Date: 26 September 2008
                                              AIM : LCSS

                                  Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund

                         ("Lewis Charles" or "the Company" or "the Fund")


-    Net asset value (NAV) of 122 pence per share (increase of 5% since 31
December 2007);
-    Further institutional sales in Sofia Vitosha Simeonova development expected
during Q4 2008;
-    At Govedarci a dedicated sales team and strategy is in place and the sales
programme will be implemented during Q4 2008;
-    Rough construction stage completed at the Razlog/Bansko project - a sales
campaign will begin during Q4 2008;
-    The project design at Plovdiv was approved in July 2008 and the design visa
should be endorsed by the end of Q4 2008;
-    The planning certificate for change of use to residential designation at
Banya was issued in September;
-    Bulgaria is expected to show amongst the fastest economic growth in Europe
in 2008 at 6.4%.

Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited (AIM: LCSS), the property investment 
fund specialising in Bulgarian residential properties, today announces its 
interim result for the period 1 January to 30 June 2008.

Commenting today, Mark Anderson, Investment Director of the Lewis Charles Sofia
Property Fund, said 'The demanding market conditions have been well documented 
and the Fund continues to trade at a considerable discount to its NAV.
Nevertheless, work has continued in earnest and there have been some successes
over the first six months with the projects  progressing  well.  We look forward 
to keeping the market informed once further milestones have been achieved.'

Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund
Loraine Pinel, Fund Manager
Mark Anderson, Fund Manager
Tel: +44 20 7456 9114

Panmure Gordon, Nominated Adviser and Broker
Dominic Morley
Stuart Gledhill
Tel: +44 20 7459 3600

Conduit PR Ltd
Ed Portman
Leesa Peters
Tel: +44 20 7429 6607
Tel: +44 7733 363 501

Chairman's Statement

The Fund remains in a good position to weather the economic storms that are
having such an effect on the world economy generally and property markets in
particular. The principal reasons for being well placed reflect:

     The Fund's strategy of having a land bank distributed evenly through the
     different stages of development;

     A shrewd acquisition policy that allows the Fund to capture the benefits of
     Bulgaria's economic growth, by careful selection of sites with maximum

     The continued strength of the economy (the fastest growth in the EU this year),
     which has underpinned the domestic property market.

     The absence of any significant borrowing.

The quantifiable evidence for this lies in the net asset value figures shown in
these half year results. The fair value valuation in Euros at end June 2008 has
come down only slightly from end December, from Euro 1.58 per share to Euro 1.54
per share. Meanwhile, the Sterling valuation, because of the recent depreciation
of Sterling against the Euro, has increased over this period, to 122p a share,
from 116p a share at end December 2007.

We will continue to position the fund to benefit from the underlying strength of
the Bulgarian economy whilst seeking to maximise shareholders' returns.

Charles Burton

26 September 2008

Investment Manager's Report

The Bulgarian Economy

GDP growth for 2008 is expected to average a fairly robust 6.35% before slowing
towards 5.4% for 2009. Much of next year's deceleration is expected to be driven 
by slower trade with the weak Eurozone.  Consumer spending is continuing to hold 
up well, supported by strong income growth; average earnings were up 24% in the 
second quarter of 2008 (wages are the lowest in the EU).  In addition, the 
unemployment rate continues to fall and at 6% is at its lowest level in 8 years.  
Strong investment seen in recent years is also yielding results through improved 
export performance. On the negative side, and although it may have peaked, 
inflation is still a concern at 14.5% p.a. in July. Base effects, a good harvest 
and lower oil prices ought, however, to help subdue inflation through the second 
half of 2008 but the rate is not expected to drop to single digits until well into 
2009.  The large current account deficit is also a concern. (Source: Oxford Economics)

