RNS Number:9096O
Macro 4 PLC
28 February 2008

Embargoed 07.00am
Thursday, 28 February 2008

                                  Macro 4 plc

                              31 December 2007

Macro 4 plc (the 'Company' or the 'Group'), the global software company, today
reports its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 December 2007. It is
also pleased to announce the conclusions of its strategic review and the main
elements of its strategic growth plan. These support a clear vision for
transforming the Company into a market-leading player in high-growth niche
markets. In particular, the Company's core products and skill sets will be
evolved and expanded to deliver a unique and integrated application performance
optimisation suite of products and services. These will work across high-profile
and interlinked disciplines such as internet transaction path analysis, end-user
application experience profiling, and computer energy efficiency monitoring and
improvement. We believe that these areas offer substantial and sustainable
growth potential.

*         Total revenue �14.1m (2006 �14.9m)
            o    Recurring revenues up �147k (2%) to �8.875m
            o    Professional services revenue up �141k (17%) to �984k
            o    Total new business revenue �5.2m (2006 �6.2m)

*         Profit before taxation, amortisation and material one-items �2.135m
          (2006 �3.405m)

*         Underlying trading profit �1.1m (2006 �2.7m)

*         Profit after taxation �6k (2006 �1.0m)

*         Cash balance increased �1m (28%) to �4.7m

*         Interim dividend maintained at 2.5 pence per share

Commenting on today's announcement, Ronnie Wilson, Group Chief Executive said:

"These results reflect the currently difficult and competitive economic
environment, but do not yet benefit from the significant work which has been
done, and which is ongoing, to reposition and restructure the Company to take
advantage of the new high-growth target markets.

Our strengthened management team has refined and validated our strategic
direction and we have moved into the execution phase, extending our core product
offerings into new channels and growth areas. In parallel, we are restructuring
and repositioning the business to achieve better sales execution and maximise
future potential.

The primary objectives of these initiatives are to evolve Macro 4 into a market
leader in those functional areas where our core competencies will deliver
greatest sustainable growth. Alongside the existing product lines, we are
additionally focusing on the new operational challenges facing the IT functions
today, building a unique, comprehensive solution set to optimise performance of
our customer's IT systems across their key pressure points, areas such as the
end-user application experience, energy efficiency, virtual systems and load

On the document management side, through further product development, a stronger
sales organisation and increased use of our professional services skills, we are
improving our relationships with channel partners to help them evolve their
offering in line with the demands of those markets.

While much work remains, we are now much better positioned to achieve our plans
and I am confident that we will deliver the significant potential we see ahead".

Key results summary

�m (except per share data)                             2007             2006           Change            Change%
Revenue                                                14.1             14.9            (0.8)                -6%
Operating expenses                                   (13.6)           (13.1)            (0.5)                -3%
Material one-off items                                (0.7)            (0.5)            (0.2)               -34%
Operating (loss)/profit                               (0.2)              1.3            (1.5)              -113%

PBTae (Note A)                                          2.1              3.4            (1.3)               -37%

Underlying Trading Profit (Note B)                      1.1              2.7            (1.6)               -60%

Profit after taxation                                     -              1.0            (1.0)              -100%

Basic earnings per share                                  -             4.6p           (4.6)p              -100%

Dividend per share                                     2.5p             2.5p                -                  -

Cash                                                    4.7              3.7              1.0                28%

David Smyth, Group Finance Director, commented:

 "In the current economic climate we have been affected by elongated investment
decisions amongst potential customers. However, we have also seen many positive
aspects to the results for the period. The increase in recurring revenues, in
Professional Services (PS) revenues and in other areas of the business (such as
the IBM relationship) are all encouraging and helped support the top line
following the delay of a few SMS contracts. These delays resulted in new
business revenues falling to �5.2 million (2006 �6.2 million). Total group
revenue was �14.1 million compared to �14.9 million in 2006.

For the period, DMS revenue represented 43% of total group revenue (2006 40%),
while the DMS new business revenue was 42% of total new business revenue (2006

Profitability for the period also reflected expenditure and investments in a
number of areas, such as re-branding, additional marketing effort, greater
product development resource and certain material one-off items as we go through
a process of restructuring and repositioning the business for its future needs.
We believe that these investments are essential to improve the quality and
effectiveness of the sales effort and to properly position the Company to
deliver against its strategic plan.

Cost control and cash management have been strong throughout the Company,
helping the period-end cash balance to increase 28% (over the same period last
year) to �4.7 million. We are pleased to confirm that the dividend for the
period will be maintained at 2.5 pence per share."

Operational Results


Total revenue for the period was �14.1 million (2006 �14.9 million). Of this,
�5.2 million, or 37%, was from new business (2006 �6.2 million, 42%) while
recurring revenue increased to �8.9 million, 63% of total revenue (2006 �8.7
million, 58%).

The decrease in new business revenue was primarily attributable to the SMS
division, where some anticipated contracts were delayed.

DMS new business revenue was marginally lower at �2.1 million and accounted for
42% of total Group new business revenue (2006 �2.3 million - 36%). Other sources
of new business, including Professional Services, performed well. It is planned
to increase the focus on the PS activities as we see significant customer demand
in this area.

As previously announced, we expect new business revenue to be more heavily
weighted towards the second half than last year. Current expectations are that
H2 will be stronger than H1, more in line with our original plan.

Recurring revenue increased by �0.2 million to �8.9 million (2006 �8.7 million)
with both SMS and DMS divisions showing an increase. Within this, maintenance
revenue showed a 5% increase over this period last year following the stronger
licence sales in the previous year. This was partially offset by a �0.2 million
reduction in licence rental revenue, in line with the established trend of
run-off in the legacy product rental contracts.

