RNS Number:1317R
European Convergence Property CoPLC
31 March 2008

31 March 2008

                   European Convergence Property Company plc

             Interim Results for the period ended 31 December 2007

European Convergence Property Company PLC ("ECPC", the "Company" or the
"Group"), a property company focused on investing in commercial, retail and
industrial property in South-East Europe with a view to taking advantage of high
yields and the potential for capital appreciation, announces its interim results
for the six month period ended 31 December 2007.


Towards the end of 2007 the Company completed the sale of its Romanian
investment properties to DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Immobilienfonds m.b.H.

The three investment properties sold were Millennium Business Centre (purchase
price, Euro52.6m), PGV Tower (Euro27.4m), and Construdava (Euro26.5m). These are all
prime office locations based in Bucharest and their yields at point of sale were
approximately 6.40%, 6.55%, and 7.20% respectively.

The net consideration for the disposals was approximately Euro110.5m (after
transaction costs and adjustments of Euro5.5m for the net current assets of the
trading companies being sold). The properties were acquired for a combined cost
of Euro89.1m, and were re-valued earlier this year at Euro97.5m. As at 31 December
2007 this increased the unaudited NAV per share to Euro1.21.

After repaying the external financing of the projects the Company was left with
net proceeds of approximately Euro49.9m (prior to any adjustments for items such as
deferred tax and management fees), which included a gain of approximately Euro15.9m
on the initial equity investment.

As previously reported we have seen considerable yield compression in the market
and the Company decided not to pursue further acquisitions and instead to return
the proceeds of the sale along with any un-invested cash to Shareholders.

With Shareholder approval and to facilitate an efficient mechanism for returning
these monies to Shareholders, along with any un-invested cash, the Company was
re-registered as a company governed by the Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 on 21
December 2007.

Following the re-registration, an initial return of capital of Euro58.9 million
(Euro0.94 per share) was made to Shareholders on 31 January 2008.

In relation to the Company's remaining asset Mall Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria; a
number of offers have been considered and rejected. The Company is hopeful that
a sale can be concluded in the near future. The property is currently carried at
fair value measured as at its last revaluation date of January 2007.

Erwin Brunner 28 March 2008



European Convergence Property Company plc                 +44 (0)1624 640200

Anderson Whamond

Charlemagne Capital                                       +44 (0)20 7518 2100

Christopher Fitzwilliam Lay/Varda Lotan

Panmure Gordon                                            +44 (0)20 7459 3600

Hugh Morgan/Jonathan Lack/Stuart Gledhill

Smithfield Consultants                                    +44 (0)20 7360 4900

George Hudson


Consolidated Income Statement

                       Note        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                1 July 2007 to    1 July 2006 to    Year ended
                              31 December 2007  31 December 2006  30 June 2007
                                         Euro'000             Euro'000         Euro'000
  ------------------  ------      ------------      ------------    ----------

Realised gain on sale
of investment property                   6,871                 -             -
Net gain from fair
value adjustment on
investment property        6                 -                 -        13,124

Net rent and related
income                                   9,429             1,278         5,766

Manager's fees                          (2,354)             (563)       (2,343)
Audit and professional
fees                                    (1,433)             (127)         (258)
Other expenses                          (7,615)             (578)       (1,771)
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
expenses                               (11,402)           (1,268)       (4,372)
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
Net operating profit
before net                               4,898                10        14,518
financing income
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------

Financial income                           648               423           743
Financial expenses                      (3,074)             (370)       (2,923)
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
Net financing
income/(expense)                        (2,426)               53        (2,180)
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------

Profit before tax                        2,472                63        12,338

Income tax expense        10             4,715              (290)       (5,890)
------------------    ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
Retained profit/(loss)
for the year                             7,187              (227)        6,448
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------
Basic and diluted
profit/(loss)              7            0.1146           (0.0036)       0.1028
per share (Euro)
------------------      ------      ------------      ------------    ----------

