RNS Number:5773A
Hartford Group PLC
16 March 2001

                              HARTFORD GROUP PLC

           Preliminary Results for the Year ended 31 December 2000

Hartford Group PLC ("Hartford"), the quoted restaurant operator, announces
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2000.


  * Turnover was #7.3 million (1999: #6.9 million)

  * Operating loss was #3.2 million (1999: #1.6 million), after exceptional
    items of #1.5 million (1999: #0.5 million) relating to an impairment

  * Successful completion of fundraising to raise #3.6 million (December

  * Appointment of new management team of Stephen Thomas as non-executive
    Chairman and Sheila McKenzie as Chief Executive to plc Board. Jeremy
    Spencer, Operations Director and Frances Gillespie, HR Director joined the
    executive board.

  * Strategic review of the Group's existing operations undertaken. A plan
    is now in place to improve performance across the Group.

  * The review of the Group's strategy an ongoing process. Next progress
    report at interim stage.

  * Trial of new pub format in Ascot, second pub site to open at Loughton in

  * Capital investment programme in place to improve performance across the

  * #2.8m cash balance at year end

Stephen Thomas, Chairman of Hartford Group PLC, commented:

"This has been a year of reconstruction for Hartford. Following the completion
of the strategic review of the existing estate, we now have a strategy in
place for the future growth of the Group. The Board continues to review
opportunities, either start-up or existing operations, in the hospitality and
leisure sector."

                                                                 16 March 2001


Hartford Group PLC Tel: 020 7457 2020 (Today)

Sheila McKenzie, Chief Executive Tel: 020 7654 3010 (Thereafter)

College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020

Justine Warren

Gareth David

                              HARTFORD GROUP PLC

               Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2000

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The past year has been a period of enormous change for Hartford Group
("Hartford"), culminating in the successful #3.6 million fund raising in
December, the appointment of a new Board and a comprehensive review of the
Group's previous strategy.

The previous strategy - to operate neighbourhood, high quality, fine dining
restaurants - was unsuccessful and the expenditure on acquiring and developing
these properties was too high. As stated in the November 2000 Prospectus, the
new Board of Hartford conducted a strategic review of the business. Each of
the Group's restaurant operations was assessed and a number of steps have been
taken to improve performance across the Group.

The main aims of the new Board remain to secure the stability of the Group,
improve performance of the existing operations and, in the medium term, seek
to invest in start-up or development opportunities in the hospitality and
leisure sector.

We strongly believe that the future of the Group will be secured through the
adoption of a less elitist approach to the eating and drinking market, coupled
with a more rigorous, commercial approach to the operation of the existing
restaurants. The business will also benefit from the introduction of a more
simple style of trading that concentrates on offering good value, quality,
service and atmosphere to customers at the right price. In some of the
restaurants that approach dictates a relaxation of the current concept with
the introduction of menus designed to generate business in quieter trading
periods and larger bar areas.

In undertaking the review, the Board set out to make the best use of existing
assets. That commitment - together with the strategy to adopt a less elitist
approach - has led to the development and trial of a new pub format in Ascot,
with a second trial site due to open in Loughton in the next few weeks. The
Ascot trading format was conceived and built in less than six weeks in order
to fulfil an obligation to the landlord to open by early 2001. There was no
such commitment on the Loughton site therefore more time has been available
for further development of the concept. Provided initial trading in both sites
is favourable, this format will be developed further.


The Group made an operating loss in the period to 31 December 2000 of #3.2
million (1999: #1.6 million loss) after exceptional items of #1.5 million on
turnover of #7.3 million (1999: #6.9 million). The exceptional items
principally relate to impairments on tangible fixed assets. Following the
strategic review, additional provisions have been made against two of the
properties over and above those made earlier in the year. In the case of
Loughton, the Board has confirmed its statement in the November 2000
Prospectus that the carrying value of this property was high. In the light of
this strategic review and the reassessment of the potential for improvement in
Utah's performance, provisions have been made against its carrying value.
These units are expected to make a small cash contribution to the business
this year. However, these contributions would not be sufficient to justify
their high carrying values.

                                  HARTFORD GROUP PLC

           Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2000

                            CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (cont'd)

The directors do not propose to recommend the payment of a final dividend.

Review of Operations

During the past year, the Group's operations have comprised six restaurants in

Following the decision to focus on widening the appeal of any concept
undertaken by the Group, a review of each existing trading style plus location
commenced in the last two weeks of the year.


The majority of the properties are located in secondary trading areas. The
restaurant locations are well placed to benefit from trade from affluent,
residential populations at evenings and weekends but there is limited
opportunity for substantial daytime trade.

