Half-yearly report

Immediate Release 15 September 2008

                      Essentially Group Limited
            ("Essentially", "The Group" or "the Company")

                           Interim Results

 Financial Highlights

  * Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation up
    265% to �1,030,000 (�282,000 in the period to 30 June 2007)
  * Turnover up 240% to �5,901,000 (�1,737,000 in the period to 30
    June 2007)
  * Profit before tax* up 224% to �749,000 (�231,000 in the period to
    30 June 2007)
  * Profit after tax* up 167% to �406,000 (�152,000 in the period to
    30 June 2007)
  * Earnings per share* up 36% to 0.30 pence (0.22 pence in the
    period to 30 June 2007)
  * �6.0m of new equity raised in May 2008
  * Cash on the balance sheet �7.92m and a debt position of �8.86m,
    with a net debt position of �4.46m taking account of funds
    collected on behalf of clients

*excluding amortisation, loss on disposal and notional interest on
deferred consideration

Operational Highlights

  * Acquisition of Sportseen Limited in April 2008 for a price
    (including costs and net of cash acquired) of up to �9.0m for an
    EBIT contribution of �1.6m in 2009
  * The cricket revolution through Indian Premier League T20
    continues to create revenue growth opportunities in one of our
    key sports
  * Acquisition of Arundel announced on 2 September 2008 for a
    maximum consideration of �325,000
  * Contracts in place with regards to key sporting events in 2009
    including Ashes, IPL T20, Lions Tour, and IRB Rugby World Cup 7's
  * Opening of an office in Japan developing both sports marketing
    and athlete management presence in relation to rugby related
  * Successful integration of acquisitions bringing cross selling
    benefits across the Group
  * Launch of a memorabilia business, leveraging relationships in
    Rugby, Cricket & F1
  * Two key hires in hospitality sales to support event creation and
    ownership strategy
  * Plans finalised to open an office in Dubai in early 2009,
    co-ordinating with the Rugby World Cup 7's


  * Attractive growth rates in the sports industry in general and in
    the underlying sports in which Essentially is focused - cricket,
    rugby union, and F1
  * 2009 is a very exciting year for our chosen sports:

       * The ashes will be played in the UK
       * IRB 7's World Cup in Dubai
       * Lions' tour to South Africa
       * ICC Twenty 20 World Cup in England
       * Continued expansion of the F1 season

  * Strong finish to 2008 with Autumn rugby internationals and
    resulting revenues, IRB and PCA events, and IPL related activity
  * Board confident in Essentially's delivery of market expectations
    and strength of its strategy for 2008, 2009 and beyond

Commenting on the interim results Bart Campbell, CEO of Essentially,

"Following a transformational year last year, trading of the enlarged
group is  very  satisfactory.   We  have  continued  to  broaden  our
services to our clients in our core growth sports, whilst maintaining
strong organic growth across the Group"

For further information please visit www.essentiallygroup.com or

Essentially Group Ltd.                 Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 7000
John Byfield / Bart Campbell

Cenkos Securities Ltd                  Tel +44 (0) 207 397 8900
Ivonne Cantu/Beth McKiernen

Buchanan Communications                Tel +44 (0) 207 466 5000
Bobby Morse / Susanna Gale /
Christian Goodbody

Attached:      Chairman's Statement
               Chief Executive's Review
               Consolidated Interim Income Statement
               Consolidated Balance Sheet
               Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
               Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
               Notes to the consolidated interim financial statements

Chairman's Statement

I am  pleased  to  present  these  interim  results  which  show  the
continuing growth of Essentially Group Limited ("Essentially" or "the
Group"). Part of this growth has  come from the acquisitions made  in
July 2007; however, the underlying businesses have also  demonstrated
good revenue and profit growth. In addition we currently have  strong
revenue visibility  for  future  years  with  significant  contracted
revenue for the next  three years. These  revenues are spread  across
the increasingly commercialised sports  of cricket, rugby union,  and
Formula 1, and  across all the  countries in which  we operate: UK  &
Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, India, South Africa and Japan.

In April we acquired Sportseen Limited ("Sportseen"), the leading  UK
rugby perimeter sales business which  continued our strategy of  both
widening and deepening our representation in our core sports of rugby
union, cricket  and  F1  as  well as  smoothing  our  profit  cycle.
Sportseen offer both  static and LED  boards to its  clients for  all
international  rugby  in  the  UK  and  we  expect  the  business  to
contribute fully in the second half of the year.

As noted in  our annual statement,  we continue to  benefit from  the
emergence of the  Indian Premier League  ("IPL") through our  Athlete
Management Division  which  placed  just over  40%  of  the  overseas
players for the competition on three year contracts.  We are  working
further with the IPL to grow  the revenues generated by our  business
as we look at  a broader range of  commercial relationships, such  as
sponsorships, perimeter boards, and the ACS blimp broadcast tool.

The interim results  are in  line with  our forecasts  and the  board
remains confident that  the full  year will  be in  line with  market


Sportseen became part of the Essentially  group in April 2008 and  it
has begun to work closely with other members of the Sports  Marketing
Division on both rights that we  currently have and in acquiring  new
rights.  As expected,  Sportseen's contribution to  our interims  was
small, as its major revenue period was prior to acquisition.  It  has
now started to contract perimeter boards for the autumn and 6 nations
rugby internationals and premiership football season.  We hold  these
rights to  offer perimeter  boards under  long term  contracts  which
range  from  2011  to  2014.   Sportseen's  addition  to  our  Sports
Marketing Division gives  us the flexibility  to market these  rights
both strategically and tactically,  which will increase revenues  for
the rights  holders  and ourselves.    It  also gives  us  access  to
Premier League Football perimeter boards  which we previously had  to
acquire for our  clients through  third parties,  thus enhancing  our
margins across the group on this activity.