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                       Note      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                              At 31 December     At 31 December     At 30 June
                                        2007               2006           2007
                                       Euro'000              Euro'000          Euro'000
-------------------  ------      ------------      ------------     ----------

property                 6            32,550            80,217        131,971
plant and
equipment                                 44                 -             62
-------------------  ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
assets                                32,594            80,217        132,033
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Trade and
receivables                            6,494             5,208          3,977
Cash and cash
equivalents                           60,643            25,132         23,107
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Total current
assets                                67,137            30,340         27,084
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Total assets                          99,731           110,557        159,117
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------

Issued share
capital                               62,696            62,696         62,696
es)                                   10,422            (3,440)         3,235
reserve                                3,314               168          1,758
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Total equity                          76,432            59,424         67,689
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------

ng loans and
borrowings               8            19,175            50,008         80,108
guarantees                               125                 -              -
Deferred tax
liability                                280                 -          5,045
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
liabilities                           19,580            50,008         85,153
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------

Trade and
other payables                         3,719             1,125          6,275
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Total current
liabilities                            3,719             1,125          6,275
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
liabilities                           23,799            51,133         91,428
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------
Total equity &
liabilities                           99,731           110,557        159,117
-------------------   ------      ------------      ------------     ----------

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                   Share capital Retained         Foreign currency       Total
                                 earnings              translation
                         Euro'000            Euro'000              Euro'000       Euro'000
-----------------   ----------       ----------         ----------  ----------

Balance at 1
July 2006               62,696           (3,213)              (122)     59,361
differences                  -                -                290         290
Retained profit
for the period               -             (227)                 -        (227)
-----------------   ----------       ----------         ----------  ----------
Balance at 31
December 2006           62,696           (3,440)               168      59,424
-----------------   ----------       ----------         ----------  ----------

Balance at 1 July 2006              62,696      (3,213)       (122)     59,361
Foreign exchange translation             -           -       1,880       1,880
Retained profit for the year             -       6,448           -       6,448
-----------------               ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance at 30 June 2007             62,696       3,235       1,758      67,689
-----------------               ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Balance at 1 July 2007              62,696       3,235       1,758      67,689
Foreign exchange translation             -           -       1,556       1,556
Retained profit for the period           -       7,187           -       7,187
-----------------               ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance at 31 December 2007         62,696      10,422       3,314      76,432
-----------------               ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                        For the period from For the period from   Year ended
                             1 July 2007 to      1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007
                           31 December 2007    31 December 2006
                                      Euro'000               Euro'000        Euro'000
 ------------------------       -----------         -----------    ----------

Operating activities
Group profit/(loss)
for the period                        7,187                (227)        6,448
Adjustments for:
Net gain from sale of
investment property                  (6,871)                  -             -
Net gain from fair
value adjustment on
investment property                       -                   -       (13,124)
Financial income                       (648)               (423)         (743)
Financial expense                     3,074                 370         2,923
Foreign currency
translated                            1,556
Depreciation                             18                 290         1,880
Income tax expense                   (4,715)                290         5,890
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------
profit/(loss) before
changes in                             (399)                300         3,284
working capital
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------

in trade and other
receivables                          (2,517)                683        (3,696)
in trade and other
payables                             (2,431)                119         5,108

Cash generated (used
in)/from operations                  (5,347)              1,102         4,696
Interest paid                        (3,074)               (370)       (2,923)
Income and
corporation tax paid                    (50)               (158)         (852)
Interest received                       648                 423           743
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------
Cash flows generated
(used in)/from                       (7,823)                997         1,664
operating activities
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------

Investing activities
Staged payments
relating to property
acquisitions                              -             (55,695)      (88,425)
Sale of investment
property                            106,291                   -             -
Purchase of property,
plant and equipment                       -                   -           (62)
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------
Cash flows used in
investing activities                106,291                           (88,487)
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------
Financing activities
Proceeds from long
term loans                                -              36,258        67,108
Repayment of long
term loans                          (60,933)                  -          (750)
Share issue expenses                      -                   -             -
Cash flows generated
from financing
activities                          (60,933)             36,258        66,358
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------

in cash and cash
equivalents                          37,536             (18,440)      (20,465)
Cash and cash
equivalents at
beginning of period                  23,107              43,572        43,572
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------
Cash and cash
equivalents at end of
period                               60,643              25,132        23,107
------------------------        -----------         -----------    ----------

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)

1 The Company

European Convergence Property Company plc (the "Company") was incorporated and
registered in the Isle of Man under the Isle of Man Companies Acts 1931 to 2004
on 1 June 2005 as a public company with registered number 113616C.

