RNS Number : 9127K 
Watford Leisure PLC 
28 April 2010 

28 April 2010 
                              Watford Leisure PLC 
                      ("Watford Leisure" or the "Company") 
            Proposed Issue of Secured Bonds with Detachable Warrants 
                  and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
Watford Leisure announces that it will today post a circular (the "Circular") to 
its shareholders convening an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (the 
"EGM") in connection with a proposed issue of secured bonds with detachable 
1. Introduction 
Subject to the passing of the Resolution at the EGM, the Company intends to 
allot and issue Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants to the value, in 
aggregate principal amount of Secured Bonds, of approximately GBP10.142 million. 
The Proposed Subscription will not be made on a pre-emptive basis. Secured Bonds 
with detachable Warrants are intended to be subscribed by David Fransen, a 
non-executive director of Watford Leisure (in exchange for the cancellation of 
GBP2.05 million of his existing loans to the Group), former Chairman, Graham 
Simpson (in exchange for the cancellation of GBP0.592 million of his existing 
convertible loan notes issued by the Company which fell due for repayment on 31 
March 2010), those Qualifying Shareholders who wish to participate and Fordwat 
(in exchange for the cancellation of up to GBP5.99 million of its existing 
secured loan to the Club and up to a further GBP1.51 million subject to take up 
by other Qualifying Shareholders). 
It is expected that Qualifying Shareholders will, in due course, be invited to 
participate in the Proposed Subscription and subscribe for Secured Bonds (with 
detachable Warrants) in proportion to their existing shareholdings as at the 
Record Date, with such Secured Bonds (with detachable Warrants) not taken up by 
Qualifying Shareholders taken up by Fordwat.  For every GBP1 of Secured Bonds 
subscribed, Qualifying Shareholders who participate in the Proposed Subscription 
will receive 20 detachable Warrants. 
In order to enable the Company to issue the Warrants, and to provide flexibility 
to the Directors to issue up to a further 37,008,854 Ordinary Shares for general 
working capital purposes, the Board is now seeking authority from Shareholders 
to allot on a non pre-emptive basis up to, in aggregate, 239,848,854 new 
Ordinary Shares or rights to subscribe for such new Ordinary Shares.  The 
Proposed Subscription is conditional upon the passing of the Resolution. 
The precise terms and conditions of the Proposed Subscription are currently 
being discussed with certain Substantial Shareholders; however the principal 
commercial terms of the proposed Secured Bonds and Warrants are set out in 
paragraph 3 below. 
David Fransen and certain Substantial Shareholders, being Fordwat and Graham 
Simpson, have agreed in principle, and subject to the passing of the Resolution, 
to subscribe for Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants by way of the 
cancellation of existing debt and, in the case of Fordwat, for cancellation of 
existing debt and for new cash.  Fordwat has also agreed in principle to 
underwrite those Secured Bonds and Warrants offered to, but not taken up by, 
Qualifying Shareholders.  The Proposed Subscription and debt cancellations are 
deemed to be related party transactions under the AIM Rules for Companies. 
Accordingly, the Independent Directors consider, having consulted with Strand 
Hanson, that the proposed principal commercial terms of the Secured Bonds and 
Warrants and the proposed debt cancellations in connection with the Proposed 
Subscription are fair and reasonable insofar as Shareholders are concerned. 
2.  Background to and reasons for the Proposed Subscription 
David Fransen and certain Substantial Shareholders have agreed in principle, and 
subject to the passing of the Resolution, to subscribe for GBP10.142 million in 
aggregate value of Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants, as set out in 
paragraph 5 below.  The Proposed Subscription will be used to consolidate and 
replace GBP8.632 million of the Group's existing indebtedness and raise 
additional (gross) cash proceeds of approximately GBP1.51 million. 
As Shareholders are aware from, inter alia, the Company's announcement of 23 
December 2009 and the interim results announcement of 15 March 2010, Watford 
Leisure has been, and continues to be, dependent on the financial support of 
certain Substantial Shareholders and Directors until its operating and 
administrative costs can be brought into line with revenues.  The Board has been 
diligently reviewing and evaluating the Group's funding arrangements and 
potential financing options for some time, and has determined that the Proposed 
Subscription is the best capital raising structure currently available to the 
Company in order to provide essential short term working capital. 