Operating Expenses

Total operating expenses increased by �0.5 million to �14.3 million (2006 �13.8
million).  Staff costs, the Group's largest type of expense, were down �0.3
million on last year due to sales commissions being �0.1 million lower and
administration staff costs being lower by �0.4 million mainly due to reduced
EDSIP provisions.  These reductions were partly offset by an increase of �0.2
million in product development staff costs.

Other operating costs, excluding material one-off items, were �0.6 million
higher than last year with increases in particular in marketing costs, provision
for bad and doubtful debts and infrastructure costs as well as an adverse
movement against last year's foreign exchange gain. There was also a charge for
material one-off items of �0.7 million, relating mainly to reorganisation costs
and the termination cost of a former director. We expect further material
one-off items in the second half as we complete the restructuring programme.

Group profitability and Earnings Per Share

The Group made an Underlying Trading Profit (UTP) of �1.1 million (2006 �2.7
million). Underlying Trading Profit is the adjusted measure of profit before
taxation, after adding back amortisation of intangibles, material one-off items
and share-based payment charges, then deducting capitalised development costs.
The directors believe that this key performance indicator gives a better
understanding of the underlying trading position as it removes the major one-off
and non-cash expenses, except depreciation, and recognises product development
costs in the year in which they are incurred.  UTP basic earnings per share were
3.8 pence per share (2006 9.0 pence per share).

Under IFRS reporting standards, the Group reported a profit after taxation of
�6k for the period (2006 �1.0 million).

While it is intended that a replacement long-term Executive Deferred Share
Incentive Plan (EDSIP) will be put in place for this year, there is a
possibility that it will not be in place by the end of the financial year.
Should that be the case, subject to achievement of Company performance targets,
a cash bonus scheme could apply instead. This would affect reported results
under IFRS rules as a cash bonus is chargeable to the Profit and Loss Account as
incurred, rather than over the vesting period for share-based payments. H1 has
been reported on the basis that a replacement EDSIP scheme will be in place.

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow

The Group Balance Sheet continues to be strong and the cash balance improved by
�1 million on the same point last year. At 31 December 2007 the Group had a cash
balance of �4.7 million (31 December 2006 �3.7 million) and no debt. Cash
collections have been maintained at the excellent levels achieved last year and
the Group's Days Sales Outstanding (DSOs) are a respectable 30 days (2006 29

Other than trading activities (including reorganisation and re-branding) and
dividends, there were no significant cash outflows.  In the first half of last
year there were payments of �1.3 million for deferred consideration and �1.3
million for the purchase of own shares.


The Board has agreed that the interim dividend remain at last year's level of
2.5 pence per share and will be paid on 15 May 2008 to all shareholders on the
register at 25 March 2008.

Capital structure

At 31 December 2007 the Group had 23,031,283 shares in issue (31 December 2006
23,025,781, 30 June 2007 23,026,687) with the increase in the shares in issue
being the new shares issued under the scrip dividend scheme. The market price of
the Company's shares at 31 December 2007 was 145.5 pence per share (31 December
2006 212 pence per share) giving a market capitalisation of �33.5 million (31
December 2006 �48.8 million).

Divisional results

Systems Management Solutions (SMS)

The SMS division experienced a fall in new revenue, down to �3.1 million (2006
�3.9 million).

The IBM OEM relationship continues to perform well, with revenue increasing by
�0.2 million to �0.7 million.

Recurring revenue was consistent at �5.0 million, of which maintenance revenue
accounted for �3.9 million (2006 �3.7 million) and licence rentals accounted for
�1.1 million (2006 �1.3 million). The expected decrease in licence rentals,
which come from our legacy mainframe products, continued as customers cease to
use the old technology from which this income derives.  The increase in
maintenance revenue of �0.2 million was mainly due to the increase in previous
years' new contract sales.

SMS divisional costs were slightly down on last year at �3.2 million (2006 �3.3

The revenue and cost performance described above has resulted in an overall
divisional contribution from SMS of �4.8 million, �0.8 million down on the �5.6
million last year.

Document Management Solutions (DMS)

DMS revenue was unchanged at �6.0 million. New revenue was slightly down at �2.1
million (2006 �2.3 million) but this was offset by an increase in recurring
revenue to �3.9 million (2006 �3.7 million).

Licence sales of �1.1 million comprised a number of smaller deals, but, unlike
the last year's �1.4 million, did not benefit from any significant sized deal.

The fall in licence sales was almost matched by an increase in PS revenue.  This
increase was particularly the case in mainland Europe with gains in Belgium,
Germany and France.  In each case this revenue was the result of licence sales
generated in previous years.  This is an area of the business where we shall be
putting greater focus in the future as we have seen a healthy customer demand
that can be leveraged.

DMS costs rose over last year to �4.0 million from �3.7 million, mainly as a
result of additional direct third party costs relating to sales.   Staff costs,
in particular product development costs also increased.

Overall divisional contribution from DMS was �2.0 million, �0.3 million down on
the �2.3 million achieved last year.

Group Business Services (GBS)

The GBS division comprises the central administrative functions, covering
finance, computer services, executive, legal, human resources and corporate
marketing.  The division's costs were �4.8 million, marginally up from last
year's �4.6 million.  This increase was due to essential technology upgrades to
the Group's system infrastructure and an adverse movement on last year's foreign
exchange gain, offset by a reduction in the EDSIP scheme costs.

Outlook for full year FY 2008

In the current economic climate, we see the longer lead times in bringing
opportunities to closure continuing. However, as previously announced, we expect
that H2 new business revenues should be in line with plan and accordingly should
be stronger than in H1.

H2 FY2008 will also see the continuation of the reorganisation and restructuring
programme, resulting in further material one-off items as the Company is
repositioned to deliver the potential in the strategic plan.