In May 2008 we successfully raised just  over �6 million by way of  a
placing of ordinary shares.  This allowed us to make the  acquisition
of Sportseen without significant recourse to our debt facility.   The
fundraising was an  endorsement from our  shareholders, existing  and
new, of our growth to date and our prospects for the future.  At  the
time of our  final results the  board welcomed the  addition of  Matt
Vandrau, as New  Business Director, and  Tim Berg, as  the new  Chief
Financial Officer.  Dwight  Mighty moved  simultaneously  from  Chief
Financial Officer  to  Chief  Operating Officer.  Matt  and  Tim  add
excellent market knowledge and experience  to the Board, and the  new
structure will serve us well as we continue to grow.

We have also invested in our financial infrastructure to ensure  that
this growth  is managed  properly  and we  continue to  provide  good
financial and management reporting across the group.


Our results for the six months ended 30 June 2008 are summarised

                                Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited
                                 6 months       6 months    12 months
                                June 2008      June 2007     Dec 2007
                                   �000's         �000's       �000's

Revenues                            5,901          1,737        9,209
Contribution before
central costs                       1,312            647        2,869
Central costs                       (351)          (399)        (665)
Earnings before
interest, tax and
amortisation of
intangibles                           961            248        2,204
Interest                            (212)           (17)        (153)
Profit before tax and
amortisation of
intangibles                           749            231        2,051
Tax                                 (343)           (79)        (475)
Profit after tax and
before amortisation and
notional interest and
operations                            406            152        1,576
Amortisation of
intangible assets                   (611)          (299)        (762)
Notional interest for
deferred consideration
IFRS                                (261)          (494)        (964)
Loss on disposal of
operation                               -              -          (2)
Loss on discontinued
operation                               -              -        (305)
Deferred tax on
amortisation of
intangible assets                     183             89          229
(Loss) after tax                    (283)          (552)        (228)

Underlying earnings per
share *                              0.30           0.22         1.74

Basic EPS                          (0.21)         (0.82)       (0.25)
Weighted average number
of shares                     135,212,306     67,346,066   90,329,844

* Before amortisation of intangible assets and associated taxation,
loss on discontinued operations and notional interest on deferred

The  financial   information   is  presented   in   accordance   with
International Financial  Reporting  Standards ("IFRS").  The  interim
financial information  for  the  period  to 30  June  2007  has  been
restated to reflect the notional interest on deferred consideration.

Our results for the six  months ended 30 June  2008 show a growth  in
turnover of 240% (from �1.74m  in the six months  to 30 June 2007  to
�5.90m in  the  six months  to  30  June 2008)  and  a  corresponding
increase in gross  profit of  146% to  �3.91m over  the same  period,
reflecting the impact of the acquisitions in July 2007. Profit before
tax,  amortisation,  and  notional  interest  increased  by  224%  to
�749,000 and the impact  of our acquisitions  and organic growth  are
reflected in the  increase in our  first half earnings  per share  to
0.30p from 0.22p - an increase of 36%.

In the  second  half of  2007  (as  reported in  our  2007  financial
statements) the  Group  delivered �1.8m  of  Profit before  tax.  The
combination of our results to 30 June 2008, the organic growth  since
2007, and  the  impact of  the  acquisition of  Sportseen,  who  will
contribute fully in the second half of the year, underpin our  belief
that we will meet market expectations for the full financial year.


We are not  paying an interim  dividend. It is  the intention of  the
Board to review this position at the year end.

2008 has so far been another significant year for our Company in  its
growth and we believe that  there is more that  can be done to  build
and enhance the Group for the benefits of all stakeholders.

We remain  confident  of  meeting  market  expectations  despite  the
economic environment.  The  quality  of the  properties  and  clients
represented by a business have become more important in this climate.
Our focus  on sports  with increasing  commercial potential  and  our
exposure to higher  growth emerging  markets, coupled  with our  long
term contracts and high earnings visibility, means we are well placed
to continue to deliver. We continue  to look forward to our year  end
with confidence.

The  outlook  can  best  be  summarised  by  Giles  Morgan,  Head  of
Sponsorship for HSBC Holdings :

 "Our brand is very important to  us and when consumer confidence  is
low, getting behind the  brand is key..In  the past, sponsorship  has
taken a hit but we won't see that. In addition, HSBC is making  money
and has a diversity of assets. The  USA has been a tough place,  ..If
this (slowdown) continues as it  is predicted, such a major  slowdown
will spread through marketing.  But my sense  both in-house and  from
the client-side,  is  that  sponsorship  will  be  more  robust  than
advertising. Sponsorships is a long-term relationship and can't  just
be withdrawn  in  a knee-jerk  reaction.  So  you may  not  see  mass
withdrawals: sponsorship engages customers, it's important for  brand
loyalty and acquiring new customers. As a marketing tool  sponsorship
is far  more understood  now and  far more  of an  applied  science."
(Sports Business International August 2008)

The 2009 calendar  year covers the  Lions tour to  South Africa,  the
International Rugby Board ('IRB')  RWC 7's in  Dubai, The Ashes,  The
International  Cricket  Council  ('ICC')  Twenty  20  World  Cup,  an
expanded F1 calendar and preparations  for the launch of the  English
Premier League ("EPL") Twenty 20. As a  group we have a role to  play
in these  global  events  which  afford the  board  optimism  on  our
positioning and performance for this year and beyond.

John Byfield
15 September 2008

Chief Executive's Review

Operational highlights and Outlook

  * We continue our core focus of influencing all commercial areas of
    the business of rugby union, cricket and F1;
  * We have successfully integrated Motorsport, Accelerate (acquired
    in September 2006) and Frontiers (acquired July 2007) into a
    single division within Sports Marketing;
  * Sportseen, acquired in April, with the perimeter boards to all
    international rugby in the UK at Twickenham, Millennium Stadium
    and Murrayfield has become part of our Sports Marketing Division
    and its integration will be complete by the end of the year with
    their move to our main London office;
  * The group now has approximately 110 people internationally,
    compared to 85 this time last year;
  * The business is still second half weighted, but less so than last
    year and we expected this to reduce further next year with a full
    year contribution from Sportseen;
  * We had a successful �6m placing, which was supported by our
    shareholders as well as six   new blue chip institutions;
  * We continue to invest in the underlying business and have
    established a memorabilia unit and supported our events business
    by adding a hospitality sales unit, both of which provide us with
    the opportunity to further deepen our relationships with our
    client base;
  * 40% of the Group's revenues are sourced and provided by
    opportunities outside of the UK; and
  * The strategic acquisition of Arundel, announced on 2 September,
    ensures we remain well placed as a group to benefit from the
    ongoing transformation of cricket, utilising the skills and
    relationships of Alec Stewart OBE and Alan Smith across the

Operating Review

We have assembled a strategic  portfolio of companies, with  distinct
areas of market leadership,  strong areas of  synergy and, as  stated
earlier,  a  good  degree  of   visibility  of  earnings.   We   have
reorganised these businesses into three operating divisions:

  * Sports Marketing;
  * Athlete Management; and
  * Professional Services.