Bulgarian Property Market Update

Prices of new apartments in Sofia rose during the first half of 2008 by between
9.0% - 18.0% depending on location. The regions just outside the ring road on
the south side of Sofia  (such as Simeonovo, Lozen and Bistritsa) are attracting
strong investor interest and several large residential projects are planned in
these areas. Prices of holiday properties in ski and sea resorts have not risen
during the period and the sector faces inevitable headwinds from the effects of
the international financial crisis. In Bansko there are now few development
opportunities because of the reluctance of the municipality to grant any more
construction permits, and building activity has been shifting to the nearby
townships of Razlog and Dobrinishte. Prices of high-end apartments in Razlog
bucked the trend and rose by around 10% during the first half (a block of luxury
apartments by the golf course is now being sold for EUR 1,990 per m). (Source:
Forton International)


The table below provides a summary of the investments held by the company as at
30 June 2008:

                                 Land Area   Build Area     Cost       Valuation
                                     M2          M2         (Eur)        (Eur)
                                                          30/06/2008   30/06/2008
Goverdartsi (Crystal Vale/
Crystal Glade)
Beli Iskar (Crystal Heights)
Dolna Banya
Sofia Kambanite Bistritsa                       100,713
Banya                                           182,130
Sofia Vitosha vets
Simeonovo (Note 1 below)                                  12,379,443

Total                                            553,382  47,530,206

Note 1: Options on these properties have been exercised and full ownership will
be transferred to the Fund on satisfactory completion of projects by the

Note 2: Some build areas are estimated subject to planning approval. Because of
the provisions of IAS 2 some of these values may not be fully reflected in the
balance sheet. A full reconciliation between the accounting NAV and published
valuation NAV is contained in the notes to the Financial Statements.

1.   Govedarci (Crystal Vale and Crystal Glade)
The first phase of Crystal Vale has almost reached rough construction stage, and
all utilities have been secured. A dedicated sales team and strategy is in place
and the sales programme will be implemented during the fourth quarter of 2008
and the first quarter of 2009. It is intended that sales and construction of the
first phase of Crystal Glade should be complete by early to mid 2009 at which
time sales and construction of the next phase will begin. The residential
planning process for Crystal Glade, which is currently designated as agricultural 
land, has been initiated. The Crystal Glade plot has an area of 19,786 sq m.

2.  Crystal Heights

This land is located in Beli Iskar within 500 metres of the proposed site of the
ski gondola to the Borovets resort (part of the Super Borovets project). The
land is still designated for agricultural use and it is intended that an
application for change of use to residential usage will be made when the plots
have been consolidated.

3.  Razlog / Bansko
Phase 1 of the Panorama Villas project comprises 73 units in total (69
apartments and 4 villas) with a total sales area of some 6,267m2 including
common parts and roof terraces. It has reached the rough construction stage, and
will be the subject of a sales campaign during the fourth quarter of 2008 and
the first quarter of 2009. It is intended that sales and construction of the
first phase of Panorama Villas should be complete by early to mid 2009 at which
time sales and construction of the next phase will begin. The second project in
the area remains in the land bank.

4.  Plovdiv
The general arrangement plans for the tobacco factory scheme (Roman View) were
frozen in February 2008. Following clearance by the National Institute for Historic 
Monuments the project design was approved by the municipality in principle in July 
2008. Formal confirmation was received recently and the design visa should be 
forthcoming by the end of  quarter  four 2008. Once the design visa is obtained, 
preliminary contracts can be negotiated with the utility suppliers. It is currently 
intended that an application for a construction permit will be submitted in late 
2008 / early 2009. The Fund has a second, smaller project in Plovdiv which is  
located beside the national rowing club. This project remains in the land bank.

5.  Veliko Tarnovo
The Fund owns a plot of land in an attractive location close to the centre of
the city and has residential planning permission. The plot remains in the land
bank for the time being.

6.  Dolna Banya
The Fund owns four separate plots of land in good locations in and around the
town of Dolna Banya, a historic spa town equidistant from Sofia and Plovdiv. It
is intended that the plots will remain in the land bank for the time being as
the Managers believe that residential land prices in Dolna Banya should rise as
a consequence of recent important leisure developments in the town.