The Board has taken the decision to pursue implementation of the Proposed 
Subscription following extensive discussions and consultation with certain 
Substantial Shareholders regarding various methods by which its working capital 
requirements might best be addressed.  The key advantages of the Proposed 
Subscription, relative to a rights issue structure as previously contemplated 
and discussed with Fordwat, are the much lower implementation costs for Watford 
Leisure (thereby maximising the proceeds available to the Company) and the 
reduced timetable to obtain the necessary funds to enable the Company to move 
forward and implement its current business strategy. 
As a result of these discussions, the Board has decided that the Proposed 
Subscription of the Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants is in the best 
interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. In the meantime and as 
announced on 26 March 2010, Fordwat has advanced a further GBP1 million to the 
Club under its existing secured loan agreement and has agreed to provide up to 
an additional GBP1.51 million under this facility to enable the Company to 
continue to trade whilst the Proposed Subscription is finalised. 
Documentation of the precise terms and conditions of the Secured Bonds and 
Warrants is expected to be finalised, and the Proposed Subscription implemented, 
shortly following (and subject to) the passing of the Resolution at the 
Extraordinary General Meeting. 
As part of the Proposed Subscription, the Company proposes to replace and 
consolidate the majority of its existing indebtedness to Fordwat, David Fransen 
and Graham Simpson with Secured Bonds.  Although the Proposed Subscription, if 
successful, will also provide additional working capital of approximately 
GBP1.51 million (gross), the Company will still need to trade player 
registrations, if it is to achieve financial stability, in this summer's 
transfer window and on an ongoing basis thereafter. 
In order for the Proposed Subscription to achieve the level of certainty 
required by the Company, Fordwat has agreed, in principle, to underwrite the 
Proposed Subscription for up to GBP7.5 million, subject to Qualifying 
Shareholders being invited to participate in the Proposed Subscription pro rata 
to their existing shareholdings in the Company. To expedite the Proposed 
Subscription, only Qualifying Shareholders are being afforded an opportunity to 
participate in the Proposed Subscription. Qualifying Shareholders are those 
persons (other than any Overseas Shareholders) who held as at 5.00 p.m. on the 
Record Date in aggregate at least 219,429 Ordinary Shares, representing 
approximately 0.5 per cent. of the Existing Ordinary Shares (or such other 
number and percentage as the Board in its absolute discretion may determine). 
The Secured Bonds and detachable Warrants will be separately transferable, but 
neither will be tradable on the London Stock Exchange. 
The Board has chosen to use this method to implement the issue of the Secured 
Bonds with detachable Warrants as it provides the best practical opportunity for 
as many Shareholders as possible to participate in the Proposed Subscription, 
given the timing constraints, the significant additional costs and protracted 
timetable associated with implementing a rights issue and the level of funding 
certainty required to address the Company's immediate working capital 
requirements.The selected fundraising structure is not a pre-emptive offer and 
accordingly most Shareholders will regrettably not be able to participate in the 
Proposed Subscription. 
Further information on the Proposed Subscription and the full terms and 
conditions on which it is to be made, including the procedure for application 
and payment, will be set out in a letter from the Company to be sent to 
Qualifying Shareholders subject to, and following, the passing of the Resolution 
at the Extraordinary General Meeting and finalisation of the necessary 
Having considered a number of options, the Board believes that the Proposed 
Subscription is the most efficient and viable option available and in the 
Company's best interests, in light of its current financial position, as it 
achieves the necessary level of essential working capital on the most expedited 
timetable with the degree of certainty that the Board believes is required for 
the Company to continue to trade. However, unless the Resolution is passed, the 
Proposed Subscription will not be able to proceed.  Fordwat has advised the 
Company that its willingness to provide funding is limited solely to the support 
encompassed within the Circular.  Furthermore the Secured Bond, which is a short 
term loan instrument, has been structured to give the Board time to engineer a 
longer term solution to the Company's financial predicament, which may involve 
the identification of a new strategic investor.  The Board believes that the 
Proposed Subscription meets the immediate cash requirements of the Company, 
although material further funds will still be required early in the Company's 
new financial year from alternative sources, including media and TV income and 
player trading, and additional player trading will also be required in future 
years in order to maintain financial stability. 