Sports Marketing

Our Sports Marketing  Division contributes  just under  70% of  Group
contribution. The business operates on a global basis with offices in
the UK,  Jersey,  South Africa,  New  Zealand, Australia,  Japan  and
The global sports market, in which we participate, is now worth  $103
billion.  This market is  forecast to grow to  $141 billion by  2012.
Our key markets of  Europe, Africa and Asia  Pacific are forecast  to
grow strongly over this period with the global market growing at 6.5%
compound per annum. The UK Sports industry grew 23% between 2006-2007
and is expected to grow from  $10.2 billion in 2007 to $15.8  billion
in 2012, representing annual  growth of 9.1%  per annum. (source:  TV
Sports Markets, June 20 2008 p.19 - quoting Price Waterhouse  Coopers


  * We have exclusive rights to perimeter marketing at the test match
    grounds in the UK.  2009 is an Ashes year and in 2011 India will
    play in the UK.  These provide good indicators of future growth
    for us.  In addition, a significant proportion of 2009 perimeter
    sales are already contracted; and
  * The first IPL competition was a success and during the
    competition its official website had some 50 million hits.  This
    has had a knock on effect on several levels, including the rights
    holders and franchisees seeking to maximise the revenue generated
    by the competition and ripple effect into English cricket,
    including the EPL Twenty 20 from 2010 and the Stanford 20/20
    later this year.


  * We are the exclusive commercial agents for the Lions Tour to
    South Africa in 2009 and are retained to secure sponsor partners
    for the tour, so far we have delivered HSBC, Cape Wines and
    Guinness with more deals to be announced shortly.  In addition,
    we will be looking to provide a "rolling"  fan village for the
    tour; and
  * We are the commercial agent for the IRB 7's Rugby World Cup in
    Dubai for 2009 and again we are responsible for securing
    sponsorship partners. Emirates, Mitsubishi, Heineken  and
     Gullivers have all been secured.


  * We currently have an event and marketing partnership with Renault
    F1, who completed a street race in late July this year in
    Sandton, Johannesburg.  This was a deal that Essentially Group
    brokered with the Gauteng Provincial Government with potential
    for extension; and
  * Our F1 team are currently widening its F1 relationships in order
    that we represent other teams and events, including Red Bull
    Racing and the Red Bull air race.


  * Our business continues to grow in the non-sporting arena and we
    continue to work closely with key clients such as National Trust,
    Cirque du Soleil, SAB Miller and The Laureus Foundation across a
    range of activities.

Athlete Management

Athlete Management provides just  under 25% of annual  contribution.
It is a  global business with  offices in the  UK, South Africa,  New
Zealand, Australia, Japan and India and currently represents over 10%
more players more than this time last year.  The global sports market
is growing, including television rights which underpin our  athletes'
salaries. The explosion of media  outlets has provided strong  growth
to media rights values. These increased revenues all have a knock  on
effect on player salaries  as they cascade down  to clubs, with  huge
wage inflation driving growth in our athlete management business.

We represent over 300 clients who play in the UK, New Zealand, Japan,
South Africa, France and Italy.  In May we opened a full time  office
in Japan, which has been a strong market as it has over 20 teams  who
are all affiliated to major  blue chip Japanese corporates.  We  have
to date represented overseas players  entering this market, but  have
seen a growing opportunity to  represent local players. We  typically
contract our clients on a three year term which gives us good forward
revenue visibility. Player salaries continue to rise, for example the
Guinness Premiership salary  cap has  increased to  �4.1m for  2008/9
compared to �2.3m last season.


We represent over 200 cricketers  globally and we were successful  in
placing just  over 40%  of the  IPL overseas  players on  three  year
contracts, again  providing good  revenue  visibility.  In  2010  two
additional teams are  expected to  be added to  the competition.  The
success of the IPL  has meant a  review of the  English game and  the
outline of  a new  EPL for  2010  and the  creation of  the  Stanford
20/20.  All  of these  additional revenues  will flow  into  players'
earnings in addition to providing growth opportunities in other areas
of the business.

Professional Services

Professional Services represents just  over 5% of contribution.   The
division has continued its  investment in people  in the first  half,
increasing its headcount by  40%, which will  drive profit growth  in
the second half and beyond.  On a  like for like basis for the  first
six months of 2008 revenues have increased by 28% on the same  period
for 2007.

Group Costs

Group costs were  �351,000, and represent  a continued investment  in
central support functions as  well as the  enlarged board, offset  by
the benefits of relocating to a  single building. These costs are  in
line with expectation. As the group grows we will continue to  invest
in  the  group's  infrastructure  to  ensure  continued  timely   and
effective  reporting   across  the   business  and   efficient   cost

Key Financial indicators

In our  Annual  Report  for  2007  we  set  out  some  Financial  Key
Performance Indicators which we use to assess the performance of  the
Group. In relation to the current  period these can be summarised  as

  * Earnings per share has increased 36% to 0.30 pence per share;
  * Our Gross Profit has increased by 146% over the same period last
    year - reflecting the impact of the acquisitions in July 2007;
  * The ratio of Earnings before interest, tax and amortisation as a
    percentage of Gross Profit has increased from 15.6% to 24.6% -
    reflecting the increased proportion of our profit available after
    the indirect costs of the business;
  * Net cash inflow from operating activities is �455,000 (adjusted
    for the element of cash collected by the Sports Marketing
    business which is then distributed to clients in the second half
    of the year) as against a cash outflow of �511,000 for the same
    period last year.