Strategy and vision

In a comprehensive strategic review of the company, all aspects of the business
were examined, determining the potential for each solutions area. This review
identified significant opportunities for both divisions and management are now
in the process of implementing the necessary changes to drive the Company

The Board of the Company has been considerably strengthened by the appointment
of Patrick Gallagher as Chairman, Richard Burns as Non-Executive Director, and
David Smyth as Finance Director.

The field sales organisation has been restructured and strengthened with three
new, highly experienced senior sales managers appointed in the USA, UK, and
Europe. The product development, support, and marketing functions have also been
restructured and strengthened and the brand has undergone a complete refresh.

Both divisional product lines have been thoroughly reviewed and clear plans for
delivering their growth potential have been laid down. Execution against these
plans has begun.


Our portfolio of products and capability within the document printing and
on-line document storage business is already comprehensive. Market demand for
these types of solutions is growing in line with the dramatically increasing
volume of document-based information within organisations.

We believe that success with this portfolio can best be achieved through a very
targeted focus regarding product development, market positioning and route to

Accordingly, Macro 4 DMS Office Printing solutions are now focused almost
entirely on achieving market reach through external sales channels, in
particular the specialist hardware providers to whom large companies are
increasingly outsourcing their office printing needs. These suppliers, such as
Xerox, Ricoh, and HP have a strategic imperative to offer a software-based print
management infrastructure to support their existing hardware offering and
deliver the services required of them.

Macro 4 provides such an infrastructure and our product development, marketing,
and sales resource is aligned to the evolving needs of these suppliers. We
believe that this offers Macro 4 significant growth potential.

The DMS on-line document storage solutions compete in the Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) market, now dominated by IBM and EMC. These companies offer
very sophisticated solutions that deliver enterprise wide solutions to large
companies. However, these solutions are not appropriate (and are too expensive)
for large SMEs. Macro 4 has an outstanding track record within such companies,
providing solutions which support and enhance targeted business processes such
as accounts receivable, payroll, and call centre support. Macro 4 has an
opportunity to become the leading provider in this sector of the market,
providing our solutions to SMEs at an affordable price which delivers quick
returns on investment. The sales organisation is structured towards this end.


Within the SMS business, we have identified that Macro 4's strengths, which
include our deep domain expertise for mainframe applications fault and
performance management, have many applications beyond the current product set.

The Company recently extended its solution set into the distributed computing
world, with the launch of our A.P.P. platform, an independent performance
monitoring and diagnostics tool specifically aimed at Java based applications.

The internet is now a well established part of modern business applications.
Such applications not only automate and streamline the running of the business,
they are also used for marketing, revenue generation, customer acquisition and
service. They are of critical importance to organisations (and their customers),
and increasingly so.

In this context, applications performance management deals with the reliability
and scalability of the business application, the responsiveness from the end
customer's perspective, and the environmental impact of the application in terms
of resource and energy consumption. No one vendor currently provides this depth
and breath of understanding across all these areas.

This represents a significant opportunity for Macro 4's long-term growth in SMS.

Using its excellent foundation of customers, products and expertise, Macro 4
plans to evolve into an innovator and leader in the high growth Applications
Performance Management area. We will provide a comprehensive software and
services solution to assist the CIOs of large companies optimise the performance
of their business critical applications.

Macro 4 will provide an 'Applications Performance Ecosystem', with end to end
transaction profiling, applications behaviour analysis, end-user experience
monitoring, and energy metering. These services will evolve over the course of
the next three years, considering a combination of product development and
targeted acquisitions.

Our vision will create a unique business model, with long-term strategic
relationships with customers to deliver sustainable, and predictable revenue and
profit growth.

We are excited by the prospects and potential of this vision.


For more information please contact:

Macro 4 plc                                        Tel: 020 3142 8700 (until12.30pm today)
Ronnie Wilson, Group Chief Executive Officer       Tel: 01293 872000 (thereafter)
David Smyth, Group Finance Director

Piper Jaffray Ltd
Nigel Daly                                         Tel: 020 3142 8700

About Macro 4

Macro 4 is a leading software company with operations and customers across the
world. It develops world-class business-enabling software in the areas of:

*         Application availability, fault analysis and optimisation

*         Application performance management

*         Document management, warehousing and delivery solutions

Macro 4's market-leading solutions support complex traditional and e-business
environments across the world, providing customers with clear competitive and
financial advantage.

With 40 years' experience, the Company's key strengths lie in its ability to
provide organisations worldwide with innovative, scalable and competitive
software that is simple to install and operate, but delivers complex solutions
and real business and financial benefit.

Its customer base includes many of the world's largest organisations and covers
most business sectors, especially Telecoms, energy, financial services,
utilities, professional services (legal, accounting) and public sector /
government bodies.

The company also provides comprehensive IT professional services, consultancy
and educational training through its dedicated consulting arm.

Macro 4 is listed on the London stock exchange ("MAO").



Note A - Profit before taxation, amortisation and material one-off items ('

Note B - Underlying Trading Profit, the adjusted measure of profit before
taxation, after adding back amortisation of intangibles, material one-off items
and share-based payment charges, then deducting capitalised development costs.
The directors believe that this key performance indicator gives a better
understanding of the underlying trading position.  This is because it removes
all the major one-off and non-cash expenses, except depreciation, and recognises
product development costs in the year in which they are incurred.

