Invesco Perpetual AiM VCT plc 
 Unaudited Half-Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months to 30 November 2010 
Invesco Perpetual AiM VCT plc (`the Company') is a Venture Capital Trust 
(`VCT'). It was launched in August 2004 and is listed on the London Stock 
Objective of the Company 
The objective of the Company is to provide a tax free dividend return to 
shareholders primarily through the realisation of capital gains while 
maintaining the capital value of the shares. The Company is managed as a VCT in 
order that shareholders may benefit from the tax reliefs available. 
Investment Policy 
The intention is that substantially all of the funds will be invested in a 
spread of AIM-traded stocks and unquoted companies, with approximately 80% of 
the Company's Qualifying Holdings comprising AIM-traded stocks, subject to 
availability of suitable investment opportunities and market conditions. The 
remaining investments will be split between PLUS Markets' stocks, fully listed 
stocks, AIM-traded non-qualifying stocks or unquoted companies and cash. 
The Manager adopts an active investment strategy and seeks to moderate risk by 
careful stock selection and portfolio construction. The Manager tends to invest 
relatively small amounts across a wide range of companies, to achieve the 
appropriate balance between risk and reward for the overall portfolio. 
Investment Limits 
The Board has prescribed limits on investment policy, including: 
- no investment will exceed 12.5% of gross assets when it is made; 
- the Company will not invest more than 15% of the Company's gross assets in 
collective investment schemes or investment companies; and 
  * borrowings are limited to 15% of gross assets. 
Tax Benefits 
Income tax relief of 40% was available on VCT shares subscribed for before 5 
April 2006, provided these were held for three years. For the tax year 2006/07, 
the income tax relief for shares acquired by subscription was decreased to 30%, 
provided these were held for five years. This benefit was available on a 
maximum aggregate investment in VCTs of GBP200,000 for each of the tax years 2004 
/05 to 2006/07. In addition, dividends are tax free and profits from the 
disposal of VCT shares are exempt from capital gains tax. 
Share Capital 
The Company's issued share capital on 30 November 2010 consisted of 43,526,171 
ordinary shares of 10p each. 
Financial Highlights 
                                     AT                  AT 
                            30 NOVEMBER              31 MAY                   % 
                                   2010                2010              CHANGE 
Net assets (GBP'000)               14,170              13,881                +2.1 
Net asset value per                                                       +12.5 
share - total 
Net asset value per               32.6p               31.9p                +2.2 
Share price                       25.5p               27.0p                -5.6 
Discount                          21.8%               15.4% 
                             SIX MONTHS          SIX MONTHS 
                                  ENDED               ENDED 
                            30 NOVEMBER         30 NOVEMBER 
                                   2010                2009 
Returns per Share 
Revenue return                   (0.1)p              (0.1)p 
Capital return                     3.8p                2.8p 
Total return                       3.7p                2.7p 
Interim dividend                   2.0p                2.0p 
* Source: Thomson Financial Datastream 
Historical Record Since Launch on 2 August 2004 
PERIOD ENDED                   DIVIDEND          NET ASSETS               SHARE 
31 MAY                             RATE               GBP`000               PRICE 
2005                                  -              25,228               95.0p 
2006                                 5p              45,790              101.0p 
2007                                 5p              48,366               97.5p 
2008                                 5p              28,350               46.0p 
2009                                 5p              15,965               27.5p 
2010                                 5p              13,881               27.0p 
to 30 Nov 2010                       2p              14,170               25.5p 
Financial Markets and Performance 
The six months under review have seen a degree of continued recovery in 
confidence amongst financial market participants. That said, the market has in 
large part been driven by the mining sector, and by companies exposed to 
Emerging Market growth, many of which have become highly valued. The ongoing 
fiscal consolidation in the UK and Europe, which will no doubt be repeated in 
the US in due course, continues to weigh heavily on both government and 
consumer spending - two sectors which together account for almost 90% of UK 
Over the six months, the FTSE All Share rose by 7.1% and the FTSE AIM Index 
gained 24.1%, benefiting from resource stocks in particular. Over the period, 
the Company's total return to shareholders was 12.5%. 