Pursuant to a prospectus dated 15 June 2005 there was an original placing of up
to 100,000,000 Ordinary Shares. Following the close of the placing on 24 June
2005 62,696,333 Shares were issued.

The Shares of the Company were admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") on 28 June 2005 when dealings also

The Company's agents and the Manager perform all significant functions.
Accordingly, the Company itself has no employees.

2 The Subsidiaries

For efficient portfolio management purposes, the Company has established the
following subsidiary companies:-

              --------------------------------- ------------      ---------
                                                Country of        Percentage of
                                                incorporation     shares held
              --------------------------------- ------------      ---------
European Convergence Property Company Bulgaria
EOOD                                            Bulgaria                   100%
European Property Acquisitions EOOD             Bulgaria                   100%
European Convergence Property Company (Cayman)
Limited                                         Cayman Islands             100%
ECPC (Cyprus) Limited                           Cyprus                     100%
European Convergence Property Company (Malta)
Limited                                         Malta                      100%
European Convergence Property Company SRL(1)    Romania                    100%
Paris Development SRL(1) (sold August 2007)     Romania                    100%
European Property Development Invest SRL (sold
August 2007)                                    Romania                    100%
European Property Millenium SRL (2)             Romania                    100%
Millennium Estates SRL (2) (sold August 2007)   Romania                    100%
European Property Imobiliar Invest SRL          Romania                    100%
European Property Development Corporation SRL   Romania                    100%
Convergence Property Invest SRL                 Romania                    100%
Orange Convergence Finance BV                   The Netherlands            100%
European Convergence Property Company Real
Estate Trading and Management Limited           Turkey                     100%
---------------------------------               ------------           ---------

(1) During the year European Convergence Property Company SRL was merged with
Paris Developments SRL subsequent to which, European Convergence Property
Company SRL was deregistered on 7 November 2006.

(2) During the year European Property Millenium SRL was merged with Millennium
Estate SRL and consequently, European Property Millenium SRL is currently in the
process of being deregistered.

3 Significant Accounting Policies

The interim consolidated financial statements of the Company for the six months
ended 31 December 2007 comprises the Company and its subsidiaries (together
referred to as the "Group"). The interim consolidated financial statements are

3.1 Basis of presentation

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34: Interim Financial Reporting Accounting.
Policies have been applied on a consistent basis as those adopted for the last
full financial statements.

3.2 Investment property

Investment properties are those which are held either to earn rental income or
for capital appreciation or both. Investment properties are stated at fair
value. Any gain or loss arising from a change in fair value is recognised in the
income statement.

3.3 Basis of consolidation


Subsidiaries are those enterprises controlled by the Company. Control exists
where the Company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial
and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its
activities. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the
consolidated financial statements from the date that control effectively
commences until the date that control effectively ceases.

Transactions eliminated on consolidation

Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains arising from
intra-group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial

Financial statements of foreign operations

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill and fair
value adjustments arising on consolidation, are translated to Euro at the foreign
currency exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign exchange
differences arising on translation are recognised directly in equity.

3.4 Dividends

Dividends are recognised as a liability in the year in which they are declared
and approved. There was no dividend declared as at 31 December 2007 (30 June
2007: Nil).

4 Segment Reporting

Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business and
geographical segments. The segments are managed on a worldwide basis, but
operate in three principal geographical areas, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. The
location of the customers is the same as the location of the assets.