Consolidated Half-Year Income Statement (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 December 2007
                                                                 6 months        6 months          Year
                                                                    ended           ended         ended
                                                             31 December     31 December        30 June
                                                                     2007            2006          2007
                                                   Note              �000            �000          �000
 License rentals                                                    1,543           1,744         3,347
 Maintenance                                                        7,332           6,984        14,178
Recurring revenue                                                   8,875           8,728        17,525
 License sales                                                      3,587           4,610         9,441
 Agents' royalties                                                    640             690         1,404
 Professional services and other revenue                              991             905         1,910
New business revenue                                                5,218           6,205        12,755
 Total revenue                                      6              14,093          14,933        30,280
 Operating expenses before amortisation and         7            (12,064)        (11,689)      (23,309)
   one-off items
 Amortisation of intangible assets                  7             (1,502)         (1,535)       (3,060)
 Redundancy costs (including legal and              8               (247)           (140)         (657)
professional fees)
 Compensation for loss of office for former         8               (339)           (317)         (317)
director and replacement costs (including
legal and professional fees)
 Restructuring and strategy costs                   8               (128)            (77)         (140)
 Total operating expenses                           7            (14,280)        (13,758)      (27,483)
 Other operating income                                                20              82           109
 Operating (loss)/profit                                            (167)           1,257         2,906
 Interest receivable                                                   86              95           174
 Interest payable                                                       -            (16)          (38)
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                                       (81)           1,336         3,042
 Taxation                                           10                 87           (309)         (444)
 Profit for the period                                                  6           1,027         2,598

 Earnings per share
 Basic                                              12               0.0p            4.6p         11.7p
 Diluted                                            12               0.0p            4.4p         11.5p

 Dividend per share                                 11               2.5p            2.5p          7.5p

Under IFRS these financial statements do not reflect the proposed dividend.  The
listing rules, however, require the dividend paid and proposed and the rates of
dividends to be shown on the face of the Income Statement for the preliminary
                                                                6 months        6 months          Year
                                                                   ended           ended         ended
                                             Per share      31 December     31 December        30 June
                                    FY2008      FY2007              2007            2006          2007
                                     pence       pence              �000            �000          �000
Ordinary shares of 5 pence each
Final paid                            5.25         5.0             1,167           1,110         1,110
Interim proposed                      2.50         2.5               555             555           555
                                      7.75         7.5             1,722           1,665         1,665

Underlying Trading Profit
                                                                 6 months        6 months          Year
                                                                    ended           ended         ended
                                                             31 December     31 December        30 June
                                                                     2007            2006          2007
                                                                     �000            �000          �000
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                                       (81)           1,336         3,042
 Add: Amortisation of intangible assets             7               1,502           1,535         3,060
 Add: Material one-off items                        8                 714             534         1,114
 Add: Depreciation of tangible assets                                 426             460           896
 Less: Net interest                                                  (86)            (79)         (136)
 Earnings before taxation, interest,                                2,475           3,786         7,976
depreciation, amortisation and material one-off
items (EBITDae)
 Less: Depreciation of tangible assets                              (426)           (460)         (896)
 Add: Net interest                                                     86              79           136
 Profit before taxation, amortisation and                           2,135           3,405         7,216
material one-off items
 Add: IFRS2 share-based payments                                      288             679           745
 Less: Capitalised product development costs                      (1,321)         (1,361)       (2,739)
Underlying Trading Profit                                           1,102           2,723         5,222

Consolidated Half-Year Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
as at 31 December 2007
                                                                       At              At            At
                                                             31 December     31 December        30 June
                                                                     2007            2006          2007
                                                   Note              �000            �000          �000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                      6,453           6,844         6,636
 Intangible assets                                  13             18,138          18,015        18,184
 Deferred tax assets                                                  863           1,420           998
 Trade and other receivables                        14                153              51           108
 Total non-current assets                                          25,607          26,330        25,926
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables                        14              6,257           7,937         6,294
 Current income tax assets                                          1,273             734         1,471
 Cash and cash equivalents                                          4,709           3,679         6,560
 Total current assets                                              12,239          12,350        14,325
 Total assets                                                      37,846          38,680        40,251
 Non-current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                           15              (247)           (253)         (217)
 Deferred tax liabilities                                         (1,708)         (1,721)       (1,693)
 Total non-current liabilities                                    (1,955)         (1,974)       (1,910)
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                           15            (4,868)         (5,825)       (5,656)
 Deferred income                                    16            (9,374)         (9,304)      (10,017)
 Current income tax liabilities                                     (332)           (467)         (475)
 Total current liabilities                                       (14,574)        (15,596)      (16,148)
 Total liabilities                                               (16,529)        (17,570)      (18,058)
 Net assets                                                        21,317          21,110        22,193

 Called up share capital                                            1,152           1,151         1,151
 Share premium account                                              2,460           2,453         2,455
 Merger reserve                                                     6,948           6,948         6,948
 Capital redemption reserve                                           162             162           162
 Own shares reserve                                               (2,055)         (2,042)       (1,944)
 Translation reserve                                                (125)           (216)         (259)
 Retained earnings                                                 12,775          12,654        13,680
 Total equity                                                      21,317          21,110        22,193

Consolidated Half-Year Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 December 2007