An interim dividend for the period ended 30 November 2010 of 2p per share will 
be paid on 11 March 2011 to ordinary shareholders on the register on 4 February 
2011. The shares will be quoted ex-dividend on 2 February 2011. 
The Company has easily met the hurdle of 70% invested in VCT-qualifying 
investments for some time, and therefore there has been relatively modest 
turnover in the portfolio. New investments during the period included: 
Easydate, which is an online dating business with a wide range of both 
mainstream and niche brands, both in the UK and overseas; EKF Diagnostics, 
which manufactures medical diagnostic products; Hangar8 which charters private 
jets and Proteome Sciences which identifies protein markers for use in 
diagnostic tests. The Company participated in follow-on fund raisings by 
existing investments Antenova, Byotrol, Green Compliance, Tristel and Managed 
Support Services. 
Reference was made in the Annual Financial Report to the Board's confidence in 
the prospects for holdings in the portfolio and it is pleasing to be able to 
report that there were a number of strong returns from portfolio holdings in 
the first half of the year. The Company benefited from the takeovers of Mount 
Engineering, Innovision Research & Technology, Neutrahealth, and Telephonetics. 
Holdings exited during the period were @UK, Invocas, Plethora Solutions, 
Shieldtech and Synchronica. Additionally there were strong share price 
performances over the six months from Staffline (+166%) and Software Radio 
Technology (+86%) benefiting from strong trading. Performance was negatively 
impacted by Sabien Technology, which fell 38.7% due to a number of orders for 
its efficient boiler firing technology being delayed earlier in the period, 
although trading has since improved. Inditherm struggled to generate sales for 
its industrial heating polymers, and although the medical applications of its 
technology made good progress, the business remains loss making and the stock 
declined 49.9% over the period. A number of the larger holdings in the 
portfolio are unquoted and have not been revalued during the year and have thus 
not contributed to performance. 
Change of Manager 
Following the departure of the Company's portfolio manager from Invesco 
Perpetual in November 2010, the Board announced on 17 December that it had 
reviewed the Company's management arrangements and decided, subject to 
finalisation of the necessary contracts, to appoint Amati Global Investors 
Limited ("Amati") as the Company's new investment manager. In reviewing the 
options the Board has been in contact with a number of potential fund managers, 
and has taken into consideration the proposed investment strategy and the 
options which might be put to shareholders at the time of the continuation vote 
in October this year. We have concluded that shareholders' interests would be 
best served by the appointment of Amati, and we look forward to working with 
them over the coming months. Amati is working with Invesco Perpetual to oversee 
the portfolio and it is expected that the transfer of the Company's management 
and administration will be completed around mid-February. At the same date City 
Partnership will be appointed to act as Company Secretary. 
Notice of General Meeting 
Accompanying the Half-Yearly Financial Report is a Letter from the Chairman and 
Notice of a General Meeting to be held on Thursday 17 February 2011 at 12 noon 
at the offices of Amati Global Investors Limited, 76 George Street, Edinburgh, 
EH2 3BU. At the General Meeting a special resolution will be put to 
shareholders to change the Company's name to Amati VCT 2 plc. 
Julian Avery 
25 January 2011 
Related Parties 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Limited, acts as Manager, Company Secretary and Administrator to the Company. 
Details of IAML's services and fees are given in the latest annual financial 
report, which is available on the Company's website at 
As indicated in the Chairman's Report, Amati Global Investors Limited will 
shortly be appointed as the Company's new manager. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company's business 
can be divided into various areas: 
* Investment Objective and Policy; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance; 
* Regulatory and Tax Related; and 
* Ordinary Shares. 
A detailed explanation of these principal risks and uncertainties can be found 
on pages 14 and 15 of the latest annual financial report, which is available on 
the Manager's website. 
