RNS No 7863n
10 August 1999

Part 1

This  announcement is not for release, publication or distribution
in  or  into  the United States, the Republic of Ireland,  Canada,
Australia or Japan.

                          AND MONTANA Plc


*    The  boards  of  Hartford Group PLC ("Hartford") and  Montana  Plc
     ("Montana")  announce  the  terms  of  a  proposed  merger  to  be
     implemented  by way of a recommended share offer, to  be  made  by
     Apax  Partners & Co. Capital Limited ("Apax Partners")  on  behalf
     of  Hartford, to acquire the entire issued and to be issued  share
     capital  of  Montana. The formal Offer Document will be despatched
     as soon as practicable.
*    The  terms  of  the  Merger are 49 Hartford  Shares  for  every  9
     Montana Shares.  Based on the Hartford Share price of 1.25p  on  2
     July  1999 (the last dealing day prior to the commencement of  the
     Offer  Period), the Offer values Montana's existing  issued  share
     capital  at approximately #13.7 million and each Montana Share  at
     approximately 340.3p which represents a premium of 35.8 per  cent.
     to  the  closing middle market price of a Montana Share of  250.5p
     on 2 July 1999.
*    Irrevocable  undertakings to accept the Offer have  been  received
     in  respect of 2,275,649 Montana Shares in aggregate (representing
     approximately  56.46  per  cent.  of  the  existing  issued  share
     capital of Montana).
*    Hartford  Shareholders will in aggregate hold  approximately  42.5
     per  cent.  and Montana shareholders approximately 57.5 per  cent.
     of  the  enlarged issued share capital of Hartford (prior  to  the
     exercise  of  any  options  over shares in  Montana  and  ignoring
     shares issued pursuant to the Placing).
*    The   Merged   Group   will  have  a  market   capitalisation   of
     approximately #30 million based on a price of 1.25p  per  Hartford
     Share  on  2 July 1999 (equating to 62.5p following Consolidation)
     assuming  full  acceptance of the Offer (including in  respect  of
     options over Montana Shares) and completion of the Proposals.
*    Kevin  Finch, currently Chairman of Montana will join the Hartford
     Board,  as  Chief  Executive  and  Nigel  Wray  will  become  Non-
     Executive  Chairman of the Merged Group.  Matthew Freud  and  Nick
     Leslau will be Non-Executive Directors of the Merged Group.
*    Hartford   is  also  proposing  to  raise  #3.5  million   (before
     expenses)  via an institutional share placing at 1.25p  per  share
     (equating  to 62.5p per share following Consolidation).   Hartford
     also proposes, conditional on Admission and the Offer becoming  or
     being  declared  unconditional in all  respects,  that  Hartford's
     share  capital  be  consolidated  on  the  basis  of  50  Existing
     Hartford Shares into 1 Consolidated Hartford Share.
*    On  behalf  of  the  Directors of Hartford, Nigel  Wray,  proposed
     Chairman of the Merged Group, said:
     "The  Hartford  Board has been eager to expand the Hartford  Group
     for  some time and we believe that Montana represents an excellent
     opportunity to accelerate our strategy."

*    On  behalf  of the Directors of Montana, Kevin Finch, chairman  of
     Montana, said:
     "The  board  of  Montana  believe that  the  Merger  provides  the
     Enlarged   Group  with  considerable  strategic,  commercial   and
     financial  synergies  and  will provide  increased  liquidity  and
     easier  access  to capital to fund future organic and  acquisition
     led  growth  than Montana would otherwise have as  a  stand  alone

The above summary must be read in conjunction with the full text
of the following announcement.

Press enquires

For further information, please contact:

Hartford Group PLC                         0171 291 6400
Matthew Freud

Apax Partners & Co. Capital Limited        0161 831 9133
Richard Hughes

Montana Plc                                0171 313 8100
Kevin Finch

SG Securities (London) Ltd                 0171 638 9000
David Cohen
Andrew Osborne

College Hill                               0171 457 2020
Giles Cooper
(PR Agent for Montana)

Apax  Partners, which is regulated by The Securities  and  Futures
Authority  Limited,  is acting for Hartford and  no  one  else  in
connection  with the Offer and will not be responsible  to  anyone
other  than  Hartford  for providing the protections  afforded  to
customers  of Apax Partners nor for giving advice in  relation  to
the Offer.

