RNS No 8779t
20 April 1999

                                 DEBENHAMS PLC


*    Profit before tax up 3.0% at #79.4 million (1998: #77.1m)

*    Total sales up 2.0% at #785.2 million (1998: #770.2m)

*    Like for like sales improved in the final 6 weeks, ending the half down  

*    Gross margin up 0.2 percentage points

*    Like for like costs down approximately 2.0%

*    Earnings per share up 2.2% at 14.1p (1998: 13.8p)

*    Interim dividend per share of 4.1p (1998: 3.9p)

*    Cash inflow of #40.2 million in the first half

Commenting on the results and current trading, Peter Jarvis, Chairman, said:

"This  sound  performance  gives  us further  confidence  in  our  established
strategy  and  demonstrates our ability to drive the  business  forward  in  a
difficult market whilst increasing the gross margin and controlling costs.

For  the  first 7 weeks of the current half, to Saturday 17 April 1999,  total
sales were ahead of last year and like for like sales showed a decrease, at  a
level  similar  to that in the first half.  The gross margin was substantially
up  for  the first 7 weeks.  We are again making good progress in the area  of
cost  control, although the absolute level of cost growth will be  greater  in
the second half than the first half."

For further information:

Matthew Roberts          Finance Director
                         0171 408 3229

Joanna Lane-Jones        Head of Corporate Communications
                         0171 408 3459

Martin Leeburn           Maitland Consultancy
                         0171 379 5151

                                 DEBENHAMS PLC



Total  sales for the 26 weeks to 27 February 1999 increased by 2.0% to  #785.2
million.  Like  for like sales were down 1.9%. Profit before tax  advanced  by
3.0%  to #79.4 million. The gross margin as a percentage of sales was up  0.2%
and like for like costs fell by approximately 2.0% on the year.

The Company is anticipating a tax charge of 33% for the full year.


Total  capital investment in the first half was #57.0 million and is  expected
to be in the region of #110 million for the full year.

Cash  generated from operating activities was #124.7 million in the first half
to  27  February 1999.  After capital investment, interest, tax and  dividends
the Company generated a net cash inflow of #40.2 million.

As  at  27  February 1999, old season stocks were at a similar  level  to  the
previous year.


As  at  27 February 1999, the Company had net debt of #50.4 million.  Interest
cover was 20.9 times and gearing was 9.1%.


As at 27 February 1999, earnings per share were 14.1p, an increase of 2.2% for
the ongoing business.


The  Board has declared an interim dividend of 4.1p per share, which  will  be
paid on 6  August 1999 to shareholders on the Register at the close of
business  on  2 July 1999.


For  the  first 7 weeks of the current half, to Saturday 17 April 1999,  total
sales were ahead of last year and like for like sales showed a decrease, at  a
level similar to that in the first half. The gross margin was substantially up
for  the first 7 weeks.  We are again making good progress in the area of cost
control,  although the absolute level of cost growth will be  greater  in  the
second half than the first half.


At  Debenhams, we aim to constantly improve the value we offer our  customers,
whilst at the same time improving margins.  Driving profit density remains the
key  priority.   Our  expansion  programme through  our  extensive  new  store
openings,  combined  with  our international franchising,  home  shopping  and
Internet developments will be a key driver of future sales.

According to independent research carried out by Verdict, Debenhams has a  32%
share  of the department store clothing market. Debenhams' recently won Retail
Week's  "1999 Retailer of the Year" award and the Tommy's Campaign "1999  Most
Family Friendly Department Store" award.


Brand development

Consumers  are becoming increasingly conscious of brands, with a higher  share
of  consumer  spend being directed at branded products. Over  the  last  seven
years  we have launched more than 50 own brands. Brands exclusive to Debenhams
account  for 50% of our turnover. During the last six months, we have launched
several new brands including XPG, Hyphen, Vicenza and Osborne. The success  of
our  own  brand development accounts for the majority of the increase  in  our
total sales in the first half, when volumes have remained flat.

