                     |     |   103,231 |    115,420 | 
| Operating lease payments - land and buildings    |     |   226,491 |    197,527 | 
| Share-based payments                             |     |    26,769 |      9,743 | 
| Research and development                         |     |     8,248 |     16,587 | 
| - expenditure in the year                        |     |           |            | 
4.Income tax expense 
|                                                  |        |   2009    |   2008    | 
|                                                  |        |    GBP    |    GBP    | 
|                                                  |        |           |           | 
| UK Taxation                                      |        |           |           | 
|  - Current year UK corporation tax               |        |    -      |  95,368   | 
|  - Amount in respect of previous year            |        |(353,474)  |  302,226  | 
|                                                  |        |(353,474)  |  397,594  | 
| - Overseas taxation                              |        |         - |      -    | 
|                                                  |        |(353,474)  |  397,594  | 
| The charge for the year can be reconciled to the (loss) / |           |           | 
| profit per the income statement as follows.               |           |           | 
|                                                           |           |           | 
| (Loss) / Profit on ordinary activities before    |        |(736,576)  |1,056,296  | 
| tax                                              |        |           |           | 
|                                                  |        |           |           | 
| (Loss) / Profit on ordinary activities           |        |(206,241)  |  311,607  | 
| multiplied by the standard rate of corporation   |        |           |           | 
| tax on the UK income tax rate of 28.0% (2008:    |        |           |           | 
| 29.5%)                                           |        |           |           | 
| Effect of revenue that is exempt from Taxation   |        | (88,645)  |(732,012)  | 
| Effect of expenses that are not deductible in    |        |  99,563   |  255,797  | 
| determining taxable profit                       |        |           |           | 
| Effect of unused tax losses and tax offsets      |        |  190,622  |  259,976  | 
| Effect of other timing differences               |        |  4,701    | -         | 
| Adjustments to prior year tax                    |        |(353,474)  |  302,226  | 
|                                                  |        |           |           | 
| Income tax (benefit) / expense recognised in     |        |(353,474)  |  397,594  | 
| income statement                                 |        |           |           | 
Deferred taxation 
The Group has losses carried forward estimated at GBP14,405,164 (2008 - 
GBP12,891,407) that give rise to a deferred taxation asset. This asset has not 
been incorporated into the financial statements as it is not certain at the 
balance sheet date that profits in the foreseeable future will be sufficient to 
allow this balance to be utilised. 
UK Taxation - amount in respect of previous year 
In the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2008 the Group provided 
GBP302,226 in respect of adjustments to the tax computations for the years ended 
30 June 2005, 2006 and 2007 and for potential penalties. Following completion of 
the 30 June 2008 audit, representations were made to HMRC to allow for the 
reassessment of these prior year tax returns. HMRC have now confirmed that it 
accepts the revised adjustments, therefore the GBP302,226 provision is no longer 
required. In addition to this amount, GBP51,248 of tax provided for in the 2008 
year in respect of the tax computation for the year ended 30 June 2008 has been 
released given the provision is no longer required. 
5.    Earnings per share 
|                                                  |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                                  |              |              | 
| Basic (loss) / earnings per share                |   (0.22)p    |    0.56p     | 
| Diluted (loss) / earnings per share              |   (0.22)p    |    0.56p     | 
|                                                  |              |              | 
The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share was based on a weighted 
average number of shares calculated as follows: 
|                                                      |         2009 | 2008        | 
|                                                      | Number of shares           | 
|                                                      |                            | 
| Issued ordinary shares at 1 July                     | 169,165,848  | 95,319,148  | 
| Shares issued during the year                        | -            | 73,846,700  | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares 30 June   | 169,165,848  | 117,922,043 | 
| (basic)                                              |              |             | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares 30 June   | 169,165,848  | 117,922,043 | 
| (diluted)                                            |              |             | 
|                                                      |              |             | 
| (Loss) / Profit used in calculating basic and        | GBP(383,102) | GBP658,702  | 
| diluted (loss) / earnings per share from continuing  |              |             | 
| operations                                           |              |             | 
Diluted (loss) / earnings per share has been calculated using the same figures 
as the basic calculation. No account has been taken of options, as these 
potential ordinary shares are not considered to be dilutive under the 
definitions of the applicable accounting standards. 
On 5 October 2009, the Company issued 23,030,000 ordinary shares.  Allowing for 
the issue of these shares, the calculation of loss per share based upon the 
group loss incurred for the year ended 30 June 2009 for basic and diluted loss 
per share would be 0.20p per share. 