                                              Share       Own   Translation    Retained     Other       Total
                                            capital    shares       reserve    earnings  reserves      equity
                                               �000      �000          �000        �000      �000        �000
 Balance at 1 July 2006                       1,117     (740)         (101)      12,232     9,567      22,075
 Profit for the period                            -         -             -       1,027         -       1,027
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      -         -         (115)           -         -       (115)
 Total recognised income for the period           -         -         (115)       1,027         -         912
 IFRS2 credit in respect of share options         -         -             -        (14)         -        (14)
 IFRS2 credit in respect of EDSIP                 -         -             -         678         -         678
 EDSIP share capital                             34         -             -        (34)         -           -
 Purchase of own shares                           -   (1,328)             -           -         -     (1,328)
 Cash paid for unapproved share option            -         -             -       (111)         -       (111)
 Share option cash received                       -        12             -           -         -          12
 Transfer from own shares on exercise of          -        14             -        (14)         -           -
share options
 Scrip dividend - share premium account           -         -             -           -       (4)         (4)
 Dividend paid                                    -         -             -     (1,110)         -     (1,110)
 Balance at 31 December 2006                  1,151   (2,042)         (216)      12,654     9,563      21,110
 Profit for the period                            -         -             -       1,570         -       1,570
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      -         -          (43)           -         -        (43)
 Total recognised income for the period           -         -          (43)       1,570         -       1,527
 IFRS2 credit in respect of share options         -         -             -          25         -          25
 IFRS2 credit in respect of EDSIP                 -         -             -          56         -          56
 Cash settlement of share options                 -         -             -       (191)         -       (191)
 Share option cash received                       -        46             -           -         -          46
 Transfer from own shares on exercise of          -        52             -        (52)         -           -
 EDSIP and share options deferred                 -         -             -         173         -         173
taxation credit
 Scrip dividend - share premium account           -         -             -           -         2           2
 Dividend paid                                    -         -             -       (555)         -       (555)
 Balance at 30 June 2007                      1,151   (1,944)         (259)      13,680     9,565      22,193
 Profit for the period                            -         -             -           6         -           6
 Foreign exchange adjustment                      -         -           134           -         -         134
 Total recognised income for the period           -         -           134           6         -         140
 IFRS2 credit in respect of share options         -         -             -           7         -           7
 IFRS2 credit in respect of EDSIP                 -         -             -         311         -         311
 Purchase of own shares                           -     (147)             -           -         -       (147)
 Cash settlement of share options                 -         -             -         (7)         -         (7)
 Share option cash received                       -        19             -           -         -          19
 Transfer from own shares on exercise of          -        17             -        (17)         -           -
share options
 EDSIP and share options deferred                 -         -             -        (38)         -        (38)
taxation credit
 Scrip dividend - share premium account           1         -             -           -         5           6
 Dividend paid                                    -         -             -     (1,167)         -     (1,167)
 Balance at 31 December 2007                  1,152   (2,055)         (125)      12,775     9,570      21,317

Consolidated Half-Year Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 December 2007
                                                                        6 months        6 months          Year
                                                                           ended           ended         ended
                                                                    31 December      31 December       30 June
                                                                            2007            2006          2007
                                                           Note             �000            �000          �000
 Cash flows from operating activities
 Profit after taxation                                                         6           1,027         2,598
 Adjustments for:
          Depreciation of tangible assets                   7                426             460           896
          Amortisation of intangible assets                                  249             315           617
          Amortisation of product development                              1,253           1,220         2,443
          Share option charge/(credit)                                         7            (14)            11
          EDSIP charge                                                       311             678           734
          Foreign exchange adjustment                                        101               6             6
          Loss on sale of fixed assets                                         1               -             7
          Interest receivable                                               (86)            (95)         (174)
          Interest payable                                                     -              16            38
          Taxation (credit)/charge                          10              (87)             309           444
 Cash generated from operations before changes in working                  2,181           3,922         7,620
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                          321         (1,670)         (139)
 (Decrease)/increase in deferred income                                  (1,030)           (440)           368
 Decrease in trade and other payables                                      (860)           (945)         (862)
 Cash generated from operations                                              612             867         6,987
 Income tax received/(paid)                                                  257           (275)         (571)
 Net cash generated from operating activities                                869             592         6,416
 Cash flows from investing activities
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                 (227)           (324)         (564)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                           2               -             -
 Purchase of intangible assets                                             (121)           (637)       (1,093)
 Payment of deferred consideration on intangible assets                        -         (1,314)       (1,542)
 Capitalised product development costs                                   (1,321)         (1,361)       (2,739)
 Interest received                                                            86              95           174
 Net cash used in investing activities                                   (1,581)         (3,541)       (5,764)
 Cash flows from financing activities
 Dividends paid                                                          (1,216)         (1,188)       (1,669)
 Purchase of own shares                                                    (147)         (1,328)       (1,328)
 Interest paid                                                                 -            (16)          (38)
 Scrip dividend legal costs written off share premium                        (5)            (13)          (12)
 Cash paid in lieu for unapproved share option schemes                       (7)           (111)         (303)
 Share option cash received                                                   19              12            58
 Net cash used in financing activities                                   (1,356)         (2,644)       (3,292)
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                               (2,068)         (5,593)       (2,640)
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period                      6,560           9,452         9,452
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations in cash held                           217           (180)         (252)
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                4,709           3,679         6,560

Notes to the Group Results (Unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 December 2007

1      Basis of preparation

Macro 4 plc (the 'Company') is a company incorporated in England and Wales.  The
financial statements are presented in Pound Sterling, rounded to the nearest

The unaudited condensed accounts of the Company for the six months ended 31
December 2007 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as
the 'Group').  There are no associates or joint ventures to be consolidated.

In accordance with Section 240(3) of the Companies Act 1985, such unaudited
results do not constitute statutory financial statements of the Company or the

The six months' results for both years are unaudited.  The results for the year
ended 30 June 2007 are an abridged version of the financial statements for that
year.  These accounts are not the Company's statutory accounts for that
financial year.  The statutory financial statements for that year have been
delivered to the Register of Companies; the report of the Auditors was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or Section 237
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2      Statement of compliance

These condensed half-year financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting.  They do not include all of the
information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year
ended 30 June 2007.

The condensed half-year financial statements were approved by the Board on 27
February 2008.

3      Significant accounting policies

The accounting policies and presentation applied by the Group in these condensed
half-year financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its
consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2007.  These
accounting policies are drawn up in accordance with International Accounting
Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as
adopted by the European Union (adopted IFRS).  The policies have been
consistently applied to all the periods presented.

