RNS Number : 8039D

Mallett PLC

02 April 2014

Mallett plc

Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2013

Mallett Plc ("Mallett" or the "Company" or the "Group"), retailer in high quality antique furniture and works of art, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2013.


   --     Turnover increased by 16% to GBP11.8m (2012 - GBP10.2m) 

-- Underlying trading performance improved to a break even profit position (2012 - loss before tax of GBP0.3m)

   --     Reported profit before tax GBP0.5m (2012 - loss before tax of GBP0.1m) 

-- Successful sale of the Company's freehold property in Clapham, London for GBP2.65m generating a profit of GBP0.6m.

   --     A special dividend recommended of 12.7pence per share 

For further information contact:

Giles Hutchinson Smith 020 7499 7411

Chairman's statement

Dear Shareholder

2013 has been a mixed year at the top end of the decorative arts market, with some encouraging signs of a recovery in the US, but with the UK and European market remaining stubbornly depressed. Our strategy of promoting the Mallett brand in the emerging markets of China and Brazil is proving successful.

Our results for 2013 show another improvement on the previous year with underlying trading achieving a break-even result compared to an underlying trading loss before tax in 2012 of GBP0.3m. This has been achieved through a 16% increase in turnover to GBP11.8m from GBP10.2m in 2012.

The reported profit before tax of GBP0.5m (2012 - loss before tax of GBP0.1m) includes GBP0.6m for the profit on sale of our freehold property in Clapham, London. The property was sold for GBP2.65m and I am pleased to report that, as a result of this very successful sale, the Board proposes to return GBP1.75m of the sale proceeds to shareholders. This equates to 12.7p per share and we are recommending this as a special dividend for approval at our AGM on 27(th) May 2014.

After a slow third quarter of the year, Mallett US continued the surge in sales it saw in the first half of the year, resulting in full year sales more than double the prior year at GBP6.8m (2012 - GBP3.1m). Furthermore, this represents the second highest sales total from the US showroom since it opened in 2003. For this reason, we have reviewed our planned sub-letting of part of the US showroom and for the moment are retaining it in its entirety to maximise the potential in the US market.

Our strategy of targeting new geographical areas has proved successful with sales in China of over GBP1m in the year (2012 - GBP0.1m). The recruitment of a local agent in Hong Kong plus targeted visits by our Chief Executive has proved successful in promoting the Mallett brand to the right client base in China, and this is a model we intend to replicate in other emerging markets, such as Brazil and in the Middle East.

The other exciting development is our new website which we plan to launch in the Spring. It will be a multi-lingual, high quality website offering authority, education and energy on our products and the decorative arts market in general. It will be the key marketing strategy in promoting our brand around the globe and supporting our sales team, and it will also be used as a direct sales tool by enabling client to purchase directly online.

We believe the structure and strategy we now have in place is targeted at the growth areas of the decorative arts market and will allow us to grow our sales and profits, and I am pleased to say Michael Smyth-Osbourne is staying with us as Finance Director to help with the next phase of our development.

Strategic Report

Our Business Model

Mallett is a global luxury retail brand specialising in the finest pieces of furniture and works of art, primarily from the 18(th) century and Regency periods.

Mallett is recognised for the quality of pieces that it displays and for selling only pieces of exceptional quality and a high level of authenticity.

Mallett sources its pieces from around the globe, buying from private collections, other dealers or at auction or acting as agent to sell pieces, generally on behalf of private collectors. The Mallett brand is underpinned by the outstanding knowledge and expertise of the Mallett staff, who are able to identify the finest items and differentiate them from the rest, often being able to add provenance and research to enhance the quality of the piece.

Pieces will often require restoration to return them to the quality they had when first made some 200 to 300 years earlier. Again, the knowledge and expertise of the Mallett team is key to how the restoration should be undertaken and what the outcome should be.

Mallett sells its pieces through its two glamorous showrooms in London and New York, through exhibiting at art and antiques fairs around the world and through visits by the sales team to clients around the world.

The showrooms at Ely House in Mayfair, London and at 929 Madison Avenue, New York allow clients to see the pieces laid out in room settings. Exhibiting at art and antiques fairs is a very effective marketing tool as well as a good sales medium, as the prestigious fairs that Mallett attends attract many clients into one location for a concentrated period of time.

Our Strategy

In recent times, the decorative arts market, and particularly the antique furniture market, has had to re-adjust to being less fashionable than in previous decades. Our strategy has therefore had to change in order to continue to deliver the business model that has been successful for over 100 years.

The sales arena is changing. The growth of the internet has increased access to the market and allowed easier access for the Far East and other emerging markets. At the top end of the market where Mallett operates, it is essential to maintain a top quality showroom environment in which to showcase the pieces in which Mallett specialises. But we also need to extend our reach to these new markets and this we are doing by:

-- Developing a new website which will be high quality, showcasing our pieces with extensive photographs and research, educational with articles on the decorative arts and individual aspects of the market, multi-lingual and have the ability to transact online.

-- Recruiting local agents in the new and traditional markets to promote the Mallett brand and develop relationships with key clients in the region.