7.  Sofia (Kambanite Bistritsa)
The Manager is in the process of drawing up a final project design to be used in
an eventual application for a construction permit for this site. No date has
been set for starting construction of this project, as this is dependent on the
length of time taken to finalise project design.

8.  Banya
Winslow Developments, a well-known and respected Bulgarian property development
company, continues to make progress in the planning process on this large and
beautifully-situated site. The site has been consolidated into three plots of
roughly equal size, and the planning certificate for change of use to 
residential designation has just been issued (September 2008) for the first of
these. It is envisaged that all permissions required prior to the submission of
an application for a construction permit for this plot should have been received
by mid 2009. Work to obtain design visas for the other two plots will continue

9.   Sofia (BuySell - Vitosha Vets Simeonovo and Krustova Vada)

Negotiations with prospective institutional buyers were delayed by the summer
holiday period. They have now re-commenced, and the Manager is hopeful that 
there will be further progress with institutional sales during the fourth
quarter of 2008. 

Lewis Charles Securities Limited
Investment Manager
26 September 2008

Condensed consolidated income statement (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008                                                1.1.07 to

                                    Notes     Revenue       Capital     Total        Total
                                   _______ ___________________________________________________
                                                Eur          Eur         Eur          Eur
Net change in gains on revaluation
of investment property                3             -      1,083,481   1,083,481    8,652,571
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________
Total income                                        -      1,083,481   1,083,481    8,652,571
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________
Administration fees                            91,568              -      91,568       59,164
Management fees                               456,619              -     456,619      515,593
Performance fees                                    -      (187,866)   (187,866)    1,872,662
Directors' fees and expenses                   35,138              -      35,138       69,018
Foreign exchange loss                           1,184              -       1,184        6,738
Inventory written down to
net realisable value                  4       914,708              -     914,708            -
Other expenses                                534,522              -     534,522      862,221
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________
Total expenditure                           2,033,739      (187,866)    1,845,873   3,385,396
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________

Operating (loss) / profit                 (2,033,739)      1,271,347    (762,392)   5,267,175

Finance income                                 54,124              -       54,124     251,884
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________
Net (loss)/profit before taxation         (1,979,615)      1,271,347    (708,268)   5,519,059

Taxation                                            -      (179,453)    (179,453)           -
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________
(Loss)/Profit for the period              (1,979,615)      1,091,894    (887,721)   5,519,059
                                           ___________ ______________ ___________ ____________

(Deficit)/earnings per share -
basic and diluted (cents per share)   2                                    (1.84)       11.42

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

The accompanying notes 1  to 7 form an integral part of these interim financial

Condensed consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
as at 30 June 2008
                                                  Consolidated                 Consolidated
                                    Notes       As at 30 June 2008         As at 31 December 2007
                                   _______ ____________________________ ____________________________
                                                 Eur            Eur          Eur             Eur

Non-current assets
Investment properties                 3                      56,583,142                   55,127,208
                                                            ___________                  ___________
                                                             56,583,142                   55,127,208
Current assets
Properties under development          4    18,411,007                   15,625,171
Property options                                    5                            5
Trade and other receivables                    28,999                       22,802
Non-group receivables                         875,946                      490,098
Cash and cash equivalents                   2,634,992                    7,209,621
                                           __________                   __________

                                                             21,950,949                   23,347,697
                                                            ___________                  ___________
Total assets                                                 78,534,091                   78,474,905
                                                            ___________                  ___________

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                  (2,068,713)                    (764,630)
                                           __________                   __________

                                                            (2,068,713)                    (764,630)
Non-current liabilities
Trade and other payables                  (8,280,344)                  (8,816,842)
Deferred taxation                         (2,867,208)                  (2,687,886)
                                           __________                   __________

                                                           (11,147,552)                 (11,504,728)
                                                            ___________                  ___________