In the view of the Board, these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The 
Directors consider that this is appropriate as they have a reasonable 
expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational 
existence for the foreseeable future which, under accounting standards, is 
deemed to be 12 months after the signing date of the balance sheet. 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and UK Accounting 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
financial report have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards 
Board`s Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Report`; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by the FSA`s Disclosure and Transparency Rules; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Julian Avery 
25 January 2011 
All investments are ordinary shares and quoted on AIM unless otherwise 
                                                    COST   VALUATION NET ASSETS 
COMPANY          NATURE OF BUSINESS                GBP'000       GBP'000          % 
Oxford Nanopore  Healthcare, Equipment and           550       1,027        7.2 
Technologies UQ  Services 
Software Radio   Marine Radio Communications       1,013         999        7.1 
Brooks Macdonald Financial Services                  126         862        6.1 
Tristel          Infection Control in Hospitals      423         628        4.4 
Energetix        Alternative Energy Products         540         513        3.6 
A J Bell UQ NQ   Financial Services                  251         500        3.5 
Ilika            Science Led Material Discovery      750         493        3.5 
Kiotech          Pharmaceuticals                     550         490        3.5 
Staffline        Blue Collar Recruitment             180         472        3.3 
Landkom          Food Producer/Processor             721         455        3.2 
International NQ 
Green Compliance Support Services                    280         390        2.8 
Byotrol PQ       Infection Control Products          680         370        2.6 
Brainjuicer      Online Market Research              189         341        2.4 
Futura Medical   Innovative Products for the         150         328        2.3 
                 Consumer Healthcare Market 
Easydate         Recreational Services               175         300        2.1 
Infrared         Digital Recognition System          300         300        2.1 
Proximagen       Biotechnology                       296         296        2.1 
Proactis         Software and Computer Services      344         288        2.0 
Brulines         Beer Pump Monitors                  323         284        2.0 
Cohort PQ        Defence Technical Services          443         274        1.9 
Sabien           Energy Efficient Boiler             416         270        1.9 
Technology       Technology 
Antenova UQ -    High Performance Antennae           625         269        1.9 
ordinary and 
Hangar8          Transportation Services             250         258        1.8 
FfastFill        Application Services Provider       182         221        1.6 
                 for Trading 
EKF Diagnostics  Medical Equipment                   150         220        1.6 
System C         Healthcare Software                 324         219        1.5 
Publishing       Publishing Technology               442         217        1.5 
Proteome         Biotechnology                       150         203        1.4 
Hasgrove         Marketing and PR Consultancy        440         202        1.4 
Managed Support  Suppliers of Quality Building       225         177        1.2 
Services         Solutions 
Cyan PQ          Semi-conductor                      830         170        1.2 
Mears NQ         Housing Maintenance and             140         166        1.2 
                 Domiciliary Care 
Bglobal          Next Generation Electricity and     175         163        1.2 
                 Gas Meters 
DM               Premium Rate Phone Based Games      357         141        1.0 
Syntopix         Drug Research                       416         125        0.9 
Netcall          Software                            268         125        0.9 
Altona Energy NQ Coal to Liquids                     104         125        0.9 
Inditherm        Manufacturer of High Technology 
Control                                              400         120        0.8 
Sanderson        Information Technology              200         104        0.7 
Mission          Regionally Based Advertising        760          88        0.6 
Marketing PQ     Services 
Oxford Catalysts Clean Fuels Research                250          85        0.6 
Getech PQ        Oil Services                        254          85        0.6 
Adept Telecom PQ Telecom Services                    397          65        0.5 
Datong           High Performance Surveillance       169          63        0.5 
Sarantel PQ      Antennae for Mobile Devices         438          63        0.5 
Angle            Consulting                          242          57        0.4 
Zamano           Mobile Telecommunication            398          50        0.4 
Augean           Hazardous Waste Management          300          44        0.3 
Enfis PQ         Manufacturer of High Power LEDs     485          43        0.3 
Synairgen        Biotechnology                       214          40        0.3 
Top fifty                                         18,285      13,788       97.3 
Other                                              7,322          60        0.4 
Total value of                                    25,607      13,848       97.7 
all investments 
Net current                                                      322        2.3 
assets less 
Net assets                                                    14,170      100.0 
NQ:              Non-qualifying investments 
PQ:              Part-qualifying investments 
UQ:              Unquoted (excluding stocks 
                 listed on AIM) 
                                                                        YEAR TO 
                         SIX MONTHS TO             SIX MONTHS TO         31 MAY 
                       30 NOVEMBER 2010           30 NOVEMBER 2009         2010 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Losses on                  - (3,664) (3,664)        -   (1,904) (1,904) (1,861) 
realisation of 
Movement in                -   5,392   5,392        -     3,197   3,197   2,185 
investment holding 
UK dividends              56       -      56       66         -      66     131 
Overseas dividends         3       -       3        4         -       4       8 
                          59   1,728   1,787       70     1,293   1,363     463 
Investment              (22)    (66)    (88)     (29)      (84)   (113)   (166) 
management fee - 
note 2 
Other expenses          (98)     (6)   (104)     (87)      (10)    (97)   (205) 
                       (120)    (72)   (192)    (116)      (94)   (210)   (371) 
Return on ordinary      (61)   1,656   1,595     (46)     1,199   1,153      92 
activities before 
Tax on ordinary            -       -       -        -         -       -       - 
activities - note 
Return on ordinary      (61)   1,656   1,595     (46)     1,199   1,153      92 
activities after 
tax for the period 
Return per share      (0.1)p    3.8p    3.7p   (0.1)p      2.8p    2.7p    0.2p 
basic - note 4 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's profit and loss 
account. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared on a 
memorandum basis by applying the principles of the Statement of Recommended 
Practice, published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in 
the above statement derive from continuing operations. The Company has no other 
gains or losses, hence no statement of total recognised gains and losses is 
presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. 