The success of Mallett is centred around the quality of product it has to offer and so our strategy must continue to be to source the finest pieces. The sourcing must be targeted at the areas - type of material, era, value - that clients are demanding and to our sales strategy. We will look to offer fantasy/gift objects which clients would be prepared to buy on-line. We will continue to pursue a balance between owned stock and consignment pieces in order to balance margins, return on capital and offering a wide range of stock where the quality matches the Mallett brand.

Our strategy remains flexible so we can alter it as the market dictates. Mallett is a 150 year old brand which has been through many cycles of fashion but it has always remained a strong brand and our strategy is always to maintain that strength and use it to best deliver profit growth.

Financial Review

2013 Trading performance

Our results for the year to 31(st) December 2013 show a profit before tax of GBP0.5m. Included within this result is a one-off profit of GBP0.6m from the sale of our freehold property in Clapham, London. Underlying trading performance for 2013, therefore, produced a break-even profit before tax position (2012 - underlying loss before tax GBP0.3m).

Overall, Group turnover showed an increase of 16% to GBP11.8m (2012 - GBP10.2m), and gross profit showed an increase of 13% to GBP1.3m (2012 - GBP1.2m). These are encouraging increases which are driven largely by increased sales in US and China.

US turnover more than doubled to GBP6.8m (2012 - GBP3.1m) which is an excellent result and fully justifies our decision to reverse our plan to downsize the New York showroom. The increase was driven in part by the sale of 3 individual pieces of over GBP0.5m each but it was also underpinned by a far greater volume of sales highlighting the improved economic climate in US.

UK sales, however, showed a decline to GBP4.4m (2012 - GBP6.6m). We held a number of events at our flagship London showroom, Ely House, to promote the brand. These included the Great English Furniture exhibition which celebrated the skills of some of the best furniture makers in history and also provided an opportunity for collectors to buy pieces which have not been on the market for at least a quarter of a century. We also put on the Age of Elegance exhibition which was a collaborative exhibition with London's most prestigious Old Master paintings dealer, Colnaghi, which attracted great interest, prompted in particular by the media coverage of the exhibition. However, interest in the decorative arts is still not strong in the UK and hence we are targeting our sales strategy at the overseas markets, particularly in the Far East and South America.


We continue to maintain a tight control on costs with our two major expense items, staff costs and property costs remaining at a similar level to the previous year. We also maintained our marketing spend at a similar level to prior year at GBP0.6m (2012 - GBP0.6m), exhibiting at four fairs again in the year and producing two high quality catalogues.

Giles Hutchinson Smith visited China in November to continue our marketing in that region with our local agent and continue our sales drive there. The rest of the sales team made visits to a number of cities in the US, including Chicago, Atlanta, and Los Angeles and this will be a continuing theme as we target specific areas for sales growth from our bases in London and New York.

Subsidiaries and associates

The sale of the business of Ely House Gallery Limited (formerly James Harvey British Art Limited) (JHBA) and GBP80,000 of stock to James Harvey was completed in May. During the period JHBA incurred a trading loss of GBP0.1m (2012 - GBP0.2m) and this confirmed that JHBA requires funding to be successful which Mallett did not wish to provide at this time and therefore it was sensible for Mallett to exit from that business.

Hatfields had another good year with its third party revenue increasing by 37%, and a small increase in profit. The sale of our Clapham property has necessitated Hatfields to relocate and they have found new premises, close to the previous site, in Stockwell, South London. It has required some refurbishment costing GBP0.1m. The rent of GBP0.1m is at a similar level to that charged by Mallett for the Clapham property, although this will be an additional cost to the group as a whole going forward, as the rent is now paid to a third party.

Masterpiece London Limited put on its fourth fair at the end of June at the Royal Hospital, London. It was again regarded as a successful fair and Mallett's share of the profit was at a similar level to the prior year. No significant change in the format of the fair is expected for 2014.

Balance Sheet and Cashflow

Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2013 was GBP14.5m (2012 - GBP13.8m). The GBP0.7m increase in the year primarily relates to the GBP0.4m profit for the year and GBP0.4m actuarial profit on the Group's defined benefit pension scheme. The 2012 balance sheet has been restated to take account of changes to the accounting for the defined benefit pension scheme due to revisions to IAS19 - Employment benefits and also to take account of changes to the accounting for the lease commitments on the New York premises.

Property, plant and equipment has reduced by GBP2.3m, primarily as a result of the sale of our freehold property in Clapham. The sale completed after the year end, on 21(st) February 2014, but sale contracts were exchanged on an unconditional basis on 21(st) August 2013 and therefore the sale has been accounted in 2013.

Inventory value reduced to GBP11.4m at 31 December 2013 (2011 - GBP11.9m). We have undertaken an external independent valuation of our inventory as at 31 December 2013 which has delivered a value of our inventory well in excess of the balance sheet value. We continue to take items on consignment which allows us to exhibit some exceptional pieces, the total cost of which had reduced to GBP13.5m at 31 December 2013 (2012 - GBP16m) due to the sale of several significant consignment pieces towards the end of the year.

Net debt has increased slightly to GBP0.8m (2012 - GBP0.5m). The Company is currently reviewing it overdraft facility requirements with its bankers, Coutts & Co, and the directors are confident that the Company will have adequate facilities in place to cover the Group's cashflow requirements for the foreseeable future.