Total liabilities                                          (13,216,265)                 (12,269,358)
                                                            ___________                  ___________

Net assets                                                   65,317,826                   66,205,547

Represented by
Share capital                                                         -                            -
Special reserve                                              56,956,985                   56,956,985
Capital reserve                                              19,230,854                   18,138,960
Revenue reserve                                            (10,870,013)                  (8,890,398)
                                                            ___________                  ___________
Total Equity                                                 65,317,826                   66,205,547
                                                            ___________                  ___________

NAV per share (Euro per share)        5                          1.3511                       1.3694
NAV per share at launch (Euro per
share)                                                           1.1781                       1.1781

These condensed financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on
26 September 2008

Signed on behalf of the Board

Charles Burton      Clive Simon
Director            Director

The accompanying notes 1  to 7 form an integral part of these interim financial

Condensed statements of changes in equity (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008

                                 Share     Special        Capital     Revenue
                                Capital    Reserve        Reserve     Reserve        Total
                                  Eur        Eur             Eur         Eur          Eur

As at 31 December 2006               -    56,956,985     9,367,479  (6,649,789)    59,674,675

Issue of ordinary shares             -             -             -            -             -

Profit/(loss) for the period         -             -     6,779,909  (1,260,850)     5,519,059
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 30 June 2007                   -    56,956,985    16,147,388  (7,910,639)    65,193,734
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________


                                 Share     Special        Capital     Revenue
                                Capital    Reserve        Reserve     Reserve        Total
                                  Eur        Eur             Eur         Eur          Eur

As at 31 December 2006               -    56,956,985     9,367,479  (6,649,789)    59,674,675

Issue of ordinary shares             -             -             -            -             -

Profit/(loss) for the year           -             -     8,771,481  (2,240,609)     6,530,872
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
Total recognised income
and expenses for the year            -             -     8,771,481  (2,240,609)     6,530,872
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 31 December 2007               -    56,956,985    18,138,960  (8,890,398)    66,205,547

Profit/(loss) for the period         -             -     1,091,894  (1,979,615)     (887,721)
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 30 June 2008                   -    56,956,985    19,230,854 (10,870,013)    65,317,826
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________

The accompanying notes 1  to 7 form an integral part of these interim financial

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008 
                                                         1.1.08 to      1.1.07 to
                                                          30.6.08        30.6.07
                                                      ____________  ______________
                                                            Eur            Eur
(Loss)/profit for the period                             (887,721)       5,519,059
Adjustment for:
Bank interest receivable                                  (11,077)         (6,092)

Revaluation of investments                             (1,083,481)     (8,652,571)
Adjustment for deferred tax                                179,453               -
                                                      ____________  ______________
Operating cash flows before movements
in working capital                                     (1,802,826)     (3,139,604)

Increase in receivables                                  (392,045)       (144,174)
Increase in payables                                       767,454       5,010,921
                                                      ____________  ______________
                                                       (1,427,417)       1,727,143

Interest received                                           11,077           6,092
                                                      ____________  ______________
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating activities  (1,416,340)       1,733,235
                                                      ____________  ______________
Investing activities
Repayment of loan to property developer                          -       1,502,792
Purchases of investment properties                     (3,158,289)    (14,141,844)
                                                      ____________  ______________
Net cash outflow from investing activities             (3,158,289)    (12,639,052)
                                                      ____________  ______________

Cash and cash equivalents at start of period            7,209,621       23,046,407
                                                      ____________  ______________
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              2,634,992       12,140,590
                                                      ____________  ______________

The accompanying notes 1  to 7 form an integral part of these interim financial

Notes to the interim financial statements
as at 30 June 2008

Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited (the `Company') is a closed-ended
investment company incorporated in Guernsey. The condensed financial statements
of the Company for the period ended 30 June 2008 comprise the Company and its
subsidiaries (together referred to as the `Group').

