04 October 2024
Kavango Resources
("Kavango" or "the
BOTS - Karakubis Project
Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the Southern
Africa focussed metals exploration company, is pleased to provide
an update on its ongoing Phase 1 stratigraphic drill campaign at
the Karakubis Copper Project ("Karakubis") in Botswana's Kalahari
Copper Belt ("KCB").
Kavango's analysis of intersections from its
first five holes has identified the same stratigraphic sequences at
Karakubis as those believed to be present around Sandfire
Resources' (ASX:SFR) Motheo Mine and similar to MMG's (HKEX:1208)
Zone 5 Deposit. Motheo and Zone 5 are two of the largest known
copper deposits in the KCB.
Further, all five holes demonstrate evidence of
both functioning structural "trap-sites" and substantial
hydrothermal alteration. The confirmation of these two geological
"engines" is an important indicator that the ground at Karakubis
has been subjected to the correct processes for the accumulation of
large-scale copper-silver deposits.
Finally, the Company, through pXRF analysis,
has confirmed the presence of copper, silver, lead and zinc
mineralisation in all five holes it has drilled. The combination of
these four metals is highly encouraging for Kavango's continued
exploration for a major commercial discovery.
Based on the promising results of the first
five holes, Kavango is now conducting further geophysical surveying
to narrow down its target list for future drilling. These surveys
will be completed in parallel with the remainder of the current
5,000m diamond programme.
· The
Phase 1 drill campaign was designed to confirm stratigraphy and
evidence for mineralising fluids having passed through structural
trap sites capable of hosting large-scale copper/silver
Five holes now completed for a total of 2,838m of its planned
o All five holes have
confirmed the primary objective of the current drill
· The
stratigraphy intersected in drilling so far varies from that of the
surrounding region, as modelled by Kavango using open-source
material prior to drilling.
However, Kavango has observed the same general sedimentary
cycles at Karakubis as those believed to be present at Sandfire's
tenements around the Motheo Mine and at MMG's tenements in the
vicinity of the Zone 5 Mine.
Kavango has commenced further geophysical surveying to expand
the Company's understanding of the structural setting within the
Karakubis area.
o The Company has
completed ground-breaking preliminary Induced Polarisation ("IP")
to a depth of 1,200m and is in the process of collecting Controlled
Source Audio MagnetoTelluric data
Initial analysis has also identified extensive alteration
over broad zones, copper sulphides, and pathfinder minerals for
copper-silver mineralisation in all drill intersections so
o Hole KCBDD006 has
been the most encouraging hole to date, with the following
§ At 318.79m bornite
was encountered with a pXRF copper reading of 1.28%
§ At 541.02m
chalcopyrite was encountered with pXRf readings of 32.06% copper,
711ppm zinc, 604ppm Silver, 354ppm lead and 24ppm
These provide increasing evidence for what Kavango has
interpreted to be a larger mineralised system and will be followed
up with assay testing in the lab.

Figure 1:
KCBDD006, NQ size core with Bornite in quartz vein at

Figure 2:
KCBDD006, NQ size core with Chalcopyrite in quartz vein at

Figure 3:
KCBDD006, NQ size core with Chalcopyrite in quartz vein at
Ben Turney,
Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources,
"We are
extremely pleased with how exploration of our Karakubis Copper
Project, part of our 6,200km2 KCB mineral rights
package, is progressing. We are applying sophisticated targeting
techniques that are delivering promising results. The chalcopyrite
and bornite we encountered in Hole KCBDD006 are particularly
encouraging indicators.
Karakubis is an extremely large
project that appears increasingly prospective for large-scale
copper deposits. These technical steps are important for
our team's understanding of the stratigraphy of the Karakubis area
and are critical stage gates on our path towards
commercial discovery."
results and interpretation
All historic and completed geophysical data has
now been compiled, inverted, modelled and incorporated into the
regional exploration programme.
Initial drill targets were ranked and selected
based upon the following criteria;
Geology (mapped field geology and geology interpreted from
water boreholes and historic exploration drill holes),
Geophysics (including airborne survey data from government
surveys and higher resolution Company survey programmes
incorporating a combination of, magnetic, electromagnetic and
gravity surveys, together with Inversions) and including ground
surveys utilising multiple different Gradient Induced Polarisation
("IP") arrays with Stacked Schlumberger Sections and
Figure 4: Kavango
interpreted geological map overlain on regional First Vertical
Derivative (1VD) geophysical image and showing selected drill holes
in ranked order.
Kavango is using select features logged in the
diamond drill cores as vectoring components to;
Help distinguish sedimentary cycles within the
Identify key structural components,
Characterise hydrothermal alteration features
Classify mineralisation types and styles to target potential
trap sites.
Figure 5: Kavango high
resolution airborne magnetic Reduced to Pole ("RTP") high pass
filtered image superimposed over interpreted geological map draped
on regional airborne magnetic 1VD image and showing selected drill
holes and completed holes with vectoring
The successful completion of five stratigraphic
holes for 2,838.10m in the 5,000m Phase 1 diamond drill campaign at
Karakubis has developed the exploration model. Further, it has
provided detailed information on the variation in stratigraphy in
this part of the belt, as well as the detection of significantly
wide zones of hydrothermal alteration associated with faults and
fold flexures. The results include the discovery of copper
sulphides and pathfinder minerals in the siltstones within the
Table 1
Borehole details
All co-ordinates in WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_34S.
Prior to commencing drilling Kavango compiled a
series of generalised lithostratigraphic sections from open-source
material across and along the belt. Although there are some
variations in stratigraphy to the generalised sections,
significantly, the same general sedimentary cycles have been
identified at Karakubis as are believed to be present at Sandfire's
tenements around the Motheo Mine and at MMG's tenements in the
vicinity of the Zone 5 Mine, with a lower series of coarsening
upward lithological units overlain by an upper series comprising
sequences of fining upward lithological units.