The pension deficit on the Mallett Retirement Benefits Scheme (the "Scheme") has reduced to GBP1.0m (2012 - GBP1.6m) on an IAS19 basis. The latest tri-annual actuarial valuation of the Scheme as at 31 May 2013 is in the process of being finalised by the trustees. The deficit on an actuarial basis has also reduced and the Company and trustees have agreed in principal that the annual deficit contributions by the Company can be reduced to GBP190,000 per annum from GBP284,000 per annum.


Having taken into account the cash requirements of the Group but also recognising that we have not been able to make any dividend distributions to our shareholders in recent times, the Board has decided to return GBP1.75m to shareholders from the cash proceeds we received from the sale of the Clapham property, and we intend to do this by way of a special dividend of 12.7p per share. A resolution will be proposed at our AGM on 27(th) May 2014 and, if approved, the dividend will be paid on 13(th) June 2014 to shareholders on the register on 16(th) May 2014.


We currently have 31 employees. Employee turnover has been low for many years and our employees' long experience in the decorative arts market is important and their contribution to the business plays a key part in the delivery of our strategy. All employees are encouraged to undertake training so that their skills are up-to-date and all employees have an annual personal development review.

All aspects of diversity, including gender, are considered at every level of recruitment. All appointments are made on merit, including those to the Board of Directors. We seek a composition of staff with the right balance of skills and diversity to meet the demands of the business and we do not consider that quotas are appropriate and have therefore chosen not to set targets. The 31 employees are made up of 20 male employees and 11 female employees of which 8 male and 2 female employees have senior management roles. The Board is made up of 3 male executive directors and 2 male non-executive directors.


We are excited by the launch of our new website with its multi-lingual platform allowing far greater reach and significantly increased marketing ability, plus the additional sales platform it will provide. The decorative arts market remains challenging but we believe we have a strategy to continue the sales growth we delivered in 2013 through using the website to market our brand more clearly in the emerging markets and use local agents to reinforce this and generate sales.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Group's operating results and liquidity are significantly influenced by a number of risk factors, many of which are not within its control. These factors, which are not ranked in any particular order, include:

Banking crisis/financial shock to the global system

Loss of confidence in the banking sector by our clients will make them much less likely to spend on high value luxury items such as our goods. To manage this risk we monitor our cashflow and costs closely to ensure security in times of low demand.

The strength of the UK and US economies and financial markets

The antique and fine art market in which the Group operates is centred on London and New York and is influenced by the overall strength of the UK and US economies. Historically, over 70% of the Group's sales are to UK and US clients. To manage this risk we monitor our cashflow and costs closely to ensure security in times of low demand.

The demand for antique furniture and works of art

The demand for antique furniture and works of art is influenced not only by the economic conditions but also by changing trends in the art market as to which kinds of property are most sought after and by the collecting preferences of individual collectors, all of which can be unpredictable. To manage this risk we focus on strong client relations to maintain our awareness of changing tastes and we take this into account when buying stock.

Market transparency

The internet is creating greater price transparency on pieces sold, particularly at auction, which allows easier comparison of prices and could potentially depress margins. We focus our purchasing on items where we can add value by careful restoration and/or by improved provenance, to create an acceptable margin.

Key personnel

The knowledge and expertise of the Group's buyers in acquiring pieces of high quality and good value is critical to maintaining the Company brand and to the success of the Group.

The ability of the Group's sales team to develop and maintain relationships with potential buyers of antique furniture and works of art is critical to the success of the Group. Accordingly, the Group is highly dependent upon attracting and retaining appropriately qualified personnel. A strongly incentivised bonus structure is in place to reward success.


The art market is highly competitive, including competition with other art dealers and with auctioneers. Strong client relationships maintain loyalty to Mallett.

Value of artworks

The antique furniture and works of art market is not a highly liquid trading market, as a result of which the realisable value of inventory is relatively subjective and often fluctuates over time. Our team is very aware of market conditions to know the value of an item at any one time. On a periodic basis we consult with external parties in our consideration of the carrying value of inventories.

Availability and access to good buying opportunities

The availability of high quality items for Mallett to purchase is very important in being able to maintain Mallett's reputation for exhibiting the best. Our team maintains strong relationships with collectors and other dealers to ensure awareness of when good quality items become available.

Foreign currency exchange rate movements

A significant proportion of the Group's sales are in US Dollars and a number are in Euros. Accordingly, fluctuations in exchange rates can have a significant impact on the Group's results. US Dollars are exchanged into GBP Sterling on a regular basis to match cash received with sales made.

Retirement benefit pension obligations

Future costs and obligations relating to the Group's defined benefit pension scheme are significantly influenced by changes in interest rates, investment performance in the debt and equity markets and acturial assumptions, each of which is unpredictable. An actuarial valuation is performed every three years with a recovery plan agreed with the trustees to eliminate any deficit.

 Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
 The directors are responsible for preparing the annual report 
  and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law 
  and regulations. 
 Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements 
  for each financial year. Under that law the directors are required 
  to prepare the Group financial statements and have elected to 
  prepare the Company financial statements in accordance with International 
  Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European 
  Union. Under company law the directors must not approve the financial 
  statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and 
  fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and Company and 
  of the profit or loss for the Group for that period. 
 In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required 
 --     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
 --     make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable 
         and prudent; 
 --     state whether they have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs 
         as adopted by the European Union, subject to any material departures 
         disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
 --     prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis 
         unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will 
         continue in business; 
 --     prepare a director's report, the strategic report, and director's 
         remuneration report which comply with the requirements of the 
         Companies Act 2006. 
 The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting 
  records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's 
  transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time 
  the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure 
  that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006 
  and, as regards the Group financial statements, Article 4 of 
  the IAS Regulation. They are also responsible for safeguarding 
  the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps 
  for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
 Website publication 
 The directors are responsible for ensuring the annual report 
  and the financial statements are made available on a website. 
  Financial statements are published on the Company's website in 
  accordance with legislation in the United Kingdom governing the 
  preparation and dissemination of financial statements, which 
  may vary from legislation in other jurisdictions. The maintenance 
  and integrity of the Company's website is the responsibility 
  of the directors. The directors' responsibility also extends 
  to the ongoing integrity of the financial statements contained 
 Directors' responsibilities pursuant to DTR4 
 The directors confirm to the best of their knowledge: 
 --     the Group financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
         with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as 
         adopted by the European Union and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation 
         and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial 
         position and profit and loss of the Group. 
 --     the annual report includes a fair review of the development 
         and performance of the business and the financial position 
         of the Group and the Parent Company, together with a description 
         or the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. 
 Approved by the board and signed on its behalf on 1 April 2014: 
 M.A. Smyth-Osbourne A.C.A. (Secretary) 
 Consolidated Income Statement 
 Year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                                   2013              2012 
                                                      Notes     GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Revenue                                                5     11,776             10,183 
 Cost of sales                                                 (10,433)           (8,990) 
 Gross profit                                                 1,343              1,193 
 Other operating income                                 6      594                (4) 
 Distribution costs                                           (189)               (205) 
 Administrative expenses                                      (1,222)            (1,172) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                                7     526                (188) 
 Net interest                                           9     (26)               (9) 
 Share of operating profit in associate                       32                 50 
 Profit/(loss) before income tax                              532                (147) 
 Income tax                                                   (4)                (1) 
 Profit/(loss) for the year                                   528                (148) 
 Loss on discountinued operation, net 
  of tax                                                      (120)              (222) 
                                                              408                (370) 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Profit/(loss) attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent company                                 457                 (325) 
 Non controlling interest                                     (49)               (45) 
                                                              408                (370) 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Earnings per share attributable to 
  the ordinary equity holders of the 
  parent                                               10 
 Profit and loss 
 Basic earnings per share                                         3.06p           (2.78)p 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                                       2.91p           (2.78)p 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Profit and loss from continuing operations 
 Basic earnings per share                                         3.96p           (1.11)p 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                                       3.77p           (1.11)p 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
 Year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                                   2013              2012 
                                                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Profit/(loss) for the year                                    408               (370) 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that may be reclassified to profit 
  or loss: 
 Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign operations                                       (65)               (162) 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss: 
 Actuarial profit/(loss) on the defined 
  benefit pension scheme                                      431                (291) 
 Total other comprehensive profit/(loss) 
  for the year, net of tax                                    366                 (453) 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(loss) for 
  the year                                                    774                (823) 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(loss) attributable 
 Owners of the parent company                                 823                (778) 
 Non controlling interest                                     (49)               (45) 
                                                              774                (823) 
                                                             ----------         --------- 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
 at 31 December 2013 
                                              restated   restated 
                                       2013       2012       2011 
                                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                  26         -          - 
 Property, plant and equipment      2,464      4,741      4,608 
 Investment in associate             6          -         - 
 Other receivables                   398       430       105 
                                    2,894      5,171      4,713 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                        11,406    11,906     12,304 
 Trade and other receivables         6,485    2,872      5,095 
 Cash and cash equivalents           1,435     798        325 
                                    19,326    15,576     17,724 
 Assets in disposal groups 
  classified as held for sale         -        387        - 
                                    19,326     15,963    17,724 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total assets                       22,220    21,134     22,437 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Share capital                       690      690        690 
 Capital redemption reserve         5,168     5,168      5,168 
 Own shares                         (473)     (438)      (513) 
 Retained profits                   9,181     8,474      9,327 
                                    14,566    13,894     14,672 
 Non controlling interest            (51)     (89)       (58) 
 Total equity                       14,515    13,805     14,614 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables            3,842    3,225      4,009 
 Bank overdrafts and loans          2,189     1,457      1,446 
                                    6,031     4,682      5,455 
 Liabilities directly associated 