Each of these provides an indication  of the growing strength of  the


The underlying sports market in  which we operate continues to  grow,
especially those in  which we  are most closely  involved -  cricket,
rugby union, and F1. We shall benefit  in this growth as well as  the
operational upside we are realising as a larger integrated business.

2009 is a very exciting year for the sports that we operate in:

  * The ashes will be played in the UK - we hold the rights to all
    the perimeter boards at the cricket test match grounds;
  * The IRB 7's World competition in Dubai - we are commercial agents
    for this competition;
  * The Lions' Tour to South Africa - we are commercial agents;
  * ICC Twenty 20 World Cup is being played in the UK; and
  * The continued expansion of the F1 season, now worth $4.7 billion
    (source: Formula Money report, August 2008)

That Essentially Group is participating in these global events  gives
us the  confidence not  only  in our  financial performance  but  our
strategy for 2008, 2009 and beyond.

Bart Campbell

Chief Executive
15 September 2008

Consolidated Interim Income Statement

                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited

                               6 months       6 months        Year to
                             to 30 June     to 30 June    31 December
                                   2008           2007           2007
                                  �'000          �'000          �'000
Revenue             3             5,901          1,737          9,209
Cost of sales                   (1,993)          (148)        (3,629)
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Gross profit                      3,908          1,589          5,580
Administrative                                 (1,640)
costs                           (3,558)                       (4,139)
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Operating Profit                    350           (51)          1,441

Earnings from
operations before
interest, tax,
amortisation and
loss on
operations                          961            248          2,204

Interest charged                  (537)          (511)        (1,186)
Interest Received                    64              -             69
                         -------------- --------------  -------------
Profit (Loss)                                    (562)
before tax from
operations                        (123)                           324
Income tax expense                (160)             10          (246)
Loss on                                              -
operation                             -                           (2)
Loss on disposal of                                  -
operation                             -                         (305)
                         -------------- --------------  -------------
Loss for the period               (283)          (552)          (229)
                               ========      =========       ========
Earnings / (Loss)
per share :
Basic and fully
diluted earnings
per share from
operations          4            (0.21)         (0.82)           0.09
                               ========       ========       ========

Basic and fully
diluted earnings
per share           4            (0.21)         (0.82)         (0.25)
                               ========       ========       ========

The results for the six months ended 30 June 2007 have been restated
as set out in Note 9.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                              Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                30 June        30 June    31 December
                                   2008           2007           2007
                    Note          �'000          �'000          �'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and                                126            422
equipment                           459
Goodwill            6            25,908          7,687         20,063
Other intangible                                 1,810          2,225
assets                            7,169
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
                                 33,536          9,623         22,710
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Current assets
Inventories                         120             79            137
Trade and other                                  2,753          5,937
receivables                       7,992
Cash and cash                                      211          2,002
equivalents                       7,919
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
                                 16,031          3,043          8,076
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Total assets                     49,567         12,666         30,786
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Current liabilities
Trade and other                                  1,205          3,830
payables                          8,945
Short-term                                         337          1,256
borrowings                          977
Current portion of                               2,100          1,406
long-term earnout
creditor            8             3,960
Current tax payable               1,303            475          1,195
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
                                 15,185          4,117          7,687
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Long-term earn out                               4,189          6,076
creditor            8             4,487
Long term                                           22          4,945
borrowings                        7,880
Other long term                                      -              2
creditor                              -
Deferred tax                                       520            616
liabilities                       2,176
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Total non-current                                              11,639
liabilities                      14,543          4,731
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Total liabilities                29,728          8,848         19,326
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Net assets                       19,839          3,818         11,460
                              =========      =========      =========
Equity attributable
to equity holders
of the parent
Share capital       5               196             67            120
Share premium                                    3,300         10,612
account                          17,300
Merger reserve                    3,230          1,143          1,743
Shares held                       (433)              -          (433)
Profit and loss                                  (692)          (582)
account                           (454)
                         -------------- -------------- --------------
Total equity                     19,839          3,818         11,460
                              =========      =========      =========

The balance sheets at 30 June 2007 and 31 December 2007 have been
restated as set out in Note 9.
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                          Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited

                           6 months         6 months          Year to
                    to 30 June 2008  to 30 June 2007 31 December 2007
                              �'000            �'000            �'000

Cash flows from
Loss after                                     (552)
taxation                      (283)                             (229)
Adjustments for:
  Depreciation                   69               34               57
  Amortisation of                                299
intangibles                     611                               762
  Loss on disposal                                 -
of property, plant
and equipment                     -                                59
  Loss on disposal                                 -
of subsidiary
company                           -                               305
  Foreign exchange                                 -
gain                           (33)                                 -
  Investment                                       -
income                         (64)                              (69)
  Interest expense              537              511            1,186
  Taxation expense                              (10)
recognised in
profit and loss                 160                               247
 Decrease                                       (17)
(Increase) in
inventories                      17                              (74)
  Increase in                                  (970)
trade and other
receivables                   (902)                           (1,499)
  Increase                                       195
(Decrease) in
trade payables                3,863                           (2,471)
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Cash generated
from (absorbed by)
operations                    3,975            (510)          (1,726)
Interest paid                 (242)             (17)            (221)
Income taxes paid             (500)                5            (187)
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Net cash generated
from (absorbed by)
activities                    3,233            (522)          (2,134)
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Cash flows from
Acquisition of                                     -
subsidiaries net
of cash acquired            (3,158)                           (3,820)
Transaction costs                                  -
in relation to
acquisition of
subsidiaries                  (384)                           (1,289)
Payment of long                                    -
term earn-out
creditor                    (2,086)                           (2,277)
Net (Purchase) /                                (39)
sale of equipment              (64)                             (343)
Interest received                64                -               68
Purchase of                                        -
intangible assets                 -                             (178)

                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Net cash generated
by investing
activities                  (5,628)             (39)          (7,839)
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Cash flows from

