22 November
("Kavango" or "the
ZIM -- High-Grade Gold Opportunity at
Prospect 4
Kavango Resources
plc (LSE: KAV), the Southern Africa focussed metals exploration
company is pleased to announce its plan to increase high-grade gold
production at Prospect 4 ("Prospect 4"), at the Hillside Project
("Hillside") in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe.
High-grade gold
mineralisation is currently being extracted by contract miners on a
small-scale basis at Prospect 4 and trucked 20km to the Company's
processing facility at the main Hillside Project area. Volumes are
currently low and Kavango believes there is significant scope to
increase high-grade gold production at Prospect
To this
end, Kavango has identified an experienced South African
manufacturer to commence work on designing a gold production plant
(the "Plant"), with the capacity to process a minimum 100 tonnes
per day ("t/d") and maximum 200t/d of mineralised
Plant will be designed as a modular plant so that it can be easily
and cheaply relocated to other projects within Kavango's inventory,
in the event that Technical Economic Assessment ("TEA") studies at
Prospect 4 support the installation of a larger production
Kavango has conducted preliminary
exploration over Prospect 4. Highlights
o Hole SKDD001
returned 2.53m @ 29.08 grammes per tonne
("g/t") gold from 97.47m, associated with visible gold (peak grade
of 212.07g/t over 0.34m)
(announced >>>15th
April 2024).
o Assays from 582
surface soil samples collected over 1.5km² returned a
peak value of 8.21g/t, with 19 samples returning grades
>0.5g/t (announced
>>> 19 August 2024).
o Ongoing geological
mapping has tracked increased artisanal and small-scale workings
over the area, with at least 8 mineralised vein shears currently
being mined. Kavango's senior geologists have observed visible gold
in surface stock piles from 4 of these vein shears.
Current high-grade gold production is carried out by
small-scale miners, under contract with Kavango Mining. Production
is constrained by the mining methods used, the distance by road to
Kavango's processing facility at Hillside, and the Hillside
processing facility's maximum production capacity of 40-50
· To
increase high-grade gold production at Prospect 4, Kavango
has identified a South African manufacturer
to commence work on designing the Plant.
Further exploration drilling at Prospect 4 to commence in the
New Year.
o 4 holes planned from
500m to 600m in depth to test the continuity and depth extent of
visible gold bearing quartz-vein shears
o Currently more than
12 sub parallel vein sets have been identified
Ben Turney,
Chief Executive of Kavango Resources, commented:
"Following our recent
announcement of resource drilling at Prospect 3, we continue at a
fast pace of development at the Hillside Gold Project with plans
for an underground high-grade gold operation at Prospect
We have high hopes for the
next phase of drilling at Prospect 4. We've identified 12 sub
parallel vein sets, intersected a 2.53m mineralised section grading
at 29.08g/t in Hole SKDD001 and have conducted extensive surface
sampling that has returned very positive results.
Once we have finished
drilling at Prospect 3, we will mobilise the two rigs to Prospect 4
to conduct the next phase of exploration there. As well
as assay tests, we intend
to complete metallurgical test work on core samples from the next
four holes. Our goal will be to use this data to guide the
Technical Economic Assessment (TEA) for this
Given the amount of current
high-grade small-scale mining at Prospect 4, we will work on the
specification for a more advanced processing plant in parallel to
exploration. We are confident production at Prospect 4 can sustain
a minimum 100t/d plant and potentially a 200t/d plant in the
Our plan is then to use free
cash flow generated through the new processing plant to pay for the
TEA. If results are favourable, the final TEA for Prospect 4 could
provide a blueprint for substantially higher gold production for
We look forward to providing
more updates in the New Year."
Plan to accelerate gold production at
Prospect 4
Prospect 4 is
located 13km directly north of the main Hillside Project area (20km
by road). There are currently 4 contract miners extracting
high-grade gold mineralisation on a small-scale basis from narrow
vein shears at Prospect 4. Under the terms of the contract with
Kavango Mining, the contract miners are required to deliver ore
mined at Prospect 4 to the Company's current processing facility at
the main Hillside Project area. Kavango believes there is
opportunity to make significant improvements to gold production at
Prospect 4, by introducing modern mechanised mining methods and a
contemporary processing facility.
To this end,
Kavango has commissioned an experienced South African manufacturer
to commence work on designing the Plant at Prospect 4. Should
exploration at Prospect 4 meet the Company's expectations, and
Kavango moves to building and installing the Plant, Kavango
believes the Plant could act as a "stopgap", ahead of much
larger-scale mechanised mining at Prospect 4 following TEA study
Kavango believes
the economic potential at Prospect 4 is substantial based on the
significant grade intercepts in hole SKDD001, the extensive nature
of the contract artisanal workings completed to date, and the
visible gold witnessed in ore at surface. Kavango estimates that
the artisanal and small-scale workings extend less than 30m below
the surface leaving the mineralised zone extensions at depth
Table 1:
Significant intersections from borehole SKDD001
m From
m To
m Interval
Gold g/t
*All thicknesses are downhole intersection

Figure 1:
Artisanal miners working two parallel mineralised quartz-vein
shears, <5m apart

