RNS Number : 7448J

Harvard International PLC

05 July 2011

Harvard International plc (AIM: HAR)

Preliminary unaudited results for the year ended 31 March 2011

Harvard International plc ("Harvard", "the Company" or "the Group") is a distributor of consumer electrical goods in the UK and Australia.

Key Points

-- Sales for the current period GBP61.2m (2010: GBP77.4m)

-- Sales were impacted adversely by a number of factors including a lull in the UK Digital Switchover (DSO) timetable and the very difficult retail market

-- Group total pre tax profit GBP0.9m (2010: Loss GBP4.3m)

-- Operating profit for the period from continuing operations GBP0.7m (2010: GBP1.2m)

-- No impact from discontinued items in 2011

-- UK recovered in the second half led by Set Top Box (STB) sales to customers in preparation for the DSO timetable and improved interest in iLuv Apple accessories

-- Australia produced a better second half performance supported by improved sales in STB and DAB+ sectors where innovative new products have gained market share

-- Cash at 30 June 2011 was GBP16.0m

-- In line with the Group's business plan, new appointments continue to be made which strengthen the Group's technical, product and marketing teams

Bridget Blow, Chairman, comments:

"We made good progress in 2010/11 and the investment put in place will support and extend our strategic objectives. It is now clear that for the current financial year producers and retailers of consumer electronics are continuing to face challenging market conditions and we have consequently reduced our expectations whilst maintaining investment in our development programme. The Group's financial position continues to be strong."

5 July 2011


 Harvard International plc           Tel: 020 8238 7650 
 Mike Ashley, Chief Executive 
 Colin Grimsdell, Finance Director 
 Anthony Parker, Media & Analysts     Tel: 07791 201467 

Chairman's Statement

The restructuring and downsizing programme is now well established and, for the first time in over 5 years, the Board is able to present shareholders with accounts unaffected by discontinued activities. Our new business plan is from a position of stability that we believe will deliver sustainable profit whilst protecting our strong cash position.

Investment in improving our technical understanding and capabilities, in combination with the expansion of the marketing and sales teams, is starting to produce tangible benefits, and new opportunities to leverage the Group's strengths are being sought.

Group Performance

Against a backdrop of continued weakness in the global economy, particularly in the consumer electronics sector, the Group has continued with the programme to improve operational efficiency and address growth opportunities.

Sales for the current period totalled GBP61.2m (2010: GBP77.4m) resulting in an operating profit of GBP0.7m (2010: GBP1.2m). After a relatively weak performance in the first half of the period, sales recovered led by the UK's digital switch over (DSO) timetable and seasonal demand for the iLuv product range. The Australian market was particularly difficult in the first half but began to recover in the second half with strong sales in the STB and DAB+ sectors. Net cash at the end of the period remained strong at GBP13.5m (2010: GBP28.9m). A special dividend totalling GBP10.1m was paid to shareholders in October. Working capital requirements have increased in response to the timing of the UK DSO programme.

Progress is being made in developing the Group's growth platform through new investment in people, marketing and external partnerships such as the recently announced venture with ANT plc. Through improving our own understanding of technologies, and partnering with selected industry leaders, we now have an exciting pipeline of new and differentiated products in development through which to extend and enhance the Group's positioning in our target segments.

Looking into the near future, demand for DTR functionality, and the convergence of digital broadcasting and broadband services, will mean that ownership of proprietary technology will be critically important in successfully delivering new products to the mass market. We are positioning Harvard to be a supplier of choice for retailers and consumers in this space.

The current difficult market environment has widened the possibility to acquire, or partner with, other businesses, products or brands. The Board is actively investigating opportunities as they are identified.


The Board is not proposing the payment of an ordinary dividend. A special GBP10.1m dividend was paid to shareholders on 15 October 2010.

Board Changes

Geoff Brady was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director. He is currently the Non-Executive Chairman of Robert Dyas, a convenience non-food retailer. Geoff brings substantial retail and marketing knowledge to the Boardroom.