4      Accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of half-year financial statements requires management to make
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies
and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses.  Actual
results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these consolidated half-year financial statements, the significant
judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and
the key sources of estimation were the same as those applied to the consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2007.

5      Risks and uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties affecting the business activities of the
Group remain those detailed on pages 15 to 17 of the Annual report and accounts

6    Revenue and segmental analysis

Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's geographical and
divisional segments.  The primary format, geographical segments, is based on the
Group's corporate and internal reporting structure.

Revenue by geography

                                                            6 months            6 months               Year
                                                               ended               ended              ended
                                                        31 December          31 December            30 June
                                                                2007                2006               2007
                                                                �000                �000               �000
 United States of America                                      3,495               4,079              8,183
 United Kingdom                                                5,282               4,566             10,028
 Rest of Europe  excluding Germany and France                  2,255               2,537              4,949
 Germany                                                       1,854               1,954              3,981
 France                                                        1,207               1,797              3,139
                                                              14,093              14,933             30,280

Segmental analysis by geography


6 months ended                                                                            Consol           
31 December 2007                 UK         USA     Germany      France       Other   adjustment     Total
                               �000        �000        �000        �000        �000         �000      �000
Segment revenue               5,282       3,495       1,854       1,207       2,255            -    14,093
Segment result                (694)       1,884         509         234       1,052            -     2,985
Product development                                                                                (1,502)
General business costs                                                                               (850)
Material one-off items (see note 8)                                                                  (714)
Loss before taxation                                                                                  (81)
Segment assets               26,542       3,766       1,393       1,009       2,359        2,777    37,846
Segment liabilities         (8,772)     (3,065)     (1,363)     (1,259)     (2,070)            -  (16,529)

6 months ended                                                              
31 December 2006                 UK         USA     Germany      France       Other   adjustment     Total
                               �000        �000        �000        �000        �000         �000      �000
Segment revenue               4,566       4,079       1,954       1,797       2,537            -    14,933
Segment result                (356)       2,252         578         951       1,215            -     4,640
Product development                                                                                (1,535)
General business costs                                                                             (1,235)
Material one-off items (see note 8)                                                                  (534)
Profit before taxation                                                                               1,336
Segment assets               25,965       3,820       1,457       2,011       2,597        2,830    38,680
Segment liabilities         (9,997)     (3,026)     (1,285)     (1,142)     (2,066)         (54)  (17,570)

Year ended 30 June 2007           UK        USA    Germany     France      Other   adjustment     Total
                                �000       �000       �000       �000       �000         �000      �000
Segment revenue               10,028      8,183      3,981      3,139      4,949            -    30,280
Segment result                 (648)      4,512      1,508      1,373      2,559            -     9,304
Product development                                                                             (3,060)
General business costs                                                                          (2,088)
Material one-off items                                                                          (1,114)
Profit before taxation                                                                            3,042
Segment assets                27,986      3,688      1,635      1,360      2,805        2,777    40,251
Segment liabilities          (9,365)    (2,894)    (1,862)    (1,323)    (2,614)            -  (18,058)

Segmental analysis by division
                                     6 months ended              6 months ended                      Year ended
                                   31 December 2007            31 December 2006                    30 June 2007
                                DMS     SMS   Total         DMS     SMS   Total          DMS      SMS     Total
                               �000    �000    �000        �000    �000    �000         �000     �000      �000
License rentals                 444   1,099   1,543         493   1,251   1,744          949    2,398     3,347
Maintenance                   3,423   3,909   7,332       3,272   3,712   6,984        6,614    7,564    14,178
Recurring revenue             3,867   5,008   8,875       3,765   4,963   8,728        7,563    9,962    17,525
License sales                 1,097   2,490   3,587       1,366   3,244   4,610        3,518    5,923     9,441
Agents' royalties               156     484     640         168     522     690          278    1,126     1,404
Professional services and       913      78     991         726     179     905        1,637      273     1,910
other revenue
New business revenue          2,166   3,052   5,218       2,260   3,945   6,205        5,433    7,322    12,755
Gross revenue                 6,033   8,060  14,093       6,025   8,908  14,933       12,996   17,284    30,280
Direct third party costs      (527)   (313)   (840)       (260)   (458)   (718)        (529)    (870)   (1,399)
Gross margin                  5,506   7,747  13,253       5,765   8,450  14,215       12,467   16,414    28,881
Sales related commissions     (102)   (168)   (270)       (140)   (259)   (399)        (350)    (469)     (819)
Net revenue                   5,404   7,579  12,983       5,625   8,191  13,816       12,117   15,945    28,062
Other direct operating      (3,440) (2,751) (6,191)     (3,325) (2,584) (5,909)      (6,784)  (5,196)  (11,980)
expenses excluding
amortisation and material
one-off items
Gross contribution            1,964   4,828   6,792       2,300   5,607   7,907        5,333   10,749    16,082
Indirect operating expenses                 (3,893)                     (3,346)                         (6,914)
  amortisation and material
one-off items
Net contribution                              2,899                       4,561                           9,168
General business costs                        (850)                     (1,235)                         (2,088)
Net interest receivable                          86                          79                             136
Profit before taxation,                       2,135                       3,405                           7,216
  and material one-off
Amortisation                                (1,502)                     (1,535)                         (3,060)
Profit before taxation and                      633                       1,870                           4,156
material one-off  items
Material one-off items (see                   (714)                       (534)                         (1,114)
note 8)
(Loss)/profit before                           (81)                       1,336                           3,042

Due to the Group's corporate and internal reporting structure, segment assets
and liabilities for divisional segments cannot be reported.

