Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of March, 2024
Commission File Number 1-14668
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its
Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
José Izidoro Biazetto, 158
81200-240 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
+55 (41) 3331-4011
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check
mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. Form
20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______
by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information
to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes _______ No ___X____
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20
CVM Registration 1431-1
Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535
I hereby certify, for all legal purposes, that the
members of the Board of Directors (BoD) met on February 24, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. at Rua José Izidoro Biazetto, 158 - Bloco A, in
the City of Curitiba, State of Paraná. Mr. Marco Antônio Barbosa Cândido welcomed everyone, recorded the justified
absence of Mr. Marcel Martins Malczewski, Chair of the Board, and invited me, Victória Baraldi Mendes Batista, to act as a secretary.
The Board of Directors resolved on the following matters,
among other topics:
1. Resolution on the 2023 Annual Report of the Statutory
Audit Committee, Mr. Carlos Biedermann, Coordinator of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE), presented the
2023 Annual Report of the Statutory Audit Committee, including information regarding the work performed by its members throughout 2023.
He emphasized that the document includes recommendations addressed to the Company’s Management,
under current regulations, and reinforces Copel’s image regarding good corporate governance practices. He emphasized that, based
on the CAE’s work plan, 26 meetings were held in 2023, covering 151 agendas. Subsequently, the members of the Statutory Audit
Committee were heard, stated that they analyzed the matter in their 296th Meeting, held on 02.28.2024, and recommended its approval to
this Board. After analyzing the matter and considering the documentation provided, which remains in the custody of the Governance Bodies
Secretariat, and based on the favorable recommendation of the Statutory Audit Committee Members, the Board of Directors unanimously approved
the 2023 Annual Report of the Statutory Audit Committee, as presented. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Information regarding the New Accounting Standards,
Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and Investor Relations Officer, along with his team, presented changes, improvements, and
new accounting standards, emphasizing that they had no significant impact on the Company’s financial statements for the period ended
on 12.31.2023. Then, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard and presented their considerations on the matter to
the Board, which was discussed and recorded in the 296th Meeting of that Committee, held on 02.28.2024. The Board of Directors took
note and discussed the information presented, whose details are included in the material provided and remain in the custody of the Governance
Bodies Secretariat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Information on Accounting Practices used by the
Company, Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and Investors Relations Officer, along with his team, presented the material accounting
practices adopted by the Company, which guide the accounting records and, when disclosed, provide relevant information to the readers
of the Financial Statements. He emphasized that such practices are included in the Financial Statements for 12.31.2023. Then, the members
of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard and presented their considerations on the matter to the Board, which was discussed and
recorded in the 296th Meeting of that Committee, held on 02.28.2024. The Board of Directors was informed and discussed the information
presented, whose details are included in the material provided and remain in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat. -------
4. Disclosure of estimates and judgments applied
during the preparation of the Financial Statements, Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and Investors Relations Officer, along
with his team, presented information regarding the disclosure of estimates and judgments applied during the preparation of the Financial
Statements for 12.31.2023, emphasizing compliance with current accounting standards and other requirements of the regulatory bodies of
the Brazilian and American capital markets. Then, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard and
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20
CVM Registration 1431-1
Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535
presented their considerations on the matter to the
Board, which were discussed and recorded in the 296th Meeting
of that Committee, held on 02.28.2024. The Board of Directors was informed and discussed the information presented, whose details are
included in the material provided and remain in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat. ---------------------------------
5. Resolution on the estimate of realization of
Deferred Taxes, Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and Investors Relations Officer, along with his team, presented the result