SG  Securities, which is regulated by The Securities  and  Futures
Authority  Limited,  is acting for Montana  and  no  one  else  in
connection  with the Offer and will not be responsible  to  anyone
other  than  Montana  for  providing the protections  afforded  to
customers  of SG Securities nor for giving advice in  relation  to
the Offer.

The  Offer will not be made available, directly or indirectly,  in
or  into  the  United States, Canada, Australia, the  Republic  of
Ireland or Japan.

This announcement has been approved by Apax Partners & Co. Capital
Limited,  which  is  regulated  by  the  Securities  and   Futures
Authority  Limited for the purpose of Section 57 of the  Financial
Services Act 1986.

On  5 July 1999, it was first announced that discussions were taking
place about the possibility of an offer being made for Montana,  and
on  12 July 1999 Hartford announced that it was in discussions  with
Montana  which  may  or  may not lead to an  offer  being  made  for
Montana. On 30 July 1999, the Hartford Board issued a statement that
they  were  in  discussions  relating to  a  potential  merger  with
Montana. Following further discussions, it was announced today  that
the  boards  of Hartford and Montana have reached agreement  on  the
terms  of  a proposed merger between the two groups. The  Merger  is
being  implemented by means of a recommended all share offer  to  be
made  by  Apax Partners on behalf of Hartford for the entire  issued
and to be issued share capital of Montana.

Hartford  is  an AIM quoted company with a market capitalisation  of
approximately  #14.2  million  as  at  9  August  1999.   Hartford's
principal  subsidiary, Bluelodge Limited trades as the Pharmacy  Bar
and  Restaurant  in  Notting Hill, which  opened  in  January  1998.
Hartford  Group's executive management team is currently  headed  by
Matthew Freud.

The  Merger is being implemented by means of a recommended offer  by
Apax  Partners  on  behalf of Hartford to acquire  all  the  Montana
Shares,  subject to the conditions and on the further terms set  out
in  Appendix I of this document and the Form of Acceptance. Assuming
full  acceptance  of  the  Offer,  Hartford  Shareholders  will,  in
aggregate,   hold   approximately  42.5  per  cent.,   and   Montana
Shareholders will, in aggregate, hold approximately 57.5 per  cent.,
of  the  enlarged  issued share capital of Hartford  (prior  to  the
exercise  of any Montana options pursuant to the Offer and  ignoring
the  Placing  Shares proposed to be issued pursuant to  the  Placing
described in the Circular).

The  formal Offer Document and Form of Acceptance will be despatched
as soon as practicable.

On  behalf  of Hartford, Apax Partners hereby offers to acquire,  on
the  terms and subject to the conditions set out or referred  to  in
the Offer Document and in the Form of Acceptance, all of the Montana
Shares on the following basis:

         49 Consideration Shares for every 9 Montana Shares
  and so in proportion for any other number of Montana Shares held
Based  on  the  Hartford  share price of 1.25p  (equating  to  62.5p
following  Consolidation) at the close of business on  2  July  1999
(the  last  dealing  day  prior to the  commencement  of  the  Offer
Period),  the  Offer values the whole of Montana's  existing  issued
share  capital at approximately #13.7 million and each Montana Share
at  approximately  340.3p. This represents a  premium  of  89.8p  or
approximately 35.8 per cent. to the closing middle market price of a
Montana  Share of 250.5p on 2 July 1999 (the last dealing day  prior
to the commencement of the Offer Period).

