RNS Number:2095L
Mice Group PLC
19 May 2003

                                 MICE GROUP PLC

           Preliminary Results for the year ended to 28 February 2003

MICE Group Plc, the international marketing support services group, announces
record results for the year ended 28th February 2003.


*       Turnover up 33% to #120.3 million  (2001: #90.2 million)

*       Group profit before tax and exceptionals has grown by 13% to
        #7.1 million (2001: #6.3 million)

*       Earnings per share, including exceptionals, of 7.38p (2001:7.28p)

*       Exceptional property gain of #1.6 million (1.82p per share)

*       Net debt of #21.6 million is exactly equal to the value of freehold 

*       Interest is covered 5.6 times by pre-exceptional operating profit

Commenting on the results, Chairman Mike Curley, said:

"This is our eighth successive set of record breaking results and with a #60
million order book this trend should continue."

MICE Group Plc                             020 7466 5000 (today only)
Mike Curley, Chairman
Buchanan Communications                    020 7466 5000
Mark Edwards/Bobby Morse



                I am very pleased to announce the eighth successive set of
record results since our public listing in December 1994. Previously our annual
figures were prepared on a calendar year basis and therefore for ease of
comparison and to give a clearer understanding of the Group's trading
performance, the figures for year ending 28th February 2003 are compared to the
pro forma figures for the twelve months ended 31st December 2001.

Group turnover for the year ended 28th February 2003 was #120.3 million compared
to #90.2 million for the twelve months to 31st December 2001.  Group profit
before tax and exceptionals was #7.1 million compared to #6.3 million, which
represents an increase of 13%.

During the year ended 28th February 2003 there was an exceptional profit of
#1.6 million from the sale and leaseback of property occupied by Marler Haley,
which increased the Group profit before tax to #8.7 million.

Subsequently earnings per share for the year, including exceptionals, are 7.38p
compared to 7.28p for the twelve months to 31st December 2001.

Following these results the Board has recommended a final dividend for the
period of 1.27p which, together with the interim dividend of 0.48p paid in
December 2002, gives a total dividend for the year of 1.75p and maintains the
previous years dividend policy.

These results again show that, despite the background of world recession, your
company continues to grow successfully and has, once more, achieved market


The MICE Group Plc growth has been achieved both organically and through a
series of strategic acquisitions.  In all there are now 34 operations within the
Group.  These enhance our ability to offer an integrated range of services to
all our clients.  Such a spread of activities necessitates a highly focused
management structure with clear lines of reporting.  To this end your Board
undertook last year a review of the management structure of the Group and agreed
to divide the Group into 3 reporting divisions.

International Division

                The International Division incorporates eighteen operating
companies which are individually managed and report to Jim Curley, who is the
Divisional Chief Executive Officer.

The Division provides design services, project management and the organisation
of conferences, road shows, leisure projects, product launches and international

The European operations are based in Germany and Belgium.  In 2003 designafairs
exhibition services GmbH was acquired for #1.6m, with a turnover of #11.6
million and pre-tax losses of #1.7 million.  The acquisition brings exceptional
client service and professional project management to the Division's continental
European operations.

                The International Division achieved enhanced growth during the
year by providing single source solutions and developing global relationships
with multinational clients.

U.K. Division

                There are ten operating companies within the U.K. Division which
are individually managed and report to the Divisional board.

                The Division works closely with the other divisions of MICE
Group to support the provision of a turnkey range of services, with
approximately ten per cent of the Division's sales being made to fellow Group

                During the year ended 28th February 2003 the Division continued
its strategy of integrating businesses acquired during recent years.  As part of
this programme, the operations of Marler Haley were reorganised and a #2.7
million acquisition was integrated in order to provide enhanced capabilities and
further capacity to support the development of the Group.  In addition, the
Division is developing a stronger presence by providing services to the health
and education sectors which present significant opportunities for growth.

                The U.K. Division also provides design, project management and
installation services for multinational clients wishing to create brand
experiences.  Amongst the many projects undertaken during the year were
contracts for Ford, Tesco, Sygnet, WH Smith, Bang & Olufsen, Next and British

North American Division

                The six operating companies located in the U.S.A. and Canada
work closely together and report to the Divisional Chief Executive Officer, Paul

North American Division (continued)

                During the year Paul Mullen and his team opened the headquarters
of MICE North America Inc. in Las Vegas - Nevada and launched MICE Creative in
Hollywood, Los Angeles - California. Both of these supplemented existing
operations in Phoenix - Arizona, San Francisco - California and MICE Kadoke the
leading design and exhibition company in Canada.

