RNS No 4423r
15 July 1999

       Earnings up 20% at International Greetings
    Strong core performance supported by acquisitions
            Two for one bonus issue proposed

International Greetings PLC today reported a  strong  set
of  results  for  the year ended March 31  1999,  showing
earnings per share 20% ahead at 40.4p compared with 33.7p
last year.

The  Board  is recommending a final dividend  of  7p  per
share, payable on September 7 1999 to shareholders on the
register on August 20 1999.  Dividends for the year total
10p, an increase of 16% over last year.

A  resolution  to  make a two for  one  bonus  issue,  to
further  enhance  the liquidity in the company's  shares,
will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.

Highlights of the year's performance include:

*    Pre-tax profits up 18% at #7.8 million (1998:  #6.6
*    Earnings per share up 20% at 40.4p  (1998: 33.7p)
*    Final dividend per share 7p up 16%  (1998: 6.0p)
*    Strong performance from core business
*    Initial contributions from Copywrite and The Cracker
     Company acquisitions

Nick  Fisher,  Joint  Chief  Executive,  said:  "We   are
delighted  with  this  year's results.   Our  established
businesses have performed well and both acquisitions made
last year have exceeded our expectations.

"We  continue to invest in all areas of our business  and
this   year  have  committed  significant  sums  to   new
lithographic  printing  and conversion  machinery.   Such
investments  ensure  that  we  continue  to  provide  our
customers  with  the  very best  levels  of  service  and
product development.

"With our US division meeting its growth targets for this
year,  together  with  a strong UK order  book  for  this
Christmas,  we  are  confident in  the  outlook  for  the

Copies  of  this  announcement will be available  at  the
company's  offices at Belgrave House,  Acrewood  Way,  St
Albans AL4 OJY, until July 29 1999.

For further information, contact:

International Greetings  PLC               01727 844 888
Nick Fisher, Joint Chief Executive

Grandfield                                 0171 417 4170
Michael Henman/Clare Abbot


I  am  delighted  to report that your company  has  again
performed  impressively during the year  ended  31  March
1999, highlighted as follows:

*    Profit before tax                    #7.8m up 18%
*    Earnings per share                   40.4p up 20%
*    Dividend for the year                  10p up 16%

These  are  very  pleasing results which demonstrate  the
continuing  strength of our business. The core activities
have  again  performed well. This has been achieved  with
the  continued commitment of our employees, for  which  I
would  like to take this opportunity to thank  them  all.
Many  members  of  our workforce took up the  opportunity
during  the  year  to acquire shares under  the  recently
established Employee Share Purchase Scheme, and I welcome
them as shareholders in our company.

The   purchase  of  the  Copywrite  and  Cracker  Company
businesses  during the year confirmed our  commitment  to
expand  and  to  seek  new areas  of  opportunity.  Their
integration   into  the  Group's  operations   has   gone
extremely  well.  I  am  pleased  to  report  that   both
businesses  made positive, albeit small contributions  to
net  profit, even after associated financing  costs.  The
underlying  strength of the Copywrite business,  together
with  the  improvements implemented since last July,  are
encouraging for the future.

We  have  taken steps after the year-end to  broaden  our
institutional   shareholder   base   and   enhance    the
marketability and liquidity of the company's  shares.  In
April,  the directors successfully arranged a placing  of
part of their shareholding to increase the free float  in
the company's shares. In addition, a resolution to make a
two for one bonus issue to ordinary shareholders will  be
proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting  on  3
September 1999.


The  Group  continues to perform well and  the  focus  on
quality  and  service throughout the  Group's  activities
gives  the  Board confidence in the future.  Accordingly,
the  Board is recommending a final dividend of 7p, making
a total for the year of 10p per share, an increase of 16%
over  last  year. The final dividend will be  paid  on  7
September  1999  to shareholders on the register  at  the
close of business on 20 August  1999.

John Elfed Jones CBE DL


The  strength  of the Group's core business continues  to
lie   in   the  strong  and  long  term  nature  of   our
relationships with major multiple retailers  in  the  UK.
The  15%  increase in turnover over last year  (excluding
acquisitions)  demonstrates this strength. Investment  in
the  core  activities  of the business  is  essential  to
maintain our leading market position. It is a vital  part
of  our  commitment to continual improvement  in  design,
product quality and customer service.