Based  on  the  Hartford  share price of 1.75p  (equating  to  87.5p
following  Consolidation) at the close of business on 28  July  1999
(the  day  before  suspension from trading of the Existing  Hartford
Shares  from AIM), the Offer values the whole of Montana's  existing
issued share capital at approximately #19.2 million and each Montana
Share  at approximately 476.4p.  This represents a premium of 225.9p
or  approximately 90.2 per cent. to the closing middle market  price
of  a  Montana Share of 250.5p on 2 July 1999 (the last dealing  day
prior  to  the  commencement of the Offer Period) and a  premium  of
approximately 85.0 per cent. to the closing middle market price of a
Montana Share of 257.5p on 5 July 1999 (the date of suspension  from
trading of the Montana Shares).

The  Montana Shares to be acquired pursuant to the Offer are  to  be
acquired  fully paid and free from all liens, equities, charges  and
encumbrances and other interests and together with all rights now or
hereafter  attaching  thereto, including the right  to  receive  and
retain all dividends and other distributions (if any) declared, made
or paid hereafter.

The   Offer   will   extend  to  any  Montana   Shares   which   are
unconditionally allotted or issued prior to the date  on  which  the
Offer  closes for acceptance (or such earlier date as Hartford  may,
subject to the City Code, decide and being earlier than the date  on
which the Offer becomes unconditional as to acceptances or, if later
the first closing date of the Offer) as a result of the exercise  of
options over the Montana Shares.

Hartford  has received irrevocable undertakings to accept the  Offer
from  Montana  Directors  in respect of their  holdings  of  954,857
Montana  Shares in aggregate (representing approximately  23.69  per
cent. in aggregate of the existing issued share capital of Montana).
These  undertakings  will remain binding even  in  the  event  of  a
competing offer being made or announced for Montana Shares.

Hartford has also received irrevocable undertakings in respect of  a
further 581,085 Montana Shares (representing approximately 14.42 per
cent.  of  Montana's issued share capital). In addition, irrevocable
undertakings to accept the Offer have been received from Singer  and
Friedlander,  Clareville  Capital  and  NatWest  Private  Equity  in
respect   of  739,707  Montana  shares  in  aggregate  (representing
approximately  18.35 per cent. of the existing issued share  capital
of  Montana). These undertakings will cease to be binding if a third
party announces a firm intention to make an offer for Montana Shares
(the making of which is not, or has ceased to be, subject to any pre-
condition), where the value of that competing offer is at least  110
per cent. of the value of the Offer.

In  total  therefore, Hartford has received irrevocable undertakings
to  accept  the  Offer in respect of 56.46 per  cent.  of  Montana's
present issued share capital.

On  the  bases  and  assumptions set out in  the  notes  below,  for
illustrative  purposes only and assuming the  Offer  becomes  or  is
declared  unconditional in all respects, the following  table  shows
the  financial  effects of acceptance of the Offer on capital  value
for a holder of nine Montana Shares:

(i)   Capital Value on 28 July 1999
                                                  Notes          (p)
Increase over the Montana Share price on 2               
July 1999:
Market value of forty-nine Consideration            (i)      4,287.5
Shares received
under the Offer
Less: Market value of nine Montana Shares          (ii)      2,254.5

Increase in capital value                                      2,033
Representing an increase of                                    90.2%

     (i)  Based on the closing middle market quotation of a Hartford
          Share of 1.75p as derived from the AIM Appendix of the Official List
          on 28 July 1999, being the latest practicable date prior to the
          suspension from trading of the Existing Hartford Shares from AIM,
          multiplied by 50 to reflect the Consideration.

     (ii) Based on the closing middle market quotation of a Montana Share
          as derived from OFEX on 2 July 1999 the last dealing day before
          commencement of the Offer Period.

     (iii)Save as stated above, no account has been taken of any
          liability to taxation.

(ii)  Capital Value on 2 July 1999
                                                  Notes          (p)
Increase over the Montana Share price on 2               
July 1999:
Market value of forty-nine Consideration            (i)      3,062.5
Shares received
under the Offer
Less: Market value of nine Montana Shares          (ii)      2,254.5

Increase in capital value                                      808.0
Representing an increase of                                    35.8%

     (i)  Based on the closing middle market quotation of a Hartford
          Share of 1.25p as derived from the AIM Appendix of the Official List
          on 2 July 1999, being the date prior to the commencement of the
          Offer Period, multiplied by 50 reflect the Consolidation.