In July 2002 the Group acquired Delta Management Services Inc., which is based
in Orlando - Florida, and has a further twenty-six city offices throughout the

During September 2002 the business of Displayworks Inc. in Irvine - California,
San Francisco - California and Portland - Oregon was acquired at a cost of #4.3
million. During it's financial period before acquisition, Displayworks made a
loss before tax of $1 million. The business offers full service programmes for
the design and fabrication of trade show exhibits and corporate interiors.  MICE
have since opened further branches of MICE Displayworks in both Dallas - Texas
and San Diego - California.

                The North American Division is now operating profitably and
experiencing growth in both it's enquiry levels and order book. The further
growth of the Division is an essential part of the Group strategy of becoming
the leading provider of below the line marketing support services on a global
scale.  The client relationships that are being formed and the prospects for
this new operation are very encouraging.

Within each of these divisions therefore considerable progress has been made in
developing the business as a whole.  At the same time, it should also be noted
that along with the growth of the Group there has been a subtle change in the
mix of the so called creative and manufacturing aspects of the business.  While
both elements are continuing to grow the creative side is progressively becoming
more significant.


                The Expocentric operations are now profitable due to the
rationalisation and integration programmes undertaken in relation to this
company. Following acquisitions and re-organisations at a cost of more than #7
million, this business is now established with an efficient overhead structure
and has further developed the provision of on-line delegate registration
services in relation to conferences and exhibitions.

                On 19th March 2003 MICE announced the completion of the
acquisition of certain property leases and assets of The Color Co, for a sum of
#2.8 million, including costs, for use by Expocentric as communication centres.
In addition to the existing range of services, these centres will also offer
on-line interactive sale and distribution of exhibition and conference related
products.  The Expocentric operation has now been fully integrated into the
International Division.


Between September 2001 and 31 August 2002 as per the mandate vested in the Board
7,817,188 shares were purchased and cancelled at an average price of 62.4p. The
company has also purchased 1,080,000 shares at an average price of 68.9p to hold
against an employee share savings scheme which is in place with an option to
convert at 74p per share. The cash cost of this operation totalled #5.6 million.


The Group results and continued growth can only be achieved with the very hard
work, skills and dedication of our employees. The nature of work undertaken by
Group companies often involves absolute deadlines over wide geographic areas.
The Board joins me in thanking all employees for the part each one of them has
played in the continuing expansion of the business.


                With the growth and development of the Group we continue to
develop the MICE management teams. The management of the Group is structured to
support strong operational performance and corporate governance.

                After 23 years of loyal service Peter Dillon has retired from
the Board and we wish to thank him for the substantial contribution that he has
made over this period to the success of the company.    We are pleased to
confirm that Mr. Dillon has agreed to work with us from time to time in the
future on a mutual basis as a consultant.

                Sir Richard Needham has resigned his position as non-executive
director in order to pursue other business interests and I would personally like
to add my thanks, to those of the Board, for the valuable contributions he has
made over the last five years.

                George Kadoke has also retired from the Board as a non-executive
director having been involved with MICE Group for four years.  He was a founder
of our Canadian operations some 42 years ago, and we are pleased to confirm that
Mr. Kadoke has also agreed to work with us from time to time on a mutual basis
as a consultant.

In recognition of the contribution made by Stephen Barclay as senior
non-executive director, he has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Board.

John Moxon has been appointed as a non-executive director. John was a former
main board director of stockbrokers Beeson Gregory, and has many years of
experience in advising quoted companies and liaising with institutional
investors.   We look forward to working with him.

YOUR BOARD (continued)

                George Dorr of Rochester, New York State, U.S.A., has also been
appointed a non-executive director with particular emphasis in reference to MICE
North America.   George's previous major appointments were with the   U. S.
Navy, the Xerox Corporation and Giltspur Exhibits.

Paul Mullen has now been formally appointed to the Board with the primary
responsibility of further developing and growing the North American Division.

                Shareholders can be reassured that the strength of the Board and
its management team will ensure that the Group continues to achieve its
strategic objectives.


                The performance of the Group and our expansion plans indicate
that we are continuing to develop both in size and by geographic spread of
operations. The Group continues to be committed to achieving its objective of
becoming a global marketing company by consolidating itself within a highly
fragmented market.

                Greater returns are being generated for our multinational
clients by broadening and deepening a turnkey range of below the line marketing
support services.

                Strategically we are well placed to take advantage of the trend
for marketing budgets to be devoted more towards below the line activities. In
the short term we are obviously experiencing particular delays to projects in
the Middle East and indeed have had various orders deferred because of the Iraqi
war.  We have also had an event cancelled that was to have taken place in
Beijing, China, owing to the Sars virus.  However, we are anticipating a
reasonable first half year trading performance. We do, currently, have a record
#60 million order book and are making very encouraging progress with the
recently expanded operations in both Europe and North America which should
indicate yet another year of substantial growth.