Paul Selway-Swift retired as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company at the Annual General Meeting 2010, where it was noted that the Company wished to thank Paul for his substantial contribution to the Group over the last twelve years.

Colin Grimsdell, Finance Director and Company Secretary, has given notice of his intention to leave the business during August 2011. In his time at the Company Colin has contributed to the stabilising of the business ready for the next stage of its strategy. We wish Colin well in future.

A further announcement will be made when a new Finance Director has been appointed.


We have made good progress with our plans and the investment we are making both supports and extends our strategic objectives. Trading conditions for producers and retailers of consumer electronics have been challenging, and are expected to remain so for the foreseeable future. We have therefore reduced forecasts and adjusted budgets for the current financial year, so as to retain tight control of inventory levels and working capital. The Group's financial position continues to be strong.



5 July 2011

Chief Executive Officer's Report

During the last year we have set about the task of carefully putting in place an infrastructure and commercial culture capable of competing and growing the existing business in the dynamic Digital Vision and Apple Accessory markets.

Now that our business platform is established, we have begun to actively invest in our growth potential. Over the longer term, our strategic intent is for Harvard designed and branded products to account for a much higher percentage of the Group's turnover, enabling us to capture and retain a larger share of the total value chain.

To this end we are developing our market positioning through the introduction of a thoroughly researched new brand, View21(TM); significantly upgrading our technological capability, so as to drive new product development (Digital Television Recorder, Digital Internet); expanding marketing and sales capabilities to increase awareness and demand for iLuv Apple accessories and investigating the possibility of increasing our rate of progress through complimentary acquisitions and partnerships.

The Board believes that the combined benefits accruing from this strategic investment, will increase our future incremental rate of growth and profitability in both the UK and Australia.


We have conducted extensive consumer market research in the digital vision segment. This focussed on the competitive structure of the DTR segment, where there is growing demand but few brands. Through our analysis of the data, we have developed a clear market positioning for our newly created brand, View21(TM), which will be launched in the 2nd half of 2011/12.

The View21(TM) brand is positioned to address the needs of more technically savvy consumers, offering class leading features, greater functionality and enhanced design at affordable prices. Our Goodmans brand will continue to offer good value products at lower price points. As part of our branding strategy the Grundig brand is being withdrawn in the UK.

New Product Development

In the past Harvard's product range has been dominated by sourcing products directly from our supplier base. Going forward, we will increasingly design our own products whilst continuing to outsource manufacture. New product development will address the needs of both UK and Australian consumers.

To better support our in-house technical team we have entered into a partnership with ANT plc, a specialist software designer. This co-operative venture is developing an advanced range of market leading DTR products which will be launched later this year under the View21(TM) brand. With increased marketing support this will enable us to compete in a higher value segment of the market. The need for ownership of proprietary technologies will result in much greater barriers to entry in the digital vision segment, particularly at the entry level end of the market. This has created a substantial opportunity, in partnership with leading retailers, to develop new technically enhanced products for their in-house own label budget ranges.

As the UK's DSO programme ends in 2012, we will already be supplying a growing demand for an upgraded range of premium digital vision products.

Marketing and Sales

To maximise the potential returns from iLuv's comprehensive range of Apple accessories we are making significant investment to improve the effectiveness of our marketing and sales activities. The commercial team has been strengthened with experienced sales personnel recruited from prominent competitors in the Apple Accessories sector. This investment will lead our strategy to grow iLuv's market share through accessing new distribution channels in mobile phone network stores, on-line retailers and specialist accessory vendors. In addition to this we have agreed a new 10 year distribution agreement for the UK and the business is exploring options for distribution in Australia.

A newly appointed brand manager is now supporting the sales drive, through greater marketing and promotional activity, to build greater awareness and interest among retail outlets in this high quality brand.

Platform Expansion

To enable us to maximise and then expand beyond our current capacity, and in the longer term to capture and retain a larger share of the total value chain, we need to examine ways of increasing our potential growth.

We are actively investigating opportunities to extend the existing business platform through acquisition, licensing or partnership with additional complimentary businesses, products or brands in both Australia and the UK. These can then be incorporated into the current business model and leveraged through using the Group's existing infrastructure and variable cost model.