Gift wrap

In  the gift wrap division, #600,000 has been invested in
new  conversion  machinery.  This  increase  in  capacity
supplements  the  increase in  print  capacity  that  has
resulted from investment in gravure printing equipment in
recent  years. Further investment in this area  has  also
enabled  us to improve and broaden the range of  products
available  to  our  customers by  applying  sophisticated
finishing processes to the printed paper.


The  rapid  expansion of the Group over recent years  has
meant that our base in St Albans has become too small and
a  move  to  larger  premises  is  underway.  A  suitable
building in Hatfield was acquired last December. Work  to
adapt   the   building  to  our  required   specification
commenced in February and it is anticipated that the move
into  the building will be completed by the end of August
this year.

In  addition  to providing a more suitable and  efficient
environment for the Group's head office, sales and design
functions,  the move will provide the opportunity  for  a
considerable  expansion in the cards and tags  divisions'
manufacturing   operations.  Over   #700,000   has   been
committed in the current year to investment in a new  six
colour litho printing press, embossing, foiling and other
finishing machinery. This will enable these divisions  to
bring   in-house   a  number  of  operations   previously
subcontracted  and should result in improved  operational
efficiency.  It is expected that this project  should  be
completed by the end of this year in time to be  able  to
reap the benefits for next year.


The   Cracker   division   successfully   completed   the
integration of The Cracker Company (acquired in May 1998)
into  its  operations during the year and has  proved  an
excellent acquisition at minimal cost.

The  Cracker  division's  product  range  has  also  been
extended  by  an agreement with a leading US manufacturer
of  Halloween  and party products to sell and  distribute
their range in the UK.


In the US, the strength of our range of gift wrap designs
and  relationship  with independent  sales  organisations
means  we  are now generally recognised as the  preferred
supplier of gift wrap and related products to the leading
department  and  speciality  stores  in  the  country.  A
considerable   amount   of  management   commitment   and
investment  has been involved in reaching this  strategic
objective,  and  we look forward with confidence  to  the
benefits   we  expect  to  accrue  from  attaining   this


The  acquisition of the Copywrite business in  July  last
year  added  a new product category, character stationery
and  bags,  to  the Group's operations. The recovery  and
rejuvenation  of  the  business,  which  had  gone   into
receivership under the previous ownership, has been a key
objective  of  senior  management  this  last   year.   A
programme  of  action was instituted to  rationalise  the
company's product ranges and improve customer service and
operational efficiency. We have also been most  impressed
by  the  quality and commitment of the employees retained
within  the  Copywrite business. It is  very  much  as  a
result of their considerable efforts that performance has
exceeded initial expectations and the business has made a
small, but positive contribution to net profit. Under the
direction of a newly appointed Managing Director, who has
extensive  experience in all areas of the gift stationery
business, we are optimistic about the future potential of
this business.


The last year has been a busy one for the Group. Ensuring
the   continuing   development  of   the   Group's   core
activities,  alongside  the  work  associated  with   the
acquisitions made during the year has been a considerable
challenge  to  all  concerned.  We  believe  the  results
demonstrate this challenge has been met with considerable
success  to date, and are confident will continue  to  be
met  in the future. We will continue to pursue a balanced
policy   of  organic  growth  supplemented  by  selective

Anders Hedlund           Nick Fisher
Joint Chief Executive    Joint Chief Executive


The strong performance of the Group's core activities  is
reflected in this year's results.

*  Turnover                   #72.2m up 35%
*  Operating profit           # 9.4m up 23%
*  Shareholders' funds        #17.8m up 33%

Turnover for the year to 31 March 1999 showed an increase
of  35% to #72.2m (1998: #53.5m) with operating profit up
by  23%  to  #9.4m (1998: #7.6m). Turnover and  operating
profit  attributable to the acquisitions was  #10.5m  and
#0.4m  respectively.  Excluding these  figures,  turnover
would  have shown a 15% increase and operating profit  an
18% increase over the previous year's figures.

Overall,  the operating profit margin showed a  reduction
from 14.3% to 13.1% although excluding acquisitions,  the
operating profit margin would have shown an increase from
14.3% to 14.6%. The acquisitions accounted for 15% of the
Group's enlarged turnover but contributed only 5% to  the
Group's  operating profit. The performance of  our  major
acquisition,   Copywrite   Designs,   exceeded    initial
expectations,  making a positive contribution  to  profit
for  the  eight  months  it was part  of  the  Group  and
representing a rapid turnaround from the losses  it  made

Interest payable increased from #1.0m to #1.6m, of  which
#0.2m related to the acquisitions during the year. Profit
before  taxation rose to #7.8m, an increase of  18%  over
last year's #6.6m.