6 months ended             Bulgaria  Romania    Turkey     Unallocated     Total
31 December 2007
                           Euro'000      Euro'000      Euro'000        Euro'000      Euro'000
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------
Net rent and associated
income                     1,303      8,216          -        8,126      9,429
Segment results             (111)     3,041         (2)       4,259      7,187
Segment assets            31,371          -          -       68,360     99,731
Segment liabilities      (19,817)         -        (23)      (3,459)   (23,299)
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------

6 months ended           Bulgaria  Romania    Turkey     Unallocated     Total
31 December 2006
                           Euro'000      Euro'000      Euro'000        Euro'000      Euro'000
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------
Net rent and associated
income                         -      1,278          -            -      1,278
Segment results              (22)       196          -         (401)      (227)
Segment assets            30,012     61,770          -       18,775    110,557
Segment liabilities      (13,011)   (37,688)         -         (434)   (51,133)
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------

Year ended 30 June 2007  Bulgaria  Romania    Turkey     Unallocated     Total
                           Euro'000      Euro'000      Euro'000        Euro'000      Euro'000
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------
Net rent and associated
income                     1,660      4,106          -            -      5,766
Segment results            2,223      6,119         (6)      (1,888)     6,448
Segment assets            33,846    107,380          -       17,891    159,117
Segment liabilities      (19,973)   (70,040)         -       (1,415)   (91,428)
----------------        --------  ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------

5 Net Asset Value per Share

The net asset value per share as at 31 December 2007 is Euro1.21 based on net
assets of Euro75.9 million and 62,696,333 ordinary shares in issue.

6 Investment Property

                                31 December 2007 31 December 2006 30 June 2006
                                           Group            Group        Group
                                           Euro'000            Euro'000        Euro'000
----------------------              ------------      -----------  -----------
At beginning of period                   131,971           24,522       24,522
Additions through:
direct acquisitions of
property                                       -           55,695       94,325
acquisition of subsidiary                      -                -            -
Disposals                                 99,421                -            -
Net gain from fair value
adjustments on investment
property                                       -                -       13,124
----------------------              ------------      -----------  -----------
Balance at end of period                  32,550           80,217      131,971
----------------------              ------------      -----------  -----------


At 31 December 2007, there was a first rank mortgage on the above properties
securing the bank loans of Euro19 million.

7 Basic and Diluted Earnings/(Loss) per Share

Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the profit
/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the Company by the number of ordinary
shares in issue during the period:

                           31 December 2007    31 December 2006  30 June 2007
--------------------------      -----------         -----------     ---------

Profit attributable to
equity holders of the
Company (Euro'000)                      7,187                (227)          6,448
Number of ordinary shares
in issue (thousands)                62,696              62,696          62,696
--------------------------     -----------         -----------       ---------
Basic and diluted
earnings per share (Euro per
share)                              0.1146             (0.0036)         0.1028
--------------------------     -----------         -----------       ---------

8 Interest-Bearing Loans and Borrowings

This note provides information about the Group's interest-bearing loans and

Non-current liabilities
                                    Group                Group           Group
                         31 December 2007     31 December 2006    30 June 2007
                                    Euro'000                Euro'000           Euro'000
------------------------      -----------          -----------      ----------
Secured bank loans                 19,175               50,008          80,108
------------------------      -----------          -----------      ----------

9 Exchange Rates

The following exchange rates were used to translate assets and liabilities into
the reporting currency at 31 December 2007:

Bulgarian Lev                                                           1.9558
Romanian Lei                                                            3.6082
Turkish Lira                                                            1.7042

10 Taxation

Income tax expense
---------------------------                          -------------------------
Current tax                                                                 50
Deferred tax                                                            (4,765)
---------------------------                          -------------------------

Deferred income tax is based on temporary differences between revalued amounts
of investment property in the books of the subsidiaries and their respective tax
bases. The deferred tax position is based on the capital gains tax rate of 16%
in Romania and 10% in Bulgaria.

11 Commitments at the Balance Sheet Date

There were no material commitments as at the balance sheet date.

12 Post Balance Sheet Events

At the end of January 2008 the Company made a capital distribution to
shareholders of Euro0.94 per share.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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