The agreements with ANT plc, regarding technological partnership, and with iLuv, extending our licensing agreement, represent the first steps taken in delivering this strategic plan.

Financial Review

The past year saw the Group return to profitability, excluding corporate disposals, for the first time since 2005, and report numbers unaffected by discontinued activities arising from the earlier restructuring programme. There is now a sound financial basis against which to report future progress.

The first half loss of GBP0.6m was principally the result of a disappointing performance in Australia, especially when compared with the unusually strong outcome in the same period the previous year, and the disappointing HD Freeview launch, where sales only achieved a fraction of market expectations. Despite the occurrence of the football World Cup, consumers failed to appreciate the benefits of trading up to the higher standard, instead showing greater appetite for DTR products.

The second half was much stronger, more than recovering the first half loss, with the UK DSO timetable resulting in strong orders for STB's for retailer own label branded products and the Government's target help scheme. Australia also experienced a seasonal recovery with STB demand also helped by the regional DSO programme and strong sales in DAB+ radio products where Harvard is the local market leader.

iLuv continued to launch products and broaden awareness of the product range, building the platform from which this years new investment is expected to deliver strong growth. iLuv's market share increased year on year but still only represents a fraction of the UK's GBP480m Apple Accessories market.

The Group's financial position remains healthy with a net cash position of GBP13.5m. Net interest received in the year amounted to GBP0.2m.


Overall demand for consumer goods, particularly electronic products, has been weak. Spending power has been curtailed by a number of factors including price increases for essential food and fuel items, a rise in the rate of vat, wage restraint, public sector spending cuts and relatively high unemployment levels.

Much of this has yet to fully impact upon the economy but is expected to have an increasing influence on household disposable income in the months ahead. March 2011 saw a fall in overall demand for consumer electronic products of 17% when compared with the previous year. The decreased consumer demand has had an adverse effect on orders from some of our major customers.

Digital Media Boxes (DMB)

After a lull in the UK Government's DSO timetable in 2010, with only 11% of households experiencing DSO, momentum picks up in 2011 with 33% of households due to switch in each of the next two years, before the programme's completion at the end of 2012. Demand for STB's continues to respond to the DSO timetable however a growing proportion of consumers, in regions yet to switch from analogue, already have access to digital through the purchase of integrated digital TV's or subscription to pay per view services (SKY, Virgin).

The 'free to air' STB business will increasingly move away from the Standard Definition (SD) low cost Freeview boxes to more complex, higher value, products such as High Definition (HD) DTR, and STB's which will facilitate the convergence of Digital TV and internet content. Demand for HD STB's in 2010 got off to a slow start but interest is expected to steadily increase as the price differential with SD narrows.

The need to upgrade and broaden the Group's technical capability was a key task in 2010/11, to ensure that we possess sufficient skills in both software and hardware design, to deliver premium quality Digital TV Recorders (DTR), demand for which is growing strongly from a low base. A new Chief Technical Officer position was created and the technical team was expanded.

The first half of 2011/12 will see our partnership with ANT deliver the first View21(TM) branded products with more higher specification HD DTR's following later in the year. Further evidence of our growing technical competence comes with the launch of dedicated App's for Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch products which enable wireless interactivity between these products and our digital media boxes.

The launch of YouView, the subscription free, connected digital TV platform, is expected in 2012 ahead of the London Olympics and will require the availability of easy to use, affordable, well designed DTRs to enable consumers to access the service. It is likely that TV manufacturers will start to integrate this functionality into their product designs but the relative expense of upgrading TV sets should support TV recorder demand.

Apple Accessories

Apple accessories continue to outperform the broader consumer electronics market as Apple continues to deliver a successful product pipeline. Awareness of the New York iLuv brand has grown with many positive product reviews appearing in consumer electronics media. Headphones, iPad cases and other accessories sold well through a limited number of distributors offering encouragement for further growth as new retailers are signed up.