This  year's  overall tax charge of #2.4m  represents  an
effective tax charge of 30.8%, compared with last  year's

Earnings per share and dividends

Earnings  per  share for the year to 31 March  1999  were
40.4p, an increase of 20%.

The  final dividend of 7p makes a total dividend for  the
year of 10p, which is covered four times by earnings  per

Balance sheet and cash flow

Shareholders'  funds increased by #4.4m to #17.8m,  #4.1m
from retained profits and #0.3m from new shares issued.

Cash  outflow during the year amounted to #8.1m. Of  this
outflow,  #5.2m  resulted from acquisitions  made,  #4.1m
initially   invested  and  #1.1m  from   post-acquisition
cashflows, primarily working capital movements. A further
#3.4m  outflow  (including recoverable value  added  tax)
resulted  from  the  purchase  of  our  new  property  in
Hatfield  (see review of operations).  Various  long-term
financing  arrangements are currently being  reviewed  in
relation to this property and it is anticipated that  the
outcome of this review will result in a significant  cash
inflow  and  reduction in overall gearing in the  current

Group  debt  at  31 March 1999 amounted  to  #14.5m,  and
gearing  was  81%  compared with last year's  49%.   This
increase is entirely as a result of the acquisitions  and
property  purchase referred to above, in the  absence  of
which gearing would have reduced to 35%.

Treasury operations

The  directors have established a framework for  managing
the risks associated with the treasury function which are
continually  evolving as the Group's business  activities
grow.  The most significant treasury exposures  faced  by
the Group are considered at Board level.

The  Group's  business  has  a  strong  seasonal  element
resulting   in   large  variations  in  working   capital
requirements. As a result, the Board has considered  that
long  term  restriction of the exposure to interest  rate
fluctuations on working capital funding is unlikely to be
economically viable. Where opportunities exist,  however,
for  short  term  fixing of elements of this  funding  at
attractive  rates,  for  example,  through  the  use   of
acceptance credits, these options are considered.

The  seasonality  of  the  Group's  business  means  that
interest   cover  is  considered  the  most   appropriate
indicator  of  the Group's financial strength.  Operating
profits  covered the interest expense for  the  year  six
times,  and  reflects  the  continuing  strength  of  the
Group's finances.

Mark Collini
Finance Director

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the year  ended  31
March 1999

                                      1999                  1998
                           Continued  Acquisitions   Total
                    Note     #000       #000       #000     #000              
Turnover                    61,638     10,513     72,151   53,496
Cost of sales              (41,135)    (7,742)  (48,877)  (35,597)
Gross profit                20,503      2,771     23,274   17,899
Distribution expenses       (3,997)    (1,058)    (5,055)  (3,784)
Administrative expenses     (7,522)    (1,281)    (8,803)  (6,479)
Operating profit             8,984        432      9,416    7,636             
Interest payable            
and similar charges         (1,363)      (218)    (1,581)  (1,014)            
Profit on ordinary                                          
activities before           
taxation               2      7,621       214      7,835    6,622
Tax on profit on      
ordinary activities    3                          (2,414)  (2,149)            
Profit on ordinary                                           
activities after taxation                          5,421    4,473
Minority interests                                   -       (27)
Profit for the financial year                      5,421    4,446             
Dividends - equity     4                          (1,372)  (1,135)           
Retained profit for                                          
the financial year                               4,049    3,311
Earnings per share     5                                        
Basic                                              40.4p   33.7p
Diluted                                            39.8p   32.8p
Consolidated  Statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains &
Losses for the year ended 31 March 1999

                                                      1999   1998
                                                      #000   #000
Profit for the financial year                        5,421  4,446
Currency   translation  differences  arising   on            
foreign currency net investments                        57    (22)
Total  recognised  gains and losses  relating  to    5,478   4,424
the financial year