of the projection study for the realization of deferred taxes, according to the expectation of future taxable income generation. He informed
that such studies are based on the Company’s results projections prepared by the economic-financial planning department, with the
appropriate assumptions validated by the business departments. He also informed that the study conducted proves the existence of an expectation
of sufficient future taxable income for the realization of deferred taxes recorded in the 2023 Financial Statements. He also emphasized
that, due to the lack of individual expectation of future taxable income for Cutia Empreendimentos Eólicos S.A., Copel Serviços
S.A., and Brownfield Investment Holding S.A., the amount of R$87.4 million in deferred taxes is not recorded in the 2023 Consolidated
Financial Statements. Subsequently, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard, stated that they analyzed the matter
in their 296th Meeting, held on 02.28.2024, and recommended its approval to this Board. After analyzing and discussing the matter,
and considering the favorable recommendation of the Company’s Executive Board, issued at its 2589th Meeting, held on 02.22.2024,
and after hearing the CAE, as recorded above, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the technical study for the projection of the
realization of deferred taxes according to the material provided, which remains filed at the Governance Bodies Secretariat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Resolution on the Annual Management Report, Balance
Sheet, and other Financial Statements for 2023 (Consolidated), Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and Investors Relations Officer,
along with the accounting team, presented the final versions of the Annual Management Report, Balance Sheet, and Financial Statements
for 2023. The results for 2023 and the main variations were presented in comparison to 2022. It was recorded that, under CVM Resolution
80/2022, the Executive Board signed a declaration agreeing i. with the final version of the 2023 Financial Statements, already
considering the independent auditor’s review, and ii. with the opinion to be issued on that date. Subsequently, Mr. Jonas
Dal Ponte, representative of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes Ltda., presented information on internal controls, key audit
matters, and the draft of the independent auditor’s Report (Independent Auditor’s Report on the Parent Company and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the Year ended on December 31, 2023), which will be signed, with no qualification, on this date, after this
Board of Directors’ meeting. Subsequently, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard, stated that they analyzed
the matter in their 296th Meeting, held on 02.28.2024, and recommended its approval to this Board. After providing any necessary clarifications
and based on a) the work conducted throughout the year and the information presented; b) the analyses conducted and clarifications
provided by Management and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes Ltda.; c) Deloitte’s unqualified report on the
Parent Company and Consolidated Financial Statements; d) the favorable recommendation of the Company’s Executive Board, issued
at its 2589th Meeting, held on 02.22.2024; and e) the favorable recommendation of the aforementioned Statutory Audit Committee
Members, the Board of Directors recorded that it had no knowledge of any facts or evidence not reflected in the documentation presented
and unanimously approved the Annual Management Report, Balance Sheet, and other Financial Statements for 2023, as well as their submission
to the Fiscal Council and General Shareholders’ Meeting, whose convening was authorized for 04.22.2024, for analysis and final resolution,
in addition to their filing at the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
and the Stock Exchanges of New York, Madrid, and São Paulo. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20
CVM Registration 1431-1
Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535
7. Resolution on the Executive Board’s proposal
for the Allocation of the Net Income for 2023 and Payment of Profit Sharing Regarding the Integration between Capital and Labor and Incentive
to Productivity, Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, Chief Finance and
Investors Relations Officer, along with his team, presented the draft of the Proposal for the Allocation of the Net Income for 2023
and Payment of Profit Sharing Regarding the Integration between Capital and Labor and Incentive to Productivity, transcribed below,
with the following content: “Mr. Chair of the Board of Directors of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel: in compliance with
Article 192 of Law 6,404 of 12.15.1976, as well as other current legal and statutory provisions, we hereby present to this Board, to be
submitted to the resolution of the 69th Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, having heard the Fiscal Council, the propositions specified
below. I. ALLOCATION OF THE NET INCOME: From the net income for 2023, calculated according to corporate law, totaling R$2,258,811,025.50
(two billion, two hundred and fifty-eight million, eight hundred and eleven thousand, twenty-five reais, and fifty centavos), the
Executive Board proposes the following allocations: a) R$112,940,551.28 (one hundred and twelve million, nine hundred and forty
thousand, five hundred and fifty-one reais, and twenty-eight centavos), equivalent to 5% of the net income for 2023, for the creation
