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Cqs Natural Resources Growth And Income Plc

Cqs Natural Resources Growth And Income Plc (CYN)

Fermé 16 Février 5:30PM
Heure Prix Taille Type Prix d'achat Prix de vente A/V Acheter Ind. Volume total Num Bourse
18:06:21 194.513 50000 O 194.5 196.0 Sell
169 606 13 LSE
15:25:18 193.125 15 O 192.5 197.0 Sell
119 606 12 LSE
14:25:36 193.125 4648 O 192.5 197.0 Sell
119 591 11 LSE
14:03:03 193.1 2000 O 192.5 197.0 Sell
114 943 10 LSE
13:53:44 194.0 2281 AT 193.5 194.0 Buy
112 943 9 LSE
13:47:50 193.675 1200 O 193.5 194.0 Sell
110 662 8 LSE
13:43:15 193.922 3175 O 193.5 194.0 Buy
109 462 7 LSE
12:10:48 193.922 2047 O 193.5 194.0 Buy
106 287 6 LSE
11:37:07 193.5 2697 AT 192.0 193.5 Buy
104 240 5 LSE
10:01:21 192.525 6 O 192.0 193.5 Sell
101 543 4 LSE
09:52:01 192.7 1537 O 192.0 194.0 Sell
101 537 3 LSE
08:16:02 194.0 50000 O 193.0 195.0
100 000 2 LSE
08:16:02 194.0 50000 O 193.0 195.0
50 000 1 LSE