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 March 1999

                                        1999            1998
                                      #000   #000     #000    #000
Fixed assets                                                      
Intangible assets -                                               
goodwill                            1,574            214
Tangible assets                    19,343         12,291                      
                                           20,917           12,505
Current assets                                                    
Stocks                              15,687         14,135         
Debtors                             14,265          9,747        
Cash at bank and in hand                -              -
                                    29,952         23,882         
Creditors: amounts falling                                 
due within one year                (29,910)       (19,712)         
Net current assets                             42            4,170
Total assets less current                  
liabilities                                20,959           16,675
Creditors: amounts falling                
due after more  than one                        
year                                       (1,878)          (2,128)
Provisions for liabilities                 
and charges                                  (685)            (479)
Deferred income                              (552)            (624)
Net assets                                 17,844           13,444
Capital and reserves                                              
Called up share capital                       677              661
Share premium account                       1,909            1,631            
Other reserves                              1,289            1,232            
Profit and loss account                    13,969            9,920  
Equity shareholders' funds                 17,844           13,444

Consolidated  Cash Flow Statement for the  year  ended  31
March 1999

                                              1999          1998
                                              #000          #000
Net   cash   inflow  from  operating                   
activities                                    8,071        4,867
Returns on investments and servicing           
 of finance                                  (1,522)        (900)
Taxation                                     (2,157)      (1,447)
Capital expenditure                          (7,275)      (3,770)
Acquisitions and disposals                   (4,111)        (250)
Equity dividends paid                        (1,216)        (937)
Cash outflow before financing                (8,210)      (2,437)
Financing                                       158        1,065
Decrease in cash                             (8,052)      (1,372)

Reconciliation  of  Net  Cash Flow  to  Movement  in  Net
Debt for the year ended 31 March 1999

                                              1999     1998
                                              #000     #000
Decrease in cash in the year                (8,052)  (1,372)
Cash inflow/(outflow) from financing           423     (852)
Change  in  net debt resulting  from         
cash flows                                  (7,629)  (2,224)
Inception of finance leases                   (137)    (650)
Translation differences                        (87)      46
Movement in net debt in the year             (7,853) (2,828)
Net debt at beginning of year                (6,637) (3,809)
Net debt at end of year                     (14,490) (6,637)


1.   Basis of Information
The   financial  information  set  out  above  does   not
constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years
ended 31 March 1999 or 1998.  Statutory accounts for 1998
have  been  delivered to the registrar of companies,  and
those  for 1999 will be delivered following the company's
annual  general meeting.  The auditors have  reported  on
those  accounts; their reports were unqualified  and  did
not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

This  statement  has been prepared on the  basis  of  the
accounting  policies  as set out in  the  Group's  Annual
Report for the year ended March 31 1998.

2.   Segmental analysis

                  UK and Europe       USA          Group
                     1999    1998   1999  1998   1999   1998
                     #000    #000   #000  #000   #000   #000
Turnover           63,347  45,713  8,804 7,783 72,151 53,496
Operating profit    8,826   6,969    590   667  9,416  7,636
Net interest                                   (1,581)(1,014)
Profit on ordinary                              
activities before taxation                      7,835  6,622
Net assets         15,566  11,349  2,278 2,095 17,844 13,444

There  is  no  material difference  between  turnover  by
origin, as shown above, and turnover by destination.  The
above results relate entirely to continuing operations.

3.   Taxation
                                              1999      1998
                                              #000      #000
UK Corporation tax                           2,312     1,844
Deferred taxation                               32       137
Overseas taxation   -    current               113        62
                    -    deferred              (28)       38
Adjustments  relating  to  an  earlier
     UK Corporation tax                        (2)        70
     Overseas taxation                        (13)         -
     Deferred taxation                           -       (2)
                                             2,414     2,149

4.   Dividends
                                              1999      1998
                                              #000      #000
Interim  paid  - 3p per  share  (1998:2.6p)    424       343
Final  proposed - 7p per share  (1998:6.0p)    948       792
                                             1,372     1,135

5.   Earnings per share
                                              1999      1998
Earnings per share                           40.4p     33.7p
Diluted earnings per share                   39.8p     32.8p

Earnings  per  share have been calculated  in  accordance
with  Financial Reporting Standard 14 and the comparative
figures  restated  accordingly.  The basic  earnings  per
share   is   based  on  earnings  of  #5,421,000   (1998:
#4,446,000)  and the weighted average number of  ordinary
shares  in  issue of 13,418,445 (1998: 13,198,969).   The
calculation  of diluted earnings is based  on  13,624,155
(1998:  13,575,562) ordinary shares.  The  difference  of
205,710 (1998: 376,593) represents the dilutive effect of
outstanding  employee  share  options  which   has   been
calculated in accordance with FRS 14.

6.    This preliminary announcement was approved  by  the
      Board of Directors on July 15 1999.



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