At the year end our net debt of #21.6 million represented 46% gearing, however,
it is also exactly equal to the value of our freehold properties.  The outlook
for the future as a whole, therefore, remains very bright.

We are confident that by pursuing our strategy of strong organic growth and our
consolidation within the fragmented industry of which we are a part that we will
continue to sustain the growth which we have consistently demonstrated.

Michael Curley


Group Profit and Loss Account

          for the 12 months ended 28 February 2003

                                                                          12 months          Pro-forma      14 months 
                                                                              ended    12 months ended          Ended 
                                                                        28 February        31 December    28 February 
                                                                               2003               2001           2002 
                                                                               #000               #000           #000 
  Turnover                  - continuing operations                         109,771             90,156        100,090 
                            - acquisitions                                   10,570                  -              - 
                            - discontinued operations                             -                  -            584 
                                                                            120,341             90,156        100,674 
  Cost of sales                                                            (79,784)           (59,514)       (67,279) 
  Gross profit                                                               40,557             30,642         33,395 
  Selling and administrative expenses                                      (31,943)           (23,167)       (40,517) 
  Operating profit/         - continuing operations                           8,106              7,475        (6,501) 
                            - acquisitions                                      508                  -              - 
                            - discontinued operations                             -                  -          (621) 
                            - group operating profit                          8,614              7,475        (7,122) 
                            - share of operating (loss)/ profit of             (11)                 79             79 
  Total operating profit/(loss)                                               8,603              7,554        (7,043) 
  Profit on disposal of fixed assets (note 3)                                 1,630                  -              - 
  Costs of fundamental reorganisations (note 3)                                   -                  -          (618) 
  Loss on sale or termination of operations (note 3)                              -                  -          (572) 
  Profit/ (loss) on ordinary activities before interest                      10,233              7,554        (8,233) 
  Other interest receivable and similar income     - group interest             125                  -            147 
                                                   - share of                    18                 14             14 
                                                     interest of                                                        
                                                                                143                 14            161 
  Interest payable and similar charges             - group interest         (1,667)            (1,308)        (1,731) 
  Net interest payable                                                      (1,524)            (1,294)        (1,570) 
  Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                        8,709              6,260        (9,803) 
  Taxation                                                                  (2,155)            (1,940)          (765) 
  Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation                         6,554              4,320       (10,568) 
  Minority interests - equity                                                    36               (43)           (83) 
  Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders                         6,590              4,277       (10,651) 
  Dividends                                                                 (1,610)            (1,010)        (1,010) 
  Retained profit/(loss) for the period                                       4,980              3,267       (11,661) 
  Basic earnings/(loss) per share (note 4)                                    7.38p              7.28p       (17.15)p 
  Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (note 4)                                  7.29p              7.15p       (17.15)p 
  Statement of total recognised gains and losses                                                                      
  Profit/(loss) for the period                                                6,590                          (10,651) 
  Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties                             2,752                                 - 
  Currency translation differences on foreign currency net                      198                                17 
  Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period                    9,540                          (10,634) 
  Prior year adjustment (note 1)                                            (2,508)                                 - 
  Total gains and losses recognised since the last report and                 7,032                          (10,634) 

Group Balance Sheet 
As at 28 February   

                                                                 2003         2003         2002        2002
                                                                 #000         #000         #000        #000
            Fixed assets                                                                                   
            Intangible fixed assets                                          42,109                  21,979
            Tangible fixed assets                                            38,542                  31,104
            Investments                                                         808                     405
            Investment in associate                                             412                     419
                                                                             81,871                  53,907
            Current assets                                                                                 
            Stocks and work in progress                          9,452                    4,469            
            Debtors                                             23,285                   18,907            
            Cash at bank and in hand                             6,419                   30,646            
                                                                39,156                   54,022            
            Amounts falling due within one year               (39,043)                 (42,416)            
            Net current assets                                                  113                  11,606
            Total assets less current liabilities                            81,984                  65,513
            Amounts falling due after more than one year                   (33,770)                (27,393)
            Provisions for liabilities and charges                                                         
            Deferred taxation                                                 (976)                    (46)
            Net assets                                                       47,238                  38,074
            Capital and reserves                                                                           
            Called up share capital                                           3,758                   3,702
            Share premium account                                            18,939                  15,571
            Merger reserve                                                   24,788                  22,912
            Capital redemption reserve                                          312                     108
            Unissued shares                                                   3,517                   1,740
            Revaluation reserve                                               2,752                       -
            Profit and loss account                                         (6,360)                 (5,756)
            Shareholders' funds                                              47,706                  38,277
            Minority interests - equity                                       (468)                   (203)
                                                                             47,238                  38,074

All shareholders' funds are attributable to equity interests. 