The unaudited condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial  Reporting  Standards (`IFRS')  IAS 34
Interim Financial  Reporting.  They do  not  include all  of  the information
required  for  the  full  annual  financial  statements,  and  should  be  read
in  conjunction  with  the consolidated financial statements of the Group as at
and for the year ended 31 December 2007. The financial statements have been
prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's annual
financial statements for the year ended  31  December 2007. The Group's annual
financial statements refers to new Standards and Interpretations none of which
had a material impact on the financial statements.

The unaudited condensed interim financial statements were approved by the board
of directors on 26 September 2008.

The consolidated (deficit)  / earnings per Ordinary Share of  (1.84) cents
(2007:11.42) are based on the net income loss of Eur 1,979,615 (2007:Eur
1,260,850) and the net capital gain for the period of Eur 1,091,894 (2007:Eur
6,779,909). Both calculations are made based on 48,345,000 Ordinary Shares,
being the weighted average number of shares in issue during both periods.

                                                        30 June      31 December 
                                                          2008           2007
                                                          Eur            Eur
      Opening market value of investment properties    55,127,208     27,981,983
      Acquisitions during the period at cost              372,453     14,758,074
      Fair value adjustment for the period              1,083,481     12,387,151
                                                       __________     __________
      Closing market value of investment properties    56,583,142     55,127,208
                                                       __________     __________
                                                        30 June      31 December 
                                                          2008           2007
                                                          Eur            Eur
      Opening cost                                     15,625,171     11,382,006
      Additions                                         5,060,180      4,243,165
      Disposals                                       (1,359,636)              -
      Write down to net realisable value                (914,708)              -
                                                       __________     __________
      Closing cost                                     18,411,007     15,625,171
                                                       __________     __________
      At valuation                                     27,917,156     28,108,057
                                                       __________     __________

The carrying value has been set as the lower of cost and net realisable value as
set out under the requirements of IAS 2, Inventories.

During the period the Company has made a number of off plan apartment sales.
These have been reflected in the costs of the properties under development, 
however as the buyers of these apartments do not yet have effective control 
of the properties the revenue cannot yet be recognised in the financial statements. 
The amounts received, and the associated costs, will be reflected in the income 
statement upon control of the property passing to the buyer.

As at 30 June 2008 the net realisable value of properties under development has
been based on the independent market valuation received, which are arrived at
purely on the value of the land held and takes no account of the development
costs which have been incurred to date. As such a provision for write down from
total costs incurred to the market value of the land has been incorporated
above. It is envisaged that future independent valuations of development
properties will incorporate the market value of the land and all development
work which has been performed as at the date of valuation.

                                                        30 June      31 December 
                                                          2008           2007
                                                          Eur            Eur
      Net Asset Value                                  65,317,826     66,205,547
      Average number of shares in issue                48,345,000     48,345,000
      Net asset value per share                            1.3511         1.3694

The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share is based on the Net Asset Value at the
Balance Sheet date and on 48,345,000 Ordinary Shares, being the average number
of shares in issue during the period.


                                                      Eur     Per Share
     Net Asset Value per financial statements     65,317,826     1.35
      Add back:
            Adjustment to value of properties     6 ,957,181     0.14
            Adjustment to performance fee          1,131,869     0.02
            Preliminary expenses                   1,057,241     0.02
                                                  __________     ____
Published Net Asset Value                         74,464,117     1.54
                                                  __________     ____

An adjustment  is  required  within  the  financial  statements  to  record  the
value  of  the  properties  under development from fair  value,  as  used  for
the  published  Net  Asset  Value,  to  cost  as  required  to  ensure
compliance with International Accounting Standard 16 "Property, Plant and

The Company's principal documents require the dealing valuation of the Company's
net assets to include preliminary expenses incurred in the establishment of the
Company, such expenses to be amortised over the expected life  of  the  Company.
However, this accounting treatment is not permitted for financial reporting
purposes and has been adjusted accordingly within these financial statements.

