RNS Number : 5599Z
  New Star Financial Opp Fd Ltd
  22 July 2008

    New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited

    Announcement of Half Yearly Results for the six months to 31 May 2008

    Company Information


    Martyn Chambers (Chairman)
George Baird Christopher Fish
Nigel Taylor Julian Tregoning
    Investment Manager

    New Star Asset Management Limited
1 Knightsbridge Green, London SW1X 7NE
Telephone: 020 7225 9200  Facsimile: 020 7225 9300  Website: www.newstaram.com
(Regulated by the Financial Services Authority)
    Administrator, secretary and registered office

    Elysium Fund Management Limited
PO Box 650, 2nd Floor, No. 1 Le Truchot, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3JX

    Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited
Longue Hougue House, St. Sampsons, Guernsey GY2 4JN

    KPMG Channel Islands Limited
PO Box 20, 20 New Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 4AN
    Prime Broker

    Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited
2nd Floor, One Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 4QJ

    HSBC Bank PLC
13 High Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3AT
    Registered number

    Registered in Guernsey No. 37630

    Principal Objective and Investment Policy

    On 11 December 2007, at an Extraordinary General Meeting, Ordinary Shareholders adopted a special resolution to change the Investment
Policy of New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited ("the Company").
    The investment objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders with a high level of income and the potential for capital and income
    The Company will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing predominantly in the equity, debt or other securities of listed
European and UK financial companies. The Company may invest up to 25 per cent. of its total assets (at the time of purchase) in financial
companies listed outside Europe and the UK.
    The Company also may invest up to 10 per cent. of its total assets (at the time of purchase) in unquoted financial securities and
limited partnerships, which themselves invest in financial companies.
    Individual holdings will be limited to 7.5 per cent. of the total assets (at the time of purchase) and the Company will not invest more
than 10 per cent. of the total assets (at the time of purchase) in other investment companies.
    Apart from normal hedging activities, the Company may enter into short sale transactions which shall be limited to 20 per cent. of the
total assets in aggregate with a limit on short sales of individual stocks of 5 per cent. of total assets.
    The Company will maintain gearing in most market conditions, with borrowing limited to 50 per cent. of total assets at the time of
drawdown, other than for short-term settlement for cashflow purposes.

    Changes to the Capital Structure

    On 11 December 2007 the subordinated loans totalling �41,572,440 were repaid to NSF Securities Limited and ZDP Shareholders received
their final capital entitlement of 168.48p per ZDP Share either by way of cash or accumulation units in New Star Diversified Absolute Return
Fund, an authorised open-ended unit trust. NSF Securities Limited was voluntarily wound up on 11 December 2007. 
    Following repayment on 11 December 2007 of the ZDP Shares, gearing is provided through a credit facility under a prime broker agreement
with Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited. As a result the Company has been re-categorised as a conventional investment company.
    On 11 December 2007 at an Extraordinary General Meeting, Ordinary Shareholders approved a series of special resolutions changing the
Company's Articles of Association and thus allowing proposals to implement a reconstruction of the Company and a Tender Offer to purchase up
to 50% of the Company's issued share capital.
    The proposals included:
    *    Restatement of the Company's investment objectives;  
    *    Changing the benchmark for measuring Company performance to the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Financials Index;
    *    Introducing an annual tender taking powers to buy back Shares;
    *    Introducing a performance fee for the Manager in addition to its annual management fee;
    *    Reducing the nominal value of shares from 25p each to 0.1p each;
    *    Cancelling the share premium account and transferring those funds to a distributable reserve;
    *    Implementing a Tender Offer in respect of 50% of the Company's issued share capital;
    *    Postponing until the Annual General Meeting in 2018, the obligation for the Board to propose an ordinary resolution that the
Company should continue as an investment company; and
    *    Authorising the purchase of up to 10% of the Ordinary Shares in issue and hold them as treasury shares.