  with assets in disposal groups 
  classified as held for sale         -       296         - 
                                     6,031     4,978     5,455 
 Non current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit pension 
  obligations                       980       1,640      1,629 
 Other payables                      694      711        740 
                                    1,674     2,351      2,369 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                  7,705     7,329      7,824 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total equity and liabilities       22,220    21,134     22,438 
                                   --------  ---------  --------- 
 G.H. Hutchinson Smith Director 
 M.A. Smyth-Osbourne Director 
 Company Number 1838233 
 Statement of Changes 
  in Equity 
 at 31 December 
                                      Capital                                                         Non 
                         Share     redemption            Own       Retained                   controlling          Total 
                       capital        reserve         shares        profits          Total       interest         equity 
                       GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000                       GBP'000        GBP'000 
 At 1 January 
  (restated)       690                  5,168          (513)          9,327         14,672           (58)         14,614 
 Retained loss 
  the year                   -              -              -          (325)          (325)           (45)          (370) 
 Total other 
  loss for the 
  year                       -              -              -          (453)          (453)              -          (453) 
  loss for year              -              -              -          (778)          (778)           (45)          (823) 
 Disposal of 
  in subsidiary              -              -              -           (14)           (14)             14              - 
 Own shares 
  exercised                  -              -            149           (61)             88              -             88 
 Own shares 
  purchased                  -              -           (74)              -           (74)              -           (74) 
 At 31 December 
  (Restated)               690          5,168          (438)          8,474         13,894           (89)         13,805 
 Retained loss 
  the year                   -              -              -            457            457           (50)            407 
 Total other 
  loss for the 
  year                       -              -              -            366            366              -            366 
  loss for year              -              -              -            823            823           (50)            773 
 Acquistion of 
  in subsidiary              -              -              -          (168)          (168)             88           (80) 
 Own shares 
  exercised                  -              -             35             52             87              -             87 
 Own shares 
  purchased                  -              -           (70)              -           (70)              -           (70) 
 At 31 December 
  2013                     690          5,168          (473)          9,181         14,566           (51)         14,515 
                 -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                     Special        Capital 
                                        Share        capital     redemption            Own       Retained          Total 
                                      capital        reserve        reserve         shares        profits         equity 
                                      GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 At 1 January 
  (restated)                              690          1,761          5,168          (100)         15,554         23,073 
 Retained loss 
  the year                                  -              -              -              -        (8,657)        (8,657) 
 Own shares 
  exercised                                 -              -              -            100          (100)              - 
 At 31 December 
  (Restated)                              690          1,761          5,168              -          6,797         14,416 
 Retained loss 
  the year                                  -              -              -              -        (1,723)        (1,723) 
 At 31 December 
  2013                                    690          1,761          5,168              -          5,074         12,693 
                                -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 The share premium, capital redemption reserve and special capital 
  reserve are not available for distribution. 
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
 Year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                          2013          2012 
                                              Notes    GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Profit/(loss) before income tax                           532         (147) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Net interest                                               26             9 
 Share of operating profit in associate                   (32)          (50) 
 Operating profit/(loss)                                   526         (188) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                              274           348 
 Freehold property impairment                                -         (200) 
 Profit on the sale of property                          (558)             - 
 Share-based payments                                       58          (60) 
 Defined benefit pension adjustment                      (229)         (280) 
 Net exchange adjustments                                   21          (86) 
 Loss from discontinued operations                       (120)         (222) 
 Movements in working capital: 
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories                        546           272 
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                      (810)         1,751 
 Decrease/(increase) in payables                           241         (466) 
 Cash generated by operations                             (51)           869 
 Tax paid                                                  (4)           (1) 
 Net Cash from Operating Activities                       (55)           868 
                                                      --------  ------------ 
 Investing Activities 
 Purchase of intangibles                                  (26)             - 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (27)         (357) 
 Net Cash used in Investing Activities                    (53)         (357) 
                                                      --------  ------------ 
 Financing Activities 
 Interest paid                                            (26)           (9) 
 Purchases of own shares                                  (10)            74 
 Net Cash used in Financing Activities                    (36)            65 
                                                      --------  ------------ 
 Net decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents               (144)           576 
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                                (545)       (1,121) 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                  (65)             0 
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at end of 
  year                                                  (754)          (545) 
                                                      --------  ------------ 
 Notes to the Accounts 
 Year ended 31 December 
       Mallett plc ("the Company") is a public limited company incorporated 
        in the United Kingdom. The address of it's registered office is 
        Ely House, 37 Dover Street, London W1S 4NJ. 
       These preliminary results do not comprise statutory accounts within 
        the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory 
        accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 were approved by the 
        Board of Directors on 27 March 2013 and delivered to the Registrar 
        of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 
        2013 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the 
        Company's AGM on 27 May 2014. The Independent Auditors' Report on 
        the 2012 and 2013 statutory accounts were unqualified and did not 
        draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain 
        a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
       These preliminary results were approved for issue by the Board on 
        1 April 2014. 
 2      POLICIES 
       a) Basis of accounting and consolidation 
       The financial information in these preliminary results has been 
        prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
        (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee 
        (IFRIC) endorsed by the European Union (EU) and with those parts 
        of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under 
        IFRSs. This information does not constitute statutory accounts but 
        has been extracted from the audited consolidated financial statements 
        which will be sent to shareholders for their approval at the Company's 
        AGM on 27th May 2014. 
       The accounting policies adopted in these preliminary results have 
        been consistently applied to all the years presented and are consistent 