Figure 6: Cross-section looking NE from KCBDD006 (L1170)
towards KCBDD002 & KCBDD003 (L1340) with IP Chargeability
Inversions on each section line. The same IP chargeability features
have been drill tested on both lines, 8.5km apart to assess the
stratigraphy within and across the features and try to establish
the overall stratigraphic position from the types of lithologies,
sedimentary cycles and vector components.
The stratigraphic drilling to-date has
intersected significantly wide zones of hydrothermal alteration
associated with faults and fold flexures and includes the discovery
of copper sulphides and pathfinder minerals in veins and along
parting planes in the siltstones within the sequence.

Figure 7: Cross-section looking NE from KCBDD006 (L1170)
towards KCBDD002 & KCBDD003 (L1340) with AEM Conductivity
Inversions on each section line. The faulted structural feature on
line L1340 is represented by a faulted anticline on line L1170 with
wide zones of alteration noted in the "washouts" within the AEM
The presence of copper sulphides, in many
cases, overprinting pyrite in veins, together with pathfinder
minerals along parting planes, in the structural fabric and within
more porous lithologies, is considered by Kavango to be evidence of
a mineralised fluid having moved through what is interpreted to be
a larger mineralised system.
Kavango plans to complete the current hole,
KCBDD007, and then focus on completing the ground geophysical
programme using IP and Controlled Source Audio frequency
Magnetotellurics ("CSAMT") before resuming the Phase 1 drilling
These survey programmes over carefully selected
drill sections have been designed to test a number of parameters to
help discriminate faults, folds and possible lithologies using
differences in resistivity and chargeability to resolve the contact
position between the D'Kar and Ngwako Pan Formations at depth,
above which sits the drill targeted zone.
The Company has completed its first orientation
survey of deep IP, calibrating the method to achieve quality data
over significant depths down to 0m above sea level ("mASL") with a
section of 1,200m depth extent. This data will now be peer
reviewed, modelled and inverted.
The first orientation line of CSAMT has also
just been completed, with further testing and lines planned. This
data will also be peer reviewed, modelled and inverted.
These technical steps are important to the technical team's understanding of
the stratigraphy of the Karakubis area and are critical stage gates on our path towards

Figure 8: KCBDD006 plotted on IP Line 1175E Dipole Insight 3D
resistivity plot with airborne magnetic and regional bouguer
gravity data.

Figure 9: KCBDD006 plotted on IP Line 1175E Dipole Insight 3D
chargeability plot with airborne magnetic and regional bouguer
gravity data.

Figure 10: KCBDD006 on measured CSAMT data just received from
the field.
Kavango will systematically compile all the
data from its drilling programme and use the data to vector towards
a possible discovery.
For further information please
Resources plc
Ben Turney
+46 7697 406 06
First Equity (Broker)
Jason Robertson
+44 207 374 2212
Competent Person Statement
The technical information contained in this
announcement pertaining to geology and exploration have been
compiled by Mr David Catterall, a Competent Person and a member of
a Recognised Professional Organisations (ROPO). David Catterall has
sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting
of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC
2012). David is the principal geologist at Tulia Blueclay Limited
and a consultant to Kavango Resources. David Catterall is a member
of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, a
recognised professional organisation.
The technical information contained in this
announcement pertaining to geophysics have been read and approved
by Mr. Jeremy S. Brett, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Geophysical
Consultant, Jeremy S. Brett International Consulting Ltd. in
Toronto, Canada. Mr. Brett is a member of the Professional
Geoscientists of Ontario, the Prospectors and Developers
Association of Canada, the Canadian Exploration Geophysical
Society, and the Society of Economic Geologists. Mr. Brett
has sufficient experience that is relevant to geophysics applied
the styles of mineralisation and types of deposits under
consideration to act as a Qualified Person as defined under the
Canadian National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for
Mineral Projects.