Accordingly, the Board strongly recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of 
the Resolution at the EGM.  The Resolution is to be proposed as a special 
resolution and, to be passed, therefore requires at least a 75 per cent. 
majority vote in favour. 
3.  Key terms of the Secured Bonds and Warrants 
The material commercial terms of the Secured Bonds and Warrants will be as 
·      The Proposed Subscription will comprise the issue of up to GBP10,142,000 
in aggregate principal amount of Secured Bonds (with detachable Warrants) at 100 
per cent. of face value in denominations of Secured Bonds of GBP1 each, which 
will be used to consolidate and replace GBP8.632 million of the Group's existing 
indebtedness and will raise up to GBP1.51 million of additional working capital 
(before expenses).  There will be 20 detachable Warrants for every GBP1 in 
principal amount of Secured Bonds issued. 
·      The Secured Bonds will have similar security to the existing Fordwat 
secured loan to the Club (which is proposed to be cancelled by Fordwat in 
exchange for Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants in connection with the 
Proposed Subscription), comprising a debenture over the Vicarage Road Stadium 
and all other assets of the Company but ranking behind the existing secured 
·      The Secured Bonds will be in registered form and freely transferable, but 
will not be publicly traded. They will have a term of 364 days and accrue 
interest at the rate of 4.5 per cent. above the base rate from time to time of 
Barclays, with all interest accrued being paid at the earlier of redemption and 
·      The Warrants will be in registered form and freely transferable, but will 
also not be publicly traded in order to minimise costs. Each Warrant will 
entitle the holder to subscribe for one new Ordinary Share at a price of 4 pence 
(subject to adjustment in certain prescribed circumstances) at any time between 
the date of issue and the fifth anniversary of the date of issue. The 
Subscription Price represents a 46.67 per cent. discount compared to the closing 
middle market price of 7.5 pence per Ordinary Share on 27 April 2010, the latest 
practicable dealing day prior to the date of the Circular. 
Assuming full exercise of all the Warrants proposed to be issued in connection 
with the Proposed Subscription, the Enlarged Share Capital would comprise 
246,725,693 Ordinary Shares (an increase of approximately 462 per cent. over the 
Existing Ordinary Shares) and Shareholders who are not Qualifying Shareholders 
(and Qualifying Shareholders who do not elect to participate) would accordingly 
suffer a dilution of their interest in the Company's share capital of 
approximately 82 per cent. as a result of implementation of the Proposed 
4.  Rule 9 of the City Code 
Watford Leisure is subject to the provisions of the City Code which is issued 
and administered by the Panel pursuant to the Act. There are certain 
implications under the City Code with respect to any future exercise by Fordwat 
of Warrants taken up by it in the Proposed Subscription. 
Under Rule 9 of the City Code ("Rule 9"), any person who acquires an interest in 
shares which, taken together with shares in which he is already interested and 
in which persons acting in concert with him are interested, carry 30 per cent. 
or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the City Code, is 
normally required to make a general offer to all the remaining shareholders to 
acquire their shares. 
Under Rule 9, when any person or group of persons acting in concert individually 
or collectively are interested in shares which in aggregate carry not less than 
30 per cent. of the voting rights of a company but does not hold shares carrying 
more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of a company and such person or any 
person acting in concert with him acquires an interest in any other shares, 
which increases the shares carrying voting rights in which he is interested, 
then that person or group of persons is normally required by the Panel to make a 
general offer in cash to all shareholders of that company at the highest price 
paid by them for any interest in shares in that company during the previous 
twelve months. 
Under the City Code, a concert party arises where persons acting together 
pursuant to an agreement or understanding (whether formal or informal) actively 
co-operate to obtain or consolidate control of a company or to frustrate the 
successful outcome of an offer for a company. Control means the holding, or 
aggregate holdings, of interests in shares carrying 30 per cent. or more of the 
voting rights of the company, irrespective of whether the holding or holdings 
give de facto control. 