     (ii) Based on the closing middle market quotation of a Montana Share
          of 250.5p as derived from OFEX on 2 July 1999 the last dealing day
          before commencement of the Offer Period.

     (iii)Save as stated above, no account has been taken of any
          liability to taxation.

The  effect  of  acceptance of the Offer  on  income  has  not  been
considered as Montana has not made any dividend payments.   Hartford
paid  an  interim dividend of 3.3p per share, totalling #100,000  in
respect of the period ended 27 December 1998.

Montana  is an established restaurant business offering contemporary
American  cuisine  to  affluent  neighbourhoods.  The  company   was
incorporated  on 16 May 1997, however, the first trading  unit,  the
Montana Restaurant and Bar, opened in Fulham, London with 68  covers
in  July  1995. Montana now operates through a further  four  units:
Dakota,  a  123  seat restaurant which opened in  December  1997  in
Notting Hill; Canyon which opened in Richmond in September 1998 with
200 covers including 100 covers outside; Congress, a 80 seat private
members'  dining club in Westminster, was opened in April  1999  and
Idaho,  a 158 seat restaurant, was opened in Highgate in June  1999.
In  addition, Montana has recently exchanged contracts for its sixth
site  in  Wimbledon  which is expected to open  in  September  1999.
Further   sites  are  currently  under  consideration  and   it   is
anticipated that a seventh restaurant will open later this year with
up to three additional units opening in 2000.

Hartford  is  an AIM quoted company with a market capitalisation  of
approximately  #14.2  million  as  at  9  August  1999.   Hartford's
principal  subsidiary,  Bluelodge Limited  trades  as  the  Pharmacy
Restaurant  and Bar in Notting Hill, which opened in  January  1998.
Hartford  Group's  executive management team is  headed  by  Matthew

In  September 1998 Hartford acquired Bluelodge Limited, the owner of
the  Pharmacy  Restaurant and Bar and changed the  Hartford  Group's
direction into an operator of restaurants and bars. The Pharmacy  is
currently  generating  margins  of approximately  15  per  cent.  of
turnover and won its category in the 1998 London Restaurant Awards.

The current Directors of Hartford are as follows:

J M Edelson              Non-Executive Chairman
N M Wray                 Non-Executive
N M Leslau               Non-Executive
M R Freud                Chief Executive

As  reported  at  our recent Annual General  Meeting  in  June,
Hartford   continues   to  trade  in   line   with   management
expectations.  Significant steps have been taken to reduce  the
Group's  overheads and terms have been agreed with  Raymond  de
Fazio  and  Liam Carson on the termination of their employment.
The   Board  believes  that  centralising  the  management  and
operational  resources  of the Enlarged  Group  into  Montana's
existing  structure will be of benefit in terms  of  management
experience and future prospects.

In  the  six months to June 1999 the Dakota, Canyon  and  Idaho
restaurants  traded well and the directors of  Montana  believe
that  they should experience an upturn during the summer months
because  of  the  large outdoor dining areas in  all  of  these
restaurants.  Dakota is performing substantially better than in
1998  as the restaurant, which opened in November 1997, becomes
more   established.   Dakota  is  also  beginning  to   attract
destinational business as well as neighbourhood diners.  Canyon
has enjoyed a similar trading pattern to Dakota and the pick-up
in  trading  has been at an accelerated rate.  This is  because
Canyon has a larger proportion of outside seats than Dakota and
also   because  the  Montana  group  has  benefited  from   the
experience  of an extra year's trading of both the Montana  and
Dakota  restaurants.  Idaho only opened in June this  year  and
management  are happy with the progress made at this restaurant
to date.

The  Montana  restaurant is currently trading at  levels  below
1998  which  the  Montana  Directors attribute  to  changes  in
management.   The  management of this unit  has  changed  twice
since  the beginning of the year and a new manager has recently
been  appointed transferring across from Dakota.   Also  during
the  early  part  of  this year senior  management  focused  on
opening  new  units  at  Congress and Idaho  and  planning  the
anticipated further new openings in 1999.