We  complement our own brands with leading national and international  brands.
We  have  continued to extend this offering over the last six months and  have
introduced a number of internationally renowned labels such as Berghaus, Nancy
Gantz and Karrimor.

"Designers at Debenhams" continues to be an integral part of our strategy.  We
are now working with over 20 leading UK designers who produce exclusive ranges
in  clothing,  accessories  and home products.  We  have  recently  introduced
several  new designer ranges such as O-Z by Ozwald Boateng and others by  Orla
Kiely and John Richmond.

Customer service

Customer  service continues to be a priority for Debenhams.  Over the  last  2
years  we  have been ranked number one for customer service by NOP.  This  has
been  achieved by offering our customers a comprehensive range of added  value
services and extending the benefits for our Gold Card holders. In addition, we
are  developing  a  Special Order service, allowing  our  customers  to  order
products that are not available in their local stores.

We have extended our "5 Star" promotional calendar.  These unique, third party
offers  reward  our  customers for spending more in our stores  and  add  real
value.   The  offers change on a regular basis and generate strong incremental

Margin growth

For  the  first  half, the gross margin was up by 0.2 percentage  points.   We
maintained  our  prime  trading stance in the run up to  Christmas.   We  will
continue  to  maximise  the number of full price trading  weeks  in  order  to
protect the gross margin.

We  are  in  the  process of implementing a Global Sourcing Policy  that  will
enhance the buying in margin through better negotiations with a smaller number
of  suppliers. Within this Policy, we have introduced Product Cost Managers to
work  with suppliers and support our buying and merchandising teams in  making
sourcing decisions, allowing our buyers to focus on product.

In addition, we have recently reorganised the buying and merchandise teams and
now  employ design teams on a freelance basis. The reorganisation has resulted
in  shorter reporting lines to ensure that new concepts are delivered  to  the
market more quickly.

Our policy to offer improving values whilst moving from lower to higher margin
merchandise,  has had a positive effect on the gross margin.   This  has  been
enhanced  by  the continued move from concession to own bought  business,  the
level  of which will increase by 2% to 73% this financial year.  We anticipate
that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.

Cost control

Like for like costs fell by approximately 2.0% during the first half.  We have
taken a number of proactive measures to reduce the cost base and move it  from
fixed to variable where possible.

The  absolute  level  of cost growth will be greater in  the  second  half  in
comparison  to the first half.  This is because of factors such as the  timing
of  the demerger savings and the phasing of costs resulting from the new store


New stores

During  the  first  half of the financial year we opened  four  stores;  Leeds
Briggate,  Brighton, Hanley and Trafford Centre, bringing the total number  of
stores  in  the  UK and Republic of Ireland to 90. The trading impact  of  the
Trafford  Centre  on  the neighbouring Debenhams stores  has  been  less  than
originally anticipated.

The  new  store  opening  programme, announced  since  the  demerger,  remains
unchanged  and  will  result in Debenhams operating over  100  stores  in  the
British  Isles  by 2003.  The 8 new stores opened over the last  3  years  are
trading substantially ahead of our expectations.

Our   average  trading  space  is  currently  6.7m  sq  ft  and  the  15   new
stores/relocations planned for the next 4 years will add a further 20% to  the
trading space.


Modernising  a  store  increases  its  profitability.   This  is  achieved  by
enhancing  the  shopping  environment,  using  the  opportunity  to   increase
significantly  the level of own bought product mix and, in some locations,  by
releasing extra trading space.

During  the first half of the financial year stores in Norwich, Edinburgh  and
Aberdeen  were  modernised.   Glasgow,  Bromley  and  Oxford  Street  will  be
completed  during  the  second half. The 14 most  recently  modernised  stores
opened   over  the  last  3  years  are  trading  comfortably  ahead  of   our

International Franchises

During the first half we opened franchise stores in Kuwait and Dubai.  We  are
pleased  to  announce today that we have signed an agreement  to  open  a  new
international store in Riyadh with our Middle Eastern franchise  partner  M.H.
Alshaya.  The store is scheduled to open in October 2000.