However, the strategic review concluded that The Pharmacy Bar and Restaurant
benefits from a fundamentally good location and is a good cash flow generator.

There has been no investment in Pharmacy since it first opened in January
1998. It has been decided to proceed with the refurbishment of this location
in the second half of 2001. The expenditure will focus on improving the layout
and "flow" of the operation and on enhancing the ground floor bar business.

After reviewing the remainder of the restaurants, and taking into account the
lack of interest when Utah and Idaho were put on the open market, the Board
has decided to retain Utah - which despite poor performance to date boasts a
favourable location in Wimbledon Village - and Idaho, within the portfolio. A
number of changes are planned, however, which we believe will improve
operating performance at all the locations.

In certain cases - Utah, Montana, Idaho - some capital expenditure is required
to bring about these changes. The bulk of this expense will be dedicated to
increasing those areas that can be used by customers and, in some cases,
increasing the size of the bar. Our total capital expenditure budget for
existing sites this year is #500,000.

                                  HARTFORD GROUP PLC

           Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2000

                            CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (cont'd)

New Concepts

As a result of the review it was decided to retain the Group's two public
house properties in Ascot (The Wells) and Loughton (The King's Head) and trial
a new, informal pub format for the Group. There were time constraints on the
development programme for Ascot and the prototype for the concept opened
shortly after the decision to proceed was taken in mid February. The Wells
property is situated on a main road leading into Ascot. It retains much of the
original public house look and layout with a central bar dividing the drinking
and dining areas on either side.

The Wells offers an informal and relaxed environment with equal emphasis on
eating, drinking and socialising, across a range of age and social groups. The
concept also boasts an innovative approach to wine retailing, where customers
are able to buy wine at off-licence prices, with a fixed corkage charge
payable for wines consumed on the premises. In addition, wine can be purchased
at off-licence prices to take home. Initially the term "gastro pub" was used
to describe the business but as that term is most accurately used to describe
one-off operations, often run as chef-owner-operator businesses, it does not
seem appropriate in the longer term. A suitable description beyond "new style
pub" is yet to be found.

The Ascot offer has been well received by customers although initial
indications are that the concept will require larger premises - or in the case
of Ascot an extension - to reach optimum trading levels. Initial levels of
draught beer sales would also dictate a future requirement for free of tie
leases (both Ascot and Loughton are tied).

Total development expenditure on the project was #200,000 against the previous
management's estimate of #800,000.

The second trial site, at Loughton in Essex, is due to open in mid April. Once
there is sufficient trading information available to assess the viability of
the concept, we will decide whether to develop it further and look to secure
further existing public house sites.

                                  HARTFORD GROUP PLC

           Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2000

                        CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (cont'd)

Management and Employees

Again seeking to make the best use of assets, in October 2000, the management
vacated the head office at Ledbury Mews North (Notting Hill Gate). This
produced a saving on rent of #65,000 pa. The offices were moved to cheaper and
more cost effective premises, which were already owned, in Westminster. At the
beginning of 2000, the administration team numbered 19; there are now eight in
the team.

Following the Board changes made after the fund raising in December, two key
appointments were made to strengthen the Executive Board in January 2001.
Jeremy Spencer joined as Operations Director and Frances Gillespie joined as
HR Director. Although Sheila McKenzie and I remain the sole plc Board
directors, we expect to make further non-executive appointments to the Board
during the course of this year.

In the course of the strategic review it became clear that there was a lack of
ability and experience in parts of the business. Frances is in the process of
reviewing and strengthening the experience and skills level within the Group.

The Group's management aims to attract and retain the best staff from within
the industry. To aid this process, the Group is in the process of introducing
bonus and share option schemes for staff to encourage greater commitment,
responsibility and interest in Company performance.

Current Trading and Prospects

Trading since the year end has been disappointing. However the business has
been through a considerable period of upheaval and this has undoubtedly taken
its toll in recent months. Comprehensive change and disruption had to take
place before progress could be made. The business now is focused on achieving
the challenging targets in place for the year ahead with an urgent requirement
to bring costs in line with sales and to develop a professional and motivated
management team.