Registered Number 5121438                       AT              AT           AT 
                                       30 NOVEMBER     30 NOVEMBER       31 MAY 
                                              2010            2009         2010 
                                             GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value              13,848          14,802       13,222 
Current assets 
Amounts due from brokers                         -               2           68 
Prepayments and accrued income                  23              25           27 
Cash and short-term deposits                   492           1,309        1,006 
                                               515           1,336        1,101 
Creditors: amounts falling due 
  within one year 
Amounts due to brokers                           -            (48)        (185) 
Accruals and deferred income                 (104)            (99)        (119) 
Trail commission payable                      (11)            (11)         (49) 
                                             (115)           (158)        (353) 
Net current assets                             400           1,178          748 
Total assets less current                   14,248          15,980       13,970 
Provisions - note 5                           (78)           (168)         (89) 
Net assets                                  14,170          15,812       13,881 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                4,353           4,353        4,353 
Capital redemption reserve                      23              23           23 
Special reserve                             31,791          33,967       33,097 
Profit and loss account                   (21,997)        (22,531)     (23,592) 
Total Shareholders' funds                   14,170          15,812       13,881 
Net asset value per share - note 6           32.6p           36.3p        31.9p 
                                        SIX MONTHS     SIX MONTHS       FOR THE 
                                             ENDED          ENDED    YEAR ENDED 
                                       30 NOVEMBER    30 NOVEMBER        31 MAY 
                                              2010           2009          2010 
                                             GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000 
Net return before finance costs 
  and taxation                               1,595          1,153            92 
Gains on investments                       (1,728)        (1,293)         (324) 
Decrease in debtors                              4             41            39 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors 
provisions (excluding trail                   (15)              5           (5) 
Net cashflow from operating 
  activities                                 (144)           (94)         (198) 
Capital expenditure and financial 
  Purchase of investments                  (1,293)          (698)       (1,389) 
  Sale of investments                        2,278          2,377         3,750 
Equity dividends paid                      (1,306)        (1,306)       (2,176) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash before 
  financing                                  (465)            279          (13) 
  Trail commission paid to IFAs               (49)           (49)          (60) 
Management of liquid resources                 520          (235)            65 
Movement in net funds in period                  6            (5)           (8) 
Cash (outflow)/inflow from 
  movement in liquid resources               (520)            235          (65) 
Net funds at beginning of period             1,006          1,079         1,079 
Net funds at end of period                     492          1,309         1,006 
Analysis of changes in net funds 
Brought forward: 
  Cash                                           1              9             9 
  Short term deposits                        1,005          1,070         1,070 
Net funds brought forward                    1,006          1,079         1,079 
Movements in the period: 
  Cash outflow from bank                         6            (5)           (8) 
  Cash (outflow)/inflow from short 
    term deposits                            (520)            235          (65) 
Net funds at end of period                     492          1,309         1,006 
                                          CAPITAL              PROFIT 
                               SHARE   REDEMPTION  SPECIAL   AND LOSS 
                             CAPITAL      RESERVE  RESERVE    ACCOUNT    TOTAL 
                               GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
For the six months ended 30 
November 2009 
At 31 May 2009                 4,353           23   35,273   (23,684)   15,965 
Final dividend paid                -            -  (1,306)          -  (1,306) 
Return for the period from         -            -        -      1,153    1,153 
the income statement 
At 30 November 2009            4,353           23   33,967   (22,531)   15,812 
For the year ended 31 May 
At 31 May 2009                 4,353           23   35,273   (23,684)   15,965 
Dividends paid                     -            -  (2,176)          -  (2,176) 
Return for the year from           -            -        -         92       92 
the income statement 
At 31 May 2010                 4,353           23   33,097   (23,592)   13,881 
For the six months ended 30 
November 2010 
At 31 May 2010                 4,353           23   33,097   (23,592)   13,881 
Final dividend paid                -            -  (1,306)          -  (1,306) 
Return for the period from         -            -        -      1,595    1,595 
the income statement 
At 30 November 2010            4,353           23   31,791   (21,997)   14,170 
1. Accounting Policies 
The condensed financial statements use the same accounting policies as those 
adopted in the 2010 annual financial report. They have been prepared under the 
historical cost convention and are consistent with applicable UK Accounting 
Standards. To reflect better the activities of the Company as a venture capital 
trust, they are also consistent, wherever possible, with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice: `Financial Statements of Investment Companies and Venture 
Capital Trust Companies'. 