Proceeds from                                    333
issue of share
capital                       5,656                             5,733
Proceeds from
borrowings                    3,084                             6,314
Payment of finance                               (6)
lease liabilities                 -                              (15)
Repayment of
borrowings                    (428)                             (214)
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Net cash generated
by financing
activities                    8,312              327           11,818
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Net increase
(decrease) in cash
and cash
equivalents                   5,917            (234)            1,845
Cash and cash
equivalents at
beginning of
period                        2,002              108              157
                     --------------   --------------   --------------
Cash and cash
equivalents at end
of period                     7,919            (126)            2,002
                          =========        =========        =========

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                        Share                     Profit    Total
               Share  premium   Merger   Shares and loss   Parent Minority    Total
             capital  account  reserve     Held  account   Equity interest   equity
               �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000

Restated          64    2,744    1,143        -    (138)    3,813        5    3,818
Balance at
1 January
2007 (See
note 9)

Changes in
equity for

of foreign
operation          -        -        -        -    (207)    (207)        -    (207)
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Net income         -        -        -        -    (207)    (207)        -    (207)
directly in
(Loss) for         -        -        -        -    (229)    (229)        -    (229)
the period
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Total              -        -        -        -    (229)    (229)        -    (229)
income and
expense for
the period

Issue of          56    7,868      600        -        -    8,524        -    8,524
Transfer           -        -        -        -      (8)      (8)      (5)     (13)
from other
Purchase of        -        -        -    (433)        -    (433)        -    (433)
shares held
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Balance at       120   10,612    1,743    (433)    (582)   11,460        -   11,460
31 December
Changes in
equity for
first half
of 2008
Exchange           -        -        -        -      411      411        -      411
of foreign
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Net income         -        -        -        -      411      411        -      411
directly in

(Loss) for                           -        -    (283)    (283)        -    (283)
the period         -        -
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Total              -        -        -        -    (283)    (283)        -    (283)
income and
expense for
the period

Issue of                         1,487        -        -    8,251        -    8,251
capital           76    6,688
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Balance at       196   17,300    3,230    (433)    (454)   19,839        -   19,839
30 June
               =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====

Restated          64    2,744    1,143        -    (138)    3,813        5    3,818
Balance at
1 January
2007 (See
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Changes in
equity for
first half
of 2007
of foreign
operations         -        -        -        -      (2)      (2)        -      (2)
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Net income         -        -        -        -      (2)      (2)        -      (2)
directly in

(Loss) for                           -        -    (552)    (552)        -    (552)
the period         -        -
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Total              -        -        -        -    (552)    (552)        -    (552)
income and
expense for
the period
Transfer                             -        -        -        -      (5)      (5)
from other
reserves           -        -
Issue of                             -        -        -      559        -      559
capital            3      556
            -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Balance at        67    3,300    1,143        -    (692)    3,818        -    3,818
30 June
               =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====    =====

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

1 Nature of operations and general information

Essentially Group Limited is the Group's ultimate parent company.  It
is incorporated and domiciled in Jersey.  Essentially Group Limited's
shares are listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the  London
Stock Exchange.

Essentially Group's consolidated  financial statements are  presented
in Pounds Sterling (�), which is also the functional currency of  the
parent company.

2 Summary of significant accounting policies

The significant accounting  policies shown below  are extracted  from
the full  policies as  detailed in  the annual  report and  financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

Basis of consolidation

The group financial statements consolidate  those of the company  and
all of  its  subsidiary  undertakings  drawn up  to  30  June  2008.
Subsidiaries are  entities over  which  the group  has the  power  to
control the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits
from its activities.  The group obtains and exercises control through
voting rights.

Unrealised  gains  on   transactions  between  the   group  and   its
subsidiaries are eliminated.  Unrealised  losses are also  eliminated
unless the  transaction provides  evidence of  an impairment  of  the
asset transferred.  Amounts reported  in the financial statements  of
subsidiaries have been adjusted where necessary to ensure consistency
with the accounting policies adopted by the group.

Acquisitions of subsidiaries are dealt  with by the purchase  method.
The purchase method  involves the  recognition at fair  value of  all
identifiable assets and liabilities, including contingent liabilities
of the subsidiary, at the acquisition date, regardless of whether  or
not they were recorded in the financial statements of the  subsidiary
prior  to  acquisition.   On  initial  recognition,  the  assets  and
liabilities of  the  subsidiary  are  included  in  the  consolidated
balance sheet at their fair values, which are also used as the  bases
for subsequent measurement  in accordance with  the group  accounting
policies.  Goodwill  is  stated  after  separating  out  identifiable
intangible assets.   Goodwill represents  the excess  of  acquisition
cost over the fair value of the group's share of the identifiable net
assets of the acquired subsidiary at the date of acquisition.

Business combinations completed prior to date of transition to IFRS

The group  has  elected not  to  apply IFRS 3  Business  Combinations
retrospectively to business combinations prior to 1 January 2006.

Accordingly  the  classification  of  the  combination  (acquisition,
reverse acquisition or merger) remains unchanged from that used under
UK GAAP.  Assets and liabilities are recognised at date of transition
if they would be recognised under IFRS, and are measured using  their
UK GAAP carrying amount  immediately post-acquisition as deemed  cost
under IFRS, unless  IFRS requires fair  value measurement.   Deferred
tax and  minority  interest  are  adjusted  for  the  impact  of  any
consequential adjustments after taking advantage of the  transitional

The transitional provisions used for past business combinations apply
equally to past  acquisitions of  interests in  associates and  joint


Goodwill representing the excess of the cost of acquisition over  the
fair value  of  the group's  share  of the  identifiable  net  assets
acquired,  is  capitalised  and  reviewed  annually  for  impairment.
Goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses.