Congress,  the  private dining club based in  Westminster  only
opened  in March 1999 and currently has 400 members, the target
number  being  600.   Consequently trading  to  date  is  below
budget.   The directors of Montana have put in place an  action
plan  to address the membership drive and expand the membership
base  to  the business community.  In addition one of  the  key
selling  points  of Congress is its private offices  and  rooms
which  members  can  hire for meetings  or  private  functions.
These  rooms  are  not yet in service and are projected  to  be
ready in September 1999 at which point they are intended to  be
used  to  market the club and generate additional income.   The
House  of  Commons  restaurant  will  close  in  September  for
refurbishment and this is expected to create additional  demand
for Congress facilities.

The   Company  is  proposing  to  raise  #3.5  million  (before
expenses),  by  the  issue of 5,600,000  Consolidated  Hartford
Shares, pursuant to the Placing, conditional upon Admission and
the  Offer  becoming  or being declared  unconditional  in  all
respects. SG Securities has underwritten the Placing  at  62.5p
per Consolidated Hartford Share.

Assuming full acceptance of the Offer, completion of the Merger
would result in existing Hartford Shareholders being interested
in  aggregate  in approximately 42.5 per cent.  of  the  issued
share  capital  of  the Enlarged Group (excluding  the  Placing
Shares)  and approximately 34.7 per cent. of the share  capital
of  the  Enlarged Group (assuming the issue of all the  Placing
Shares  and  acceptance of the Offer by those  persons  holding
options over shares in Montana).

The  Directors propose that, conditional on Admission  and  the
Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects,
the Company's share capital be consolidated on the basis of  50
Existing Hartford Shares into 1 Consolidated Hartford Share.

Fractions  of  Consolidated Hartford Shares will be  aggregated
and,  so  far  as practicable, sold in the market.  Accordingly
Shareholders whose existing holdings in Hartford Shares are not
exactly divisible by 50 on the Consolidated Record Date will be
liable to receive cash in respect of fractional entitlements to
Consolidated  Hartford Shares.  Shareholders whose  holding  of
Existing Hartford Shares is 49 or less will only receive  cash.
Cheques  in  respect  of  the proceeds  of  sale  (net  of  any
commissions and dealing costs) with respect to such  fractional
entitlements are expected to be despatched to persons  entitled
to  them as soon as practicable following the Offer becoming or
being declared wholly unconditional.

Hartford  Shareholders  who are in any doubt  about  their  tax
position in relation to the Consolidation should consult  their
appropriate professional advisor immediately.


It   is  proposed  that  following  the  Offer  being  declared
unconditional  in  all  respects, Kevin  Finch  will  join  the
Hartford  Board, as Chief Executive, and Michael  Edelson  will
resign  from  the  Hartford Board. Jonathan  Kennedy  has  also
resigned from the Hartford Board following today's announcement
of  the  Merger.   Nigel  Wray will be appointed  Non-Executive
Chairman   and   Matthew  Freud  will  become  a  Non-Executive

Upon the Merger becoming wholly unconditional, Kevin Finch will
enter  into  a  service agreement which is  terminable  on  six
months'  notice by either party to expire not earlier  than  24
months' after the date of the relevant agreement. Mr Finch will
be employed as Chief Executive of Hartford and will be required
to  work one third of his working week under the agreement.  In
addition to an annual salary of #43,333, Mr Finch will have the
benefit  of  a fully expensed mobile telephone for use  in  the
performance  of  his  duties and  50  per  cent.  of  his  home
telephone  calls will be reimbursed by Hartford.  He will  also
be  entitled  to  participate  in Hartford's  permanent  health
insurance  scheme  and  for himself, his spouse  and  dependent
children, in Hartford's private medical insurance scheme.

Upon  the  Merger becoming wholly unconditional, Mr Finch  will
also provide services to Hartford under a consultancy agreement
in  consideration for an annual fee of #86,666. This  agreement
is  terminable by either party on six months' notice to  expire
not  earlier  than 24 months' after the date  of  the  relevant
agreement.  Mr  Finch will also become entitled  to  the  Kevin
Finch Option full details of which are set out in Part 5 of the

SG  Securities  considers these arrangements  to  be  fair  and
reasonable so far as other Montana Shareholders are concerned.

