Preliminary results for 52 weeks ended 30 October 2004


Trading Results

The trading results for the year and before exceptional items show a loss of �264,000 (2003: �256,000).  This
disappointing result was caused by a decline in turnover in the second half where sales fell to �1.1 million
compared with �1.4 million in the first half, for the reasons  reported below.  However, after crediting
exceptional items of �317,000 the overall result for the year is a profit of �53,000 (2003: �734,000 loss).

Gross margins in the year were at the anticipated level and we have taken out further costs which have  improved
still further the breakeven position.  However, these factors did not compensate for the decline in turnover.


As reported above, turnover declined from �1.4 million in the first half to �1.1 million in the second.  This fall
was caused by further delays in bringing products in from the Far East.  Although, in my Interim Statement I
advised that the problem of deliveries had been mainly resolved, we still experienced delays right up to the end
of the financial year.  The level of turnover was affected further by the cancellation of two promotions which had
been planned, and by another major customer switching to direct import for a number of products.

Since the year end we have seen a great improvement in deliveries, we have launched a complete new range of
products which we are able to deliver ex-stock, and we have been successful in developing business with a number
of builders' merchants.  We have also introduced new ranges of products into two of our major accounts.  We are
expecting to see an increase in turnover in the first half of the current year.

New Product Development

We have developed, over the last few months, a complete range of lower priced products aimed mainly at the
contract market.  New catalogues were distributed just before Christmas and the response has been good.  We are
now engaged in updating and improving our range of door furniture with a view to a launch to our general trade
customers later in this financial year.

We will shortly be developing a further range of new bathroom products for presentation at the KBB Exhibition in
January 2006.

Extraordinary General Meeting

On 7 December 2004 the Shareholders of the Company approved resolutions increasing the authorised share capital of
the Company and authorising the Board to issue shares without reference to the rights of pre-emption set out in
Section 89(i) of the Companies Act 1985.

It is our intention to raise additional equity at an appropriate time, by way of a placing of shares, to provide
additional working capital to enable us to diversify our product ranges.  A number of discussions are taking place
with potential investors, and shareholders will be advised, in due course, when any agreement is reached.

Balance Sheet

At the year end, shareholders' funds stood at �1.83 million, an improvement on the previous year.  Bank borrowings
were �928,000 which represented 51% of shareholders' funds.  Net assets per share have risen slightly from last
year and are now 32.8p per share.  Stocks are still high but the position has been affected by the introduction of
new ranges.  With many of our suppliers in the Far East, it is essential that we hold sufficient stock to give our
customers a good service.  However, we are making strenuous efforts over the next few months to bring the level of
stock down.  Until we can strengthen our Balance Sheet, your Board cannot recommend the payment of a dividend.

Future Prospects

A further reduction in overheads during the last financial year has lowered our breakeven position and made a
return to profitability easier to achieve.  The current year has started quite well and the Company is trading
profitably to date.  A number of new initiatives are in hand  to increase further our product offering.  There are
signs that the steps we have put in place to make us less dependent on major DIY stores are beginning to bear

The economic climate remains uncertain with a General Election likely later this year.  There are conflicting
signals coming from the housing market which is a major factor in influencing the level of household expenditure
and the possibility of tax increases will also lower consumer confidence.  However, our margins remain good, our
product portfolio is very relevant to modern requirements, our costs are substantially lower and so we are
cautiously optimistic about the future.

I would, finally, like to thank the management and staff of the Company for their efforts and commitment during
the year.

R E W Newman                                                                                      24 February 2005