Goodwill written off to reserves prior to date of transition to  IFRS
remains in reserves.  There is no re-instatement of goodwill that was
amortised prior to transition  to IFRS.  Goodwill previously  written
off to reserves is not written  back to profit or loss on  subsequent


Revenue is measured as the  fair value of the consideration  received
or receivable and comprises  the gross amounts  billed to clients  in
respect of  fees earned,  expenses  recharged, and  commission  based
income and is stated exclusive of VAT and other sales taxes.  Revenue
is recognised within each of the business segments as follows:

Sports  Marketing  revenue  is  recognised  when  the  services   are
performed in  accordance  with the  contractual  arrangements.  Where
revenue is  generated under  retainer  arrangements then  revenue  is
recognised in  line  with the  invoicing  of the  periodic  retainer.
Revenue from  events  is recognised  on  performance of  services  in
accordance with contractual arrangements. Commission for the sale  of
media space is recognised  when the media space  is delivered to  the

Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

2 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

Athletes Management represents commission and other income recognised
in line with the  provision of relevant services  under the terms  of
the contract.

Professional Services revenue is earned  on the basis of the  amounts
charged to  clients  during  the period  for  work  undertaken.  This
includes an estimate  of the  value of  work completed  prior to  the
balance sheet date not yet invoiced.

Intangible Assets

Assets acquired as part of a business combination

In accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations, an intangible  asset
acquired in a business  combination is deemed to  have a cost to  the
group of its fair value at  the acquisition date.  The fair value  of
the  intangible  asset   reflects  market   expectations  about   the
probability that the future economic  benefits embodied in the  asset
will  flow  to  the  group.   Where  an  intangible  asset  might  be
separable, but only  together with a  related tangible or  intangible
asset, the group of assets is recognised as a single asset separately
from goodwill where the individual fair  values of the assets in  the
group are not reliably measurable.   Where the individual fair  value
of the  complementary  assets  are  reliably  measurable,  the  group
recognises them as a single  asset provided they have similar  useful

Customer Contracts

Customer contracts  are  valued  by  discounting  the  expected  cash
generated (after deducting  associated costs)  over the  life of  the
contracts.  The resultant value  is then amortised  over the life  of
the contract, generally up to seven years.

Other intangible assets

Other  intangible  assets,  which  comprises  intellectual   property
created by the Group which is  capable of exploitation over a  series
of future events, is amortised  over those anticipated events -  such
period of  amortisation not  to exceed  five years.  The  expenditure
included needs  to  be  separately  identifiable  and  the  Directors
evaluate the  anticipated  value on  the  basis of  event  schedules,
expressions of interest,  and current negotiations.  As part of  this
evaluation the Directors will take  into account future revenues  and
expenses in evaluating the likely long term economic benefits to
the Group.

Impairment testing of goodwill, other intangible assets and property,
plant and equipment

For the purposes of assessing  impairment, assets are grouped at  the
lowest levels for  which there are  separately     identifiable  cash
flows (cash-generating units).  As a  result, some assets are  tested
individually for impairment  and some are  tested at  cash-generating
unit level.   Goodwill is  allocated to  those cash-generating  units
that are expected to benefit  from synergies of the related  business
combination and represent the lowest level within the group at  which
management monitors the related cash flows.

Goodwill, other  individual  assets  or  cash-generating  units  that
include goodwill, other intangible  assets with an indefinite  useful
life, and  those intangible  assets  not yet  available for  use  are
tested for impairment at least annually.  All other individual assets
or cash-generating units are tested for impairment whenever events or
changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be

An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the  asset's
or cash-generating  unit's carrying  amount exceeds  its  recoverable
amount.   The  recoverable  amount  is  the  higher  of  fair  value,
reflecting market conditions  less costs  to sell, and  value in  use
based on  an internal  discounted cash  flow evaluation.   Impairment
losses recognised for  cash-generating units, to  which goodwill  has
been allocated,  are credited  initially to  the carrying  amount  of
goodwill.  Any remaining impairment loss  is charged pro rata to  the
other assets  in the  cash generating  unit.  With  the exception  of
goodwill, all assets are subsequently reassessed for indications that
an impairment loss previously recognised may no longer exist.

Foreign currencies

Transactions in  foreign currencies  are translated  at the  exchange
rate ruling  at the  date of  the transaction.   Monetary assets  and
liabilities in  foreign currencies  are translated  at the  rates  of
exchange ruling at  the balance sheet  date. Non-monetary items  that
are measured at historical cost in a foreign currency are  translated
at the exchange rate at the date of the transaction.

The results  of overseas  operations are  translated at  the  average
rates of exchange  during the year  and their balance  sheets at  the
rates ruling at the balance sheet date.

The exchange  differences  arising  form  the  retranslation  of  the
opening net investment in subsidiaries are taken directly to  equity.
On  disposal  of  a  foreign  operation  the  cumulative  translation
differences (including, if  applicable, gains and  losses on  related
hedges) are transferred to the income  statement as part of the  gain
or loss on disposal.

The Group has elected not to apply IAS 21: The Effects of Changes  in
Foreign Exchange Rates  on foreign operations  acquired prior to  the
date of transition  to IFRS. The  cumulative translation  differences
for all  foreign operations  are deemed  to be  zero at  the date  of
transition to IFRS.

Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

3 Segment analysis

The revenues and net result generated by each of Essentially Group
Limited's business segments are summarised as follows:

               Sports Athlete      Prof           Media   Group Total
            Marketing  Manage -essional (dis-continued)
                        -ment  Services
                �'000   �'000     �'000           �'000   �'000
6 months to
30     June
Revenue         3,004   2,490       407               -       - 5,901
Profit            648   1,268        67               - (2,106) (123)
before tax

6 months to
30     June
Revenue           160   1,243       317              17       - 1,737
Profit          (154)     719        84             (2) (1,209) (562)
before tax

Year  ended
31 December
Revenue         5,363   3,206       640               -       - 9,209
Profit          1,388   1,163       318             (2) (2,543)   324
before tax

The revenues and net result generated by each of Essentially Group
Limited's regional areas are summarised as follows:

                                   UK/ Austral- Rest of Total
                                Europe     asia     the
                                 �'000    �'000   �'000 �'000
6 months to 30 June 2008
Revenue                          4,643    1,080     178 5,901
Profit (loss) before tax         (722)      628    (29) (123)

6 months to 30 June 2007
Revenue                          1,325      367      45 1,737
Profit (loss) before tax         (729)      239    (72) (562)

Year ended 31 December 2007
Revenue                          7,842      809     558 9,209
Profit (loss) before tax         (105)      287     142   324

Amortisation relating  to  customer  contracts acquired  and  to  the
discount on deferred consideration are included above as a Group cost
and are included as relating to the UK and Europe activity.
Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

4 Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the
earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

The calculation of diluted earnings per  share is based on the  basic
earnings per share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the
post  tax  effect  of  dividends  and/or  interest,  on  the  assumed
conversion of  all  dilutive  options and  other  dilutive  potential
ordinary shares.

Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares
used in the calculations are set out below

                                     6 months    6 months     Year to
                                   to 30 June  to 30 June 31 December
                                         2008        2007        2007
Earnings before interest, tax,
amortisation, and
discontinued operations                   961         248       2,204

Interest                                (212)        (17)       (153)
Profit before Tax, amortisation
and notional interest                     749         231       2,051
Tax                                     (343)        (79)       (475)
Profit After Tax and before
amortisation, notional
interest and discontinued ops             406         152       1,576
Deferred Tax on intangible
amortisation                              183          89         229
Notional interest for deferred
consideration under
IFRS                                    (261)       (494)       (964)
Amortisation of Intangibles             (611)       (299)       (763)
Profit After Tax on Continuing
Operations                              (283)       (552)          78
Discounted operations                       -           -       (307)
(Loss)/ Profit After Tax                (283)       (552)       (229)

Weighted Average no shares        135,212,306  67,346,066  90,329,844

Earnings per share on continuing
operations before                                                1.74
amortisation of Intangibles and
notional interest (pence)                0.30        0.22
Earning per share on continuing
operations (pence)                     (0.21)      (0.82)        0.09
Basic and  fully diluted earning
per share (pence)                      (0.21)      (0.82)      (0.25)

Share options currently in issue are anti-dilutive and therefore do
not impact EPS.

5 Share issue

During the period to 30 June  2008, 53,511,340 shares were issued  by
way of  placing,  generating  cash  proceeds  of  �6,020,000  (before
expenses of �364,000). In addition  12,904,072 shares were issued  in
connection with the  acquisition of Sportseen  Limited and a  further
10,148,238 shares  to  satisfy  contractual  earn  out  liabilities.
Shares issued and authorised  for the period to  30 June 2008 may  be
summarised as follows:

Six months to 30 June 2008

                       Number      �'000

At 1 January 2008 119,827,289        120
Issue of shares    76,563,650         76

                   ---------- ----------
At 30 June 2008   196,390,939        196
                   ========== ==========

Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

5 Share issue (continued)

Six months to 30 June 2007

                        Number      �'000

  At 1 January 2007 63,902,000         64
  Issue of shares    3,629,000          3

                    ---------- ----------
  At 30 June 2007   67,531,000         67
                    ========== ==========

Year to 31 December 2007

                         Number      �'000

At 1 January 2007    63,902,000         64
Issue of shares      55,925,289         56

                     ---------- ----------
At 31 December 2007 119,827,289        120
                     ========== ==========

6 Acquisitions and Goodwill


The following table sets out the book values of the identifiable
assets and liabilities acquired and their fair value to the Group:

Purchase Consideration (including deferred
   Cash consideration including transaction costs               6,782
   Share consideration                                          2,700
   Transaction costs                                              285
Total Consideration                                             9,767

Less: Fair value of net assets acquired                         (458)

Amounts Allocated to Intangibles re customer contracts        (5,558)

Residual Goodwill

Net Assets acquired

Fixed assets
Tangible Assets                                                    42

Current assets
Debtors                                                         1,153
Cash at bank and in hand                                          824

Creditors due within one year                                 (1,561)
Total Net Assets                                                  458

Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

6 Acquisitions and Goodwill (continued)

Sportseen Limited.

On 28 April  2008 the  Board acquired Sportseen,  a business  selling
static and LED perimeter boards through exclusive contracts with  the
Rugby Football Union, Welsh Rugby  Football Union and Scottish  Rugby
Football Union for Twickenham, the Millennium Stadium and Murrayfield
respectively. In addition, Sportseen has the rights to sell perimeter
board advertising for a number  of Premier League football clubs  and
also has  the  rights  to  sell  perimeter  advertising  for  several
individual European and international football games.

The aggregate consideration  is up to  approximately �9.482  million,
summarised as follows:

  * The initial consideration as set out below;
  * The first earn out payment of �2 million in June 2008 as set out
  * a further �0.7 million based on EBIT performance target for the
    year ending 31 December 2008, comprising �0.5 million in cash and
    �0.2m in new ordinary shares, issued at the price prevailing in
    the market at the due date of payment; and
  * a further �1.3 million based on EBIT performance target for the
    year ending 31 December 2009, comprising �0.9 million in cash and
    �0.4m in new ordinary shares, issued at the price prevailing in
    the market at the due date of payment;

Financing of the Acquisition

The aggregate initial  consideration for the  acquisition, which  was
approximately �5.482 million, was satisfied as follows:

  * �1.5 million by the issue of 12,904,072 ordinary shares as
    consideration for the acquisitions
  * �3.982 million from debt facilities

A further payment was made in June 2008, in relation to the first
earn out payment, comprising �1.4 million of cash and the issue of
5,300,353 ordinary shares representing �600,000.


Goodwill at 30 June 2008 can be attributed to the respective business
units as follows:

                              30 June 2008 30 June 2007 31 December
                                     �'000        �'000       �'000

Sports Marketing                    19,081        2,938      13,352
Athlete Management                   6,029        3,393       5,993
Professional Services                  798          711         718
Media services (discontinued)            -          645           -
                                ----------   ----------  ----------
                                    25,908        7,687      20,063
                                ==========   ==========  ==========

Goodwill in each of these business units comprises:

The Sports Marketing division, which principally comprises Accelerate
Sport and  Music Limited  (acquired in  2006), Frontiers  Group  (UK)
Limited (acquired  in 2007)  and  Sportseen Limited  (acquired  April
2008) have a long established  reputation for the provision of  value
added services to brands seeking to  enhance their profile in both  a
sporting and non-sporting context. In  addition it has established  a
number of  key  relationships  with  governing  bodies,  professional
associations, and influencers in the sporting and non-sporting arena.
It is  not possible  to attribute  value directly  to each  of  these
relationships or the reputation, as it is, in the Directors' opinion,
these factors acting in concert that contribute to the overall  value
of the Accelerate and Frontiers businesses.