The  existing employment rights, including pension  rights,  of
the employees of the Montana Group will be fully safeguarded.
Hartford will make appropriate proposals to holders of  options
granted  over  Montana  Shares in due course,  once  the  Offer
becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects.

The Hartford Directors believe in a strong theme or concept for
restaurants and have been evaluating several concepts that will
aid  their  expansion plans and complement the contemporary  US
cuisine  concept established by Montana. The Hartford Directors
have  therefore  devised,  and  are  actively  considering  the
implementation  of, the "Spitfire" concept, a proposed  quality
high street fast food operation. Following detailed discussions
between the Proposed Directors, certain other projects outlined
in  Hartford's  recent  annual report and  accounts  have  been
curtailed in light of the Enlarged Group's combined focus.

The  Hartford  Directors also believe that  the  recent  growth
experienced by the restaurant sector is set to continue for the
foreseeable future. In particular, they consider that the trend
towards  eating out in the UK is moving towards  the  US  model
where  a greater proportion of total food expenditure is  spent
on dining at restaurants.  The Hartford Board has been eager to
expand  the  Hartford  Group for some time  and  believes  that
Montana represents an excellent opportunity to accelerate their

Certain  members of the management teams of both  Hartford  and
Montana have significant experience in restaurant launches  and
development of new brands which will enable the Enlarged  Group
to  take  advantage of these underlying strengths to  roll  out
both existing and new Montana and Hartford concepts across  the
UK and Europe.

Additionally, the Hartford Board believes that the  skills  and
experience of its members in the areas of property development,
marketing,  public  relations,  and  corporate  activity   will
significantly  enhance the operating skills and  experience  of
the Montana team.

The  Hartford  Board, who have received financial  advice  from
Apax  Partners, consider that the terms of the  Offer  and  the
Proposals are fair and reasonable so far as Shareholders  as  a
whole  are  concerned.   In providing advice  to  the  Hartford
Board,  Apax  Partners  has  taken into  account  the  Hartford
Board's  commercial assessment of the Proposals.   Accordingly,
the Hartford Board unanimously recommends you to vote in favour
of  the resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General
Meeting as they intend to do in respect of their own beneficial
holdings  of  442,815,958 Existing Hartford Shares representing
approximately 54.60 per cent. of the company's existing  issued
share capital.

The  board  of  Montana,  who  have  been  so  advised  by   SG
Securities,  consider the terms of the Offer  to  be  fair  and
reasonable.  In  providing advice to the board of  Montana,  SG
Securities   has   taken  into  account  the  Montana   board's
commercial assessment of the Offer. Accordingly, the  board  of
Montana  unanimously recommend that Montana Shareholders accept
the  Offer  as they intend to do in respect of their beneficial
holdings  of 954,857 Montana Shares, representing approximately
23.69 per cent. of Montana's issued share capital.


The   formal Offer Document, setting out the details of the   Offer,
and  the  Form of Acceptance will be despatched by Apax Partners  on
behalf of Hartford as soon as practicable.

The   Offer  will  be  on  the terms and will  be  subject  to   the
conditions which are set out or referred to in Appendix   I   hereto
and   in   addition  to those terms which will be  set  out  in  the
formal Offer  Document and the Form of Acceptance in respect thereof
and  such further terms as may be required to comply with the  rules
and  regulations of the London Stock Exchange and the provisions  of
the City Code.

Neither  Hartford  nor, so far as Hartford  is  aware,  any   person
acting in concert with Hartford owns or controls  any Montana Shares
or has any option to purchase any Montana Shares.

The   availability  of  the Offer to persons not  resident  in   the
United   Kingdom  may  be  affected by the  laws  of  the   relevant
jurisdiction  in  which they are resident.  Persons  who   are   not
resident  in the United Kingdom should inform themselves about,  and
observe, any applicable requirements.