Figure 2: Photographs of
each of the two artisanal workings shown above in Figure 1. Each of
the workings is between 0.5m and 1m in width and follow the
mineralised quartz-vein shears.
Further exploration drilling at Prospect
Current artisanal
workings at Prospect 4 are focussed on the most western zone and
target 8 sub-parallel, closely spaced vein sets that are 4m-10m
apart. Kavango's senior geologists observed visible gold in grab
samples taken from 4 of the vein shears ("reefs") on a recent field
small-scale mining activity at Prospect 4 is extensive with a
strike length of well over 1km (including both the western and
eastern zones), with the western zone having a strike length of
approximately 400m. The small-scale workings are estimated to
extend to depths of up to 30m.
Kavango's next
planned activity at this site is to drill 4 diamond drill holes up
to 600m long to pass under the vertical extent of the small-scale
workings, and to pass through all the sub parallel vein sets
(potentially up to 12). The objectives of this drill program
1. To
confirm grade continuity and extensions of the reefs both at depth
and along strike.
2. To
understand better the geological environment and controls on the
economic gold grade, and
3. To
gather samples for metallurgical and geotechnical test

Figure 3: Map of Prospect 4
showing structural features together with artisanal workings,
completed borehole and proposed boreholes for initial phase of the
TEA study.
Development of a gold processing plant
at Prospect 4
Transportation of
extracted mineralisation produced at Prospect 4 to the to the
Hillside processing facility (20km away by road) has proven to be
inconsistent, unreliable, and problematic. Processing capacity at
Hillside is also limited to circa 40t/d-50t/d maximum.
Given the apparent
economic potential at Prospect 4 and current level of mining here,
Kavango believes the new Plant will resolve these production
bottlenecks. The Plant will be designed to process extracted
mineralised material produced by the contract small-scale miners
employed at the site. The design will be guided by a metallurgical
test work program completed on the samples taken from the
forthcoming drill program, together with bulk samples taken from
artisanal workings.
The Plant will
increase cashflow from artisanal extracted mineralised material as
soon as is possible and contribute to the funding of a TEA study to
evaluate the potential for larger scale mechanised underground
mining and processing operations at Prospect 4.
Kavango believes
it is likely the TEA study and full mechanised mining plan for
Prospect 4 will potentially require a much larger scale Carbon In
Pulp ("CIP") plant in future, therefore the initial small scale
Plant will be of a modular design so that it easily and cheaply be
relocated to other projects within Kavango's inventory of projects
at a future date.

Figure 4: Illustrative
layout of 100t/d CIP gold processing plant
Plan to open first underground
exploration decline at Prospect 4
The Prospect 4
site is characterised with steep and rough terrain. Additionally,
there are many artisanal voids open to the surface, which would
make a surface drilled only resource definition drill program
difficult and costly to complete.
To resolve this,
and should exploration results continue to be positive, Kavango
expects to open a first underground exploration decline at Prospect
4 (the "Underground Decline"). The Underground Decline would be
used for exploration and potential resource definition drilling at
Prospect 4 to aid future mining operations.
Results from the
forthcoming exploration drill program at Prospect 4 will guide the
design and development of the Underground Decline. Should Kavango
commission it, the Underground Decline will allow further
exploration and definition drilling together with initial grade
control drilling to be completed in a timely and cost-effective
manner, from multiple underground drill positions.
A resource
definition drill program will be necessary as part of any further
TEA studies for the creation of a high confidence mine plan and
schedule. It is anticipated a much larger CIP plant will be
necessary for to develop the full economic potential at Prospect
The slope of the
terrain at Prospect 4 combined with the low amount of
unconsolidated and oxidised cover affords the project an
opportunity to develop a small box-cut with quick vertical
advancement via decline development. Geotechnical logging and
observation of the ground conditions within the artisanal workings
appear to show favourable ground conditions. The Underground
Decline will be designed in a manner that it can be utilised in
future as the primary mine access and production haulage route
should a larger scale mechanised underground mining operation prove
viable from the results of the TEA study.
Subject to drill
results in the next phase of exploration, Kavango expects to
commence work on the Underground Decline at Prospect 4 in H1
Kavango's Operations in
Kavango is
exploring for gold deposits in Zimbabwe that have the potential to
be brought into production quickly through modern mechanised
mining. The Company is targeting both open-pit and underground
Currently, Kavango
has two projects on the same greenstone belt, Hillside and
Kavango exercised
its option to acquire Hillside in April 2024. Here the Company has
two high-priority targets that it hopes to bring into production
over the next 18 months; Prospect 3 and Prospect 4. At Prospect 3
Kavango is investigating the potential for an open-pit selective
bulk mining operation. Meanwhile, at Prospect 4 Kavango is pursuing
a high-grade, underground bulk-minable opportunity.
In parallel to
this, Kavango has an option to acquire the Nara Project that
currently runs until the end of June 2025. Here, the Company is
exploring for a large-scale, bulk-minable underground deposit at
Nara. The primary target zone is around the historic N1 mine, where
the Company is assessing the potential to expand artisanal workings
at depth and along strike.
information in respect of the Company and its business interests is
provided on the Company's website at and
on Twitter at #KAV.
further information please contact:
Kavango Resources
+46 7697 406
First Equity
+44 207 374
Kavango Competent Person
The technical
information contained in this announcement pertaining to mining has
been compiled by Mr Craig Hatch, a Competent Person and a member of
a Recognised Professional Organisations (ROPO). Craig Hatch has
sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mining and
type of deposit under consideration and to the activities being
proposed to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012
Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC 2012). Craig is
the Principal Mining Engineer of Minorex Pty Ltd and a consultant
to Kavango Resources and is a member of the Australasian Institute
of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), a recognised professional
The technical
information contained in this announcement pertaining to geology
and exploration have been compiled by Mr David Catterall, a
Competent Person and a member of a Recognised Professional
Organisations (ROPO). David Catterall has sufficient experience
that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit
under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify
as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the
Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC 2012). David is the principal
geologist at Tulia Blueclay Limited and a consultant to Kavango
Resources. David Catterall is a member of the South African Council
for Natural Scientific Professions, a recognised professional