Our strategy is to take advantage of the market's highly fragmented structure to grow our market share through investment in our marketing, promotional and sales activities. This will extend awareness, interest and demand for the iLuv brand; deepen appreciation of the comprehensiveness and high quality of the range, and heighten understanding of the opportunity to provide a 'one stop shop' service for retailers.

The enlarged and dedicated sales team will focus not only on traditional high street retailers and supermarkets but will increasingly open up new channels including mobile phone network stores, on-line retailers and dedicated accessory outlets.

As part of our long term strategic plan, and commitment to this market segment, Harvard has entered into an agreement with iLuv regarding a significant deepening and extension of the current partnership agreement, both in the UK and Australia. iLuv has recently further extended its product portfolio through a partnership endorsement with Samsung on the Galaxy tablet and smartphone range.

Sales over the next few years are expected to benefit strongly from the Group's investment in sales and marketing throughout 2011/12.


Consumer spending remains subdued despite evidence of recovery in some other sectors of the economy. The Government's spending cuts targeting a reduction of the budget deficit, and interest rate rises to curtail inflationary pressure, continue to depress consumer demand.

The structure of the consumer electronics market in Australia is less competitive than in the UK and as a result operating margins are stronger, delivering a higher return on investment. Our operational structure in Australia has a broader base than the UK and we are actively considering opportunities to extend both the breadth and depth of the Australian business.

The Group's focus on the digital vision and Apple accessory markets will result in the increasing importance of these segments, benefiting from the new product pipeline and the launch of brand View21(TM).

The strategy in 2011/12 is targeted at maintaining and increasing our strong market shares of the STB, DTR and Digital Radio categories. Having already grown to represent a 15% share of the STB market, through the Bush and Grundig brands, and with new innovative products and the launch of View21(TM) to come, we are confident of further progress.

Australia's DSO timetable is still in its infancy, with the major cities not due to switch until 2013, but Harvard has already been awarded contracts to supply regions in Queensland and Victoria. The Group is strongly positioned to take advantage of increased consumer interest in digital products through its well established retailer network.

Last year we were the first producer to supply digital 'free to air' STB's equipped with an electronic programme guide (EPG) and DTR products will follow in 2011. Harvard's speed to market was also demonstrated through the successful launch of its Digital+ DAB radios which have already captured a 25% market share.

The Apple accessories market, in line with our Group strategy, is an opportunity that we are keen to develop, leveraging our existing infrastructure and operational variable cost model. Under a new agreement with iLuv we will start to supply a limited number of products in the fourth quarter of 2011, building towards marketing the full range by the end of 2012.


Chief Executive Officer

5 July 2011

Consolidated Income Statement

                                               Year ended 
                                                 31 March           Year ended 
                                                     2011             31 March 
                                    Notes    GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
                                           --------------  ------------------- 
 Revenue                                2       61.2        77.4 
 Cost of sales                                 (52.4)             (65.2) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Gross profit                                    8.8               12.2 
 Net operating expenses                 3       (8.1)             (11.0) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Operating profit                                0.7               1.2 
 Finance costs                          4         -                 - 
 Finance income                         4        0.2               0.2 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Profit before tax                               0.9               1.4 
 Taxation                               5       (0.5)       (0.7) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Profit for the period from 
  continuing operations                          0.4               0.7 
 Loss for the period from 
  discontinued operations                         -               (5.7) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                    0.4              (5.0) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                    0.4              (5.0) 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Earnings per share (in pence)          6 
 - Continuing operations                        0.7p               1.5p 
 - Discontinuing operations                       -                    (11.3)p 
 - Total                                             0.7p               (9.8)p 
 - Continuing operations                        0.7p               1.5p 
 - Discontinuing operations                       -                    (11.3)p 
 - Total                                        0.7p                    (9.8)p 
---------------------------------  ------  --------------  ------------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

 Profit/(loss) for the period                       0.4   (5.0) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------ 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Exchange differences on translation of overseas 
  operations                                        -     0.4 
 Exchange difference on disposal                     -    (0.2) 
 Other comprehensive income net of tax              -      0.2 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------ 
 Total comprehensive income (all attributable 
  to owners of the parent)                          0.4   (4.8) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------ 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                                                      31 March 
                                                      31 March            2010 
                                             2011 GBP'millions    GBP'millions 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant & equipment                       0.5           0.7 
 Total non-current assets                          0.5           0.7 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                       7.2           4.4 
 Trade receivables and other receivables    13.0                 5.6 
 Income tax recoverable                     -                    0.1 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  13.5                 28.9 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Total current assets                       33.7                 39.0 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Total assets                               34.2                 39.7 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                   13.7                 9.7 
 Income tax payable                         0.4                  - 
 Provisions                                 0.5                  0.7 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Total current liabilities                  14.6                 10.4 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Total liabilities                          14.6                 10.4 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Net assets                                 19.6                 29.3 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of 
  the parent 
 Share capital                              5.1                  5.1 
 Share premium                              3.2                  3.2 
 Capital redemption reserve                 15.4                 15.4 
 Investment in own shares                   (2.3)                (2.3) 
 Translation reserve                        (7.6)                (7.6) 
 Share based payments reserve               0.5                  0.7 
 Retained earnings                          5.3                  14.8 
 Total equity                               19.6                 29.3 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                              Share      Capital   Investment                   based 
                    Share   premium   redemption       in own   Translation   payment   Retained 
                  capital   account      reserve       shares       reserve   reserve   earnings     Total 
                  (GBP'm)   (GBP'm)      (GBP'm)      (GBP'm)       (GBP'm)   (GBP'm)    (GBP'm)   (GBP'm) 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 At 1 April 
  2010                5.1       3.2         15.4        (2.3)         (7.6)   0.7       14.8       29.3 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
  with owners: 
  Paid                  -         -            -       -             -           -       (10.1)     (10.1) 
  relating to 
  options               -         -            -       -             -         (0.2)      0.2         - 
  with owners           -         -            -   -            -              (0.2)    (9.9)       (10.1) 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 Profit for 
  the period            -         -            -   -            -             -           0.4        0.4 
  income                -         -            -   -                 -        -           0.4        0.4 
 At 31 March 
  2011                5.1       3.2         15.4        (2.3)         (7.6)   0.5       5.3        19.6 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
                              Share      Capital   Investment                   based 
                    Share   premium   redemption       in own   Translation   payment   Retained 
                  capital   account      reserve       shares       reserve   reserve   earnings     Total 
                  (GBP'm)   (GBP'm)      (GBP'm)      (GBP'm)       (GBP'm)   (GBP'm)    (GBP'm)   (GBP'm) 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 At 1 April 
  2009                5.1       3.2         15.4        (2.3)         (7.8)   1.1       19.4       34.1 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
  with owners: 
  relating to 
  options               -         -            -            -             -     (0.4)   0.4           - 
  with owners           -         -            -            -             -     (0.4)   0.4           - 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 Loss for the 
  period                -         -            -            -             -      -      (5.0)        (5.0) 
  difference on 
  disposal              -         -            -   -                  (0.2)      -         -         (0.2) 
  difference on 
  of overseas 
  operations            -         -            -   -            0.4              -         -       0.4 
  income                -         -            -   -            0.2              -         (5.0)     (4.8) 
 At 31 March 
  2010                5.1       3.2         15.4        (2.3)         (7.6)   0.7       14.8       29.3 
---------------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                                    Year ended      Year ended 
                                                      31 March        31 March 
                                                          2011            2010 
                                         Notes    GBP'millions    GBP'millions 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flow from operating activities 
 Cash used by operations                   8             (5.5)           (5.4) 
 Tax paid                                              -                 (0.4) 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash used in operating activities                   (5.5)           (5.8) 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Interest received                               0.2             0.2 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                            -                 (0.1) 
 Sale of discontinued activities (net)                 -         10.0 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash flow from investing 
  activities                                     0.2             10.1 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                         (10.1)         - 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash used in financing activities                  (10.1)         - 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                      (15.4)        4.3 
 Net foreign exchange differences                      -                 (0.1) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of year                              28.9            24.7 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  year                                           13.5            28.9 
--------------------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 

Notes to the statement

1. General information

The unaudited financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006 but is derived from those financial statements and as such, does not contain all information required to be disclosed in the financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Statutory accounts for 2011 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have agreed to the issue of these results and expect to issue an unqualified audit report on the 2011 accounts following formal completion of the audit.