of the legal reserve, according to Article 193 of Law 6,404, of 12.15.1976, and item II of Paragraph 2 of Article 86 of the Bylaws;
b) R$32,552,297.22 (thirty-two million, five hundred and fifty-two thousand, two hundred and ninety-seven reais, and twenty-two
centavos) added to the adjusted net income due to the realization of the equity revaluation reserve, arising from the effects of the application
of the deemed cost in the initial adoption of Technical Pronouncement CPC 27 for fixed assets; c) R$913,840,073.51 (nine hundred
and thirteen million, eight hundred and forty thousand, seventy-three reais, and fifty-one centavos) already discussed at the 242nd
Board of Directors’ Meeting of 09.20.2023 that approved, according to the Bylaws and the Dividend Policy, the distribution of
profits in the form of Interest on Equity (IoE) imputed to mandatory dividends, of which R$456,920,036.75 (four hundred and fifty-six
million, nine hundred and twenty thousand, thirty-six reais, and seventy-five centavos) were paid on 11.30.2023 (R$0.14500531 per common
share - ON; R$0.15950586 per class “A” preferred share - PNA; R$0.15950586 per preferred share - PNB; R$0.78302875 per UNIT),
and R$456,920,036.76 (four hundred and fifty-six million, nine hundred and twenty thousand, thirty-six reais, and seventy-six centavos)
to be paid on the same date of the payment of dividends approved at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the allocation
of the current year’s result (R$0.14500531 per common share - ON; R$0.15950586 per class “A” preferred share - PNA;
R$0.15950586 per preferred share - PNB; R$0.78302875 per UNIT); d) R$131,211,385.72 (one hundred and thirty-one million, two hundred
and eleven thousand, three hundred and eighty-five reais, and seventy-two centavos) for the payment of proposed additional dividends,
according to item VII of Article 17 of the Bylaws and the Dividend Policy, and in compliance with the rules established by CVM Resolution
143, of 06.15.2022, and Technical Interpretation ICPC 08 (R1) issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee, which addresses the accounting
of the proposal for dividend payment; e) R$1,133,371,312.21 (one billion, one hundred and thirty-three million, three hundred and
seventy-one thousand, three hundred and twelve reais, and twenty-one centavos), for the creation of the profit retention reserve,
aimed at ensuring the Company’s investment program, according to the capital budged proposal presented in Exhibit I and established
in Article 196 of Law 6,404, of 12.15.1976. In addition to the gross amount of IoE distributed based on the net income determined on 06.30.2023,
the 242nd Board of Directors’ Meeting of 09.20.2023 also approved the distribution of IoE in the gross amount
of R$44,159,926.49 (forty-four million, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand, nine hundred and twenty-six reais, and forty-nine
centavos) based on the profit retention reserve from previous years not capitalized, to be paid on the same date of the payment of the
dividends approved at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the allocation of the current year’s result (R$0.01401431
per common share - ON; R$0.01541576 per class “A” preferred share - PNA; R$0.01541576 per class "B” preferred share
- PNB; R$0.07567735 per UNIT). According to the Company’s Dividend Policy, the calculation of regular dividends is based on the
Financial Leverage Ratio defined at the end of each fiscal year.
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20
CVM Registration 1431-1
Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535
For a leverage ratio below 1.5, the dividend is 65%
of the adjusted net income; if the ratio is between 1.5 and 2.7, the dividend is 50% of the adjusted net income; and if the ratio is above
2.7, the dividend is 25% of the adjusted net income (mandatory minimum). These values, except for the mandatory minimum dividend, will
be limited to the amount of available cash flow of the same fiscal year, equivalent to cash generated by operating activities, less net
cash used in investing activities. Management may also propose extraordinary dividends, limited to the balance of distributable profit
reserves of the Company, subject to resolution and approval by the Board of Directors, after consultation with the Fiscal Council. The
Financial Leverage Ratio determined in 2023 was 1.94, so the proposed regular dividend is 50% of the adjusted net income, totaling R$1,089,211,385.72
(one billion, eighty-nine million, two hundred and eleven thousand, three hundred and eighty-five reais, and seventy-two centavos),
of which R$958,000,000.00 (nine hundred and fifty-eight million reais) were already approved at the 242nd Board of Directors’
Meeting of 09.20.2023, and R$131,211,385.72 (one hundred and thirty-one million, two hundred and eleven thousand, three hundred and eighty-five
reais, and seventy-two centavos) is being proposed for resolution at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, as well as the ratification
of the amount approved at the 242nd Board of Directors’ Meeting. The financial statements for 2023 reflect the effects
of the accounting records of the aforementioned allocations, based on the assumption of their approval by the 69th Annual Shareholder’s
Meeting, as established in Paragraph 3 of Article 176 of Law 6,404, of 12.15.1976. I.1. PROFIT SHARING REGARDING THE INTEGRATION BETWEEN