        with the policies used in the preparation of the statutory accounts 
        for the year ended 31 December 2012, other than as indicated below. 
       The Group accounts are prepared on a going concern basis which the 
        directors believe to be appropriate. The Group's forecasts and projections, 
        taking account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, 
        show that the Group has sufficient financial resources. The Company 
        is currently reviewing it overdraft facility requirements with its 
        bankers, Coutts & Co, and the directors are confident that the Company 
        will have adequate facilities in place to cover the Group's cashflow 
        requirements for the foreseeable future. As a consequence the directors 
        have a reasonable expectation that the Company and Group are well 
        placed to manage their business risks and to continue in operational 
        existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the directors 
        continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated 
        financial statements. 
       Prior year restatements 
       The 2012 Income Statement, Consolidated Balance Sheet and Consolidated 
        Cashflow have been restated to implement the revisions to IAS19 
        - Employment Benefits which are required to be applied retrospectively. 
        The revisions are explained in more detail in Changes in accounting 
        policies below. 
       The 2012 consolidated balance sheet has also been restated to reflect 
        the smoothing of the lease rental payments on two leases for the 
        Group's New York premises over the life of the leases. This has 
        led to an accrual being recognised of GBP746,000, with an equal 
        reduction to equity, in 2012 reflecting the number of years passed 
        on the leases. The accrual will be released to the income statement 
        over the remaining periods of the leases. The accrual has been taken 
        straight to reserves in 2012 and GBP15,000 has been released to 
        the profit and loss account in 2013. 
       b) Changes in accounting policies 
       New standards, interpretations and amendments from the 1 January 
       A number of new standards, interpretations and amendments effective 
        for the first time for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013 
        have been adopted in these financial statements. The nature and 
        effect of each new standard, interpretation and amendment which 
        effect the Group's annual consolidated financial statements and 
        which have been adopted by the Group us detailed below. 
       IAS 1 - Presentation of items of Other Comprehensive Income - Amendment 
        to IAS1 
       The amendments require that items of other comprehensive income 
        must be grouped together into those that will or may be reclassified 
        into profit or loss and those that will not. As the amendment affects 
        presentation only, there is no effect on the Group's position or 
       IAS 19 - Employment Benefits (Revised) 
       The main changes as a consequence of the revision of IAS19 include: 
       - elimination of the "corridor" approach for deferring gains/losses 
        for defined benefit plans 
       - actuarial gains/losses on remeasuring the defined benefit plan 
        obligation/asset to be recognised in other comprehensive income 
        rather than in profit or loss, and cannot be reclassified in subsequent 
       - amendments to the timing of recognition for liabilities for termination 
       - Employee benefits expected to be settled (as opposed to "due to 
        be settled") wholly within twelve months after the end of the reporting 
        period are short-term benefits and are not discounted. 
       The revisions are required to be applied retrospectively and so 
        the effect of the revision is to transfer GBP58,000 from Other Comprehensive 
        Income to the Income Statement in 2012. 
       The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: 
        foreign exchange risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Risk management 
        is carried out by the Board, who review the exposures of the Group 
        on an ongoing basis and put in specific procedures to mitigate this 
        risk where it is felt appropriate to do so. 
       a) Foreign exchange 
       The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange 
        risk arising from currency exposures, primarily with respect to 
        the US Dollar and the Euro. Foreign exchange risk arises from commercial 
        transactions, recognised assets and liabilities and net investments 
        in foreign operations. 
       The Group manages its holding of foreign currency, specifically 
        US Dollars, to ensure that the impact of currency fluctuations on 
        the Group are reduced. The use of forward contracts has been considered, 
        as a further measure to mitigate this risk. However the Group has 
        not entered into any contracts of this nature during the year. 
       b) Credit 
       The Group considers that there is ordinarily low credit risk exposure. 
        The majority of the Group's sales are made to high net worth individuals 
        with good credit worthiness. The combination of this factor and 
        the repeat sales to regular customers limit the amount of credit 
        exposure of the Group. 
       c) Liquidity 
       The Group maintains sufficient cash and availability of funding 
        through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities to ensure 
        that resources are available to take advantage of new business opportunities 
        as they arise. 
       d) Capital management 
       The Group policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain 
        investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development 
        of the business. 
       The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. 
        The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal 
        the related actual result. Estimates and judgements are continually 
        evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, 
        including expectations of future events that are believed to be 
        reasonable under the circumstances. The estimates and judgements 
        that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to 
        the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the financial 
        period are discussed below. 
       a) Retirement benefit 
        pension obligations 
       The Group's defined benefit pension scheme liability is based on 
        key assumptions including return on scheme assets, discount rates, 
        mortality rates, inflation, future salary and pension costs. The 
        Group takes advice from independent actuaries as to the appropriateness 
        of the assumptions, but these assumptions may, individually or collectively, 
        be different to actual outcomes. 
       b) Carrying 
        value of inventory 
       Inventory is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. 
        The directors regularly review the carrying value of all items in 
        inventory and where their estimate of the market value of the item, 
        based on market conditions at the time and trends in customer demand, 
        is lower than the cost of the item, a provision is made to reduce 
        the carrying value of the item to the estimated market value. 
       c) Carrying value 
        of non-current assets 
       Non-current assets are recorded at the lower of cost and the estimated 
        recoverable amount. The estimated recoverable amount is the higher 
        of fair value less selling costs and the value in use. The value 
        in use calculation requires an estimate of the present value of 
        future cash flows expected to arise from the asset, by applying 
        an appropriate discount rate to the timing and amount of future 
        cash flows. 
       The directors are required to make judgements regarding the timing 
        and amount of future cash flows applicable to the asset, based on 
        current budgets and forecasts and extrapolated for an appropriate 
        period taking into account growth rates and expected changes in 
        prices and costs. The directors estimate the appropriate discount 
        rate using pre-tax rates that reflect current market assessments 
        of the time value of money and the risks specific to the individual 
       d) Carrying value 
        of trade recievables 
       The directors regularly assess the recoverability of trade receivables 
        and where there is objective evidence to indicate that the Group 
        will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the orginal 
        terms of the receivables a provision for impairment is made and 
        this recognised in the Income Statement within cost of sales. 
       e) Taxation 
       The Group is subject to income taxes in the UK and US. At each financial 
        period end judgement is required in determining the provision for 
        income taxes. The Group recognises liabilities for anticipated tax 
        issues based on the best estimates at the Balance Sheet date. Where 
        the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts 
        that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the corporation 
        tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such determination 
