25 September 2009 
                             Microcap Equities plc 
                         ("Microcap" or the "Company") 
                                Interim results 
                  for the six month period ended 30 June 2009 
Chairman's statement 
I am pleased to report the results for the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
During the period, the Company incurred a loss before and after taxation of GBP 
23,471, compared to GBP144,366 for the year ended 31 December 2008. The loss is 
principally attributable to legal and professional fees and subscriptions paid. 
Since July 2008, the Company has deferred all directors' remuneration and rent. 
The board has been in negotiation with a potential subscriber for new shares 
for several months and is hopeful that the negotiation will be successful. No 
guarantee may be given, however, that such will be the case. If successful, 
shareholders will be asked to approve the subscription for new shares at a 
general meeting. If this transaction does not proceed, the Company, having 
almost exhausted its cash resources, will have to seek an alternative source of 
funds immediately or cease trading. A further announcement will be made 
N Greenstone 
25 September 2009 
Further enquiries 
Microcap Equities Plc 
Nicolas Greenstone                          Tel: 020 7247 9691 
John East & Partners, a subsidiary of Merchant Securities PLC 
Bidhi Bhoma /Virginia Bull                  Tel: 020 7628 2200 
Income Statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                       Six months    Six months     Year ended 
                                            ended         ended    31 December 
                                          30 June       30 June           2008 
                                                           2008      (audited) 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
Administrative expenses                      (23)          (41)           (65) 
Operating loss                               (23)          (41)           (65) 
Other income                                    -             1              1 
Impairment of investments available             -          (26)           (40) 
for sale 
Interest payable and similar charges            -          (40)           (40) 
Loss before taxation                         (23)         (106)          (144) 
Tax expense                                     -             -              - 
Loss for the period                          (23)         (106)          (144) 
Loss per ordinary share (pence) 
- Basic and diluted                       (0.02)p       (0.09)p        (0.13)p 
Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                       Six months    Six months     Year ended 
                                            ended         ended    31 December 
                                          30 June       30 June           2008 
                                                           2008      (audited) 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000          GBP'000 
Loss for the period                          (23)         (106)          (144) 
Loss on available for sale                      -             -           (28) 
Total recognised expenses for the            (23)         (106)          (172) 
Balance Sheet 
As at 30 June 2009 
                                            As at          As at          As at 
                                          30 June        30 June    31 December 
                                             2009           2008      (audited) 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                            GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments available for sale                  2             43              2 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                    13              9             13 
Cash and cash equivalents                       1             58             20 
                                               14             67             33 
Total assets                                   16            110             35 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                       14             19             10 
Total liabilities                              14             19             10 
NET ASSETS                                      2             91             25 
Equity and liabilities 
Share capital and reserves 
Share capital                               1,790          1,790          1,790 
Share premium account                       2,967          2,967          2,967 
Retained earnings                         (4,755)        (4,666)        (4,732) 
Total equity                                    2             91             25 
Cash Flow Statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                       Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                            ended          ended    31 December 
                                          30 June        30 June           2008 
                                             2009           2008      (audited) 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                            GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash expended from operations                (18)           (28)           (87) 
Net cash outflow from operating              (18)           (28)           (87) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest paid and similar charges               -           (40)              - 
Interest received                               -              1              1 
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from                 -           (39)              1 
investing activities 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of shares                   -             60             20 
New debenture loan                              -           (20)              - 
Net cash inflow from financing                  -             40             20 
Net decrease in cash and cash                (18)           (27)           (66) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to 
movement in net funds 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents        (18)           (27)           (66) 
Cash and cash equivalents brought              19             85             85 
Cash and cash equivalents carried               1             58             19 
Statement of changes in equity 
Six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                   Share        Share      Retained       Total 
                                 capital      premium      earnings 
                                - equity 
                                   GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 1 January 2009                  1,790        2,967       (4,732)          25 
Total recognised expenses for          -            -          (23)        (23) 
the period 
At 30 June 2009                    1,790        2,967       (4,755)           2 
Six months ended 30 June 2008 
                                    Share        Share      Retained      Total 
                                  capital      premium      earnings 
                                 - equity 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008                   1,730        3,007       (4,600)        137 
Total recognised expenses for           -            -         (106)      (106) 
the period 
Shares issued                          60            -             -         60 
Transfer between reserves               -         (40)            40          - 
At 30 June 2008                     1,790        2,967       (4,666)         91 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                    Share        Share      Retained      Total 
                                  capital      premium      earnings 
                                 - equity 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008                   1,730        3,007       (4,600)        137 
Total recognised expenses for           -            -         (172)      (172) 
the period 
Shares issued                          60            -             -         60 
Transfer from share premium             -         (40)            40          - 
At 31 December 2008                 1,790        2,967       (4,732)         25 
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
1. Basis of preparation 
The interim results are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts for 
the purpose of s240 of the Companies Act 1985 (s434 of the Companies Act 2006). 
They have been prepared under applicable International Financial reporting 
Standards adopted by the European Union (`IFRS'). 
The accounting policies applied in preparing the interim financial statements 
are consistent with those set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended 
31 December 2008. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2008 have been 
extracted from the statutory accounts filed with the registrar of companies on 
which the auditors gave an unqualified report. 
The following new standard is mandatory for the first time for the financial 
year beginning 1 January 2009: 
  * IAS 1(revised) Presentation of Financial Statements. The revised statement 
    prohibits the presentation of items of income and expense (that is 
    `non-owner changes in equity') in the statement of changes in equity, 
    requiring the `non-owner changes in equity' to be presented separately from 
    owner changes in equity. All `non-owner changes in equity' are required to 
    be presented in a performance statement. Entities can choose whether to 
    present one performance statement (the statement of comprehensive income) 
    or two statements (the income statement and statement of comprehensive 
    income). The Company has decided to present two statements. The interim 
    results have been prepared under the revised disclosure requirements. 
The financial information for the six months to 30 June 2009 and the six months 
to 30 June 2008 has not been audited. As permitted, the Company has chosen not 
to adopt IAS 34 `Interim Financial Statements' in preparing the interim 
financial information. 
2. Loss per share 
The basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to 
equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue. There 
are no potential ordinary shares which are dilutive and therefore diluted loss 
per share equals basic loss per share. 
The weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period was: 
                                       Six months     Six months     Year ended 
                                         ended 30       ended 30 
                                             June           June    31 December 
                                             2009           2008 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
Weighted average number of ordinary   114,941,002    112,600,343    113,773,879 
                                            GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Loss attributable to equity share            (23)          (106)          (144) 
Basic loss per share (pence)              (0.02)p        (0.09)p        (0.13)p 
3. Dividends 
No dividends have been declared for the six months ended 30 June 2009. 

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