CAPITAL AND LABOR AND INCENTIVE TO PRODUCTIVITY: Federal Law 10,101, of 12.19.2000, regulates the participation of workers in the
Company’s profit, as an instrument of integration between capital and labor and as an incentive to productivity, under item XI of
Article 7 of the Brazilian Constitution. In compliance with said law, the Executive Board proposes the distribution, as Profit Sharing,
of R$107,442,109.71 (one hundred and seven million, four hundred and forty-two thousand, one hundred and nine reais, and seventy-one
centavos) to be paid to employees by the Parent Company and the Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries. Such profit sharing estimate is provisioned
in the financial statements for 2023, specifically in the “personnel expenses” line, according to item 26.2 of Circular Letter
CVM/SNC/SEP no. 1, of 02.14.2007. In our opinion, the proposals above comply with current legal and statutory provisions and serve the
Company’s interest and, for this reason, will be fully accepted by this Board, Fiscal Council, and the 69th Annual Shareholder’s
Meeting. Curitiba, February 22, 2024. (a) DANIEL PIMENTEL SLAVIERO - CEO; ANA LETÍCIA FELLER - People and Business
Management Officer; ADRIANO RUDEK DE MOURA - Chief Finance and Investors Relations Officer; CASSIO SANTANA DA SILVA - Business
Development Officer; EDUARDO VIEIRA DE SOUZA BARBOSA - Legal and Compliance Officer.” Subsequently, the members of the Statutory
Audit Committee (CAE) were heard, stated that they analyzed the
matter in their 296th Meeting, held on 02.28.2024, and recommended its approval to this Board. After considering the documentation
made available, which remains in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat, providing the necessary clarifications, and considering
the favorable recommendation of the Executive Board, issued at its 2589th Meeting, held on 02.22.2024, and having heard the
Statutory Audit Committee, as recorded above, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the Proposal for the Allocation of the Net
Income for 2023 and Payment of Profit Sharing Regarding the Integration between Capital and Labor and Incentive to Productivity, and
its submission to the Fiscal Council and Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for analysis and final resolution, whose convening was authorized
for 04.22.2024. ------------------------------------------
8. External Audit Report (Deloitte) on the work
related to the 2023 Financial Statements and Internal Controls, Mr. Jonas Dal Ponte, representative of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores
Independentes Ltda. - Deloitte, presented a detailed overview of the following matters: Auditor’s Responsibilities and Responsibilities
of the Executive Board and Governance; Auditor’s Independence; Other Audit-Related Information and Communications; Unadjusted Audit
Adjustments; Status of Audit Procedures; Progress on matters presented in Previous Meetings; Internal Controls - Use of Internal Audit
Work; Internal Controls - Unremedied Deficiencies; Internal
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 76.483.817/0001-20
CVM Registration 1431-1
Company Registry (NIRE): 41300036535
Controls - Deficiencies Identified in 2022 and Remedied
for 2023; Internal Controls Observations Identified in 2023; Key Audits Matters; Relationship between Deloitte and Copel; Other Important
Formal Communications; Unusual Transactions; New Accounting Standards Effective in 2023; Amendments to Accounting Standards Not Yet Effective;
and Fees. Information on “Material Accounting Policies and Practices” and “Critical Accounting Policies, Practices,
and Estimates” was also covered. Then, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee (CAE) were heard and presented their considerations
on the matter to the Board, which was discussed and recorded in the 296th
Meeting of that Committee, held on 02.28.2024. The Board of Directors took note, analyzed, and discussed the information presented,
whose details are included in the material provided and remain in the custody of the Governance Bodies Secretariat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The other topics addressed at this meeting were omitted
from this certificate due to legitimate caution, based on the duty of Management confidentiality, under the main section of Article 155
of Law 6,404/76, as they relate solely to the Company’s internal interests, therefore lying outside the scope of the provision contained
in Paragraph 1 of Article 142 of the aforementioned Law.
Secretary of Copel’s Governance Department
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly
Date March 11, 2024
By: |
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero
Chief Executive Officer |
This press release may contain forward-looking statements.
These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future
economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes",
"estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended
to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal
operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends
affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect
the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected
events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic
and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual
results to differ materially from current expectations.
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Companhia Parana De Energ (NYSE:ELP)
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