    Results of the Tender Offer

    A Tender Price was calculated as 68.0781p, being 97% of the Tender NAV on the Calculation Date (the close of business on 14 December
    A total of 27,579,693 Ordinary Shares were tendered under the Tender Offer, representing 44.8% of the Company's issued share capital. Of
the tendered shares 4,212,625 Shares were sold in the market under a matching facility and the balance of 23,367,068 Shares were repurchased
by the Company. Of the shares repurchased, 4,236,992 Shares will be held in treasury and 19,130,076 Shares cancelled.
    On 19 December 2007, following the completion of the Tender Offer, the Company announced that it had 42,369,924 Shares in issue, of
which 4,236,992 were held in Treasury. Accordingly, the total voting rights attaching thereto was 38,132,932.

    Financial Highlights

 Performance - Total Return             % Change

 Net Asset Value                            -7.6
 Ordinary Share price                       -7.4
 Dow Jones STOXX 600 Financials Index*      -8.9
 FTSE Financials Index                     -12.6

 * Sterling equivalent

 Ordinary Shares   As at 31 May 2008  As at 30 November 2007  % Change

 Net Asset Value              63.86p                  71.63p     -10.8
 Mid-market price             59.00p                  66.25p     -10.9
 Discount                       7.6%                    7.5%         -

 Revenue                       1 December 2007 to  1 December 2006 to
                                      31 May 2008         31 May 2007  % Change

 Earnings per Ordinary Share                3.35p               2.61p      28.4
 Dividends per Ordinary Share               2.35p               2.20p       6.8

    Chairman's Statement

    In my last statement I told you of the successful reconstruction of New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited ('NSOF') following
repayment of the ZDP shares. NSOF is now a conventional investment company with 42,369,924 Ordinary Shares in issue of which 4,236,992 are
held in Treasury. The discount to NAV on 31 May 2008 was 7.6%.
    Financial markets have been extremely volatile in the last six months and this is reflected in the indices; the Dow Jones STOXX 600
Financials Index was down 8.9% and the FTSE Financials Index by 12.6%; our Fund, with its focus on financials, fell by 7.6% total return. We
appear to have avoided some of the worst pitfalls, such as the UK Clearers. Our broad mix of fixed income and financial equities currently
yields 7.8%.
    Two dividends, totalling 2.35p per Ordinary Share, were declared in the half year. After deducting the second interim dividend of 1.10p
per Ordinary Share declared in June, NSOF had revenue reserves of �1.71 million, or about 4.48p per Ordinary Share. The Board is
particularly concerned to try to ensure that the reserves are sufficient to meet the risk of income fluctuations year on year.
    I will be retiring as Chairman in September 2008 and the Board has unanimously elected Julian Tregoning as my successor. This will
require an Extraordinary General Meeting to amend the Articles of Association to allow his appointment as they currently prohibit a UK
resident as Chairman.
    I have been Chairman for eight years during some difficult times and I am grateful to all our Board members and our managers for their
support and hard work. I attach importance to Board continuity and experience and we are fortunate to have both in seeking to achieve the
investment objectives of the Company by providing for its shareholders high levels of income and the potential for capital and income
    Market Background
    The market background over the last six months has been an extremely difficult one for the financial sector. In particular the share
prices of banks, real estate companies and those financial companies exposed to the property market or financial markets have fallen
sharply, with some commentators describing it as the worst environment for the industry for over 30 years.
    A significant driver in the weakness in the share prices of banks over the last six months has been the concern that the pro-cyclicality
of the Basel II capital adequacy rules will result in banks needing to raise more capital in an economic slowdown. Adding to the weakness of
the share prices has been the belief that a number of European banks are considered to be overleveraged, the cost of which, namely the
shrinking of their balance sheets, will be lower profitability going forward for the sector.
    Credit markets, having initially suffered sharp falls at the beginning of the year, staged a partial recovery following the actions of
the Federal Reserve to provide funding to JP Morgan in its acquisition of Bear Stearns, thus preventing a systemic collapse in financial
markets. Rights issues by a number of banks, to strengthen their balance sheets, have also improved sentiment towards credit markets.
    Financial shares also rallied following the actions of the Federal Reserve with regard to Bear Stearns. However, its actions and the
steps taken by other central banks, to pump liquidity into financial markets, have not prevented financial shares, at the time of writing,
falling to new lows on the back of further negative economic data and higher food and energy prices.
    The degree to which banks will have to deliver and the lack of visibility with regard to the extent and duration of the slowdown in
economic growth make it difficult to forecast the impact on profitability for the financial sector. However, the fall in share prices has
resulted in the valuation of the sector falling close to historically low multiples, particularly for banks where some now trade close to,
or below, tangible book value.
    As a function of this cautious outlook the gearing of the Company has been reduced over the last six months and hedging remains in place
to provide a degree of protection if there is further weakness in financial shares in the short-term. Your Board, nonetheless, remain
confident on the long-term prospects for your Company, and the financial sector, and look forward to updating you in six months' time.

    Martyn Chambers
    21 July 2008

    Responsibility Statement of the Directors
     in respect of the Unaudited Half-Yearly Consolidated Financial Report

    In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R, we confirm that, to the best of our knowledge:
    (a)    The condensed set of unaudited consolidated interim results has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union, as required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.4R;
    (b)    The Chairman's Statement includes a fair review of the information required to be disclosed under the Disclosure and Transparency
Rule 4.2.7R, interim management report. This includes: (i) an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months
of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of unaudited interim results presented in the half-yearly financial report and
(ii) a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and
    (c)    There were no changes in the transactions or arrangements with related parties as described in the Group's annual report for the
year ended 30 November 2007 that would have had a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first six
months of the current financial year.

    Martyn Chambers
For and on behalf of the Board
21 July 2008

    For the six months ended 31 May 2008 (unaudited)

                                       1 December 2007                 1 December 2006              1 December 2006
                                        to 31 May 2008                  to 31 May 2007            to 30 November 2007
                                         (unaudited)                     (unaudited)                   (audited)
                                 Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital    Total   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                   �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000     �'000    �'000     �'000     �'000    �'000 

 Net investment gains/(losses)
 Realised gains on investments         -     1,658     1,658         -     4,721    4,721         -     7,740    7,740 
 Movement in unrealised                -    (6,085)   (6,085)        -     4,107    4,107         -    (8,872)  (8,872)
 appreciation on investments 
 Realised gains on derivative          -       254       254         -         -        -         -       529      529 
 Movement in valuation of              -       474       474         -      (206)    (206)        -      (152)    (152)
 unexpired derivative
 Exchange gains on capital             -       758       758         -        19       19         -       168      168 

                                       -   (2,941)   (2,941)         -     8,641    8,641         -      (587)    (587)
 Income from investments           1,268         -     1,268     2,072         -    2,072     3,642         -    3,642 
 Bank interest                       175         -       175        80         -       80       278         -      278 
 Exchange gains/(losses) on            2         -         2        (2)        -       (2)        -         -        - 

                                   1,445         -     1,445     2,150         -    2,150     3,920         -    3,920 
 Management fee                        -       (98)      (98)     (185)     (185)    (370)     (364)     (364)    (728)
 Finance charge attributable to                (94)      (94)        -    (1,471)  (1,471)        -    (3,007)  (3,007)
 ZDP Shares                            - 
 Administration fees                   -       (85)      (85)      (81)        -      (81)     (165)        -     (165)
 Audit fee                             -       (11)      (11)      (13)        -      (13)      (25)        -      (25)
 Directors' fees                       -       (47)      (47)      (44)        -      (44)     (100)        -     (100)
 Miscellaneous expenses                -       (34)      (34)      (46)        -      (46)      (81)        -      (81)
 Ordinary and ZDP Share                -      (320)     (320)        -         -        -         -      (128)   (128) 
 repayment costs

                                       -      (689)     (689)     (369)   (1,656)  (2,025)     (735)   (3,499)  (4,234)

 Net Return before Interest and    1,445    (3,630)   (2,185)    1,781     6,985    8,766     3,185    (4,086)    (901)

 Interest cost                         -      (598)     (598)        -         -        -         -         -        - 

 Net Return before Taxation        1,445    (4,228)   (2,783)    1,781     6,985    8,766     3,185    (4,086)    (901)

 Taxation                           (107)        -      (107)     (177)        -     (177)      (93)        -      (93)

 Total return for Ordinary         1,338    (4,228)   (2,890)    1,604     6,985    8,589     3,092    (4,086)    (994)

                                   pence     pence     pence     pence     pence    pence     pence     pence    pence 
 Basic return per Ordinary          3.35    (10.59)    (7.24)     2.61     11.36    13.97      5.03     (6.64)   (1.61)

    Items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations except for items relating to ZDP Shares.

    For the six months ended 31 May 2008 (unaudited)

    For the six months ended 31 May 2008 (unaudited)
                                                         Capital  Own shares  Distributable  Distributable    Other non- 
                                    Share     Share  redemption      held in       reserves      reserves   distributable
                                  capital   premium      reserve    Treasury      - revenue     - special        reserves    Total 
                                    �'000     �'000        �'000       �'000          �'000          �'000          �'000     �'000

 At 1 December 2007               15,375     3,623            -           -          1,686         17,338          6,023    44,045 
 Reduction in nominal value of   (15,314)   15,314            -            -             -              -              -         - 
 Ordinary shares
 Transfer to special reserve           -   (18,937)           -            -             -         18,937              -         - 
 Shares bought back for              (19)        -           19            -             -        (13,024)             -   (13,024)
 Shares bought back to be held         -         -            -      (2,884)             -              -              -    (2,884)
 in Treasury
 Net increase/(decrease) in net        -         -            -            -         1,338              -         (4,228)   (2,890)
 assets from operations
 Dividends paid                        -         -            -            -          (896)             -              -      (896)

 At 31 May 2008                       42         -           19      (2,884)         2,128          23,251         1,795    24,351 

    For the six months ended 31 May 2007 (unaudited)
                                                       Capital  Own shares  Distributable  Distributable    Other non- 
                                   Share    Share  redemption      held in       reserves      reserves   distributable
                                 capital  premium      reserve    Treasury      - revenue     - special        reserves   Total 
                                   �'000    �'000        �'000       �'000          �'000          �'000          �'000    �'000

 At 1 December 2006              15,375    3,623            -           -          1,392         17,338         10,109   47,837 
 Net increase in net assets           -        -            -            -         1,604              -           6,985   8,589 
 from operations
 Dividends paid                       -        -            -            -        (1,353)             -              -   (1,353)

 At 31 May 2008                  15,375    3,623            -           -          1,643         17,338         17,094   55,073 

    For the year ended 30 November 2007 (audited)
                                                       Capital  Own shares  Distributable  Distributable    Other non- 
                                   Share    Share  redemption      held in       reserves      reserves   distributable
                                 capital  premium      reserve    Treasury      - revenue     - special        reserves   Total 
                                   �'000    �'000        �'000       �'000          �'000          �'000          �'000    �'000

 At 1 December 2006              15,375    3,623            -           -          1,392         17,338         10,109   47,837 
 Net increase/(decrease) in net       -        -            -            -         3,092              -         (4,086)    (994)
 assets from operations
 Dividends paid                       -        -            -            -        (2,798)             -              -   (2,798)

 At 31 May 2008                  15,375    3,623            -           -          1,686         17,338          6,023   44,045 

    As at 31 May 2008 (unaudited)
                                    31 May 2008  31 May 2007  30 November 2007
                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)         (audited)
                                          �'000        �'000             �'000
 Non-current assets
 Investments at fair value              35,566       82,938            73,987 

 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables             2,679        1,420             1,773 
 Cash and cash equivalents               7,896       12,182            10,680 
                                        10,575       13,602            12,453 

 Total assets                           46,141       96,540            86,440 

 Current liabilities
 Bank overdraft                         20,688            -                -  
 Trade and other payables                1,102        1,525               765 
 Amounts due to ZDP Shares                   -       39,942            41,478 
                                        21,790       41,467            42,243 

 Non-current liabilities
 Amounts due on derivative                   -            -               152 

 Total liabilities                      21,790       41,467            42,395 

 Net assets                             24,351       55,073            44,045 

 Capital and reserves
 Called-up share capital                    42       15,375            15,375 
 Share premium account                       -        3,623             3,623 
 Capital redemption reserve                 19            -                 - 
 Own shares held in Treasury            (2,884)           -                 - 
 Distributable reserves - revenue        2,128        1,643             1,686 
             - special                  23,251       17,338            17,338 
 Other non-distributable reserves        1,795       17,094             6,023 

 Total equity shareholders' funds       24,351       55,073            44,045 
                                          pence                          pence
 Net asset value per Ordinary             63.86        89.81             71.63

 Number of Ordinary Shares in        38,132,932   61,500,000        61,500,000
 issue at period end excluding
 shares held in Treasury

    For the six months ended 31 May 2008 (Unaudited)

                                 1 December 2007 to  1 December 2006 to  1 December 2006 to
                                        31 May 2008         31 May 2007    30 November 2007
                                        (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                             �'000               �'000                �'000

 Operating activities
 Cash received from financial                1,702               1,764               3,289 
 Interest received                             152                  36                 275 
 Operating expense payments                   (402)               (642)             (1,268)
 Net cash inflow from operating              1,452               1,158               2,296 

 Servicing of finance
 Interest paid                                (496)                   -                  - 
 Net cash outflow from                        (496)                   -                  - 
 servicing of finance

 Investing activities
 Purchase of financial                     (12,451)            (16,497)            (44,285)
 Sale of financial investments              45,853              24,530              50,767 
 Realised losses on foreign                   (129)                (13)                (22)
 currency transactions
 Realised gains on derivative                  395                   -                 223 
 Net cash inflow from investing             33,668                8,020              6,683 

 Financing activities
 Ordinary shares bought back               (13,024)                  -                   - 
 for cancellation
 Ordinary shares bought back to             (2,884)                  -                   - 
 be held in treasury
 Repayment to ZDP Shareholders             (41,572)                  -                   - 
 Ordinary and ZDP share                       (424)                  -                  (5)
 repayment costs
 Dividends paid                               (896)             (1,353)             (2,798)
 Net cash outflow from                     (58,800)             (1,353)             (2,803)
 financing activities

 (Decrease)/increase in net                (24,176)              7,825                6,176
 cash and cash equivalents

                                 1 December 2007 to  1 December 2006 to  1 December 2006 to
                                        31 May 2008         31 May 2007    30 November 2007
                                        (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                             �'000               �'000                �'000

 Reconciliation of income less
 expenses to net cash inflow
 from operating activities
 Income less expenses and                      649                 (52)               (407)
 withholding tax
 Finance charge attributable to                 94               1,471               3,007 
 ZDP shares
 Ordinary and ZDP Share                        320                   -                 128 
 repayment costs
 Movement in accrued income                      -                (129)               (266)
 Movement in other debtors                     489                 (39)                (83)
 Movement in other creditors                  (100)                (93)                (83)
 and accruals
 Net cash inflow from operating              1,452               1,158               2,296 

 Analysis of changes in cash
 and cash equivalents
 Cash at the beginning of the               10,680               4,364               4,364 
 (Decrease)/increase in net                (24,176)              7,825               6,176 
 cash and cash equivalents
 Revaluation of foreign                        704                  (7)                140 
 currency balances
 Cash at the end of the period             (12,792)             12,182              10,680 

 Net cash at the end of period
 is made up as follows:
 Cash and cash equivalents                   7,896              12,182              10,680 
 Bank overdraft                            (20,688)                  -                   - 
                                           (12,792)             12,182              10,680 

    For the six months ended 31 May 2008 (unaudited)

    1    General information
    New Star Financial Opportunities Fund Limited (the "Company") is a company domiciled in Guernsey. The condensed unaudited consolidated
interim results of the Company for the six months ended 31 May 2008 comprise the Company and its subsidiary up to the date of its winding up
on 11 December 2007.
    On 11 December 2007 the subordinated loans totalling �41,572,440 were repaid to NSF Securities Limited and ZDP Shareholders received
their final capital entitlement of 168.48p per ZDP Share either by way of cash or accumulation units in New Star Diversified Absolute Return
Fund, an authorised open-ended unit trust. NFS Securities Limited was voluntarily wound up on 11 December 2007.
    Changes to the Capital Structure of the Company are contained within this document.
    These condensed unaudited consolidated interim results for the six months ended 31 May 2008 were authorised for issuance on 21 July
    2    Significant Accounting Policies
    a)    Statement of compliance
    These condensed unaudited consolidated interim results have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRSs") for interim financial statements; IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. They do not include all of the information required for full
annual financial statements.
    b)    Basis of preparation
    The unaudited interim results have been prepared on a fair value basis for financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss and derivative financial instruments. Other financial assets and liabilities and non-financial assets and liabilities
are stated at amortised cost.
    The unaudited interim results are presented in Sterling rounded to the nearest thousand. The functional currency of the Company is
Sterling as this is the currency of the primary economic environment within which the Company operates.
    The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent with those used in the financial statements for
the year ended 30 November 2007, except where stated below.
    These unaudited consolidated interim results should be read in conjunction with the last audited financial statements as at 30 November
    c)    Changes in allocation of expenses between revenue and capital
    As detailed in the circular dated 19 November 2007 recommending the implementation of a Tender Offer to purchase up to 50 per cent. of
the Company's issued share capital and reconstruct the Company, the Board also recommended the altering of the  Company's accounting
treatment with respect to expenses.
    Following approval of the latter recommendation, expenses are now charged 100 per cent. against the capital account as shown in these
interim results.  Prior to 1 December 2007, expenses were allocated equally between revenue and capital.  Comparative figures have not been
    3    Management fee
    New Star Asset Management Limited acts as Manager and is entitled to an annual fee, paid monthly in arrears. The management fee is
calculated at a rate of 0.8% of net assets and is now allocated entirely to capital. Prior to 30 November 2007 the fee was allocated equally
between revenue and capital. At the period end, �32,000 (31 May 2007: �127,000; 30 November 2007: �118,000) was payable to New Star Asset
Management Limited and is included in creditors.
    In addition, the Manager is now entitled to receive a performance fee. The performance fee is at a rate of 15 per cent. of the amount by
which the NAV total return of the Shares out-performs the total return of the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Financial Index (expressed in sterling)
plus a hurdle of two per cent. per annum. The fee is payable twice yearly with a cap of two per cent. of the net assets in respect of any
particular year, subject to meeting the high watermark. At the period end, there was no performance fee payable to the Manager.
    4    Administration fees
    Elysium Fund Management Limited act as Administrator and receives a fee at the rate of �174,000 per annum with effect from 1 March 2008,
prior to this the administration fee was �166,000 per annum, payable monthly in arrears. The Administrator is responsible for the fees of
the Custodian and the Registrar.
    5    Taxation
    The charge for the six months ended 31 May 2008 is �107,000 (six months ended 31 May 2007: �177,000; year ended 30 November 2007:
�93,000). These amounts represents irrecoverable withholding tax paid on overseas income.
    The Company has an effective tax rate of 0%. The estimated effective tax rate is 0% as the Company and subsidiary are both domiciled in
Guernsey and are exempt from paying tax on income or capital gains of that jurisdiction under the terms of the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies)
(Guernsey) Ordinance 1989. Each company is liable to an exemption fee of �600 per annum.
    6    Share capital
                                    31 May 2008  31 May 2007  30 November 2007
                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)         (audited)
                                          �'000        �'000             �'000
 80,000,000 Ordinary shares of
 0.1p each
 (31 May 2007 and 30 November
 80,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 25p          80        20,000            20,000

 Allotted issued and fully paid
 61,500,000 Ordinary shares of 25p      15,375        15,375            15,375
 Reduction in the nominal value of     (15,314)            -                 -
 Ordinary Shares
 61,500,000 Ordinary shares of              61        15,375            15,375
 0.1p each
 19,130,076 Shares bought back for         (19)            -                 -
 42,369,924 Ordinary shares of
 0.1p each
 (31 May 2007 and 30 November
 61,500,000 Ordinary Shares of 25p          42        15,375            15,375

    Shares bought back to be held in Treasury:
    The Company has taken advantage of the regulations which came into force to allow companies, including investment trusts, to buy shares
and hold them in Treasury for re-issue at a later date. In accordance with Abstract 37: 'Purchase and sale of own shares', the consideration
paid for shares held in Treasury is presented as a deduction from shareholders' funds.
                                 1 December 2007 to  1 December 2006 to  1 December 2006 to
                                        31 May 2008         31 May 2007    30 November 2007
                                        (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                             �'000               �'000                �'000
 Nominal Value of Shares held
 in Treasury
 At the beginning of the period                 -                    -                  -  
 Additions                                   2,884                   -                   - 
 At the end of the period                    2,884                   -                   - 

 Number of Shares held in                4,236,992                   -                   - 

    7    Reserves and distributions
    On 12 December 2007 the Company applied to the Royal Court of Guernsey to cancel the share premium account. On 14 December 2007,
approval to cancel the share premium account was received and the balance of �18,937,000 was transfered to the special reserve.
    On 16 June 2008, a second interim dividend of �419,462; 1.10 pence per share relating to the year ending 30 November 2008, was declared.
This dividend which is payable on 31 July 2008, has not been shown in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Equity.
    Under the terms of the Company's Articles of Association, distributions can be made up to the total of accumulated gross income received
(less the running costs). For the period ended 31 May 2008, the amount available for distribution was �1,338,000; 3.51 pence per share (31
May 2007: �1,604,000; 2.61 pence per share; 30 November 2007: �3,092,000; 5.03 pence per share). Distributions of �896,000; 2.35 pence per
share (31 May 2007: �1,353,000; 2.20 pence per share; 30 November 2007: �2,798,000; 4.55 pence per share) have been distributed. The
retained surplus of �442,000 (31 May 2007: retained surplus �251,000; 30 November 2007: retained surplus of �294,000) is included in
distributable revenue reserves.
    8    Return per share
    The basic revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on a net increase in net assets from operations of �1,338,000 (31 May 2007:
�1,604,000; 30 November 2007: �3,092,000) and on 39,920,577 Ordinary Shares (31 May 2007: 61,500,000; 30 November 2007: 61,500,000) being
the weighted average number in issue (excluding treasury shares) throughout the period. The basic capital return per Ordinary Share is based
on a net decrease in assets from operations of �4,228,000 (31 May 2007: increase of �6,985,000; 30 November 2007: decrease of �4,086,000)
and on 39,920,577 Ordinary Shares (31 May 2007: 61,500,000; 30 November 2007: 61,500,000) being the weighted average number in issue
(excluding treasury shares) throughout the period.
    There are no potential Ordinary Shares in existence, therefore no diluted returns per Share have been shown.
    9    Net asset value per Share
                                    31 May 2008  31 May 2007  30 November 2007
                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)         (audited)
                                          pence       pence              pence

 Net asset value per Ordinary             63.86        89.81             71.63

    The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to the Ordinary Shareholders of �24,351,000 (31 May 2007:
�55,235,000; 30 November 2007: �44,054,000) and on 38,132,932 (31 May 2007: 61,500,000; 30 November 2007: 61,500,000) Ordinary Shares in
issue (excluding treasury shares) at the end of the period. (In May 2007 the net asset value per ZDP Share was based on the net assets
attributable to ZDP Shareholders of �39,780,000; 30 November 2007: �41,469,000 on 24,675,000 ZDP Shares).
    10    Contingent assets and liabilities
    At 31 May 2008, the Company was exposed to risks associated with sub-underwriting �800,000 on the Royal Bank of Scotland Group rights
issue. On 12 June 2008, the Royal Bank of Scotland announced subscribers had been procured for the remaining Ordinary Shares so the Company
did not suffer any loss on this transaction. Furthermore, the Company has received �8,000 as underwriting commission regarding the
    As at 31 May 2008there were no contingent assets or liabilities, except for these details above, (31 May 2007: none; 30 November 2007:
    11    Related party transactions
    Apart from Management fees detailed in note 3 there were no significant related party transactions during the period (31 May 2007: none;
30 November 2007: none).

    Forty largest investments at 31 May 2008

 Holding    Company               Sector                           Security  Fair Value


   400,000  Personal Group        Non-Life insurance               Ordinary       1,280
   115,000  Banco Santander       Banks                            Ordinary       1,209
   500,000  Chaucer Holdings      Fixed income                         CULS       1,132
   175,000  Aviva                 Life insurance                   Ordinary       1,103
   150,000  DnB NOR               Banks                            Ordinary       1,090
   175,000  Man Group             General financial                Ordinary       1,087
    17,500  BNP Paribas           Banks                            Ordinary         913
   750,000  Legal & General       Life insurance                   Ordinary         899
   100,000  HSBC Holdings         Banks                            Ordinary         853
   275,000  Liontrust Asset       General financial                Ordinary         838
 1,000,000  Intesa Sanpaolo       Fixed income                         Bond         798
   725,000  PSource Structured    Investment companies             Ordinary         790
 1,000,000  Santander Int Debt    Fixed income                         Bond         760
     8,000  Muenchener Rueckve    Non-Life insurance               Ordinary         758
   750,000  Brit Insurance        Fixed income                         Bond         716
            Holdings 8.5%
   750,000  Investec 7.75%        Fixed income                         Bond         704
   200,000  UniCredito Italiano   Banks                            Ordinary         700
   750,000  Provident Financial   Fixed income                         Bond         690
    60,000  Banco Bilbao Vizcaya  Banks                            Ordinary         676
   750,000  Wogen                 General financial                Ordinary         653
   700,000  Kensington Group 9%   Fixed income                         Bond         616
   445,000  Davenham Group        General financial                Ordinary         601
    35,000  Bank of Pireaus       Banks                            Ordinary         595
   225,000  International         General financial                Ordinary         580
            Personal Finance
    80,000  Bank of Cyprus        Banks                            Ordinary         564
   700,000  Barclays Financials   Fixed income          Reverse Convertible         554
            10% WOP Basket
   400,000  New Star Asset        General financial                Ordinary         542
    30,000  Commerzbank           Banks                            Ordinary         538
   500,000  HBOS Capital Funding  Fixed income                         Bond         533
   375,000  RSA Insurance Group   Non-Life insurance               Ordinary         514
   275,000  Sberbank Rossii       Banks                            Ordinary         495
   400,000  Friends Provident     Life insurance                   Ordinary         484
   450,000  SVG Capital 8.25%     Fixed income                         Bond         450
    25,000  AXA                   Non-Life insurance               Ordinary         446
     3,000  Zurich Financial      Non-Life insurance               Ordinary         444
    70,000  ICAP                  General financial                Ordinary         431
     6,000  Wendel                General financial                Ordinary         431
   250,000  Hansard Global        Life insurance                   Ordinary         430
   125,000  Intesa Sanpaolo       Banks                            Ordinary         415
   300,000  Randall & Quilter     Non-Life insurance               Ordinary         411
            Total for forty largest holdings by market value                     27,723
            Other holdings                                                        7,843
            Total fair value of investments                                      35,566

    The Company holds the following short positions on unexpired derivatives:

    The Company has a swap based on the DOW Jones Europe Stoxx Bank Index with a total notional value of �2,047,000. The unrealised gain on
this contract at 31 May 2008 was �536,000.

    The Company also has three contracts for difference with a total notional value of �574,000. The unrealised loss on these contracts at
31 May 2008 was �62,000.

    Notice of meeting

offices of Elysium Fund Management Limited, No. 1 Le Truchot, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3JX on 12 September 2008 at 10.30 am for the
following purposes:
    Resolution on form of proxy
    As special business:
    Special Resolution 1
    That Article 95 of the Company's Articles of Association be amended to delete the words: "other than a UK resident Director".
    By order of the Board                                                    Registered office:
                                                                                           No. 1 Le Truchot
                                                                                                  St. Peter Port
                                                                                        Guernsey GY1 3JX
Elysium Fund Management Limited, Secretary                  21 July 2008
    A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote in his or her stead. A
proxy need not also be a member of the Company. To be effective, forms of proxy must be lodged with the Company's Secretary, Elysium Fund
Management Limited, not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting. Lodgement of the form of proxy will not
preclude a shareholder from attending the meeting and voting in person.

    The following documents will be available for inspection at the registered office of the Company during usual business hours on any
weekday (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) until the date of the meeting and at the place of the meeting for a period of 15
minutes prior to and during the meeting:
    a)    A statement of all transactions of each Director and of their family interests in the share capital of the Company; and 
    b)    The Articles of Association.
    None of the Directors has a contract of Service with the Company.
    Registered in Guernsey No. 37630

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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