Home shopping and Internet

In  December  1998,  we  announced a joint venture with  Freemans  which  will
provide  us  with the fulfilment and distribution capabilities we  require  to
compete in the direct mail market.

In  the  Autumn  we produced a Christmas Gift catalogue and more  recently  we
launched  our  first Direct Home collection. We are planning  to  produce  two
branded catalogues for Autumn/Winter 1999, one featuring products for the home
and the other focusing on Christmas gift ideas.

"Debenhams Direct", our first big book, is schedule to be published in  Spring
2000.   It  will  contain  a  range of merchandise  from  both  Debenhams  and
Freemans.   The  500-600  page catalogue will include an  extensive  range  of
products  including  our  own  brands and  items  not  normally  available  at
Debenhams, such as white goods and furniture.

The  total  number of visits to our website has increased threefold  over  the
last  year  and  over 30% of these customers view our wedding lists.   We  now
operate  the largest Bridal List service in the UK.  In order to meet customer
demand,  we are developing the first on-line wedding gift service  in  the  UK
that  will  be fully operational in the Autumn. In addition, we are developing
plans to expand our Internet activity through our Intercafe and our web-site.


In  March, we announced the appointments of Belinda Earl (aged 37) and Michael
Sharp (aged 41) as Executive Directors.  They have more than 30 years combined
service in the retail industry and extensive knowledge of Debenhams.

A  new  all  Employee Share Option Scheme was approved at the  Annual  General
Meeting in January.  As a result, over 17,000 of our permanent employees  with
contracted hours had an option to buy shares in the Company.  We believe  that
our share schemes are a powerful means of motivating and rewarding our staff.


It  is  our intention to make a commentary on current trading on 20 July  1999
and our Preliminary results announcement is scheduled for 19 October 1999.

Terry Green
Chief Executive

Consolidated profit and loss account
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999
                                                    Unaudited       Unaudited
                                                      Ongoing         Ongoing
                                                     business        business
                                   Unaudited        pro forma       pro forma
                                 26 weeks to      26 weeks to     52 weeks to
                                 27 February      28 February       29 August
                                        1999             1998            1998
                                          #m               #m              #m
                                 -----------      -----------     ----------- 
Turnover                               785.2            770.2         1,365.8
Trading profit                          83.4             81.8           146.1
Net interest payable and similar        (4.0)            (4.7)           (7.5)
                                 -----------      -----------     -----------
Profit on ordinary activities           79.4             77.1           138.6
before taxation

Taxation                               (26.2)           (25.0)          (44.9)
                                 -----------      -----------     ----------- 
Profit for the financial period         53.2             52.1            93.7

Dividends                              (15.5)           (14.7)          (37.0)
                                 -----------      -----------     ----------- 
Retained profit                         37.7             37.4            56.7
                                 -----------      -----------     ----------- 
Earnings per share*                                                          
 - Basic                               14.1p            13.8p           24.9p
 - Diluted                             14.1p            13.8p           24.8p
Dividends per ordinary share            4.1p             3.9p            9.8p

The profit and loss account for the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999 represents
the actual results of the Debenhams plc group ("the Group").

The  ongoing business pro forma consolidated profit and loss accounts for  the
26  weeks ended 28 February 1998 and the 52 weeks ended 29 August 1998 present
the  results  of  the  ongoing business of the Group as  if  the  arrangements
following demerger from the Burton Group on 26 January 1998 had been in  place
throughout both periods reported.  Adjustments have been made to eliminate the
trading of the discontinued operations and illustrate the effect of the  post-
demerger financing and tax arrangements.


*The  calculation  of  earnings  per share is based  on  the  profit  for  the
 financial period or, where applicable, the ongoing business pro forma  profit
 for  the  financial period and the basic weighted average number of  ordinary
 shares  in issue of 377.1 million (1998: 376.6 million) or the fully  diluted
 weighted  average  number of ordinary shares in issue of  378.2  million  (28
 February 1998: 377.2 million, 29 August 1998: 377.5 million).