Under the terms of the property options entered into, where properties developed
are not sold off-plan the Company is obliged to cover the costs of completion
for any unsold property. This course of action will lead to the Company being
geared, with associated finance costs. The total balance payable on completion
of the development is Eur 30,981,553. Under the terms of the Central Sofia
Purchase Options the total balance payable on completion will be increased in
line with any increase in the Bulgarian Consumer Price Index. The Board believe
it unlikely that any significant proportion of this capital commitment will
become payable because of the nature of the property market in and around the
chosen development areas and the high level of demand for the type of properties
being developed.

Nevertheless the Board needs to ensure that it has sufficient liquidity to meet
its liabilities. As at 30 June 2008 the Fund had Eur 2.6 million of cash and
cash equivalents available.

The most significant potential liability is that under the Central Sofia
Purchase Options as described above. If that situation was to arise, and to the
extent that sales of property have not been made in the period to completion,
the Fund would have a liability. The Board is confident that, in the current
environment, the property will be sold prior to completion and to the extent
that any property may be unsold on completion that adequate and suitable funding
will be available. Accordingly the Directors are of the opinion that it is
appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis.

Also as at 30 June 2008 the Company has committed to the rough construction,
which constitutes excavation of the site and subsequent building of the concrete
structure, at the Crystal Vale project and the Panorama Villas 1 project. The
costs of performing this work are estimated at a total of Eur 890,000.




Condensed consolidated income statement (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008
                                     Revenue    Capital   Total      Total
                                       GBP        GBP      GBP        GBP
Net change in gains on revaluation
of investment property                       -   842,997   842,997 5,845,340
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________
Total income                                 -   842,997   842,997 5,845,340
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________
Administration fees                     71,244         -    71,244    39,969
Management fees                        355,270         -   355,270   348,315
Performance fees                             - (146,168) (146,168) 1,265,097
Directors' fees and expenses            27,339         -    27,339    26,974
Foreign exchange loss                      921         -       921     4,553
Inventory written down to
net realisable value                   711,684         -   711,684         -
Other expenses                         415,882         -   415,882   601,943
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________
Total expenditure                    1,582,340 (146,168) 1,436,172 2,286,851
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________

Operating (loss) / profit          (1,582,340)   989,165 (593,175) 3,558,489

Finance income                          42,111         -    42,111   170,163
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________
Net (loss)/profit before taxation  (1,540,229)   989,165 (551,064) 3,728,652

Taxation                                     - (139,623) (139,623)       189
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________
(Loss)/Profit for the period       (1,540,229)   849,542 (690,687) 3,728,841
                                   ___________ _________ _________ _________

(Deficit) / Earnings per share - basic and
diluted (pence per share)                                   (1.43)      7.71

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

Condensed consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
as at 30 June 2008
                                                  Consolidated                 Consolidated
                                    Notes       As at 30 June 2008         As at 31 December 2007
                                   _______ ____________________________ ____________________________
                                                 GBP            GBP          GBP             GBP
Non-current assets
Investment properties                                        44,723,315                   40,518,498
                                                             __________                   __________
                                                             44,723,315                   40,518,498
Current assets
Properties under development               14,552,060                   11,484,501
Property options                                    4                            4
Trade and other receivables                    22,921                       16,758
Non-group receivables                         692,348                      360,222
Cash and cash equivalents                   2,082,699                    5,299,071
                                           __________                   __________

                                                             17,350,032                   17,160,556
                                                             __________                   __________
Total assets                                                 62,073,347                   57,679,054
                                                             __________                   __________

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                  (1,635,111)                    (562,003)
                                           __________                   __________
                                                            (1,635,111)                    (562,003)
Non-current liabilities
Trade and other payables                  (6,544,785)                  (6,480,379)
Deferred taxation                         (2,266,241)                  (1,975,596)
                                           __________                   __________
                                                            (8,811,026)                  (8,455,975)
                                                             __________                   __________