THE LONGMEAD GROUP PLC                                                                            
CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                                            
52 weeks ended 30 October 2004                                                                   
                                                   Before       Exceptional           52 weeks          52 weeks
                                              exceptional             costs              ended             ended
                                                    costs          (Note 1)         30 October        1 November
                                                     2004              2004               2004              2003
                                                        �                 �                  �                 �
TURNOVER ? continuing operations                                                                                
                                                2,500,920                 -          2,500,920         2,598,200
Cost of sales                                 (1,536,640)                 -        (1,536,640)       (2,255,736)
                                                 ________           _______           ________          ________
GROSS PROFIT                                                              -                                     
                                                  964,280                              964,280           342,464
Distribution costs                              (834,083)                            (834,083)         (685,072)
Administrative expenses                         (338,893)           317,491           (21,402)         (313,253)
                                                 ________           _______            _______           _______
OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS)                         (208,696)           317,491            108,795         (655,861)
Interest receivable and similar income                141                 -                                     
                                                                                           141                 5
Interest payable and similar charges             (55,736)                 -           (55,736)          (78,503)
                                                 ________           _______            _______           _______
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                       
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                      (264,291)           317,491             53,200         (734,359)
                                                 ________           _______                                     
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary                                                                                
activities                                                                                   -                 -
                                                                                       _______           _______
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                       
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                                               53,200         (734,359)
                                                                                       _______           _______
RETAINED PROFIT/(LOSS)                                                                                          
FOR THE PERIOD                                                                          53,200         (734,359)
                                                                                       =======           =======
EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE                                                                1.31p          (13.15)p
There are no recognised gains and losses other than the gains and losses set out in the profit and loss account.

THE LONGMEAD GROUP PLC                                                                                     
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                                                 
At 30 October 2004                                                                                         
                                                                           30 October            1 November
                                                                                 2004                  2003
                                                                                    �                     �
FIXED ASSETS                                                                                               
Intangible assets                                                              21,981                24,981
Tangible assets                                                             1,461,291             1,979,586
                                                                             ________              ________
                                                                            1,483,272             2,004,567
                                                                             ________              ________
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                             
Stocks                                                                      1,282,030             1,201,628
Debtors                                                                       385,455               669,677
Cash at bank and in hand                                                        3,687                 9,267
                                                                             ________              ________
                                                                            1,671,172             1,880,572
CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING                                                                                 
DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR                                                         (739,339)             (955,490)
                                                                             ________              ________
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                            931,833               925,082
                                                                             ________              ________
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                                                          
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         2,415,105             2,929,649
CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING                                                                                 
DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR                                                (584,456)           (1,152,200)
                                                                             ________              ________
                                                                            1,830,649             1,777,449
                                                                             ========              ========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                                       
Called up share capital                                                       558,439               558,439
Share premium account                                                       1,397,747             1,397,747
Capital redemption reserve                                                     19,000                19,000
Revaluation reserve                                                           265,185               270,257
Profit and loss account                                                      (409,722)             (467,994)
                                                                             ________              ________
TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                            1,830,649             1,777,449
                                                                             ========              ========

THE LONGMEAD GROUP PLC                                                                                     
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                           
52 weeks ended 30 October 2004                                                                             
                                                                                 2004                  2003
                                                                                    �                     �
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                                                                   
ACTIVITIES                                                                   (50,298)             (197,392)
Returns on investment and                                                                                  
servicing of finance                                                         (55,281)              (80,061)
Capital expenditure and                                                                                    
financial investment                                                          772,877              (48,042)
                                                                              _______               _______
NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW)                                                                                  
BEFORE FINANCING                                                              667,298             (325,495)
Financing ? (decrease)/increase in debt                                     (645,522)                      
                                                                              _______               _______
INCREASE IN CASH                                                               21,776                69,158
                                                                              =======               =======

52 weeks ended 30 October 2004

                                                                                            2004             2003
                                                                                               �                �

        Stock write-offs                                                                       -          301,547
        Additional depreciation charge relating to write-off of fixed assets                   -          152,040
        Factory closure costs and redundancy payments                                     16,572           24,666
        Reorganisation of Board and compensation for redundancy                           20,039                -
        Sale of warehouse building                                                     (354,102)                -
                                                                                     ___________       __________
                                                                                       (317,491)          478,253
                                                                                     ===========       ==========

        The  calculation  of the basic loss per share is based on the weighted average number of shares in issue
        during  the  financial  year  of 5,584,391 (2003: 5,584,391) and on the profit attributable to ordinary
        shareholders of �53,200 (2003: loss �734,359).

3.      The  financial information on the Group set out above does not constitute statutory information  financial
        year within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended
        30 October 2004 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this
        preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Group's Annual 
        General Meeting.

4.      Copies of the 2004 Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in due course.  Further copies will be
        available from the registered office of The Longmead Group plc, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon, 
        EX13 5HU and from the Company's nominated adviser, Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited at No 1 
        Riding House Street, London, W1A 3AS for one month from the date of this announcement.

The Longmead Group plc


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