In the context of the Proposed Subscription, Fordwat, Strand Associates Limited 
and Andrew Wilson (a former director and interim Chairman of Watford Leisure) 
are currently considered to be persons acting in concert for the purposes of the 
City Code in relation to the Company (the "Fordwat Concert Party"). Fordwat and 
Strand Associates Limited are companies in which Lord Ashcroft has an interest 
and accordingly are deemed to be acting in concert. Andrew Wilson is also 
considered to be acting in concert with both Fordwat and Strand Associates 
Limited, as Andrew Wilson works with Lord Ashcroft on a regular basis in an 
advisory capacity and is on the board of Strand Associates Limited. Their 
combined shareholdings total 17,657,329 Ordinary Shares, representing 40.23 per 
cent. of the voting rights of the Existing Ordinary Shares. As Fordwat has 
agreed, in principle, to underwrite the Proposed Subscription for up to GBP7.5 
million, it is possible that Fordwat will be required to take up Bonds with 
detachable Warrants exercisable into 150,000,000 Ordinary Shares (assuming no 
take up by Qualifying Shareholders and that David Fransen and Graham Simpson 
subscribe for GBP2.05 million and GBP0.592 million respectively in accordance 
with their in principle agreements), giving it up to approximately 67.41 per 
cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital if all the Warrants were to be exercised. 
The Fordwat Concert Party could therefore hold, in aggregate, 167,657,329 
Ordinary Shares or 67.95 per cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital if all the 
Warrants were to be exercised. 
As set out above, under Rule 9, if the Fordwat Concert Party were to exercise 
any Warrants it would normally be obliged in such circumstances to make a 
general offer to all shareholders at not less than the highest price paid by any 
member of the concert party, or any person acting in concert with it, within the 
preceding 12 months for shares of that class. However, the Panel has agreed to 
waive this requirement for the Fordwat Concert Party (or any of them) to make a 
mandatory offer under Rule 9 that would ordinarily arise as a result of the 
future exercise of any Warrants received under the Proposed Subscription 
provided that this waiver is approved by the holders of a majority of the shares 
not held by the members of the Fordwat Concert Party and Graham Simpson (who is 
not deemed by the Panel to be an independent shareholder in the context of the 
Proposed Subscription) in general meeting. 
The Panel further has the discretion to waive the requirement for such approval 
to be obtained in general meeting where the holders of a majority of the shares 
capable of being voted on such resolution confirm in writing to the Panel that, 
were such a meeting to be held, they would vote in favour of the relevant 
resolution. The Panel has exercised its discretion to grant such a waiver 
because Valley Grown Salads has irrevocably undertaken to the Panel that, 
amongst other things, were a resolution (known as a "Rule 9 Whitewash" 
resolution) to be put to the Shareholders (other than members of the Fordwat 
Concert Party and Graham Simpson) to remove the need for a mandatory offer to be 
made pursuant to Rule 9 as a result of the potential future exercise of Warrants 
issued to the Fordwat Concert Party under the Proposed Subscription, they would 
vote in favour of such resolution. The existing shareholding of Valley Grown 
Salads in the Company is such that it would represent a majority of the votes 
held by the independent shareholders in the Company (that is shareholders who 
are independent of the Fordwat Concert Party and Graham Simpson) were a Rule 9 
Whitewash resolution to be put to such shareholders. Therefore, its vote in 
favour of such a resolution would be sufficient to guarantee that such 
resolution would be passed. 
As a result, no approval of the waiver of the obligation that would otherwise 
arise under Rule 9 for the members of the Fordwat Concert Party to make a 
general offer as a result of Fordwat exercising any of the Warrants received as 
a result of its underwriting of the Proposed Subscription is being sought in 
this case. Shareholders should be aware that following implementation of the 
Proposed Subscription, if all the Warrants were to be exercised, the members of 
the Fordwat Concert Party may, depending on the take-up by Qualifying 
Shareholders, between them be interested in excess of 50 per cent. of the voting 
rights attaching to the Enlarged Share Capital and, for so long as they continue 
to be treated as acting in concert, would be entitled to increase their 
aggregate interest in the voting rights of the Company without incurring an 
obligation under Rule 9 to make a general offer to all Shareholders to acquire 
their Ordinary Shares, although individual members of the Fordwat Concert Party 
will not be able to increase their percentage holdings through 30 per cent. or 
between 30 per cent. and 50 per cent. without Panel consent. 