        is made. 
       The amount of the deferred tax asset included in the Balance Sheet 
        of the Group is recognised only to the extent that it is probable 
        that future taxable profits will be available against which the 
        asset can be utilised. In estimating the amount of the deferred 
        tax asset that may be recognised, the directors make judgements, 
        based on current budgets and forecasts, about the amount of future 
        taxable profits and the timings of when these will be realised. 
        The directors have decided not to carry forward a deferred tax asset 
        in respect of unused tax losses due to the uncertain nature of the 
        antique furniture and decorative arts market and the timing of its 
       The Group's operating segments have been determined based on the 
        management accounts reviewed by the Board of Directors (the Chief 
        Operating Decision Maker). The Group's activities in the year were 
        split into two business segments: dealing in antique furniture and 
        objets d'art through Mallett and providing restoration services 
        through Hatfields. The operations of Mallett are further split into 
        two geographical regions, UK and US, reflecting the location of 
        a Mallett showroom in each of those regions. 
       During the year the business and certain assets of James Harvey 
        British Art Limited ("JHBA") were sold. The remaining assets and 
        liabilities of JHBA were transferred to Mallett & Son (Antiques) 
        Ltd and JHBA became a dormant company. The results of JHBA for 2013 
        and 2012 have therefore been shown as discontinued operations. 
       The Board assesses the performance of the operating segments based 
        on turnover and EBITDA. Sales are reported by location of sales 
        outlet. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the 
        same as described in note 2. There were no sales to any one client 
        representing more than 10% of turnover of the Group (2012 - Mallett 
        UK made sales to one client totalling GBP1.8m). 
       Transfer pricing between segments are set on an arm's length basis. 
        Segmental assets and liabilities consist of property, plant and 
        equipment, trade receivables, payables, cash at bank and inventories. 
       Segmental analysis 
       - continuing 
                                            UK              USA        Hatfields            Other           Total       operations 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
       Income & expenses 
  Total Revenue                      6,602            6,808             804                    -       14,214              130 
  Inter segment 
   revenue                          (2,290)               -            (148)                   -        (2,438)               - 
  External revenue 
   by sales outlet                      4,312           6,808               656                -        11,776                130 
  EBITDA                             (148)                 358               26                 6            242             (96) 
   and amortisation                  (127)            (147)                   -                -        (274)                   - 
  Profit on sale of 
   Freehold property                   558                -                   -                -          558                   - 
  Operating profit/(loss)              283              211                  26                 6         526             (96) 
  Share of operating 
   profit in associate                    -               -                   -               32           32                   - 
   revenue                             (27)                -                  -                -          (27)                  - 
   expense                              87             (86)                   -                -             1                  - 
   before tax                             343              125               26               38             532             (96) 
  Income tax                            (2)             (2)                   -                -           (4)           (24) 
   for the year                        341              123                  26               38          528             (120) 
 ------------------------  ---  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
       Balance Sheet 
  Non current 
   Assets                              1,055            1,426                  9               -          2,490 
   expenditure                              44               -                 9               -              53 
  Total assets                      14,623            7,236                 361                -       22,220 
  Total liabilities, 
   excluding tax 
   liabilities                          5,892           1,698               115                -          7,705 
  Investment in 
   associate                              6               -                   -                -             6 
 ------------------------  ---  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                            UK              USA        Hatfields            Other           Total       operations 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
       Income & expenses 
  Total Revenue                      7,352            3,123                 777                -       11,252             844 
  Inter segment 
   revenue                           (772)                -              (297)                 -       (1,069)                  - 
  External revenue 
   by sales outlet                      6,580           3,123               480                -        10,183                844 
  EBITDA                                (157)                 4              15               31          (107)            (176) 
   and amortisation                     (106)           (148)                 -             (27)          (281)              (67) 
  Freehold property 
   impairment write back                     -               -                -              200             200                - 
  Operating profit/(loss)             (263)           (144)                  15              204         (188)           (243) 
  Share of operating 
   profit in associate                    -               -                   -               50           50                   - 
   revenue                             (10)               -                   -                -          (10)                  - 
   expense                              94             (93)                   -                -             1                  - 
   before tax                           (179)           (237)                15              254          (147)            (243) 
  Income tax                              -             (1)                   -                -          (1)              20 
   for the year                      (179)            (238)                  15              254        (148)            (222) 
 ------------------------  ---  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
       Balance Sheet 
  Non current 
   Assets                               3,147           1,594                 -                -          4,741 
   expenditure                            355                 2               -                -             357 
  Total assets                      11,922            6,922                 301           1,989        21,134 
  Total liabilities, 
   excluding tax 
   liabilities                          6,099           1,113               117                -          7,329 
       Investment in 
        associate                         -                -                  -                -              - 
      -----------------------   --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------- 
       The sales by destination 
        of goods is as follows: 
                                                        Mallett          Mallett   Hatfields                Total   Dis-countinued 
                                                             UK               US                                        operations 
                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
  United Kingdom                                          1,218            1,036              640           2,894              141 
  Rest of 
   Europe                                                   350                -                7             357                - 
  United States 
   of America                                             1,205            5,713                3           6,921             (11) 
  Far East                                                1,171                -                -           1,171                - 
  Other                                                     368               59                6             433                - 
                                                          4,312            6,808              656          11,776              130 
                                                ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                                        Mallett          Mallett   Hatfields                Total   Dis-countinued 
                                                             UK               US                                        operations 
                                                        GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