The financial information in respect of the year ended 31 March 2010 has been produced using extracts from the statutory accounts prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards. The statutory accounts for this period have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on these accounts was unqualified.

The financial information presented in this statement has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the European Union. The accounting policies are the same as those published by the Group in the Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010 which is available on the Group's website www.harvardplc.com.

These results were approved by the directors on 4(th) July 2011. Copies of the 2011 Report and Accounts are being sent to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available at the Company's registered offices at Harvard House, The Waterfront, Elstree Road, Elstree Herts WD6 3BS.

2. Segmental Reporting

Revenue and segmental profit has been disclosed by three operating segments of UK Digital, UK other CE and Rest of the World CE in the manner that the information is presented to the Boards of Directors (being the 'Chief Operating Decision Makers') in accordance with IFRS8.

Continuing operations:

                                  Year ended 31 March 2011                                    Year ended 31 March 2010 
                                                 Rest of the                                                 Rest of the 
                    UK Digital    UK other CE       World CE          Total     UK Digital    UK Other CE       World CE          Total 
                  GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions 
---------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 External sales       25.6           22.4           13.2           61.2           30.9           30.2           16.3       77.4 
  sales                -              -              -              -              -              -              -         - 
---------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Segment profit       3.7            1.8            3.0            8.5            5.1            2.4            4.5        12.0 
 Total assets         14.9           12.9           6.5            34.3           17.3           17.2           4.7         * 
  liabilities            (7.5)          (6.3)          (0.9)      (14.7)             (4.7)          (4.8)          (0.9)      (10.4) 
---------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total net 
  assets              7.4            6.6            5.6            19.6           12.6           12.4           3.8        28.8 
  expenditure                -              -        -              -             0.1                   -              -   0.1 
  charge              0.1            0.1             -             0.2            0.1            0.1            0.1        0.3 

* Total assets at 31 March 2010 exclude GBP0.5m for expected earnout from the Grundig disposal as this relates to a discontinued operation.

Segment figures can be reconciled to the corresponding Group figures as follows:

                                               Year ended           Year ended 
                                                 31 March             31 March 
                                        2011 GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Segment profit                               8.5                  12.0 
 Overheads not allocated to segments                (7.8)               (10.8) 
 Group operating profit                       0.7                  1.2 
------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

The geographical analysis of turnover of continuing operations by geographical location of customer is as follows:

                           Year ended           Year ended 
                             31 March             31 March 
                    2011 GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 United Kingdom                  47.9                 61.1 
 Australia                       13.2                 15.0 
 Rest of Europe                   0.1                  1.3 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                                 61.2                 77.4 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

The geographical location of non-current assets of continuing operations is as follows:

                           Year ended           Year ended 
                             31 March             31 March 
                    2011 GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 United Kingdom                   0.3                  0.4 
 Australia                        0.1                  0.1 
 Hong Kong                        0.1                  0.2 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                                  0.5                  0.7 
----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

One UK customer represents 24% (2010: 16%) of total Group revenue during the year. Revenue from this customer is included in both UK Digital and UK other CE segments.

3. Net Operating expenses

                                                                          Year ended 31st March 
                           Year ended 31st March 2011                              2010 
                     Continuing   Discontinued                    Continuing   Discontinued 
                     operations     operations          Total     operations     operations          Total 
                   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions   GBP'millions 
----------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Selling and 
  distribution              2.5              -            2.5            4.1            0.3            4.4 
 Administration             5.6              -            5.6            6.9            6.0           12.9 
                            8.1              -            8.1           11.0            6.3           17.3 
----------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

4. Finance costs/income

                                             Year ended           Year ended 
                                          31 March 2011             31 March 
                                           GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
 -------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 
 Finance costs comprise: 
  Interest on bank loans and 
  overdrafts repayable 
  within 5 years                                      -                    - 
 -------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 
 Finance income comprises: 
  Bank interest receivable                          0.2                  0.2 
 -------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 