In addition, Valley Grown Salads has undertaken to the Company that in the event 
that the Resolution is passed and the Proposed Subscription proceeds, it will 
not subscribe for Secured Bonds with detachable Warrants under the Proposed 
Subscription if, and to the extent that, the Warrants so subscribed by it would, 
if exercised, result in it or any persons acting in concert with it holding 30 
per cent. or more of the voting rights of the Company. Consequently, no Rule 9 
Whitewash resolution is needed in relation to Valley Grown Salads and the 
Proposed Subscription. 
5.  Irrevocable undertakings and commitments in principle to subscribe 
The Company has received irrevocable undertakings from the following 
Shareholders that they will exercise or procure the exercise of, in person or by 
proxy, all of the voting rights attached to their holdings of Ordinary Shares in 
favour of the Resolution: 
| Name of Shareholder          |     No. of |  |  Percentage | 
|                              |   Existing |  | of Existing | 
|                              |   Ordinary |  |    Ordinary | 
|                              |     Shares |  |      Shares | 
| Fordwat Limited              | 16,306,437 |  |       37.16 | 
| Valley Grown Salads          | 13,156,953 |  |       29.98 | 
| BNY Mellon Nominees Limited  |  1,294,228 |  |        2.95 | 
| Graham and Yianna Simpson    |  7,368,796 |  |       16.79 | 
|                              |            |  |             | 
| Total:                       | 38,126,414 |  |       86.88 | 
The following Director and Substantial Shareholders have agreed in principle 
with the Company, on a non-legally binding basis, that, subject to the passing 
of the Resolution and finalisation of the precise terms and conditions of the 
Secured Bonds and Warrants, they will subscribe for Secured Bonds (with 
detachable Warrants) in connection with the Proposed Subscription in the amounts 
set out below: 
| Director/Substantial       |     Amount of | 
| Shareholder                | Secured Bonds | 
|                            |         to be | 
|                            |    subscribed | 
|                            |           GBP | 
| Fordwat*                  |     7,500,000 | 
| David Fransen**            |     2,050,000 | 
| Graham Simpson***         |       592,000 | 
|                            |               | 
| Total:                     |    10,142,000 | 
*  - this assumes no take up by Qualifying Shareholders and would result in 
approximately GBP5.99 million plus accrued interest being satisfied by way of 
cancellation in full of its existing secured loan to the Club. 
** - to be satisfied by way of cancellation of GBP2.05 million of Mr Fransen's 
outstanding loans of GBP2.55 million to the Group. 
*** - to be satisfied by way of cancellation in full of Mr Simpson's existing 
unsecured convertible loan notes 2010 issued by the Company. 
 - subject to clawback/reduction in the event of subscriptions being made by 
Qualifying Shareholders. 
6. Extraordinary General Meeting 
In order to enable the Proposed Subscription to be implemented, an EGM is being 
convened for 6.00 p.m. on Monday 17 May 2010 at the Company's registered office 
at Vicarage Road Stadium, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 0ER to seek Shareholders 
approval of the Resolution. 
A copy of the Circular containing further details of the Proposed Subscription 
and incorporating a notice of EGM is being posted to Shareholders today and will 
shortly be made available to download from the Company's website at 
7. Expected timetable 
The expected timetable is summarised below: 
| Record date for Qualifying          |    close of business on 27 | 
| Shareholders                        |                 April 2010 | 
|                                     |                            | 
| Publication of the Circular         |              28 April 2010 | 
| Latest time and date for receipt of |  6.00 p.m. on 15 May 2010  | 
| Forms of Proxy                      |                            | 
| Extraordinary General Meeting       |   6.00 p.m. on 17 May 2010 | 
Unless the context otherwise requires, defined terms used in this announcement 
shall have the meanings given to them in the Circular to shareholders of the 
Company dated 28 April 2010. 
Watford Leisure PLC 
Tel:  01923 496 000 
Graham Taylor, Chairman 
Julian Winter, Chief Executive Officer 
Strand Hanson Limited 
Tel:  020 7409 3494 
Rory Murphy 
Matthew Chandler 
Square1 Consulting Ltd 
Tel: 0207 929 599 
Paul McGoohan 
David Bick 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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