6.    Property, Plant and Equipment 
|                    |  Plant &   |  Fixtures,   |  Leasehold   |  Leased  |  Total   | 
|                    | Machinery  |  fittings &  |Improvements  |  Assets  |          | 
|                    |            |  equipment   |              |          |          | 
|                    |    GBP     |     GBP      |     GBP      |   GBP    |   GBP    | 
| Cost               |            |              |              |          |          | 
| At 1 July 2007     |    312,734 |      154,549 |       19,234 |  171,141 |  657,658 | 
| Exchange           |     19,644 |        2,024 |        1,551 |        - |   23,219 | 
| differences        |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Additions          |      4,503 |        1,017 |            - |        - |    5,520 | 
| At 30 June 2008    |    336,881 |      157,590 |       20,785 |  171,141 |  686,397 | 
| Exchange           |      6,848 |        3,204 |          423 |        - |   10,475 | 
| differences        |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Additions          |      1,635 |          357 |            - |        - |    1,992 | 
| Disposals          |          - |            - |            - | (25,284) | (25,284) | 
| At 30 June 2009    |    345,364 |      161,151 |       21,208 |  145,857 |  673,580 | 
|                    |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Depreciation       |            |              |              |          |          | 
| At 1 July 2007     |    215,363 |      144,517 |       11,546 |   67,570 |  438,996 | 
| Exchange           |          - |            - |            - | (13,293) | (13,293) | 
| differences        |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Charge for the     |     38,225 |       13,002 |        4,450 |   59,743 |  115,420 | 
| year               |            |              |              |          |          | 
| At 30 June 2008    |    253,588 |      157,519 |       15,996 |  114,020 |  541,123 | 
| Exchange           |      5,155 |        3,202 |          325 |        - |    8,682 | 
| differences        |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Disposals          |          - |            - |            - | (22,986) | (22,986) | 
| Charge for the     |     47,745 |           41 |        2,745 |   52,700 |  103,231 | 
| year               |            |              |              |          |          | 
| At 30 June 2009    |    306,488 |      160,762 |       19,066 |  143,734 |  630,050 | 
|                    |            |              |              |          |          | 
| Net book value     |            |              |              |          |          | 
| At 30 June 2008    |     83,293 |           71 |        4,789 |   57,121 |  145,274 | 
| At 30 June 2009    |     38,876 |          389 |        2,142 |    2,123 |   43,530 | 
7.    Trade and other payables 
|                                                  |    2009      |    2008    | 
|                                                  |     GBP      |    GBP     | 
|                             Current              |              |            | 
| Trade Creditors                                  |      521,253 |    273,446 | 
| Director's current account                       |        7,398 |     20,734 | 
| Other creditors                                  |      238,436 |    206,800 | 
| Accruals and deferred Income                     |      240,701 |    248,484 | 
|                                                  |    1,007,788 |    749,464 | 
| Non-current                                      |              |            | 
| Accruals and deferred Income                     |      302,276 |    189,100 | 
|                                                  |      302,276 |    189,100 | 
Trade Creditors are settled in accordance with terms of the supplier. Accrued 
expenses are an assessment of amounts due and payable but for which invoices 
have not yet been received. 
Deferred Warranty Income is recognised on a pro-rata basis, and at amortised 
cost, depending on the terms and conditions of the sale agreement with the 
8.    Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities 
|                                           |      2009       |      2008       | 
|                                           |      GBP        |      GBP        | 
| (a) Cash flows from operating activities  |                 |                 | 
|                                           |                 |                 | 
| After tax (loss) / profit for the period  |       (383,102) |         658,702 | 
| Adjustments for Non-Cash Items            |                 |                 | 
| Equity settled share based payment        | 26,769          | 9,743           | 
| expense                                   |                 |                 | 
| Bad debts provision                       |         404,003 |          30,000 | 
| Net Finance costs                         |        (15,321) |        (22,858) | 
| Provision against loans with group        |               - |               - | 
| undertakings                              |                 |                 | 
| Transactions with group undertakings      |               - |               - | 
| Depreciation                              |         103,231 |         115,420 | 
| Profit on disposal of property, plant and |       (109,567) |               - | 
| equipment                                 |                 |                 | 
| Foreign exchange gains                    |       (717,860) |     (2,481,397) | 
| Operating loss before changes in working  |       (691,847) |     (1,690,390) | 
| capital and provisions:                   |                 |                 | 
| Changes in assets and liabilities         |                 |                 | 
| (excluding the effects of acquisition and |                 |                 | 
| exchange differences on consolidation):   |                 |                 | 
| Decrease/ (Increase) in trade and other   |       (963,248) |       (604,388) | 
| receivables                               |                 |                 | 
| Decrease/ (Increase) in inventories       |         341,607 |         (3,378) | 
| Increase in trade and other payables      |         376,388 |          13,377 | 
| Increase/(Decrease)  in provision for     |       (368,974) |         397,594 | 
| taxation                                  |                 |                 | 
|                                           |                 |                 | 
| Net cash flows (used in)/generated from   |     (1,306,074) |     (1,887,185) | 
| operating activities                      |                 |                 | 
| (b) Reconciliation of cash and cash        |      |                             | 
| equivalents                                |      |                             | 
|                                            |      |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                            |      |     GBP      |     GBP      | 
| Cash at bank and at call                   |      |      324,797 |    1,493,249 | 
|                                            |      |              |              | 
10.    Dividends 
The Directors do not propose the payment of a dividend for the year ended 30 
June 2009. 
11.    Availability of Report and Accounts 
A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts will be sent to all shareholders 
shortly and will be available from the offices of Merchant John East Securities 
Limited, 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AD and from the Company's website 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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