7    Operating expenses
                                                                6 months         6 months             Year
                                                                   ended            ended            ended
                                                            31 December      31 December           30 June
                                                                    2007             2006             2007
                                                                    �000             �000             �000
 Staff costs
    Sales, marketing and professional services
       Sales related commissions                                     270              399              819
       Fixed staff costs                                           2,708            2,678            5,456
    Total sales, marketing and professional services               2,978            3,077            6,275
    Development                                                      675              475              876
    Support                                                        1,223            1,161            2,400
    General and administration                                     2,499            2,928            5,629
 Total staff costs                                                 7,375            7,641           15,180
 Depreciation of tangible assets                                     426              460              896
 Direct third party costs                                            840              718            1,399
 Other operating charges                                           3,423            2,870            5,834
 Operating expenses before amortisation and material              12,064           11,689           23,309
one-off items
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                 1,502            1,535            3,060
 Material one-off items                                              714              534            1,114
 Total operating expenses                                         14,280           13,758           27,483

8    Material one-off items
                                                                6 months         6 months             Year
                                                                   ended            ended            ended
                                                            31 December      31 December           30 June
                                                                    2007             2006             2007
                                                                    �000             �000             �000
Redundancy costs (including legal and professional                   247              140              657
Compensation for loss of office for former director and              339              317              317
replacement costs (including legal and professional
Restructuring and strategy costs                                     128               77              140
                                                                     714              534            1,114

Unusual items that are material in size and infrequent in nature are presented
as material one-off items in the Income Statement.  The directors are of the
opinion that the separate recording of material one-off items provides helpful
information about the Group's underlying business performance.

9          Share-based payments

A description of each type of share-based payment can be obtained from the 2007
Annual Report.

All share incentives are over ordinary shares of the Company.  The Group grants
share incentives to employees in the form of share options and share bonuses.
The fair value of all share options granted since 7 November 2002 and not vested
at 31 December 2007 is recognised as a staff cost with a corresponding increase
in equity.  The employee expense is recognised equally over the time from grant
until vesting of the incentive.  The employee expense in the period to 31
December 2007 was a charge of �7,000 (31 December 2006 �14,000 credit; 30 June
2007 �11,000 charge).  The fair values have been measured using the binomial
model.  The expected volatility is based on the historic volatility adjusted for
any expected changes to future volatility.

The share bonuses relate to the Executive Deferred Share Incentive Plan (EDSIP).
The fair value of the EDSIP is calculated based on the shares awarded at the
grant price and recognised as a staff cost with a corresponding increase in
equity over the period from the grant date to the date the shares are fully

10         Taxation
                                                            6 months              6 months              Year
                                                               ended                 ended             ended
                                                        31 December           31 December            30 June
                                                                2007                  2006              2007
                                                                �000                  �000              �000
 United Kingdom corporation tax at 29.5% (2006 30%)
 Current taxation (credit)/charge on income for the            (298)                     3             (552)
 Over provision in respect of prior years                       (11)                     -              (55)
                                                               (309)                     3             (607)
 Overseas taxation
 Current taxation charge on income for the period                 36                    53               229
 Under provision in respect of prior years                         -                     -                34
                                                                  36                    53               263
 Total current taxation (credit)/charge                        (273)                    56             (344)
 Deferred taxation
 Current year           - United Kingdom                         186                   253               821
                        - Overseas                                 -                     -                46
                                                                 186                   253               867
 Under provision in respect of prior years                         -                     -              (79)
 Total deferred taxation                                         186                   253               788

 Taxation (credit)/charge on profit on ordinary                 (87)                   309               444

11         Dividends
                                                          6 months              6 months               Year
                                                             ended                 ended              ended
                                       Per share      31 December           31 December             30 June
                                 2008       2007              2007                  2006               2007
                                pence      pence              �000                  �000               �000
Ordinary shares of 5 pence each
Final 2006                          -        5.0                 -                 1,110              1,110
Interim 2007                        -        2.5                 -                     -                555
Final 2007                       5.25          -             1,167                     -                  -
Interim 2008                     2.50          -                 -                     -                  -
                                 7.75        7.5             1,167                 1,110              1,665

An interim dividend of 2.5 pence per share (2006 2.5 pence per share) will be
paid on 15 May 2008 to shareholders on the register on 25 March 2008.  Under
adopted IFRS these financial statements do not reflect this dividend payable.

12         Earnings per share

                                                             6 months              6 months               Year
                                                                ended                 ended              ended
                                                         31 December           31 December             30 June
                                                                 2007                  2006               2007
                                                                 �000                  �000               �000
 Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                       6                 1,027              2,598
 Amortisation of intangible assets adjusted for                 1,078                 1,074              2,426
 Capitalised development costs adjusted for                     (951)                 (953)            (2,236)
 EDSIP and share options adjusted for taxation                    203                   475                492
 Material one-off  items adjusted for taxation                    507                   371                823
 Underlying Trading Profit attributable to                        843                 1,994              4,103
ordinary shareholders
                                                               Number                Number             Number
 Weighted average number of shares (net of own             22,241,630            22,158,491         22,166,247
 Effect of dilutive share options                             297,780             1,148,534            506,772
 Adjusted diluted weighted average                         22,539,410            23,307,025         22,673,019
 Earnings per share
 Basic                                                           0.0p                  4.6p              11.7p
 Diluted                                                         0.0p                  4.4p              11.5p
 Basic - Underlying Trading Profit                               3.8p                  9.0p              18.5p
 Diluted - Underlying Trading Profit                             3.7p                  8.6p              18.1p