2. Management Fees 
The investment management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to revenue. 
3. Tax 
The Company pays no UK tax. 
4. Basis of Returns 
                                    SIX MONTHS    SIX MONTHS        YEAR 
                                         ENDED         ENDED       ENDED 
                                   30 NOVEMBER   30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY 
                                          2010          2009        2010 
Returns after tax: 
Revenue                              (GBP61,000)     (GBP46,000)   (GBP93,000) 
Capital                             GBP1,656,000    GBP1,199,000    GBP185,000 
Total                               GBP1,595,000   GBP1,153,0000     GBP92,000 
Number of ordinary 
  shares in issue 
  throughout the period             43,526,171    43,526,171  43,526,171 
5. Provisions 
a) Trail commission payable on the issue of the ordinary shares: 
                                     SIX MONTHS     SIX MONTHS      YEAR 
                                          ENDED          ENDED     ENDED 
                                    30 NOVEMBER    30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                           2010           2009      2010 
                                          GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening provision                            89            149       149 
Charge for period                          (11)           (11)      (60) 
Closing provision                            78            138        89 
b) Deferred management fee: 
                                     SIX MONTHS     SIX MONTHS      YEAR 
                                          ENDED          ENDED     ENDED 
                                    30 NOVEMBER    30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                           2010           2009      2010 
                                          GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening provision                             -             19        19 
Charge for period                             -             11      (19) 
Closing provision                             -             30         - 
Total provisions                             78            168        89 
As discussed in the 2010 annual financial report, no provision for deferred 
management fees has been made as it is unlikely that this will become payable. 
6. Basis of Basic Net Asset Values: 
                                  30 NOVEMBER   30 NOVEMBER        31 MAY 
                                         2010          2009          2010 
Shareholders' funds               GBP14,170,000   GBP15,812,000   GBP13,881,000 
Ordinary shares in issue           43,526,171    43,526,171    43,526,171 
7. Dividends 
An interim dividend of 2p per share will be paid on 11 March 2011 to 
shareholders on the register on 4 February 2011. A final dividend of 3p for the 
year ended 31 May 2010, totalling GBP1,306,000, was paid on 22 October 2010. 
8. Status of Half-Yearly Financial Report 
The financial information contained in this half-yearly report, which has not 
been audited nor reviewed by the auditors, does not constitute statutory 
accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial 
information for the half years ended 30 November 2010 and 30 November 2009 has 
not been audited. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 
May 2010 are extracted and abridged from the latest published accounts. Those 
accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and include the 
Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified and did not include a 
statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
By order of the Board 
Invesco Asset Management Limited, 
25 January 2011 
Julian Avery (Chairman) 
Professor James MacLeod (Chairman of the Audit Committee) 
Christopher Macdonald 
Richard Martin 
Manager, Company Secretary and Registered Office 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
30 Finsbury Square 
London EC2A 1AG 
Tel: 020 7065 4000 
Company Secretarial contact: Kelly Nice 
Company Number 
Registered in England and Wales: No. 5121438 
Capita Registrars 
Northern House 
Woodsome Park 
Fenay Bridge 
West Yorkshire HD8 0LA 
If you have any queries relating to your shareholding you should contact the 
Registrars` call centre on: 0871 664 0300 between 8.30am and 5.30pm every 
working day. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras 
Shareholders can also access their holding details via Capita's website 
www.capitaregistrars.com or www.capitashareportal.com. 
The Registrars provide an on-line and telephone share dealing service to 
existing shareholders who are not seeking advice on buying or selling. This 
service is available at www.capitadeal.com or telephone 0871 664 0364. Calls 
cost 10p per minute plus network extras. Lines are open from 8am to 4.30pm 
every working day. 
Matrix Corporate Capital LLP 
One Vine Street 
W1J 0AH 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
30 Finsbury Square 
London EC2A 1AG 
020 7065 4000 
The contents of websites referred to in this document, or accessible from links 
within those websites are not incorporated into, nor do they form part of this 
Invesco Asset Management Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of 
Invesco Limited and is authorised and regulated by 
the Financial Services Authority 
Invesco Perpetual is a business name of Invesco Asset Management Limited 

Amati VCT 2 (LSE:IPA)
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