 In  accordance  with  Financial  Reporting Standard  14  the  basic  weighted
 average  number  of shares has been adjusted for the 0.7 million  (1998:  1.2
 million)  shares  held by Arcadia Group ESOPs on behalf of  the  Group.   The
 dilutive  potential ordinary shares arise from employee share  and  incentive
 plans.  Figures for 1998 have been restated accordingly.

Consolidated profit and loss account - statutory basis
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999

                                       Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                     26 weeks to   26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                     27 February   28 February      29 August
                        Note                1999          1998           1998
                                              #m            #m             #m
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Turnover                  2                                                  
Continuing operations                      785.2         770.2        1,365.8
Discontinued operations                        -         312.3          312.3
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Total turnover                             785.2       1,082.5        1,678.1
Trading profit                                                               
Continuing operations                       83.4          81.8          146.1
Discontinued operations                        -          36.3           36.3
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Total trading profit                        83.4         118.1          182.4

Profit on disposal        3                    -         128.7          128.7
of subsidiary
Net interest              4                 (4.0)         (4.7)          (7.5)
payable and similar
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Profit on ordinary                          79.4         242.1          303.6
activities before
Taxation                  5                (26.2)        (35.6)         (55.7)
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Profit for the                              53.2         206.5          247.9
financial period
Dividends            - Paid to                 -        (194.3)        (194.3)
                       Burton Group
                     - Payable to          (15.5)        (14.7)         (37.0)
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Total dividends           6                (15.5)       (209.0)        (231.3)
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Retained                                    37.7          (2.5)          16.6
profit/(loss)                        -----------   -----------    -----------
Earnings per share        7                                                  
 - Basic                                   14.1p         54.8p          65.8p
 - Diluted                                 14.1p         54.7p          65.7p
Dividends per             6                                           
ordinary share
-    Paid to Burton                          n/a         51.4p          51.4p
-    Payable to                             4.1p          3.9p           9.8p

Consolidated balance sheet
At 27 February 1999
                                       Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                              At            At             At
                                     27 February   28 February      29 August
                        Note                1999          1998           1998
                                              #m            #m             #m
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Fixed assets                                                                 
Tangible assets                            725.0         664.8          705.0
Investment in own                            1.3           1.3            0.8
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
                                           726.3         666.1          705.8
Current assets                                                               
Stocks                                     171.7         162.1          173.0
Debtors                                     27.3          43.1           28.5
Cash at bank and in hand                    27.7          17.7            8.6
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
                                             226.7         222.9         210.1
Creditors: amounts                                                           
falling due within
one year
Funding debt                                17.6          12.3           35.0
Other creditors                            285.3         284.2          273.1
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
                                           302.9         296.5          308.1
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Net current                                (76.2)        (73.6)         (98.0)
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Total assets less                          650.1         592.5          607.8
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts                                                           
falling due after
more than one year
Funding debt                                60.5          66.2           63.4
Provisions for                              34.9          28.4           27.4
liabilities and
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Net assets                                 554.7         497.9          517.0
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Capital and reserves                                                          
Called up share capital                     37.8          37.8           37.8
Other reserves                              43.2          43.2           43.2
Profit and loss account                    473.7         416.9          436.0
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Shareholders' funds       8                554.7         497.9          517.0
- Equity interests                   -----------   -----------    -----------
Gearing                                     9.1%         12.2%          17.4%
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999

                                       Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                     26 weeks to   26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                     27 February   28 February      29 August
                        Note                1999          1998           1998
                                              #m            #m             #m
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Net cash                  9                124.7        (59.0)         (29.2)
from operating
Returns on                                  (1.5)        (4.0)          (6.1)
investment and
servicing of
Taxation paid                               (3.7)        (0.1)         (19.8)
Capital expenditure                        (57.0)       (68.3)         (89.9)
Acquisitions and                               -        919.2          919.2
Equity dividends                           (22.3)      (281.3)        (296.0)
                                     -----------   -----------    ----------- 
Cash inflow before                          40.2        506.5          478.2
Capital contribution                           -        197.2          197.2
Repayment of capital element of                -        (47.5)         (47.5)
property leases
Parent company loans                           -       (681.9)        (681.9)
Repayment of other loans                    (3.4)       (16.1)         (19.3)