The  Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into  the
United   States or by the use of the mails of or by  any  means   or
instrumentality   of United States interstate or foreign   commerce,
or   any   facility of a United States national securities  exchange
and   the Offer is not being made in, or into Canada, Australia, the
Republic   of  Ireland  or  Japan.   Accordingly,  copies   of   the
announcement  are  not being  and must  not be mailed  or  otherwise
distributed or sent in,  into  or from  the  United States,  Canada,
Australia, the Republic of Ireland or Japan  and  persons  receiving
this  announcement (including custodians,  nominees   and  trustees)
must   not  distribute or send it in, into   or   from   the  United
States,  Canada, Australia, the Republic of Ireland or Japan.  Doing
so may invalidate any purported acceptance.

Appendix  II  contains  the definitions  of  terms  used   in   this

This   announcement does not constitute an offer or  invitation   to
acquire any securities.

10 August 1999

Press enquires
For further information, please contact:

Hartford                                   0171 291 6400
Matthew Freud

Apax Partners                              0161 831 9133
Richard Hughes

Montana                                    0171 313 8100
Kevin Finch

SG Securities                              0171 638 9000
David Cohen
Andrew Osborne

College Hill                               0171 457 2020
Giles Cooper
PR Agent for Montana)

Apax  Partners, which is regulated by The Securities  and  Futures
Authority  Limited,  is acting for Montana  and  no  one  else  in
connection with the Merger and will not be responsible  to  anyone
other  than  Montana  for  providing the protections  afforded  to
customers  of Apax Partners nor for giving advice in  relation  to
the Merger.

SG  Securities, which is regulated by The Securities  and  Futures
Authority  Limited,  is acting for Montana  and  no  one  else  in
connection with the Merger and will not be responsible  to  anyone
other  than  Montana  for  providing the protections  afforded  to
customers  of SG Securities nor for giving advice in  relation  to
the Merger.

The  Offer will not be made available, directly or indirectly,  in
or  into  the  United States, Canada, Australia, the  Republic  Of
Ireland or Japan.

1.  Responsibility
    (A) The  directors of Hartford, whose names are set  out  in
        paragraph  2(A)  below,  accept  responsibility  for   the
        information  contained in this document, other  than  that
        relating  to the Montana Group, the directors  of  Montana
        and  members of their immediate families. To the  best  of
        the knowledge and belief of the directors of Hartford (who
        have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is  the
        case), the information contained herein for which they are
        responsible is in accordance with the facts and  does  not
        omit   anything  likely  to  affect  the  import  of  such
    (B) The  directors of Montana, whose names are  set  out  in
        paragraph  2(B)  below,  accept  responsibility  for   the
        information  contained in this document  relating  to  the
        Montana  Group,  the directors of Montana and  members  of
        their  immediate families and persons connected with them.
        To  the  best of the knowledge and belief of the directors
        of  Montana (who have taken all reasonable care to  ensure
        that  such is the case), the information contained  herein
        for  which they are responsible is in accordance with  the
        facts  and  does not omit anything likely  to  affect  the
        import of such information.
2.  Directors
    (A)The  directors  of Hartford and their functions  are  as
       Michael Edelson          (Non-Executive Chairman)
       Nick Leslau              (Non-Executive)
       Matthew Freud            (Chief Executive)
       Nigel Wray               (Non-Executive)
       It  is  proposed  that following the Offer  being  declared
       unconditional  in all respects, Kevin Finch will  join  the
       board  of Hartford, as Chief Executive and Michael  Edelson
       will  resign  from the Hartford Board. Nigel Wray  will  be
       appointed  Non-Executive Chairman and  Matthew  Freud  will
       become a Non-Executive Director.

       The  registered  office of Hartford  is  150  Notting  Hill
       Gate, London W11 3QG.
    (B)The  directors  of Montana and their  functions  are  as
       Kevin Finch (Chairman)
       Drew Barwick (Executive Director)
       The  registered office of Montana is Fourth  Floor,  Centre
       Heights, 137 Finchley Road, Swiss Cottage, London NW3 6JG.


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