  United Kingdom                                          3,154               60              456           3,670              685 
  Rest of 
   Europe                                                 1,203               55               11           1,269               24 
  United States 
   of America                                             1,348            2,846                9           4,203              135 
  Far East                                                   66                -                -              66                - 
  Other                                                     809              162                4             975                - 
                                                          6,580            3,123              480          10,183              844 
                                                ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 6      INCOME 
                                                                                             2013                             2012 
                                                                                          GBP'000                          GBP'000 
       Profit on sale of                                                                      558                                - 
        freehold property 
  Other operating 
   income                                                                                      36                              (4) 
                                                                                              594                              (4) 
                                                                                  ---------------                  --------------- 
       On 23 August 2013 the Group exchanged contracts on the sale of its 
        freehold property at 49 Clapham High Street, London for GBP2,650,000. 
        The sale completed on 21 February 2014 but the sale was unconditional 
        when contracts were exchanged on 23 August 2013 and therefore the 
        sale has been accounted for in 2013. 
       Operating profit/(loss) has been arrived 
        at after charging/(crediting): 
                                                                                             2013                             2012 
                                                                                          GBP'000                          GBP'000 
  Depreciation of property, 
   plant and equipment                                                                        274                              281 
  Auditors' remuneration 
   (see below)                                                                                 64                               59 
  Net foreign 
   exchange losses                                                                           (50)                               26 
  Freehold property impairment 
   write back                                                                                   -                              200 
  Lease payments                                                                              994                            1,086 
       Profit on sale of                                                                      558                                - 
        freehold property 
       - Audit 
    - Fees payable for the audit of 
     the Company's annual accounts                                                             20                               14 
    - Fees payable for the audit of the Company's 
     subsidiary annual accounts                                                                41                               42 
  - Total 
   audit fees                                                                                  61                               56 
       - Other non-audit 
    - Other assurance 
     services                                                                                   2                                2 
    - Other services not 
     covered above*                                                                             1                                1 
  - Total 
   fees                                                                                         3                                3 
  - Total 
   fees                                                                                        64                               59 
                                                                                  ---------------                  --------------- 
       * Other services includes work relating 
        to general consultancy work. 
                                                                                             2013                             2012 
                                                                                          GBP'000                          GBP'000 
       Staff costs 
        (including Directors) 
  - wages 
   and salaries                                                                             1,460                            1,502 
  - social 
   costs                                                                                      118                              137 
  - share based 
   payments                                                                                    71                               72 
  - pension scheme costs*                                                                     211                              108 
                                                                                            1,860                            1,819 
                                                                                  ---------------                  --------------- 
       * Includes GBP133,000 (2012 - GBP140,000) in respect of contributions 
        to defined contribution pension schemes and the Pension Protection 
        Fund levy for the year. 
                                                                                           Number                           Number 
       Average number of persons (including directors 
        and part-time employees) employed by the 
  - restoration                                                                                 8                                8 
  - selling and 
   distribution                                                                                19                               21 
  - administration                                                                              4                                4 
  - non-executive 
   directors                                                                                    2                                2 
                                                                                               33                               35 
                                                                                  ---------------                  --------------- 
       The Group believes that the directors of Mallett plc are the only 
        key management personnel under the definition of IAS 24 "Related 
        party disclosures". 
                                                                                             2013                             2012 
                                                                                          GBP'000                          GBP'000 
  Interest payable on bank loan and overdrafts 
   within five years not by instalments                                                      (26)                              (9) 
                                                                                             (26)                              (9) 
                                                                                  ---------------                  --------------- 
        PER SHARE 
                                    Continuing   Dis- continued            Total       Continuing            Dis-            Total 
                                    operations       operations                        operations       continued 
                                          2013             2013             2013             2012            2012             2012 
                                       GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
  Profit/(loss) for 
   the year and earnings 
   used in basic EPS                       528            (120)              408            (148)           (222)            (370) 
  Earnings used 
   in diluted EPS                          528            (120)              408            (148)           (222)            (370) 
                                --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                          '000             '000             '000             '000            '000             '000 
  Weighted average number 
   of shares used in 
   basic EPS                            13,334                -           13,334           13,334               -           13,334 
  Group share 
   incentive plan                          657                -              657              603               -              603 
  Weighted average number 
   of shares used in 
   diluted EPS                          13,991                -           13,991           13,937               -           13,937 
                                --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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