                                      -----------   -----------    -----------
Net cash outflow from financing             (3.4)      (548.3)        (551.5)
                                      -----------   -----------    -----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash                 36.8        (41.8)         (73.3)
                                      -----------   -----------    -----------
Reconciliation of net debt:                                                   
Opening net debt                           (89.8)       (81.8)         (81.8)
Increase/(decrease) in cash                 36.8        (41.8)         (73.3)
Cash outflow from                            3.4         63.6           66.8
movement in debt
and lease financing
Other non-cash movement                     (0.8)        (0.8)          (1.5)
                                     -----------  -----------    -----------  
Closing net debt                           (50.4)       (60.8)         (89.8)
                                     -----------  -----------    -----------  

Statement of total recognised gains and losses
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999

                           26 weeks to        26 weeks to         52 weeks to
                           27 February        28 February           29 August
                                  1999               1998                1998
                                    #m                 #m                  #m
                           -----------        -----------         ----------- 
Profit for the                    53.2              206.5               247.9
financial period
Capital contribution                 -              197.2               197.2

                           -----------        -----------         ----------- 
Total recognised                  53.2              403.7               445.1
gains and losses           -----------        -----------         -----------
relating to the

Note of historical cost profits and losses
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999

There is no significant difference between the results shown in the profit and
loss account and the results as stated on an unmodified historical cost basis.

Notes to the accounts
For the 26 weeks ended 27 February 1999

1 Basis of preparation

  The  interim  financial statements have been prepared on the  basis  of  the
  accounting  policies set out in the financial statements  of  Debenhams  plc
  for the year ended 29 August 1998, as amended by:
  * Financial  Reporting  Standard  11 'Impairment  of  Fixed  Assets  and
    Goodwill', the adoption of which does not result in any adjustment to  the
    financial statements;
  * Financial Reporting Standard 12 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
    Contingent  Assets', the adoption of which results in the  restatement  of
    creditors  and  provisions  for liabilities and  charges  to  reflect  the
    reclassification of provisions from creditors to provisions for           
      liabilities and charges;
  * Financial Reporting Standard 14 'Earnings per Share', the adoption  of
    which results in the restatement of basic and diluted earnings per share  
      as explained in note 7 to the accounts.

  The results  for  the 26 weeks to 27 February 1999 have been  reviewed  and
  reported on by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Group's Auditors.
  As  part  of  the demerger from The Burton Group plc ("Burton  Group")  (now
  known  as  Arcadia Group plc) on 26 January 1998, certain subsidiaries  were
  transferred  to the Burton Group.  The results of these subsidiaries  up  to
  the  date  of  disposal have been consolidated and disclosed as discontinued
  operations in the consolidated profit and loss accounts for the 26 weeks  to
  28 February 1998 and the 52 weeks to 29 August 1998.
  The  ongoing  business pro forma consolidated profit and loss  accounts  for
  the  26  weeks ended 28 February 1998 and the 52 weeks ended 29 August  1998
  present  the  results  of  the ongoing business  of  the  Group  as  if  the
  arrangements  following demerger from the Burton Group on  26  January  1998
  had  been in place throughout both periods reported.  Adjustments have  been
  made  to eliminate the trading of the discontinued operations and illustrate
  the estimated effect of the post-demerger financing and tax arrangements.

2 Turnover
  The Group has one class of business, retailing, and operates in one
  geographic region comprising the UK and Ireland.

3 Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings
  On  25 November 1997, in preparation for the demerger of Debenhams plc,  the
  Group realised a profit of #128.7 million from the sale of its interests  in
  Burton  Fashion Holdings Limited, Burton Group Properties Limited and Burton
  Group  Investments  Limited.   In accordance with  the  provisions  of  UITF
  Abstract  3  the profit on disposal was calculated net of #126.5 million  of
  purchase goodwill previously eliminated against reserves.