13      Intangible assets

                                                    Goodwill                       Product
                                              on purchase of                   development
                                                  subsidiary       Purchased          �000
                                                undertakings        software                       Total
                                                        �000            �000                        �000
At 1 July 2006                                        24,891           6,159        13,205        44,255
Foreign exchange adjustment                            (295)               -             -         (295)
Additions                                                  -             739         1,361         2,100
At 31 December 2006                                   24,596           6,898        14,566        46,060
At 1 January 2007                                     24,596           6,898        14,566        46,060
Foreign exchange adjustment                            (122)               -             -         (122)
Additions                                                  -             354         1,378         1,732
At 30 June 2007                                       24,474           7,252        15,944        47,670
At 1 July 2007                                        24,474           7,252        15,944        47,670
Foreign exchange adjustment                               46               -             -            46
Additions                                                  -             121         1,321         1,442
At 31 December 2007                                   24,520           7,373        17,265        49,158
Accumulated amortisation
At 1 July 2006                                        13,212           3,853         9,650        26,715
Foreign exchange adjustment                            (205)               -             -         (205)
Charge for the year                                        -             315         1,220         1,535
At 31 December 2006                                   13,007           4,168        10,870        28,045
At 1 January 2007                                     13,007           4,168        10,870        28,045
Foreign exchange adjustment                             (84)               -             -          (84)
Charge for the year                                        -             302         1,223         1,525
Transfer                                                  36            (36)             -             -
At 30 June 2007                                       12,959           4,434        12,093        29,486
At 1 July 2007                                        12,959           4,434        12,093        29,486
Foreign exchange adjustment                               32               -             -            32
Charge for the year                                        -             249         1,253         1,502
At 31 December 2007                                   12,991           4,683        13,346        31,020
Net book value
At 31 December 2007                                   11,529           2,690         3,919        18,138
At 31 December 2006                                   11,589           2,730         3,696        18,015
At 30 June 2007                                       11,515           2,818         3,851        18,184

14      Analysis of trade and other receivables

                                                                  At                    At                 At
                                                         31 December           31 December            30 June
                                                                2007                  2006               2007
                                                                �000                  �000               �000
 Non-current assets
 Non-trade receivables                                           153                    51                108
                                                                 153                    51                108
 Current assets
 Trade receivables                                             5,228                 7,089              5,290
 Prepayments                                                     907                   755                957
 Other receivables                                               122                    93                 47
                                                               6,257                 7,937              6,294

 Total receivables                                             6,410                 7,988              6,402
 Trade and other receivables analysis
 Instalment sale receivables
 Falling due within one year                                       -                     9                  -
                                                                   -                     9                  -
 Normal trade receivables
 Falling due within one year                                   5,228                 7,080              5,290
 Days sales outstanding                                      30 days               29 days            33 days
 Total trade receivables                                       5,228                 7,089              5,290
 Total other receivables                                       1,182                   899              1,112
 Total receivables                                             6,410                 7,988              6,402

15      Analysis of trade and other payables

                                                                  At                    At                 At
                                                         31 December          31 December             30 June
                                                                2007                  2006               2007
                                                                �000                  �000               �000
Non-current liabilities
  Staff severance pay                                            240                   242                207
  Other payables                                                   7                    11                 10
                                                                 247                   253                217
Current liabilities
  Accruals                                                     2,261                 2,790              3,238
  Other taxation and social security                           1,332                 1,598              1,236
  Deferred consideration                                           -                   330                  -
  Trade and other payables                                     1,275                 1,107              1,182
                                                               4,868                 5,825              5,656

Total trade and other payables                                 5,115                 6,078              5,873

16      Deferred income
                                                                  At                    At                 At
                                                         31 December          31 December             30 June
                                                                2007                  2006               2007
                                                                �000                  �000               �000
  Amounts falling due within one year                          8,173                 8,174              8,913
  Amounts falling due after more than one year                 1,201                 1,130              1,104
                                                               9,374                 9,304             10,017

17      Foreign exchange rates

                                                                  At                    At                 At
                                                        31 December           31 December             30 June
                                                                2007                  2006               2007
The following exchange rates have been used for
translation of period end balances into Sterling:
US dollars                                                      1.99                  1.96               2.01
Euro                                                            1.36                  1.48               1.49
Swiss francs                                                    2.25                  2.39               2.46

The following exchange rates have been used for
translation of period Income Statement into
US dollars                                                      2.04                  1.91               1.95
Euro                                                            1.43                  1.48               1.48
Swiss francs                                                    2.38                  2.36               2.39

18      Financial calendar

Interim dividend 2008                       - ex-dividend date                                  19 March 2008
                                            - record date                                       25 March 2008
                                            - scrip date                                        25 April 2008
                                            - payment date                                        15 May 2008
Financial year end                                                                               30 June 2008

19      Reconciling information

Internally, management focuses on increasing market-share and improving
operating efficiencies through tight cost control.  An important measure is
profit before taxation, amortisation and material one-off items, if applicable
(PBTae).  The directors believe that recording costs under IFRS and UK GAAP's
FRS20 Share-based Payment, can obscure the underlying trading of the business,
especially development costs and hence are only used for statutory reporting

The following table reconciles the Group's Underlying Trading Profit reported on
the basis that is used internally for evaluating performance with the results
under UK GAAP and IFRS:

                                                             6 months            6 months            Year
                                                                ended               ended           ended
                                                         31 December         31 December          30 June
                                                                 2007                2006            2007
Underlying Trading Profit (UTP)                                  �000                �000            �000
PBTae for the period per management accounts                      375               2,028           5,287
FRS20 adjustment in respect of share-based payments               318               (126)           (854)
Other                                                               -                   -             (1)
PBTae for the period reported under UK GAAP                       693               1,902           4,432
Holiday pay - expensed to Income Statement                        121                 142              45
IFRS2 share-based payments                                        288                 679             745
IFRS movement                                                     409                 821             790
Management accounts total movement                                727                 695            (65)
UTP for the period reported under IFRS                          1,102               2,723           5,222

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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