Total liabilities                                          (10,446,137)                  (9,017,978)
                                                             __________                   __________
Net assets                                                   51,627,210                   48,661,076
                                                             __________                   __________

Represented by
Share capital                                                         -                            -
Special reserve                                              45,018,801                   38,676,000
Capital reserve                                              15,200,067                   12,503,407
Revenue reserve                                             (8,591,658)                  (2,518,331)
                                                             __________                   __________
Total Equity                                                 51,627,210                   48,661,076
                                                             __________                   __________

NAV per share (Pence per share)                                  106.79                       100.65

NAV per share at launch (Pence per
share)                                                            72.80                        72.80

Published NAV (Pence per share)                                  121.72                       116.13

Condensed statements of changes in equity (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008

                                 Share     Special        Capital     Revenue
                                Capital    Reserve        Reserve     Reserve        Total
                                  GBP        GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP

As at 31 December 2006             -      38,676,000     6,442,314  (3,812,397)    41,305,917

Issue of ordinary shares           -               -             -            -             -

Profit/(loss) for the period       -               -     4,580,243    (851,780)     3,728,463

Foreign exchange adjustment
arising on translation to Sterling -               -             -  (1,060,943)   (1,060,943)
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 30 June 2007                 -      38,676,000    11,022,557  (5,725,120)    43,973,437

                                 Share     Special        Capital     Revenue
                                Capital    Reserve        Reserve     Reserve        Total
                                  GBP        GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP

As at 31 December 2006             -      38,676,000     6,442,314  (3,812,397)    41,305,917

Issue of ordinary shares           -               -             -            -             -

Profit/(loss) for the year         -               -     6,061,093  (1,548,262)     4,512,831

Foreign exchange adjustment
arising on translation to Sterling -               -             -    2,842,328     2,842,328
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________

Total recognised income
and expenses for the year          -      38,676,000    12,503,407  (2,518,331)    48,661,076
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 31 December 2007             -      38,676,000    12,503,407  (2,518,331)

Profit/(loss) for the period       -               -       849,542  (1,540,229)     (690,687)

Exchange difference arising
on translation to Sterling         -               -             -   3,656,821      3,656,821
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________
As at 30 June 2008                 -      38,676,000    13,352,949    (401,739)    51,627,210
                                _______  ___________  ____________  ___________  ____________

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)
for the period ended  30 June 2008

                                                         1.1.08 to      1.1.07 to
                                                          30.6.08        30.6.07
                                                      ____________  ______________
                                                            GBP            GBP
Profit for the year                                      (690,687)       3,728,841

Adjustment for:
Bank interest receivable                                   (8,618)         (4,116)

Revaluation of investments                               (842,997)     (5,845,340)
Adjustment for deferred tax                                139,623             189
                                                      ____________  ______________
Operating cash flows before movements
in working capital                                     (1,402,679)     (2,120,426)

Increase in receivables                                  (305,029)         951,133
Increase in payables                                       597,114       3,296,727
                                                      ____________  ______________
                                                       (1,110,594)       2,127,434

Interest received                                            8,618           4,116
                                                      ____________  ______________
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating activities  (1,101,976)       2,131,550
                                                      ____________  ______________

Investing activities
Repayment of loan to property developer                          -       1,015,228
Advances of loan to property developer                           -               -
Purchases of inventory                                           -       (241,122)
Purchases of investment properties                     (2,457,291)     (9,312,556)
                                                      ____________  ______________
Net cash outflow from investing activities             (2,457,291)     (8,538,450)
                                                      ____________  ______________

Financing activities
Proceeds on issue of shares                                      -               -
                                                      ____________  ______________
Net cash inflow from financing activities                        -               -

Exchange difference arising on translation to Sterling     342,895     (1,356,596)

Cash and cash equivalents at start of period             5,299,071      15,952,378
                                                      ____________  ______________
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               2,082,699       8,188,882
                                                      ____________  ______________

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