4 Net interest payable and similar charges

                             26 weeks to       26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                             27 February       28 February          29 August
                                    1999              1998               1998
                                      #m                #m                 #m
                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
  Payable on bank                  (2.1)             (5.9)              (6.8)
  loans and
  repayable within 5
  Payable on                       (0.1)             (0.2)              (0.4)
  debenture loans
  repayable within 5
  Rentals payable on               (2.3)             (1.6)              (3.4)
  property lease
                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
                                   (4.5)             (7.7)             (10.6)
  Interest receivable               0.5               3.0                3.1

                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
  Net interest                     (4.0)             (4.7)              (7.5)
  payable and similar        -----------       -----------        -----------

5 Taxation

  The tax charge reflects the full year's estimated effective rate of 33%.

6 Dividends
                              26 weeks to       26 weeks to       52 weeks to
                              27 February       28 February         29 August
                                     1999              1998              1998
                                       #m                #m                #m
                              -----------       -----------       ----------- 
  Pre-demerger                          -              25.0              25.0
  ordinary dividend
  paid to Burton Group

  Ordinary dividend                     -             169.3             169.3
  paid to Burton Group

  Interim ordinary                   15.5              14.7              14.7
  dividend declared -
  4.1p (1998 paid: 3.9p)

  Final ordinary                        -                 -              22.3
  dividend paid
  (1998: 5.9p)
                              -----------       -----------        -----------
                                     15.5             209.0             231.3
                              -----------       -----------        -----------
  During  the  year  ended  29 August 1998, in accordance  with  the  demerger
  agreement  a  pre-demerger dividend of 6.6 pence per share  totalling  #25.0
  million  and  an ordinary dividend of 44.8 pence per share totalling  #169.3
  million was paid to Burton Group to facilitate the demerger.

  The   directors   have  declared  a  1999  interim  dividend   to   ordinary
  shareholders of 4.1 pence per share.

7 Earnings per share
  Basic  and  diluted  earnings per share have been calculated  in  accordance
  with  Financial  Reporting Standard 14, which was issued  in  October  1998,
  based on:
                 26 weeks to           26 weeks to           52 weeks to
               27 February 1999      28 February 1998      29 August 1998
                         Weighted              Weighted              Weighted
                          average               average               average
                           number                number                number
              Earnings  of shares   Earnings  of shares   Earnings  of shares
                    #m          m         #m          m         #m          m 
              -------------------   -------------------   -------------------
 Basic            53.2      377.1      206.5      376.6      247.9      376.6
 number of
 Dilutive            -        1.1          -        0.6          -        0.9
 Diluted          53.2      378.2      206.5      377.2      247.9      377.5
 number of
                            pence                 pence                 pence
 Basic                       14.1                  54.8                  65.8
 Diluted                     14.1                  54.7                  65.7
  The  calculation  of  earnings per share is based  on  the  profit  for  the
  financial period.

  The  basic weighted average number of shares has been adjusted for  the  0.7
  million (1998: 1.2 million) shares held by Arcadia Group ESOPs on behalf  of
  the  Group.   The  dilutive potential ordinary shares  arise  from  employee
  share   and   incentive  plans.   Figures  for  1998  have   been   restated

8 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                             26 weeks to       26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                             27 February       28 February          29 August
                                    1999              1998               1998
                                      #m                #m                 #m
                             -----------       -----------        -----------

  Profit for the                    53.2             206.5              247.9
  financial period
  Dividends                        (15.5)           (209.0)            (231.3)
                             -----------       -----------        -----------
  Retained profit/(loss)            37.7              (2.5)              16.6

  Goodwill written back                -             126.5              126.5
  Capital contribution                 -             197.2              197.2
                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
  Net addition to                   37.7             321.2              340.3
  shareholders' funds
  Opening shareholders' funds      517.0             176.7              176.7
                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
  Closing shareholders' funds      554.7             497.9              517.0
                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 

9 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operations

                             26 weeks to       26 weeks to        52 weeks to
                             27 February       28 February          29 August
                                    1999              1998               1998
                                      #m                #m                 #m
                             -----------       -----------        -----------