The Athletes Management division, which principally comprises  Global
Sports Management Limited  (acquired in 2005)  and Athletes 1  Sports
Limited (acquired in 2007)  has a long  standing reputation with  the
clubs, playing staff, players and professional bodies within  cricket
and rugby. Each of these relationships provide new opportunities  for
revenue generation, however it is not possible to identify separately
which of these  relationships contributes  to the each  piece of  new
business and, in  the Directors' opinion,  it is not  any one  factor
that drives the growth of the business unit.

The  Professional  Services  division,  which  principally  comprises
Accounts 8 Limited (acquired in 2006), has an established network  of
referrers  of   revenue  generating   opportunities  which   includes
professional advisers, bankers, entrepreneurs, and existing  clients.
It is not possible to separately identify the value of each of  these
sources to the business.

In each  of  these divisions  (including  companies acquired  in  the
current period)  the Directors  believe  that Goodwill  represents  a
value to  the  Group  over  and  above  the  separately  identifiable
customer contracts.

Notes to  the  condensed consolidated  interim  financial  statements

6 Goodwill (continued)

The Directors review the goodwill allocated to each business unit  on
a regular basis, taking into account a number of factors including:

  * Current trading
  * Financial forecasts
  * Cash generation
  * Market conditions that may impact directly or indirectly on a
    business unit's activity
  * Staff and customer retention
  * Organic growth during the period under review
  * New business development

On the basis of this review the Directors believe that no  impairment
has been made in respect of goodwill in any of the business units.

7 Dividends

No dividends were paid during this or any other periods shown.

8 Earn out consideration

Deferred consideration, which  is dependent upon  the performance  of
the companies acquired,  has been provided  for on the  basis of  the
maximum consideration  payable.  This is  based  on the  current  and
forecast trading of those businesses acquired.

                                       30 June    30 June 31 December
                                          2008       2007        2007
                                         �'000      �'000       �'000
Payable in Equity (see note
below)                                   4,467      4,016       4,362
Payable in cash                          5,283      3,634       4,569
                                    ---------- ----------  ----------
                                         9,750      7,650       8,931
Notional discount on earn out          (1,303)    (1,361)     (1,449)
                                    ---------- ----------  ----------
                                         8,447      6,289       7,482
                                    ========== ==========  ==========

Current Liabilities                      3,960      2,100       1,406
Long Term Liabilities                    4,487      4,189       6,076
                                    ---------- ----------  ----------
                                         8,447      6,289       7,482
                                    ========== ==========  ==========

The notional discount  on earn out  consideration assumes the  latest
payment of  the  earn  out  consideration  under  the  terms  of  the
underlying contract. In the event that  earn outs are paid early  (by
agreement or  through the  attainment of  interim targets)  then  the
notional discount carried  forward will be  adjusted accordingly  and
the difference taken to goodwill.

Under the terms  of the relevant  acquisition agreements  Essentially
Group Limited  have the  option to  pay  part or  all of  the  equity
consideration in cash.

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

9 Restatement of prior period financial information

The condensed consolidated interim  financial statements for the  six
months to 30  June 2007  have been  restated due  to two  adjustments
arising  out  of  the  transition  of  the  financial  statements  to
reporting under IFRS. The impact on  the analysis of the capital  and
reserves as at 1  January 2007 as  reported at the  time of the  2007
interim results is as follows:

                            Share              Profit     Total
                  Share   premium    Merger  and loss    Parent  Minority    Total
                capital   account   reserve   account    Equity  interest   equity
                  �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000    �'000
At 1 January
reported             64     2,744     1,143       253     4,204        13    4,217
Transfer from                                                         (8)      (8)
Exchange              -         -         -     (138)     (138)         -    (138)
of overseas
Notional              -         -         -     (253)     (253)         -    (253)
charge on
              --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
At 1 January         64     2,744     1,143     (138)     3,813         5    3,818
                 ======    ======    ======    ======    ======    ======    =====

The loss for the  six months ended  30 June 2007  and the profit  and
loss account as at 30 June 2007 have been restated as follows:

                                          Loss for the     Profit and
                                                  year   Loss account
                                                 �'000          �'000

Opening balance at 1 January 2007 as
restated from above                                             (138)
Loss for the six months ended 30 June
2007 as previously reported                       (58)
Notional interest on deferred
consideration for the six months ended
30 June 2007                                     (494)
Restated profit for the six months
ended 30 June 2007                                              (552)
Exchange differences on translation of
overseas operations                                               (2)
At 30 June 2007                                                 (692)

Balance sheet at 30 June 2007

In addition to  the above adjustments  the balance sheet  at 30  June
2007 has been adjusted as follows:

goodwill has been reduced by �1,593,000 and the earn out creditors by
�707,000  as a consequence of the reflection of the notional discount
on the earn out  consideration and the  adjustments arising from  the
restatement of investment in overseas subsidiaries to reflect changes
in foreign exchange.

Balance Sheet at 31 December 2007

The balance sheet at  31 December 2007 has  been restated to  reflect
amendments to the discount calculated  on the earn out  consideration
outstanding at that  date and  to reflect early  repayments that  had
arisen. This has  the effect of  increasing Goodwill on  acquisitions
and  the  long  term  earn  out  consideration  by  �1,656,000.    No
adjustment has been made to the  reported profit and loss account  as
the amounts are not material and are reflected in the current  period

10 Interim statement

Copies of the interim  statement are being  sent to shareholders  and
will be available from the company's registered office at PO Box 369,
Sir Walter Raleigh House, The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 4HH.

This  statement  does   not  constitute   full  statutory   financial
statements within the meaning of Company Legislation.


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Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Fév 2025 à Mar 2025 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse Essentially
Essentially (LSE:ESN)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Mar 2024 à Mar 2025 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse Essentially