5. Taxation

                                               Year ended 
                                                 31 March           Year ended 
                                                     2011             31 March 
                                             GBP'millions    2010 GBP'millions 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 The tax charge comprises: 
 UK corporation tax on profits for the 
 year at 28% (2010:28%)                           -                 - 
 Adjustments for previous periods           -                       - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Non-UK taxation 
  - Current                                      0.3               0.5 
 - Adjustment in respect of prior years          0.2                - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Total current taxation                          0.5               0.5 
 Deferred tax - Origination and reversal 
  of temporary timing differences                 -                0.2 
 Adjustments in respect of prior years            -                 - 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Total taxation charge in the income 
  statement                                      0.5               0.7 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Factors affecting taxation charge: 
 The taxation expense on the profit for the year differs from the 
  amount computed by applying the corporation tax rate to the profit 
  before taxation as a result of the following factors: 
 Profit before tax on continuing 
  operations                                     0.9               1.4 
 Loss before tax from discontinuing 
  operations                                      -                      (5.7) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period before tax         0.9                     (4.3) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Notional tax charge/(credit) at UK rate 
  of 28% (2010:28%)                              0.3                     (1.2) 
 Effects of: 
 Non allowable and non taxable items             0.3               4.8 
 Disposal of discontinued activities              -               (0.8) 
 Tax losses not recognised                       0.1              (1.9) 
 Different tax rates on non-UK profits              (0.1)                (0.2) 
 Adjustments to tax charges for previous 
  periods: Non-UK taxation                          (0.1)           - 
 Total taxation charge                           0.5               0.7 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 

6. Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per share are based upon earnings of GBP0.4 million (2010 : GBP(5.0) million) and 50,589,140 (2010 : 50,578,573) Ordinary Shares being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the twelve months ended 31 March 2011 excluding the shares held by The ESOP Trust. Basic earnings per share on continuing activities are based upon earnings of GBP0.4 million (2010 : GBP0.7 million) and discontinued operations are based upon earnings of GBPnil million (2010 : GBP(5.7) million).

Diluted earnings per share are based upon earnings of GBP0.4 million (2010 : GBP(5.0) million) and 51,284,857 (2010 : 50,578,573) Ordinary Shares allowing for the exercise of outstanding share options exercisable at a price below the average fair value during the period and the shares held by the ESOP Trust. Diluted earnings per share on continuing activities are based upon earnings of GBP0.4 million (2010 : GBP0.7 million) and on discontinued operations upon earnings of GBPnil million (2010 : GBP(5.7) million).

Potential Ordinary Shares of 696,513 have been excluded from the prior year computation of diluted EPS as the shares are anti-dilutive.

7. Dividends

                            Year ended      Year ended 
                              31 March        31 March 
                     2011 GBP'millions            2010 
-----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Special dividend          10.1                - 
-----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
                                  10.1         - 
-----------------  -------------------  -------------- 

The company paid a special dividend of 20p per ordinary share on 15 October 2010 to shareholders on the register at 1 October 2010.

8. Cash flow from operating activities:

                                                                    Year ended 
                                                    Year ended        31 March 
                                                      31 March            2010 
                                             2011 GBP'millions    GBP'millions 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Operating profit from continuing 
  operations before impairment of 
  properties                                       0.7                1.2 
 Operating loss from discontinuing 
  operations                                        -                (5.3) 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
                                                   0.7               (4.1) 
 Adjustment for: 
 Depreciation of property, plant & 
  equipment                                        0.2                0.3 
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables               (7.4)               3.1 
 (Increase)/decrease in inventories               (2.8)               1.8 
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                   4.0               (2.5) 
 Decrease in provisions                                  (0.2)       (4.0) 
 Cash flow used by operating activities                  (5.5)       (5.4) 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Net Cash 
 Cash and cash equivalents                         13.5              28.9 
-----------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------- 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and bank overdrafts all with a maturity of three months or less.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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