 Trading profit                     83.4             118.1              182.4
 Depreciation charges               20.5              29.5               51.9
 Asset write-offs                    1.5                 -                6.6
 Decrease/(increase)                 1.3             (66.6)             (77.5)
 in stocks
 (Increase)/decrease                (0.3)             23.1              (24.9)
 in debtors
 Increase /(decrease)               18.3            (159.2)            (159.4)
 in creditors and
 Exceptional items                     -              (3.9)              (8.3)

                             -----------       -----------        ----------- 
 Net cash                          124.7             (59.0)             (29.2)
 inflow/(outflow)            -----------       -----------        -----------
 from operating
10 Millennium

  As  reported  in  the Company's Report and Accounts for the  year  ended  29
  August  1998  published in November last year, the Company has reviewed  the
  many  possible types of Year 2000 transition problems with computer  systems
  and  other equipment containing embedded date-aware microchips.  The Group's
  program  to ensure the business will not be affected by the Millennium  date
  change  has  been  running for over two years and  is  largely  complete  in
  projects   that  include  suppliers,  facilities  and  electronic  commerce.
  Remedial  action  has been undertaken in relation to all  critical  business
  systems  and  the  testing  of  these  is  largely  complete.   Progress  is
  regularly   monitored   by   senior  management  and   involves   continuing
  collaboration  with  key business partners.  However it must  be  recognised
  that  there are factors outside the Group's sphere of influence which  could
  be  affected  by  the  Millennium date change.  Where possible,  contingency
  plans are in place to cater for any disruptions that may result from them.
  As  previously  indicated,  the  total cost  of  modifications  to  computer
  hardware  and  software over the life of the program is estimated  at  under
  #3.0  million, the majority of which is substitutional, and will be  charged
  to   the  profit  and  loss  account  as  incurred.   Of  this  total  cost,
  expenditure  of #1.9 million has been incurred to date with the majority  of
  the balance expected to be spent during the current financial year.

11 Financial information

  The  financial  information  in  this statement  does  not  constitute  full
  statutory  accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the  Companies  Act
  1985.   The statutory accounts of Debenhams plc for the year ended 29 August
  1998,  which received an unqualified audit report, have been filed with  the
  Registrar  of Companies.  The statement of interim results will be  sent  to
  the holders of the Company's listed securities.

  Copies  will  be  available  at  the  Company's  Registrar  -  Computershare
  Services  PLC,  Registrars Department, PO Box 82,  Caxton  House,  Redcliffe
  Way,  Bristol,  BS99  7NH (Telephone 0117 930 6610), and  at  the  Company's
  registered  office,  1  Welbeck Street, London, W1A 1DF  from  the  date  of


Review Report by PricewaterhouseCoopers to the Board of Directors of Debenhams

Interim financial information

We  have  reviewed the interim financial information of Debenhams plc and  its
subsidiaries  for  the  26  weeks  ended  27  February  1999  which   is   the
responsibility   of,   and  has  been  approved  by,   the   Directors.    Our
responsibility is to report on the results of our review.

Our  review  was carried out having regard to the Bulletin "Review of  Interim
Financial  Information" issued by the Auditing Practices Board.   This  review
consisted  principally  of applying analytical procedures  to  the  underlying
financial  data, assessing whether accounting policies have been  consistently
applied,  and  making enquiries of management responsible  for  financial  and
accounting  matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such  as  tests  of
controls  and  verification  of  assets and  liabilities,  and  was  therefore
substantially  less  in  scope  than an audit  performed  in  accordance  with
auditing  standards.  Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion  on  the
interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

* in our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared using
  accounting policies consistent with those set out in the financial          
  statements of Debenhams plc for the year ended 29 August 1998, as amended by
  the adoption of Financial Reporting Standards 11, 12 and 14 as disclosed in 
  note 1.

* we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the
  interim financial information as presented.

PricewaterhouseCoopers                                     1 Embankment Place
Chartered Accountants                                                  London
                                                                     WC2N 6NN



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