Group Cash Flow Statement                                                                            
for the 12 months ended 28 February 2003                                                             
                                                                                       12 months      14 months
                                                                                           ended          ended
                                                                                     28 February    28 February
                                                                                            2003           2002
                                                                                            #000           #000
          Net cash inflow from operating activities                                            55         7,562
          Cash outflow relating to fundamental reorganisation                                   -         (239)
          Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                 (1,496)       (1,583)
          Taxation paid                                                                     (492)         (769)
          Capital expenditure and financial investment                                    (5,512)      (15,759)
          Acquisitions                                                                   (10,896)        30,217
                                                                                         (18,341)        19,429
          Equity dividends paid                                                           (1,153)         (968)
          Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing         (19,494)        18,461
          - issue of shares                                                                 2,711            10
          - purchase of own shares                                                        (2,984)       (1,894)
          - loans and finance leases                                                        3,591         4,771
          (Decrease)/increase in cash during the period                                  (16,176)        21,348
          Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net (debt)/cash                                       
          Net cash/(debt) at start of the period                                               41      (13,165)
          (Decrease)/increase in cash during the period                                  (16,176)        21,348
          New bank loans                                                                 (22,865)      (13,014)
          Repayment of bank loans                                                          17,889         4,645
          Inception of hire purchase and finance lease obligations                        (1,388)         (836)
          Repayment of hire purchase and finance lease obligations                            587           958
          Currency translation differences                                                    338           105
          Net (debt)/cash at 28th February                                               (21,574)            41



The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory financial statements for the year to 28th February 2003.
Statutory financial statements will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The information contained in
this announcement has been agreed with the Group's auditors.

A pro forma profit and loss account for the twelve months to 31st December 2001
was published in the previous Report and Accounts on the basis of continuing
operations excluding start up operations and impairment review. To make
comparisons easier the Highlights and the Chairman's Statement compare the
Group's trading performance for the year to 28th February 2003 to the pro forma
results for the twelve months to 31st December 2001.

The financial information set out in this announcement is prepared under the
historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of freehold
property, and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Following the
introduction of UITF Abstract 34, Pre-Contract Costs, the balance sheet
comparatives have been restated. This has no effect on either the current year
or comparative period results. In order to give a true and fair view the
financial statements depart from the requirement of companies legislation to
amortise goodwill.


Copies of the full financial statements will be sent to shareholders on 19th May
2003 and can be obtained by the public from the Company's registered office at
10 Arley Park, Colliers Way, Spring Hill, Arley, Coventry CV7 8HN.


                                                                         12 months      14 months
                                                                             ended          ended
                                                                       28 February    28 February
                                                                              2003           2002
                                                                              #000           #000

                        Profit on disposal of fixed assets                    1,630             -
                        Reorganisation of European operations                     -         (239)
                        Reorganisation of North American operations               -         (379)
                                                                              1,630         (618)
                        Loss on sale or termination of operations                 -         (572)
                                                                              1,630       (1,190)

The profit on disposal of fixed assets arises from the sale and operating
leaseback of premises, which had a net book value of #1.4 million at the date of

The reorganisation costs during the 14 month period to 28th February 2002
principally relate to redundancy costs incurred on the discontinuance of part of
the Group's operations in Europe, together with those incurred in relation to
the reorganisation of the North American operations.

The North American operations of Expocentric were sold on 13th February 2002
which, together with the Swedish operations of Expocentric, realised a loss of
#572,000 during the 14 month period to 28th February 2002.


  4. EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE              GROUP       GROUP       GROUP         GROUP        GROUP        GROUP     
                                             2003       2003         2003          2002        2002          2002     
                                            PENCE      PROFIT       NUMBER        PENCE       PROFIT        NUMBER    
                                          PER SHARE     #000      OF SHARES     PER SHARE      #000       OF SHARES   
  Earnings/(loss) per share is                                                                                        
  calculated as follows:                                                                                              
  Net profit/(loss)                                    6,590                                 (10,651)                 
  Weighted average number of shares                               89,239,051                              61,115,407  
  Basic earnings/(loss) per share         7.38p                                 (17.15)p                              
  Number of shares under option                                   3,475,367                               3,201,566   
  Number of shares that would be issued                          (2,371,827)                             (1,052,441)  
  at fair value                                                                                                       
  Diluted earnings/(loss) per share       7.29p        6,590      90,342,591    (17.15)p     (10,651)     64,264,532  
5.      DIVIDENDS 

The Directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 1.27p per share
making a total for the year of 1.75p (2002: 1.75p).

If approved, the final dividend will be paid on 7th July 2003 to shareholders on
the register on 13th June 2003. 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange