RNS No 5315f
30 April 1999

Preliminary Results for Year Ended 31 December 1998

Production and Reserve Growth offset
by Collapse in World Oil Prices


Production increased by 42% to 2,176 boepd.
Proved reserve base up 8% to 4.6 million boe.
Reserve additions more than replaced production for the seventh year in a row.
Operating costs reduced by 12% to US$4.57/boe.
Agrigen's planning appeal rejected resulting in exceptional provision  of 
#0.87 million.
AmBrit's  US  oil and gas assets sold for US$22 million subject  to shareholder

The  collapse in world oil prices resulted in received oil and gas  prices 
down 34%  and  21% respectively resulting in a loss of #2.4 million after
exceptional items.

John F Billington, Chairman of United Energy plc said:

"1998  has been a very difficult year for small oil and gas companies  with 
the prospect  of weak product prices in the near term. Your Board therefore 
decided to  seek a buyer for the US interests to crystallise the value of the
assets and avoid the attrition of worth within the Company over the next few

An  explanatory circular relating to the proposed disposal of assets  to 
Castle Energy Corporation announced on 13 April 1999 is being mailed to

Nick Tamblyn, Chief Executive - 01242 253773
Derek Howard-Orchard, Group Technical Director - 01242 253773

Chairman's Statement

1998 has been a very difficult year.  Despite continuing to build solid growth
in  production and reserves, the severe erosion in world oil prices,  from  an
already  weak  position  at  the  beginning  of  the  year,  has  negated  the
achievements of the past three years.  I am, therefore, disappointed  to  have
to  report a loss of #2.40 million after exceptional items amounting to  #1.62
million.  Had 1997 average oil and gas prices prevailed in 1998, excluding the
loss  in Agrigen, the Company would have been able to report a profit of  #1.7

US Oil and Gas Operations

Despite  strong  production  growth throughout  the  year  and  a  significant
reduction  in operating cost per boe the US$4.67 per boe fall in  average  oil
and gas prices reduced cash flows by US$3.7 million.

As  a  result  of the nature of the business, the fall in product prices  hits
upstream  oil  and  gas  companies in a variety of ways  which  compounds  the
problems  currently faced by AmBrit Energy.  Not only are cash flows  reduced,
but  the  proved  reserve base is decreased as the economic limit  is  reached
earlier in the life of the field at lower prices.  With a smaller reserve base
and  reduced  pricing,  gearing is increased disproportionately  as  the  base
against  which  funds are borrowed is worth less.  Furthermore,  depletion  is
increased as costs are spread over a smaller reserve base.

Consequently, your Board determined at the end of last year to seek  the  sale
of  either AmBrit or its oil and gas assets in order to safeguard future value
to shareholders as I refer to below.


As  I  mentioned  in  last  year's  Report and  Accounts,  in  December  1997,
Northampton Borough Council rejected our revised planning application, despite
having  passed a resolution to grant permission for a similar scheme  in  1992
and  having supported the scheme during the period that both the NFFO  licence
and  the Thermie grant were awarded.  Two independent legal opinions from well
respected planning counsel confirmed that we had good grounds for appeal  with
a  better  than  average chance of success.  On the basis of  that  advice  we
prepared for an appeal hearing set for October 1998.

The Planning Inspector's decision to dismiss Agrigen's planning appeal for the
Nunn  Mills  Biomass  Power Station was announced by  your  Company  in  early
February  1999.  We are surprised that, in view of HM Government's  objectives
for renewable energy, his decision failed to address the National and European
issues  and was based on a parochial concern that the visual intrusion of  the
building  and emissions stack combined with the emission of an albeit harmless
visible  water  vapour  plume, would be detrimental to  Nene  Valley  and  the
regeneration of the development area.

Planning approval was the last significant hurdle to be overcome to bring  the
scheme to fruition.  Early in 1999, marketing of the Nunn Mills Biomass  Power
Station  project was initiated resulting in a number of strong indications  of
interest  which  confirmed your Board's view that the project had  significant

We  have  made a full provision against Agrigen Ltd amounting to #0.87 million
which is carried as an exceptional item.  The provision takes into account the
proceeds received from the disposal of the Group's interest in the Nunn  Mills
site for #250,000.


At  first  quarter 1999 pricing levels, AmBrit is not profitable.   Its  asset
base is declining through production at around 20% per year and it is unlikely
to  be  able to generate sufficient free cash flow to maintain its asset  base
over the medium term, either through acquisitions or drilling. AmBrit is under
pressure  from  its lending bank to reduce debt in line with  a  re-determined
loan  facility  by  1  July  1999, as are many other  small  US  oil  and  gas
companies, which is likely to result in a proliferation of properties for sale
at  the  mid year.  In view of the position predicated by the collapse in  oil
prices  and weakening gas prices your Board decided, at the time of  the  1998
interim results announcement, to investigate the sale of AmBrit or its  assets
in  order to crystallise a value for shareholders rather than have the company
wither  away  by  attrition.  As more fully described in a circular  which  is
being sent to shareholders, AmBrit has received an offer of US$22 million from
Castle Energy Corporation, which after payment of bank borrowings amounting to
US$14.7  million and office closure costs net of working capital  realisations
estimated at US$300,000 leaves around US$7 million to be repatriated to United
Energy.   Failure to approve the proposed sale of the assets to Castle  Energy
Corporation  will  put  the Group at risk due to the high  level  of  debt  in
relation  to the reduced value of the underlying security. In such  an  event,
your Board would seek alternative disposals although it would be necessary  to
reach  a new agreement with the bank.  There is no guarantee that a successful
refinancing could be achieved in a timely manner or at all.  If the bank  does
not  support  the Group during negotiations of such a refinancing  or  such  a
refinancing  is  not  achieved  in  a timely  manner,  the  Group  would  have
insufficient working capital.

Assuming  the sale of AmBrit's oil and gas assets to Castle Energy Corporation
is  completed without any material adjustment, United Energy should  have  net
liquid  assets  of  approximately 10p per share and an  ongoing  London  Stock
Exchange listing.

Your  Board is actively pursuing alternative business opportunities, and  will
report again to shareholders once a new business venture has been identified.

John F Billington
30 April 1999

                     Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                      for the Year Ended 31 December 1998

                                          1998           1997
                                Items   Items   Total   Total
                                #'000   #'000   #'000   #'000

Turnover                       5,471       -    5,471   5,507

Cost of sales:
  Production costs            (2,186)      -  (2,186) (1,760)
  Depletion of oil and 
        gas interests         (2,414)      -  (2,414) (1,665)
  Impairment of oil and 
        gas interests              -    (750)   (750)      -

                              (4,600)   (750) (5,350) (3,425)

Gross profit                     871    (750)    121   2,082

Administrative expenses         (910)      -    (910)   (857)


Operating (loss)/profit          (39)   (750)   (789)  1,225

Loss from interest in 
    associated undertaking       (20)   (870)   (890)    (26)
Interest receivable and 
    similar income                 6       -       6      23
Interest payable and 
    other charges               (729)      -    (729)   (394)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                 (782) (1,620) (2,402)    828

Taxation                           -       -      -      (25)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
     after taxation             (782) (1,620) (2,402)    803

(Loss)/earnings per share - basic (1)       (6.2)p     2.1p
(Loss)/earnings per share - diluted         (6.2)p     2.0p

All  items dealt with in arriving at the operating (loss)/profit for 1998  and
1997  relate to operations which, while continuing in 1998 and 1997 are to  be

The result as shown in the profit and loss account is not materially different
from the result on an unmodified historic cost basis.


1.The  calculation  of  loss  per  share is based  on  the  loss  on  ordinary
activities  after taxation of #2,402,000 (1997: profit #803,000)  and  on  the
weighted average number of 38,891,895 ordinary shares in issue during the year
(1997:  38,843,402).  There is no dilutive effect in the  current  year.   The
diluted  earnings per share in 1997 is calculated on a profit of  #803,000  on
39,130,915  shares, being the basic weighted average of 38,843,402 shares  and
the  dilutive  potential ordinary shares of 287,513 shares relating  to  share
                Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 1998

                           31 December 1998       31 December 1997
                                    #'000              #'000
Fixed assets

Intangible exploration assets       111                188
Oil and gas interests            12,009             10,628
Other tangible assets               322                 98
Investments                          -                 389
                                 12,442             11,303
Current assets

Debtors                           1,453              1,137
Cash at bank                        458                691
                                  1,911              1,828

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year                  (3,223)            (1,008)

Net current (liabilities)/assets (1,312)               820

Total assets less current 
    liabilities                  11,130             12,123

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year         (7,175)            (5,683)

Net assets                        3,955              6,440

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital           3,889              3,889
Share premium account               272                272
Other reserves: capital reserve     717                717
Profit and loss account            (923)             1,562
Shareholders' funds-equity        3,955              6,440

                        Consolidated Cashflow Statement
                      for the Year Ended 31 December 1998

                                           1998         1997
                                          #'000        #'000

Net cash inflow from operating 
     activities                          2,160        2,851
Returns on investments and servicing 
     of finance                           (704)        (325)
Taxation                                    20          (45)
Capital expenditure and financial 
     investment                         (5,134)      (4,630)
Acquisitions                                (2)         (51)
                                     __________   __________
Cash outflow before financing           (3,660)      (2,200)

Net cash inflow from financing           3,247        2,186
                                     __________   __________
Decrease in cash in the period            (413)         (14)
                                     __________   __________


1.   Under the existing arrangements with its banker, the Group is required to
     repay   #1.7  million  by  1  July  1999.   The  Company's  wholly  owned
     subsidiary,   AmBrit  Energy  Corp.,  has  entered  into  a   conditional
     agreement,  to  dispose  of  all  of  its  oil  and  gas  properties  for
     consideration of approximately #13.3 million.  The proceeds of sale  will
     be  used  to settle the Group's bank loan facilities which totalled  #8.9
     million  at  31 December 1998.  In the event that the disposal  does  not
     proceed  it would be necessary for the Directors to reach a new agreement
     with  the bank, which might require continued property disposals  if  the
     group  is  to continue as a going concern.  There is a reference  to  the
     going  concern  basis in the Auditors' Report but their  opinion  is  not
     qualified in this respect.

2.   The  financial information set out in this statement does not  constitute
     the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1997  or
     1998  but  is derived from those accounts.  Statutory accounts  for  1997
     have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, whereas those for 1998
     will  be  posted  to shareholders shortly.  The auditor has  reported  on
     those  accounts;  its  reports were unqualified and  did  not  contain  a
     statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

3.   The  Annual  General  Meeting will be held  at  the  offices  of  Nabarro
     Nathanson,  50 Stratton Street, London W1X 6NX on 10 June 1999  at  11.00
                             Oil and gas reserves

The  Net  Proved  Oil and Gas Reserves Estimation as at 31 December  1998  was
performed by The Scotia Group Inc. on all the Group's properties.  Oil  prices
used  for  the  evaluation  were based on a 12 month  average  of  West  Texas
Intermediate posted prices of 11.95 US$/bbl adjusted by lease for gravity  and
transportation fees.  Similarly, gas prices were based on a 12  month  average
price  for  Texas  Gulf Onshore Spot of 2.05 US$/mmbtu, adjusted  for  heating
value,  composition, gathering costs and regional differentials.  Oil and  gas
prices,  operating costs and capital expenditure were held  constant  for  the
economic life of the property.

The results are summarised below:-

                                                   Total Oil
                                     Oil       GasEquivalent
                                  (mbbl)    (mmcf)    (mboe)

Total Proved Reserves at 
    31 December 1997(1)          2,550.7   9,946.2   4,208.4

Changes during the year:
Production                        (415.7) (2,270.3)   (794.1)
Disposals                          (36.0)    (26.8)    (40.5)
Revisions - Existing properties   (480.2)  2,186.4    (115.8)
                Acquisitions      (260.4)     39.5    (253.8)
Acquired during the year - 
        Drilling program           156.3   5,162.1   1,016.7
        Acquisitions               453.3     483.2     533.9

Total Proved Reserves at 
     31 December 1998(2)         1,968.0  15,520.3   4,554.8

As at 31 December 1998, the appraised value of Net Proved Oil and Gas Reserves
which  is  estimated  by  the  Group to be equal to  the  future  net  revenue
discounted at 10% per annum, was #14.7 million (1997:#17.4 million).

1.   These  results are subject to the qualifications contained in a  document
referenced  SHB/WWE/8063 "Evaluation of the oil and gas properties  of  United
Energy plc Effective 31 December 1997."

2. These results are subject to the qualifications contained in a document
referenced SHB/WWE/9029 "Evaluation of the oil and gas properties of United
Energy plc Effective 31 December 1998."



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