We aim to make this a business with which shareholders, employees and
customers are proud to be associated; we will begin to do this by fulfilling
our aims for this year:

  * To secure stability of the Group through improving our trading position

  * To identify and start exploiting sustainable opportunities in the
    hospitality and leisure sector

We will report our progress to you in detail at our interim results in the

                                                                STEPHEN THOMAS


                                                                 16 March 2001

                              HARTFORD GROUP PLC

  Consolidated profit and loss account for the period ended 31 December 2000

                                                              Period  Period to
                                                                to    2 January
                                                                31       (as
                                                             December restated) 
                                                               2000     2000
                                                               #000     #000
Turnover                                                      7,253    6,915
Cost of sales                                                (2,152)  (2,136)
                                                             -----    -----
Gross Profit                                                  5,101    4,779
                                                             -----    -----
Administrative expenses excluding                            (6,740)  (5,844)
exceptional expenses
Exceptional provision for impairment                         
in value of tangible fixed assets                            (1,536)    (532)
                                                             -----    -----
Total administrative expenses                                (8,276)  (6,376)
                                                             -----    -----
Operating loss before merger costs                           (3,175)  (1,597)

Merger costs                                                    (67)    (674)
                                                             -----    -----
                                                             (3,242)  (2,271)
Interest receivable and similar                                  13       14
Interest payable and similar charges                            (37)     (48)

                                                             -----    -----
Loss on ordinary activities before                           (3,266)  (2,305)
Taxation on loss on ordinary                                 -        -
                                                             -----    -----
Loss for the financial period                                (3,266)  (2,305)

                                                             -----    -----
Loss per share
Basic and diluted                                            (6.48)p   (5.83)p

All amounts relate to continuing operations.

                              HARTFORD GROUP PLC

                Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2000

                                                            As at     As at
                                                             31     2 January
                                                          December    2000
                                                             2000    (as
                                                            #000       #000
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                                         2,277     2,395
Tangible assets                                           4,805     5,670
                                                          -----     -----
                                                          7,082     8,065
Current Assets
Stocks                                                      127       143
Debtors                                                     584       671
Cash at bank in hand                                      2,802     1,701
                                                          -----     -----
                                                          3,513     2,515
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                (1,897)   (2,383)
                                                          -----     -----
Net current assets                                        1,616       132
                                                          -----     -----
Total assets less current liabilities                     8,698     8,197

Creditors: amounts falling due after more                (16)      (84)
than one year
                                                          -----     -----
Net assets                                                8,682     8,113

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                   6,750     5,846
Share premium account                                     5,878     3,014
Merger reserve                                            2,060     2,060
Other reserve                                             (54)      (54)
Profit and loss account                                   (5,952)   (2,753)
                                                          -----     -----
Shareholders' funds                                       8,682     8,113

All shareholders funds are equity except #5,440,000 in respect of deferred
share capital (1999: #nil).

                              HARTFORD GROUP PLC

    Consolidated cash flow statement for the period ended 31 December 2000

                                                      Period to     Year ended
                                                    31 December     2 January
                                                        2000            2000
                                                                 (as restated)
                                                    #000   #000   #000   #000

Net cash outflow from operating activities                (303)         (1,771)

Return on investments and servicing of
Interest received                                    13            14
Interest paid                                       (25)          (38)
Interest element of finance lease rental            (12)          (10)
                                                    -----         -----
                                                           (24)          (34)
UK corporation tax                                           -             -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Acquisition of fixed assets                               (1,192)       (2,275)

                                                          -----         -----
Cash outflow before management of liquid                  (1,519)       (4,080)
resources and financing

Management of liquid resources
Decrease in short-term deposits                           -                500

Net proceeds of share issues                        3,835         3,426
Net proceeds of share issue by group                -             1,308
Payment for purchase of deferred shares             -              (488)
including costs
New loans                                           -               438
Repayment of loans                                   (438)           -
Capital element of finance lease rental               (91)          (67)
                                                    -----         -----
                                                           3,306         4,617
                                                           -----         -----
Increase in cash                                           1,787         1,037

The notes on pages 7 to 23 form part of these financial statements.


 1. Publication of non-statutory accounts

        The financial information set out above does not constitute the
        company's statutory accounts for the period from 3 January 2000 to 31
        December 2000, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts
        for 2000 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the
        company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on these
        accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain
        statements under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985.

        2. Basic and diluted loss per share

        Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share have been calculated
        using the weighted average number of shares in issue during the
        period. The weighted average number of equity shares in issue was
        50,408,414 (January 2000: 39,522,604) and the earnings, being loss
        after tax are #3,266,000(January 2000: loss #2,305,000).

        3.Prior year adjustment

        The accounting policy has been amended in respect of pre-opening costs
        to write off such costs as incurred, in accordance with UITF24.
        Previously these were charged to the profit and loss account over a
        period of one year, commencing three months after the opening of new
        units. This change in policy has resulted in a reduction in
        administrative costs of #130,000 during the period ended 31 December
        2000, a reduction of #38,000 in balance sheet pre-opening costs at 31
        December 2000, and a similar reduction of #168,000 at 2 January 2000.

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